HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-11-01, Page 6AGE SIX CLINTONNEWS-RECORD THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1945., Interesting Items Froin' News -Record's ural C�rrespondents �. Haw and two children, Donald and 1 f k 1j NEWS OF BAYFIELD Yfey►res®n�tautive:� MISS LUCY R. Fo-'V(YOII<S Phone CLINTON 31`31 li Mr. and Mrs. C. B, Chapman, Lon- don, were at their cottage over the' weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart, Hamilton, were at their home on Louisa Sty over the weekend, Pte. Ellen MacKay, .C' M y, •W.A,C.; Lon.. \don, spent the weekend"at her home in the village. LAC Fred Weston, R.C.A.F., Cent- ralia, was at his home in the village' over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Atkinson, Stew- at;t and Marion, Detroit, Mich., were here for the weekend. Mrs. LeRoy Poth' aiid Master Ron- ald,'New Dundee, were: at their home here over the weekend. Mrs. William Moran, London, came en Monday owing to the illness of her father, : Samuel C. Houston. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bennett, De- troit, Mich, are guests at the home of the latter's brother,. Percy Weston. Mr. and Mrs. R, Stephens and two boys, London, were at their summer home, r'Shangri-La", over the week- end, Mr.' and Mrs. L. M. Day returned to their cottage ``Hilltop" on Monday after having spent a week in Detroit, Mich. Mr, and Mrs. W. P. Holmes, St. Gatharines, visited, their son, Rev, R. C. Holmes, The Rectory, over the weekend. • Mrs, F. A. Edwards returned home on Thursday of last week, after hav- ing visited in' Waterloo and Kitchener for several, weeks, Mrs. J. Fulton left on Friday for her home in' Biggar, Sask,, after hav- ing spent three weeks with her sister, Mrs. Percy Weston. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bauer and Mr. and Mrs, 11. Bauer, Waterloo, were at their respective cottages in the village over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Stephenson and family, Toronto and Miss Ada Bing- ley, Detroit, Mich., were at heir home in the village over the weekend. Mrs. K. Ballencker and Miss Esther Tice returned to Clare, Mich., on Thursday of last week after having visitedtheir grandmother, Mrs. Henry McOlinchey, ••for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kanter, De- troit, Mich., were in the village on Thursday and Friday of Iast week, owing to their cottage having been entered. Russel and Will Heard visited with Mrs. Delbert, Haw, Proton, recently and were accompanied home by Mrs. Special Low Rate FOR New Subscribers UNTIL THE END OF THE YEAR e Nine Full Issues �� Start now to read Huron County's "Newspaper With the News" Clinton News -RB ord i� C Clinton News -Record, Clinton, Ontario. G NTLEMEN: Enclosed please find 25 cents to pay for subscription to CLINTON NEWS -RECORD until the end of 1945. I shall inform you if I wish to have the subscription discontinued at the end of that period. NAME ADDRESS Dawna Eleanor, who are spending a coupe o weeks with Mrs. William Heard. Mrs. Walter Morley and Miss. Lil- lian Morley were in the village on Tuesday, having come to identify articles stolen last week from the tat- ter's cottage "Bircheliff." They re- turned to Bloomfield- Hills, Mich., on Wednesday, Resumes Trucking Business William E. Parker, who has been trucking at Amberley for. the Storms Contracting Company, returned home on • Saturday evening and has resumed his trucking business in this locality. Property .Changes Mrs. W. M. Purves, it s, Birmingham, Mich recently purchased the cottage on Huron Terrace belonging to the J. Hamilton Estate; Peter McGee has purchased the late James Walmsley's home on the Bayfield Concession Rd. Two Citizens I11 We regret to report that two of Bayfield's oldest citizens, Henry Dar- row and Samuel C. Houston are ill in Clinton Hospital, Mr. Darrow was. taken over by ambulance on Sunday evening, and Mr. Houston went over on Monday night. Their many friends with them a speedy reeovery. Writes From Holland Holland, Oct. 10, 1945 Pte. T. B. Cann, A58936, 24th Cdn. Field Amb, C.F.N. Bayfield Community Active Service, Dear Mrs. Prentice:—Just a few lines to let you know I received the cig- arettes, also your letter of sympathy regarding the passing of my dear mother, I thank you for both. I am •having a swell time in Leen- warden. Last night I was at the con- cert party in Harmony Hall, with friends of mine„ I am hoping to be home for Christmas but there are not many leaving, just yet on separate drafts. Our unit doesn't expect to be back until the early part of next year. Last Sunday I went to the Salvation Army and they certainly have a lov- ely ovely band of 50 and a songster brigade I really enjoyed it. I am enjoying my stay in Holland, but certainly wish, at times, that. I was back home on my farmwith my Dad and.my sister, Pearl, and Jim and Gordon. One thing about our unit, the meals are goed, considering that this is the army. Have you seen Buss Glaris lately? I haven,t heard from him since he returned home. Has young Floyd Westlake arrived home yet? If so, how is he? Were there many tourists in Bay- field this summer? I must return to my work now and also to my cup of tea and cokes, at our canteen in town here. I must thank you again for the cigarettes. Sincerely yours, BRUCE, CANN. BISBACK—STURGEON (By our Bayfiield Correspondent) A very pretty wedding was solem- nixed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward ,. Sturgeon on Saturday af- ternoon, October 27, when their second daughter, Helen Louise, was united TO ALL HOG /PRODUCERS IN \ HURON COUNTY kt it4 A, e' A proposed Hog Marketing Scheme 1 fori t Ontar o under N' the'Farm Products Control Act, has been .submitted to the Farm Products Control Board by the Ontario Hog Producers. Association. Before the Board will consider recom- mending the scheme, it must be satisfied' that a fair representation of the Hog Producers are in favour of its adoption, in order to obtain the recorded views of the Producers,'a vote by ballot is being taken on the question "ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF THE PROPOSED ONTARIO HOG PRODUCERS MARKETING SCHEME BEING BROUGHT INTO FORCE iN ONTARIO?" Only Hog Producers who are registered for the pup. %fit pose wan theft owe County tl5, moo? Agricultural Represetacve /45 ,`"�✓ wilt be entitled ko rote on 7 the scheme. All Hog Pro- ducers ducers are there r fora urged to register at once by mail or in person at their County Agricultural Rep- scntative's office' in order to be eliglble to vote. When registering by mail, please forward name, address and township. • g,ng�rs`,{y1pp' py R�.Pd��Sf.EBIA'�1I�.; U11r MUIit1011URtga Y0 B. STNV Clanton BIdLGRAVE Foresters'` Hall, 8 p•.m., Nov. 12 HENSALL Town Hall, 8 p.m., Nov. 13 At this meeting the scheme A i �ir1 will be explained fully and 0 `/ questions answered, Ballots will be supplied at the meeting to producers who have registered, so that they may vote then. Registra- tions will be accepted at the meeting and also for ten. days after it. All producers who are registered will receive ballots, either at the Agricultural' Represent. ative's olfuce, at the meeting or by mail. Copiesof the proposed scheme may be secured at ;he Agri- cultural Representative's office or at the public meeting. All ballots must be returned to the Agricultural Repre- sentative helote December 8, 19451, • • Any Ballots, received after dial doe will not be recorded ALL HOG PRODUCERS ARE URGENTLY REQUESTED TO REGISTER, TO ATTEND THE MEETING IN THEiR AREA -- AND TO VOTE: VARNA. W. Fee and sister, Mary, called on friends in the village Saturday. Mrs. A. Austin spent Sunday with her, son, W. Austin and Mrs. Austin, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Corby, Watford, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Ings one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Aldington Cromarty, spent the weekend with their so John Aldington and Mrs. Aldington. Mrs. Dedsworth and Mrs. Robinson, London, visited with the former's mother, Mrs. E. Smith, one day last week. Miss Easier, Minneapolis, Minn., Who spent some time with her sister, Mrs. A. McConnell, returned to her home Monday. Sunday and weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott were Mr. and Mrs. P. Heard and family, Stratford; Mrs. R. Morrison and friends,' Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rathwell and little son, Peter John, Windsor, spent the weekend with the former's moth- er, Mrs. John Rathwell; also Dr. Bruce Foster and Mrs, .Foster, De- troit, Mich., with, Mr. Rathweil and Mrs. C. Stele's. Mrs: Steick returned with . them for the winter. Clothing Relief For the relief for overseas,., the Varna school children contributed $3b worth of new clothing, in addition to a quantity of second-hand Clothing. I11 In Hospital The many friends of A. McConnell will be sorry to• hear that he was taken to Clinton Hospital for treat- ment. We hope soon to see him home again. Welcome to Village The Brown family moved into their new apartment on Monday. We "wel- come them to the village and wish them every success as the young Mr. Brown just recently bas returned from overseas. Mrs. Mossop, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elliott, moved their ef- fects to the home recently purchased front Gordon Horner. St. John's W. A. Meets The W. A. of St. John's Church held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. H. Diehl Friday afternoon,. with a good attendance. The after- noon was spent quilting. At the close of the meeting a hot supper was served by the hostess and daughter, Mrs. Durham. in marriage to Dennis McPherson Bisback, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bisback, E'gmondville. The ceremony !was performed by the Reverend F. G. Stotesbury. The beautiful bride entered the room on the arm of her father who gave her in marriage, and took her place beside the groom, under an arch artistically decorated with pink and white streamers and bells. Her floor - length gown was of French brocade, organza over white taffeta and was fashioned with long sleeves, close -fit- ting bodice and full skirt. She wore a waist -line veil caught with white sweetheart bows and the groom's gift, a ]:earl necklace with matching earrings. Her colonial bouquet was of rose charm and white poi -porn chrysanthemums, The matron of "lion- or, Mrs. Leslie Dolmage, sister of the groom, wore a floor -length dress of ivory brocaded satire with a shoulder - length net veil and she carried Bronze Indianola chrysanthemums. Leslie Dolmage, Winthrop. was groomsman. The reception was at the Albion Rotel,' Mrs. Sturgeon received in a gold frock with which she wore a corsage of white pom-poms. and the groom's another wasattired in a moss green suit with which site wore a corsage of yellow pom-poms. :Miss Jean Sturgeon, sister of the bride, and Miss Marie Ellwood of Clinton, assisted in serving the wed- ding breakfast. The bride's table was centred with a beautiful three-storey wedding cake, and floral decorations throughout the dining room were of pink and white chrysanthemums. Twenty guests were present from Grand Bend, London, Port Huron, Clinton, Egapondville and Winthrop. The gift to• the bridesmaid was' a locket an o gold cat d to the groomsman, a leather billfold. ' The evening was spent in music and dancing, after which the young couple left on a short trip East. For travel- ing, the bride were a lime coloured tailored coat trimmed with racoon fur, brown hat and accessories•. Upon their return they will reside in Clinton. We join in' extending congratulations and best wishes to the young couple, BEUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. W. McBeath' spent a couple days in Hamilton and Toronto. Mrs. Broadfoot, Egtnondville, spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. E. McLeod. Mr, and , Mrs. Sant Hohner and daughter, Stanley, spent Sunday with Mrs. A. Hohner and Jack. Miss Beattie, London, spent the weekend With her cousins, Miss M. Swan and Mrs. Hani. Mr. and Mrs, John Beattie, Sea - forth, and Tantes. Gemmell, spent Sunday with Mr. and, Mrs. Ross Scott. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright,' Miss Jean Wright, FOS Bruce Wright and ;Friend, all of Seaforth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.' Ross Scott and family. United church Anniversary Bruoefield United Church helda very successtuul anniversary on Sun- day, October 28, with splendid con- gregations at both services.. Rev. Arthur Sinclair, Blyth, . was the speaker in the morning, and ,Rev. D. MacTavish, London, in the evening.. The choir, under the leadership of 1Virs. Murdock, rendered two lovely anthems. Capt. Sain Ronnie was soloist at the morning service, and Miss Betty Moore, Egmoaidvllie,in the evening: LONDESBORO Mr.; and Mrs. Sidney Lansing were in Owen Sound on Saturday. .Mr. and Mrs. Jim. Crawford were with bit. and Mrs. Jim McCool Mr. and Mrs. Toil, Westfield, visit- ed Mr. ' and Mrs. Charles Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fisher, Galt, was with Mr. and 1VIrs, John Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott, Aub- urn, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prest.. Mr. and Mrs, Mervyn Pipe and fare` sly were with Mr, and Mrs, John Pipe. Mrs. D. As Anderson, Exeter, spent the weekend with Mrs. William Lyon. Miss Vine Knox, Toronto, visited her parent's, Mr. and• Mrs. T. ' Knox. Miss 011ie Moon, Toronto, was with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Moon, Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent,'God- Adamserieh, were with- Mr. and Mrs. T. . Mr. and Mrs, P. Manning, Clinton wore the, guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Mr. and Mrs, W. Wills and Master Douglas, were with Mr. and Mrs, It, Youngblutt. Mr. and Mitt Ab Shaddick and fam- ily, Clinton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. 3, Fairservice. Donald Hunking, Ted Prest and Lloyd Longman, returned home from the West last week. Mr, and Mrs. J. Knox and Mrs. Jeffrey, Wingham, visited with Mr. and• Mrs. Ab. Vodden. Mrs. J. S. Andrew, London, and Mrs. B. Allen were the guests of ,Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Davil R.' Mair, De- troit, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fdirservice. Miss Fern Watson, London, and Mr. and Mrs. B. Riley, Goderich, visit- ed Mrs. Charles Watson. Miss Dorothy Little, Toronto, and Mrs. Bentham, Clinton, were with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Townsend: Mr. and Mrs. Doogan, Brussels, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Wells, were visitors with Miss Elizapeth Mains. Mr. and Mrs. James Roberton. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Mogridge, Auburn,' were guests of. Mrs. Margaret Man- ning.. Miss Beth Golder. Goderieh, and Miss 'Elva Govier, Clinton, were with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Govier. Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. 8'. Cox, Jack and, Helen, Ethel, were visitors with Ma•, and Mrs. J. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGregor and Mr. and Mrs. Will Mair, and Mrs. Mary Mair, Burns', wore the guests of Mrs. Lillie Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wright, Joan and Betty, London, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dickie, Bridgeport, Conn., visitedsMr, and Mrs. Robert Fairservice. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kerslake, Bobby and Patsy, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Herne, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb, •Olinton, visited Mrs. H. Lyon. Mr. and Mrs. S. Doer and Mr. and Mrs. Beet Baer and family, Auburn, and Mr. and Mrs. George Watt, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vod- den. Mr, and Mrs. N. Radford, Blyth, Mr and Mrs. P. Gibbings and family, and Mr. and Mrs, Bert Shobbrook, Thelma and Muriel, wore with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shobbrook. Congratulations! Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Vodden, who celebrated their. 41st wedding anniversary on Friday of last week. W. JVI. S. to Meet The monthly meeting of the W:M.S, will be held on Thursday, November 8, at 2.30 p.m, in the basement of the ohurch. Group No. 3 will be in charge. Word for roll call is "Promises." Farm Forum Meeting The Farm Forum meeting was held Monday night at Stanley Lyon's home with 23 present. Mrs S. Lyon con- ducted the games and next • Monday night the meeting will be at •Mundy Young's. , W.• M. S..T.hankoffering The W. M. S. thankoffering service will be held next Sunday morning at ten o'clock with Rev. A. Penman, the speaker. Will the members of the W.M.S. Mission Circle and Mission Bttn please me :.ease Band et in the basement at 9.45 and go to the auditorium in a body. . Successful . Anniversary The anniversary services, held in the 'Londesboro` United Church ou Sunday, were ,well attended. The auditorium, which was beautifd]ly decorated w ith 'mums and colored foliage, was filled at the morning service 'when Rev. Harold Snell, Aub• urn, preached from the test; "I will arise and go to my Father." In the evening the attendance was good and Rev. Mr. Snell preached a very thoughtful and appealing ser- mon. Much credit is due to Professor Cook and the ehoir•for the excellent music at bath services. Thankoffer ing was arpund $800. ; STTMMERRHILL Summerhill Red Cross Summerhill Red Cross met Oct. 24 at the home of Mrs. E. Ball. The meeting opened by singing "Blest Be The Tie That Binds", followed by Mrs: Lovett leading in the Red Cross !Prayer and "The Lord's Prayer." The. treasurer's report was given, also •the' serving and knitting reports. There were 16 meynbers and seven visitors present. During the afternoon two quilts were quilted and patches sewn. A glass bowl was raffled which brought 65 cents. This was donated by Mi•s. !glass and won by Mrs. Mair. The 'meeting was closed by singing "God Save The King". Lunch was then served, the collection amounting to .'2.60. The next meeting will be held ' at`' the home of Mrs. 'Clarence Ball, and. the hostesses will be Mrs. Forbes. Mrs. 11. Murch; Mrs. R. Neal, and Mrs. Penfound. AUBURN HGLMESVILLE Mrs, Rich McWhinney, Crewe, visited Mrs, Fred Ross on Sunday. Stewart King, Toronto, spent the. weekend with his father, Russell King. John Pfeffer and daughters, Erma and Flo., Kitchener, called on friends here; Sunday., Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor and Mr, and Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor were London visitors on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. 3. -J.' Robertson visit- ed their son, Clayton Robertson, and Mrs, Robertson, Copper Cliff. Sells Chopping • Mill Clarence Cox has sold his chopping mi][ at Whitechurch to Victor Case more, Chatham. New Rector Inducted - Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Asquith, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, Mrs. Gor- don Taylor, Mrs. Wites, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Nesbit, attended the induction service in Blyth for the rector, Rev, J. L. H. Henderson. • Walkerburn Club Meets Mrs, Amos Ball entertained the Walkerburn Ladies' Club on Wednes- day afternoon last with an attendance of 15. The time was spent in mak- ing, ,Red Cross quilt tops. A prize, donated by Mrs. Ernest Durnin, was won by Mrs. Henry Hunking. A wed- ding gift was presented to a member, Mrs, Durnin, who is at present living in . London. Refreshments were served. Village Elections The trustees of the village met and the following by-law was given second and third readings and signed: First, That the meeting of electors for the nomination of candidates for the Trustee Board of the Police Village of Auburn shall be held on the Friday preceding the last Monday in November at the hour of 7,30 p.m„ nominations being received until 3 p.m. on same date; 2nd, That the pol- ling shall take place on the first Monday in December, (Signed) Thomas Hallam, clerk. W. M. S. Quilting Three Red Cross quilts were quilt- ed by the women of Westfield W.M.S. after which" Mrs. Norman Radford was in charge of the devotional per- iod. Rev. Harold J. Snell addressed the meeting on "The World for Christ". Mrs. McVittie, the president, took charge for the business period, Red Cross to Meet Holmesville Red Cross will meet at . the home of Mrs. Oliver Pocock, on Tuesday, November 6. Mrs. Les. Jervis''group, will serve. when it'was decided to buy two pairs of flannelette sheets for ,the national clothing, drive. Letters of acknow- ledgement were •readr Rodfore forrpr.. Rodger Clifford Walsh for;par- cels received. A' special thankoffers ing colleetion was received. Marks 89th Birthday William H. Campbell, who now re- sides with his son, W. A. Campbell and Mrs. Campbell, •A,uburn, celehrat- ed his 89th birthday on Friday. Mr. - Campbell enjoys good health and is active, taking a keen interest in the affairs of the community. He has been.. a resident of this community for over . '70 years, coming from., Whitby Township to Huron County as a boy. In early life he wasa school teacher and taught for some years in Huron and Perth counties. Ultimately choosing farming as his life's work, he was accustomed to log, stump,: plow and harrow with oxen, who now Auburn B.Y.P.41r The monthly meeting of the B. Y. P. U., Auburn, was held in the church Sunday evening with Miss Elaine Johnston in charge.• Prayer was of- fered by Rev. C. C. Anderson. Thanks- giving readings were given by Wil- liam Raithby and Emma Robertson.. A piano duet was rendered by Marg- aret Jackson and Evelyn Raithby.: Mrs. Wilfred Vesterfelt gave the topie on "Christian Life." Scripture verses in keeping with the topic were read by Jerry Vesterfelt, Shirley and Em- ma. Robertson, Evelyn Raithby. Wil- liam Raithby took charge for the elec- tion of officers which resulted as.. follows: President, Emma Robertson; Vice-president, Marie Raithby; sec- retary -treasurer, Elaine Johnston; pianist, Mrs. R. J. Phillips, It was. decidetd ,to hold a hallowe'en panty in the basement of the church, Thurs- day evening, everyone, to come in costume. • Huron County's Ninth Victory - Loan quota is 31 per cent higher - than last time. Everyone will have to work that much harder IMMIIMttttr' HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The, next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderieh, comm encing Tuesday, November 13, 1945 at 2.00 p m.' All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November 10th. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderieh, Ontario .14 REMEMBER This is your last 3% Victory Loan For at Least a Year INYEST you Savings SAYE By the Deferred Payment Plan 3% down -12 months to pay IIELP YOiUR DISTRICT OVER THE TOP AND MALE THE 9TH HURON'S GREATEST VICTORY LOAN —lluron. County National' 'War; Finance Committee ,