HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-10-25, Page 16PAGE `.'SIXTEEN 01:INe N. irtWS' R " i► t13 Pries +and Trade'14oatd Answers Some Qnestinns Of Interest •to. Farmers Q. --My husband xetur'nea •from overseas and is gettin lris.dis- ehar •e. Can he ge hte'Secupons :for= sugar for canning ° •I, have fruit on hand and could:'. use them, ' :A.—If he is, discharged before Oc- teber 31 sand applies for a ration book on •or, b'efor'e that date, he may secure his^coupons for Sugar' fere, ;can- iling.:' ifhe;'20 ,coupons allowed give you,'teri'cpounds; of sugar. • Oct. 25th to 27th QIMX WHEAT FILA S •2 pkg.' 23e '.POST BRAN FLAKES, 8 oz. pkg..... 2 for 23c GAINE'S DOG BISCUITS pkg. 25c LYNN 'VALLEY PEAS 2 tins 25c -EMI/ORE WHEAT BERRIES ........•' 5' Ib. bag 25c AYLMER TOMATO or VEGETABLE SOUP.. 2 for 19c WHITE SWAN TOILET ISSUE 3 rrolle 25c AYLMER • BABY FOOD 3 tins 25c COWAN.S, COCOA ..... - ... 1 15. tin 23e. TODDY SWEETENED CHOCOLATE DRINK Ib. tin 45e OnTal Lobb FREE DELIVERY A yea to ,pa.for Victory,Berids kg's Town of.;,Glinton's Nina"? Victory. :Lorin' .object.e rs:$24%Q.94.. ,` NEWS -RECORD subscriptions aiej payable in. advance, $1,50 year. Mitchao2:•Mc-dams; ;;contractor • for, Ellweed:E.pps s§pertaBhop new, ad, dition King'.St letitaiting good'pre-i gross , .'t a saaas • k Y t I:. M G"oo'dV in; "G`odoricii;'"reaehtly, appointed'; district aaimierafeer,s,Beill Telephone Company of Canada, was business :caller in Clinton today. v, M. :k A special introducterly:offer to new subscribers only ie described in . tth advertisement "on „Page ''14. The NEWS—RECORD from now until the end of the year nine issues — 25 cents: . The NEWS -RECORD "Coining Events" column each week is ideal for advertising in advan'ee all gather- ings for which a charge is made or collection Is taken. • Three cents a word; minimumcharge 50 cents i * * ' Rev. F. Gs. Fain•ill, Windsor, former, pastor of the church, was guest. preacher, at the morning service in. Ontario St. united.' Church "Sunday., He also preached in the afternoon at anniversary services .at .• Turner's' Church, Tuckersmith Township. George Boulton, .•R. •-R 2, ,Glinton,i who was injured in an accident oir the Saltford-I3enmiller road' at Last. reports was reported as holding his: own. A large wound in the neck penetrated' to the. trachea. 'Ile also suffered from concussion and ' deep lacerations of the scalp, The Victory Dance.in the Drill Hall, RCAF Radio School, Clinton, on Tues- day night; was well attended by Station personnel and friends from Clinton and surrounding district. The $100 Victory Bond was won by Sgt. F. Baustead. Tony Cryan's Orchestra, Stratford, supplied the music. There were several lucky spot numbers. t * The National Clothing Campaign has been extended till the end of October in order to allow the large amount of clothing now being, re- ceived in the 1,900 organized coin- niunities throughout Canada to be sorted and dispatched to the central packing depots, and to allow those who have not yet contributed to do so. There will be no further door- to-door • collection in Clinton, That staged Saturday proved quite sue- i cessfuI. ENTRE .SECTION OF PILESI YTERIAL EG1V oNDITILLE • The annual" ktitu Mtri 'ial;y' of r the:, Centre Section of Huron; Presbyterial,: Women's ;Missionary ieeiety United'+. Church of 'Canada; 'wdis held in the United 'Church, `'.Egingrj`dt'ille, ' bol. Thursday) `betabei+"18. , The • morning 'session was attended IV: a large and: -'enthusiastic gather•-` ing with the Sectional President, Mrs,, R. Lawson, ,,presiding,, Mrs. Hough: mid 'Mrs; Baird, Brucefieldt eonc}iitrted the worship persed, opening with' a n• ;Dray, ret ntly appointed National Ot hymn and meditation based o ?M 48 1 ••.11 7� r":.. .i1(lt a, Mrs AZ If Ga1'.diner 1+'gnondviile tiyeicomed, j kty delegates ,artid `rnemlie s, Mrs. Elgin McKinley, Goshen, reply- ing. Mket-„James+• A. 1VteG 11;• Clinton, was appohrted secretary, for the day':, • The .following pommittees were appointed:' courtesy and resolutrohis-aa Mit: Hay, 'Mrs. Hazelwood, Walton; Mrs. 'McFarlane; finance—Mrs.Ndtt, :Egniondville; iss Wiltse, Clinton nominations committee—Mrs. Burton, Clinton;•' Presbyterial finance—Miss Ferguson; delegate to conference. braiich,'•1946 :La Mrs. A. W. Gardiner, Egmondville 'alternative, Mrs. Nott. ...The deeretary`idalled'•the roll'of the ahxihat'ies: `. Most'•eneouragirig re- ports were presented •sh'owing a de- cided increase in every • department. •Mrs Brook, IlensaIl'; called the Mis- sion Banda 'roll, , and Miss . Pearl, .Priddle Goderieh, gave the Baby Band's report: ; A. letter' frons 'the Associate Members'. secretary, Mr's.. L. Wightman, •Wingham, 'brought greetings to the meeting. The- offer- ing•was received and Mrs. Roe, Burns,. led in • prayer. The. financial • statement was pre- sented -by the treasurer, Miss Maude Wiltse, Clinton, showing a slight de- crease in amount sent to Presbyterial treasurer for the 'first two quarters of the year, as compared with • the same period last -year.. Mrs. E. Mills, .Walton, . addressed the • meeting on .Temperance and Christian citizenship, presenting a truly 'appalling summary of con- ditions existing today. Mrs. Pickard gave a resume of the literature avail- able for the study groups. Mrs. Hazelwood, Walton, closed the. meet:- ing eet= ing .with prayer and the gathering repaired to the church dining room for dinner. Afternoon Session When the meeting re -assembled,. Mrs. Shannon and Mrs. Hendereee of Duff's, McKillop) led the worship service, using a hymn and meditation based on Mark 15.15-20, Completing the reports, Miss Toll, Walton, spoke of the Missionary Monthly and other pub'ications, and Mrs. Kirkby gave a thought-provok- ng talk on Christian Stewardship; urging that all adopt the systematic giving plans. I Throughout the meeting, The Cru- sade for Christ was kept before the minds of the delegates, and a plea was made that all professing Christ- ian women live more nearly as they have done; to the great principles and teachings of Christ. Miss Betty Moore, E'gmondville, sang, "A little bit of love.” Miss Edith Clark, a missionary from Angola, Africa. who was intro- duced by Mrs, C. Tavener, Holmes- ville, Presbyterial president, folio,. ing an address, was thanked in a motion by Mrs. Kirkby and Mrs. Pick- ard. She spoke of the growth of the church during her 20 years of service there. Mrs. G. G. Burton, Clinton, led in prayer after, the offering had been received. • Mrs. Tavener led an open forum which was heartily entered into • by the entire gathering; An appeal for warm clothing was read from Rev. S. Ii. Soper, Muncey. Mrs. Hazelwood reported for the Re- solutions and Courtesy Committee. Rev. C. Tavener, Holmesville, pro- nounced the benediction. • Shiel� "1�I , Ef fol, t reatly .appreciated A ,siert Qn trio wax effort o1 the' 1Salv$lorl Almy ,Red•, Sh?eld Women � uxrlragy shows•;'thate articles of .' aetail value • coneervatively'estimated at $2;250,000 were sent oversettis • ',There are 1,5b0"'groups"'aertiss nda, made up otj�i pp,roxiniately 50,0'.00 Viomen;''engaged in this work.. l JBeCtx g,the reed for clothing• in i sevas'$ated Eiirope" is still desperate, jtlie 'Salvation Army plans to continue ,firs work o' p year'oi+"more aeco 1 - big tip Mrd kL „Co}.;-;h'lor�nce" E. aurncrom BONos • Yjtl DAVIS 8 HERMAN CUSTOM TAILORS — Be Measured by. a Tailor USED BICYCLES HUNTING COATS HUNTING CAPS GUN LICENSES HEATABS $30.00 to $35.00 $6.00 to $24.00 $1.$5 $1.00 $1.15 to $1,55 complete EPPS SPOILT SHOP Headquarters For All Sporting Goods Mo.ranFe1t. The Ne' Eli and. Winter FeIY, : k�a 'for' men ii ri now' 'in stock Tew `styles and most vwarited shades. At same old. prices. Ail. sizes 6% ,ire Have you bought your Winter Overcoat .yet? If not—Buy it now—while we have a good assortment tri choose from. The supply of Clothing this year is decidedly limited and there .will be . few, if any, replacements. There has', been no advance in prices and brown's and grey's still have the preference. . 5'�g�s /Yrs' e6oxl/�e .- #I4' VICTORY BONDS urns#eel Bros. Arrow Shirts.;- Adave Hair — Scott & McHale Shoes for Men • Agents Tip Top Tailors Brucefield Y. P. U. Brueefield Y. P. U. held its regular meeting on -October 22 with Won- netta Henderson, the president, in the chair with 17 members present; The meeting opened with the sing- ing of hymn 483 which, was followed by the minutes and roll call The worship service was in charge of. Melvin Graham's group and Mary McE.wan took the 'service. Hymn 38$ was sung and followed by the Scripture, Luke 8 (verses 4-8 and 11- 151. 1- I51..'The topic taken by Mr. Atkinson was "The Sower." • .The :meeting . closed' by singing hyinhu-358'•.,and :God : Save the King; and repeating•the Mizpah benediction. It, rs• als•o' to> be nchicetl that the Btiicefieldt'Y. P ti"'+will +Tibhij their Hallowe'en social en Monday evening; October 29 11 young people a'r'e ask, ed fa a&t,e d ie `costume foi aline of lilt ;lis @to 1$e• imposed" airrbn . all; Who attend'in their usual garb Come and, join the fan'!":•The{roor,,ethermerrieii! You ARE Interested in • L L F E: A • .. SO!. I • 'TAKE THE ' 1F" L OUT OF LIFE AT I AGE 60-65, 'WITH O w M E, T ENDOWMENTS ' N 1 • -NOT '. T E L14III.ITIES, S s H. 'C. LAWSON', PHONE' 251W Agent: Mutual Life Assurance Co. v�'�grs yl�wt�n�/ieaFtL,. BLIP VICTORY ROODS, 7 S lW Aq .84,11e'baiy i :: More' `than ' 4;000,000 articles grade iop' ora clothmg,for bomb victims, ,for ,enfante':,and i`or `soldiers; and sailors > �ere sent' • overseas by the R.S.W.A. 4;11.1 t • . The'. greater part were made . by it.S.W,A..groupe frkom new material, Service wool •fo1•'�comforts for "'the armed forces was largely supplied by the Government, This is no longer being 'provided. Also, a number of excellent quality articles of children's. clothing were `made -fiver by .group menobers. from geaill' ;sed Material. "Reports from Murope tell of wide spread,- ,suffering•.z-.through , lack -o#; clothing," said Mrs. Dray. "Ove_ there: it is the,,paor ,who suffer; insist,,. Where' there •is'4iittibning, the poor have''the same number ofcoupons as better' "off 'pedble'but' they•are• unable to buy the quality so their clothee. do not -last. All:the articles we asend• aie. given away to'those'`in need."' HOLSTEIN °CATTLE • '•• LAUDED AT BANQUET Club secretary, commented briefly on the year's activities. He announced that the annual meeting would be held Nov. '7 with George Gear, Walk- erton, Agricultural Representative for Bruce County, as chief speaker on ;`Soil Fertility." Holstein fieldman J. E- Terry; Lambeth, congratulated the Club members on the active program car- ried out this year and the growth in Club membership. He felt that those breeders who bad bought sons of such well-known bulls as Marksman, Sov- ereign, Righto, Renown and Mono- gram were to be commended for their far-sightedness. He expressed the opinion that the introduction of the blood of these popular sires was a definite step in the right direction. Mr. Terry also drew attention to the progress made by the Holstein breed throughout the Dominion this year, which is reflected in the fact that in the first nine months of 1945, the number of applications for trans- fer of ownership has shown a gain of 20 per cent over a corresponding period of 1944, registrations are up four per cent and membership 13 per cent. Commanding 'Our Wealth Dr. G. E. Reaman, who has written a book outlining the history of the Holstein -Friesian breed, which is now in the hands of the publishers, de- livered a very interesting address} on the subject, "Commanding Our Wealth". Just as "the four horsemen of the Apocalypse" were . Pestilence, War, Famine and Death there will be four others in the future, the speaker said. "In future, we should look to science, commonsense and experience, hope and a philosophy of life," he declared. He emphasized the necessity of hav- ing a philosophy of life. The ladies ofthe church were thanked by' William Sparks, Bayfield, a suitable reply being made by Mrs. F, Townsend, A. J. McMurray, Clinton Victory Loan chairman, in behalf of the campaign, declared: "If there ever was a time when we wanted to show our boys what we want to do, it is now. I have confidence that the Can- adian people and the people of Huron County• will not fail:" THURSDAT, OCTOBER 25, 1945::' VP:''A. Glazier, Clinton, .•Named';tai Represent' C.C.F.. on Zone Councla l 'The Huron -Perth' Riding Associa- tion. of • the'• 0.0.F. met. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A."' Cann,, Exeter,; Friday -evening last. -Representatives were present ,.from +Clinton, Seafortk, Science Hill, Exeter,' Wiirthrap and outlying "townships. W. Ctlazigr Clinton, was nomin ated",to iepres'eMMt''this riding chi theZone C'onnell'`and also was elected delegate to, attend the Pro,inciil;' Convention; to be held in trirontq,? Ney.-24 '21 and . 24. the next meetw ing will be held No 13+?at' eig'htr':o'clockt attthe' hetn'e of•'` 14Ir.,'and 'Mrs. William- Kernick, Ex,L) eter R. R., to further discuss'' resolutions.. ,Rev. C. W. .;' Down, Exeter .has consented to address the gathering on the subject, "The Organized' Labour Problems ' and the Farmer." All members are asked to •be prep- ent''and any others interested the C.C.F. ;movement will be cordially welcome. eek e nd' ELF ERVE PECIALS 'AT T.R1THOMPSONS Superior Food Store LIBBY'S PREPARED • MUSTARD .... 2 6 -oz. jars 15c CLARK'S MUSHROOM SOUP • 10 -oz. tin Se OLD ENGLISII PASTE FLOOR WAX .... 1-15, tin 49c NABOB COFFEE .. 1-15bag 43c SANIFLUSH " tin 29c S.O.S. SCOURING PADS pkg. 15c CLASSIC CLEANSER , . . tin 5c JAVE:X bottle 13e 2 -IN -1 SHOE POLISH PASTE tin 10e PLAIN or IODIZED SALT 2 2-15. pkgs. 15e VAN CAMP'S CHOICE PEAS 2 20 -oz. tins 29c ORANGES, size 341's . , dozxxkkk ORANGES ... size 344's doz. 25c. GRAPEFRUIT size 126's 3 for 19e LEMONS, ... size 300's 3 for 13e PHONE ORDERS FILLED Phone 111 zu9 VICTORY BONDS; FOWL .SUPPER in Memorial Hall, Blyth TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30 BINGO and DANCE Admission: Adults 75c, Children 50e Dance alone 40c Music by Wilbee's Orchestra Johnson's Quality Groceries KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes - 3'for 23c. Grove ' Maple Sgup Ayliner :Sweet Relish Mother, .Jackson Jiffy Porridge >.:,.:, Mother Jackson Jiff' Pie Crust Chocolate,•. Lemon, Carmel Pie Filler, • lb. Maxwell House COFFEE 43c ib. 2for 29c Culverhouse 35c ; Tomato Juice 2 for 25e Catelli 27c . Macaroni SALADA Jet Stave Polsh Lee's Muffin Flour` pkg. 10c 19c T E A y/ lb. 39c Nephisto 23c Khmer Snacks 2 for 23e Johnson's 25c Glo'!•Coat' . 59:.' Barri iforne's 25e Jelly Powder Kit ',.. 59c Ent/store ' 15c Wheat Berries 25e GRAPEFRUIT ORANGES 80's = 2 for 19c 344's 288's' 252's 220's 126's--. 3 for 20c 31c. 39e 49e 53e THREE FREE DELIVERIES 10.30 A.M.. 2 2.30 P.M- 4.30: P.M. i LEMONS 300's 6 for 25c PHONE 286 'game .,BUY VICTORY BONDS STORES ,4• We madi .certain promises when our boya went; overseas :i. , promises we knew would take mgliey Those promises included rehabilitation, hos 'sal' tion, pensions for wounded and befcaved •-RIGHT? 4 No one of us would dare suggest that to fulfill those romises to thd:;letter: Would do anym e.•iha P or a Phri '•'a small part of our debt to out fighting gicii , - RIGHr?'r,, Therefore, we must invest in Victory Bonds... mora. ;;;,,,,than ' ever before « •• in order 'to nicer this .great=' obligation a.. RIGHT? + RiGHT! BUY VICTORY'BONDS• .SRE•AR'I N'G'S FOR FOODS OF FINE QUALITY BALL & ZAPFE Dealers in Hardware. and. Furniture Modern Ambulance Service, Funeral Directors DOUGLAS G. BALL Store Phone 195 JOHN J. ZAPFE Phone 110 Phone 103 IMENIMMonm SUTTER PERDUE PHONE •147w CLINTON, ONT. Boys' and Girls' e ell•;. Party 7.30 P.M. Town Hall, Clinton: Wed., .Qctober3`1 AUSPICESCLINTON- TOWN. COUNCIL Every boy' and. girl residing"in'Clinton and surrounding district is welcome. - MOVING PICTURES PROGRAM provided by boys and eiris PRIZES for Costumes GRAND PARADE Public. §dhool to Town Hall, headed by C.0.I. Bugle Band. • Everything Free Silver Collection at Door':.. COME ,ONE ! ' COME .ALL;