HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-10-25, Page 15lr
"`•f;HURSDAii'; OCTOBER 25, '1945
Flog Producers' Meetings
At Belgrave and Hensall
HuronCounty hog producers were
well represented at a special meeting
of Ontario Hog Producers' Associa,
tion in the King Edward Hotel, Tor-
onto last week when the Ontario
Department of Agriculture's scheme
of marketing and processing of hogs
was explained and discussed.
Plans were also made for holding
nseetings in the various counties dur-
ing November for the purpose of ex-
plaining the scheme prior to casting
of the producer vote to secure its
final approval.
IElsewhere len_ this page, Ontario
Warm Products Control Board pub-
lishes an advertisement announcing
that public meetings will be held in
Huron` County at Belgrave and Hen -
•801 early in November, likely Novem-
ber 12 and 13.
Charles W. ••MeGinnie, Iroquois,
'President, 'chaired the meeting. In
his opening remarks, Mr. McInnis
Phis opening remarks, Mr. McGinnis
emphasized the necessity for a well
organized industry so that hog pro-
ducers may assume their just respon-
sibility in the economy of the country.
"Quality and continuity of supply are
'tveo important factors in maintenance
Mr. ` and Mrs. R. J. Torrance and
family' attended anniversary services
at. Kippen. on 'Sunday.
Commencing the first Sunday in
November, the service will be held in
'the afternoon at Grace Church.
Seaman Jim Young, RCNVR, has
returned home from Victoria, B. C.
the expects to get his discharge soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and Mrs.
Bell Sr., London, Mr. and Mrs. Will
Dignan, Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
lldilier, Holmesville, were Sunday
'Visitors with Mi. and Mrs. Arlie
Porter's Hill Red Cross meeting
was held on Monday, Oct. 15, at the
'home of Mrs. Frank Picot with a
good attendance. A. quilt was quilted
And knitting and sewing handed out.
A gift donated by Eienor Cox was
won by Mrs. Greenlead.
of the British market and while it.
may not be so easy for the individual
to maintain required' standards this
tould',beeaccomplish'ed• by a well or
ganized group with a definite policy
and programme. Producers must be
able to: control their products all the
way to the consumer, he said.
Kenneth. Betzner, President, On-
tario Federation of Agriculture, ad-
dressed the meeting briefly and said
the Federation would 'continue to sup-
port the Ontario Hog Producers As.
sociation as they had in the past.'
Mr. Betzner also. stressed the need
for quality and continuity of supply
in supplying export markets.
Function of Board
W. E. Tummon, Foxboro, Secretary,
Hog Producers' Association, explained.
the function of the Farm Products
Control Board, passed by the Govern-
ment of Ontario some eight or nine
years ago. Under the Act the Scheme
is made possible. The Farm Products
Control Board, consisting . of three
members from the Department of
Agriculture, is the administrative and
controlling power under the Act. Un -
trier the Scheme, another Board, a
local board, is set up. This Board
consists of seven members, one from
each division of the province, as ap-
proved at the annual' meeting. This
board will have the power to control
and improve the marketing of hogs
under the Scheme.
Mr. Tummon, in reviewing the.
Scheme, drew particular attention to
the negotiating committee with power
to negotiate and fix agreements re-
specting minimum prices, differen-
tials, premiums and diecounts that
shall be paid for the official grades
and weights for hogs, live or dressed,
by processors or other persons. The
minimum price to producers, Mr.
Tummon said, disappeared over a
year ago.
Mr. Tummon dealt briefly with dis-
position of money to be secured
through payment by producers of a
license fee amounting to two cents
per hog for each hog produced and
marketed. This money will be requir-
ed to finance marketing agents or
agencies and for expenses of the
Local Board, Negotiating Committee
e'c. A office should be set up at once
with the minimum of staff, he said.
Charles Milton, Princeton, Vice
President and Treasurer, told the
meeting that officers of the organiza-
tion had contributed both time and
their own finances to bring the As-
sociation to its present stage of de-
velopment. The Grant received from
the provincial government would be
used, he said, to cover expenses whicht
will be incurred in taking a vote of
the hog producers in the province.
Following thorough discussion of
its various points a motion was in-
troduced to approve of the Scheme.
The meeting adjourned to meet in
the Crystal Bali . Room for luncheon
following which T. L. Kennedy, Min-
ister of Agriculture, addressed the
Three Junior . Farmer
Teams Will Compete
At Intercounty Judging
Huron County Junior Clubs will be
represented by three judging teams
at the annual Provincial Intercounty
Judging Competition, which is beim;
held at Ontario Agricultural College,
Guelph, tomorrow,
The teams will be in . charge. of
Gerald Nelson, 'Clinton, assistant
agricultural representative for Huron
County._ I F. K. B. Stewart, county
agricultural representative, will be
one of the officials in charge of
judging the various contests.
Junior Farmers representing Huron.
County are as follows:
Bayfield Swine Club - Jim Lobb,
Glen Wise; Blyth Beef Calf Club-
Murray Roy, Donald McNeal; Exeter
Swine Club --Howard Pym, Donald
A vote of appreciation was extend-
ed. to' Colonel Kennedy for the many
kindnesses he has shown the Associa-
tion'in its efforts to obtain a market-,
ing scheme.
General discussion on various points
and benefits of the Scheme followed
Colonel Kennedy's address. The ques-
tion of Condemnation Insurance de-
ductions has given rise to much crit-
icism and provision is made under
the. Scheme to enquire into present
deductious and negotiate adjustments.
Provision for central marketing ag-
encies and Negotiating Committees
should result in stability bf markets
and price.
Motion of Endorsation
After thorough discussion of all
points the following motion was un-
animously approved:
"That the producers here as-
sembled give endorsation to the
- Scheme and recommend it to the
hog producers of the province."
Mr. Tummon explained the manner
in which the producer vote will be
taken. Practically all papers in the
province and certain issues of the
Farm Press will carry information
concerning the Scheme and how the
vote is to be taken. Agricultural
Representatives will act as Deputy
Returning Officers. During the week
of November 12 meetings will pe held
throughout the province, but registra-
tion may take place before that date
as well as ten days after the meet-
ings. Voting may take place up to
December 8, and where necessary, bal-
lots may be mailed. Producers who
register but do not vote will count
against the Scheme. Ballot boxes will
close on December 8. A. majority of
two thirds of those who have regist-
ered must be had to secure approval
of the Scheme.
W. H. Newman: Kenneth Betzner;
Bryan the Ottawa Farm
i a L. White of
JournalL and W. H. Porter o£ the
Farmer's Advocate contributed to the
discussion which followed.
(In subsequent issues, The NEWS -
RECORD' will explain additional
features of the marketing scheme, as
advanced at last week's meeting in
v- A proposed Hog
`I Marketing SchemePr(
for Ontario, under
the Farm Products
Control Act, has been submitted to the
Farm 'Products Control Board by the
Ontario Hog 'Producers Association.
Before the Board will consider recom-
mending the scheme, it must be satisfied
that a fair'representation Of the Hog
Producers pare ,in' favour of its adoption.
in order to"obtain the •recorded views of
the Producers, is vote by ballot' is being
taken on the -question
{71 Only Hog Producers who
t'' tare registered For the pur-
t pose with their own County
Agricultural Representative
will be entitled to vote on
the scheme. AU Hog Pro.
deem ''are therefore urged to register atonce by
mail or in person at theirCountyAgricultural Rep-
sentative's office in order to be eligible to vote.
`When registering by ,mail, please forward name,
address and township.
UR p�,01,'F. STEIN
Gi i>"itpi1
Will 6e held at
bs, lv'11i,4 At this meeting the schen
i I will be explained fully and
� 1' questions answered. Ballots
will be supplied at thle meeting ,to producers Who
have registered, so thatltthey may vote then. Regictra-
tiens wtlI%e actepted at the meeting and also for. ten
.-days after it, AN producers who are registered will
receive ballots, either' at the Agricultural Represent-
ative'soffice,,at lire meeting or by mail. Copes of
the proposed scheme ;May be secured at the Agri.
• cultural Representative's office or it the public meeting..
AU ballots must be returned to the Agricultural Recite'.
sentatire before December 8, 1945. • - Any Ballots„
received after that 'late will not be recorded.
Boost Farm Radio Forums
In Three County Meetings
In a campaign for a stronger
Forum Community in Huron, South
Bruce and Western PerthPublie
nieetings were held in Huron County
this week-Wingham, Tuesday night,
Clinton last night and Exeter tonight.
The speakers included > A. C.
Savage, Ontario Co-operative Union,
and Wesley Neelands, ,secretary,
Ontario Farm Radio Forums.
Neil Morrison' of the C. 13. C. and
Alex. Sim of Macdonald College did
the. ground : work in 'organizing For-
ums in the early stages, This,was in
1989 and 1940. In January 1941 the
first broadcasts for Farm .Forum.
were made over the Eastern Canada
Network of the C,B.C. Then in
November of 1941 the National Farm
Forum, with offices in eachprovince,
was instituted -under the capalile sup-
ervision of Orville Shugg, then head
of the Farm Broadcast Department.
of C.R.C.
Every Monday evening during the
Forum season, C. B. C. announcers
state that "National Farm Radio
Forum is presented by the C.B.C. in
co-operation with the Canadian As-
sociation for Adult Education and the
Canadian Federation of Agriculture."
Ontario Forums are sponsored by
the Ontario Federation of Agricul-
ture with assistance from the Depart-
ment of Agriculture. The money
contributed from these sources along
with the collections from the Forums
themselves, create a fund to support
Farm Forum in Ontario. This is ex-
pended in the following ways: Sal-
aries, Farm Porton Guides and sup-
plementary material, Postage, Print-
ing and Stationery, Travelling, Office
supplies, and servicing the Ontario
Forums generally._
Project in Ontario
In May of this year a Provincial
Forum Committee was set up consist-
ing of six members, three from the
Ontario Federation Executive and
three elected at the Farm Forum
Conference. This committee has de-
cided to concentrate on four districts
in the province in which to promote
Radio Forums during the coming sea-
son. One of these is composed of
Huron County, Culross, Kinloss and
Huron . Townships in " Bruce County,
and Elma, Hibbert and Logan Town-
ships in
own-ships'in Perth.
In this district a local representa-
tive committee has been appointed
to be responsible for the organization
and promotion of Forums. All Town-
ship Boards in this area that have
not a reasonable number of active
Forums are being • contacted. These
are being supplied with information
on Forum work and given every en-
couragement to establish new Forums
and to strengthen existing .groups.
To meet the demand for speakers and
to promote interest -a "Speakers'
Bureau" has been set up of people
who will be available to attend Forum
Cattle and Swine
Are On Increase
In Huron County
During the past year, Huron
County's livestock population has
undergone a number of change$ ac-
cording to a livestock census for 1944
and 1945 just Published by Ontario
Department of Agriculture.
Increases are reported in cattle,
swine, and hens and chickens, but
declines were registered in horses,
sheep and,lambs, and turkeys. There
was a decided drop in turkeys -from
15,032 to 6,165.
Taking the Province as a whole,
there were increases in cattle, swine,
turkeys and hens and chickens, with
declines in horses and sheep and
lambs. Thus, Huron County follow-
ed the general trend, except in
' 1944 1945
Cows, milk purposes a2,147 44,206
Yearl'gs, milk purpose 8,987 9,475
Calves '34,718 35,486
Total cattle 134,463 139,732
Mares, two years up 9,532 9,387
Geldings. 2 years up 8,592 8,408
Colts and fillies 1,124
Total horses 8,140
Swine, 6 mons. and up 15,434
Swine, under 6 'mons. 80,198
Total swine 95,632
Sheep, one year up 11,262
Lambs, under a year ,10,881
Total sheep & lambs 22,143
Turkeys, all ages 15,032
Hens and chickens,
all" ages 1,628,845 1,642,138
National Club Week Junior
Farm Clubs
Members of boy's and girls' farm
cubs in all parts of the Dominion are
preparing for their local achievement
days,' competitions through which
teams are selected to participate in
the annual national club: week, to be
held during the week beginning Nov-
ember 18, Some district inter-
club contests haveealready been 'held,
The national club event is conduct-
ed annually by the Canadian Council
on Boys' and Girls' Club Work. The
club members taking part, provincial
champions in various club projects,
will meet at Toronto on Nevember 18.
Oral examinations will be conducted
at 'Toronto,>judging contests at the
Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph.
and after the competitions there will
be a program of sight-seeing and edu
rational features, concluding with a
visit to Ottawa.- It is expected that
32 or 33 teams of two ,members, each
will attend national club week. This
annual event is made possible by the
contributions of a number of business
organizations and associations which
have joined with the' Dominion and
Provincial Departments of Agricul-
ture as members of the Canadian
Council on Boys' and Girls'- Club
Membership in boys', and 'girds
farm elubs'`•has decreased to 'sortie.
extent in the past four years, as
result ofwartime conditions, but ex;.
pansion is anticipated in the near
future. A great deal of thought is
being given to the farther develop-
ment and improvement M juniae farm
club programs.
GODERICH - .A, member of a
prominent Huron County family,
Cora Beatrice Reberts Beatty, wile
of the 'late William Beatty, died sud-
denly at her home, St, Patrick's St.,
Tuesday, She had been ie poor health
for a year. She was born in Dun-
gannon, daughter of the late 11,1r. and
Mrs. J. M. Roberts, who late' re-
moved to Godericlr.- Interment will
be :in Maitland Cemetery, Goderich,-i
In the Province of Ontario, seed-
ing and planting commenced three
to four weeks earlier than usual,
but • were delayed . during April
and May by cool, wet- weather and
the work was not completed until late
in June, according to the latest crop
report issued by the Bank of Mont-
Considerable acreage intended
for spring cereal grains was
notosown, owing to excessive rainfall,
and substitute crops of buckwheat
and millet were planted. More 'fav-
ourable weather conditions sub-
sequently prevailed and growth of
most crops was quite good, although
corn was spotty, due to late planting.
Tomatoes were affected by frost and
late potatoes suffered some . damage
from leaf hopper and rot.
Fall wheat wintered well and the
yield Was average with quality good.
Production is estimated at 20,655,000
bushels, as compared with 20,908,000
bushels in 1944 and a ten-year aver-
age of 18,051,000 bushels. An abund-
ance of hay and clover was stored,
with production estimated at 5,528,-
000 tons, as compared with 4,276,000
tons one year ago and a ten-year
average of 4,295,000 tons. Yields of
spring grains were down fromlast
year's satisfactory returns and the
quality varied widely. Production of
oats is estimated at 53,574 000 bush-
els, as compared with 66,752,000 last
year; barley 9,730,000 bushels, as
against 11,188,000; and mixed grains
33,194,000 bushels,' as compared with
40,738,000. Ten-year averages of
these grains are: Oats, 73,333,000
bushels;. barley 13,588,000 bushels;
and mixed grains, 34,620,000 bushels.
The pack of canning peas and tom-
atoes was 'down fronts last year's
heavy crops. While corn improved
somewhat after a late start, . de-
Iiveries to canning factories were con.
siderably below normal. Production
of the fodder variety is estimated at
2,941,000 tons, as against a ten-year
average of 3,117,000 tons. Early
potatoes were satisfactory in quality.
and yield, but late potatoes were afe
fected by leaf hopper and rot and
total production will be considerably
below average. Production of honer
is estimated at 25% of normal
Grapes were above average ani
raspberries and strawberries gave.
good returns. The abnormally warm,
'weather early in the year resulted
in unusually rapid development of
fruit buds, which later suffered heavy
damage from frosts. The peach crop
'was less: than normal and yields of
apples, sherries, pears and plums•
were very light.
A satisfactory crop of buckwheat
is in prospect. Below-average returns
are reported for turnips and man-
angolds, with a very"Poor yield indicated
for beans. Production of sugar beets,
estimated at 153,000 tons, is much
less than normal' but upfrom 'a year
ago. • ,
Tile flue -cured tobacco crop was
O&M average,` notwithstanding that
the yield per acre was slightly be-
low a normal year. Little frost dam-
age ''occupied and the quality gener-
ally was satisfactory, with production
estimated at approximately 70,000,-
0,000;000' pounds as compared with . 82,-
595;000' pounds`in'1944 and 54,755,000
pounds in 1943. The yield of burley
tobacco will :be lower than last year;
preliminary estimates plate this crop
at • 10,450,000 pounds, as. against
12=23,000 pounds in 1944 and
6,591,000 pounds in 1943.
Pasturagegenerally was 'good
throughout'/the season. Plenty of hay
and roughage is indicated for winter
feeding, but, in many districts sub-
stantial quantities of western feed
groin will be required.
Bean Crop in County.
Better Than Expected
According to the weekly crop sur-
vey of the Ontarie ' Department of:
Agriculture, based on reports submit-,
ted by the Agricultural Representa
tives for. Huron County, F. K. B.
Stewart, Clinton; in this county,
"iSeans that were.not cut have hard,,
erred and are of better quality than.
was expected,"
Huron Holstein Breeders
To Hold Annual, Nov. 7
Huron County Milstein Breeders
who staged their annual banquet in
Anterio- St. United Church, Clinton,
Monday evening, plan to hold the
annual meeting November 7 at
8 p.m, in the Board ;Room of the De-
partment of Agriculture, Clinton. A
good speaker on Soil Conservation
is being secured.
Hullett Branch Sponsors _
Film Board Showings
HuIlett Branch, . Federation of
Agriculture, is sponsoring 'showings
in Londesboro Hall at 2,30 p.m, and
8.30 p.m. next Thursday, November
1. Pictures by the National Film
Board will be "Early Start" and other
• Worst Poultry Pest is
Chicken Mite
The worst general pest affecting
poultry in Canadais the chicken mite,
This tiny insect, which hides itself in
crevices of the poultry house during
daylight, is a small greyish or red
object, about the size of the head of
a pin. Chicken mites live away from
the birds most of the time and only
visit them to suck their blood. They
can multiply very quickly especially
in warm weather, seriously affecting
egg production and preventing the
birds from thriving.
Chicken mites can be easily eradi-
cated without much cost or effdrt,
Spray the roosts and walls of the
poultry houses with a mixture of
three parts kerosene and one part
used engine oil. At cupful of creosote
mixed with a gallon of crankcase or
used oil is additionally effective. It
is best to give the poultry houses two
applications of the mixture at inter-
vals of two weeks.
After October 31, pears may be
imported into Eastern Canada (east
of Port Arthur) at OPA ceilings, plus
transportation and trade mark-ups,
according to an announcement of the
regional foods office of the Wartime
Prices and Trade Board. This am-
mendment to the pricing order on
Federation Plans
Annual Meeting
Here Nov. 29
The executive of .Huron County
Federation of Agriculture held a well.
attended meeting in the, Board Room
of the'Agricultural Office, Clinton, on
Monday evening.
Members ofh
t e County Committee
of Ontario Hog Producers Assoeia-
tion, also were present and gave an
interesting report on the meeting ie
Toronto last week.
A motion was passed ,to grant Sea -
forth • Lions Club $50 for the use of
the Lions Park for the' Federation's
annual fieldday last summer.
It was decided to hold the annual
/meeting. and , banquet November 29,
in St. Paul's Parish Hall, Clinton.
With regard to proposed hog mark -
feting scheme, it was announced that
,two meetings would be held in the '
,county early in November at Belgrave
and Hensall for the purpose of dis-
,cussing thoroughly the proposed
legislation. These meetings are being
arranged . by the Ontario ':Department
,of Agriculture in cooperation with
Huron Federation of Agriculture,
Charles Coultes, Belgrave, was
named to the Hog Producers' Com- -
mittee in place of W. L. Whyte, who
has resigned.
Farm Sales Active Lately
In Township of Stanley
Recent farm sales in Stanley
Township include the following:
Bronson Line -Keith Westlake has
rsold his farm to John Armstrong;
(Orval Greer, 77s/z acres to James
Cornish; James Dewar farm, 80 acres
to Mrs; James Cornish.
Goshen Line -Earl Gingerich, 100
acres to Avron Erli; Peter McGee, 80
acres tp Milton Talbot; Robert Greer,
, 80 acres, to Milton Talbot.
Bayfield Road -Robert Reid's farm
to Gordon Hill; Joseph Richardson
to Harry Reid.
Pair Line - Harold Connell, 150
acres, to George L. Reid.
London Road -Herb Mousseau, 100
acres to George Clifton.
Walter McBride has sold his 100
acre farm on the town line to Sam
Rupp and has purchased a coal busi-
ness in Exeter.
pears is allowed because of the low
yield of pears this year in Eastern
With the No. 9
Join the army of thousands
'cif farmers who ore getting •
more cream --more proflt
-from their cows by using
the Massey -Harris No. 9
built from floor to supply
can, the Massey -Harris
No. 9 is famous for its
close -skimming perform -
'Once tested
erform-'Once'tested to' .02 of 1'afo
efficiency. Its easy opera-
tion 'and special Iow
prices make the No. 9_
outstanding value.
Famous' Mdisey•
Harris Fifm'Flow Bowl
with sbc-point disfri-
bufion gets all the
Mkg $EY
FARM IMPLEMEN'TS'..;51NCE 1•,$;4%'