HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-10-25, Page 12PAGE TWELVE ()ill 1E1'1 REV. D. MaeTAVISR DELIVERS INSPIRING MESSAGE AT RALLY Rev. Duncan' MacTavish resident London Conference, UnitedrChurchh of` Canada, delivered re ' v damns inspiring d' - dress on he subject, "The Crusade for Christ and His Kingdom and my responsibility", ' at the final of a series' of Meetings in Huron Presby.. tery, United Church of Canada. The gathering, which took place in Ontario St. United. Church, Clinton,. Friday evening last, with a splendid attendance; it was a mass rally for the entire Presbytery and people were present from all parts of the county. Rev. G. G. Burton, minister of the church, was in charge. Mrs. Edward Wendorf presided at the organ, and previous to the meeting played a 15 -minute organ, recital us- ing the 'chimes recently installed iii the church The first part of the program was the singing of some of the . great .hymns of the church. This was . to have been led by B. J. Gibbings, choir leader of the church, but on account of his illness, the songs were led by Mr. Burton. A• special feature of the meeting, was the -singing of. two numbers by a quartette composed of Rev. W. A. Beecroft, Wi:ngham, Rev. Albert Ilin- ton, Kippen, Rev. R. A. Brook, Hen'= sail,, and Rev. Harold Snell, Auburn. These numbers were very much -en- joyed by all present. The devotions of the evening were by the chairman of Huron Presbytery, Rev. R. Gordon Hazelwood, Walton. • The choirs of both Wesley -Willis and Ontario St. United Churches, Clinton, then rend- ered- a number, "Guide Me, 0 Tjtou Great Jehovah." The theme hymn of the evening was "Spirit of the Living God" and this was sung at different intervals. The statement of the Purpose of the Crusade' was given by Rev. George W. Moore, Listowel, who is the ehairman of the Crusade Com- mittee of London Conference., '. Following this there was a panel discussion on the Crusade which was Baptizies 100th Person Since He Commenced Wesley -Willis Charge Rev Andrew Lane conducted his. 100th Baptism, since becoming pastor of Wesley -Willis United Church snore. than seven years . ago, when he of- ficiated at the sacrament in'connec- tion with six babies at the morning service in church. Sunday. A large congregation was. present. Children baptized were: Sharon Barbara, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Dales; William James John, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton; Suzanne, infant daughter• of 14rr. and Mrs. Norman Lloyd; Donald •James, infant son of' Mr. and Mrs, James Lockwood; Lynne Marie, '.infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Reginald Shipley; , William Douglas. infant son of Mr, and Mrs. William Wells. Following the ceremony, • Rev. Mr. Lane preached fro}n'-the text, Josinra "What . mean ye by these stones?" in which he emphasized the responsibility of parents in bring- ing up their children. "They should be a memorial to God's- grace," he declared. introduced by Rev. R. A,- Brook, Hen - sail, the director of the Crusade for Huron Presbytery. The discussion was divided into three parts: (a)— The Sunday School' end the Young People's Union in their relationship to the Crusade. Rev. Harold Snell, Auburn, and Clarence McClenaghan, Whitechurch; (b) -The elder and the congregation in their relationship to the Crusade, Rev. Andrew Lane, and George H. •Jefferson, Clinton; (e)— The returned man and the Crusade, Rev. W, A. Beeoroft, Wi0gham, John Copeland, Winghatu, and Rus- sell Zurbrigg, Winghatu, The meeting, closed with the bene- diction pronounced by the• president, Mr. MacTavish, and the singing of the Crusade theme song. alRiTE t3»2 »: t etaask sasasa antelsasaaagasasaaassasaisatitasasatiasatasaaal BUY VICTORY. BONDS TODAY BUY Christmas. Cards TOMORROW FOR OVERSEAS MAIL. OUR SELECTION OF GREETING CARDS •WILL =� PLEASE YOR AS WE HAVE CARDS ' FOR ANY OCCASION z A. T. V'00PEk In Business Since 1885 3. ' Store Hours: 8.30 a,m. to 6 p.m. • Phones: 36W, 36J 4. t alataI s.Mi_lealta�i�.:!A.+etea t tsaattat ::4444,1 is :« H«w,'h = aaaarasiOt Asst. W. S. R. 'HOLMES, Phm.B. PHONE, 51 CLINTON, ONTARIO FOWL SUPJER BINGO and DANCE in St. Joseph's Church Hall, Clinton Wednesday, November 7th SUPPER Front 5.30 - 8.30 .' ADMISSION TO SUPPER' AND DANCE: AD LT U S 7bc • : CHILDREN 35c ADMISSION ,TO DANCE ALONE: 40e MUSIC BY POPULAR ,okengST'RA 72-73b WEDDINGS LARGE ATTENDANCE. :AT PRESBYTERIAN GOOD—YOUNGOLVT ' A. lovely ' autumn weddings , wus, solenhuized at three o•'clock, Saturday, afternoon, O4tober 20, 1945, at the borne of the bride's patents.,nts, Londes- boro when Margaret Ade1i no, .dau- it g er of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ytiung- blut, became the bride„ of Archibald` James Russel Good, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John , Good, Auburn; The living room ' was tastefully decorated with baskets of yellow baby Mums, ferns and cedar boughs, forming a pretty background for the, ceremony performed by Rev. Harold Snell of Auburn. To the strains of Lohengrin's "Wedding March," played by Miss Lillian Adams, aunt of the bride, the bride' entered the living room on the arm of her father. She looked charm ing •in a floor -length gown of white triple -sheer with long bishop sleeves. Her finger-tip veil was caught with a feather headdress. She carried a cascade bouquet of red Better Thne The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Kathleen Youngblut, nurse -in -training • at Clinton Public Hospital,, who wore a floor -length gown of white' sheer with pale blue shoulder length veil and carried a cascade boupuet of Talisman roses. The bride's little niece, Ann Young- biut, was a pretty flower girl in a dress of pale pink silk •crepe. She carried a nosegay of pink and white roses. The grown was attended by Carl Longman, Blyth. During the signing of the register, Miss Nora Wilson, Fergus, sang "AII Joy Be Thine" accompanied on the piano by Mrs. William Jewitt, cousin of the bride. The bridal couple were assisted in receiving by the bride's mother, wear- ing navy blue faille crepe dress, and Mrs, John Radford, aunt of the bride- groom, wearing black. Each wore a corsage of white roses. A, dainty luncheon was served in the dining room by. five cousins' of the bride—Miss Ethel Dexter; Mrs. William Jewitt, Mrs. John Sanderson, Norma and Fern ,Dexter, The .bride's table was centred' with a four -tiered wedding cake and pink and white streamers with candles and rosebuds on either side of the cake. • The groom's gift to the bride was a single strand of pearls; to the bridesmaid, soloist and pianist, brooches; a signet ring to the little flower girl, and a leather bill fold to the best,man. The couple left on a trip .to the United States, the bride wearing a yacinth blue wool dress, 'brown coat trimmed with fox collar and dark brown accessories. Friends numbering around fifty were present from Fergus, Kitchener, Constance, Goderich and' Auburn, BAZAAR under Auspices 'of Baptist Church SATURDAY, NOV. 10 at 2.30 in COUNCIL CHAMBER MENU: Salad Plate and Jelly • White and Brown Bread Cake Tea 30e 72-73.7411 Bazaar Under Auspices of Holmesville Woman's Association and Women's Missionary Society Saturday, October 27 Council Chamber, Clinton Officially opened at 2.30 p.m. Baking, Fancy Work, and Ap:ons. Tea will be served. Menu: Pressed Chicken Pie or Cake Salad Tea 70-2 BAZAAR under the auspices of the WOMEN'S INSTITU'T'E will be held on Saturday, November 3 front 3 - 6 p.m, at AGRICULTURE BOARD ROOMS BOOTS: Home Baking • Novelties (Guessing Contest) AFTERNOON TEA Menu: Chicken and Salad Plate Bread and .Butter• Pi. and Tea 30c EVERYONE WELCOME ' 71-3 akallesialleallnaW .INTOti ANU 'CHURCH ANNIVERSAY Large cong r" ainii trersaregations'>attended the' y services of Clinton. Pres: byte 1tan Church. eh . ,• The' di e'•i' f e ,beautifullye was' 'decorated with autumn;; flowers and' leaves. Rev. D. J. Lane; minister of the' church, preached°at the morningser- vice� on',the subject,"Theb Church's One Foundation," taking his : text from John 7:43-46': ' "Neverman snake' .like 'this'' Man," Mrs, Harold' Lawson, Btiest, soloist, sang, "Open the Gates of .the Temple," and the choir, under the direction of the choly' leader, Mrs. Bert Boyes; rendered an anthem, "Bless the Lord, CO My. Soma, Regular services of Ontario Street and Wesley -Willis United Churches were withdrawn for the evening ser- vice,and the church was filled almost to capacity. Rev. D. J. Lane, who was in charge of the service, express- ed appreciation to the sister churches for withdrawing their evening ser- vices which, he said, indicated the "fine feeling• we all have." He stated that Rev. R. H. Williams, Scaforth, was ill, and extended a warm and hearty welcome to Rev.. P. A, Ferg- uson, minister of Hensall Presbyter- ian Church, formerly of Wiarton. . Rev. Andrew ''"Lane, • minister of Wesley -Willis Church, read the'>Scrip: ture lesson from 'Peter 1, and prayer was offered by • Rev. G., G. Burton, minister of Ontario • St. Church. Master Beverley Boyes, boy soprano, sang, "When He Cometh," and Miss Betty Smith, Goderich, sang "Thanks be to God." The choir rendered ar. anthem, "Rejoice, the Lord is King,". with Mrs. Jean McDonald taking the solo part. Taking his text from Genesis '2 ` . I6-17,: "The Lord God commanded the man, saying 'of every tree of the garden thou mayst freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest there- of thou shalt 'stately die." Mr. Ferguson declared that such a prohibition seems strange, for know- ledge has been held in the highest respect. It also seems a strange combination of good and evil. Know- ledge in itself cannot save, but with- in the Christian faith there is a saving knowledge. e AMONG THE CHURCHES PRESBYTERIAN 10 a.m.—Sunday School, 11 a.m.—Public Worship. Sermon subjeet," .."The Lord Will Provide." 2.30 p.m,—Bayfield Service. All cordially invited to worship with us. ST. PAUL'S:,,ANGLICAN St. Paul's Anglican Church Friend- ship Club will meet on Thursday, Nov. 1, in the Parish Hall, WESLEY-WILLI$ UNITED Wesley -Wills United,Chureh W, A, will meet in the Church Hall on Thursday afternoon, November 1, at three o'clock, Mrs. Nelson's group in • Charge. BAPTIST County Home at 10 a,m,, special singers are always welcome. On ac- count of our Church Honkie being'r•e- decorated the regular evening wor- ship service will be withdrawn. The Bible School will meet at the parson- age at 11 a.m, • The Baptist Ladies' Aid will meet in the vestry of the church on Tues• day evening, October 30, at 7.30. Everyone is asked to be present at this meeting for special business. 0NTARI;O ST. UNITED Sunday morning and evening—Rev. W. J. Taylor, B.D., of Dorchester United Church will be 'the guest speaker. Rev, W. 3. Taylor will also preach at Turner's Church at 2 p.m. 8 p.m, Monday Young People's Union will meet for Hall'owe'en Party. All our young people invited. EVANGELISTIC CENTRE, P.A.O.C. Sunday services: 2 pair.—Sunday School; a p.m.—Gospel Message; 7.30 p.m: .Revival Service. Tuesday at 8` p m. —.Prayer and Praise service, Thursday, 8 p.m. — Bible Study, topic—"The Holy Spirit" Come and study the Word of Gocl •with us. Pastor—H, Kendrick. Presbyterian W.M.S. Holds'Thankoffering w 0 The Presbyterian W. M. S, held its ga Thankoffering meeting at the hone Th of Mrs. Clifton on October 17, with .fr a good dattendance. 'The i i bpresident P ei oponc.d the meeting with prayer, fol- th lowed by a moment of silent prayer. vo The Scripture lesson was head by wa Mrs. Fox and prayer by Mrs, Streets. on The secretary and treasurer gave IIIIInuIR'IN"pplluipumn+' '>n!piqutlli!(�!IiI I( ill! 1 1 I I.. if you have guests, `let the NEWS - RECORD know: Phoney 4. Miss Dell O'Neil left for St. on Tuesday t. Petersburg, Florida, where she will spend' the winter. Mrs. William Helm, and little son, Lucknow, spent the weekend with' Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore and Mrs, I. Nay, spent'' the weekend with, friends iia. Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Haddy, Lon- don, were the guests of Miss `Emma Levis over the weekend, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Campbell and daughter, Carolyn, 1'hedford,, spent Sunday. with Mies Vera Hoggarth. Dr. and Mrs. W. Cameron, Toronto, and Mis. Ballantyne, were weekend guests at the home of Mi. and Mrs. Rop))erton, L. A. and lifts, Tucker and son, Bruce, London, were Sunday callers with Mr. and Mrs. William Cochrane, Mary St, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Aiken and Mrs, T. Aiken, Allenford, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. M, Aiken on Sunday. SBA. Charles Thompson, HMOS "Cornwallis," Cornwallis, N. 'S., is spending a leave with his parents, Dr. F. G. and Mrs, Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Willard, Buf- falo, N.Y., were the guests of Mrs. Willard's parents,' Mr. and Mrs. 3. W. Shobbrook, over the weekend. Lieut- .Rolfe . Monteith, R.N., who has been spending a leave in this district, has returned to his duties with the Royal Navy, with which he is a career officer. Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Cox, and Mrs. G. H. Hook and sons, Stephen and Timothy, Barrie, were weekend visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Tomlin- son,•Rattenbury Street. L. E. Weir, Dunnville, formerly of Hullett- Township, representative of F. W. Bray's Hatchery; Hamilton, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Welsh over the weekend. Misses Margaret Ballaehey and Barbara Brown, 'Clinton Collegiate Institute staff, attended a meeting in Stratford,`ISaturday of District No. 4, Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation. Rev, G. G. Burton delivered the an- niversary sermons at Giles Boulevard United in Windsor, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Burton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 13. Larmour at Windsor:, They also visited relatives in Detroit, Mich, Mrs, N. B, • Nickerson, V,G., and Mrs. Roy Plumsteel, P.N.G., both of Clinton, were among those who at. tended the installation of officers of Eidelweiss Rebekah Lodge No. 115; Seaforth, by a Stratford group last evening. t'isitors at the .home of William Hogg•eath on Sunday to celebrate with Mrs. Annie Brown on her 83rd birthday, were Mr. and Mrs. E. Yung- blut and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hog- garth, HulIett, and Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Cults, Thedford Autumn Thankoffering Of Auxiliary Held Th^ Autumn Thankoffering of the Evening Auxiliary -of W. M. S., Wesley -Willis United Church, was held Wednesday evening, October 17, at, the church, The meeting was open- ed by singing a Thanksgiving hymn and the,, president, Helen Nediger leading in prayer, A Psalm was read in unison, The Roll Call was answered by Thanksgiving or. Autumn thoughts. ' A temperance paper entitled "Cheap Skates" was read by Effie Beattie. Mary Lane favoured the meeting with a piano instrumental, "Claire de Lune," which was much enjoyed. Mrs. David Lane was the special speaker for the evening. Her talk was entitled "Mrs. Casual Member Goes Active." A vote of thanks was given Mrs. Lane for her splendid talk which was an inspiration to all present. A hymn and benediction closed the meeting. A, social half hour was spent. their reports, and the Roll Call was answered with a verse on Thankful- ness. Mrs. Snider gave a reading on the origin of the hymn "There ere Ninety ana Nine." A generous ffering was received. Mr's. Lane ve the dedictor. y ,,prayer. The guest speaker, Mrs. W. J. ompson, Seafortli, chose her theme om the 2nd Corinthians, chapters ght and nine. She gave aver V oughtful and inspiring address. A to of appreciation to the speaker s moved by Mrs. Twitchell, see- ded by. Mrs. Lane. The meeting was ;Brought to a close with a hymn •and the Lord's Prayer. A social half hour was en- joyed when the. hostess served re- freshments. ' 0--- 55 YEARS MARRIED Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Gale, 510 Adelaide . street, London, celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary Mon- day, When they were at home to their friends in the evening. Married at Tillsonburg, Mr, and Mrs. Gale have peen residents of Lon- don fqr 1.7 years,moving there from Clinton, While here they were mem- peas of. the Baptist Church. Now retired, Mr. Gale formerly was a carpenter. Their family .consists .of Godfrey Gale, Windsor; Clarence Gale; Dash- wood;A. Gale,Lon n• lee ntl. A.do e y of Stratford; Mrs. M. L I33ake,•Mrs. T. B. Stewart, and Miss Lillian Gale, all of London: There care six grand- children, five of `salioip were present NOTICE Take notice that the Court of Revision will meet at Clinton on the 30th day. of October, 1945,,at 7.30 o'clock in the evening, in the Council Chamber, re—the matter' ;of . assessment apears. The Municipality of the ,Ttiwn .of Clinton M. T. •CORLESS, CIe'1.k and Treasurers, - ,THURSoAY, oCTOBEl1ri25y 1 45 Red Shield The • regular• meeting of, the ,R,• S. W. A. was held in the work rooms with 21 members and three visions present: 11 your boys are going td g' g be over- seas for C. hristmas please. let "Mz•si Leppington ,know .the change of .ad. dresses. Donations are.�- gratefully' t fully' roceivedi Glee Club $>`v; Mrs, Lampman — babies second-hand clothing. The Red Shield gave 500 ; articles to the clothing dive lest week. Ladies tb serve next week are Mrs, Burton, Mrs. Charles Elliott, Mrs, Ken Elliott. Articles brought in: two hand-knit sweaters by Mrs. Shaddick; twopairs socks• two hurr- p:a]rs socks, rs. Churc- hill, Two quilts were quilted. The collection was $1.95, The regular meeting of Red Shield was held in the work rooms Tuesday afternoon, October 16, with 18 mem- bers piesent. The devotional period was taken by the Lieut of Goderich S,. A., after which the president, Mrs. Trewartha, took charge of the meeting, Collection was $1.45. Donation was made of one quilt top from Mrs. R. Cree. The Red Shield wishes to thank all persons who . have left' second- hand clothing at the door of their work room. The meeting closed with a dainty, lunch. Members serving lunch next week are Mrs. Shaddick, Mrs. Mulholland, Mrs. Livermore SirRil Engagement AIL' Mr, and Mrs. Frank Lobb announee, the engagement:'of their elder daugh• - ter, l onna Maxine, to Technical Sergeant Derx'ald 31', Perrin, TJSAIA.F, son of Mr, aiid Mrs. Frank Perrin, Council Bluffs; Iowa, the marriage to take place the early part. of Novem- Happy War Workers Club Happy War Workers of the Huron Road held their October meeting at the home of Mrs. Arnold Jamieson. During the afternoon, a quilt was quilted, after which a dainty lunch was served, The nextmeeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Cliff Glazier. on Thursday, Nov. 1, BA RTLIFF'S The Home of Good Eats PHONE 1 YOU, TOO, CAN SOON YOUR NAME FOR VICTORY! BUY VICTORY BONDS SUPPORT CANADA'S 9fhVICTORY LOAN G. R. McEwan Co, "OFTEN THE CHEAPEST, ALWAYS THE BEST" PHONE 84 rifote lazrsce Peree",•' BUY VICTORY BONDS BROWN'S One Door North of Royal Bank , meal THEY DO COME BACK! No article of wearing apparel, unless actually worn out, is hopelessly unfit to come back. Our method of dry- cleaning brings to the surface that newness which pleased you when you bought it, and gives it an A-1 rating once again.' Gather up those things you have laid aside, give us a ring, and shortly they'll cone back ready for duty. C D Ai�j GLIDDON'S PRESS SHOP 5 -Day Service • We. Call For and Deliver Press. While Phone U Waif" 17.5 TAG DAY WILL BE HELD ON Saturday, October 27 TO ASSIST THE BLIND Sponsored' by Clinton Lions Club Applications Wanted for • PUBLIC LIBRARIAN Applications will be received by the undersigned for the position of Librarian of •Clinton Public Library, -applicants `,with University matriculation standing .preferred. Information as to salary and -duties may be obtained from the Librarian .or any member of; the Board,. Applications must he -in. the •hands, of the Secretary -by October 31. CLINTON PUBLIC LIi1RAIRY .BOARD y, I3. 7. GIBBII'7GS, Chairman: MISS. M. i