HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-10-25, Page 2PAGE TWO CLINTON. ,NEWS-1tECORD CLINTON- -MUST DIG 'Local Committee Relates Advantages of Purchasing The local executive has issued the following appeal in behalf of, the ap- proaching campaign: Canadian Armed Forces have been victorious in the battlesfor Liberty One,,,great challenge awaits the civil ian people to show that we are, in some measure, worthy of our victor ious Armies: • The Campaign for the Ninth Vic- tory iatory Loan opens on Monday next This is "The Victory Loan." The minimum•, quotas for Clinton•and sur- rounding Municipalities are: Clinton $240,000.00. Goderich Township $120,000.00 Stanley, Township $144,000.00 Hullett Township $142,000.00 Tuckersmith Township. $142,000.00 We would bring to your attention the following: (a) AMI Victory Loan Bonds are today selling at par or higher, the first issues at =a con- siderable premium. (b) The Minister of Finance has advised there will not be a further public loan for at least ayear. (c) Tile money anarkets are such that many believe that this will be the last chance, at least for a long time, when Dominion of Can- ada Bonds can be bought to yield as high a rate as 3%. (d) No one has tti 411410 • BUY MORE BONDS in peace let's stand united. BUY MORE BONDS 'Till everything is righted. BUY MORE BONDS Hold high the torch kept lighted Sy eur'gallant dead. t BUY MORE BONDS You'll have 12 months to pay them BUY MORE BONDS Your nrvinge will•defray them BUY MORE BONDS .And keep the 9th Loan rolling As We march shoed. Sing to the tune of "Praise the Lord end Pass the Ammunition." Kozp Grill BASIL THROWER, Proprietor `iCTQRY BQNibS ever regretted having bought Victory Bonds. (e) Many boys from this area have made the supreme sacrifice far the "Liberty" we today, are en- joying. (f) Many, more 'require long hospitalization and convalescence.: (g) All_returning- must be re- established in civilian life. ° The peopleof this community take second place to none in Canada in. any patriotic endeavor. It is good business to buy Ninth Victory Loan Bonds. It is also a privilege and a patriotic duty to do so. - The war is, won. But there remains the task of bringing back and re-establishing those who haye done the winning. We are again counting ,on,.your sup- port, which you so loyally gave while the guns were firing. We appeal to you te, invest heavily' in the Ninth Victory • Loan. It is good business for yourself. It will re-establish those today whom we, rightly, so highly revere. (Signed) -: F. Fingland, Huron County Vice -Chairman; A. J. McMur. ray, Clinton Chairman; A. M. Knight, Clinton Vico-Chairman. Young People's Group Has Large Attendance • .At Regular Meeting The Young People's Federation of Clinton and vicinity held- its regular meeting in the Church Hall of Wesley Willis United Church on Monday night, October 15, with a splendid attendance. The president, Sgt. Bill Conon; was in the chair and opened the meeting with a splendid' sing -song with Miss Mary Lane : at the,. piano. The Ontario St. Young People were in charge of the worship period and this was conducted by their presi- dent, Miss Florence Aiken, assisted by Miss Maxine Miller who read the Scripture and Rev. C. C. Anderson, who offered prayer. The president wecomed three new members of the executive who are: Miss Marianne Merrill, president of Ebenezer Young People's Union; Miss Waneeta Henderson, president of Brucefield Young People's Union, and Rev. C. C. Anderson, min'ster of Clinton and ,Auburn Baptist churches who, on account of being the new president of the Clinton and district branch of the Canadian Council of Churches, becomes the new honor ary president of the federation, The guest speaker of the evening, wes Miss Patricia Nugent, Toronto, who is- the president of the National Yormo• People's Board of the Relig- ious Education Council of Canada: Miss Nugent gave a very in•tructive talk dealin¢ with the work of the Board in the various places across Canada, and, telling .how the group here could share in this nation-wide ecumenical movement. At the close of her talk she gave a short Thanks- giving message, Miss Nugent's talk was thought-provoking and challeng- ing and everyone enjoyed it very much.' The president, assisted by Mary Lane, was in charge of a recreation period at which time all present could relax and have seine fun. The mem- bers of Wesley -Willis served` delicious refreshments with Mrs. Benson Sut- WAY Clinton Committee Heads TO FRANK FINGLAN'D,. K.C. A. J,Me-MURRAY Huron County Chairman and Vice -Chairman Salesman George IL Jefferson is chairman of publicity A. M. KNIGHT V,ice-Chairman Women Find Meat Tokens Boon in Buying of Meat Consumers Branch State The women .are finding :meat tok- ens a boon to aid in the buying of meat, according to Mrs. J. D. Det- wiler, chairman of the Consumer Branch Committee for Western, On- tario. These tokens enable small families to buy sufficient quantities of meat without feeling they are ex- pending too much of the coupon fox purchases, Mrs. Detwiler said. Any woman who fails to make use of these tokens is only cheating her- self and family out of her rightful quota of meat. She is able to budget her meat supply for the week to the very best advantage, and is rapidly becoming familiar with the approxim. Ate amounts of meat she can obtain for various numbers of tokens. There is another advantage to tok- ens that makes visiting even with meat rationing no embarrassment to the guest and no trial to the hostess. When visiting for a -weekend now a few tokens can be taken along and, left with the hostess, In this way no one feels forced to give a full week's coupon for meat beng eaten while on• a weekend visit and yet the visitor will be relieved that she can in some measure compensate her h$stess for using meat from her own limited rations, Mrs. Detwiler point- ed out. ter, Miss Ruth Potter and Mrs. Bill Coni on, the committee in charge. A social half hour followed and this. was indeed a highlight of the even- ing. Miss Marianne Merrill voiced the appreciation of all present for the splendid evening. The meeting closed with a Fellowship circle and the singing of taps, Hugh Hawkins and Hawkins Hardware r 0 0 X'f/% 0 Victory Loan is to help provide Canada With funds needed for national obligations. But with your savings secure in Victory Bonds you have provided yourself with the key to security and to post-war opportunity. cC24 'ni ioia name ',(rot ni ■nit ■ V iC1i■■It� ■ T When you buy Victory Bonds, for whatever reason, you are fashioning the key to your personal security. You are invest- ing in national securityfirst of all. Canada can only have a secure future by fulfilling her obligations as a nation with world-wide interests. Your fust reason for supporting the 9th LESLIE BALL AUTO SUPPLIES Y , TORY !BONDS v 0%// .���/%�%%�/�%//%%//////// Reds Edge ' -Whites 21-18 C.C.I. Basketball Game • The current basketball season got awayto a good start when two teams from C.C.I. hooked up in a thrilling game before a fair crowd. of students, ',Reds edging Whites+ 21-18. Play in the first quarter was slow with exceptionally close checking. Dilling put the White's in front with a field goal mid -way through the quarter and that one basket ended the scoring for the quarter. In the second quarter, the Whites shot the book at the Reds and counted ten points against four points for the Reds. That made the score 12-4 in favour of the Whites at half 'time. The Reds really started to roll after the intermission when Kennedy, R. Miller and Elliott, combined to score 12 points against two points for the Whites, tying the game at 14-14 at the three-quarter mark. The Reds kept their offensive in the final period and emerged vic-I *ions 21-18. Dilling of the Whites led all scor- ers with eight points; R. Miller gath-I ered Seven points and Kennedy, B. Haply and Elliott collected six points apiece. Line-ups: Whites -Johnson, centre; B. Haply, Dilling, wings; ,Robinson, C: Haply, guards; Denomme, Colquhoun, subd. Reds -Kennedy, centre; Matthews, D. Miller, wings; Elliott, R. Miller, guards; Fingland, Haddy subs. Referee -C. Johnson. Sugar Rations Announced For Discharged Personnel 4 All service personnel, whose ap- plication for ration books is dated on or before October 31, may obtain the 20 coupons for sugar for canning, according' to an announcement of W. Harold McPhiIlips, prices and supply representative for Western Ontario: Further than this, Mr. McPhillips said that all ration books issued to discharged mem and women after. October 81 and up until December 31 .of this year, should contain ten extra preserves coupons for sugar for canning. This would be over and above the current preserves coupons which would be in the book. 0 NEWS -RECORD' Advertising Paye. EET s-P- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25:.1945 Detajled Results Of C. C. I. Meet Let-iled results of Clinton Colleg- iat: Institute Athletic Meet held' last u, k, are as follows; Boys' Events SENIOR -,100 yards -Fred Kirby, Leonard Johnson, Ross Dilling; 220 yards -Kirby, Dilling, Johnson; 440 y n ds --Kirby, Dilling; half anile -- Yirby, Dilling; standing broad jump - John MacDonald, Dilling, `.Gerald El- liott; running broad jump Dilling, Johnson, MacDonald; hop, step and jump - Johnson, MacDonald, Stuart 'McBride; running high jump -Alex Kennedy, MacDonaId, Elliott; shot- put --Sim Jackson, MacDonald, Dil- ling; pole vault -MacDonald, William Robinson, pilling. Points totals -MacDonald' 20, P11 - ling 20, Kirby 20 (on basis of five points for 1st, three for 2nd, and one for 3rd place.) Results were unique in the .fact that three boys --John MacDonald, Ross Dilling and Fred Kirby -were tied for the senior boys' championship with 20 points each. INTERMEDIATE, - 100 yards - Doug. McDonald, Robert Allan, Charles Hanly; 220 yards -Hanly, McDonald, 'Allan; 440 yards-Hanly, George Jackson, Allan; half mile - Haply, Jackson; standing broad jump -Allan, McDonald, Frank Fingland; running, broad jump= Hanly, McDon- ald, . Fingland; hop, step and jump- Ilanly, Allan, McDonald; high jump- McDonald, Allan, Haply; shot put- Hanly, Bill Hearn, Fingland; pole vault -Allan, Bob Miller, William Matthews. Point total - Charles Hanly 32; Robert Allan 21; Doug' McDonald 20. (basis of five -three -one.) JUNIOR -100 yards -Martell, Don Miller; 220 yjards-Martell, MilI,er, Ross Colquhoun: half mile -Tyndall, Colquhoun, Ted Hann; standing broad jump - Miller, Martell. Colquhoun; running broad jump -Miller, Douglas Hesk, Martell; hop, step and jump Miller, Hann, Martell; high jump - Miller, Co'quhoun, Hann; shot put - Martell, Tyndall, Colquhoun; pole vault -Martell, McConnell, Marshall. Points totals -Don Miller 26; Mar- tell 25. Girls' Events SENIOR -50 yards -Marion Peck, Mary Lane, Margaret Colquhoun;. 75 yards -Lane, M. Colquhoun, M. Peck; running broad jump -M. Peck, M. Lane, Lois Middleton; soccer kick - Doreen Armstrong, M. Peck, Elinor Glew; running high jump -M. Col- quhoun, Ardyss Inkley, Beverley York; standing broad jump -M. Peck, E. Glew, A Inkley; target throw L. Middleton, M. Peck, E. Glew; basketball throw -Eileen Sutter, L. Middleton, Ally Lou Thompson; base- • ball throw -A. Inkley, E. Glew, M. Peck.' Points totals - Marion Peck 23, Mary Lane 11: ,Relay race=1st. (E. Glew, D. Arm- strong, A. L. Thompson, M. Col- quhoun); 2nd ---(M. Lane, A. Inkley, M. Peck, L. Middleton); 3'rd-t(C. 'Wendell, M. Glidden; G. Lobb, B. York)- INTERMEDIATE' - 50 yards - Grace Lobb, Kit Fingland, Blanche Zaphe; 75 yards -G. Lobb, K. Fing- land, ean Nediger; running broad jump -K. Fingland, G. Lobb Joan Fines; soccer kick -Z, Fines,'Cr. Lobb, J. Nediger; running high jump: - B. Zaphe; J. Fines, G. Lobb; target throw -.J. Fines. B. Zapfe, J. Ned- iger; basketball throw -•,G. Lobb, Doreen McGuire, Isobel Chowen; base ball throw -D. 'McGuire, J. Nediger, B. Zaphe; standing broad jump - G. Lobb, K. Finland, J. Nediger. Points totals -Grace Lobb 27; Joan Fines 14; Kit Fingland 14. Relay races -1st (B. Zaphe, Jean Elliott, Doreen. McGuire, Grace Lobb); 2nd (Jean Nediger, Isobel Ohowen, Joan Fines, Kit Fingland). JUNIOR -50 yards -Anne Rusty, Evelyn MacDonald, Shirley Jones; 75 yards -E. MacDonald, A. Rusty, S. Jones; running broad jump -Dorothy McGuire, Mary Fulford, Nancy Ford; standing broad jump. --N. Bird, A. Husty, ID. MacDonald; running high jump -Betty Potter, s. MacDonald, D. McGuire; soccer kick - Jeanne Garon, E. MacDonald, Mary Beatty; softball throw -J. Garon, S. Jones, A. Husty; target throw -Edna Bay- ley, E. MacDonald, Jean Longman; basketball throw -E. MacDonald, J. Garon, Betty Stewart. Points totals -••• Evelyn MacDonald 27; Jeanne Garon 13. Relay race-lst(E. MacDonald, A. Husty, J. Garon, M. Fulford); 2nd - (L. Wood, N. Ford, D. McGuire, S. Jones); arc' -(E, Bayley, M. Falcon- er, E. Cox, L. Crich-. l•a .i and someday,WE'LL take a tri ! " p OMEWHERE. in the back of your Mind, there's that urge to go places: Right now it must 'be filed under "Future" but it's part of us as Canadians to want to discover for ourselves what the rest of the world is like—to plan for that "some day,: when we'll take a trip! That's why' it must be part of our planning now, to make sure such pleasant things as trips are possible in the post-war world. And they'll be possible only if,we fight `against inflation -fight NOW to keep Canada's dollar worth a full dollar! Why is NOW so important? Be- cause NOW civilian goods are scarce, money is plentiful. NOW is the time we must guard against paying more than things are worth—against black markets—against buying more than we need, or goods we don't need! NOW is the time we mustsupport rationing and price controls! Up to the present, we've kept our dollar sound. And we can continue to do so if we keep up a strong, steady fight against inflation! if we fail in this fight, prices will rise. Wages will never quite catch up. Soon you'll pay, perhaps a dollar for a quarter's worth of goods! And that means your dollar is worth only a quarter! . That's inflation. And after inflation; comes de- pression. Depression means neither you nor anyone else in Canada will have trips. You'll be lucky if you have a job! ' So, for our own sakes, for the sake of returned men, for our children, let's never relax our struggle to keep Canada's dollar worth a full dollar! Publ'rhe d by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) to, reveal the dangers of Infation. NIU1OM ISRIilll.MIIsni.s1 Make this Pledge Today! i pledge myself to do my part in fighting inflation: ay observing Motioning and avoiding back markets in any shape or form. By respecgng price controls and other anti-inflation measures, and re- fraining from careless and buying. I will not buy two where one will do, nor will I buy a "new" where an "old" will do. By buying Ylttory Bends and War Savings Stumps, supporting tax•, anon and abiding by all such measures which will lower the cost of living and help keep prices ata BREWI normal level. -