HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-10-18, Page 7CLINTON .N,14WS-R,ECQ1Lb - PAGE atvEN: S1r PAGE Prize Winners Announced For Bayfield Fall Fair r School Displays Needlework Handsewnuilt block Jean Camp- bell, am q p- bell, S.S.' 10, Goderieh; Helen Stew- art, S.S. 1, Stanley; Barbara Middle - 'Eon, S.S. 10, Goderieh; 'Evelyn! Bell, Bayfield Sr,; Marion Dawson, S.S. 3, Stanley; Mary Beatty, S.S. 6, Stanley. 'Quilt pathh-John. Dowson, S. S. 3, Stanley; Ruth Snelling, S.S. 3, Stan- ley; Anna Porter, S.S. 3, Stanley; Ruth Clarke, S.S. 6, Stanley; W. Ostrom, 8.8.6, Stanley; Gordon Porter S.S. 3, Stanley. Cloth or oilcloth toy- , anion. Dowson; Tom Penhale, S.S. 3, Stanley; Jean Keyes, S.S. 6, Stanley; Ethel Blair, Bayfield .Sr.; Norma Sturgeon, Bayfield Sr.; Evelyn Bell, Bayfield Sr. G. M. McBwan, alinton, Special for most points needlework- Marion Dowson, Crafts Paper mat woven -Bobby Webster, S.S. 6, at:ploy; Joyce Peck, S.S. 3, Stanley; Marilyn Steckle, S. S. " 3, Stanley; Gerald Clarke, S.S. 6, Stan- ley Coreen Dawson, S.S. 3, •Stanley; Stan- ley; Dowson, S.S. 3, Stanley. Plas- ticine model -Margaret Howard, Bay. field Jr.; Lois Webster, S.S. 6, Stan- ley; Barbara Taylor, S.S. 3, Stanley; Patsy Scotchmer, Bayfield; George Beatty, S.S. 6, Stanley; Shirley Bran- don, Bayfield. Picture cutout -John Dowson; Billy Parker, Bayfield; Bar- bare. Brandon, Bayfield; Shirley Brandon; Nancy Webster, S. S. 6, Stanley; Donna •Sturgeon, Bayfield. Flourand salt anodel---E'dtta Jackson, S.S. 1, Stanley; Billy Parker; 'Tom Penhale, S.S. 3, Stanley; Billy Peck, S.S. 3, Stanley; Ruth Sneiling; Grant Webster, S.S. 6, Stanley. Junior scrap book -Stewart Broadfoot, S.S. 1, .Stanley; Ruth Jackson, S. S. 1, Stanley; Billy Parker; Marzery Web- ster, S.S. 6, Stanley; Jack M Gregor, 1, Stanley; Bob McGregor, S.S. 1, Stanley. Current events scrap- book - Marion _ Dowson; George. Beatty; Evelyn Bell, Bayfield Sr.; .'trivia: Chutor, B.S. 6, Stanley; George .Keyes, S.S. 6, Stanley; Gloria Wesley, Bayfield Sr. Woodwork Model Gloria Westlake; Marion Dowson; Tom Penhale; George Castle, Bayfield 'Sr.; Lenore •MeGnire, S.S. 8, Goderieh; Jean Sturgeon, Bayfield, Illustrated poster Marion Dow - son; Jean I{eyes; Tom Penhale. Grass painting, '(grades' 1 -5) -Billy Parker; Joan McLeod, Bayfield; Shirley Bran- don;. Margery Webster; .Phyllis Work- tnan, S. S. 7, :Stanley; Billy Peck Glass painting, (grades 6-10) Evelyn. Bell; Rosemarie Arkell, Bay- field -Sr.; Gloria Westlake; Betty Larson, Bayfield .Sr.; Jean Keyes; Tom Penhale. Writing poetry (grades 4 -6) -Helen Stewart, S.S. 1, Stanley; Donna Sturgeon; Tom Penhale; Janet McLeod, Bayfield; Margery Webster; John Moffat, S.S. 10, • Stanley. ' Writ- ing :poetry (grades 7-10) - Betty Heard, Bayfield Sr.; Marie Stirling. Bayfield Sr.; Ethel Blair, Bayfield Sr.; Betty Lou Larson, Bayfield Sr.: Rosenparie Arkell; Jimmy Aikenhead, S.S. 10, Stanley. Printing nursery rhyme -Lola Chutor; Helen McLeod, Bayfield Jr.; Verna, Eyre, S.S. 10, Stanley; Jacqueline Cluff, S.S. 10, Goderich; George Telford, Bayfield Jr.; Marion Makins, Bayfield Jr. Composition - George Keyes; Tom Penhale; Gloria Westlake; Jean Campbell, S.S. 10, Goderich; Charles Guest, Bayfield Sr,; Ethel M. Blair. Collections Named leaves (grades 2.5) -Gor- don Porter; ,Ruth Snelling; John Row- son; Marion Horner, S.S. 6, Stanley; Bob McGregor; Annie Porter, S.S. 3, Stanley. Named leaves (grades 6-10) -Grant Webster, S. S. 6, Stanley; Keith Keyes, S.S. 6, ,Stanley; Vivian Chutor; Marjorie Rowson; Marion Dowson; George Castle. Grasses and legumes - Marion Dowson; Gordon Porter; Anna Porter; Tom Penhale; Ruth Snelling; John Dowson. Table bouquet - Marion, Dowson; Evelyn Bell; Anna Porter; Tom Penhale; Ronald Taylor, S.S. , Stanley; Helen Blair; Marjorie Rowson; Ruth Snell- ing. A. T. Cooper, Clinton, special prize for best vase -Marion Dowson. Fruits, Grains and Vegetables Beets -• John Middleton, S. 8, 10, Goderieh; Nancy Webster, S. S. 6, Stanley; Jean. Campbell; Donald Warner, Bayfield Sr.; Morris Taylor, S. S. 10, Stanley; Keith Keyes. Car- rots (long) - Jean Campbell; John Middleton; Olive Aikenhead, S.S. 10, Stanley; Katherine McGregor, S.S. 1, Stanley;. Marion Makins; Shirley RADIO .FORUM MEETINGS OCT. 23-WINGHAM Town Hall 001'. 24-.CLINTON-Dept. of Agriculture Oct '25 EXETER 8.30 P.M. Mr. Wesley Neelands, Secretary, Ontario Forums ' Mr. A. 0. Savage, .Secretary, Ontario Cooperative Union National Film Board Pictures . ADMISSION ' FR•EE EVERYBODY WELCOME • Brandon. Carrots (short) - Jean Campbell; Billy Parker; George Baird, S. S. 10, Stanley; George Beatty; Bobbie Parker, Bayfield; Matilyn Steekie, Spanish onions - Barbara Middleton; Jeep Campbell: Evelyn Bell; :Ruth Snelling; "Gerald Keyes. A. 0. V. onions -•-, Helen Blair; Barbara Brandon; Shirley Brandon; •Evelyn Bell; Gary Shaw, S. S. 1, Stanley; Jean Sturgeon Potatoes -.Evelyn Bell; Donald' Bell Bayfield; Thelma Baird; Barbara Brandon; Marion Horner; Margaret McClymont, S.S.;6, _ Stanley. Table corn -Marion Horner; Ruth Snelling; Keith Keyes; Anna Porter; John Middleton; Tom Penhale. Popcorn- Donald Warner; Ronald :Tay'.or;; George Beatty; Frank Hill S.S. 10, Stanley. Sunflower - Douglas. Dick, S.S. 7, Stanley; Jean`Campbelle Jack McGregor; Don McGregor; Jean Mc- Gregor; Bob McGregor, Sheaf of wheat -Margaret McClymont; Donald Warner; Bob McGregor; Billie Park- er. Sheaf of oats -Tom Penhale; Margaret McClymont; Donald Warn- er. Sheaf of barley - Margaret Mc- Clymont; Gerald Parsons, S. S. 7, Stanley. Apples -Barbara Middle- ton; Tom Penhale; Margaret Mc- Clymont. Pears Marion Horner; Ethel Blair; Billy Dowson; John Dow - son; Marion Dowson; Gerald Keyes. Domestic Science Salad plate -Jean . Campbe'.l; Ruth Snelling; Anna .Porter; Bobbie Park- er; Rosemarie Aekell; Janet ,,McLeod. School lunch box - Ruth .Snelling; Barbara Middleton; Marion Dowson; Ruth Clarke: Anna Porter; Evelyn Bell. Tea biscuits - Ruth Clarke; Barbara Middleton; Margaret Mc- Clymont; Ruth Snelling; Maiion Dowson; Marion Horner. Horses Heavy Draught Gelding or filly foaled in 1942 or previous -Fred Roney, lat and and; Sherlock Keys, 3rd and 4th; foaled in. 1943 -Sherlock Keys; foaled in 1944 -Sherlock Keys. Agricultural Brood mare with foal Toe Gelinas. Elmer Webster; foal -Joe Gelinas, Elmer Webster foaled in 1943 -Har- vey Turner, Joe Gelinas; foaled in 1942 - Fred Roney, 1st and and, Elmer Webster '3rd 'and 4th. Harness Single roadster or carriage -Currie and Trivet, 1st and 2nd; heavy draught team -Fred Roney, •Shorloek Keys; agricultural teen: - Fres Roney, Elmer Webster, Special Prizes Scotchmer's. Hardware, Bayaeid; special for best showing of horses by one exhibitor -Fred Roney, Elsner Webster; Simpson's, London, for best, suckling colt shown by boy under 18 years -Joe Gelinas; Lloyd Makins, Bayfield, -for best heavy horse on grounds -Fred Roney, 1st and 2nd; John. Howard, Bayfield, for largest number, of entries in horses, cattle, sheep and swine -Fred Roney; best tandem outfit -Fred Roney. Dairy Cattle Jersey or Guernsey Bell, any •age -John Howard; milch • cm a•sur a What makes a little farm a BIG FARM It bas been said that ":.,rich man is only a poor man with money". You have alsolieard that "money makes the mare go" and that "nothing succeeds like success". Old sayings like these tell you to see the manages of the Bank of Montreal if you need money to make your farm a better faun -if you see oppottutaities for in- creased income from increased ,production. 'Youdo not ask a favour when '.you asic for a loan at the tank of Montreal. Lending money is aur f'MY 'id', m,ttfo4 cioot4Nl R'.Rtin.5M;a o.> Yk%h .n'!A"QYMS.•SL business and our manager will welcome the opportunity of dis- cussing your ,plans with you. He will be glad to study your pros- pects with you, plan with you, discuss actual and promised revenue, and work out with you a plan of convenient repayments.. Many big farms -successful farms - in all parts of Canada were little farms once. For their de- velopment many of their owners have relied on timely loans from the Bank of Montreal. Your B of M manager invites you to share their -experience. 13 Ai'�`K.0E ONTREAL working ruit8 Cdoaciiiti,s In every walk of tie since I827 Clinton Branch: W. ,II• ROBINSON, artinager Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Monday and Thursday • cow - John Howard; heifer calved Olymont; special by Goderieh Salt 1944 -John Howard, • Co .Ltd; f exli;bitor, having most Beef Cattle points=Mzs M. Mc4,darn; five points, O, Battler, sex points, Fred McCly- Shorthorns mont, five points, Bull calved 1944 or previous -Wil Do ti • rsoie>[1Ce Bain Oestricher, lst•, 'and 3rd, Bert Peck, 2nd; bull calved 1945 -- Bert White bread -W. J. Clark, Eimer Peck, William Oeetricher; mulch eow Webster; graham bread-Elmr ;Web - William Oestricher, Bert Peck, 2nd ater• Boston brown bread- Elmer mid 3rd; heifer' calved 1944 --William ebster; nut bread- Mvs. Metcalf, 0estricher, 1st and 3rd, Bert ort P'ec]t" ;Elmer Webster; . lemon pie - Mrs.' 2nd, Ciifford.•'Keys 'an- Son,4th; Wm McAdam,. Mrs, ' M. McAdam; heifer calved 1945 -William Oetrich-, apple .pie -`Elmer Webster, W. J. errs Bert Peek, 2nd, and 3rd. Clark;raisin pie -W. J. Clark Mrs. Special Prizes M. McAdam; layer cake - W. J. Goderich Salt Co., for .best showingClark' , Mrs. Wm. McAdam,, SCOURS— of 'beef cattle by one exhibitor "- Rachel: Johnston,,• Mrs. Wm. McAdam; William Oestricher, Bert Peck; Sinew- vegetable salad -Mrs, Metcalf W. J. son's, London, for best beef calf, any l,Claris;:cookies- W J. Clark, Fred bred, exhibited by' boy or girl over McOlymont; spiced eake - W. J. tel years and under 18 -Marion Peck; Clark Elmer Webate ; .sponge ca ce- George Beatty, Varna, for beat group Mrs. M. McAdam Mrm. cake- George Shorthorns-William Oestricher; Adam; 'buns -W. 3. Clark, Fred Mc - T. Eaton Co., Ltd., Toronto, for best Clypiont; tea biscuits-Raehel John - heifer calf, six months and under. one stoic W. J. Clark; ginger 'biscui - year, bred and raised -Marion Peck. W. J. Clarle, Fred McCI Mont• muf- Y Grade Cattle fins - Mrs, Wm McAdam A If. Eeifer calved 1945-R. Manson, 1st Feaa McClymont• tomato juice -Mrs. and 2nd; steer calved 1945--R. Man- Wm. McAdams, A. H. Warer; school son, 1st and and. lunch -W. J. Clark, H. A. Fuss; bak- Sheep ed beans --H. A. Fuss, Mrs. M. Me - LEICESTER -aged ram -R. Man- Adam; cold' :lunch -H. A. Fuss, Mrs. son; shearling ram -William R. Pep- Wm. McAdam; pickles O. Battler, per; ewe; two shears or over Wil Mrs. •Metcalf; catsup and meat sauce Ram ,R. Pepper; shearling ewe -Wm. `Mrs• Wm. MGAdam, 1st• and and; R. Pepper, 1st and and; ewe lamb- canned fruits -W- J. Clark, O: Bat. Wm. R. Pepper, lst and 2nd. tier; canned vegetables -0. Battler, LINCOLN --ram' lamb --Snowden Mrs. Wm. McAdam; -canned meats-- and Grainger; ewe lamb - Snowden W. J. Clark, H. A. Fuss; bee products and Grainger. OXFORD - aged ram• -• Donald Dearing; ram lamb -Donald Dearing; aged ewe -Donald Dearing; shear - ling ewe -Donald' Dearing, 1st and 2nd; ewe lamb -Donald Dearing, 1st and 2nd. DORSET HORN aged ram -P. E. Dearing', 1st and and; shearling ram P. E. Dearing; ram lamb -P. E. Dearing, 1st. and 2nd; aged ewe -P. E. Dearing, 1st and 2nd; shearling ewe-sP. E. Dearing,. lst and and; ewe Iamb -P. - 17, Dearing, • ist an and. SPECIALS - Robert Simpson Co., Toronto, Tot best pen. of three ewe lambs -P. E. Dearing; Campbell's Drug Store, Goderieh, second prize - William R. Pepper. YORKSHIRE-aged boar - A. H. Warner and, San; brood sow --A. H. Warner and San,. 1st and 2nd; sow littered in 1945 -LW. R. Lola:), A. H. Warner and Son, 2nd and 3rd. MARKET HOGS --pair bacon hogs -Gerald Snyder, lst and 2nd. SPECIALS -T. Eaton Co., Toronto, for best three export bacon hogs - Jim Lobb, Gerald Snyder; Caraia Packers, Clinton, for best sow, ars breed -A. H. Warner and Son. • Poultry JERSEY BLACK GIANTS - pullet, hen and cockerel - Inn Mc- Clymont, 1st and 2nd in each. NEW HAMPSHIRE REDS - pullet and cockerel - l e4 Me0lymont, lst and 2nd in each; hen -Ivan McClymont, Elmer Webster. RHODE ISLAND Warner; meat loaf - Mrs. Metcalf, -Paul Cleave; honey -Paul Cleave, Elmer Webster; maple syrup -Mrs. Wm: McAdam, Fred McClymont; 1 special, by Goderieh Salt Co., Ltd,, for exhibitor having meet points -W. J. Clark, Mrs. Wm. McAdam, Grain and Seeds White wheat -O. Battler, H. A. Fuss; white oats -H. A. Fuss; bar- ley -H. A. Fuss, F. McClymont; pea beans -0. Battler; red clover seed - Elmer Webster, 0. Battler; sweet clover - 0. Battler, Snowden and Grainger; timothy - H. A. Fuss, Elmer Webster; flint corn -Mrs. M. t McAdam; dent corn -Mrs. Wm. Mc- $ Adam6 F. McClymont; tallest corn stalks -F, 'McClymont, HOLSTEIN BANQUET i'Huron County Tickets' far Huron County Holstein Breeders' Association annual :banquet in - Qntario Street United Church, Hog FrodUeers . Clinton, at 7 p.m , Monday next, Favour Scheme October 22, may be secured at Huron County Agricultural Offipo, Clinton, or from J. W. "VanEgmond, landscape water colour -Mrs. Met- calf, M. Livingston; fruit water col- our -M. Livingston; flowers, water colour -M. Livingston,' H. A. Fuss; crayon drawing -M. Livingston; pen and ink drawing -M. Livingston, H. A. Fuss; water colour painting on silk M. Livingston; hand painted china --M, Livingston; stencilling on fabric -M. Liiingaton, H. A. Fuss; fruit in oil -M. Livingston; flowers in oil -M, Livingstop; pencil sketch - M. Livingston. Ladies' Work LIVING ROOM ACCESSORIES-- table centre piece --Mrs. Metcalf, M. Livingston; cushion, embroidery -M. Livingston, O. Battler; cushion. any other kind - M. Livingston, tri, A, Fuss; card table cover -M. Living- ston, H. A. Fuss. , DINING ROOM ACCESSORIES -- table cloth and serviettes -M. Living- ston, H. A• Fuss; tea cloth, cut woxdc-Fred Wallis, M. Livingston; tea cloth embroidered -M. Living- ston, H. A. Fuss; tea cloth crochet- ed -M. Liyingston; centrepiece - M. Livingston, H. A. •Fuss; luncheon set -H. A. Fuss, 1M. Livingston; buf- fet set -M. Livingston, H. A. Fuss. COLOURED LINENS -card table uncheon set --M. Livingston, H. A. Fuss; buffet set embroidered - M. Livingston, H. A. Fuss. BEDROOM ACCESSORIES-Hem- stitcheii` sheets -M. Livingston, Mrs. Pierce; pillow cases, hemstitched -M. Livingston, •Mrs. Pierce; pillow eases -embroidered-Mrs. Pierce, Snowden and Grainger; pillow cases, lace - trimmed -M. Livingston, H. A. Fuss; embroidered towels -H. A. Fuss, M. Livingston; towels, crochet trimmed-- H. A. Fuss, M. Livingston; dressing able set, embroidered - 161, ton, Snowden Snowden and Grainger; • tea towels, ;embroidered -0. Battler, 11. A. Fuss. CHILDREN'S WEAR -Girls' wool ocks-H. A. Fuss; girls' wool mitts - H. A. Fuss; girls' parka hood --H. A, uss; boy's sweater, pullover -Fred Wallis, Mrs. Wm. McAdam.; girl's ardigan sweater - Fred Wallis, H. A. Fuss; ' ,child's dress made front old garment - H. A. Foss, M. Livingston; child's play dress - Imer Webster, M. Livingston; baby's aekgtl; and bonnet, crocheted -H. A. uss; baby's jacket, bonnet, knit - Mrs. M. McAdam, ' Mrs. Win: Mo Adam; baby's' bootees, knit -Mrs. M. cAdam, Mrs. Wm. s",fcAdam; baby's Fruits • Fall pears -Mrs. Metcalf, F. 'Mc- s Clymont; winter pears - Mrs. Met- F calf; plums -F. McClymont; peaches - A. H. Warner, Mrs. Metcalf; a grapes- Paul Cleave, Mrs. M. Me - Adam; collection grapes - Mrs. Met- calf, Rachel Johnston; basket fruitc- Mrs, Metcalf, F. McClymont; hamper E Northern spies-'Stewart`Middieton; hamper ,McIntosh Reds - Stewart Middleton; hamper, any other fall apples -Stewart Middleton; hamper, any other winter apples - Stewart M Middleton; basket, Northern Spies - Stewart Middleton, F. McClymont; basket McIntosh Reds - Stewart Middleton; basket, any other winter apples -Stewart Middleton, F. Mc- Clymont; collection winter apples Stewart Middleton, F. McClyomnt; crab apples -Stewart Middleton, F. REDS -- pullet, hen and cockerel -0, McClymont; Baldwin F. McClymont, Battler, 1st in each: Ivan McClymont (2nd); Blenheim Pippin -S. Middle - 2nd lin er, 1st cock-4. Battler. BAR- ' ton; Golden russet -Mrs. Metcalf, F. RED ROCKS, UTILITY - pullet - McClymont; Tonapltins-S. Middloton, Ivan .McClymont; cock, hen and cock - ':rel - Fred McClymont; BARRED ROCKS, EXHIBITION -pullet, cock, hen and cockerel --0. Battler. WHITE tone Tatman Sweet -S. Middleton, F. ROCKS, UTILITY, -pullet --•O, Bat- McClymont; Wolf River -F. McCly-. tier, 'Ivan McClymont;' cock and hen Ivan. McClymont, 1st in each, Snow- den and Grainger, 2nd in each; cock- erel -Fred McClymont, Ivan IVleCly- mont. WHITE WYANDOTTES -- pullet-Ivan McClymont, 1st and 2nd; cock -Harold Penhale; ben -0. Dat- tler, Ivan McClymont. BRAHMAS, Early potatoes -0. Battler; late DARK - hen, cockerel,` cock and potatoes -O. Battler; white sugar pullet -0. Battler, 1st in each. BUFF' mangels-Snowden and Gra'nger; F. ORPINGTONS - pullet and cock- McClymont; yellow intermediate erel-Ivan McCiyanont 1st :and 2nd mangels -- Paul Cleave, F. McCly- in each. LIGHT' SUSSEX - pellet mont; yellow globe mangels-Snow- and cockerel -0. Battler, 1st in each, den end Grainger; heaviest turnip - Ivan •IllcClymont 2nd in. each; cock- Paul Cleave, Snow;ten and Grainger; 0. Battler; hen-0.,•Battler, Harold table turnip -Fred Middleton, John Penhale, ,ANCONAS-pullet- Ivan Middleton; carrots, long - W. J. McClymont; hen -0. Battler; cocker- Clark, 0. Battler; carrots, short - el -0. Battler. Ivan Mcclyrnont. Mrs. H. Cox, 0. Battler; beets -A. H. ANDALUSIANS-pullet, Harold Pen. Warner, Raehel Johnston; parsnips- hale, 1st and 2nd; coag Harold Pen- 0. Battler, A. If. Warner;,winter hale; hen -Ivan McClymont. LEC4 radishes - 0. Battler; cabbage -- OANS, BROWN -pullet and cock- Snowden and Grainger, Mrs. H. ere, -•Ivan. McGlynngnt, 1st and 2nd Bauer; Chinese cabbage '- Fred cock 'and sten-Ivan McClymont, lat Middleton; cauliflower --,Mrs. H. in each; LEGHORNS, WHITE-pul-Bauer, 0. Battler; white nions-0. let-, cock and; cockerel -0, Battler, Battler;; yellow onions -W. J. Dow - 1st in each, Ivan McClymont, and inson, b. Battler; red• tamatoes-Mrs, each; hen -Harold Penhale, 0. Bat- Metcalf, 0. Battier; yellow tomatoes tler. BLACK MINOROAS - pullet, -Mrs. Metcalf; largest tomatoes - hen, and cockerel --Ivan McClymont, Mrs. Metcalf;, fruit tomatoes -Mrs. lst anal 2nd in each.. BLACK HAM, Metealf; collection peppers - Mrs. BURGS --pullet, hen•, and cockerel -0. Metcalf, Eimer Webster; hot peppers Battler. -0, Battler, John :Middleton; pepper MUSCOVY DUCKS -old drake -•- squash -W. J. Clark, Mrs. Metcalf; watermelons -O. Battler, F. McCly- mont; muskmelons -0. Battler, D: H, McNaughton;. citrons -Mrs. NI. Mc- Acltum, 0. Battler; hubbard squash. - Harold Penhale, 0'. Battler; vegetable marrow -0. Battler, F. McClymont: pie pumpkin --Harold . Penhale, Mrs.' H. Cox; largest pumpkin --Mrs. M. McAdam, Harold Pedhale; gherkins - Snowden and" Grainger; cucumbers - Mrs. ,Metcalf, W. J. Clark; sunflow- er -O. Battler; collection garden herbs - Mrs. Metcalf; special, E. Breckenridge, Goderieh, for most points in vegetable section' -' 0. battler, Plants and Flowers Collection cut flowers -Mrs.' Met. calf; small bouquet -Mrs. Metcalf; table bouquet -Fred Middleton, W. J. Clark; • .asters -Fred Middleton, Mrs. M. McAdam; cinema--•=1V1'xs. M. Mc- Adam, Mrs. Wm. McAdam; dahlias -- Mrs. Wm, McAdam,.. Mrs. M. Mc - Allam gladiolus Snowden and Grainger maiieolds-Snowden and Grainger, Mrs Wm. McAdam; pan- sies -0 Geiger; petunias -Fred Mid- dleton roses -Mrs. Metcalf. Mrs. II. Bauer salvia. --Mrs. M McAdam, P. Middleton; verbenas -Fred . Middle, ton zinnias -Mrs. Win. McAdam; A. 0 V. -- Mrs H. Bauer, Mrs. Wm. McAdam. 'Fine Arts Landscape oil -M. Livingston Mrs. Ma+roll• k4An:.1 fn ,•41' AT TF.•;.;...••+..,..; F. McClymont; McIntosh Reds - S. S Middleton; Northern Spy -S. Middle. ton, F. McClymont; North Star -F, McClymont (2nd) ; Snow -S. Middles moat (2nd); A.O.V. fall apples -F. McCiytnont (2nd); A. 0. V. winter apples -S. Middleton, F. McClymont; most perfect apple, any variety -S. Middleton. Vegetables Harold Penhale, Donald Dearing; duck -Donald. Dearing, Harold: Pen - hale; young drake and young duck Donald Dearing. PE'KIN DUCKS - old and young drake- o'd and young duck'' -0. Battler. ROTTEN DUCKS - old drake -0. Battler, Elmer Web- ster; old duck and young duck -O. Battler, lst in each, Snowden. and Grainger, and in each; young drake - Elmer Webster, Snowden and Graing- er. INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS - young drake and young duck - 0. Battler. EMBDEN GEESE - old goose -Elmer Webster. BANTAMS -- pullet and cockerel -Lewis Taylor; cook - D. H. McNaughton, Billy Stephenson; hen -Billy Stephenson, Harold Penhale. PIGEONS - old male --Arthur Peck, Billy Stephenson, oldi female -Billy Stephenson, let and 2nd; young male and young female John Middleton, 1st and and. SPECIAL - best dressed goose by Mrs. Ed. Gaseho, Zurich -0. Battler. Dairy Produce 5 .lb butter 'block --F, McClymont, Mrs, Wm, McAdam; 5 lb. butter erode - Fred Wallis, W.'J. Clark; fancy print butter -0, Battler, Mrs. sal, McAdam; cottage cheese Mrs. Metcalf lard -Mrs. M'cAtta n F. Me Civmont' paie dressed chickens - Mrs. M. McAdam W J. Clark; heav- iest dozen eggs, white -0. Battler, Fred McClymont; heaviest dozen ,mss brew: --O, Battler. Fred Me - Fourteen -•delegates were present from Huron Countyi pints at a special meeting of the Ontario . Hog Pioduners' Association in the ' King Edward Hotel Tuesday, when the Ontario Department of Agriculture's scheme for themarketing and process sing of hogs, produced` in this ;prov ince, .was thoroughly discussed. o The delegates reported on, their return that the conference had been most successful. Thirty to 40 delegates from vaxious points in Ontario were expected at the meeting, but ibefore it got well. under way there were 200 on hand. Those from this immediate district were Bert Lobb, representing Huron County Federation of Agriculture; Alfred Warner, Goderieh Township; Robert McMillan, McKillop Township; Arnold Jamieson • and W. V. Roy, Ii!u iii(tt 'Township, the Igttlsrc- retary of the Federation of Agri- culture. ' A large banquet was held in the Crystal Ball ,Room, King 'Edward Hotel, when Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Ontario Minister of Agriculture, de- livered a most inspiring and instruc- tive address, The Minister comment- ed' thatit was the largest marketing gathering of its kind in the history of the province. Ip subsequent issues, The NEWS - RECORD will attempt to explain, some of the features of the marketing scheme, as advanced at this week's meeting in Toronto. Pierce, Mrs. H. Cox; fine socks -M. Livingston, O. Battler. Home Manufactures Bedspread tufted in candlewick -- 0. Battler; quilt, applique -IL A. Fuss, Rachel Johnston; quilt, cotton patched -M. Livingston, O. Battler; quilt, cotton plain -0. Battler, H. A. Fuss; fancy' comforter - 0. Battler, H, A. Fuss; goose down comforter - M. Livingston, H. A, Fuss; crocheted. afghan: -M. Livingston; hearth rug - Ed. Foster, 0, Battler; •braided mat, silk - M. Livingston, H, A, Fuss; home-made soap - F, McClymont, Elmer 'Webster. LIST OF' JUDGES ' HORSES --James Norris, Mitchell; BEEF CATTLE, SHEEPAND PIGS bootees, crocheted -H. A. Fuss, M. -Humphrey Snell, Clinton; DAIR1 Livingston. CATTLE - Bert Lobb Clinton,.- LADIES' WEAR -Practical aprort POULTRY - Leo ;, O'Brien, Zurich; -0, Battler, H. A; Fuss; house dress DAIRY PRODUCE William II. A. Fuss, 0. Battler; smock -M. O'Brien, Zurich; CHILDREN'S DE - Livingston; knit 'pullover - Fred PARTMENT-Miss Morley, Detroit, Livingston; handbag -M. Livingston, esey eBayfield; LADIES' wimuc Wallis H. A. Fuss; fatte - yapron-M. Mich.,Mrs.Anna Brown Ohio' fore 0. Battler; ladies' dress from old gar- Mrs, John Zspfe, Clinton, ' Mrs. nient-M. Livingston, H• A. Fuss; Charles Twitchell, Clinton; GRAIN home dyeing - Mxs, H, Cox, 11. ,AND SEEDS Mrs. R, F, Stade,• Livingston. Zurich• DOMESTIC SCIENCE -Mrs, MEN'S WEAR --sport shirats-LI. A. Stade, Mrs. John Gaseho, Zurich; Fuss, M, Livingston; nyjamNf. p+RUIT-George Johnston, Bayfield; sweate Livingstor han, H. A Fndkriit-Mrs.ussM•; McpuAlloverdam, FLOWERS -Miss F. R. Cuninghame, . Clinton; FINE ARTS -Miss Lucille H. A. Puss; mitts -0. Battler, M. Grant, Clinton. Livingston; heavy seeks - Mss, YOUR FARM LABOUR . PROBLEM Running water is essential -in the home, the stables, poultry houses and greenhouses - saves time, labour and promotes better and healthier living conditions. NEW DURO 'PUMPS are available in greater quantities today, but shortages of Materials and. Labour will not allow the Duro Factory to produce enough to meet the demand. All Duro Dealers are on a quota basis and permit to purchase must be approved by W.P.T.E. EMCO FIXTURES AND FITTINGS Fpr Kitchen, Bathroom and Laundry. Visit your Emco Dealer for available styles, H. R. H,1P! WKJNS Phone 244 Clikto daifi.i.[t '•. EMC< AMg* EMPIRE BRASS 'CO.,`11+i'G:'LIMITED • Serviae':ffoni any branch London 'i'ianiilton Toronto Sudbury :Winnipeg Vancouver