HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-10-18, Page 4PAGE P.ou 0111EN S Ar LINTOsC1 NEW BECOAD' Wall Paper FOR FALL HOUSECLEANERS From our Stock of over 20,000 Rolls of Wallpaper er o p p you canselect suitable papers for any room. Just now we have some bundles of room lots 2,t reduced prices. We Feature Sunworthy A. T. COOPER. In Business Since 1885 Store Hours: 8.30 am. to 6 p.m. Phones: 36W, 36J x Don't Forget - , Now is the time to get your HALIVER CAPSULES the best to build resistance to Coughs and Colds. You, who have used them know what they will do; if you are not one of them, get them now, and go through the winter free from colds. Parke Davis Haliver Capsules -100 for $1.50, Take 1 a day and Keep Colds away . Oka 2t J. .Ilam W. S. R. HOLMES, Phm. B. PHONE 51 -- CLINTON, ONTARIO NOTICE . , Take notice that the Court of Revision will meet at Clinton on the 30th day of October, 1945, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening, in the Council, Chamber, re—the natter of assessment appeals. The Municipality of the Town of Clinton M. T. CORLESS, Clerk and Treasurer MASS. MEETING ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH Friday, October 19 at 7.45 P.M. HURON PRESBYTERY—UNITED CHURCH .OF CANADA SPEAKERS:—Rev. G. W, Moore, Listowel Rev. Duncan McTavish, President, London Conference PANEL DISCUSSION: (a) Sunday School: Rev. Harold Snell; Clarence McClenaghan. (b) Elder and Congregation: Rev. A. Lane; George Jefferson. (c) Returned Man: Rev. W. A. Beecroft; Mr. Copeland. Joint Choirs of Wesley -Willis and Ontario Street Churches. SONG SERVICE at 8.00 p.m, led by B. J. Gibbings, J.P. 7.45 pan.—Organ Recital with C'hitnes by Mrs, Edward Weeded. C'O'ME EARLY TO GET A SEAT Victory Dance, TO THE MUSIC OF TONY CRYANIS BIG 10 -PIECE BAND Direct from, Stratford's "Blue Room" 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. ���a.A•v 1 VM Vadr IN THE DRILL HALL AT RIIC.AS. RADIO SCHOOL CLINTON' ADDED FEATURE RAFFLE FOR $1.00.00 VICTORY BOND' Join the happy crowd at this outstanding , entertainment attraction of the fall season. ADMISSION 50c TICKETS ON SALE AT McE,W'AIN'S BOOK "STORE i Red Shield` The regular meeting of the , R. S. W. A. was held in the work rooms with 16 members :paying their mem- bership fete to begin a new year. Donations are gratefully received: Mss. L. Cox, second-hand` clothing; Mrs. B. Cree, 1 -heavy quilt top; and second-hand valuable clothing from some person who left no name. Stanley Ladies Club: 15 diapers, one baby's gown, one quilt, three pairs men's socks. A presentation was made by Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Cook, Mrs!Halikirk, Mrs. Cree to James Perry giving him a large quilt and new pair of flanelette blankets from the members of the Red Shield in appreciation • of liis assistance. Annual Report Annual report from October 1. 1944 to September 31, 1945, is as follows: Members attending,' 951; visit- ors, 34; collection from teas and home balling, $106.80; donations, $200.30; fees, $11;25; •auction sale, $206.05; . concert, .$52; grand total, $580.90. The following articles were packed. during the year: 433 pairs of socks, 45 sweaters and 16 were made by Miss Maude Chambers, five scarves, 30 pairs. mitts, 29 pairs pyjamas, ' 53 quilts, one afghan, 157 dresses, nine layettes, four cot quilts, 29 women's and girls' night gowns, 115 pair girls' panties, one bed Jacket, one •apron, 12 •pair of new shoes, one baby's sweater, five pair of sleepers, 13 boy's socks, one box of gloves, 16 slips, four pairs of overalls, two sun suits, one woman's vest. two blouses, two •brassiers, 15 men's and boy's trousers. 15 caps, 13 boy's suits, 18 child's dresses, four infant's gowns, one hunting bag. Articles given out were: 1,052 new articles of wearing apparel and quilts; 600 art'.cles of refugee cloth- ing; 41 ditty bags last Christmas and 380 skeins' of yarn. The above amount includesarticles sent by other clubs such as Happy War Workers, Lafalot Club, London Road and Stanley Clubs. Ladies to serve at next meeting are Mrs. Crich, Mrs, Cook, Mrs. Lucas. Bazaar Under Auspices of Holmesville Woman's Association and Women's Missionary Society Saturday, October 27 Officially opened at 2.30 p.m. .Baking, Fancy Work, and Apions. Tea will be served. Menu: Pressed Chicken . Sa'ad Pie or Cake Tea 70-2 FALL Junior Farmers' Dance auspices of Clinton Junior Farmers and Junior Institute Friday, Oct. 19, 9 p.m. TOWN HALL, CLINTON Armstrong's O.chestra Admission: 50c per person 70-2 MOVING PICTURES Sponsored by STANLEY TOWNSHIP FEDERATION OP AGRICULTURE in S. S, No. 10 SCHOOLHOUSE 2,30 P.M.—For Children, and 8.00 P,M.—For .Adults and Children Monday, October 22 There will also be a speaker on the Ninth Victory Loan BAZAAR under the auspices of the WOMEN'S INSTITUTE' will be held on Saturday, November 3 front 3 6 p.m. in A'GRICULT'URE BOARD R00'111S BOOTHS:—Home Baking Novelties (Guessing Contest) AFTERNOON TEA Menu: Chicken and Salad Plate Bread and Butter . Pie and Tea 30e EVERYONE WELCOME 71-3 BAZAAR Under Auspices of S. S. No. 4, Goderich Township, RED CROSS UNIT SATURDAY, OCT. 20 Council Chamber, Clinton HOME -BAKING — SEWING KNITTING — FARM PRODUCE Officially Oeened at 3.00 P.M. Huron Presbytery Y.P.U. Plans Fall Rally Here The annual fall 'rally of Huron Presbytery Young People's Union, United Church of_ Canada will be . held in Wesley -Wallis United Church, Clin- ton, on Friday evening, October 26. The theme will be "The Crusade for Christ and ,His Kingdom," and the therne speaker •will. be Rev. Rob, ert 1'. Bates, Motherwell. Registration takes place at 7.30 p.m., followed by a. singsong and theme address- Discussion groups will be, led as follows: Christian Fellow- ship, Rev. R. A. Brook; Christian Missions, 'Rev. A. B. Irwin; Christian Citizenship, Rev, S. H. Brenton; Christian Culture, Rev. A. S. True- blood. Music appreciation will be given by Arnold( C. Earl, A.W,C.M. e Wesley -Willis W. A. Holds ,Successful Country Fair Proceeds -Exceed $126 Good weather favored the annual "Country Fair" held under the aus- pices of; the W. A. of Wesley -Willis Church, in the Lecture Room on Sat- urday, October 13. The gallery ,and walls were bung i with pretty quilts, afghans, and mats; and tables 'of antique china and silver added to the interest. • Orange marigolds on the tables and orange streamers on the lights carried out the Hallowe'en effect, The visitors were received by the president, Mrs. M. •Nediger. The tea and supper were well pat- ronized. Mrs. Reg Shipley was con- venor and her assistants were: Mrs. W. Oakes, Mrs. P. Livermore, Mrs. J. P. Manning, Mrs. G. Miller, Mrs. F. Hanley, Mrs. A. Haddy, Mrs. W. Jervis, Mrs. J. Fraser. ' Salads were prepared by Mrs. G.' Jefferson, Mrs. G. VanHorne, Mrs. Laidlaw, Miss W. O'Neil, Plates were arranged, . by Miss Brig- ham and Mrs. H. Gould. Tea was made by Mrs. Saville and Mrs. C. Nelson. Other assistants werejirs. F. Andrews, Mrs, Joe Car- ter, Mrs: W. Match. Mrs. F. Fingland,har charge of the baking booth, her helpers were Mrs. Freel, Mrs. Adams . and Mrs. A. Seeley, Fancy work and 'aprons were sold by Mrs.7. Addison and' Mrs. Pickard. The decorations were arranged, by Mrs. A. T. Cooper, Mrs. M. T. Corless and Miss Margaret Davies. Mrs. Morgan Agnew played the piano during the afternoon, and Miss Mary Lane at the supper hour. Proceeds amounted to something over $126. The ladies were well pleased with the results of their efforts. If you have guests, let the NEWS - RECORD know. Phone 4. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Wallis spent the past weekend in Milton. Mrs. Philip Sperling, Loudon, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sparling, LAO Willard Aiken, RCAF, Tor. onto, arrived home' Monday on a fortnight's leave. Aldi Ghairles W. and Mrs. Poueher„ Barrie, were callers at The NEWS - RECORD Office Saturday. • Pte. .Anthur Pecks, Orion, Alta., visited this week with his cousins, Me. and Mrs. Wilier Wallis. M. and Mrs. Stanley Shobbrook, Barbara and Wesley, Toronto, were the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shobbrook. J. A. Sutter, president, and several members of Clinton Lions . Club, at- tended the regular meetings of God- erich Lions Club Thursday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. Fred 23`, Chant, Pitts- field, Mass., U.S.A., are the guests this week at the home of the former's brother-in-law and •sister, Mr. and Mac, John 'Sutter. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Adair, Monk - ton, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Adair and LfCpi. and Mrs. J. Adair, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs, H. L. Tom- linsbn over the weekend. Miss Shirley Sutter has completed her three-year training course in Stratford General Hospital and will spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sutter. . Miss Patricia Nugent, Toronto, who was the guest speaker at the Young People's Federation on Monday night, was the guest of Sgt. and Mrs. Bill Conron and Mr. and Mrs, Benson Sutter, Rev. Arthur Sinclair, Blyth, con- ducted morning- worship; in Wesley - Willis United' Church Sunday in the absence of Rev. Andrew Lane, who was preaching at anniversary ser- vices in that village, Mr. and Mrs. James Shearer; Vir- ginia and Stewart, Bright, Mr. and •Mrs, George McLay and Katherine, Clinton. were guests. on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton, Goderich Township, Pt^. and Mrs, Alex Moore and daneheer Annabel, Aurora, visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Tomlinson last week. Pte Moore just returned home after serving three years over- seas in Italy and Europe, Rev. Andrew . Lane, minister of ONTARIO ST. W.M.S 'Wesley -Willis United Church, was preacher at the morning anniversary The W. M. S. of Ontario Street service of St. Andrew's United United Church held its meeting Tues- Church, Blyth, Sundae. Fie took his clay. October 9, with Mrs. Burton text from Joshua 4:6: "What mean presiding and Mrs. Treleaven, pianist. yeR v.thesestories?" orilteel. rector of St. Mrs. Bouton opened the meeting with Paul's Anglican Church, officiated at a poem "What Thanksgiving Is", and the funeral serv'ce in St, George's a hymn `Come Ye Thankful People, I Anglican Ch»rch, Goderich, Monday Come", and the Lord's Prayer in J afternoon for Charles P. S. Craman, unison. Mrs. E. Kennedy took chargeafternoon of the church for the past three years, who d'ed thole Saturday night in his 70th year. AMONG THE CHURCHES of the devotional period: and read the Scripture lesson and led in pray- er. Hymn 93 closed the devotion. Delegates were appointed to the sectional meeting. Arraa.gements were made for the Autumn Thank - offering meeting• Which is to be held on the evening of October 24, when Miss Ballachey will be guest speaker. Mrs. E. Kennedy wag presented with e Life •Membership certificate.• Mrs. Olde. •then gave a very vivid descrip- tio» and most interesting talk on the "First Protestant Mission i n Western Ontario." Mits. Farnham read a paper .on Temperance. The third verse of; hymn 322 re- peated in unison closed the meeting, ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN 8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion. 11.00awn.—Morning service. 2.00' p.m. -Children's service. 7,00 p.m.—Evening service. 0 BAPTIST Bible School 1:0 a.nr, Evening Woeship-7 p.m. The work of the Ontario Temperance Federa- tion will be presented. Next Wednesday, Prayer meeting of will be held at the home of Mrs. J The 'autumn Thankoffering Ontario St. United Church W. M. S. will be held on Wednesday, October 24, at eight o'clock in the School Room Of the Church. The guest speaker will be Miss NI. I. Ballachey, C.G.I. teacher, recently returned missionary teacher from Trinidad, who was designated to that work by the Women's Missionary Society of Canada. Her' talk will, be of the work in Trinidad and will be illustrated' with a beautiful set of colored slides." Women's institute Morgan at eight o'clock. Can any person be strictly honest if he fails to attend and support some place of worship? Answer this ques- tion 46:10. in the still hour of life. Psalm o ONTARIO ST. UNITED 11 a.nt,—Rev. F. G. Farrill, M.A., B.D., former minister, will preach. Near, noon—Sunday school will con- vene Anniversary Services at Turner's Church 2 p.m.—Rev, F G. Farrill, M.A.,. B,D., minister of Giles Boulevard Clinton Women's Institute will United Church, Windsor, will be the hold its regular monthly meeting on speaker. Thursday, Ootober 25, at 3 p.m. in 7.30 p.m,—Rev. Harold Snell, B,A., the Agricultural Board Room. Please Auburn, will be the evening guest note change of time. George Jeffer- speaker. All are welcome. son will be the guest sneaker, and a Friday, Oct, 19—Crusade for Christ grand program is being prepared. and Hie Kingclom. Mass meeting- of Hostesses for the day will be Mos- Huron. Presbytery. Wcsliey-4Vljllis dames Nelson, Webster, Epps, Card- and Ontario St. chpirs,ministerial well, Harrison and Heard. Ladies quartette: President of conference, are all invited. Rev. Duncan. McTavish, will speak. Missionary From Africa ' WESLEY-WILLIS UNITFID Addresses W.M.S. Group Sunday,' October 21--11/orning wor- ship, 11 a,m. The sacrament of Bap- tism will be dispensed. Church School, The W. M. S. Thankoffering meet- 12.10 pm.; evening worship, 7 Min- ing was held in the Lecture Room of sermon subject: "Playing at Life," Wesley -Willis United Church, Wed- Friday, October 19 — Remember nesday evening, October 10, with a the Eur•on Presbytery Mass Rally in very good -attendance. the interests of The Crusade for, The meeting was opened with the Christ and His Kingdom, in Ontario president, Mrs. Frank Fingland, in St. Church et 8 p.m. It is for every - the chair, and Mrs. Adams pianist, body. Please try to be present. A hymnwas sung sand then a prayer The first Fireside gathering of was given by Mrs. P. Manning. The Wesley -Willis United Church will be scripture lesson was read. by Mas. F. held .after the regular service Sunday Potter, and after Thenkoffering, the night. The special 'speaker will be Dedicatory Prayer was given by Mrs. Miss Margaret Ballachey, There also Jefferson. will be special music. Miss Mary Lane rendered a very In the report of the "Covenant" pleasing solo, and Miss Stone a short Bible Class of Wesley -Willis Uniited reading. Church, for, • the quarter ending Miss Edith Clarke, who has been September 30. the following members a missionary in Africa for;20 years, qualified for honors: Mesdames W. J. gave a very interesting talk on her Nediger:, G. E. Siaville,, A. C'antelon, work there., The, meeting' was Hien W. J. Tough .and Miss Laidlaw. M. closed with a hymn: andMizpab Bene- 'Emnnerson, M. German, Mr. and: Mac. was ' followed diction. This. by a�John McFarlane, and George JefferMINIIIINIIINIIIIIIISIMISIMmora - TIiuR.SDAY;'43Cb'(1n•Nii lsf•i 45 WESLEEY-WILL'IS GIRLS' CLUB The Girls' C ub of Wesley -Willis Church held its autumn Thankoffer- ing meeting en Tuesday evening, October 9, in the church. Mrs. Miller,: president, opened the aneeting Mrs. Agnew and Mrs. Adams were pianists' for the evening. -Mrs. Jefferson and Mrs. NZanning were in charge of the devotional .exercises after which Mrs. Oakes sang "Teach me to pray." Mrs. Miller read Are we a grateful people", which conveyed a message. of Thanksgiving for a year ending M Victory. Miss Margaret Ballachey, '0,C.I. teacher, was guest speaker, and spoke interestingly on Trinidad. By lantern slides she showed the beauty of the island, and the education and religious system employed 'by the Canadian Mission station were re viewed. Mrs. Oakes sang another very fine solo: "Lead me all the way." After singing hymn 567 the Mizpah Benediction closed the meeting. 40 members and visitors gathered in the recently furnished church parlor to spend' a social hour and. had lunch served by the group leaders. RATION COUPON DUE DATIta Coupons now valid are sugar 46 to 65, butter 116 toe 126, preserves 33 to 57, P1 to P19, meat Ml to M7. e Priorities on the sale and distribu- tion of corrugated paper and solid fibreboard cartons and shipping cases have been abolished, according to the Wartime Prices awl Trade Board. Safiurday, SPECIALS DO NUTS SUEYS LEMON TARTS PUMPKIN PIES BARTLIFF'S The Home of Good Eats PHONE 1 Receive 18 New Members At Wesley -Willis Church Sunday ,October 7, was World "Wide Communion Sunday. At Wesley - Willis Church, 18 new members were received into the fellowship—'eleven by transfer from. other congregations' and seven by profession of faith in Jesus Christ. Their names follow: Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Musgrave, Edith and Bert Musgrave, MM. and. Mrs. Norman Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton, Gordian Grigg, Donald Haddy, Raymond Hog- garth, Ted Hann, Donald Miller, Kenneth McAllister and David Sperling. r Metal Waste Paper Containers Handsomely Hand -Painted in colors that will blend with the modern decorating of your. home. PICTURES Exquisite reproductions of water color scenes. A gift always in good taste. $2.00 $1.35 Miniature Canadian ;Calendars Scenes of Canada. Each month with a different scene. 25c Photograph Holders and Bud Vases bound with Lucite. A new transparent product of plastic. Very artistic and ornamental, 95c to $6.00 SPECIAL Watch for our Special Table that will feature an assort- ment of merchandise to be cleared at greatly reduced prices. G. R. McEwan Co. "OFTEN THE CHEAPEST, ALWAYS THE BEST" PHONE 84 Men's 'and Women's Coatings and Suitings at Reduced Prices BROWN'S One Door North -Of Royal Bank DAY CL.EA171110 5 -Day Service We Call For and Deliver No article of wearing apparel, unless actually worn out, is hopelessly unfit to come back. Our method of dry- cleaning brings to the surface that newness which pleased you when you bought it, and gives it an A-1 rating once again. Gather up, those things you have Laid aside, give us a ring, for and dshortlyuty. they'll come back ready THEY DO COME BACK! GLIDDON'S PRESS SHOP Press While U Wait TAG DAT WILL BE HELD ON Saturday, October 27 TO ASSIST THE BLIND Sponsored by Clinton Lions Club Phone 115 Applications Wanted for PUBLIC LIBRARIAN Applications will be received by the undersigned for the position. of Librarian of Clinton Public Library. Applicants with Univea'sity matriculation standing ,preferred, ' Information as to salary and duties may be obtained from the Librarian or any member of the Board. Applications must be in the hands of the Secretary by October 31. CLINTON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD B. J. GIBBINGS, Chairman. MISS. M. Ai, STONE, Secretary,