HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-10-18, Page 3; • ; 1411LIRSIOAT 0011()ftER• 18 1045 . . , PAGE THREE •One.evening recently a noted news commentator, in speaking of an event of world-wide interest„ opened his remarksby saying: "Prime Minister Churchill, like all great men, has gone down to defeat!' • Have all great mon gone down to defeat? One could go through the history of the, ;world and time after • time we" would see instances of where men and women have 'given their all to their country, and yet for some reason or other, defeat has been their" People claim that it is much better to be taken Home at the -heightof their power, but no matter how they have striven to do their best, nor how sudden has been their call, yet tha'e are always, some who will find fault. Apparently, practically all earthly men and women, at some time or other, are defeated. One does not need to take any public office hoping never to meet with any unpleasant- ness, for it will be sure to strike us. Nor can'we hope to retain an office year after year, putting our very best into the work and yet in the end not meet with defeat. There are Many times when our sympathy goes out to those who have worked hard and have given a great deal of their time to bring about some projeet. They have accomplished what seem to meet with ingratitude. It ,may be we should not judge these things, 'for we dd not know • all the circumstances bat we can at leadt have our tlionghts. Again we ask the question: "Do all great men go down to defeat?" No, they do not, The Cweatest Map who ever lived did not go down to defeat. Let us look back over the centuries and visualize a scene just outside the walls of Jerusalem. There, on Mount Calvary, are three crosses. On the' centre one, Jesus Christ ' the Saviour of the World, i$ handing. On either side, on a similar cross, are two malefactors paying the price for their sins. Jesus, the Son of God, was sinless and was hanging there to satisfy the jealousy and hat- red of the, mob who were jeering around the Cross. He had left His Pather's Home up above of his own free will that He might come to. earth in order to save us from the due sentence for our sins. Here He lived a life such as no one else lived. He chose the disciples to carry on His work and taught them haw to spread the Gospel when He had left them. He performed many miracles healing the sick, mak- ing the deaf to hear, and the lathe to walk, and for these things the . they set out to do and yet their efforts people with' the exception, of his im- 10» 9 Answer: Borden's Ice Cream. Yes, this delicious treat is enjoyed by everyone. That cool, creamy -smooth Borden's ice cream is a grand dessert. Why not give your family this irresistible dessert whenever you can? AT YOUR NEAREST BORDEN DEALER Take home Borden's brick or. MelOrol Ice Cream next time you see a Borden Ice Cream sign. 1.11111 VMS 1, PROFESSIONAL' DIRECTORY I H. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Fire Insurance Agent Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies Division Court Office, Clinton Frank Fingland, B.A.,LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Newry Yeihm Successor to W. Brydone, K.O. Sloan Block — Clinton, Om ARTHUR E. PARRY Coniinisaioner, Etc. Etc. BY Revd. Warrant. H. C. MEIR Rarrister-az.Law Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Ontario Proctor in Admiralty. Notary Public and Commissioner Office in the McKenzie Hotel Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tueedsya and Fridnys. Dr. F. G. Thompson House and Office, Ontario Street Cliiiton. Telephone 172 OFFICE HOURS: 2-4 in the after- noon and 7-8 in the evening daily Other hours by appointment. D. II. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Electro, Therapist, Maseage Office: Huron Street, (Few Doors west of Royal Bank) Hours—Wed. and Set., and by appointment • FOOT CORRECTION oy Manipulation Sun -Ray Treatment Phone 207 DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinary Surgeon Phone 203 Clinton, Ont. ERNEST W. HUNTER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 67 'Blow Str. W. Toronto Ont. EDWARD, W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer For Buren Correspondence promptly answered Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at the News - Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. Charge moderate and satisfaction Guaranteed. • HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Anetiameer Specialist in Farm and Efousehold Sales. Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable; sidle - action guaranteed. For information etc. write or phone Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4 Seaforth, phone 14-661. 06-032 Insurance Protection Automobiles, fire, wind, accident, sickness, Hospitalization. Cheapest rates and most modern coverage. M. G. RANSFORD 180w CLINTON INSURANCE REAL ESTATE BONDS Fire ' — Automobile — Accident Sickness, Wind, Liability, Plate Glass Family Hospital Plan with Accidental Death Benefit H. C.Lawson Agent Mutual Life Ass. Co. Clinton, Ontario. Office 251W Bank of Montreal Bldg. Phone MRS. KATHARINE MARSTON Editor of The Elora Herald, who has been awarded the Lorne Eedy trophy for the best editorial page in smaller weekly newspapers. mediate followers, became jealous of Hun and finally they persinded one of His own chsciples to betray Him. Then followed a trial such as the world has never seen. There was no justice in connection with it, arid finally Jesup was ondernned to death by Pilot, a judge who was too coward- ly to stand up for the right. Those of us who know the story of the Life of Christ can recall that march from Pilot's judnnent hall to Mount Calvary. We can well imag- ine Christ hanging on to the cross while with the other hand outstretch- ed, He healed the sick and maimed. At last His strength failed, and Simon the Cyrenian was conmelled, to. bear His cross. Has it ever occurred to us what a wonderful privilege it must have been for Simon to beer the cross for Jesus? 'Would we have done it unless under severe compul- sion? When we will not accept His free gift of Salvation, we would not likely be willing to bear any burden for Him. At last we have r:ached t'' e place of the cross. The final act of barbar- ism had been finished and the Saviour of the World was paying the penalty of our sins, not His own, for He knew no sin. By His sacrificial • death on the cross, Jesus Christ purchased for us Eternal life. As He shed His blood He gave us a saving grace which, if we accept, will make us co -laborers with Him .through all Eternity. Surrounding the cross was a very angry crowd. It is true that there were a few •who srere sympathetic with Him. There were those who could not understand the condition at all. The vast majority of them thought that our Saviour had gone down to defeat. They had hoped that He would be an, Earthly King and as that did not develop, they were guite convinced that defeat was His., Among those who were sympath- ,etic were His Mother, the two Marys, the .disciples minus Judas, and a few others who knew Him personally. Also among the rabble were Roman soldiers, scribes, Pharisees, Saducees, Chief Priests and elders who led the mob crowd. There were some who stood afar off. They were looldng on at what they deemed a defeat, They, too, are helping to crucify our Lord, although they are not near enough to be join- ing -with the mob rule. As •sve look at thein, we can identify the ,grocer at the corner, our neighbors, many of the people who go to the scrim church as we do. Then we look closer. Yes; there are some members of our own family. Surely it cannot be true but yes it is. I am there and: if you look closely' enough you will find, that you are also Imes, ent. Every day each one .of us crucifies the Lord Afresh, by our thoughts, our words and our actions, We cannot blame the crowd who sten(' there for we are just as bad as any one of them. Let us think over that carefully, and prayerfully ask God to help us, and to keep us from joining the throng who are virtually saying: Cemetery Memorials Large stock of modeim memorials on display' ai our Clinton Showrooms For the convenience of our patrons, office will be open on Fridays Open by appointment at any other tine See Mr. J. J. Zapfe, next door Cunningham & Pryde clam — Exeter,— Renfortb PHONE 41 014Standing" NOWS, Iteni of the Week 411 HMO County ASSESSMENT RAISED • BUSINESS MAN DIES SEAFORTH—The assessment roll was presented to 'Town Council by Assedsor Wffliam Anient, who said he expected. quite a• number of. ap-. peals againat the increased assess, ments. The total assessment is. raised $124,655 over last year, an eight per cent increase. • LOAN comParriEB WINGHAM Wingliam hen organized the following committee for the Ninth Victory Loan, v.ith Frank Howson as ,chairman; finance. R. H. Lloyd, C. A. -Roberts, Mayo -r Fred L. Davidson, F. W. Spry; pay- roll, Charles. Roberts, R. it. Lloyd, W. H. Gesney, E. Copeland; public relations, E. S. Cmieland, W. W. Armstrong, W. T. rCruichshank. OBITUARY ..••••••••=11111., . MRS. BLLA MAY SHAW The .funeral won. held Tuesday afternoon from the residence of D. P. Shaw, Brigden, of. Mrs. Ella May Shaw, Clinton. who died in Clinton Public Hospital, 1Vienday, October 15, 1945,' in her 45th year, fol'owing. an illness of several months' duration. Interment was in Bear Creek Ceme- tery. A daughter el the late Mr. and Mrs. William Rutledge, Goderich Township! deceased was a graduate of Goderich Collegiate Institute and Stratford: Normal School. For •15 years she was a teacher at Merwin Heights,- North London. Surviving are two daughters, Von- ica, Sarnia; and Marilyn, Strathroy; and a sister, Mrs. Wilfred Seeley, Clinton. MRS. ISAAC MARWOOD A funeral service was held! Friday afternoon in Bali and Zapfe's Funeral Parlours for Martha Jane Machan, wife of the late liaise Marwood. who died in Clinton Wednesday, October 10, in her 80th yeat 'after a lengthy illness. Rev. C. C. Anderson officiat- ed. Interment followed in Blyth Union Cemetery. Born in Hibbert Township, Perth County, August 25,. 1866, deceased had resided most of her life there and at Londesboro. She was married 35 years age. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Earl Gillkons, Tampa Florida, and a niece, Ms. Fred Hasse; Seaforth. MRS. REUSEN GRIGG The funeral was held from her late residence, Maple Street, Clinton, on Saturday afternoon of Mrs. Reuben Grigg, who died there suddenly at noon on Thursday, October 11, in her 65th, year. Rev. G. G. Burton, minis -tel. of On- tario Street United Church,' conduct- ed the services assisted by Rev. Charles Tavener, Holmesville, and Rev. W. J. Rogers, Dungannon. In- terment was in Maitland Cemetery, Goderich. Pallbearers were her,mix sons. The flower bearers were timer Trick, Keri Cooke, Gordon Grigg, Kenneth Grigg, Charles Johnson, Carman Stevens, Charles Cooper, . Askley Gilbert. W. H. Lobb sang an appropriate solo, "Does Jesus Carel' Deceased was born Reatha Grace Stevens in Colborne Township, daughter of the late John Stevens and Mary Jane Allan. Stevens, She married,,Reuhen Grigg on March 13, 1901, and they. farmed on TeMphone Road, Goderich Township, until' two and a half years ago' when they re- tired to live in Clinton. "On a hill far away Stood an old rugged cross An emblem of suffering and shame Can I do the things I am doing and not crucify the Lord afresh? Each one of us'-znust answer that queq'oe The mob thought the death of Christ on the cross was the end of the influence of our Saviour, in other words was defeat, Was it? No, it was the beginning of the. greatest victory the world has ever known. The Sundayfollowing His saerificial death, Christ merge from the tomb and with that resurrection came our assurance of a glorious re -union when God will call us to "a land which is fairer than day." When that call comes we will have aim choice of the Virter or the one who has been defeated. No one can make that choice for us, but our de- cision will be for Eternity. We will spend the Eternal ages with Christ or with His adversaiy. May our sentence be "Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." "If the Christ who died had stop- ped at the Cross, His work had been incomplete; If the Christ ,who was buried bad stayed at the tomb He had only known defeat. But the way of the cross never stops at the cross, And the way of the tomb loads To victorious grace M the Heav- enly place . Where the risen Lord has gone. Some of us staiRat the cross, Some of us wait at the tomb, Quickened and raised with Christ, Yet lingering still in the ,gloom. Some of vs bide at tire passover feast With Pentecost all unknown„ The triumphA of grace in the heavenly place That our Lord has Made our Surviving are her husband; six sons and two daughters, Bruce Griggt Goderich; Gladstone, Clinton; John. Edward and William, Goderich Town- ship; Chester, Huntsville; Mrs. Elmer Trick, Goderich Township, and Mrs. Kenneth Cooke, Clinton; a brother, William Stevens, Landon. MRS. NEIL McGREGOR • The death °mimeo' en Stanley Township, on ThursdaY, October 11, 1945, of Janet -Mustard, wife of the late Neil McGregor. 1VIrs. McGregor wee the daughter of the late William, and Margaret Mustard, and was born on Septem- ber 6, 1864. in Stanley, Township, on the London Road just north of Brneefield. Since ,lier marriage on May 9, 18941 she has lived on the third concession of Skanley. She is! survived by four sons: Gregor, Tuckersmitle William, Mont- real; Frank and John, Stanley; by two daughters: Katherine, Wingham, and Margaret, Toronto; and by eight grand -children. A sister, Miss Jean Mustard, recently, returned from Brooklyn, N.Y., also survives. The funeral service took place at her late residence on Saturday, Oct. 13, and was conducted by her pastor, Rev. G. 'F.' N. Atkinson, Brucefield United Church. Seven grandchildren acted as flower -bearers. and the pall- bearers were John A. lifeEwan, Wil- liam Brown, Gordon Brown, Alex intustard, William McEwan, and Hugh Gilmour, , Friends were preseet from North. Bruce, Tiverton, London,. and Ham - Men, !as. well as a 'erne attendance from the immediate neighborhood. GODERICI-R-,•Aftee a long illness, John. d,utt, wel14-known in business circles here, died in Alexandra Mar- ine and General Hospital on Saturday in;his 86th year, Born. in Blanshard township, Mr, Outt was a son of the 'sate James and 'Christina. Muir, Cutt. He farina for a kirire, near ,13ruSsels before coining to Goderich 33 ,Years ago, and has conducted a grocery business, here for. 26 years. * . • - • 90 YEARS OLD HENSALL — Mrs. Q. C. Petty, prominent Hensall resident; recently observed her 90th birthday, Mrs. Petty is a pioneer resident of the village. Her home was the first to be erected in Henson. • 5 5 0 POSTMASTER DEAD KIPPEN—Edgar Butt, prominent Kippen resident, d'ed suddenly in Scott . Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on ,Saturday evening, Oct. 6, in his 58th year. Mr. Butt was for many years postmaster arid conducted a general store. here. Surviving are his widow, formerly Ivy McCloy; three brothers, Thernas, KipPen; Roy, Sea - forth; John, Flint, Mich. Interment was in Exeter Cemetery. 5 * COUNTY LIBRARY BOOKS GODERICH—Mrs. Glenn Echinier, county librarian, has purehasei ap- proximately 500 books, fiction and non-fiction for circulation n the County Library Association libraries, She also has received a shipment of 100 new books fpr Goderich Library When the County Linrary Associa- tion was formed in the autumn of 1941, the organization staetod with a unit of 13 books. i- each member library, and now each has 100. * ISSUE BUILDINC'e PERMITS SEAFORTH Building permits will soon have to be obtained by Sea - forth citizens before doing any build- ing or alteration work on their property, town council decided at its regular October meeting. Instructions were given to the towa's solicitor to prepare a building by-law fox the municipality. At present the only control existing is in the Main street business area. * 5 5 $5,000 GRANT TO LEGION SEAFORTH—A delegation from the Canadian Legion to Town Coun- cil outlined plans for the memorial hall and asked for a grant of $5,000 from the town, stating that McKillop and Tuckersmith Townships would be asked for $2,500 each. The council later passed a motion going on re- cord as recommending a grant of $5,000 to Seaforth, Legion branch, in accordance with the regulations. The grant cannot be made until next year. Mrs. McGregor was a member of the Presbyterian and later of the 'United Church. Until her health be- gan to' fail „she SlwaYa toOle a very active part in church work, and was a regular: attendant until a few weeks before her death. She was especially interested in the work of the Wom, erne Missionary Society, of which she was at one time president of the Brucefielci Auxiliary. She was also interested .and active - in the life of her conammity in Stanley Township, where she will long -be lovingly re - PEG membered by g host of friehda. COUPLE HONORED CARLOW -- A large umber al - Carlow residents met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Stall, Colborne Township, prior to their departure to their new home in Goderich. 1Vearsh read an address and a chesterfield table and a table lamp were presented by Betty Faegan and Helen Young. Cards and a social time were enjoyed and lunch was served, RECEIVES EYE INJURY AUBURN—Jimmy Carter, three- year-old son of Mr. and Mas. William Carter, West.ield, met with a serious eye injury aid is patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Unnoticed by the rest of the family, the little led got hold of, a pair of scissors and jabbed the point into his right eye. DIAMOND WEDDING EXETER—Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher, prominent Exeter residents, eelebrated their diamond wedding anniversaiy. They were married in Stephen Tovvnship, Mrs. Fisher. 83, is the former Ann Sanders. Mr. Fieher, 90, was born in Usborne Townshi', Following their marriage he took hi bride to reside on their farm, east of Exeter, where they continued to reside until 29 years ago, upon retire- ment. They both enjoy fairly good health and are keenly interested in the current events of the day. * * ORGANIST DEAD GODERICH — Organist at $t. George's Anglican church for the past three years, Charles P. S. Cram - an, died here Saturday night in his 70th year. He was taken to the hospital on Friday evening after be- ing seized with a heart attack while at dinner ot HolmesvilM, He took manovaeemteivnet. interest in, the Boy Scout • MINISTERIAL OFFICERS fieGer°813wERerieCHele—cteeThfeoriVIli:weinngsui*nfg- ,vear by. Goderich Ministerial ASsocia- Hon: president, Rev. R. H. Turnbull; vice-presidnenetv. ,Rev. Richard Stewart; secretary, L. H. Turner. It was decided to continue Biblical instrue- tron in the sohools. * HOUSING SITUATION ACUTE .5; WINGHAM—The housing situation is becoming acute ringham and 1'be town fathers are endeavoring to relieve the situation. Returning personnel 'and numerous property changes have forced the council to action. The council authorized 'the clerk to keep a register tabulatMg those who keep breeders, tourists or roomers. Council also felt action Iithut shouldolatetoken where houses are v .THERE 15 NO OTHER TOBACCO, Atme OLD CHUM FOR PIPE OR 4 ROLLING YOUR OWN r WANTED Board and Lodging for Girls Due to a demand for employment of girls by one of the leading industries of our Ton, there is, and will be a requirement for rooms and board. 'Anyone who has accommodation for rooms or board or both, please register at theuffice of the Town Clerk. FINE PRINTING RIGHT AT HOME BEST QUALITY QUICK SERVICE EXPERT WORKMANSHIP Here Are A Few Of The Lines We Handle - ADVERTISING FOLDERS A UCTION SALE BILLS BALLOTS DILLHEADg BLOTTERS CHEQUES CHRISTMAS CARDS CIRCULAR LETTERS COUNTER CHEQUE, BOOKS DODGERS ENVELOPES FUNERAL CARDS INVOICES LABELS LETTERHEADS MEAL TICKETS MENUS N OTEHEADS ORDER FORMS PAMPHLETS POST CA.P.JIS POSTERS PRIZE LISTS PROGRAMS RECIPE BOOKS RULED FORMS SALE; BILLS SHIIPPING TAGS STATEMENTS TICKETS VISITING CARDS VOTERS LISTS WEDDING STATIONERY WINDOW CARDS iiiWINWIPIANVWWWWN TRY inton News -Record For Your Next Order