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iitton sm. l eco
The Clinton New Era Established 1865
The Clinton News -Record 'Lstalliehed 1878
Amalgamated 1924
"The, Hub of Huron County"
An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the Town of
Clinton and Surrounding District.
Canadian Weekly
Newspapers Association.
Subscription Rates: In Canada and Great Britain, $1,50 a year in
advance; in United States, $2.00 a year 'in advance; single cies five cents.
Editor and Business Manager Plant Manager
erusal of the figures published in 'news' stories
on the front page
todayin connection with the
Ninth Victory Loan Campaign, which opens Monday
next, 'October 22,indicates that Canadians will have no
small jab to accomplish in subscribing $1,500,000,000, wii:h.
a real objective of $1,900,000,000.
.To the same extent residents of Huron County have
their work cut out for them in raising $4,170,000 -prac-
tically a cool million dollars or 32 per cent more than
they were asked to raise in the Eighth Victory Loan
Campaign `last spring. The Town of Clinton and surround-
ing townships of Goderich, Stanley, Tuckersmith and
Hullett, all have been asked to increase their quotas over
previous loans, • .
Huronians 'should hearken to the warning of Rev:
W. A. Beecroft, county chairman, in his remarks addressed
to his fellow citizens of this county on the eve of the drive's
"We cannot face the prospect of raising such •a
large , amount with any careless optimism. There is
no reason for fearing that it cannot be done. Blit.
there 'are many reasons for knowing that this time
our Viotory Loan organization will have to make a
More vigorous impact than it has ever made before,
and the people of Huron will have to make a more
substantial response than ever before."
0 0 0
There is something about old mother earth that is
rather cool and refreshing, and a certain peace of
mind seems to exist with respect to anything con-
nected with it. Rural plowing matches have the tendency
of keeping us closer to mother earth and of making us
humans realize ,our utter,. dependence on the, soil for , our
very livelihood and well-being. Agriculture is certainly
+our most important industry.
Huron County Plowmen's Association was given a
fine break in the weather for its annual plowing match
on the ;farm of Benson Sowerby, Goderich Township,
yesterday. Competition was keen and much enthusiasm
was shown by the contestants, both young 'and old, in
plowing the straightest furrows and producing the best
"lands" during the day. A special feature was the two]
classes for war veterans residing in Huron County -one
using jointer plows and the other using tractors.
The banquet in the evening for the plowmen, at which
prizes were presented, topped off a very successful day
in 'bhe history of the Association, and the officials in
charge are to be congratulated. George Feagan, Goderich,
is 'president, and L. E. Cardiff, M.P., Brussels, is secretary.
0 0 0
The Town, of Clinton, as a whole, deserves to be
congratulated for the initiative shown by a number
of its public-spirited citizens in consenting to serve
as active meinmbers of the Citizens' Rehabilitation Com-
mittee. Those from the 'surrounding rural district who
arehelping along the good work, also should be com-
mended. The local coanmittee received some of the fine
points from K. A. McKenzie, London, Veterans' Welfare
Officer for this district, who addressed gatherings at both
the Lions' Club and the Canadian Legion Thursday evening
fast, with Many veterans of this war in attendance.
Thereinstatement of the war veteran is recognized
by employers everywhere as the "number one" personnel
problem of postwar -reconstruction. The delicacy of the
problems the employer ,has to face in re -adjusting his 'st'aff
to fulfil with minimum dislocation the obligation to provide
jobs for those who left to enlist, 'is realized by most.
Employers and citizens generally in Clinton and district
should co-operate to .the fullest extent with the local
Citizens' Rehabilitation Committee in placing every man
and woman from this area Who 'has or will return from.
service with the fighting forces.
0 0 0
A hearty welcome to Clinton is extended Group
Captain E. A. McGowan, who took over on Monday as new
commanding officer of Clinton RCAF Radio School, and
Mrs. McGowan. They are residing in Mown
O 0
Hog producers from this area who attended :a specie
meeting of Ontario Hog Producers' Association in Toronto
Tuesday, are most enthusiastic concerning the marketing
scheme • advanced by the Ontario' Department of
O 0 Q'
It is pretty difficult for an ordinary person to under-
stand how the Finance Minister can reduce the income and.
excess profiles and other taxes totalling $300,000;000: a year,
and at the sarr>e time calmly' announce that he is'budgetthig
o N7l'ON, colt))
Fiscal Changes
About 45 per emit of Cana la'sa 'war
oxpenditnteswere ceeered b etir-
runt revenues.
4' 4, 4,
Individual I Canudia•ns have liquid
savings • of $9,500,000,000,
4, 41. *
Total revenues 'for the year 1944-
45 at $2,990,000;000 showed a slight
Expenditure' for '1944-45 were
$767,000,000 compare,] with $630,-
000,000 . in 1943-4A4,
* * *
Total expenditures for 1945.46 are
estimated at $4,650,000,000.
4, 4 4,
Revenue for 1945-46 estimated at
$0,515,000,000 excluding refundable
• * e:
A 'budgetary' deficit of $2,150,000,-
000 estimated for 1945-46 - $350,-
000,000 less than previous year.
Requirements for Ekport Credits
Insurance and Foreign, Exchange
Board loans .this year will be $800,-
• 4
Reduced expenditures likely in
* 4 4
Action should be taken to restore
incentive and encourage investment.
* * 4
The economic stabilization policy
must be maintained for some
4 4 *
Final changes in tax structure
must, to some extent, he dependent
on Dominion -Provincial arrange-
* 4,*
Total =matured funded debt at
March 31, 1945, was 4$13,984,090,000.
* *
Average interest rate on the fund-
ed debt at March 31, 1945, was 2.51
per cent compared' with 3.52 per cent
in 1939.
* * *
Personal income tax to be cut 16
per cent, effective October 1, 1945.
Percentage reductions to be grant-
ed in succession duties where prop-
erty passes second time within five
* * *
Tax reductions to reduce revenue
by $300,000,000 in full fiscal year.
• *
Income tax relief for contributors
and recipients of annuities :and pen'
it * *
Income tax excnetions enjoyed by
service personnel seeing afloat and
in the ale in Canada or•the Western
Hemisphere to be abolished.
k * *
100 per cent tax imposed on profits
from purchase of Alberta bonds pur-
chased 'between January 31, 1945, and
August 7, 1945.
4 * 4,
War exchange tax of 10 per cent
on imports from non -Empire count-
ries discontinued, effective Oct. 12.
* 4: *
Machinery and apparatus of pro-
duction removed from sales tax list,
effective Octoeer 12.
• * 4.
Excise tax of 25 per cent on furs
reduced to 10 per cent, but all fur and
fur -trimmed garments' placed under
eight per cent sales tax.
* * 4,
Goods brought in from the United
States by tourists, under $100 purch-
ase privilege, exempt from sales tax.
Sole proprietorships and partner-
ships relieved from 15 per cent tax
on total profits; but tax on excess
profit's continued,
* ,4: *
Minimum standard profits for ex-
cess tax purposes increased for all
firms with less than $25,000 standard,
* * *
The 20 per cent' refundable portion
of excess profits tax abolished and
the 100 per cent excess profit tax
rate reduced to 60 per cent, effective
January 1, 1946.
* n* *
Excess profits tax limitation. on
advertising expenditures removed as
from January 1, 1946,
* * 4:
Exemption of profits from new
base metal mines from excess profits
tax to be continued and profits from
gold mines and certain industrial
mineral mines exempt as from Jan-
uary 1, 1946,
Tuekeesniith Township Council, at
its October meeting, discussed the
purchase of a site end' the erection
of a building suitable for housing
the power -grader and other township
The clerk, E. P. Chesney, was in-
structed to notify Wallace As'ehibald•
that the council expects him to, me -
same his :Unties as>townsihip engineer.
T. Roy Patterson, Huron County
engineer, has been supplying for him
den"mg his service with the Canadian
Owing to nmelerous complaints
l' from rate] aye's in the village of
Eganondcville in reGand to annoyance
and damage caused, by certain child-
ren in the village; council decided to
invoke a ,curfew, and instructed the
clerk to peenare the necessary by-
law. This will provide that all child-
ren up to and including 15 years of
age, must be off the streets by'8 p.i s.,
from Oa. 1 to April 1; and by, 9 p,m, : ,
1 osn April 1 to Oct. :1'e -unless ate
'rim Our
October 14, 1920
A petition bearing the names of
about'0,500 county residents' has been
filed with the .sheriff at Goderich,
calling upon the Dominion Govern-
ment'to suspend the Canada, Temper-
ance Act within Huron County.
While' Master Hugh Hawkins was
(ranking a car,: he received •backfire
that nearly 'broke his right arm.
A big anotor truck moving van
passed the:nigh town' heavily loaded
en route from Goderich to Haanilton.
Thanksgiving comes too early this
year to permit the turkeys to be-
come fattened - up ' and ready for the
market, and dealers report that the
supply will be very limited.
,Rev. William Fingland has accept-
ed a unanimous and hearty invitation
to the pastorate of Mlmico Presbyter-
ian Church. Heis a son of J. Fing-
land, clerk of Hullett Township.
Hovey's drug store is being bright-
ened up. The double stores occupied
by Brown's and Sutter and Perdue,
received another coat of. varnish.
The new Mothers' ' Pension Board
net in Clinton and completed •or-
ganization with 'G. W. Holmes, God-
erich, as chairman, nd Mrs, (Dr.)
Fowler, Clinton, vice-chairman.
J. J. Merrier, M.P„ Seaforth, spent
.several days in town this week, hold-
ing a sale of Shorthorns here on
Dudley E. Holmes (now Huron
arl r Files `.
Crown Attorney). son of Mr. and Mrs
Dudley Holmes, Wingham, has pais -
ed his final examinations in law at
Toronto. •
Miss Marion Gibbings, University.
of Toronto, is spending a few days
in town.
Albert 'Harrisen has sold his fainns,
one on concession four and one on
concession one -427 acres in all -to
Harry Baker, Clinton.
October 14, 1920
Samuel Castle, 81, who came to
Canada and Clinton 45 years ago,
passed away October 7.
The "Town Council"' of Civic Holi-
day celebration met at the home of
Mr. and Ms. Adam McCartney for
a fowl supper.
Miss Florence Rorke entertained a
number of her little girl friends to
a birthday party Monday.
The marriage of Cheelotte Daisy
Scotchmer," youngest daughter of Al-
fred Scotchmer, Hayfield, to Myron
James • Butler, Deaver, Alta., was
quietly solemnized at Craick, Sask.
Clinton has pledged $500 to Navy
League campaign to pension widow*:
and orphans, of merchant sailors who
loot their lives in the Great War.
George Laithewaite, Goderich Town-
ship, at a fall fair this season, took
first prize for the largest and best
three bunches of grapes, competing
with exhibitors from Niagara, St.
Catharines and Chatham -
Clinton's infant industries are
"a growing bunch of juveniles." An
article surveys Kerner Bros. flair
mill, McEwen l ros, ,portable sa*-
mill at the ahead pfuMary Street, and
Huron Specialty Casting Co„ in the
Motor Works' buildings
Financial statielnent of > Clinton
Celebration Committee showed ,bal-
ance on hand of $303.
Silo filling, potato digging and
threshing, are in vogue now. Splendid
crops of corn and potatoes are re-
October 19, 1905
The first Rugby football match to
be played in Clinton will take place
on Friday afternoon with Stratford
as the opposing team. , It has here-
tofore been all Association here, but
Rugby seems to be growing in popu-
larity as' the fall game. The bonne
team will .be picked as follows: 'Dr,
Gunn, McKinnon, Cranston, Alexand-
er, Norsworthy, Whiteside(, J. Gunn,
Bartliff, Mackenzie, Jackson, John-
son, Scott, Touli, Doherty, Miller and
Dr. and Mrs. Shaw accompanied
the Railway Ticket Sellers' Associa-
tion on their excursion to Portland,
Maine. The " genial Dr. is the As-
sociation% physician and if the ticket
sellers• are not kept in good physical
condition during their annual outing
it will not be his fault. He expects
to be home on Saturday.
Mrs. R. Miller Sr. has been the
guest of Mrs. ,Albert McBrien of
Hensall this past ten days or so.
Mrs. Hart has returned ' after
visiting in Toronto for the past two•
Miss 'M. McClirichey, Parkhill,' is'.
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Hart.
Mrs, Dodsworth, London, visited
her mother, Mrs. E. Smith,' recently;
Moven Confirmed
In St, Johns' Anglican Church,
eleven :candidates were confirmed by
Archbishop C. A. Seagep, London,
Metropolitan of Huron. They were
from 'Middleton, Bayfield and Varna.
Rev. Mr.' Holmes, London, officiated,
There was a good congregation.
United Church Anniversary
Varna United Church held its an-
niversary services last Sunday. Rev.
Mr. Gardner, E'gmondville, and Rev.
Mr, Mair, Thames Road, were the
special speakers. There was a good
attendance at both. services.
Returns to Naval Duty
Donald N. Keyes, RCNVR., son of
Mr. and Mrs. Sherlock Keyes, Varna,
after spending a short leave at his
home, has returned to the Atlantic
Donald enlisted in October, 1942,
and went overseas in the fall of 1943.
He spent considerable ;time on board
the "Annas" in the Northern At-
lantic service and took an aztive part
on this vessel when his ship, torped-
oed an enemy, vessel. He spent most
of his leaves in England, Ireland and
There are two sisters, Maud, Strat-
ford General Hospital, and Jean at
home; also two brothers, George and
Kenneth, at home.
So many times you hear people say "I wish
I could buy more Victory Bonds."
Well, it has been announced that there
will be only one Victory Loan in the
next 12 months.
People who buy Bonds now will have a
whole; year to pay for them.
Bear this in mind when the Victory Loan
salesman calls on you.
The same rate of savings as in previous
loans will pay for twice as many bonds
over the 12 -month period.
So, buy double this time.
Farmers can buy Victory Bonds through
any bank . . on convenient deferred
Victory Loan salesmen have copies of
the letter at the right. (Banks also
have copies.)
When you sign this letter ... and pay 5 %
of the cost of the bonds ... the bank buys
the bonds for you. You have 12 months
to pay for the bonds and the interest
the bond earns pays the interest on the
bank loan. 9-55