HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-10-18, Page 1WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE CLINTON NEW ERA
No. 6171 -67th •Year
Victory Loan
County $4,170,000
Town $ 249,000
The Home Paper -5c a copy;
Just Arrived
36", Rayon Spun, most suitable for Tailored
Blouses 'and Dresses:
Plain Shades of'Brown,. Cocoa, Lime Green
Gold and Powder Blue.
, Attractively Priced at - $1.10 per yard
New; Dresses
Are here for this weekend selling. They are
extremely smart and we knowthey.,.
will be sure to appeal to you.
25c 4 47c
Committee Is
Now Operating
K. A. McKenzie, London, veterans'
welfare officer of the Department of.
Veterans' Affairs for M.D. 1, explain-
ed the operation of local Citizens'.
Rehabilitation Committees at a din-
ner meeting of Clintdn Lions Club
and later at a Canadian Legion me
ing inthe Legion Hall, Thursday
evening last.
At the Lions Clup .meeting, at
which many ex -service men were
guests, President J. A. Sutter wel-
comed the guests and turned the
meeting ,over to Dr. Fred Thompson,
chairman of War Services Committee.,
The latter introduced Mr. McKenzie
who spoke briefly,' stressing the great
importance of functioning civilian
committees. The draw vas won by
Doug Bartliff, an ex -service man.
T. G. Scribbins, Legion president, also
spoke briefly.
Community Resp:insibltity
"The men belong to your county;
you must look after them,"'Mr. Me -
Kenzie declared. "It is the com-
munity's responsibility." He stressed
that the younger fellows, particularly
need guidance. Luckily; in this dist-
w*»$+ntet•s •i+ +: +ieileie1et"2 a+1 :W i +tnTete:atelaial3N414Z +1 +r+S»#+1» 44S
xict, there was a large number of
Legion branches, he said.
The Citizens' Rehabilitation Com- OF CIIYLDRN'S AID
mittee for Clinton and district was
OTA SET$249,000T
Public Support
Shrroudin Townships
t lsa Jumped 32 Per Cent
I3russels t ...... $ 79,500
Wawanosh West • ' . .74;000
Wingham' . • . ......
Seaforth 174,000
Grey ,, , 127,500
Howick ' 239,000
Turnberry 82,000
Codeiich (Town) 459,000
Wawanosh East , . •74,000
Zurich and Hay Wet
Exeter . ; .:.
Goderich .Tuwnshxp! .
Blyth •
Stephen East
Clinton • •
Colborne • ,. • . .
Stephen West
Ashfield ., ••
McKillop • •
Hensall and Hay East ,
Stanley ••
49,000 -
Huron County Totlals .... $3,175,000
$ 174,400 , 219.37 $ 104,000
140,350 189.66 97,000
309,300 154.26 265,000
242,900 139.59 229,000
175,900 137:96 .167,000
.329 650 137.93 314,000
s 112,1000
01 136.70 108,000
609,600 132.81 605,000
98,250 132.77 97,000
129,400 132:71 128,000
209,400 131.28 209,000
120;100 131.26 120,000
63,100 128.77 64,000
138,950 • 128.65 142,000
133,850 123.93 142,000
86,600 121.97 93,000
° 224,100 118.25 249,000
79,200 111.55 93,000
78,050 109.92 93,000
122,950 109.28 148,000
109,750 108.12 133,000
'• 116,850 107.70 142,000
116,550 107.42 142,000
116,050 106.96 142,000
116,650 106.04 144,000
34,154,040 130.82 $4,170,000
follows: Chairman, T. G. Veterans Join -
China Figures
We are showing a small shipment of modern
Canadian hand painted China Figures, consisting
of animals and birds, including Baltimore Oriole,
r s eak Kingfisher, Owl, etc. A good gift tu,
Gosh g
give to a good friend. ` This series of birds and!
animals is sure to please. Prices range from $1.00
to. $4.50 each.
We are also showing .a limited new stock of
Corn 'Towler Crystal pieces. There.are cream and
Sugars, sandwich or cake plates, sectional relish
dishes, vases, bowls, celery dishes; candle holders,
etc. We suggest you make your selection while,
our stock is fairly complete.
i a mond
Authorized distributor of Bluebird Ia a
and Wedding Rings, Bulova, Lorie and Pierce
Watches, 1847 Rogers Bros., and Community
Silverware, and other reliable quality
Plate S ,
• secretary,J. R. Butler;
executive and finance committee, con-
sisting of chairmen of all sub -com-
mittees, Mayor of Clinton, Reeves of
Goderich, Stanley, Hullett and Tuck-
ersmith Townships; N. W. Kyle,
Blyth, and John Cornish, Bayfield.
Sub -committees are as follows:
Employment Thomas' Morgan,
chairman• Robert Draper, William
Perdue Gordon Ross; Pensions and
Counselling -Dr. F. G. Thompson, J.
G. MeLay, George Jefferson, .3. L.
Heard; Land Settlement - Fred 0.
Ford, chairman; N. W. Trewartha,
Fred Nott, Frani: Bennett, B. W. El-
liott; Social Re -adjustment -Rev. G.
G. Button, chairman. "`
Ship 3�9 5OO Lbs.
Old Clothing;
Final Saturday
Final collection in Clinton, in the
National Clothing Collection. drive
will take place this Saturday,' Oct.
20. The campaign officially closes
that day.
It will be accomplished through the
aid of four trucks and a volunteer Legion Band Practising group of Boy Scouts and Girl Guides. baldheaded fellow*" tato a rest. acctf a out the team p
Residents are requested to co-operate For Big Concert Dec. 2 The 15 new members formally briefly, "All the boys but McIntyrehr
as much as possible. •are back this year with another
According 'the
A. J. Me1Vlurray, initiated, with • the units with which year's experience under the'r belts.
of about 40 members, they served, are as follows: The team should show improvement
Sana. E. Castle, Elgin Regiment;,
Donald C. Colgnhoun, RCAF; Ken-
neth W. Cequhoun, RCAF: len A.
Tasker, Blyth, RCAF; Wellington. A.
McNeil, Blybh, RCA; W. Charles
Kennington, Lincoln and Welland
Regiment; Douglas F. Andrews,
.RCNV,R; F. 3. F. McKay RGA;
William I. Bezzo, Essex Scottish;
John 0. Tyndall, RCNVR; Wilfred
David Buchanan, R. R. 1, 0 inton, 29
C.A.R.R.; Robert Y. Hattin, ROE;
William Ross Thuell, Blyth,. 8th
RECCE; Charles ,R. Cook, Calgary
Highlanders; B. J. Dixon, RCAF.
Membership of Huron County
Children's Aid Society should:be en-
larged to include as many represent-
atives as practicable of leading
groups and organizations within .the
county,•otving to changing conditions
in the field of social .work, it is' re-
commended, in, the report; of the Pro-
vincial Superintendent, B. W. Heise,
for thexfiscai year ended March 31,
The report compliments the mem•
yers of the staff "their industry;
and states ,that ; ii h' they had
br'ftdrve.� ,
worked anis
standing of the Huron society, is un
changed and remains in the lower
levels of "B" category.
The report further' recommen'le
that from one-third to one-fifth of
the board should be elected each year
for a fixed term, at this method
would tend to introduce'a new view-
point in board deliberations, would
broaden the opportunities of mem-
bers by contacts with other organiza-
tions, and would promote community
effort and resources.
Legion Branch
Radio broadcast of Huron County
Federation of Agriculture over
station CKNX, Wingham, from 1 td
1.30 p.m, Monday, proved quite sue-
cessful, and those in charge received.
hearty :congratulations from many
points in the Province.
The necessity of organizing Gan-
adian agriculture in the postwar
period was- stressed in a 13 -minute
zr Water-
address by Kenneth Be her, -
W t r
loo, president, Ontario Federation; of
Agriculture. He gave a splendid
The musical part of the program
was outstanding, the choir composed
of ten •young girls from. neighboring
townships being under the direction
of Mrs. Edna Piekelh
Huron County Fed'eration's next
broadcast over the same station at
the same time will take place on
Monday, Noventhee 19.'
Prospects Appear Bright
For Clinton Collegiate
Basketball This Season
Canada's Victory Loan Campaign
gets under way next Monday, October
22, and. continues for three weeks.
Personnel .of the County Executive
was previously announces.
Details of comparative quotas for
the various municipalities are pub-
lished elsewhere on this. page. A. 32
per cent increase is noted in - the
following figures: Clinton, $249,000;
Goderich Township, 3120,000; Stanley
Township, $144,000; Tu,ckersmith
Township', $.142,000; Hullett Town-
ship, $142,000.
Corinnittees and salesmen for the
above municipalities' are as follows:
CLINTON-Chairman, A. J. Mc-
Murray; vice-chairman, A. M,
Knight; divisional chairman, Frank
Fingland; publicity, G. H. Jefferson;
salesmen --A.. J. McMurray, T. G.
Seribbins, 11. E. Rorke.
man, George Ginn, R.R. 2, Clinton;
salesmen -Clayton Laithewaite, John
W. Deev'es, Maitland Driver.
man, Elmer Webster, Varna; sales -
The boys of Clinton Collegiate In- men -Goldie Graham, J. K. Cornish,
stitute are looking, forward to anotlt- Carl Houston, J. MeAsh.
sales -
successful basketball Season. The
Saints will have nearly the same
squad that'was•tied for. the group
championship with Goderich last
The Saints will have Robinson,
Ross Dilling, and Elliott again this
year. although these boys were all
Young veterans of the war recently in their final year of school last The local executive has issued the
ended are flocking to the banner of year. Robinson, who quit school last following •appeal in -behalf of the .ap•
the Canadian Legion of the Env ire fall. is back again and he should be proaching campaign:
g p a strong scoring threat on any for-
Serwice Lebgue in increasing numbers ward line. Canadian Aimed forces have been
all over the country. Clinton is no Alee I{ennedy, the six -foot -lour- victorious in the battles for Liberty.
One,,ereat challenge awaits 'the civil- '
man, John Armstrong. Londesboro;,
salesmen -John Armstrong, W. J. Dale, W. R. Jewitt.
Chairman, Ed. P. Ohesney, R:R. 4,
Executive Appeals
Fifteen young men, most of whom
had only recently returned from
overseas, were initiated at an impress
inch captain and the leading scorer
in the league lass: season, will be
back at centre. likely flanked' by six -
sive ceremony at a meeting of Branch foot -one -inch Robinson on one wine,
No. 140, Clinton, in the Branch
e- and the speedy Dilling on the other
novated LegionCRooms on Thursdaywwing.Bill Hanley, Leonard Johnson
and Stew. McBride,. are the alternate
evening last. forwards and- all of. theme are- expert
.The candidates were resented by shots wider the basket.
the Sergeant -at -Arms, John R. Bu •
John McIntyre. of last year's team,
ler, and the ceremony was'conducted is the only deportee and his absence
by the president, T. G. Scr:bleins. leaves the team with only two Vic -president George Wilson lead the ex-
perienced rearguards. Bob Miller,
aims and objects of the organization,
and each subscribed to them. one of the sparkplugs of the Saints
N. W. Miller; Goderich, addreseel and a „long -shot artist, will be• back
x. el t- -end-
t left guard while ix foo one .
Ian people to show that we are, in
some measure, worthy of our victor-
ious Armies.
The Campaign for the Ninth Vic-
tore Loan opens on -Monday, next.
This is "The Victory Loan." 'the
xniiiipluui gngta.s fen..Clinton.and sur-..
rounding Municipalities. are:'
Clinton 3249,000.00
Goderieh Township 3120,000.00
Stanley Township 3144,000.00
Hullett Township $142,000.00
•Tuckersmith Township $142,000.00
We would bring to your attention
the following: (a) All Victory* Loan
the gathering in his capacity of Zone one -half-inch Elliott will he back at Bonds are today selling at par or
Commander, urging the branch now right guard. Elliott was the ae•:ond higher,' the first issues at a ' Ion-
to make financial arrangements for highest scorer on the Saints last, siderable premium. (b) The Minister
the future, winter. of Finance has advised there will
Mentioning that nomination night A. very fine prospect+ for a guard ; not be a further public loan for at
ext meet -
for Branch
BPr'esident officers Scribbins insuggest d position shot is lrhas, lets uck lei height land least is resuch that many The
that this
that the new "young blood" in the is good very aggressive player. will be the last chance, at least for
Branch should take. hold and stand
for office and let. some of the "o1J- While speaking to Capt. Aloe T{on- a a time, when ought to of Can.
F he re )iedl oda Bonds cosi be;bought to yield as
high a rate as 3%n.. (d) No one has
ever regretted having bought Victory
Bonds, (e) Many boys from this
area have made the supreme sacrifice'
for the "Liberty" we today are en -
chairman of the local committee, a Composed
total of 3,300 pounds of good used Clinton Legion Band, under the direc-
clothing has been shipped this week- tion of Bandmaster M. .T. Agnew, is
1,200 pounds on Tuesday and'. 2,100 now making preparations for aittcon-
pounds yesterday. That collected cert program, to be presented
Saturday will be shipped .early next even -
Town eember12,oeommen on dg ut 8.30
Collection in the adjacent rural Pan.
district is coming along better, he Featured highlights on the pro -
also reported. grans will consist of. vocal choruses,
0 'readings, and vocal soloists, whish,
County it is antleipa+'ed will be presented
Huron U ounty by outstanding local talent. There
will be no admission charge.
lowing vzng' Cll'Ch Band practices are held every
Tuesday evening.
Is A Success
Following a lapse of five years ow-
ing County
Pl w en's Association held a very •
Three -Way Tie for C.C.I.
ing to war condttions, Huron
Boys' Senior Championship
successful plowing match -the' 19th since 1928 and comes here f
the farm of Benson Sower
annual -on
by, Goderich Township.,
both defensively and offensively;• in
fact, • with, the team we have, we.joying. (f) Many more require long
should end up on top." • hospitalization and convalescence.
0 (g) All returning must' be re-
established in civilian life.
Group Captain
E. A. McGowan
Takes Common
An interesting ceremony took place
at RCAF. Radio School, Clinton, Mon-
day afternoon, when command of the
Station was formally handed over to
Group Captain E. A. •McGowan, who
is now residing in Clinton.
The new commanding officer,
whose home is in Saint John,' N.B.,
has been a member of the RCAF
Goose Bay; Labrador. He is ]Drown
Blue Water to f the'orutifal runs and other safe hits were made as a navigational specialist.
Highway south of Goderich, ,est Taking Collegiate rate In by Bob Miller, Flank Fingland Ger-, Squadron Leader A S
o 0 a , S. 'Turnbull,
day. dry Weather, Clinton o R
i ate held its annual Field Day ald Elliott anBill Hanly, who has• been in command since Sep -
Weather conditions were ideal, but st t
the may' have been "too good" on yesterday, with field events . taking Wing -ham High School -Elston, rf; tember 20, handed over command at
Yof farmers desiring to fill place at the school and tract: events Benninger, 3rd; Edgar, 1.1); Seli, ss; an impressive ceremony, which in-
silosacount at Community Park. Brown, p; Walker; e; Ernest 2b; eluded a march past and signing of
instead of competing in plowing y Lloyd, rf; Parker, cf,• Proctor, p. , required documents. He said he 'hoped.
matches. • The teachers were in. charge, G. W.
McGee being Clinton Collegiate lnstitutii-liob ' the personnel of the Station: would
A. banquet was he'd in the Orange E A Fines, starter, Masses Miller, 3b; ,Bill Hanly, c; McBride, give the same can,pasttheyolxadnto
Hall, concession 4, last evening with Helen Brown, Barbara Brown, Max rf; Kennedy, Gera'd Elliott lb; Cap sin
George Feagan, Goderich, president of Frank Fingland, ss;ef; ,Ross Dining, r" 1 Wing Commander K. R. Patrick and
the Association, in the chair. Among' anti Brock Olde, judges. Charles Hanly, p; Leonard Johnson, himself.
those who spokeowns'Reeve Gong. 2b; Don Miller, 12; 1 Group.Captain Ivi.cGowan declared
Ginn, Goderieh Township; B. Sr D. fist' Referee - Magill, Wingham,, at he was looking forward to being in
D. Mooney, Goderich; 'agricultural
Frepresent- Stew- pirate; Charles Johnsen, 'Clinton on command of the only RCAF Signals
art, Clinton; agricultural -Resn is were un q bases.'Training School in Canada.
Gave for Alton County;prGordon Mc- oyo
Gavin, Walton, presient, Ontario I{ by were tied C int n C H. S. 304 031 2'0x-13 I Mr. and Mrs. I�. Westlake
Plowmen's, Association, which is stag,
big the International Plowing Match
in Huron County year;W.
Alex Alexander, L
official referee; Prin-
Ballacheyand Mary Mtheson,
assisted by a number of pupae. •
Three Tied for e
Results unique in the fact that
threeboys-John MacDonald,•Ross
Dilling and Fred Kirby -were --
for the senior •boys' championship.
with 20 points each. No decision has
yet been made as to selection of
ultimate title holder.
Other champions and runners-up.
Hanna MLA • Wingham; W. T.
diff, M.P., Bru'ssels, secretary w. the BOYS - Intermediate Chart
Wilmot Haake, I Hanl Robert'Allan 21; 'Junior-
count,, association; Y 32;
R.R. 1, Goderich, who moved a vote 'Den Miller 26; Martell 25.-
thanks to the ladies. I GIRLS -Senior -Marion' Peck 23;
During the match itself, J. W. Mary Lane 11; Intexmediate�-Grace
Hanna, M.L•A., vainly essayed the Lobb 27; Joan Fines and Tait Ping -
task of plowing a straight furrow,` lande27 Jedi amienGaron Junior -Evelyn Mac-
C.C.I. Boys 13-W.H.S. Boys s
Cruickshank, Wingham; L. E. Car-- are as follows: _ e,
being the only competitor in a special
class for those who had never plowed
before. He created' a great deal of
e ent.
amus m
Winner of special tractor c1a=.s for
' t n Collegiate
Clm o
team defeated Wingham, g
in an exciting softball match in the
veterans of 'second world war, rest- Community Para 10-5.
Half a o Huron County-dxreetor, Bam The local team ran uo an early
v filer for Over dent f n
f Finer Jewellery Counters anti Y
W.H.S. Girls 23-C.C.I. Girls 21
While the boys' softball game was
in ' progress, girls' basketball teams
representing the two schools were
playing a very close match in the
C.C.I. Gymanasium.
The lead swung back and forth
during the fixture, the visitors being
ahead at half time by 15-9. However,
the local girls. made it closer in the
last half, and outscored the visitors
by 12-8.
Clinton -guards, A. ' L. Thompson,
Marion Peck, Ardyss Inkley, Jean,
Nediger, Kit Fing'•and, Betty Cooke,
mor G ,
a arils-
Joan Fines
• fox,w
Lois Middleton Margaret Colquhoun,
Audrey Jervis. Doreen Armstrong.
Referees - 1l'y4�iss 'Bow, Wingham;
(Through shortage of space this
week full results will be published
in next issue.)
erS or 1 least in the first and third innings
Centuryin Huron CountyStewart, Clinton -Alex Iferz, Sea-
forth (veteran with five years' ser- `anal were never headed.. Alex Ken-
/r ' 1 Y home
vaco ouPS;aAara.� • ped and Ross Dining knocked 1
Honoured by Neighbors•,
A number of friends and neighbors
from the Buons'on. Line gathered at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith l
Westlake on Friday evening. ,Oct, 12,
as a surprise for them. , They have
sold their farm and: are moving t
Zurich. The evening was spent in
games and music. Dining the even
ingMr. and Mrs. Westlake were
presented with an electric iron, and
Robert, a book.:
A. fine address was read by Mrs.
otchm r
Will Sc
were made by Miss Anna rhmer
and Mies Doris Penhale.
Mr. Westlake thanked all. present
for the gifts and kind words. Ltinch
was then served and -a social Hour.
spent. ;
The people of this community take
second place to none in Canada in
any patriotic endeavor. .It is good
business to .buy Ninth Victory Loam
Bonds, It is also a privilege and a
patriotic duty to do so. The war is
won. But there remains the task of
bringing back and re-establishing
those who have done the winning.
We are again counting on your sup-
port, which you so loyally gave while
the guns were firing.
We appeal to you tq invest heavily
in the Ninth Victory Loan. It is
good business for yourself. It 'wits
re-establish . those today whom we,
Tightly, so highly revere. •
(Signed) - F. Fingland, Huron,
County Vice -Chairman; A. J. McMur-
ra • Clinton Chairman; A. M. Knight,
Clinton Vice-Ghairman.
Stanley Federation
Plans Moving Pictures
Stanley Township Federation of
Agriculture is s;:onsoring moving
pictures in S.S. No. 10 'schoolhouse,
at 2.30 p.m. for children and 8 p.m.
for adults and children, on Monday
next, Octiber• 22. The Ninth Victory
Lcan wi11 be explained by a. spec
3e a. word
Minimum . Cho- a 50c
Bazaar, auspiees Clinton Women's
Institute, Saturday, Nov. 3, ;from. 3-6.
Palle , Agricultural Board . Room.
Afternoon tea, 30 cents. 71-x
Mass Meeting, Ontario; St. United
Church, at '7.45 p.m. Friday, Oct. 19,
"Crusade for Christ", under auspices
Huron Presbytery, United Church
Ca ada.
Victory Dance, RCAF Radio
School, Clinton,' Tuesday, Oct. 23,
Tony Cryan's Orchestra. Ex -service-
men and civilians welcome. Admin -
pion 50 cents. ' 71-x