HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-10-11, Page 6r.AGE ,101011T 41114tBi ''NEW,,S*100014 NENVS OF ligAirFIELD • ' ) MSS LUCY R. WOODS Phone CLINTON 631x31 Dere ,110.,wen,;Loeilon -wee Mr and Mrs V. O. Quarry Hamil. Iterne over the tisphday. • • , to, and Msss W. •Prendereast, „eon- • Pte, Grant Turner, Barriefield, wee cion, were at "Llandudno.," their,home • *nue ewer the weekend. • in •the , over. Thanksgiv ng,, = " 0.3311 R. ; MacLeod left on Wednes- Mr. mil Mrs., Harry .Beker • al n1.1" 'day to fish at Exiem);•Ont. •Landon, spent the ThanItSgiv- , Mrs.,•Lillian Thoinas left on .Mon.ing weekelvl with' the former's par - day to spend the winter in Toledo OAS, M.1..11.: Mrs. F. W. Baker. ' . Ohio.• ••. Mr. J. Meeks and two children; Rev. • 'F. G. Stotesbnsy epant Stratfoed, atid Mrs. W. .R. panott, lianksgiving with his sae at Cam- • Waterloo, spent Thanksgiving. with ooie Mr. Elliott at their home In the Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson, • • London; spent the weekend at their Rev: and: Mrs.'F. IL Paull motored cottage.• to the viltage on Tuesday and warp Mrs: • M. Elliott and Leslie Ellioft the guests of Mrs. N. W. Woods sent Thanksgiving in Mount Clemens:, They returned to Windsor on Wed- nesday. . Albert Vanstone went to London Mr. 'and' Mrs. William, Worthington ars 'Wednesday' of last week for a and Mr. and Mrs. Rougeau and Mss days. Wilma Bickerton', Toronto, spent the Mr. and -Mrs. J. M. Stewart, Hamils weekend at the home of Mrs. F. . e tote Wer at their ome in the village Gerneinhardt. ea over the wee:ea Mrs: Hugh Melsaren , and Miss s • ,Mr. and ILJas. C. F. Rogers, Hamil- Chriatine, IVIrs. U. Mason and babe; • 'ton, were at their cottage, "Char- Fort Elgin, spent fhanicsesiving with Min" for Teanksgiving. the former's sis:A.TS, Misses A. M. - Miss Dawns. Toms, Toronto, spent and E. J. Stirling. Thanksgiving with her pa -ents, Mr. Miss Margaret Ferguson who has and Mrs. Malcom Torhs. ' commenced a course in Ilcnor Law at Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Lewis, Toronto, University -Of Toronto, spent the were the guests of Mrs. N. W. Woods Thanksgiiring weekend with .her pci- over the holiday weekend. ents, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Kniabt' and Ferguson. family, Toronto, spent the -weekend . Capt. and Mrs- lionauf Telma, who with, Mrs. 3 Gemeinhardt. terve been lisirg rn Montreal, hsve -James A. Ceron, Teronlo. Leen visiting the e. tter's pa.ents, Mr. amwas at d Mr&t,J. M. ;eseinson. Capt. johns ,his csttage on the Blue Water has recently rece.secl his beeourable discharge from the 'LAT. Mr% and Mrs. Cree Cook arid Mr. and Mrs. L. Stephens and daught.r, Jane McGrigor, Who have spent the sumnier at their cottage, "'Lelia -me," have ,returned to their -home in Clinton. Guests at "Lochame" over the holiday weekend were Mr. and Mrs. F: Robinson, Detroit, Mich. and Mr. and Mes.„C. Valette, Dearborn, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cook and children; Lewis and Gail, Toronto. Miss, Dorothy , Ann MacLeod, who recently underwent a serious opera- tion in London, has recovered &if- fieiently to allow her to speed the weekend with her parents. Dorothy' Many friends hope that slmeivill con- tinue to make rapid strides toward complete recovery. troit, Mich., are spending this week Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Tillman», Capt. with the feentiek'- another; Mrs, E. William Tillmann, Capt.' Jack Walk - Toms. ' er, R.C.A..M.C., and Mrs, Walker, Mr. and, Mis. Keith Leonard,: Tor- Mrs. J. Mahar and Barbara, London, onto, visited the latter's parentsMr. Mr. and Mrs. j. E. Brent and two and Mrs. A., E. Featherston, over thelchildren and Peter Tillman', Toronto'', weekend. • )j spent the Thanksgiving weekend at • Mr. and Mrs. G. DelicLean return- the family cottage in the village. ed„to their cottage in the village on I ' Tuesday after having been north for Pte. Lloyd Elsdon Returns two weeks. • Home From Overseas James Robinson returned to, the village on Wednesday of last week, Pte. Lloyd Elsdon, EssexScottish after a most, enjoyable holiday in Regiment, arrived from overseas New York. a Mr, and Mrs. T. Mallett and family, board the "Ile de France" and came London, were with Mrs. Mallett's Mother, Mrs. Kate Davison, for Thanksgiving. Bighway over the weekend Mr. and Mrs. James Lambert,. De- troit, wath., were at their home in the village ever the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Furter and son, William, ,London,.spent the holiday weekend with Mrs. W. J. Stinson: Mrs: D. A. Volume has returned home after hexing been a patient in Ce: ton. Pub' le !lost:esti fe: a V.L'ek. Mr. and Mese John Lindsay return- ed home on Tuesday after a trip •to. Toronto, Paris, Buffalo and Windsor. Misses A. Drouin and A. Fernette, -Detroit, were at their, respective cots tageseiri the -village weeliend. Mr. and Mr's.' liNets.• R. Ferguson, London spent Thanksgiving with:the' " lerrifen Fergud- ,.. Tema,. be- AIJBlIals1 • • :STANLEY • IVlr. and Mre. • Wesley were: weelcend! visitors in. Detroit, ldisa Ruth Arthur, London, ppent the weekend with her ,mother, Mrs. John Arther. , . • , lira Clayton Ladd ha returned home followin.g a tonsil operation in Goderich Hospital. 'Miss' Mary Monro,' Toronto, spent the weelcend with her parent, Mr, and Mes. it,' D. Munro. Mesa Fred Ross and Donald Rose attended the funeral of • Roderick Ross, LochaIsh, lastsFriclay. Mr. and Airs. GlorMley. Tha.mpson and son, Bobby, Brampton, spent the Weekend with relatives here. Mise Frances Houston, London, was A weekend visitor with her parents, Mr.. and Mre..,John Heeston. - Lieut. Stewart Ferguson, who has peen visiting ,his parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson, returned to Stratford on Monday. ' Visitors essith Mr. and Mrs C. E. Asquith • over the weekend were Miss Betty J. Asquith, Alma College; Reg. inald and Harold Asquith, Kingston. Wins Scholarship Miss June Marsh, daughter of Mr; and Mrs. Bert Marsh, who has been attending Collegiate in Brampton, won a "schelarship for Peal County. Miss Marsh is now attending Toronto Normal Sellool. Auburn W. I. To Met The monthly meeting of the Wom- 'en's Institute will be held in Forest- ers Hall on Tuesday, October 16, at 2.30 .m. The tOPic is to he, given by Mrs. L. Ivers, Dungannon, 'District Presidens; Current Events by Mrs." F. Ross.* Hostesses will be Mrs. H. Mogaidge, Mrs. George Sturdy, Mts. R. J. 'Phillips, Mrs. A. Carnpbell. Mrs. Alfred Asquith left on Man- ley for Bownitieville where he will spend the winter with her deughier, Mrs. F. 0. licIlveen, and Mr. Me- Ilveen. to visit his mother and sister, Mrs. Elsdon and Mrs. R. C. Holmes at the Rectory. John Elsdon, who has recently re. Misses Margaret and Mary Brown, ceived his honourable discharge, also Detroit, were the guests of Miss M. visited his mother last week, They Fairbairn, "Westwind", for a few left on Tuesday to visit in London days last week. for a few days. Miss Ada Bingley, Detroit, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Stephenson and family, Toronto, were at their cottage Rural Mail Couriers over the weelcendi • Aid Clothing Collection Miss Lorna Westlake has returned tp Hespeler, after spending a couple The last day of the National Cloth - Of months with her parents, Mr. and ing Collection is October 20. Den't Mrs. Walter Westlake. put it off until the last minute.. Good Mr. and Mrs. Jack Atkinsen, Mar- wearable clothing may be left at ion and Stewart, have returned to De. Stephenson's Store, 'Bayfitld. Paint trait, Mich., after spending the :sum- mer in the village. Capt. and Mrs. Johns are occupying their home here for the winter. Mrs. C. A. Howson. Heads Baptist Ladies' Aid The Ladies Aid of the Baptist Churchheld its October meeting at the home • of Mrs. Stanley Johnston with the president, Mrs. C. A. How- son, in charge, and Mrs. R. 3. Phillips presiding at the piano. The Scripture lesson, Psalm 23, was read in unison. and Rev. C. C. Anderson gave medi- tation on same. Prayer was offered by Mrs. James Webster. • Readings were given by Mrs. Glen Raithby and by; treasurer, Mrs. Glen Raithby; Mrs. J, Webster. Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Stanley Johnston favored with a duet and Mrs. Wilfred Ves'erfelt 'with a solo. The topic was given by Mrs. John Raithby. Mrs. R. J. Phillips, second vice- president presided for the election of officers, Which resulted as follows: President: Mrs. C. Ai. HoW'sori; first vice-president, Mrs. Frank Raithby: second Vce-president, Mrs. R. 3. 'Philips; secretary, Mrs. Earl Rai,h- pianists, Mrs. R. J. Phillips, MI.P. Glen •Raithby; quilt committee, Mrs. Earl Raithby, Mrs. L. Irwin, Mrs. Thomas McNeil, Mrs. J. McKnight; tuck them into pockets. Little extras like these will be greatly appreciat- ed by those who haven't them. For those living on rural routes who are unable to bring in donations, arrangements have been made with the rural mail couriers to bring such articles to the Pose Office but they must be tied securely in brown paper panels marked 'used ()lathing." dresses should be washed but not Harry King Noted Many ani any rips neatly repaired. Changes in Bayfield; If you have any buttons, hooks and eyes or a spool of thread to spire, 0 Harry King left last week for his home in Venice, Califbrnia, after hay., •Mr. nd' Mre. Teyldreand: elildren, Blyth; Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mre John MeFerlante, Mr. and Mae. Lome •Pepper, Niag isa e hoznep,o,611sf h, isSP;antth,etrh7 owJohene kEs.n dr; eaptp etrh. 01. Helen "Billie"' $thwart, • Ot- tawa Spent the 'weekend with her parents, Mr. and lirs. Adan Stewart., Dr. and Mrs.: Murray Fisher, and son • Mac., GeaVenhurst, • spent the Thanksgiving holiday,' With Mr., and Mrs, Walter Moffat, Mrs Peter Fish_ er returned to Gravenhurst with them. Weekend visitors at -;the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Glen were: Mis• G. Elliott, • Mrs. Jack EIliott, Mies Margaret Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Frank How, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Saunders, Goderich, and Miss Alice Glen, Kitchener. A fowl dinner was served on Saturday night at birthday.thelrheme 'in honor of Mr. Glen's ing spent a month 'mitts his brother, George Ring. It is come forty -odd years slice Mr. King left Bayfield and he, saw many changes in the old home tovie. He was greatly impressed by the improvemeets, the growth of the trees, the paved highway, 'and the beautiful, summer cottages and homes extending along the shore line. One corner which he did sot readily re. cognize was that on which Knox Presbyterian 'Church is built, and Makins Bather and Beauty Shoppe next. When he left, his brother:, the Thomas King, owned and operaled a bake shoponthe corner, and the adjacent building was owned by -the late Charles , Tippet. These two buildings, together with another own. ed by the late Henry- Drehmann, were wiped out in the dissstrous fire in November, 1922. The month of Sep`ember, Which Mr. lfing spent here, is similar to Order No. 1948 67-3 . their -winter. in Venice except, that More rain fell here and *the latter part of the month, he Said, was much morecold here 1 . 1 Girls Wanted For employment with a thriving industry in the Town of Clinton. A real opportunity to earn, and with a good future: Particulars may be obtained through the Nation- al Selective Service Office, Goderich, or through the, Town Clerk's Office, Clinton. PORTER'S HILL , Thanksgiving -visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Allen: Settles were: Mr. and Mrs. Erland Betties, Toronto, Mrs. Thomas Betties, Goderich, and other members of the family from nearer home. Sa'crament of the Lord's Supper was observed. in Grace Cltch, Sun- day afternoon. Seivice will be at 9.45 a.ni. next Sunday, , October 14. Sister Dies in Detroit Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Wil- mer"Harrison on the passing of her Meter in Detroit., Mr. and Mrs. Har- rison and Richardattended the fun- eral. a The W. A. will hold its October' meeting at the home Of Mas. Dell Gardiner Thursday afternoon, Oct. 11. "Bring your thimble." onde ts M juw ,,a4srestt aanndc:i, lArls sehsst, eaCneddl "A Song psoneeinot, • , g Many Voices", followed by a piano- By Ordee in • Council (Canada• . Lon logue by Phyllis McCool. Mts. Ray Gazette August 4), all preparations:, desb°r° Cr°88 Fisher read the seviPttre lesson, fol- for injeetion purporting to eersesee , To Purchase Clothing lowed by a reading by MTS. L. 'P:fepenicillin purporting to contain peni- PrayeM were given by the president, cillin OT its derivatives must be Loridesboro Red Cross held its teg ular meeting in the Community Hall, Thursday, October 4. The president, Mac. B. )3runsdon, was in the chair, The meeting opened with the Lord'e Prayer. M unison, Secretary and treasurer's reports ware received. Three quilts were quilted and these will be sent with the useciereloth- ing collected, It was dec'dcd that ,a pair of woollen blankets and clothing for children be bought 'with the proceeds Of the after- noon, the articles to go in with the large hale of used clothing that has been collected. Mrs: W. Manning donated a butter dish, tickets were sold and MM. Clark won lucky draw. Ones paying hostess money:' Mrs. Albert Voilen, Mrs. Richard Vodden, Mrs. Jim Mc• Cool, Mrs. Tom. Fairservize, Mrs, Jack Pipe, Mrs. J.' Manning, Miss L. Young, Mrs. D. Ewan, Mrs. P. Prest, Mrs. Robert Peck, Mrs. Bert Bruns - don. Meeting closed with National Anthem. , SITMMERIIILL • Mr. and Mrs, Fred Lawsen and sons, Billy and Allen, Toronto, visit- ed over the holiday at the. home ce` Mr. and Mrs. William Lawson end Andrew and other friends. ' visiting comMitlee, Mrs. C. C. And • erson, Mrs, Howson, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. W., Vesterfelt, The secretary gave the yearly re- port, which showed three quilts had been sent to a mission in Northern Ontario and ten quilt tops donated to the Red Cross. The treasurer, Mrs. 'Glen Raithby, reported a sub- stantial amount in the treasury. Mrs. Vesterfelt closed the meeting wit's prayer. DURNIN—BALL A quiet wedding was solemnized in Knox United Manse, Auburn, on Thursday, October 4, when Rev. Har- old Snell united in marriege, Maxine W. Ball, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ball, Hullett Township, and Ernest B. Durnin, London, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. 'Jelin Durnin, Dungannon. The bride chose a blue sheer velvet gown with corsage. of roses and a rose headdress. Her only ornament was a gold bracelet, the gift of the groom. The attendants were Stanley Ball, brother of the bride, and Ms H. Snell, Following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the :bride's parents. The bridele moth. er 'received wearing navy crepe. The house was decorated in pink and. white color scheme. For travelling, the bride chose rose crepe dress with light grey mohair coat with black accessories, On their return they .will reside in London. Large Crowds Attend Baptist Anniversary The Baptist Church was decorate/I with baskets' of autumn fldwers for their anniversary services on Sunday. Rev. William Raithby, Strathroy,. a former Auburn boy, was the guest speaker, and preached, two forceful sermons. The pastor, Rev. C. C. And- erson was in charge of the afternoon service. A ladies choir, under the lead _ ership of 'Mrs. C. A. HOwson, with Mrs. R. J. Phillipe presiding at Vie organ, led in the singing of the hymns. At the afternoon service, the choir rendered an anthem. A solo was rend-. ered by Miss Josephine Weir, and a duet by Misses Emana and Shirley Robertson. At the evening service, the choir rendered an anthem, and the West- field male quartette—Norman and Harvey McDowell, Howard Campbell and Teloycl Walden—sang two num- bers, accompanied by Miss Winnifred Campbell. At large crowd attended both services and a generous free- will offering was TOCCIV&I._ and Mrs. Clark, Margaret Tarablen marked with the potency of the penis and Mrs. Lansing, and the response eillin on the label, On all prepare - by all the group was the filet verse, tions put up in capsules, tablet,. of Hymn 286. Mrs. Robert Peck gave pills, cachets, lozenges oe other a chapter in the Study Book, follow-. similar .dosages, the penicillin cone. ed by a discuesion period eonducteJ tent must be stated. by Mrs. A. Shaddick on "What do you • - knowabout Africa?" Bette Brtinsdon sang a solo while the offering was being taken. The business part of the meeting was then taken care of, followed by a Temperance reading by Helen R d• ford. The 'meeting closed by all re- peating the Mizpah Benediction. The hostesses then served a delicious lunch. Mr. and Mrs. ,7. W. Ansley, Tor- onto, visited' with Miss L. Young. lie and mr:4. H. Shobbrook NiSit- l.r.t Mr. and Mrs. Perry Giabings Mrs. Robert Townsend was with friends' in Toronta over the weakend. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hower, Clin- ton visited with Mrs. William Lyon. Mrs. Dorence, Chicago, 'visited with Mr. and Mre. James Fairservice, last week. Miss 011ie Moon, Toros .o, was with ie.:r parents; Mr. and Mei" George IV con. Mrs. Laura Sunde:cock and Mac. Lillie Webster visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Webster. Mrs. Charles •Watson was eith Mr am: Mrs. J. Sinclair, Eipeen, at ilte tstsekend. Mary Cee: u 1, L,....ier war w'th her parents: Mr sine. Mrs, R. Ca'dwell. Charles Arnett, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Arnett, and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gardhouse, all of Owen Sound, wire Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lansing. • Mrs. Dick. Williamson, Brampton, is visiting at the' home of her cousin, Henry Adams. John Adams, accompanied by Don and Harvey Kennedy, spent last Eli - day in London. Miss Mary Grainger, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. T. Pic- kett and family. Mrs. Haight, Toronto was with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. Penman for the weekend. The Mission. Band will, meet Send - day 'morning in the Sunday School Room at ten o'cloek. Mr. and Mrs. E', Stevens and fam- ily, Seaforth„ with Mr. and Mrs, J. Nott for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Fisher, Galt, were guests of the latter's patents Mr. and Mrs. John Snell. Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent, Coder- ich, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. M. l3runsden, Lon- don, was with the former's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Bert Brunsdon. Mr. and Mrs. Geovcee Grainger, Toronto, visited with lit and Mrs. Wri'ern Hesk' oiher the weekend. Misses Esther and limey Jamieson, Toronto, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adams and Mr, and Mrs. C. Adams and ferni'Y, spent Sunday with Wingham and Bluevale frieads, Mrs. Grierson, Kenneth and, Doris, Strederland, . id Mrs.. Darker, To,' - to visited Mr, and Mrs. John Viles- t tar d over the weekend. Miss Kathleen. Younieblut, nuise- in-training at Clinton' Public Hospitel, spent the weekend with her hr.:thy:, Fred Youngblat, Mount Elg:n. Mr. and M e. Jail( Arinstrone, Ti.rein and Ker spent the week- end in Beamptsn with Iles Artn• •:ieng's brother, William Tame:. at d Losidesboro W. A. The W. A. will held its mont- ly meeting on Wednesday, October 17, at 2.30 p.m. The hostesses are Mrs. 3, H. Shobbrook, Mrs. Robert Young- blutt, Mrs, •Aileg. Wells and Mrs. Wil- liam Govier. Aim Well Mission Circle Holds Monthly Meeting The Aim Well Mission Circle held its regular monthly meeting on Mon- day evening at the home of Mrs Allin Shaddaelc with the president Mrs, John Pife, in the chair. The meeting opened with the call te. wor- ship from Micah, 4:2. Mary Ellen 0 Additional Correspondence May Be - Found on Page 7 • .T HERE IS NO OTHER TOBACCO itt4eMe FOR PIPE OR L .110iLING YOUR OWN ,wastosmirismaimirawamwori PLANNING for EXPANSION OF RURAL:TELEPHONE SERVICE To keep step with farm progress dud to extend service to more farm families, the telephone industry' is working on important new devices and methods. ' Plans are already under way for resuming the rural telephone expan. siert program suspended in 1940, when equipment and material became ur. gently needed for the armed forces. Surveys are being made to determine the needs and to provide the facts for carrying out plans to expand tarni telephone service. The goal is to bring the telephone • to the greatest possible number of farm families. Have You Pains Callouses or Cramps We are bringing yon Positive, Reliable‘ and Speedy Relief The Finger Points to tbl location of the Anterior Transverse Arch. When this Arch weakens. the tiny bones are de- pressed; uneven pressure is pro. duced, andthennevendistribution of the person's weight causes a burning sensation cello -wee, tender spots, contracted toes, and severe cramp-like pain. The foot widens and spreads over the shoes, the small toe and great toe joints becaine inflamed and enlarged— s bodily fatigne and nervousness result. rfasemArk nuseured Heed the first danger signal! Stop your Foot Troubles before they impair your comfort and daily efficiency An Exposition of the newest most advanced scientific methods of relieving and correcbIng Foot Troubles, will be held at our Store on 4 seemly 047:4 exDpAerYt mOCZOstarBE:r. R15 moil, M.D. the world's most noted Orthopedic authority will clearly explain how these methods give instant foot comfort. You will also be given a pedograph print of youe stockinged feet. this without cont orobligatiori. Don't miss seeing this Expert at sei* store on above date. Thomas Churchill Footwear and Foot Comfort Clinton, Ontario.