HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-09-20, Page 8ACK ALL -CAST FURNACE NOW IS THE' TIME TO HAVE YOUR FURNACE' OVERHAULED ORA NEW ONE INSTALLED WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF FURNACES AND STOVE PIPES SUTTER re PERDUE I J IDWARR, PLUMBING Jf ELECTRICIANS l 1147w. CI,INTON•. ONY. New Fall Suits For Men and Boys are now coming into stock. Shipments are • earlier this year but the supply will still •be limited. Make sure of getting first choice by buying early. The Boys Suits are • tweeds in fancy patterns and made with two pair of trousers. Mens Topcoats for fall in Fancy Tweeds. New .styles at the same old prices. Made -to -measure suits for civilians are now rationed. Order yours early in the month and be one of the lucky ones, as each months supply is limited. Suits for returned service men are not included in above, as they are on a• priority list and are assured of two weeks delivery: Tip Top Tailors, made to measure suits at same old prices— Men's $29.75; Ladies $3L00 Plumsteel Bros. Anew — Adam lista — easel D kWLa! Ib.. far Yds Masts Tip T+p Zafr�. THURS SEPT; .2 thy 1943' complete , new ship- znent: of very fine Bill • Folds, suitable for Women and men priced from $2.00 to $5.75 We ` also have a good, grade of single and double playing cards singles' at .50 & .70 Doubles at $1.40, 1.60, 2.25. Have you played: RUMMOLI? it's a real good game and we have it at .25 A wide range of Water- man's Pens, Pencils and Sets from $3.57 to $22.90, R. McEwan Co. 'OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" PHONE PHONE 84 IMP 1 Commencing September 7th We offer Ten Per Cent Discount On All Cash Sales Amounting to $1.00 or ever (Except on staples and specials) BROWN'S One Door North of Royal Bank Girls Wanted For employment with a thriving industry in the Town of Clinton. 'A real opportunity to earn, and with a good future. Particulars may he obtained through the Nation- al Selective Service Office, Goderich, or through the Town Clerk's Office, Clinton. Order No. 1948 67-1 BRUCEFIELD Mr.' and Mrs. B. Kaiser, Detroic, MEI., spent the week end. with Mrs. H. Zapfe. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wheeler, Detroit, (Mich., spent the week end here. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wheeler returned to Detroit with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott and Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. . Scott, spent Friday in London. Miss Doris Dutot. and -friend, Lon- don, spent the week end at the former's home here. Mr. and Mrs. William Simpson, Detroit,' Mich., visited C. D. Simpson on Saturday. Mme. John Cairns spent last week visiting in Hamilton. L./Cpl. Robt. Dalrymple, Cruiinlin' spent the week end -at his;home here. .Cyril Cornish it:'C.A.F., spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs.. K. Cornish. W. D. C Cornish has returned= home from Toronto. Brucefk'1tt W. A. Meets - • • The W. A. of Biucefield. United Cole, OPTOMETRIST Eyes examined aid glasses fitted r GODERICH, PHONE 33, Week -end' ELF ERVE PECIALS AT T.R.THOMPSON'S SuperiorFood Store, KELLOGG'S CORN' FLAKES 3, 8 oz. pkgs. CLARKS MUSHROOM SOUP 10 oz. tin .08c COWAN'S COCOA. 1 lb. tin ... 24c SNOWFLAKE ,A8IMON'IA pkg. .5c HEAVL ZINC' RINGS FOR JAR Doz. 26c FLY -DED 16 oz. Bottle 25c LA FRANCE pkg. ... 14e SATINA pkg. 7c CHAN FLOOR WAX 1 lb. tin ..59c S, 0. S. PADS pkg. 14c AERO WAX NO RUBBING qt. tin 49e POTATOES NO. 1 15 lb. pk. 50e '75 lb. bag ., $2,15 ORANGES, Size 344s doz. 33c LEMONS, Size 360's 3 for 11c GRAPEFRUIT, Size 100's 3 for 25c 22e PHONE ORDERS FILLED Phone 111 Mrs, .Gordon Cuninghame leaves Ale week for a holiday in Muskoka Mr. @.n4 Mrs. John E. Cuninghame, Awl? bound, were home last week end, W. H.. Hellyar spent several days this week Th Bowmanville and Toronto. ' 1 1- Jack Mason, Wingham, spent Sud - day With his Mother, who is ill at the home of W. IL Hellyar. Cpl. J. C. Kelly of Kamloops, B. C., spent the week end as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James McGill. Miss JoAnne Cuninghame returns to Toronto this week. to take up • Second Year work at University of Toronto. James Livermore has fully recovered front his recent illness and will resume his work at the piano factory next week., - Misses Kathleen and Helen McGill of London spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jaines McGill, Shipley Street. Mr: • and Mrs, M. E. McFadden, Cookstown, returned Tuesday after visiting the latter's sister, Miss Cornish, Rattenbury' St. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Poi -Minion and three children, Barrie, have moved ' to the residence formerly owned by Mrs: William A. Mair at Rattenbury and Shipley Sts; Flt. Lt. Tom Cooke, Montreal, spent a few days the early part of the week, with Mrs. Cooke and little, daughter at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cooke. Mrs. Green and Audrey, Fort Erie, have returned home after spending a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore. Mrs: J. E. Watson, Toronto, spent most of last week with her mother, Mrs. A.D. Beaton, town. She was accompanied by. her friends, Mr. and Mrs. 'Win. Cooper, Hulls Lake, Haliburton County, E. S. Livermore K.C'., Mrs. Liver- more, •and the boys, London, and Miss Dorothy Down, •Tilison'burg, spent a few hours Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Livermore. Miss Isabel Strachan, New York Church held its regular monthly City, who has been visiting Mr. meeting on .September 4. A. small and Mrs. ,Gordon Cuninghame for number of members attended thin several weeks, leaves this week to meeting and the roll call was answer- visit Torontorelatives before re- ed by "Harvest". Miss McDonald- turning to U.S.A. presided and Mrs. Hough took the Mr, and Mrs. George McCartney, devotional part of the meeting, This their eon Bruce, (who has return - consisted of hymn 577, prayer read- ed after four year's service over- ing responsively. Psalm selectione692,' . seas), his wife and daughter Patsy, all of Woodstock, were week end visitors with relatives here. Telf. Keith Johnston, R.C.A.F., who has just returned after three years overseas, Mrs. J. P. John- ston and Miss ` Edith Johnston,, Ashfield, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Johnston an Friday. last. i o followed by Hymn 399. The first part of the afternoon was spent in sewing Ordinary business was transacted. Then ,group No. 1 served a delicious lunch. Group'two will have charge ,f next meeting and the . roll call 'will be "Thanksgiving". The meeting closed in the usual manner, the Mizpah benediction and "God Save the King"., a' GODEIICH TOWNSHIP Federation to Meet The Goderich Township Federation Church School 12.10. of Agriculture will hold •a meeting in,. Evening worship with St. Paul's No. 10 School House on September Anglican.- Conference 26, at 8.30 p.m. The National Film. Remember the the •irondo n ('` Board will be showing . pictures. of the. Young People's Union-. in Everybody: welcome. Goderich. ,September 21, ,22r23,••. . AMONG THE CHURCHES Wesley -Willis United Church Sunday, September 23 • Morning. Worship 1100 a:m,, Ser - mom Subject "The Fellowship of the Spirit." BEAUTY SHOPPE‘' ot 1 I... Shampoo Manicure iitie Finger Waviest Permanents Ethel Thompson , Princess gt. East., _ Phone 585 59-tf Keep this date in mind Wednesday, Nov. 7th Annual Fowl Supper ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH CLINTON 67-1 56 Years in Harness ( Continued from Page)) about 35 years. He has been a mem- ber of Murphy L. 0, L.• No. 710, Clinton, for about the same length of time. An active Mason, he is a Past Master of Clinton Lodge No. 84, A.F. and A.M. and is a member of Malloch Chapter, Royal Arch Masons. In civic affairs, Mr. Hall was a member of the Public School Board for a number of years, and was chairman of the newly -formed Clin- ton Board of Education from Sept- ember 1941 to December 1942. Interested in sports, particularly in 'hockey, in 1926 he donated The News -Record Trophy. for Town League competition, and hopes that this organization will be revived this coming whiter. Mr. Hall was married June 14, 1899, to Marion Elizabeth Hutchings, Norfolk County,who passed away October 8, 1940. They had four children: Ernest' E. Hall, with Maclean -Hunter Publishing Com- pany, Limited, Toronto; Gordon L. HalI, publisher, Haldimand Advocate, Cayuga; Mildred, who died asan infant; and Miss Evelyn G. at home. 0 HOLMESVILLE The inonthly meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. W. Yeo, with Mrs, P. Palmer in charge of devotional period. Tho meeting opened by singing -Ilymn 99 and .prayer by the leader. Mrs. E. Grigg read the 72nd] Psalm as the scripture reading. Mrs. B. Trewartha and Mrs. Palmer read articles on the theme of the meeting, "Africa". Following the singing of Hymn 95 Mrs. Walters lead in prayer. Mrs.. L. Jervis • and Miss D. Finlay favored with a duet. Mrs.' (Rev.) Tavener gave a help- ful, address on the missionary work in Africa. The secretary"; read the minutes of the last meeting and, roll call. The president -conducted the business period. and Mre. E. 'Prewar- tha was appointed delegate`'. to the sectional meeting to be held in Auburn -in •October.•• -Miss Reta- Ye•a Week End . Bargains MAXWELL HOUSE.. COFFEE 'Regular Grind. Ib. ..... ,43e. REGULAR GRIND IN JAR • lb: .33c DRIP GRIND IN JAR lb. .. .. 53e. DEWKIST PEAS 15c 2 for .... 27c QUICK QUAKER OATS small ...9c, large . , .,-. 23e Large with tumbler .... 32c SALADA BLACK TEA 39e EATMORE WHEAT BERRIES • GRUNOHIES SWEET RELISH jar .,..... 13c; CHATEAU CREAM CHEESE 1/a lb. 22c CULVERHOUSE• PUMPKIN• 14c • 2 for . 27e AERO FLOOR WAX 29e LIDO, LIQUID WAX 59c ONIONS 10 lb. bag 45e ORANGES 344's 288's- 252's 35e doz. 39e doz. 49c doz, W. L. JOHNSON & SON PHONE 286 GROCERS FREE DELIVERY Sept. 20th to 22nd QUAKER Cooking Bran pkg. ..14c MOTHER JACKSON'S JIFFY PORRIDGE pkg. 23c MOTHER JACKSON'S JIFFY Pie Crust pkg. - 23e QUICK COOKING BUCKEYE. OATS 5 lb. pkg. 25c HEINZ BABY FOOD 3 tins •29c PURITY FLOUR 7 ib.' bag 27c JAVEX 2 bottles. • 29c SMARTS. T. JUICE 2 tins 17e LUNCHER Sandwich Spread 16 oz. jar 35e ECKERT Pudding Powders 2 pkg. 15 ROGERS GOLDEN SYRUP 2 lb. tin 30c SANI WHITE TOILET TISSUE ' 4 rolls 25c. LIBBY VEGETABLE Soup 2 tins 17 LIBBY SWEET SPICED BEETS jar 27e VAN CAMP'S TOMATO Soup 3 tins 25c DALTON'S Vanilla lge. 16 oz. btl. 25 ROSE BRAND CHUTNEY Pickle jar 25c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES LOOK IN OUR REFRIGERATED COUNTER FAR - Fresh Sausage Ib.' „ 25e Back Bacon 14. .... , . , .....•, '09c Fresh Wieners Ib. 27e Mock Chicken Loaf ib. 39s Cottage Roll IN ' , . , , 39c I t 1 19c L13• Oral Lohb Free Delivery Help Wanted Wanted for full time work Female help, ages 18 to 40 Male help, ages 1,6'to 18 Shift Work Phone, write or apply to Personnel Department, Kellogg Company of Canada, Limited., London, Ont. 66-2 contributed an instrumental The singing of Hymn 84 and prayer by Rev. Tavener closed the meeting. The meeting of the W. A. was conducted by the president and opert- ed by singing 'Hymn 347. The Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. The minutes of the last meeting and roll call were given by the Secretary. There were several items of husi-' nese to be discussed and October 27th was the -date set for the annual bazaar. to be held in the Council Chamber. In closing all repeated the Midpale Benediction. Mrs. B. Trewartha and Mrs. V%l Norman were hostesses for the day. Red Cross Social , A social evening was enjoyed Friday last in the basement of the, United Church by the families of the section under the auspices of the Red Cross unit. A pot -luck supper was enjoyed and a thank -offering given. A program following the supper, was opened by singing "0 Canada", with Mrs. Potter as pianist and Rev. ' Mr. Tavener as chairman. Eileen Gliddon favored with a piano solo. (Miss Gloria Palmer sang a lovely solo and Lola Jervis and Gloria Palmer sang a duet, with Eileen Gliddon as accompanist. Mrs. Walter, president; • of the Unit, and Mrs. Oakes, Clinton, president oR the Red Cross branch, each 'gave a much appreciated speech. Mrs. R. Sperling, Clinton, entertained 'wit'h humorous readings. A playlet "The Rector's Dream", was presented iv,. five ladies, .Mrs:.P.. •Palmer : in suit - SPECIAL VALUES FOR !SEPTEMBER 21 and 22 RED & WHITE FLOOR VANCAMP'S MAMMOTH- /WAX lb tin 29c PEAS 2 tins 27c RED & WHITE CUSTARD LYNN VALLEiY_' POWDER Ib tin 21(A iSPINACH 2 tins 270 JAVEX THE PERFECT BLEACH bottle 14c; Gaspereau Herring 2 tins 27c Curling Dried PEAS 2 pkgs. 19c Ayl. Vee'etable .JUICES tin 15c ��� 11 f' Flakes ' \� 1' pkg. 15c <,-.1..0 Van Camps Quick r BEANS 2 pkgs. 9e 14. 7e'! „AO, Glenwood kbER BM* I Pumpkin lb. pkg. 20c 3 tins 25c Banana POST TOASTIES VIKING TOILET CORN FLAKES 2 - 15 TISSUE 5 rolls 21e GARDEN FRESH FRUITS and' VEGETABLES PEACHES — GRAPES — BANANAS' — MELONS'--• •CUKEIS TOMATOES — CAULIFLOWER — LETTUCE( — PEPPERS. CALIFORNIA SWEET 2-20's • ORANGES doz. 53c CALIFORNIA' JUICY 300's LEMONS 3 for 13c CALIFORNIA JUICY 100's GRAPEFRUIT 3 - 25c CHOICE GREEN CABBAGE lb. 4c CHOICE: HEARTS 01e — CELERY- bunch 19e CHOICE' WASHED CARROTS 3 lbs 13c •SHEARING'S r'OR FOODS OF FINE QUALITY Phone 48 -- Free Delivery • Clinton Call and Set Our New stock of Furniture you -will find Sofa Beds; Bedroom Suites, Chesterfield Suites, Bedroom Chairs, A grand assortment of End Tables, Tea wagons, Coffee Tables etc. A new Line of Corner Brackets Book Ends and Mirrors,. And a Good slightly used Piano in perfect condition. BAIL., 8 ZAPFE Dealers in Hardware and Furniture Modern Ambulance Service, Funeral Directors DOUGLAS G. BALL Store Phone 195 JOHN J. ZAPFE Phone 110 I '• 1 6, _ .. Phone 1413 We Have A Full Line Of. Johnsons products including- Carnu,-aahigle•eldss ear polish; alse, Plastic clothes lines in 100 and 2'08 feet length. H .ugh R. Hawkins Plumbing, Heating, Agent for Hecla Furnace able attire took the part of the rec- tor, and Mrs. Les. Jervis, Mrs. McClinchey, Mrs. F. Yeo and Ruth Potter portrayed the other charac- ters in this amusing number. 0 LONDESBORO W. M. S. Meets The Women's Missionary Society held its monthly meeting on 'Septem- ber 12, with the president, Mrs. E. Woods, in the chair. Hymn 652 was read in unison. A delegate was asked to go to the Sectional 11ieeting at Egmondville. Group No. 1 had charge of the meeting led by Miss King, the topic being "Africa". Psalm 123 was read followed by hymn 16. Mrs. W. Lyon gave the chapter in the study (book which was "Currie of Chissalnba" • and .the group sang an African song •La-la- po- which was very interesting. Meeting closed with hymn 427 fol- lowed by prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tamblyn and Mrs.�Blacklock, Toronto, spent the week end in the village. Misses Beth and Elva Govier re- turned home on Wednesday after spending ten days with friends in Detroit. Miss Dorothy Bedford left on Monday for Ottawa. ,Misses Doris and Norma Holmes, Dresden with their (grandmother, Mrs. 13. Lyon. Mr. and Mts. F. Roberton, Billie and Joan, Seaforth, with Mr. and Mrs, J. Nott. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mogridge, Auburn, with Mr. and Mrs. W. flask. Mr.. and Mrs. Norman, Harvey, Milton, with the'former's another and sister, Mrs. J. Harvey and Miss Mabel Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. 'Bell and Wallace, Morris, with Mr. ' and Mrs. Lorne Honking. Mr. and Mrs. F. Little and Miss Jean Cowan, Blyth. with Mr. end Mrs. R. Townsend. Mrs. Margaret Manning is visit- ing friends in Auburn this 'week. • • Mr. William Pipe, Brussels,' Mr. and Mrs. George Pipe, Detroit, spent Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John Pipe. Mr. and Mrs. E. Webb left on Monday for their home at Milliken after .spending a Week with Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Shobbroolc Sheet: Metal Work PHONE 244 rT' Mr and Mts. Wm. Govier and Mrs. Lillis Webster, spent the week end at Port Colborne. Mrs. Chas Watson with friends in , Toronto. Mrs. Win. Lyon spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs: J.'• Morose in .Hamilton. Mrs. Wallace Allen, London, visit- ed with friends in the village on ., Saturday. Mrs. Brennen of Ethel who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Bea- com, returned home on Sunday. We all welcome Mr. and Mrs: W. Beacom and Miss Edith Beacom- to the village and we hope they will be - real happy here. Miss Beacom is teaching school at No. 9. Mr. and ,Mrs. Throop left on Tues- day for their home in Chicago. Mrs. Oliver, Audrey and Barbara, . spent the week end with Miss. Elizabeth Mains. Death of -Mrs. Pickett The community was shocked! Saturday morning, when they heard the sad news of Mrs. F. Picketts death. Our sympathy goes out to Mr. Pickett and family, also her • sisters, Mrs. H. Riley, Mrs. George Cowan, and Miss M. Grainger. Mrs. B. Brunsdon received a Mes- sage on Saturday, that her sister had died suddenly in Ottawa. Our sym- pathy 'goes. out to Mrs. Brunsdon and family. Word was received on Saturday, of the death of a former pastor, Rev. Mr. Johnston, Bluevale. Rev. Mr. Pemnan -will occupy the • pulpit in the United church. Sunday morning at 10 o'clock and the mis- sion Band -will hold their meeting at. the sante hour in the basement of t'he church. EBENEZER Successful Anniversary Very successful anniversary ser- vices were held in Ebenezer United ' Church last Sunday, and the atten- dance was good at both" services. Rev. H. Wilson, Brussels, was the guest speakerfor the day, and two very inspiring addresses: were deliv- ered. The choir -rendered special music and .i'ohn Bates, Bayfield, sang a soloat the morning service. Mrs. John Griffin, Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mr, and! Mre. Wilfred Biggin.