HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-09-13, Page 8THURS., SEPT, 13th, X945 •• 4141•111111111 Leave Your Order With • Sutter. •8t Perdue Hardware. r PililliiiIi111111111(11 7, iill v , Ird',-11,,,10,,, il '11,11 1111111,11 141111,011111111111,elliniodilrly.ii, i Cover 44 shabby exteriors iv with 1014NS-NIANVILLE Cedargrain SIDING SHINGLES • Beautify and protect your home, inexpensively, with J -M Asbestos VCedargrains". Grained like finest wood shingles, yet fireproof. Cost no more than ordinary materials. CS -3 HEADQUARTERS FOR JOHNS -MANVILLE BUILDING MATERIALS A complete new ship- ment of very fine Bill Folds suitable for Women and men priced from • $2.00 to- $5.,•75 We also \have a good arade of single and double playing cards singles at .50 & .70 Doubles at! $L40, 1.60, 2.25. • ' Have you played RUMMOLI? • - Ws a real good game and we have it at + .25 New Fail Suits For Men and Boys are now corning into. stock. Shipments are earlier this year but the supply will still be limited. Make sure of getting first choice by buying early. The Boys Suits are tweeds in fancy patterns and made with two •pair of trousers. • Mena Topcoats for fall in Fancy Tweeds. New styles at the same old•prices. lifade-to-measure suits for civilians are now rationed. Order yours early in the month and be one of the lucky ones, as each months supply is limited. Suits foe' returned service men axe not included in above, as they are on a priority list and are assured of two weeks delivery. Tip Top .Tailors,,inade to measure suits at .sarne old prices - Men's $29.75; Ladies $31.00 Plumsteel Bros. • AVOW 11111104 Adam Itate - S.41 & Malabo Memo ter Mom Asuman Tip Up. 'Mow 111111111111MINSIV Commencing September 7th We offer Ten Per Cent Discount On All Cash Sales Amounting to $1.00 or over (Except' on staples ana specials). BROWN'S One Door North of Royal Bank Table Potatoes We expect a carload of No, 1 Table Stock potatoes from New Brunswick, to arrive the middle of next week. ' • • $ Get Your Potatoes 011 Car Canada, Packers Ltd. • Clinton, Ontario PHONE 580 Labour Doesn't Want • • Inflation From Financial Post Labor doesn't wait inflation, it wants security, William Genoves, • • president of the Toronto District Txades and Labor Council, stated /est week. That is an understandable • and reasonable aim and it will be • echoed by most Canadians, farmers, white collar workers, profession& men, as well as labor. Real inflation • would be a tragedy for all of them. But those other people and most of responsible labor too, will have difficulty in supporting Mr. Genoves' theory that higher wages do not constitute inflation. Quoting from a Toronto news- paper here is what he said: "We wouldn't consider that a man receiving the same rate of pay for 40 hours a week as he formerly did for 48 hours, Was creating inflatien. We would consider that was creating security." Let's see how that would work out Suppose a, ,worker is getting 75 cent an heirs. For a 48-hour week this •would amount to $36. Mrs Gen - oyes would cut this man's working weeks to 40 hours but pay him the same weekly total. In other words WAS would be a wage increase of 15 cents an hour. Now suppose the factory employ-. ing this man is turhing out stoves selling at sseapieee. Into these stoves 'go 40 man hours, or $30 worth of labor at the old rates.sUruler the Genoves plan of the same naY for 40 hours as was formerly paid for 48, there is an immediate increase in labor cost of 46 or 12%. That may not be much in the -way of inflation according to. German dr Chinese standards but it is very real infla- tion according to Canadian and it hits all consumers, the wife of the worker who builds stoves as will as the wives of farmers, white Volleyed workers and everyone else., For:11er- more, producers of other pseducts • A wide range of Water - man's Pens, Pencils awl Sets from $3.57 to $22.90 G. R: McEwan Co: 'OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEM" PHONE 84 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Geromette and daughters of 'Stratford. Cpl. Willard Aiken of Toronto, spent the 'week end with his parents in town. Mi. and Mrs. E. E. Gibson spent the week endwitt relatives in Mill - hank. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hearn are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. P. Hearn. Miss Florence Pollock of Toronto spent the week end with Miss Beatrice Gibson, • Mrs. R. McIlwain of Nile, has been • visiting with Mr. and Mrs.:Ai D. McCartney and Mrs. Nay. Mr. J. B. Lobb returned to town on the 6th, after spending three weeks visiting friends in Hamilton and Galt. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Brown of Detroit and Miss Helen Lynd Of Windsor, are visiting , friends in Clinton and Blyth. Miss Kae Snider has returned to her duties at Ki`chenet, after spend- ing a weekat the Mime of her parents, Mr. and Mrs: J. S. Snider in tewn. ' • • - Kenneth Reid, R,C.N.V.R., has re- turned to the East Coast 'after spending a 28 day? furlough with his wife and family, Townsend St. Mr. Jim -Monaghan who 'recently received his honorable diseharge from the army, spent a few days this week at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Managlian. Visitors at the home of Mr.'ancl•Mrs. Joe. Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Marshall over the week end were: Mr. and Mrs. John Gainey and family of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McElwain and daughter Jean of Lindsay., spent the week. end with friends and relatives in town. On their return on Sunday they were acCompanied by the ladies mother, Mrs.. Carrie Jervis. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter and Joyce,have returned after a short vacation with Lucknow friends. Miss Sybil Courtice leaves this week end for Montreal after spend- ing her .holidays with her sister, Miss Harriet' Courtice. • would naturally demand increases, and, prices would climb faster and faster, spurred on by rising costs and fewer goods turned out.. In the reconversion -period which had rushed down upon us much faster than • anticipated, 'some diffi- cult and temporary painful adjust- ments must be faced. But we aro not going to make them less painful or difficult by using the wrong labels, Shorter hours and higher hourly wages, no matter how desirable, are inflationary factors and especially at, this critical period when the whole country is so short of 'consumer goods. " • o Presentation On Thursday evening, August 30, a pleasant evening was spent at Rosebank Farm, Goderich Township, the home of Mr. and • Mrs. W. R. Lobb, when the •neighbours • and friends ' gathereti"tib •horioin their daughter, Joy, •ilia's, to lies , . . , , . • „ , r . . . . , • • • ... • , ' ' • , . PTQMEflIST EyeS, examino and, glasses fitte4 • •.• GOI)ERIC/I, PRONE 33, Week -end • ERVE SELF PECIALS AT T.R.T11111111PSONS SuperiorFood Store OLD DUTCH, CLEANSER Tin • pe QUAKER MUFFETS Pkg. :.... 9c QUICK QUAKER OATS lge. pkg. 19 FRY'S COCOA IA lb. titi 19c STOKLEY'S TOMATO SOUP 4 tins .......... 29c AEROWAX NO -RUBBING WAX Pit tin 29c LIBBY'S MUSTARD 6 oz. jar .. Pc COW BRAND SODA 1 ib. pkg. ..9c IMITATION BLACK PEPPER 4 oz., bag 9e NEW PORT FLUFFS 5 qt. pkg19c ROMAN MEAL pkg 29c PARD DOG FOOD 2 pkgs. 29t MAXWELL. HOUSE COFFEE 1 Ib. bag 43c NUTRIM BABY CEREAL s - 18 oz. pkg. • 49c SUPERIOR BARING POWDER 16 hz. tin 23c ORANGES, Size 344a Doz. 33c LEMONS, Size 300s 3 for • 13e GRAPEFRUIT Size 100s 3 for 25c WASHED CARROTS lb. 5c GREEN CELERY HEARTS Each 15 PHONE ORDERS FILLED Phone 111 BEAUTY SHOPPE - Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents Ethel Thompson. Princess St. East., Phone 585 59-tf Lever's Fish and Chips Now in store on Highways Open every day except Monday Open Monday evening at 9 o'clock Phone 398 or 91 for Residence All orders receive prompt attention. marriage on ,Septemlser 1st, to Mr. Lyle Docking of Staffa.• The many beautiful gifts, show high testimony to the •respect inyfhich :she is held by all who know her, were displayed by the, bride, and the evening spent in Sonia' chat The following address was read by Olive Thompson and Marianne .Merrill,. and Josephine Muir presented Joy with a library table; and a pair of book ends. Dear Joy: - On vexy 'good authority, The word has reached our ears That ypu're about to leave your home And friends you've known for years. So sve have gathered her tonight To bid you fond adieu, And offer •words of wisdom and Advice on what to do. 'Eras first think, from 'the women, ts- "Don't be the first to riber The fire is to he kindled, so That's'i hubby's first surprise. Then, when it's ten o'clock at night, (That's bed -time on the farm!) Let Lyle eject the pussy cat, And wind up. the alarm. Then men, too, have a word to say - On When to serve the meals, And seven, twelve and six o'cloek To most of them anneals. They want them good and hearty too, No frills or fussing wish; They much prefer • a plateful plain To one small fancy dish. But, •casting foolishnish aside And talking sense, we send Our wishes, Joy, for happiness, And good luck without end. We ask you to accept these gifts, And trust they serve you well; Whene'er you dust er polish. them, May happy memories swell." May God with you down the years, And courage ever give, A shield protecting your new home, And bless you Where you live. This is the wish sincere conveyed By those assembled here - The best Of everything' be your Throughout the coming yams. 'RUSSELL'S MAPLE BUTTER ' 21, oz. tin 79e HARRY HORNE'S Flavourings ,25c nAttay.40RNE'S jelly Powder Combination' Kits • . • • • • 592 NIAGARA MAID GRAPE Juice 16 oz. . ,........... 27e. CROSS & 13LACKVVELL Branston Pickles .s....... 24c' AERO FLOOR WAX ........ 29c LIDO LIQUID Floor Wars .... 59e 'KRAFT DINNER pkg. 18c BAKER CHOCOLATE (unsvreet: ened) pkg. ............ . 21c RICHARD CARBOLIC SDA,P. 5c JUSTRITE MEL 0 -DEE Bird Seed .............. 29c CULVER HOUSE or AYLMER Pumpkin 14c 2 tins for .... 27c AYLMER Whole Beets tin .... 19c CROSS & BLA.CKWELL Mint Sapce....... .. 22c MAXWELL HOTJSE COFFEE lb 43 ORANGES 344s 288s 252s 33c doz. 39c doz. 49e doz. W. L. JOHNSON & SON PHONE 286 GROCERS . FREE DELIVERY Sept. 13th to 15th AYLMER BABY FOODS asiortel kinds 3 tins 25e WAGSTAFFE Orange warm. jar 29c SWAN Toilet Tissue 3 rolls 25c CALUMET BAKING POWDER 1 Ib. tin 243 GLENWOOD-Pumpkin 28 oz. tins 2 for 25e AEROWAX Self polishing wax • qt. tin • 49e COWAN'S COCOA 1 lb. tin 23e CLUB HOUSE COFFEE 1 Ib. tin 39c POST TOASTIES 3 pk. 23c MUFFETS pkg. 10c QUIX WHEAT FLARES 2 pkg23c S. 0. S. Pads pkg. 15a GAINES DOG MEAL pkg. 25c JERGENS Toilet Soap 5 •bars 25o SPRITE for cleaning clothes tin 39e PAT PAN Pastry flour 7 ib. bag 27c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES LOOK IN OUR REFRIGERATED COUNTER FOR Macaroni & Cheese Loaf Ih. .... 30c Mock Chicken Loaf lh, , , ...... 3ac Fresh Sausage lb. 25c Fresh Wieners lb. •27c Bologna lb. 24c • Bars 5 for 25c Orval Lobb Free Delivery Help Wanted Wanted for full time work Female help, ages ,18 to 40 Male help, ages. 16 to 18 Shift Work Phone, write or apply to Personnel Departraent, Kellogg Company of Canada, Limited., London, Ont. 66-2 Signed on behalf of the neigh- bours and friends of the sixteenth and -Maitland Concessions. Marianne Merrill, Jqsephine Muir, ()live Thompson. Following the •presentation, Mrs. Mervyn ' Lobb as pianist led the gathering in a sing -song arnt a dainty lunch was served by the ladies of the eornmunity. ONTARIO ST. W.M.S The ladies of .the W. M. S. met for their September meeting in the school hall, Tuesday, September lith at three o'cloCk. Mrs. G. Shipley in charge and Mrs. Treleaven at the piano. The meeting opened with the singing of "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flo -iv". The hymn, "Jesus Shall Reign", was then sung, after which all joined in the Lord's Prayer. The scripture lesson was read by ll/re. Shipley. and Mrs. M. Wiltse led in prayer. The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved, and the treasurer gave 'her report. Mrs. Burton took charge of the business. Delegates were named for the Sec- tional meeting to be held in October. After the offering another hymn was used "I gave my Life fot Thee". Mrs. Farnham had the Study Book, the chapter on Malay, then Miss Sybil Courtice spoke of her work in Montreal among the Italians and Japanese. • , The Mss hyssm Was "Faith of our Fathers" • " fellowini which Mrs tessnedy '''-chiSeci` with prayer, VALUES FOR SEPTEIVIBER 14th and 15th • MeLARENS , • COFFEE Ib. jar •45c - GLENWOOD PUMPKIN 3 tins 25c A.v,cman WHOLE BEETS Tin. 17c STORLEYS TOM. SOUP 3 tins RED & WHITE COCOA lb. tin 12c . FIVE ROSES Aylmer Pickled • BEETS jar 23e FLOUR • VANOAMPS 24 lb bag 79c PEAS • 2- tins • 27e. GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE 1/2 lb pkg. 19.! Aylmer Tomato Julep, 2 tins. 17e . LYNN VALLEY 25e CAKE 5c 2tins. SPINACH 17e• . GARDEN FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES PEACHES - MELONS - BANANAS - CURES - CORN TOMATOES - CAULIFLOWER - PEPPERS - LETTUCE CALIFORNIA. JUICY 360's CHOICE LOCAL WASHED . LEMONS 3 for. 11c 'CARROTS 3 lbs. 13d CHOICE HEARTS OF CALIFORNIAJUICY 288's CELERY. bunch 19c Oranges' Doz. 4.1c • CALIFORNIA JUICY 100'e CHOICE GREEN GRAPEFRUIT 3 - 25c CABBAGE lb. 4e - • SHEARING'S tIOR FOODS OF FINE QUALITY Phone 48 - Free Delivery • Clinton . Get Ready for Fall While the stocks are available, such as heating stoves, and ranges made by the most reliable manufacturers. A large stock of stove and furnace pipes, glass and putty; as well as an assortment of roll roofing and siding in 3 different' grades and prices. BALL .6' ZAPFE Dealers in Hardware and Furniture Modern Ambulance Service, Funeral Directors Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G. BALL JOHN J. ZAPPE Phone 110 • Phone 108 We Have A Full Line Of Johnson's products including Carnu-a high class car polish, also. Plastic clothes lines in 100 and 200 feet length. Hugh R. Hawkins Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal Work Agent for Heels, Furnace HULLETT TOWNSHIP - PHONE 244 • I James. Leishman sheep killed 12.00- james Medd sheep killed 137.00 Harvest Thanksgiving service James Medd sheep killed 12.50 . will be held in St. James Church (Middleton) on Sunday, •September 16th, at 9.30 a.m. Rev. G. F. Gilbert of Seafortli will be guest preacher f or the occasion. Special music will be provided by the choir. Miss Kathleen Middleton returned the end of last week, after h de. Clerk of Monis Clerk fees ' Young DraM 10.00. Dom. Rd. Mach. Co, Grader rep. 12.66 . Roofer Supply Co. Culvert 186.55 Pedlar People 25.92 i Gordon Radford Gas and Oil • for Grader 36.01- Geo. Cartel- Culvert 1,20 ' lightful holiday trip down the St. Harold Beacom Culvert 3.00 Lawrence, and Saganaw Rivers, and Ropt. Riley Weeds 6,80 - a visit with her cousin, Miss Dorothy Geo. Radford Levelling' Roads' 276.00 • Smith at -her • cottage on Georgian Bay. • Wm. Carter Supt. 40.05 - A. Weymouth Grader Op, • 44.67 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton and E. Vanderpurg Weeds 2.40 Miss Agnes Middleton of Goderich, Geo, Watt Weeds 3,00 • spent several days last week on a ..........___0_ •• very pleasant trip. to Manatoulin Island, LONDESBORO Council Meeting The regular meeting of Hullett Township Council met September 6th in the Conimunity Hall, Lonciesboro. The Reeve and Three members of the council being present. Motion 1 By J. Ira Rapson and W. R. Jewitt, that the mirates -of the last regular meeting be adopted as read. •Carried. There were two ratepayers present to report the loss of sheep killed by Dogs. After discussion and careful Shobbrook. consideration, the following motions Mrs. Bentham, Clinton,' with her were put through. sister, Mrs. R. Townsend. Motion 2 By W. R. Jewitt and J. Mr. and Mrs. B. Riley, Goderich,s Mrs. Victor Roy spent last week in Toronto. Mr Frank Hall left last week to live with his son, Mr. Chas. Hall in , St. Marys. Mr. and. Mrs. Ian Smith returned; to Toronto last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rick, Hills- dale, Michigan and Mr. and Mrs. WM. Mongoinery, Grimsby, .spent the week end with MT. and Mrs. ,T. H. - Ira Rapson, that we pay James Leishman the sum of twelve dollars for one sheep killed by dogs. Carried, Motion 3 By W. R. Jewitt and Geo. C. Brown that we pay Jas. Medd the sum of twelve dollars and fifty cents 'fer a sheep killed by clogs. carried. Communications were then read. A letter from, A. H. Erskine re - treasurer's sale of lands in arrears of taxes, Nov. 6th 1945. Motion 4 By Geo. C. Brown and W. R. Jewitt that the accounts as read be paid. Carried. - Motion 5 By J. Ira Rapson and W. R. Jewitt that the council do now adjourn. Carried. Accounts Relief • 30.00 W. Tyndall Severance Damage Kennedy DraM 50.00 meeting on Wednesjey, September H. Adams Severance Damage 19th at 2.30 pan. in the basement of • Kennedy Drain 45.00 the church. The hostesses are -Mrs. J. Carter Severance Damage Win. Addison, Mrs. Chas. Watson,. Kennedy Drain 2000,is F. JandeSon and Mrs. Wallis , Geo: Cowan •stamps and slip, 6.0011Ountain. with 1VIrs. Chas. Watson. Miss Mabel Shobbrook, Varna, - with her sister, Mrs. Laura Sunder- eock. • Mr. and Mrs. McCabe, Goderich, • with Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Snell. Sunday visitors with Miss Eliza- beth Mains, Misses Nora and Ann Toll, Ella Upshall, Rose McIlvenna, and Bertha Brogden of London, Mrs. L. Pipe spent a few days in . London last week. Mr. Jack Armstrong left on Satur- • day for St. Rose, Manitoba. Mr Howard Beunsdon, Mrs, Clay-- • ton Dixon, Miss Irene Brunsdon, Clinton and Mr. •Roberton, Calgary, . with Mrs. Wm. Brunsdon. • Mrs, Burges, Toronto, with Mrs. Margaret Manning. The W. A. will hold their monthly