HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-09-13, Page 5T1 RS.;-sErr,‘13t14 1945 s..;;; •„; SERVICE— • The Action of One— On Behalf of Another—, • the Interest of Both •Service, to tis, means• placing in action all our • Highest Ideals • BEATTIE FUNERAL HOME GEORGE B. BEATTIE AUBURN miss marguerite Killough has re- turned to Hamilton, after visiting friends here. Miss Frances Houston, Reg. N. left on Monday for London, where • she will take a course in Publie Health Nursing, at Western Uni- • versity. Miss Betty J. Asquith has re- turned to Alma College, after spend- ing the holidays et her home here. Miss Zeta Munro, nurse -in -train- ing at Western 'Hospital, Toronto, • spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Munro. Mr. Arthur Yungblut has returned to Detroit and Mr. -and Mrs. Leonard Yungblut have returned to Windsor after attending the funeral of their father, the late George V. Yungblut. - The regular monthly meeting of the Wometi's Institute, will be bele in the Foresters Hall on Tuesday, ' September 18th, at 2 30 p.m, This is the Annual Grandmother's meet- ing and the program is in charge of Mrs. J. J. Robertson, Mrs. Geo. Sturdy, Mrs. H. Mogridge, Mrs. A. J. Ferguson and Mrs. Wm. Roberton. The roll call, "How many years have you been a grandmother, and how many grandehildren." Hostesses Mrs. H. Snell, Mrs. Jas. ' Woods, Mrs. Harry Yungblut and Mrs. Sid McClinchey. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. E. Phillips and Mies Laura Phillips were London visitors this week. A large crowd attended the dance in the Foresters Hall on Monday • evening, sponsored by the Victory Club, Music was supplied by Car-, ruther's Orchestra, Funeral of Geo. P. Yungblut • The funeral of the late Geo. P. Yungblut, was held from his late residence on Wed. afternoon and was very largely attended. The service 'was conducted by Rev. A. H. Wilson o Whitechurch Presbyterian church. The many beautiful floral ttibutes were carried 1,y Robt. Arthur, Donald Yanghlut, Ernest Patterson, Harry Yungblut, of Auburn, LA.C. Keith Arthur of Camp Borden, and Ivan Yungblut of Zurich, The Pallbearers were Dr. B. C. Weir, Edgar Lawson, J. C. Stoltz, George Beadle. Percy' Walden of Auburn and Mr. Klopp o/ Zurich. Interinent took place in Ball'e cemetery. Friends -were present from Detroit, Toronto, Woodstock, Windsor, Tavi- stock, Zurich, Deleware State, K. S. A., London, Goderich, Clinton and Langside. Miss Yungblut, R. N. who came via plane from White Horse Yukon, arrived on Tuesday. 0 Londesboro Red Cross News The Londesboro Red Cross held a pot luck dinner 'and quilting bee on September 6th in the Community Hall. Six quilts were quilted. Owing to the absence of the president, Mrs; S. Lyon took the meeting. Hymn 662 was sung followed br prayer ;by Mrs. W. Lyon and Mrs. W. Hesk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, In the business period it was earried to accept the boys knitting quota which consisted of 25 boys pullovers, 25 pair of boys socks, also girls. Sewing quota of. 25 tunic dresses, 25 blouses and 10 boys underpants. Mr, W. Hesk donated a clothes rack. Tickets were sold and Miss Phyllis McCool won the lucky draw, Mrs. R. Shaddick donated a sugar bowl and cream ;pitcher, tickets were sold and Mrs. W. Manning won the lucky ticket. A. short program, was then enjoyed, reading by Miss Young and a solo by Phyllis McCool,' A. quilt was donated by Mrs. Govier's group of west erd of Con- cession 10, also $7 65 tea collections. 1 quilt donated by Mrs. Watson's group, west of the village, 1 quilt donated by Mrs. Elizabeth Lyou, 2 ;quilts donated by Mrs. George Garter's group, 1 top donated by Mrs. Laura Sundercoek. Peeking com- mittee packed these along with 5 ethers and sent them to headquar- 'Ones paying boatess mOney' were: Mrs. Yungblut, Mrs. Townsend, Mre. W. Knox, Mrs. P. Woods, Mrs. re Webster, Mrs. P. Shobbrook, Mrs. W. 1Vieuntain, Mrs. Lansing, Mrs, SPriing'• • The meeting elosed • With the national anthem. MARRIAGES— ;COOK—aVIcINTIRE-- In 'sArMabank United Church, .Stratford. Ont, Esther jean McIntyre,.twin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J, McIntyre, was united, in marriage to William P. Cook, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook of town, .Rev. R. P. Bates, minister•of the chureli 'officiated. • BIRTHS ZERBACK--In Clintrm. Public .Ho.s- pital, ;on Friday, ;September 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zerback, Clinton, a son, William Tames. DEATHS HOBSON—In St. Joseph Hospital, London. on Monday, September • 3rd, Mrs. Hannah S. Hobson. MeCULLOUGH--In Goderich Town- ship on September 5th, Benson A. sMcCullouglt in his 58th year. McKNIGHT—In Clinton, on Wednes- day, September 12th, Mary Emma Carter, beloved wife of John McKnight in her 61st year. Funer- al service from her late residence on Friday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. 0 . Brown. rot of peaches has been shown by the Botany and Plant Pathology Diviskin Science Service, Dominion Department of Agriculture to be dependent upon weather condi- tions, and progress has been made in tracing the source of infectious dis- eases of stone fruits.* For Sale A. 'bay's bicycle and carrier. In ex- cellent condition. Apply to John McIntyre, Clinton, phone Clinton 89. 66-1 • For Sale A sixty-five acre farm, Lot 55, Maitland Concession, Goderich Town- ship. On the premises is a one and a half story brick house with frame kitchen, a ;bank barn 52x58 with stone and concrete fOundation, all good stabling, frame driveshed, and fratne hen house, cement silo 12x30. There is 10 acres of bush land a -d a never -failing spring. Priced for quick sale. Apply to Percy .Riley, Londesboro R. R. 1, phone 80442. Clinton. . 66-2 • CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS • For Every Occasion C. V. COOK • FLORIST Plsoom: 68w and 001 Batkins Locker Storage Red eohoe sahrion filletts lb. .:. 50c Smoked filletts lb. • • gge Haddock filletts lb. ..... 35c Cod filletts lb." 35e Pure pork sausage lb. 25e WE BUY HIDES FROZEN FOODS ARE BETTER FOODS IN MEMORIAM ALLEN—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Thos, G. Allen, who passed away Sept. 12, 1942. To -day recalls sad memories Of a loved, one gone to rest; And those who think of him to -day Are those who loved him sbest. —Ever remembered loY his wife and family. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Benson A. McCullough and family •wish to thank their friends and neighbours for the many spirit- ual and floral bouquets received in their sad bereavement by the death of a kind and loving husband 'and father. Hay Wanted Second cutting of alfalfa or clover. Apply to Francis Powell, or phone Clinton 907r4. 66-1 NOTICE Will the party who picked up 7 sheets of Donna Conna 4 ft by 9 ft., on,,highway no. 8, in front of Mr. Albert Bond's farm, on September Ilth, please leave same at the Clin- ton Lumber OortiPanYt 66-1 Y U • NjOU AND COMPANY—you and that family you work and plan 'for! A small boy you'd like to send •.to college—a little girl who's going • :to have "the very best her old Dad can give her!" It's the most im- portant thing in the world, isn't it— planning for their future! And NOW as the time to make sure those plans Tome true by putting up a strong, ,steady fight against inflation! You ‘<and all of us must flght for -that future by fighting to keep Can- ada's dollar sound. Unless we can • keep that dollar worth a full dollar, You & Co.—along with the rest of • -Can ada—will face inflation! That's why it's important NOW—more than ever :/oto—to fight for a dollar that's worth a dollar. • Why NOW especially? Because irow civilian goods ate scarce, and money is plentiful. Now is the time C trols and price ceilings. We must support and urge the support of rationing. We must buy only what we need, and only at fair markets. If we do this, we can make plans for the future as part of a Nation that is economically sound. If we don't, we're going to find some day that our dollar will buy only a quarter's worth of goods. And that means that dollar is only worth a quarter. This is intiation! Up to now, Canada's controls have really worked. We've been able to prevent inflation. But we must fight now to keep those controls working, until the supply of civilian goods can come up to the demand! What happened after the last war must not happen again! For the sake of our children, for our returned soldiers, for ourselves let's keep up the fi,ght to FIGHT to maintain price con- against itillation. Publifbeel by THE 11.E5WiNP INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) to reveal the dangers of inflation, Make this Pledge Today! 1 pledge myself to do my part in fighting inflation: By observing rationing and avoiding black markets in any shape or form. By respecting price controls and other anti-inflation • measures, and re- • fraining from careless and unneces- sexy buying. 1 will not buy two where one will do, nor will I buy a "new" where an "old" will do. Sy buying Vicloilf Bonds and War Savings Stamps, supporting tax- ation and abiding • by all such measures which will lower the - cost of living and help keep prices ata not inal level. Woes 0 • •:ROXY •TIIEATRE CIATNTON Now Plying Dortithy Lamour in.'‘RAINDOW ISLAND" In Tbeh, nicolor Mon. Tues and Wed, • "A ROYAL SCANDAIV • The love efairs- of Catherine the • creat, of Russia are cleverly ;por- trayed in this afanirling cortiedY, produced by Ernst Lubitsch. Tallulah Bankhead, Charles; Cob - are and Anne Baxter. •Thurs. Fri. and, Sat. Edward G. Robinson, Raymond Massey 'and foam Bennett. The thrilling, haunting story of a woman whose portrait spelled ruin for one man and death for two. THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW Matinees -- Sat. and Ha at 2.30 • CAPITAL THEATRE soomaco zruwipiavizig onite De Carlo • in "SALOME, WHMRE SHE DANCED" Mon. Tues and Wed. George Raft, Joan Bennett and' Vivian Blaine. • Telling a Technicolor- story of a - place where inen fonght at the snarp of a, garter. • "NOB HILL" Thurs. Fri. and Sat. Dorothy Lamour, Eddie Bracken and Gil Lamb. Paramount's; tropical paradise of love, laughter and • sarongs. in Technicolor. • „ "RAINBOW ISLAND" Coming -- Bette Davii in "THE CORN IS GREEN" REGENT TIIRAI'RE sliarnant Now Playing—Jack Benny in 'THE' HORN BLOWS AT MW - •NIGHT" Mon. Tues and Wed, •Betty Gs:cable, Diek Iiaymes and. Sid Silvers., Billy Rose' S gayest and greatest hit comes' to the Regent in full Technicolor. "THE DIAMOND IKORSESI1014" IN WHAVARE YOU TRUSTING TO SAVE YOUR SOUL. IS IT— *Church membership or ritual? *Good works? •*Second chance? • *The 'efforts of another man? OR IS IT CHRIST -who said "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh into the Father, but by me."'John 14:6. "Believe on the LORD JESUS CHRIST ancl thou shalt be saved." • Acts 16;31 TUNE IN; Pilgrim Hour '7-7.30 E.D.S.T. Sunday evening • LOCAL STATION OKLW WINDSOR NOTICE Owing to the SHORTAGE! of SUGAR and help we will not accept any phone orders for Bake Goods on Saturday. Please give us your order not later than six p.m. oir Friday's. Orders not held after 10.30 p.m. Saturday night. BARTLIFF'S The Home of Good Eats PHONE 1 PLASTER REPAIRING A. French Plastering Contractor Specialist in Cornice Work & Decorative Plastering Plaster repairs promptly And neatly done Box 23 or Phone 187 Wingham 64-tf For Sale Underwood typewriter in good condition. Student size. May be seen at the News -Record office. 66-2 For Sale 30 York pigs 6 weeks old. Apply to J. E. Hugill, Clinton, or phone Clinton 616r34. 66-1 Notice Froin now until D'ecember, our shop will be closed on Wednesday afternoon. McFarlane Machine Shop. 66-1 Lost Lady's gold ;Gruen wrist watch, plastic and leather strap. Lost about August 27th. Reward given. Please notify 1VIrs. H. M. Carioni or phone Clinton 122j, 66-1 For Sale A quantity of good clean timothy seed, also a Leicester Shearling Rani, bred by Colin Lawson. Apply to a. B. Rathwell, or phone Clinton 906r16. •• 65-2 Fleece Line Your Home Blown Rockwool Insulation applied to oeilings and walls of your home. Will save fuel with more comfort and fire protection. For free esti- mate and terms, •phone Clinton 4, News -Record, or wrlte Rowland C. Day, 5 Thornton Ave., London, Ont. 65-4 Notice To Creditors In the Estate of • WILLIAM AARON 'PHACKABERRY. All per- sons having claims against the Estate of Virillian Aaron Thackaberry late of the Township of Goderich deceased, who died ort or about the 4th day of June, 1945, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of Septem- ber 1945 full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitledthereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not he liable to any• person of whose ,claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Clinton this 30th. day of August 1945. • s , George Cole' °ugh, Administrator • By bis Solicitor H. G. Meir 8443 •Seaforth, Ontario Cemetery Memorials Large stock of modern memorials on display at our Clinton Showrooms For the convenience of our pahrona, office will be open on Fridays Open by appointment at any other time ' See- Mr. J. J. Zapfe, next door Cunningham & Pryde Clinton — Exeter — Seaforth PHONE 41 , EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer For Huron Correspondence promptly answered Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at the News - Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. Charge moderate and satisfaction Guaranteed. Thurs, Fri. and Sat. - Dennis; Morgan, Dane Clark and Raymond Massey, From Col. Robert L, Scott's book of the same name comes an in terest_ compelling picture. "GOD IS MY CO-PILOT" Coming Tallulah Bankhead in "A ROYAL SCANDAL" Insurance Protection Automobiles, fire, wind, accident, sickness, Hospitalization. Cheapest rates and most modern coverage. M. G. RANSFORD 180w CLINTON WANTED Girls to Learn glove knitting Highest wages to ambitious workers. Best factory conditions and steady employment, Apply by letter or personally to: THE WILLIAMS-TROW KNITTING CO. LIIVIITND, STRA.TFORD, ONT. 64-3 For Sale A 1929 Pontiac Sedan, Seidel No. 172976, also day bed and baby carriage. May be seen at residence of Roy Crosson, North Street. 66-1 For Sale One holstein heifer. Due to freshen in about three weeks. Six young cattle and a good work horse. Apply to James East, R. R. No. 4, 23/is, miles north east of Clinton. 66-1 Strayed Steer A steer strayed onto the premises of the undersigned some time ago. The owner may have same by proving property, and paying expenses. Charles Lindsay, Clinton. 65-3 Imulation 'Pays for Itself Have it clone the Blow in way Prompt and Courteous Service Given. Apply to Western Home Insulators 636 Wellington St, London; for free estimate. 64-0 For Sale New electric and Senn -electric Sewing Machines. Also used ones. Phone '727 Stratford or write to Singer Sewing Machine Co., 78 Ont. St. Stratford. Sales & Service. 65-6 Wanted "800 Dealers earn a comfortable income by selling Familex Products from door to door! How about start- ing a business of your own, in your sparetinte, with the 'same ad- vantages, in the district of your choice? For 'free details and cata- logue: Familex, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 62-5 H. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Fire Insurance Agent Representing. 14- Fire Insurance Companies Division Court Office, Clinton Car or $1,000 Victory Bond for $1.00 "1941 Ford Super De Luxe Cab- riolet or $1,000 Victory Bond will be given to the holder of the lucky share drawn for at the Galts; Fair on Sep.,: tember 22nd. Shares 3 for $1.00, Send to Galt Kiwanis Charities, Box 120, Galt, Ontario." Farm For Sale 127 avre:, situated on No. 3 high- way, 2 miles from Clinton and seven miles from Seaforth. On premises is a nine roomed, two storey brick house, furnace. Bank barn, cement floers in stable, drive house, hen house, hydro, plentiful • supply of water, well adapted for mixed farm- ing, stock and implements if desired. Apply on premises. John R. Noble. 5641 Wanted to Buy Wanted to buy, old horses and dead cattle for mink fted. If dead, phone at once. Fred Gilbert 908r22 or Sack Gilbert 908r21. • 58-tt Frank Finland, B.A.,LL.B. Barrister, 'Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to W. Brydone, Sloan BIOCk .... Clinton, Ont, INSURANCE • REAL ESTATE BONDS Fire — Automobile — Accident Sickness, Wind, Liability, Plate Glass Family Hospital Plan with Accidental Death Benefit H. C. Lawson Agent Mutual Life Ass. Co. Clinton, Ontario, Office 251W. Bank of Montreal Bldg. Phone ARTHUR E. PARRY, 1 Commissioner, Etc. Etc. By Royal Warrant. • H. C. MEIR Barrister -at -Law Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Ontario Proctor in Admiralty. Notary Public and Conunissioner Office in the McKenzie Hotel Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays and Fridays. Dr, F. G. Thompson House and Office, Ontario Street Clinton. Telephone 172 OFFICE HOURS: 2-4 in the after. noon and 7-8 in the evening daily. Other hours by appointment. D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Electro Therapist, Massage Office: Huron Street, (Few DOOM west of Royal Bank) Hours—Wed. and Set., and by appointment FOOT CORRECTION Sy Manipulation Sun -Ray Treatment Phone 207 HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer 'Specialist in Farm and Household Sales. Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable; satis- faction guaranteed. For information etc. write or phone Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4 Seaforth, phone 14-661. 06-012 DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinary Surgeon Phone 203 Clinton, Ont. ERNEST W. HUNTER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 57 Bloor Str. W. Toronto Ont. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. OFFICERS-- President W. R. Archibald, Seaforth, Vice -President Frank McGregor, Clinton, Manager Secy-Treas. M. A. Reid, Seaforth. DIRECTORS— W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Bernholm; B. J. Trewar- tha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth Alex. McEwing, Myth; Hugh Alexan- der, Walton; George Leiteh, Clinton. AGENTS— John E. Pepper, Brum- field; 11. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. P. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desiring to effect mar,. anee or transact other business will be promptly attended to on applica- tion to any of the above officers ad- dressed to their respective post offi- ces. Losses inspected by the director, CANADIAN NATIONALSAILWA*1: • TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton as follow: Toronto and Goderich Division Going East, depart ..... 6.43 8.2)1. Going East, depart ...... 3.03 p.m, Going West, depart 12.04 p.m. Going West, depart 11.10 p.m. London and Clinton Division ,Coming North, arrive 11.20 a.m. GOing South, leave • ,, 8.10 p.m.,