HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-09-06, Page 6mart. Girls always carry. PARADOL u, INe,r I,an16485! raa FOR,'QUiCff RELIEF; OF HEADACHE & Other ,Pains The Termination Of Lend -Lease New York Tinges Discusses Lend -Lease Controversy ' In the, natter of • the termination of Lend -Lease, there are a few misconceptions,. on opposite sides of the. Atlantic, which ought to be cleared away, lest they trouble the good. relations prevail- ing between two staunch allies, In the first place, it would be a profound mistake for anyone in England to read a political motive into the action of our Government and .to believe that this action was prompted, .or hastened, by con- cern or alarm or disapproval, or by any other judgment, on the results of the British. election, Lcnd-Lease has not been discon- tinued because Britain voted La- bor. It has been discontinued be- cause it was a war measure and because the war (in the sense of organized ccmbat) is over. There• has. never been the slightest rea- son for doubt that Lend -Lease would be discontinued when this stage was reached. Never "Something for Nothing" Meantime, on our side, there is a tendency in some quarters. (sag-. crly fanned by our old friends, the professional baiters • of Britain) to ursunderstand and misinterpret the British. position. In these quar- ters it is being Said that the Brit- ish want "something for nothing," and are angry with us now be- cause they will no longer get it. Well. Lend -Lease was never 'something for nothing." It was guns and planes, in exchange for brave sten who would use them hs defense of our own. freedom, no leas than of their own. But quite aside front this, it is clear on the record that the British Govern- ment always recognized the tent- 'perarl, exclusively wartime char- acter' of. Lt ud-Lease. Britain's Position • Neither Mr. Attlee, nor any other responsible British states- man, has asked for the continua- tion of Lend -Lease for an indefin- ite period,.•Cor the purpose of help- ing Britain to get ,hack: on her feet financially. He has only raised the question of the greatarmies which Ital'e still not been demobilized, and asked whether'"Shipping and food and any other supplies still required by our (British) forces overseas and by the American forces overseas can continue Co be furnished 'for a limited period under Lcnd-Lease and reciprocal aid agreement,". Britain, in short, is not asking N® 'EL METROPOLE All Beautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: $1,50 NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION Yoke of the Pres HIROHITO THE DIVINE Hirohito writing of himself: "By the grace of Heaven the Emperor of Japan seated on the throne oc- cupied by the same dynasty changeless through ages eternal:" Not very realistic, He is .Emperor 0`f Japan " by grace of the Allies, holding his ' job during good be - 'savior and liable to dismissal without notice. -Ottawa Journal. —0— LEADERSHIP CONTEST It seems such' a short time ago that Germany was, full of'pompous guys each claiming to be the No. each other of being that. —;Windsor Star. 2 Nazi, Now they are• all accusing " —q— UNEQUAL CONTEST When crossing streets, think of this. Did you ever hear of a ear being badly .damaged by someone walking into the side of It? —Windsor Star. --0— PAG.E. SCHICKELGRUBER7 It seems to us that Hitler must be pretty dead, but'.we are not so sure about Schickelgruber. —Toronto Saturday Night. THAT'S SOMETHING Winston Churchill has one sat- isfaction --only the English could beat ldm. -Detroit Free Press, Peacetime Weather Forecasts Improved • Completely new British weather forecasting methods learned dur- ing the was are going to make peacetime forecasts more depend- able.. Stratosphere balloons sent up four tunes a day from four stations in Britain send out by' automatic radio weather information which will guide the farmer., In his har- vesting, F'or'ecasts worked out by. the new System have sltown a re- markable advance on those evolv- ed by . the. old methods,.- . Attached to the balloons are delicate meteorological instruments which automatically, radio their readings to reception sets below. These readings are sent to a stain control,,station in London, which correlates then[ with tithlute-by- minute bulletins from sea and air' and translates then, into terms of weather forecasts for the whole country. us to use Lend -Lease' to finance her reconversion, or to promote her foreign trade, or to help solve any of her .domestic jirdbleins. She has raised strictly, wjthin the field of militar�• [natters, the question ofltotttinuing "for•a limited period" the sante policy of joint action that prevailed during the . demobi- lization of the . armles, On this comparatively narrow point, it ought not to be difficultto reach sonic mutually satisfactory agree-- usent No need to wonder about synthetic tires standing up—not when you can buy Firestone DeLuxe Champions—the tires that were used on the famous speedway teat supervised by officials of the American Automobile Association. imagine the punishment those tires took as WilburcShaw, the famous race e driver, streaked over the G00=mile course to average 100.34 miles per hour ... equal to . 50,000 miles of ordinary driving. Not a skid or blowout occr ed to u red even when he step y up 135 miles on the straightnwaysl" Be eur'e'to have Firestone DeLuxe Champions on your car. See the nearest Firestone Dealer. GETS FIRST: NYLONS • Linda Darnell became the owner of Hollywood's first pair of post- war nylons when one of her fans, who manufactures them, presented her with his first product Crop Carry.Oveir Exceptionally high exports dur- ing the crop year have,.reduced the Canadian carry-over of wheat at July 31, 1945, to 258,394,518 bushels front 356,531,179 bushels a year ago - - the lowest level reached since 1939. Stocks of grain. remaining on farms and the carry-over of oats, barley, rye and flaxseed were also reduced.. • HE, NO LIKE This is the sour puss presented by Lt. -Gen. • , Takashfto' • Kawabe, vice chief of the Imperial Japanese stiff' when hearrived in Manila as leader of -the Jap delegation. Ap- parentlyhe did-n'ot,reli4li-his role. War Museum It will be a matter of general. satisfaction that the Canadian Government is taking steps to create- a national war museum, continentstheEdmonton Journal Army officers are now busy form- ing a; collection of Canadian and enemy weapons and' equipment, designed to illustrate every phase of the war and especially Can- ada's participation in it. A museum of this "type, 'estab fished in Ottawa, 'would be a real national asset, Train Crew Uses Wireless Telephone, The use of telephones between train crei's and other operators have passed' the experimental stage, and the Pennsylvania Rail- road is now installing equipntettt on the main line, on a:,big scale, says'the•St, Thomas Times -Journal. By means of wireless telephones an engineer can make or receive calls, from the engineer of another train, :front the freight condttdor in; a distart caboose, or from a'to-. wcr-man as the train rolls .along. Thus another' great step .is being taken toward the promotion of safety' in railroad trairel.. It can prevent many accidents. The hairy bodyand legs of the fly are carriers of ' ""disease, Fly- i'ox kills these filthy pests instant-- ly. Get a large bottle of Fly -Ton today. .a-18 TlirCriE ISONI K'ILLSINSEC'T PBS TS OTTAWA REPORTS That Ex -Servicemen Are Big In- vestors In }lousing Field Innisediate euiployntent is the thought tipperuloSf•in lie minds of! almost 80%' of Canada's. ex service then and women urterviewiug of ficers bf the. Veterans Affairs De- partmenb have discovered: 01 those interviewed' in June .almost 23e/n.ex: beet reinstatement in old jobs, 13.5% have newjobs waiting, 33% are hoping for employment, 6% are• returning, totheir own businesses and 3,5% plan'. to return to their own farms. ' To date a total of $4,275,§30" has been. paidout; to veterans in re=` establishntetit credits. 91.,506,394 has already been, released for the ac-, quiaition, repair or . modernization: of a home, indicating coumnitmtertts,. its. this field` of" some, $20;000;000 ' whets all is paid otit. An even greater amount 486 has been :released to.veterans for the purchase of furniture and household equipnteet:' As the re- establishment credit may only be authorized for'this purpose on the basis of two dollars credit for one dollar cash but up by the' veteran, this represents an expenditure of $2,424,084 in this field ,since last January when She War Service' Grants' Act cadre into force: These two groups, account. for 709'0 of the, total `re-establishment credits authorized in the 'first six months of 1945: * *. * Much isbeing said to Canadians these -days to point'out the neces- sity of ntany'reutaining controls as well' as. rationing: • Finance Is iuister Ilsley and„the Chairman of the Wartime Prices and TrYde Board, Donald Gordon,. spoke 'in a Dominion -wide. broad- cast recently and .told Canadians that, victory in the Pacifio •is just the beginning of the end,. Price control is still urgently. needed_. as Much now as ever -=as there are thousands of purchasers for, the limited amounts of new :goods that can be pint on tli'e market. Goverh= went policy, on de -control provides for continuous adjustment as supply -conditions change. Of 300 orders restricting civilian production 18 nsonths ago, only 64, remain. All of the 500 restrictions affecting metal products thea are no longer in force. Canada is a land of plenty com- pared with most otheq countries and itis a matter of national honor that this plenty he shared, the speakers stated. The,end of war with Japan does not ese the needs of hungry areas and Canadian con- sumption will have to be reduced. Canada's Timber For British Homes The Brtish : go- ertit}ent has al= ready earmarked' around R130,- 000,000 for timber from Canada for delivery following the cessation of hostilities, says the ' Calgary Herald. Filling of this huge order may prevent the inauguration of home bui!ding operations in this country on, the scale -eeded but British necessity is greater than that of Canadians. who, have not had one home demolished by ene- my action throughout the war. • Shortage Continues On the Coal Front ' There is no relief' in sight'as yet on the coal front:: Eventually, (that is within three to six months) }here inay he some easing through release of , army personnel to work 'in the mines. Eventually, tlhcre May be some easing in supplies of substitute' fuels such as coke.' But for the balance of 1045, at • least, and possibly later than that, the coal situation looks as tight as it did before V -J Day. And that' is tighter than in any previous wintei• since 1930. . The origin of thetown of . Da- . mascus In Syria is unknown, but it is believed to be,:the oldest city in the world still 'in'habited, Ease Way To Treat Sore, Painful Piles Hero Is she chance. for . every per eon In Canada suffering from sore, itching, painful plies to try a simple home .remedy . with the promise of a reliable firm re refund the cost or the .treatment. If you are not satisfied with the results, SimptY go to any,. druggist and get a.bottle of Hem -/told and use as directed. Flim-Roid to an intern- al treatment, easy andpleasant to .use and pleasing .results, are quick- ly noticed Itching • and soreness ars relieved, pain subsides and as the treatment is continued the sore, painful pile tumors' heal overleav log the rectal membranes clean end healthy. Get a 'bottle of Hem - Reid today and see for yourself whet :an ^easy, pleasant way, thla to to rid yourselfofyour pile misery, NOTE: 'rhe sponger of this malleo le a reliable firm, , .loin: buslneee, In Canada for over 20 years. It. you. are troulrted with sere Itching,.' pninhtl piles. Hem -Reid mons help you quickly era the emntl parelinse price w111 be gladly refunded. ®4I you suffer from MONTHLY ' 1 RYOOS TENSION ivfih its weak, tired feelings? If functional periodic disturbances make you feel nervous tired, restless— at such times—'try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound to relieve such amp - tom's, Pinkhar's Compound is one of the most effective medicines for this purpose. Follow label ddi/iir1recttion/s, Buy igdayf- t^ at v., 6,rfiafaif47ir,►,ta 05410543,1597 MPO O9. BACK IN PORT' Ten kamikazes caused the desolation, you see here on the deck of this U.S. watehip, the Aaron Ward. Despite this damage, the ship made a 12,000 -mile trip to Brooklyn, 3= Cylinder Car To Sell At $400•. A revolutionary design, in fa- mily automobiles appeared for the first time when Denis Kendall, M. P-,. drove up to the House of Com- mons for the opening of Parlia- ment in his new 7 h,p.'8400 Brusa. Built by eight engineers working in a makeshift plant for the last year, the tar resembles' standard models to all outward appearances, but inside everything is hindpart before. The three -cylinder motor is in what normally . would be the baggage compartment in, the rear, and the baggage, batteries and tools are under the hood, The car is said to 'be capable of a miximunt speed of sixty-five miles an hour and does forty miles to the gallon of gasoline, It. has three gears forward and one ' re- verse, two side • lights and one headlight in the centre of the hood. . The car 13 larger titan -a Ford V-8, The motor is built on the V-1 principle, exhaust gas helping to furnish the propulsion. Instead of the gas escaping immediately through' the .exhause pipe, it is fed back into the fly -wheel box and eventually escapes at a much lower . rate than in an ordinary design, In addition to, the Brusa loft: - priced car;, Kendall says he also is prepared to produce tractors,: which he maintains will do' the 'work of -American tractors twice. the size, and will cost, half as much. He says he already has or- ' ders for 20,000 of these, BABY CHICKS FREE RANGE•PULLETS, TWELVE • weeks up to laying. Also day-old chicks hatched to order for Fall delivery. Tweddle :Chick- Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus, oittario. FREE RANGE PULLETS 12 WEEKS' up to 26 weeks,- Day old chicks belched to order for Fall dello- 017. - Top Notch Chickerlee, Guelph, Ontario, YOUR FAL CHICKS SHOULD BE ordered now. Have n few started chicks on hand, Dray Hatchery, 130John N., Hamilton,., Ont. BUSINESS OPCOlt7'UNITIEY' $7,000 OPTIMIST HOME "MAY BE YOURS” ALSO PARTICIPATE IN $50.00 monthly Bond draw, Other prizes, Details on receipt. Shares' 51.00 each or 6 for $5.00,. Send for shares to St, Catharines Optimist Club, Box 445-11„ St. Catharines, Ontario. DYEING -ANtr GLEANING -. HAVE YOUANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for' information, We are glad to answer Your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 'Yonge Street, To • rent 0, EDUCATIONAL ATTEND BUSINESS COLLEGE this' Fall. Enquire about -Gregg Shorthand, choice of highly -paid' stenograpers, secretaries and re- porters, "Graduate with Gregg." FARM MAvtIINb;ita' FOR SALE CHOPPING MILL IN GOOD LOCAL.- ity. Diesel - power. Always good. crops, Write C. J, Cox,.Auburn, Ont, . - "VIgC1.NO" CREAM SEPARATORS and repair, parts are -always available either at your local dealer or direct from Swedish Separator Co, Limited, 729 Notre - Dame West, hfontreui 3, Que. TISACTRACT011-1.YI.C, — MODEL T-20, cp.. with P. 'Poke-Off,"I3elt. Pulley, 16" wide tread, like new. ' ENS1LAGE CUTTER—MCCO11Td1C1C- Deering, Type IS, in A-1 condi- tion, Hanna's International Sales, Mltedoanell Street, Guelph, Phone 2866. _ 1rta SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED bought; sold,. -rebuilt; belts, pul- leys,,brushes. Allen. Electric Com- pany Ltd.. 2326 Dufferin. St„ To- ronto. 28-4 GOOD1SON THRESHER WITH elevator, blower, etc.., • 1it good miming condition. John Dryden, • Broolclin. 35 LUSCIOUS DARK. RED FAIR - fax. or 25 heavy- bearing Catskill or 25 Gem 77verheering Plants that bear until late Fall. Are hardy 'plants for Northerngrow- ers. All new, thrifty, sprayed plants. Price; $1.00. -Order now. mention this .paper. Sent parcel,, Pest. prepntd. W. Phillips, R. 5, Wetland, Ont, .. MOUNT..GILEAD APPLE SHRED - der, arranged for power drive. Equipment ,Sales Co., 122 King E., Toronto. T'EN WEEKS, OLD PURE-BRED Yorkshire sows of outstanding quality $10,00registered,. also • eight weeks old boarsand aowwa froom. qualified Adviuteed. Regis- tered dam and outstanding boar. .51.6,0.0 registered. Garnet. Whitfield, Fraserville, Ont.. '. ELECTRIC MOTORS • REWOUND AND REPAIRED. EX - pert woricmnnship. Moderate ,prices.' Lloyd M, Bettgei•, Monk - ton, Ontario. - _ DUN-DACH'S' KENNELS, REGIS- tered, for Dachshund puppies, Write .136 Rlver.ife Dr.,. West - mount, Weston,, Ontario, EA R91 Iroft NAtot OPPORTUNITY ONE OF THE BEST DAIRY AND Fruit Farms- Ili Niagara Pettis sola, buildings A-1. Modern equip- ment, gent' concern.' Box 49, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto, ISSUE 38-1945 WARNING Don't wait until it is too late To Get the Highest Price FOR YOUR Car or. Truck ANY MAKE OR MODEL Your Car Will Be A Year. Older Oct. r1,: 1945 WE OFFER THE LIMIT' BEATTIE Cadillac Chevrolet Oldsmobile Limited 880 Bay St., Toronto 1 Block North of College `Pigs. Is More Pigs' We like the story of the exper- ienced old copyreader on a news- paper who • questioned the storx written by a junior reporter about the theft of 2,026 pigs, ' "That's a lot otpigs," growled the old copyreader — and decided to telephone to the farmer to check on the accuracy of: the story. . "Was it two thousand and, twen- ty-five. pigs that were stolen from your farm?" he asked, "Yeth," came 'back the fariner's lisping reply. Thanks," said the old copyrc4- er — and he corrected the copy to read "two sows and 25 Pigs." Egypt has 12,000 square utiles of arable land in 'the Nile valley and the delta below Cairo. • IHEAR,TWARMING . . that describes Maxwell House Coffee. It's a superb blend of choice Latin. American coffees=each selected for its ownpar. ticular quality of fine flavor, fragrance or body* FARM 345 ACRES, GOOD LAND. new house, • good barns for 50 head, three wells, hydro and tele- phone available, 3 miles east of North Augusta,on stain road, will Nell reasonable. Apply- Victor Sunderland, North Augusta, Ont. R,R, No. 2, NORTH BAY DISTRICT — 160 acres, free and clear deed. Good road to':property.. Good hunting , and fishing. Total price 5500. If you- want a quiet property in a good, place to relax, give me a -call. Several more properties In same district. Geo. Wight. 303 Canada Bldg., Windsor, Ont, . FARM FOR •SALE, ONE HUNDRED acres, lot. twenty-two, Township of .Murray, eight utiles from. Brighton and Trenton. Steel hin. roof barn thirty-six by aeventy, basementfot' stables. same size, house. two' .wells, spring, hen house, other buildings, wood lot. Ranson for selling 111 health, Price reasonable."Posaeaslon any time. For particulars apply' to J. C. Herrington, Hilton, Ontario. 99 ACRES, CLAY LOAM, BUILD- ings, No, 3 Highway. Elgin Coun- ty, Write 77 Ven Avenue, Wood- stock, 100 -ACRE '' FARM; BRICK 1306)5E; hank barn: •drive ;abed; 3 miles. east of Exeter on 83 Highway. Apply Mrs. Frank . Hutcheson, (Antra, 'Ont, 515,600 -72 -ACRE FRUIT FARM. Modern 7 -room brick home, 500 fruit trees, 10 acres wood, In to- bacco district, good' barns, - best fruit farm to area, Herbert K. Long, Ileal Estate, Port Hope, Ont, 220 ACRES OF .0003) LAND, BEAU- tlful belok house, 75 miles- north of Ottawa, Box 48, 73 Adelaide W„ Toronto. 21 ACRES FRUIT FARM, 16 ACRES 05 truht trees, new modern 5 -roost dwelling with apace above for. 1 additional .rooms; large enclosed veranda, double garage, 2 wells, Hydro, modern conveniences, 512,- 600 terms to aunt, At bargain for the shrewd buyer, S. Vuhcov, 11.1 1, School Ito„ Niagara -on- the Lake, Ont, - - 75 -ACRE FARM 014 BLUEWATER Iliglnvay, adjoining town of For- est; 10 -room brick -house, . 2 good barns on foundation. First class land and all workable. Possession November let. W. W. Wallis,' Dor- cheater, Ont.. 130 ACRES POR SALE, if MILES west of South River, 300 yards lakeohore. ',emitted Whittington, 11,R. 1, South River, Ont. HUNDRED ACRE TOP.ACCO li'A.RM for sale, sixty acres Tobacco land. three kilns, greenhouse 27 x 100 ft., bank barn with implements. Apply to Paul Palenkas, R.R. 3, Thamesville, •Ont.: FARM, ERIN -.TOWNSHIP, CLOSE Erle Village and 24 Highway Has building, spring creek, water wells, small maple bush. 950 acre. . Open for offer. Interested In quick sale. Lot 20, Con, 16, Erin. 150 ACRE'S OF 0007) LAND FOR sale on county road, tis mile to. highway andvillage with. good buildings. Apply 56 8ivans Ward, Ciareinount, Ont, MEDICAL DON'T WAIT, — EVERY SUFFER - or of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis . should. ,try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa.Postpaid 51,00. STOMACH AND THREAD 11'01111S often are the cause of. Ili -health In humane, all ages. No one. Inv mune! Why. not find out If this is your - trouble? Interesting par- tieulars—Free! Write Mulveney's ' Remedies, Specialists. Toronto $ BAUME111RA FOOT BALM DL• str'o5n offensive odor:.inatenlly.' 45c bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa, I3IGH:LY RECOMMENDEI) — EV- ery sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's 'Drug Store, ,335: Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1,00,. H Ant0Rli sslNG. LEARN - iOAlRDRESSStNt THE Robertson method' Information on, request regarding classes. Robertson's Haird rens ing. Ace d• enly 1:77 Avenue llnnd: Toronto MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A, t'lO.DDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Matra- nsents, 111 Church, Toronto 2. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOnlu5N BE A HAIRDRESSER .10114 CANADA'S LEADING 505100(1 Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing fleo ePleasant dintdprssion, wages, thousands successful Ma vel graduates. Amerlea'a greatest aye. tern. Illustrated catalogue tree. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 568 BLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St, Hamilton 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. 1•llll'I'OG It A l'H I CANADA'S LARGEST STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Don't risk- losing your pictures. Snaps can't be taken - over •again. Send your film rolls to Canada's largest and finest studio. Get better pictures at lower cost PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Ro11-6 or 8 , Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25a "1 get bast results from Star Snap- shot Service" writes a customer ht Nova Scotia, who' adds that she has tried many places.. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Print' 8180a 16-20-127 if 29e (4c extra) Is sent with film roll. ENLARGEMENTS— COLORED AND FRAMED Enlargemegta 4 x 6" in beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c, Framed, on ivory tinted mats, 7 X 9" in Gold, Silver, Circasetan Walnut or. Black. Ebony finish framea, 59c each. If enlargement colored, 79c each, OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can restore any old photograph' or snapshot ,and make any, - number of prints lir enlargements desired. Tho process requires the work of skilled artiste, but thecost is ' reasonable. Sendus your picture and ten us whatyou wane done and we will tell you the cost before doing the work, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box. 129, Festal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on Orders. TIME . TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTiiON lour films property' developed and printed. 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE [ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST' ENLARGING .SERVICE Yell may not get all the films you. want 'this year, butyou canget all the quality and service you desire. by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1, Toronto I'AT P:NTS FETHERSTONHAUGH B: COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established .1600; 14 Etna West, Toronto, BoOklet of Information 'on" re - good SEED 11.011 SALE FALL BARLEY 5EEDFOR SALE, yields up to eighty bushels per acre. -Bays, Milgrove, Out. '1'IEAUBICIRS WAN'r L 1) GULDEN LAKE-EX.PE51 LNCISD Protestant. teacher, Principal (n • 2 -roomed 'school at Village. of Golden Lake, Ont. Good train and bus service, Apply, stating sal- ary and experience, to Wm. - J. Hugh, Sec.-Treas., S.S. No, 5, North Algenu, Gaulden Lake, Ont, TYA.CHElR REQUIRED AS ASSIST'- ant in a three-rooined school in the village: of Coe Hill. Special certificate Inhousehold science, Manua)' training .01' art pre (erred. To eomtnence September, Salary $1300, Apply to A. G. Giles, Coe , Hill, Ont. ati.t i5 '.VAf7T'101) y DAIRY BARN ASSISTANT, STNGI,E, experienced, reliable,good wages,. board provided Don -.Head Farms, Richmond AIB, Ontario, WANTED. TROLL TFPI!) CRAPN CRUSI11dIt, rolls to be approximately 14" to 18" diameter by 20" to 30" long. Equipment Sales Coo 122 King E„ Toronto,. - WA-N'rED TO PURCHASE PUL - lets, all breeds from 8 weeks ate. to laying. Good prices .paid. Apply , to Box 33, 73 Adelaide' W., To. rohto.