HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-09-06, Page 5• •";•"-'• S PT. 6th 1945 TON frAGE 5 SERVICE— • The.Action. of One --- On. Behalf of Another— • the Initerest of Both-. Service, to us Means placing in action all ow Highest Ideals • BEATTIE FUNERAL; HOME • GEORGE B. BEATTIE AUBURN • _ Misses Jeteid and 'Joan Anderson, nurses-inetraining at Stratford -Gene. eral Hospital, spent the week end with their mother, Mrs. Erie Ander- - sone • Mrs. Albert King has returned home, after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Albert ,Killough at Hamilton. Miss Mary Houston has .resumed her duties as teacher 'et South-Poreu- r pine, after spending the holidays with her -..,parents, Mr. And Mrs. john Houston. Royce Phillips who has been work - Ling in, Toronto during the -summer holidays has returned home. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gorinley Thompson and son Bobby of Brampton, spent the week end with friends here. Donald Ross returned to Galt on Monday, after spending the holi- days with his Mother, Mrs. 'Fred. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson,. Dt. B. C. Weir; Mies Josephine Weir, : Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Weir were ' eStrathroy visitors on Monday. Mr. Wm. Mcllwain and Miss Amelia. Mcllwain, are visiting friends at Streetsville. ' The Committee in charge of Tag Day for the blind, Mrs. Jas. Woods, Mrs. A. J. Ferguson and 'Mrs. Earl Raithby wishes to thank all ones - who collected, also to thank those • who contributed to this worthy • cause. The collectors were, Marie Raithby, June Beadle, -Margaret • Jackson, Evelyn Raithby, Johnnie Seers, Ken. Turner, .Eleanor —Andrews, Joyce and Lois • Taylor, -Jean Lawlor and Violet Nevins. The • sum of $30.26 was realized Tor this • worthy eeuse. • District schools opened on Tues- day with new teachers in several t of them. Mr. Elliott Little of Monk - ton. is at S. S. No. 5 ailulleit , (Auburn) after two years teaching • experience near Monktone Mr. 1, William, , MeCreath, of , Kincardine reeently discharged from the R.C. —A.F. is at No. 3 Colborne (Young's School), while Miss Edythe Beacom e of landeshoro is the new teacher at S. S. No. 9 Hullett; Mrs. Aubrey ' Toll. is remaining at 8. 8. No. 16 East Wawanosh for another term, and Miss Vivian Straughan is at - the Benmiller school. ' This community mourns the pass- - ing of a life-long resident in the • person of George F. Yungblut, who • died early Sunday morning at his ' home. Death resulted from a. stroke Arthur (Margaret) of tkuleurre In his early years he was very active in sport e circles,being captain of Auburn Rifle Club, himself being a •skilled marketnan having many times competed at Long Branch and had won the Huron ,County medal. Mr. Yungblut • took a very active interest in hunting, making many trips to Parry Sound during the bunting season.' The funeral was held from his late residence on Wednesday' after- noon with interment in • Ball's Cemetery. 0 LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Millar,. Detroit, spent the week end with ,Mrs. John Harvey and Miss Mabel Harvey. Mrs. Moore, Mr: Fred Moore arid Miss Edith Moore, Forest, and Mr. Howard 'Jackson, Sarnia with Mr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Pipe, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Pipe and family, Brussels, and Mr. and Mrs. Simpson McCall, Blyth. Misses Beth. and Elva -Govier are visiting their cousins, Mr. and Mae Manley Lyon, in Detroit. Miss Doreen Armstrong spent last week with Miss Marie Menzies • at Gallintere Peek. Mrs. W. M. Gray and Miss Lois Wood visited friends in Palmerston last week. Miss Elva Bedford, Brantford, and Miss Dorothy Bedford, Ottawa, are visiting Mrs. Laura Sundereock, Mr. T. Moon, London with Mr. and Mrs. J. McCool. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fisher Galt, with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .J. Snell. Misses Father Jamieson, Dorothy Little and. 011ie Moon, have returned to their schools in Toronto. Miss Fern Watson left on Monday to teach school in London. Miss Vaughan, Owen Sound, is the new teacher at No. 5 School. • Miss Laura Snell returned to her school at Welland. Mts. 3, Nott is in Seaforth this week, at her daughters, Mrs. Robert- on. Mrs. E. Lyon, Mrs. O. Watson and Miss Fern Watson spent a few days last week with Mr. and ,Mrs. W. H. Lyon. Thorndale. Mrs. Wm. Lyon returned an Fri- day from Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gibbs, Hamilton, visited with Mr. Frank Gibbs over •the week end. suffered a week ago. Mr. Yungblut The W. M. S. will hold their regu- - was in his 75th year, and Was born lar monthly meeting on TheirsdaY, on the farm vihere Major Yungblut September 13th, in the Sunday resides,' the son of Werner Yung -I School room, at 2.30 p.m, Group •'blot and Elizabeth Latz. In 1895 he , No. I will be in charge. The word bought the property in the village ' for roll call is "Peace." . now owned by Mr. H. alogvidge, but at that time was the old Luther- • an church. The building was remo- dolled into a dwel'ing, where the • Yungblut family resided, and a • butcher shop -was built on the cor- ner of the lot which was 'operated by the deceased man. He success-. fully carried on the butcher busi- ness until 1919, when he moved to the present farm.- In the year 1907 when the C.P.R. first came through Auburn, he was extensively engaged • as a cattle buyer, and was the first • manager of the elevator. at the on aunday, September 9th. Mornin • station • . g service at 11 o'clock, evening service , He took a very deep interest in 7.30 p.m. Special offering. • ehureh activities serving on the Mr. and Mrs. Bert Corbett, DIM- buildi ng committee of the. present 1 kik accompanied by Mrs. John * Knox United, (formerly Presbyter- McConnell, spent the week end -with tan) church which was beat in, 1905. the Lockhart family. ' He retained his 'connection with the School opened 'Tuesday, with Miss Presbyterian faith in 19:5, and hasi Phyllis Wilding in charge. Rev, Mr. Penman preached his first sermon on Sunday morning. We welcome him and his family to the community. Whs. R. Townsend, Mrs. F. Tam- blyn and Miss Dorothy Little, spent the week end with Rev. and Mrs, Menzies at their cottage at Gallimere Park. 0 PORTER'S HILL Don't forget the anniver-ary services at Grace church Porters Hill MAItItIAGES HEAltN—GRAY — In Winclainnere laniteti Church,,Toronto on •Settire • dayt, Septemter lot •Margaret Isabelle, daughter of Mr ,and Mrs. • James; K. ray, Fiight Sergeant Gordon R. Heern sten of Mrs. Helen and the late Dr. P. Hearn • of Clinton. Rev, W.L.L. Lawrence officiated: • • - DOOKING-LIA5B13 — In Goderieh ev Tonehip on 'Saturday, September 1st, Ada Jaye eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lobb, Goderich Township, was united in marriage to Lyle Winston, youngest ion of • 4.J Mr. and Mrs, ewis - Docking, Staffaa Rev. Harold Snell, Aubtum, cousin of the bride officiated. 0 • BIRTHS. 1VIACAULAY—an, Detroit, Mich„ on Tu.esday, August 21st, to Mr. and aWrs. Royce -Macaulay (Clara Ball) a son, Douglas Malcolm. IN THE LETTER BOX Dear Sirs: ' Farmers of Huron• 'County, who were unable to secure a military type track, at the • sale in London., will have another chance during September, at sales in Chatham, September 13th, Guelph, September 18th and Markham on the 20th. . Any farmer buying one of these trucks must have a certificate from the County Secretary of the Federa- tion of Agricultere. He must agrea to keep the vehicle for at least three months and pay spot cash. P'er- sonal cheques will not be accepted, unless marked by your bank. Yours respectfully, W. V. Roy Secretary-Treasarer Huron County Federation of A.gri- culture. 0 REJOICE Let all worries take wings to -day And sorrows linger not within your heart. "Forget not all His benefits"; be mindful of His power— Be glad! Lift up your heart and pray. 'Tis joy in these historic days to have a, part In Freedom's glory — Freedom's crowning hour. --(Isabel MacKenzie Bateman For Sale 300 bushels of ;mixed grain, 1 rubber tire buggy,' 1 light wagon, set of plough harness, pair of horse blankets, one good robe, and a wheelbarrow. Apply to Percy Riley, Londesboro, or phone Clinton 80442. 65-1 Foe Sale Two good heifers, Durham and Hereford. freshen this month. Apply Wm. Seotelemer, Hayfield, Ontario, 65-1 For Sale New electric and Semi -electric Sewing Machines. Mao- used ones. Phone 727 Stratford or write to Singer SewingMachine Co., 78 Ont. St. Stratford. Sales & Service. 65-6 Wanted To Rent House with modern convenience*. Permanent tenants. Immediate pos- session. Apply to Box 39 MO. Clinton News -Record. 65-1 Pigs For Sale 11 pigs, 8 weeks old. Apply to A. L. Shariahan, or phone Clinton 801r16. 65-1 Wanted Room and board for the winter for an elderly lady. Apply to Box 39F News -Record. 68-1 Fleece Line Your Home Blown Rockwool Insulation applied to ceilings and walls' of your how. Will save fuel witl»nore comfort and fire protection. For free esti- mate and terms, phone Clinton 4, News -Record, or write Rowland C. Day, 5 Thornton Ave., London, Ont. 65-4 Used Furniture for Sale 1 two-piece chesterfield suite; Quebec cooking range; Electric Stove; Kitchen table --and four chairs, (white_ and, black); Large Bird cage and stand; Fern -stand; All in A-1 condition. L. W. McDonald, 30 Prin- cess St. W. 65-1 Clearing _Auction S:.Ie been a 'faithful member of Knoxl We are sorry to report that Mr» of farm stock and Implements Presbyterian church where he served Frank Picot is not in the be t, of, at Lot 34, Cone/ssion 6, East • on the Board of Manegers. He was health. - Wawanosh township, 3 miles north, ' • a -past master of Morning, Star Mr. and Mr. Elliott Mair and 31/2 nines west. 'and 1 mile north of , Lodge A.F. & AM» a director of children, London, spent a few days Blyth, on . . - the Western Farmers Weather with Mr. and Mr. Jim Cox. MTS., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER llth Mutual Insurance Company, and a Jim Cox visited in London. former member of East Wawanosh Mr. Mel Cole Kitchener, was a township council. caller at Lockharts for the holiday. Mr. Peter Young was taken to On December 21, 1898-, he marrie•d Anna Wolper who died in Merch the hospital Saturday morning. Friends wish for him a speedy recov_ • 1938. In June 1941 he. married Mrs. Jenny Mugford who survives along n with three sons and two daughters; Miss Dorothy Cox left for her " Victor at home; Leonard, of Wind- sor; Arthur of D st ()it -a s. Caren- • ee Walden, (Margeerite) of Sea - forth, and Lila R. N. of White Horse, • Yukon who made the entire trip to •' Toronto (some 4000 ma es) via plane following the news of her ' 'father's illness, but whose passing suction figures , of the 1945 barley occurred before her arrival, also 4 crop, and the carryover from the 1944 • grandchilarem, 'Ohere is one brot'er crop, it is considered essential that and seven sisters surviving. Harry in Order to protect the -agrieultheal of Zutich, Mrs, C. W. Mogk (Annie) li-ve-stoek proggem, the entire crop be. of Tavistock, Mrs. Wm. Mulch i'eld for Canadian eonsumption says (Katheritie) of Clinton, Mrs. Nelsen the Feeds Administrator of the Agri- • Armstrong (Carrie) and Mrs. Vola cutturai •Supplies Board and the merhoueen, (Eennaa) both of Wood- Wartime Prices and Trede Board. TERMS—CASII • stock, Mrs. Wen, Rddell (Aema) •ef • Consequently,' no further export C. DOW, Proprietor, La. Riviece Man Mrs George Permits will be granted for barley, HAROLD JACKSON, ,Auetioneer. Beedle (Marion) and Mrs, Stant whole, Ground or PraeeEted• • •6 school at Kirkland Leke, Monday. 0 Exports Stopped of all Barley After reviewing the estimated pro - commencing at 1.00 p.m. sheep The following: A herd of 30 young dairy cows in full production, consisting of Hol- steine, Ameshires and part Jereeas. This is a »good clean herd, free from all disease, average yearly test 3.5, One pure-bred shorthorn ' bull, 20 months ola, 4 calves, 3 horse's, milk- ing machine, 2 single to its new this year, Universal Make Weetropail, Electric pump and motor, good set of tools, rubber hose for cooling milk, truck, wagon, sleigh, mower, r Ice, one man rack, corn rack, new barn rope, and car, hay fork, 1200 bushel of mixed grain, approximately 75 chickens, 5 months old, New Hamp- shire and Leghorns. (Alice articles, too . numerous ,to mention. Everything will be sold. Positively no reserve: Proprietor moving awry due to ill health. CUT FLOWERS • FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. 'COOKE • FLORIST Phonon eew and MI Batkins Locker Storage • We have a few lockers left, to rent. We have some liver on hand now. Farmers style sausages. WE BUY HIDES FROZEN FOODS ARE BETTER FOODS Insulation Pays for Itself Have it done the Blow in way Prompt and Courteous ServieNaiven, Apply to Western Home Insulators 636 Wellington St., London, for free estimate. 64-9 For Sale A quantity of good clean timothy seed, also a Leicester Shearlieg Ram, bred by Colin Lawson. Apply to J. B. Bothwell, or phone Clinton 906r16. 65-2' Strayed Steer A steer strayed onto the premises of the undersigned some time ago. The owner ertay have same by proviitg property, and paying expenses. Charles Lindsay, Clinton. 65-3 • Notice To Creditors In the. Estate of WILLIAM AARON THACKABERRY. All per- sons having claims against the Estate of Milan Aaron Thackaberry late of the Township of Goderich deceased, -who died on or about the 4th day of June, 1945, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of Septena- ben 1945 full particulars of their clahns. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will he distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard. only to claims of 'which the -undersigned- shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated. at Clinton this 30th day, of August 1945. George Cole`ough, Administrator By his Solicitor H. G. Meir 64-3 Seaforth, Ontario AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Fawn Stock, Implements and Furniture John W. Smith has instructed the undersigned to sell by' public auction at Lot 18, Stanley Twp., 1st farm north of Varna en County road, on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th at 1 o'clock sharp HORSES:— Clyde horse, 5 yrs. old; Clyde mare, aged. CATTLE:—, Durham cow, 7 yrs. old to freshen Nov. 28th; Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, to freshen March 1st; Durham cow, 5 yrs, old, freshened; Durham bull 18 months old; Poll Angus cow 5 yrs. old to freshen Feb. 10th; Heee- ford cow, 8 yrs. old to freshen Feb. 20th; Blue cow, 7 yrs, old to freshen March 1st; Blue cow aged, freshened; 2 heifers 2 yrs. old; 6 Yearling steers and heifers; Spring calf. PIGS:— Sow and 7 pigs. FOWL: - 20, year old hens; 150 spring misters, IMPLEMENTS:— M.-H. 11 Disc fertilizer drill (near- ly new); binder 6 ft. cut; M. -II. No. 21. mower, 6 ft. cut; Mall. hay rake; M. -H. loader; M. -H. 18 tooth cultivator; 5 Horse power Lister gasoline engine; No. 21 International walking plow; Inter- national manure spreader; 2 drum steel roller; 4 section drag harrows; -rubber tired wagon 600x16 tires with stock rack; farm wagon and hay rack; sleigh and flat rack; oid- ehrow disc; 4 rim portable silo; water trough; steel tank; brooder stove with 1000 chick capacity (new); 4 rain shelters; Viking cream separa- tor 550-600 capacity; team harnese: harness, hay fork; car, pulley, 120 ft. hay rope (new); wheel barrow; fanning mill; electric fencer; pres- sen sprayer; cyclone seeder; pig crate; ladder, bushel and a half of alfalfa seed, bushel timothy seed; whiffle trees, neck yokes; forks and shovels. . FURNITURE:— • Clare4ewel cook stove (nearly new); Quebec, style heater; lawn mower (new); 'writing desk; washing machine; kitchen table and numer- ous other articles. . No Reeerve as farm is sold TERMS — CASH JOHN W. SMITH, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, /auctioneer 0. M. Lawson, C'erk. 65.1 ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing — ,Dennis Morgan isa “GOD IS MY CO-InLOT" • 1VIon, Tues and Wed. "Sonja,-rilthe8 dAerlPialgBASof UthRePlee, is back again, more graceful than ever, in a grand Technicolor sp• - etaele Sonja Henie, Michael O'Shea and • Bill Johnson. Thurs. Fri. and Sat. Dorothy Lamour, Eddie Bracken and Gil Lamb. • A beautiful -South Se.s idyl, port- • raying all, the splendour and ro- mance of the tropics and filmed in'Technicelor. "RAINBOW ISLAND" Coming — Don't tell anyone, it's "A ROYAL SCANDAL" Matinees — Sat. and Hol. at 2.30 CAPITAL' THEATRE • c;hruwcTi • Now Playing —I Alan, Ladd and Loretta Young in "AND NOW TO -MORROW » , Men. Tues and Wed. ' • elletety Grable, Diek Hennes and William Gaxton. Presenting, in full Technicolor, one of the gayest of all musical camedies. Billy Rose's "THE DIAMOND HORSESHOE" Thurs. Fri. and Sat. • "SALOME, Where She Danced" In Technicolor The West's most fabulous tale about the world's most fascinat- ing Neiman. - Yvonne de Carlo, Walter Slezalt -and Albert Dekker. - Coming -- George Raft in "NOB HILL" REGENT THEATRE, SRAFORTH Now Playina "THE MERRY • and Donald 0' Connor, tIVIONA.HANS" with Peggy ljrati .1Vicon. Tues and Wed. • Carmen- 1VIirandst, Perry ,Clorno and Vivian Blaine, Al lilting medley of .inasie and merriment with a cast of • toP- notch, funmakers. • ' `cSOIVIerrilING FOR THE BOYS" In ,Technicolor, • Thurs. Fri, and Sat. Jack Benny, Alexis Smith A fanciful funtale of Gabriel's understudy and the trumpet he never blew. The Horn Blows At Midnight • Coming -- Betty Grable in ' "THE DIAMOND HORSESHOE" IN WHAT ARE YOU TRUSTING TO SAVE YOUR SOUL. IS IT-- *Church membership or ritual? *Good works? *Second chance? 'The efforti of another man?. OR IS IT CHRIST who said "I arse the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh into the Father, but by me." John 14:6. "Believe on the LORD JESUS CHRIST and thou shalt be saved." ° Acts 16:31 TUNE IN: Pilgrim Hour 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. Sunday evening • LOCAL STATION OKLW WINDSOR NOTICE Owing to the SHORTAGE; of SUGAR and help we will not accept any phone orders ,for Bake Goods on Saturday. Please give us your order not later than six p.m. on Friday's. Orders not held after 10.30 p.m. Saturday night. BARTLIFF'S The Home of Good Eats PHONE 1 Heifer Lot A. Hereford heifer, yeaeling, white markings. Anyone finding same please notify Charles Marks, Bayfield or phone Clinton 630r43. 64-2 For Salle Radios $15. and $55. Mantle sets both in excellent working order. Apply at Dr. Gunns Residence. Phone 145-3. 64-1 PLASTER REPAIRING A. French Plastering Contractor Specialist in Cornice Work Decorative Plastering Plaster repairs promptly And neatly, done Box 23 or Phone 187 Wingham G4-tf TENDERS Township of Goderich Tenders will be received by the undersigned% until Sept. 15th, for building a cement bridge at lot 37 Con 14, Township to supply the cement and the steel. Plans and specificatione may be seen at the office of the Road Supt. IVIr. Roy Tyndall, R. R. 3 Clinton, any other information may be had from any Councillor or the Reeve. A marked cheque for 100. to accompany each tender. R. G. THOMPSON, 64-2 R. R. 2 Clinton WANTED Girls to Learn glove' knitting Highest wages to ambitious workers. Best factory conditions and steady employment. Apply by letter or personally to: THE WILLIAIVIS-TROW KNITTING CO, LIMITED, STRA,TFORD, ONT. 64-3 Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF DONALD CAMERON GALBRAITH, late of • the Village of Bayfield, in the Comity of Huron, Laborer Deceased, All persons' having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the seine with ' the undersigned Solicitor fOr the Estate, on or before the 8th day of Septeme ber, ,A.D. 1945, after which date the • assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the elaine of which notice hall have been given. Dated at Clinton, this 17th day of August A. 18, 1945. Eingiend, 3. 0., Clinton, Ontario Sdlicitor for the said Matte. Cemetery Memorials Large stook of modern memorials oa display at our Clinton ShowrOoms For the convenience of our patrons, office will be open on Fridays Open by appointment at any other time • See Mr. 3. J. Zapfe, next door Cunningham & Pryde Clinton — Exeter — Seaforth PHONE 41 EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer For Huron Correspondence promptly answered Immediate arrangements can be made for Saled Date at the News - Record, Clinton, oreby calling Phone 203. Charge moderate and satisfaction Guaranteed. at a Insurance Protection' Automobiles, fire, wind, accident, sickness, FlospitalizAion. Cheapest rates and most modern coverage. M. G. RANSFORD 180w CLINTON Lost Last Friday night, a black collie dog, with white and' tan markings on the neck and face. 'Bob tail. Answers to the name of "Popeye". Anyone knowing. the whereabouts of this dog, please call, Clinton 907r11. 65-1 NOTICE The Hullett Township Council at its regular meeting August 9th, 1945 passed a. by-law to add 1/5 of 1 mill with a minimum of stoo on all taxable Farm property in the Townshipas Membership Fees to the Federation of Agriculture, Any- one can have this revoked on their respective property, by applying to the Clerk in Writing. GEO. COWAN, 62-2 Township Clerk. For Sale 1932 Studebaker Sedan, Serial No. 9950107, fair tires, 2 spares, motor H. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC • Fire Insurance Agent Representing 14' Fire Insurance Companies DivisiOn Court Office, Clinton Frank Fingland, B.A.,LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Pubthi Successor to W. Brydone, Sloan Blodk — Clinton, Ont. • INSURANCE REAL ESTATE. BONDS Fire — Automobile — Accident Sickness, Wind, Liability, Plate Gime Family Hospital Plan with Accidental Death Benefit H. C. Lawson Agent Mutual Life Asa. Co. • Clinton Ontario. Office 251W, Bank of -Montreal Bldg. Phone ARTHUR E. PARRY Commissioner, Etc. Etc. By Royal Warrant. H. C. MEIR Barrister -at -Law Solicitor of the Supreme Court al! Ontario Proctor in Admiralty. Notary Public and Comisissioner Office in the McKenzie Hotel Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays and Fridays. Dr. F. G. Thompson House and Office, Ontario Street Clinton. Telephone 172 OFF/CD HOURS: 2-4 in the tater* noon and 7-8 in the evening daily*, Other hours by appointment. D. IL McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Electra Therapist, Massage Office: Huron Staiet, (Fevr Doom ' west 'of Royal Bank) Hours—Wed. and Sot, and bY appointment FOOT CORRECTION by Manipulation Surr-RayS,,Treatment Phone 207 HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer Specialist in Farm and Household Sales. Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable; eatat- faction guaranteed. For information etc. write or phone 'Harold Jackson, MR. No. 4 Seaforth, Phone 14-661. 06-042 overhauled; reeentla. Apply to W. A. McAllister, Albert St. DR. G. S. ELLIOTT 62-e Veterinary Surgeon For Sale . , Immediate possessan, 8 room Phone 203 Clinton, Ont. house, large halls, summer kitchen and wood shed. Nice frontage, fruit trees and garden. Apply to the News -Record Office, 62-tf Wanted "800 Dealers earn a comfortable income by selling Familex Products from door to door! How about start- ing a business of your own, in your sparetime, with the same ad. vantages, in the district of your choice? For free details- and eats,- logue: Familex, 1800 Delman -Mee, Montreal. 62-5 Car or $1,000 Victory Bond for $1.00 "1941 Ford Super De Luxe Cab- riolet or $1,000 Victory Bond will be given to the holder of the lucky share drawn for at the Galt Fair on Sep- tember 22nd. Share e 3 for $1.00. Send to Galt Kiwanis Charities, Box 120, Galt, Ontario." For Sale 1938 Motorcycle and sidecar. Value $350. will sell for $200. Good running order but needs minor ad- justments:Windshield, extra lights, pilion seate, etc, included. Phone Clinton 1454. ' 63-1 Farm For Sale 127 acre', situated on No., 8 high- way, 2 miles from Clinton and seven • wales from Seaforth. On premises is a nine eoomed, two storey brick house, furnace. Bank barn, cement floors in 'stable, drive house, hen house, hydro, plentiful supply of water, well adapted for mixed faem- ing, stock and implements if desired. Apply on premises. Jahn R. Noble. . • 56-tf ERNEST W. HUNTER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 57 Bloor Str. W. Toronto Ont. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. OFFICERS-- President W. R. Aechibald, Seaforth, Vice -President Frank McGregor, Clinton, Manager Secy-Treas. M. A. Reid, Seaforth. DIRECTORS— W. IL Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; B. J. Trewar- tha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth Alex. Mawing, Blyth; Hugh Alexan- der, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton, AGENTS— John E. Pepper, Bruce - field; R. F. MeKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. • Parties desiring to effect inner/- an:le or transact other business will be promptly attended to on applica- tion to any of the above officers ad dressed to their respective post offi- ces. Lossea inspected by the direetor. Wanted to BUY Wanted tobuy, old horses and dead cattle for :mink feed, If dead, phone at once.- Fred Gilbert 908r22 or Jack • 63-3 Gilbert 30Sr2i. 584 TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: Toronto and Goderich Division Going East,,depart . 6.43 a.m. Going East, depart 3.03 p.m. Going West, depart 12.04 p.m. Going West, depart 11.10 p.M. London and Clinton Division Coming North, arrive 11.20 nan, Going South, leave ..........3.10 p*, _ _