HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-09-06, Page 1be Muted Newo7Reeord Eet. X878
0, 6165 --- 67 YEAR
Suitings and Dress Fabrics
for Your Fall and Winter
Camel Suede
Herringbone Tweed
Polo Coating
All Wool Duvetyn
Fine Wool Shepherd's Check
widths 54 " to 60 "
The September meeting of Clinton
Red. Cross Society will be held in
the "Connell 'Chambers • on. Monday,
September 10th at 3 p.m. Now that
seasonis over we would
the halide
like all our members ; to be present,
so we can plan our activities with
'extra effort.
There is nothing better for a bad case of nerves -St feeds, soothes
nd relaxes tired "Ragged" Nerves -Promotes sound sleep improves
General Health -
Batkin's Locker has been recently
taken over by Lloyd Batkin, a bro.,
ther of the former owner.
Mr, ,Reg. Cudmore has purchased
the "Peter Cantelon" house on Prin-
cess Street, from Mr. E. Ward.
Miss Doris McEwen of Bayfield
who was a .student of Clinton Coileg-
date, is a recipient of a University
of Western Ontario .Soholarshig.
Mr. George Rumball, who recently
returned home after more than four
years service in the R.C.N.V.R., has
resumed his position with Mr. T. J.
Riley, in his Grocery store.
This fine silverware. featuring two lovely patterns
and "Inspiration" are again in stock.
34 piece service for eight in tarnish -proof chest at $38.00
52 piece service fox eight in tarnish -proof chest at $53.00
Each piece is protected at the point of greatest wear by the silver
When school^re-opens be sure they have a good Pen -_and Pencil from
our Parker or Eclipse display. - -
If it's a watch,:see our large stock of all the finest makes now
being shown.
Thoren's lighters just received 3 grand models @ 2.76, $3.50, $4.50
Other makes @ 79e, $1.00, $4.00 and $11:50
Large stock -of new Billfoldsmanany styles and colours $1.00 to $3.25,
Silver and Watches subject to Govt. Tax-
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a
Century in Huron County.
don't want to carry a thing like
that on your lap. Put it under the
A fellow;, got on the bus with a
0-poundbomb under Iris arm and
t down. -
"What's that lg`ou've got on your
p ?". conductor. - Evening;Auxiliary -
p. .asked the
", delayed action bomb., I'm Its y n of the
," There will be A:'meet g
king to the police, station, came
e answer. Evening Auxiliary on Mosjday even-
"Lumme," •said the conductor, ",you";ing, September' 10th
e .Clinton New Era
SEPTEMBER6th 1945.:
The New Era Est.' 18011.
The •regular September 'meeting'
of the town council ; vas held in the
Council` chamber „mg, Tuesday even-
ing at' 8 o'clock, September 4th. All
members of council were present,
and Mayor Agnew. Presided.>
Mr. Morgan Jones, .while plowing
on Saturday, September lst, on the
side road near the 16th concession,
plowed out a nest of eggs, averaging
about fifteen or.twenty, apparently
turtle eggs. This is one lot that will
not hatch out.
;An appi
ice i
iora• b
g P
mit was read and twa :. moved by
Councillor McMurray • and seconded
by Councillor • Brown 'that. permit to
erect an addition to the office on
Rattenbury street at a cost of about
$500.00 be granted Dr. •J. A. Addi-
son,' subject to .approval of, the con-
troller of, construction.
Returns From Overseas
Lorne Brown, . who has 'served for
Several years. in the R.C,N.V.R. has
received`' his discharge aria has re-
turned to his home in Clinton. As is
their custom the members of the
"Silent service"' do not wish for
publicity and `.Brownie" arrived
homewithout revealing the time of
` nds and
so m
his, arrival to .Erie
the happy welcome, Clinton likes to
extend, to her 'returning servicemen,
-A letter was received from Mon-
teith and Monteith in -response to
an :enquiry concerning preliminary
Sewerage Accounts.
A communisation from; the 'Strat-
ford Branch of the Bell`, Telephone
Company . was received and read.
This was relative to their anxiety'
over the necessity of Se' serage out-
let and disposal.
In the Clinton Lions pub appeal
for refund of rental it?,was moved
by Councillor Trewartha, and secon-
ded by Councillor Shaaddick,' that
Council refund'the sum 'of $15.00 to
the Lions Club for rent 4f Hall paid
for the evening of August 29th, as
all proceeds are turned over to the
Red Cross.
Mrs. Ray Mason received 'a parcel
from her husband in Holland, in
the parcel were tulips, crocus and
other bulbs, among these site found
a colchicum bulb. You can just set
the bulb anywhere as it grows with-
out earth or water, It looks very
much like a crocus and has a very
sweet scent.
0 '
Wesley -Willis Girls' Club
The Girls Club of Wesley -Willis
church will hold their regular meet-
ing on Tuesday,, September llth, at
8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. P. Mann-
ing: Mrs, Gordon Miller will be the
speaker, and Mrs. Tingey and Mrs.
Freers group will be in charge.
asw w
Appreciation For Work
Well Done
The Bowling Club
Lawn Bowling reaches high peak in
Four of the most enthusiastic
members of the Clinton Bowling Club
attended a bowling tournament at
Stratford August 29th.
Due to arguments on the way home
another tournament took place in the
"wee small hours of the morning"
at Clinton.
As yet we haven't had the reports
on the finals and many citizens of
the town are quite interested.
Dr. F. G. Thompson, M. O. H. was
present and .spoke concerning the
urgent need of the sewerage system.
The mayor called on the Assessor
and Tax Collector, who;; rendered a
statement of arrears of taxes, col-
lections to date, and reported the
new assessment figures 5 as at this
By-law No. 15 for 3945, authoriz-
ing and requiring the Treasurer to
proceed with sale of -properties for
arrears of taxes, was give first,
second and third readings and pass-
In reporting' for the committee on
Salaries and duties, Mayor Agnew
read a request from Chief Constable
Thompson for some holidays. This
matter was left with the, committee,
At the Council meeting on Tues-
day night, the Mayor and members
of Council felt that they could not
let the opportunity slip by, ,of ex-
pressing their' appreciation and
thanks to everyone, who in his or her
own way, helped to make the Labor
Day celebration such an outstanding
To Mr. Harold Fremlin goes a
special word of appreciation for the
untiring efforts on his part to make
the parade a success. He spent many
hours arranging and planning with
the merchants concerning their
Softball News
As a result of darkness, the Soft-
ball game played Wednesday even-
ing between the Juveniles and Main
Street was called at the end of six
innings, and consequently was de-
clared no contest.
The series will be 'resumed on
Friday evening. Sept. 7th. The game
will be called for 6.30 o'clock and in
yiew of the short evenings, players
are urged to be on time so that the
game may start promptly. '
The excellent attendance of the
local ball fans at these games is
appreciated, and we hope to provide
some really good ball before the
season ends.
labor Day Celebration
Monday, Clinton ,celebrated Labor
Day in the Town Community. Park."
On Friday it looked - as if the weather
man was not going •to co-operate
but the weather cleared Saturday Wood met with an accident which
night, Sunday was clear and warm marred things somewhat but we can .
and Monday was all that anyone all be thankfult hat it was not
could ask' for. Everyone got away serious and he was able to crash
bright and early on the Park ground
and by the time the Parade was due
to arrive everything was in good
thing new in Clinton and was made
possible by the new race track. The
races were fast and good, and we're'
enjoyed by all, Unfortunately Ell -
through the flaming barrier as.
The evening program was put on
by Myrtle Armstrong's 'troup'. from.
6 . Major Morgan got the parade London. It was a good clean show•
away on time and what a parade it and the crowd showed their apprecia-
was. Never has.. Clinton seen any- gtion by giving them a good hearing.
ting like it andhere we should [ To Mr. W. E. Perdue, chairman of
all give credit to Harold Fremlin the sports Day program goes the
and Jack Butler. They were, res- j credit. for arranging all the details in:
connection with the day's activities.
ponsible for all the arrangements
and they did• a real jab. The mer -1 The bingo was under the able•
chants and manufacturers responded management of the Legion and as -
usual it was 'a success. To Dick.
Jacob goes the credit for a success-,
ful dance. He was ably assisted by
In the request from, ,T, E,.-John-
soii for We disposal o: weeds at the
rear of the Town Hall, Reeve Fal-
coner as chairman of the Property
Committee, accepted the responsi-
Concerning the notice from Ernest
A. Adams, regarding drainage,
Mayer Agnew stated he would take
up the matter.
In . reporting the Park extension
program, Councillor McMurray stat-
ed ,that the grader would be em-
ployed for probably three weeks yet,
and it was moved by Councilor
Shaddick and seconded by Councillor
Trewartha that the parcel of land
we purchased from C. Elliott for
extension of Park be paid for as soon
as our solicitor has the deed ready.
Then too, the council is not un-
mindful of the efforts of the con-
venors and their committees who
looked after the details concerning
she sports, ball games, motorcycle
races, the bingo and dance. If there
are others, who had a hand in .pro-
moting this successful event, the
Council wishes them to know that
their work was appreciated.
In explanation, there were five
organizations, who sponsored the
,Celebration,, as a means of helping
in the Park project. Tilley were the
Turf Club, The Lions Club The
Public Utilities ;Commission, Spring
Fair Board and the Clinton. & aoli
of the Canadian Legion.
Each of the above organizations
is represented an the Park Com-
Clinton Community Park
The Town Council furnished the
money for the children's sports
A. D. McCartney and Roy Sperling:
which were enjoyed by all. The cons- The finances were under the able
mittee responsible for the day's management of Geo. MeLay and the•
program consisted of Mr. A. W. final report will show that he did a
Nott, Mr. T. Churchill, R. McEwan, good job.
Dr. G. Elliott, W. E. Perdue.
In the afternoon there were two
good ball games both boy and girls)
teams were outstanding and to Thos.
Churchill .goes credit for the success
of these games. It was due to his
untiring efforts that the diamond
today is one of the finest in Western
Ontario and we can look forward to
enjoying some real ball games next
year. -
To Ellwood Epps goes credit for
the motorcyele races. This was some -
And we must not forget the band -
They were led by Mayor Agnew and
were in good form and it was 'a real.
The Firemen were an hand to see
that everyone got parking space and
they did a very good job of handling'
the crowd.
The loud speakers were donated by
the Radio School and- were operated
by Cpl. Harry Flinn.
Mr. and Mrs.
Dou week Kennedynnd with
baby, spent
their parents here.
Bob Kennedy who spent three 'weeks
with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. 'Norman Kennedy, has gone
Mrs. Clyde Kennedy and Miss
Anne Elliott, ' spent the' week' end
with Mr. and '; Mrs. , Norman
Mr. and Mrs.. W. S. R. Holmes spent
the week end with their son
Gerald, and Mrs. Holmes of Toron-
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Welsh. and Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Plumsteel, left on
Thursday on a motor trip to Que-
Mr. R. E. Evans of Winnipeg, Man.,
was the guest at the home of his
brother, Dr. J. S. Evans., for the
past ten days.
Coundllor, �ttatlei'.:ua .l'liabhlan of
the Fire and Water Committee, re-
ported the Siren operating again,
and referred again to the request
of the Firemen's secretary for a
grant to cover fees charged to Fire-
men as penalty, but due to false
alarms by the siren, and it was -mov-
ed by Councillor Butler and seconded
by Reeve Falconer that Council grant
the firemen $20.00 re Firemen's
False Alarms.
Councillor Trewartha read the
Finance statement for August and
moved its - adoption, wh'eh was
seconded by Councillor Nott and
The epmmittee in charge of the
Labor Day celebration wish to
thank the people of Clinton and
vicinity for their loyal support.
The finances for the afternoon and
evening activities were as follows:
We took in; •
Afternoon in park
Evening in park
Bingo ....
We paid out:
For softball Teams
For motorcycle races
For Concert at night
Mr. Ray Gibbings of Durham spent
the week end at his home in town.
Mrs. W. M. Aiken and Miss Florence
Aiken attended the Hearn -Gray_
wedding in Toronto on Satunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Shore spent the
week end in Goderick with the
former's parents, Mr. and' Mrs. A.
Master Harold Gibbings spent the
- week end in Petrolia and Sarnia,
with Mr. L. Paisley, ' and l'dr. 'A.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Nott of Toron-
to, spent the holiday visiting at
the home of the lady's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Groves.
Mr, and Mrs. Donald Switzer spent
Presbyterian Church
Sunday School 10.00 a.m.
Service at 11.15 a.m.
Sermon subject, "Sharing Life
Everyone welcome to worship
with us.
St. Paul's Church
15th Sunday after Trinity
10 a.m. Sunday School.
11.00 a.m. Morning Service.
7.00 p.m. Evening Service, Rev.
M. F. Oldham.
The. Septembermeeting of the
on Tuesday after-
noon at the horn
W. A. will be held ter -
noon at three o'clock a of
Mrs. W. H. Robinson.
It was moved by Councillor Mc-
Murray and seconded by Reeve Fal-
coner that due to the plan of the
Province of Alberta to re -organize
its bonded debt, council approve the
sale of the $1,000.00 1954 mnaturity.
Bond for $1,125.00 and of the $1,000.
00 1958 maturity bond for $1,187.50.
It was moved by Councillor Mc-
Murray and seconded by - Reeve
Falconer that Council accept the
contract figure of Donald' Inspection
Limited, re the boring of test )toles
prior to calling. for tenders for the
Sewerage System, boring' to be done
It was moved byCoancillor Butler
and seconded by , Coppcillor Tre-
wartha that Council, suggest to the
Victory Loan Committee ' that re-
turned men be given the canvassing
for the next Victory Loan.
' Total , 36'4.50
We'have left:
For park improvements .. $57048
'Some of . the improvements the
park needs are; grandstand facilities,
sanitary conveniences, more levell-
ing,,. new seeding and drainage. It
will requise the whole hearted• sup-
port of the community to make ;this.
park the useful and beautiful ;place
it should be.
Home 10.00 a.m.
7.00 pm.
the Anniversary
Rev. G. W. Sherman
)lis Church
Worship, 11.00 o'clock.
Worship, 7.00 p.m.
of Goderich
Friday evening
United Church
Rev. G. G. Burton of Ontario
Street 'United Church resumes his
work. He will preach both morning
and evening.
Dedication of Baptismal Font in
memory of William• Walker, Super-
intendent of Sunday'School for
twenty-five years, will feature the
morning service.
"Rook of Ages" and "Abide with
me", will be played by•the Chimes'
at the evening service.
vice at 2.00 p.m.
The members of the Sunday School
executive will h ld a meeting on in
execu i
Thursday, September 6th, at the'
home of Mr. and Mrs. ,Wtalis ''a
'`are.ux ed'
E'glnond. All'ithe:mombgxsl g',,,
to be present.. . .
fingertip' veil of white net, fell from
a halo of pretty flowers and had a
deep scalloped edge. She carried a
bouquet of Red Briar.liffe roses.
The Maid of Honour, the bride's
sister, Miss Margaret Lobb, wore a
blue sheer floor length gown. The
bridesmaid also a sister of the bride,
Miss Bernice Lobb, Kitchener, wore
a pink sheer floor length gown. Both
attendants wore maturing' Coronet
headdresses and shoulder length
veils and carried Snow Queen ,
The best man was the groom's
brother, Darcy Docking, Staffs.
The wedding music was played by
the bride's Aunt,- Mrs. Robert
Williamson, Woodstock. During the
signing of the register, Jim and:
Grace, brother andssister of the ,bride•
the holiday' week end at the home sang, Ohl Perfect Love, accompanied
of the former's parents, Mr. and by Mrs. Mervyn Lobb.
Mrs. "Mac" Falconer. The groom's gift to the bride was• ,
Mrs. W. Y. Dyment of Detroit, who a silver service.pon
Alureception was held following the
ceremony. The dining room was
decorated with pink and white•
streamers and summer flowers. The
table was centered with the wedding
has been spending the summer
with Mrs. Henry Garrett left for
her home on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Courtice and Miss
Elizabeth of Hamilton, and Miss cake and tall white candles. The
Ella Lediard. of New Denver, B. C. bride's Mother wore a navy figured
and Mrs. Mary Doan of Indianap- silk dress. The'bride groom's Mother
olis, were the guests of the Misses wore a wine crepe dress. Both wore :
Harriet and Sybil Courtice. corsages of white Killarney roses.
The waitresses, cousins of the -
Mr. and Mrs. James Walter and son' bride were Donna Lebb, Wonnetta.
Jimmie, who has spent the past Henderson and Velma Heskt
week with the former's mother,
Mrs. Helen Dalrymple, and other The happy young couple left on a
trip to Northern points. The bride
donned a moss green wool dress and
hat with brown accessories. Upon
Mr, Jack Carter of. Detroit, Mich., their return, they will reside on the
has returned home after spending groom's farm in Hibbert Twp.
a few days holidaying.at the horns. Guests were present from Wood -
of his grandfather, Mr. Isaac, stock, London, Kitchener, Sebering-
C'arter. Jack. recently got his ville, Auburn, Clinton, Staff& and
honorable discharge from the U. S. Londesboro.
Marines,' .and started to work
Tuesday as a shipping 'clerk. o
friends, have returned •to their,
home in Pontiac, Mich.
The County Ho
Bible School 11.00
Evening Service,
Prayer meeting, even-
ing at 8.00 p.m.
September 30th
Services. The Re
will be the guest -
Wesley -W i
Sunday September
Morning ' lock.
`Theme "WitnessingChrist".
Church School
Evening- Rev.
R. H. Turnbull will
Choir Practice,
Sept. 7th at 8 o'clock.
Councillor Nott again urged the
re -marking of the street parking
lines and ; considerable discussion
It was moved by Councillor But-
ler and seconded by Councillor
Brown that for those trmployees
who have signed certificates for bene
fit of the Hospital - care, Council
approve the collection ' and transfer
for same through the 'office of the
Clerk, at no: cost to. the town.
Ontario Streetch
Mr. and Mrs. G. Bishop and two
little daughters, of Niagara Falls,
have returned home after spending
the latter part of their holiday
season, at the parental" home of
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jervis on the
Base Line. '
Mr.: and Mrs. Lou Trouse of Wood-
stock, are visiting the latter's
sisters, Mrs. Fred .-Livermore and
Mrs. George Cooper. In renewing
their subscription to the News -
Record, Mrs. Trouse said that. her
husband had' been a subscriber.
for fifty-one years. Owing to a
slight stroke suffered a few
months ago, Mr. Trouse was un-
able to walk downtown.
Reeve Falconer, moved the adjourn-
man_ t.
:Financial Report on page 8
Tuckersmith Turner's Church Ser-
Summer flowers decorated Win-
dermere United Church, Toronto on
Saturday, September 1st for
the marriage of Margaret Isabelle,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James K.
Gray, to Fit. Sgt. Gordon R. Hearn,
just returned home after four years
overseas with the R C.A.F., and son
of Mrs'. Hearn, and the late Dr. P.
Hearn of Clinton. Rev. W. L. L,
Lawrence officiated.
The bride given in marriage by
her father, wore a graceful gown of
white satin, with long veil, crested
with white flowers. She.carried
white stephanotis,with red roses.
Miss Jean Gray, attending her sis-
ter, as :maid of honor chose
ice blue tulle over taffeta, and Miss
Donalda Fordham, junior brides-
maid, was in ice b'ue taffeta. Both
The marriage of Ada Joy, eldest had flower coronets, and earned'
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lobb, » cascades of red roses and delphin-•
Goderich, Twp. to Lyle Winston, rums. Cpl. Willard Aiken, R.C.A.F:,:
youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis was groomsman, and the ushers were.
Docking, Staffer was solemnized on Mr. William Hearn and Mr. Ronald
Saturday September lst, before a Gray.
pyramid of gladiolus. and ferns. Rev.
,Snell Auburn, cousin of the
Harold ,
bride officiated.
The charming bride, given in
marriage by her `father entered wear-
on 'es.
ing a graceful white gown
lines :a high round. The bride.' travelled, in : a suit of
�grecian m s I ,r,
neck, and a shirred waistline. The pale ;blue ,gabardine, accented by
'a o' full:bisho sleeves black acres cries and a shoulder
bodig, and i n;;, P �; •
were =.Prettily ; embroidered. Her bouquet.
To receive, the bride's Mother
wore a powder blue crepe dress with
touches of black, while the groom's
Mother, who assisted, was in a pearl
greyensemb'e, with wine aecessor-