HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-08-30, Page 5CANADIAN.NATIQNAI. AIM* Burs ?Aug.' 3Otl ,,1 5' LOOK Ii OVER CAREFULLY... YOUR A message to ex servicemen planning to go into business • You want to get started on your own ... to be your own boss ... to make your own future in your own way. You may plan to start a. store, a machine shop, a garage; to buy a farm, a partnership or busi- ness already operating. Good for you Canada is behind you, all the way. But before you make your final decision, you'll want all the facts. Before you pledge your rehabilitation credit or obligate yourself in any way, study your plan carefully. Talk it over with your local Citizens' Committee or Veter- ans' Welfare Officer. These Men are trained and' qualified to advise you. if we can help, just call ,on us. Any manager of The Royal Bank will be delighted to see you and give you the benefit of his business experience. To Veterans returning to districts where there is no formal rehabilitation centre or committee, this bank extends a SPECIAL invitation. Our managers are always at the service`of any returning man seeking advice on business or (tnancial matters. Base your decision on facts =NOT HUNCHES :THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA CLINTOT BRANCH, G. J. 41cLAY, MANAGER n«N SERVICE— The 'Action of .One On Behalf of Another— In the Interest of Both Service, to us, means placing' in action all our Highest Ideals BEATTIE FUNERAL HOME GEORGE B. BEATTIE AUBURN Rev. and Mrs. Harold Curryand Wayne of Watford are visiting Mrs.' Curry's Mother, Mrs. Eric Antler - son. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson spent the week end with . Mr, Joseph and Miss Sadie. Carter at Po; t Engin. Ur.. and Mrs. A. F. Hansula and John of Galt spent a few days with Mrs. F. Ross. We are sorry to report) that. Mr. ?George Yungblut suffered a severe stroke Monday morning and is criti- • cally ill at his home, • Mr. and "Mrs. Maclntyre of De - tient -ars visiting Mr. anti Mrs.. Geo. 'Beadle, A native of this district in the person of Mr. Robert R. Roberton died' at Haliburton on Friday after a short illness. It is only . a month Since Mr. 'Roberton visited relatives -and friends' `here. He was born in JHullett 84` years ago,'L"arly in life be moved to Galt and then 43 years ago moved to Western Canada of which the last 20 years haat been spent at Vancouver. Just a year ago he moved. to Haliburton near Lind- say to make his home with his bro- ther. The deceased was married twice, his first wi'e being Tena Turnbull and his second Wife 'was' Zena Watson, both of Galt. Bain predeceased him. There was no Win- dy. ;Surviving are two brothers and two sisters; Jas. Roberton. - of Auburn; Andrew Roberton of Hall. burton, Mrs. Foster; Wright (Ida) of Hallett and Mrs. : Geo. Whitney. (14Iartha) of Winnipeg. The funeral service' took placee' Monday afternoon from` the Harold • Gray Walker Heme, Galt, with Rev. W. J. Walker of Knox Presbyterian church officiating, Members of Galt Lodge A.F. and AM, were pallbearers and interment was in•Mount View Cemetery, Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Roberton Wong with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Manning of Belgrave,. attended the 'funeral, Red Shield The regular meeting of , the 11. S. W. A. was ,held in the work rooms with 21 member present. The ,Lieut,' took the devptional and then Mr, Jenkins took the chair and' carried en the business. The collection' amounted to $1.60. . Tuesday was packing day and the following articles were packed. 7 large .quilts, 1 cot quilt, 5 sweaters '25 articles of .used clothing, 2 men's Shirts,' 3 dresses, 1 pr. panties, 1 pr. pillow eases, 38 pair socks, and 18 of them 'Were packed in the ditty bags. The meeting closed and a delight- ful lunch elight-ful,lunch was served: - The ladies to. serve next week . are, Mrs. Herb' Castle, Mrs. G. Taylor, Mrs. Habkirk. BIRTHS ALLEN—On Thursday, August 23rd, in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Allen, a daughter. C'LE'AVE -In Clinton .Public Hos pital, on August 25th, 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. Logan Cleave of Bayfield, a son. GREEN—In Clinton: Public Hospital, on iAugust 26th, 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Green a son. "THE HUMAN RACE" I've often 'thought of writing a sketch, Concerning The Human Race; Something interesting and "impar tial", Largely true and quite in place. As to the beginning of Mankind, When given the "breath of life;" The "Creator" formed our first . parents, Perfect and free from all ill -strife. This World was made for Humanity, Which I understand is true; Where we all may live "honorably", While this life we're passing through. "Nature" largely the -important part, And to us a real close friend; But if there were no Humanity, This world would soon reach it's end. Man or woman is a wondrous crea- ture, When gifted with "common sense"; Health and happiness is better than gold, If riiled by "intelligence", Mankind's importance upon the Earth Is in the creative stage; Of every article or, product, That's suitable for this age. Possibly the laws could be more fair, To suit most people the best; "Unjust laws is a hindrance," In some lands this is no jest. ' Mankind is above the animal, So should an example be; With - the aid of fair-m'nded know- ledge, To keep away much misery. On Eaith is every class of people, Some are rich and some are poor; '"Extreme" wealth could be more • divided, - And not so much laid by in store. The poor and maimed have a right to live, Regardless where they niay be; ' Without the poor there would be less • rioh, Which appears quiet plain to nye. Life in general at the present time, Don't appear to be the best; "Fellow -sympathy" would be lacking, In a fair and righteous test, "Live and :let live" in a good motto. For us each and all to know, In this or any other country. Wherever we chance to go. • Humanity is very changeable, Some are foolish some are wise; All according to their disposition, Some will laugh whi'e others sighs.. The element of Human -Nature, Are various and many; There's no two persons wholly alike, The mind or form will vary. Human -nature is broad and far- rea:•hing,. • , Some rise high while some sinks low; . Which is ruled by their way of think_ • ing, Perhaps the way they're taught to • go. Many persons have their own beliefs; As to what is wrong or right;• If they're deep reality thinkers, They will surely find some light. "Circumstances may, change • condi- ditions", y .. Regardless of all our plans, In times of peace or in times of. war, In this or in foreign, lands. ' � 'C,iINTI CLrr FLOWER FLORAL DESIGNS Foi Every Occasion C. V. COOKS FLORIST Phones: 66 v and 061 Batkins Locker Storage We have a few lockers left to rent. We have some liver on hand now. Farmers style sausages. WE BUY HIDES FROZEN FOODS ARE BETTER FOODS 1 Time Table Changes EFFECTIVE Tuesday, Sept. 4, 1945 and other specific dates Full information from. Agents: 'Canadian National Railways LONDESBORO . Mr. and Mrs. E. Stevens and family and Mr. and Mrs. Roberton and. family of Seaforth visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Nott on Sunday. Miss Bina Kirk left on Monday for St. Thomas where she is. going to spend the week at Alma College. The Mission Circle held their August meeting at the home of Mrs. John Pipe with quite a Iarge atten- dance. The meeting opened with singing hymn "Jesus Saviour' Pilot Me" after which Ruth Pipe led in prayer. Elva Peck read the Scripture. Alice Fingland' then' had a Bible Question Quiz which everyone took' part in. Mary Shobbrook gave a reading and while the offering was being taken "Since Jesus came into My Heart" was played., Bina Kirk then gave_a very interesting talk on her trip to the coast and showed some very interesting pictures of places she had been. We were very glad to welcome into our circle Mrs. A. Clarke. who is to be our new lea- der. Hymn "Nearer any God to Thee" was sung and'Beth Lansing -closed the meeting with prayer, after which the hostess served a lovely lunch which was enjoyed by all, • .Rev. Mr. Penman will have charge of the service on Sunday September the second. Miss Lois Wood spent a few days at the home of Miss Gail Manning. Mrs. Fred Prest and Miss Mary Ellen Prest are spending a few days with friends in London. And now I've reached the end of my sketch,- .And witlout• being out of place,— "I trust the tidings that the, war is o'er•," "Will cheer .the whole Human Race". By Harty Holford? Clinton, Ont. ' For Sale A black fitted seal coat, Only been worn` two seasons. Apply at the News - Record Office. 64-1 AUCTION SALE , Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements and Furniture at Lot 18; Stanley Township first farm north of Varna on County road, on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th at 1 o'clock sharp A full list of the sale will be advertised in next weeks paper: No reserve as farm is sold. TERMS — CASH J. W. SMITH, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. G. M. Lawson, Clerk. 64-1 • Heifer Lost A Hereford heifer, yearling, white markings. Anyone finding same please notify Charles. Manes, Bayfield' or phone Clinton 630r43. 46•2 Lost A pair of glasses itt leather case, in Clinton.. Finder please leave at the News -Record office. 64-1 For Rent Small apartment Call 19j. All modern conveniences. '64-1 For Sale 2 wheel trailer, 5'6" by 4', new box 20" tires in good shape. Apply to Mr. Musgrave, Hight St., Phone 21iM 64-1 House 'Wanted ' Remember us when your house or suite becomes vacant. Irwins. 64-.1 Insulation Pays for Itself • Have•it done the Blow in way Prompt and! Courteous, Service Given. Apply to Western Home Insulators 636 Wellington St., London, for free estimate. 64-9 S-ItEC01tD BOXY TII<RATRE", OLINTON , Now , Playing — "GAMBLER'S ,pil'.OICE" & "TAKE IT BIG" MOr1,,;:Tries end Wed. "A'..SONG TO REMEMBER" In Technicolor - Music lovers will thrill to . the immortal music of Chopin and all screen fans will be enthralled; by this brilliant biographical drama. Cornel Wilde, Paul Muni and Merle Oberon. , Starts at 7.00 p.m. Thurs. Fri. and Sat. Dennis Morgan, Dane Clark and Raymond Massey. A . story as big as the "upstairs" be loved, as thrilling as his hecti'e hours; of eombat and as heroic as this pilot who downed' 13 Jap fighters! "GOD IS MY CMO -PILOT"` by Col Robert L. Scott Coming Sonja Henie in "IT'S A PLEASURE" In Technicolor. CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICI{ Now Playing, Abbott and Cosfello in g'TilE NA,UGHTY NINETIES?'' Mon. Tues and Wed. Sonja , Henie, Michael O'Shea and Marie MacDonald. , A singing, dancing, skating musical, done iii Technicolor, With the brilliant Henle at her flash- ing best. "IT'S A PLEASURE" Thurs. Fri. and Sat. Alan Ladd,' ` Loretta Young and Susan Hayward. In the sensational drama by the author of "All This', and Heaven Too." Rachel Field. "AND NOW TO -MORROW" Coming —Batty Grable in "THE DIAMOND - HORSESHOE". Matinees — Sat. and Hol. at 2.30 REGE T r TILEATRE; SEAFORTH Now Playing—"TILL WE 'ME AGAIN" Starring Ray Milian Mon. Tues and Wed. Yvonne De Carlo,: Rod Canter and David Bruce. The West's- most fabulous to the world's most fascinati woman "SALOME, 'WHERE S DANCED". Photographed in f Technicolor. Thurs. Fri. and. Sat. Donald O'Connor, Peggy R and Jack Oakie. A 'breezy musical story about happy-go-lucky vaudeville farm "THE MERRY MONAHAN Coming - "SOMETHING F THE BOYS" IN WHAT ARE YO,l_i TRUSTING TO SAVE YOUR 'SOUL. IS IT—• *Church membership or ritual? *Good works? *Second chance? *The efforts of another man?, OR IS' IT CHRIST who said "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man, cometh into the Father, but by me." John 14:6. "Believe on. the LORD JESUS SHRIST and thou shalt be saved." Acts 16:31 TUNE IN: Pilgrim Hour 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. Sunday evening LOCAL STATION OELW WINDSOR For Sale Baby BaSsinette"6 mos. size; crib 2'6" by 4'G"; play pan; clothes rack; 3 doz. quart sealers; card table, Apply to Mrs. E. D. Shaffer, Kirk Street 64-1 For Sale In Sea"orth An unfinished three roomed cottage with colony house;• 3 acres of lawl; also a white porcelain cook stove, (nearly new); -1 Philco electric mantel radio, (seasonable); phone 614r11, in on. NOTICE Owing to the SHORTAGE of SUGAR and help we iwill not accept any -Phone orders for Bake •Goods on Saturday. Please give us your order not later than six p.m. oil Friday's. Orders not held . after 1.0.30. p.m. Saturday night. BARTLIFF'S ' The Home of• Good Eats PHONE 1 PLASTER'` REPAIRING A., French Plastering Contractor Specialist in Cornice Work •& Decorative Plastering - Plaster repairs promptly And neatly, done Box 23 or Phone 187 Wingh'am 64-tf TENDERS Township: of G,oderich Tenders will be received by the undersigned, until .Sept. 15th, for building a cement bridge at lot 37 Con 14, Township to supply the cement and the steel. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of •the Road Supt. Mr. Roy Tyndall, R. R. 3 Clinton, any other information may be had from any Councillor or the Reeve. A marked cheque for 100. to accompany each tender. R. G. THOMPSON, 64-2 R. R. 2 Clinton Wanted to Rent Unfurnished small house or apart- ment, by September. Apply to News - Record, Box 39M. 62-1 WANTED Girls to Learn glove knitting Highest wages to ambitious workers. Best factory conditions and steady employment. Apply by letter or personally to: THE' WILLIAMS•-TROW KNITTING. CO. LIMITED, .STRATFORD, ONT. Wanted Housekeeper who can take full charge of home. Good wages. Apply to the News -Record. 63-2 Cemetery Memorials Large stook of modern memorials on display at our Clinton Showrooms For the convenience of our patrons, office will be open on Fridays Open by appointment at any other ' time See -Mr. J. J. Zapf e, next door Cunningham & Pryde Clinton — Exeter — Seaforth PHONE 41 Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF DONALD CAMERON GALBRAITH, late of the Village of Bayfield, in the County of Huron, Laborer Deceased All persons 'having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with • the undersigned Solicitor for the Estate, on or !before the 8th day of Septem- ber, A.D. 1945, after which datethe assets,will' be . distributed amongst the prties entitled thereto, having regard only to the;claims of which notice shall have been given. Dated at Clinton, this 17th day of August: A. 1)'. 1945- F. Fiinglatid, i{ C, Clinton, Ontario ;Solicitor' fo ? the .s d, Estate. 03-3 EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer For Huron Correspondence promptly answered Immediate - arrangements Can be made for Sales Date at the News- Record,lClinton, or by calling Phone 203. ,Charge moderate and satisfaction Guaranteed. ` . Insurance Protection Automobiles, fire, wind, accident, sickness, Hospitalization. Cheapest rates and most modern coverage. M. G. RANSFORD 180w CLINTON For Sala 1938 Motorcycle and sidecar. Value $350. will sell for $200. Good running order but needs minor ad- justments. Windshield, extra lights, pilion seats, etc, 'included. Phone Clinton 145-3. • , 63-1 NOTICE • The Hullett Township: Council at its regular :meeting August 9th, 1945 passed a by-law to. add 1/5 .of 1 mill with a minimum of $1.00 on all taxable Farm property in the Township, as Membership Fees to the Federation of Agriculture. Any- bne can have this revoked on their respective property, by applying to the Clerk in writing. GEO. COWAN, 62-2 Township Clerk. For Sale 1932 Studebaker Sedan, Serial No. 9950107, fair tires, 2 spares, motor overhauled recently. Apply to W. A. McAllister, Albert St. 62-9 For Salo Immediate possess•on, 8 room house, large halls, summer , kitchen and wood shed. Nice frontage, fruit trees and garden.• Apply to the News -Record Office. 62-'.f Wanted "800 Dealers earn a comfortable income .by selling Familex Products from door to door! How about start- ing a business of your own, in your sparetime, with the same ad- vantages, in the district of your choice? For free details and cata- logue: Familex, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. ; '62-5 Car or $1,000 Victory Bond for $1.00 "1941 Ford Super De. Luxe Cab- riolet or $1,000 Victory. Bond will be given to the holder of the lucky share drawn for' at the Galt Fair on Sep- tember 22nd. Shares 3 for $1.00. Send to Galt liiwanis Charities; Box 120, Galt, Ontario." H: T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Fire Insurance Agent Representing 14' Fire Insur Companies Division Court Office,Clin Frank Fiugland, B.A.,L Barristor, Solicitor, Notary P Successor to W. Brydone, K Sloan Blocic .., - :,.. Clinton, Farm ForSale Lot 60, Bayfield Line, Goderich Township, consisting of 109 acres, good clay land and ,good buildings.' Will sell on reasonable terms.' Im- mediate possession if desired. Apply to A. E.' Townshend, Bayfield R. R. 2, or phone Clinton 900r21.,, Farm For Sale 127 acree, situated on No,' 8 • high- way, 2 miles -from Clinton and seven miles from S'eaforth. On preniises is a nine roomed, two storey brick house, furnace. Bank barn, cement floors in stable, drive `house,' hen house, hydro, plentiful• supply of water, well adapted for :nixed .farm- ing, stock and implements If desired. Apply on premises. John R. Noble. ' 56-tf Wanted to Buy Wanted to buy; old'horses and dead cattle for mink feed. If dead, phone at once, Fred Gilbert 908r22 or Jack Gilbert 908r21. 58-tf INSURANCE REAL ESTATE BO Fire — Automobile Acc Sickness, Wind, Liability, Plate Family Hospital Plan with Accidental Death Benefit H. C. Lawson Agent Mutual Life Ass. Co. Clinton, Ontario. Office 2 Bank of Montreal Bldg. P ARTHUR E. PARRY Commissioner, Etc. Etc. By Royal Warrant. H. C. MEIR Barrister -at -Law Solicitor of the Supreme Court Ontario Proctor in Admiralty. Notary Public and Commission Office in the McKenzie 11 Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays and Fridays. Dr. F. G. Thompson House and Office, Ontario Clinton. Telephone 172 OFFICE HOURS: 2-4 in the noon and 7.8 in the evening Other hours by appointment. D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Electro Therapist, Massage Office: Huron Street, (Few webit••of Royal Bank) Hours -Wed. and Sat., and b appointment FOOT CORRECTION by Manipulation Sun -Ray Treat Phone 207 HAROLD' JACKSO Licensed Auctioneer Specialist in Farm and House Sales. Licensed in Huron and P Counties. Prices reasonable; s faction guaranteed. For information etc. write or p Harold Jackson, A.R. No. 4 Seaf. phone 14-661. 06 DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinary Surgeon Phone 203 Clinton, 0 ERNEST W. HUNTER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 67 Bloor Str. W. Toronto 0 THE McKILLOP MUTUA Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. OFFICERS— President W. Archibald, Seaforth, Vice -Preside: Frank McGregor, Clinton, Managt Secy-Treas. M. A. Reid, Seaforth. DIRECTORS- W. R. Archibal Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinto: Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chs Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewa tha, .Clinton; John L. Malone, Seafort Alex. McEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alexa: der, Walton; George Leitch, Clinto AGENTS— John E. Pepper, Bruc field; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. '. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Wai Blyth. Parties desiring to ,effect inau /ince• or transact other business w be promptly attended to on applic tion to any of the above officers a dressed to their respective post oft ces. Losses inspected by the direct( TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and depa from Clinton as follows:' Toronto and Goderich Division Going East, depart . 6.43 a. Going East, depart 8.03 p, Going West, depart 12.04 p. Going West, depart 11.10 p. London and Clinton Division Coming North, arrive 11.20 a: Going South, leave ,.• 3.10 p