HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-08-23, Page 6•
I z
repave dor dig Psh
tit>!iv`:kig': ' Behind the biggest, smoke screen
in the history of war, Britisharmour
and infantry moved into p,s;tion for
the final 'offensive., Up and down,tle
banks of the Rhine, thauswands of
troops kept the smoke curtain going;
prepared the roads and !brought no
supplies. Ii foont of the smoke
screen, forward observation posts
were manned in the flat and d tigec-
oue hundred 'yards between the win•
ter dykes and the Rhine. This picture
-shows• how the -smoke . curtain i•
made—by ;hand eanitter lit by fuse,
and fy mechanical snoke generators,
mounted en 'special vehicles.
Picture shows: Kee?ing the smoke
screen going.
August 24th 1905.
Miss McKenzie has taken a posi-
tion at Mr. C. Floare's Music empor-
ium. -
Mr. Eldred Archibald of Toronto,
is visiting friends in town and also
his mother in Goderich..
Miss Flossie Stewart of Seaforth,
has been spending a few days the
guest of Mrs. Harry Routledge. •
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brickingham
and family of Eketei, are spending is
few days at Mr. O. Johnston's.
Mitis Parke of *Ingham visited
friends in -Clinton on Saturday. She
leaves for the West in a few days. , she has accepted a position.
Misses. Amy and. Erma- . Andrews.. Mr,, H I;akea, ; eft ;yesterday fqr
are spending a week in London, the the West, where• -lie expects to, stay
guests of the former's cousin, Miss fel: some weeks on business.
Etta Arseott. Miss May Ferguson of the Jackson
Manufacturing Co., staff leaves thit
Mr. Jas. McDlaekerty gees to Week for a two month's tripe 'to the
Toronto on Saturday on business in West. •
connection with the "Metropolian". I Miss Pearl Potter rettr•ned to
Miss Celina Durand of Drysdale,' a itieeton, Sask., to resume her work
former student of. Clinton Model in the public school of tinat• "plata
school, visited old 'friends in town oa I which,opened Monday, August 16t1i-
Friday last. Miss Durand resumed her Mossrs. J. Schoenbals, E. W Morri-
euties as teacher at Winthrop scho'o1'son and L. Harland, went to "Brant-
on Monday last.'ford on Thursday ;last to' attend a
Mr. James McRae arrived home Big. Black- Knight celebration, There
from Louisville, Ifentueky, where he Was a• monster parade, nineteen bands
has been employed for the past six furnishing innate.
months. He came to Parolee., where Miss Grace Walker will leave next
Mrs. McRae is vi iting her parents,
and spent a week there, arrivpng to
town Monday evening. He will be
followed by Mrs. McRae and little
son, the latter being ill at present.. ,
Mr. Alvah Beaton, who has charge
of a school. near Brantford, arr.:ved
home on Wednesday of last week.
9TRATHFDRN FIRST IN: Quebec City started
on July 30, to share with Halifax as a repatriation centre'
for Canadian servicemen coming back from the German
War.and.pritish civilians and child war guests returning
to the Old Country.IFirst'troopship to dock at the
Wplfe's Cove •pier which the Canadian Pacific built for
its famous Empress of Britain was the Stratheden (top)
with happy airtnen and soldiers being despatched from
there to their homes all over .Canada in C.P.R. special
trains (bottom left) on July 31. On August 1 the other
side of the picture was presented when the first boat train
for Quebec since the outbreak of war left the C.P.R.'s
Windsor Station in Montreal with passengers including
the British children (bottom right), among them the lad
on the extreme left taking home his Canadian hockey
sticks, s
nesday morning where he has taken
a temporary position in the office of
the Hydro Development Com. • Mr.
Rorke still retains his position as
representative of The Sun Lif
Insurance Co. and expects to return
to Clinton, where his family will re-
' • main.
August 19, 1920 I
Miss Lillian Potter has t'ken a
position its Brown's Dry Goods
' Empor`um.
Miss Minlou' Pinning has taken up
her 'residence in Kithener, where
Monday for K.ite ener• and Toronto,
where she will spend a few days bry-
fore going on by boat from Port
McNichol,. en route to E.terhazy,
Sasl.., where she has accepted a
po^ition.i'ti the public school.
Mrs. Ed, Cook has been in Clinton
Hospital for 'a couple of weeks, con-
valescing after an oparation- for
appendicitis, is making rapid progress
toward •recovery. -
Mrs, M. C. Allen of Glasgow, who
has betn visiting Mrs. Geo. Shipley
for some weeks past, leaves for
home on Friday and will sail by the
Corsician from Montreal on Satur-
c ay. '
Mr, Rorke left for Niagara Wed -
n 8 31si AUGUST, i945 '.
Taxpayers etre reminded that any;balanca"of ineoi•if
taxon 19;0' incomes, is due on 31st August,,1945. '
To be, psure-that there will be no error inaccount-
ing for 'your,ppyment( complete the' remittance
form provided b.Iow and mail it with your re-
mittance to your District "Inspector of Income Tax.
To Ie5peotor of Income Tax al
14eolosed please find , ,..m'ade-payable to "Receiver General. of Canada"
(Cheque, Money or Postal Order)
for $' to psy,eehl of Income Tax for the year
(Surname or last name)
(Christian dr given names)
(No end.Street)
Ctir or Town Prorikg*
Print Nahie and Address above exactly as shown on your !swan 'far nGlur0:
(Stam Levo jrosiest a'ddrens, .f airy cit pge oitlt;r retuti
the Bayfield Road on Saturday eve.t- `
ir.g and Mi•. Frank Bawden had it on i
parade at Paxman's garage. It was
quite a novelty.
In the -list of honor matriculation
end junior matriculation scholarships
announced by Queen's University,
is the name of J. R. Townsend of
Goderich Twp., as winner of the. Ellen
M. Nickle Memorial awarded in any
four subjects, $150: He was a former
C. C. I. Student.
Mrs. Brigham is visiting with rela-
tives. and fr;ends in town.
August 19th, 1920
Mr. G. Gilchrist left on Monday for
Montreal to prepame for his Pali'
trip. Q. Will you•.please tell ine the ceiling
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Watt tetu nA i . price; of turnips?
last week nom their w:stern trip. A Ceilt mi VTit'es fen turnips effective
Mr, "Clarence Shepherd':'baa been' -'td August 31 ' are fors cents It
e i v n; during the )ta't w;t k or se pound: for washed or Wax d an 1
at the Exeter Bank. three cents for unwashed or un -
Miss Eva Brown of S aforth, is waxed :rat 'the gas. Ceiling prices .tai
spending a -few days with her mother, white' turnips are six cents a pound.
Mrs. It Brown in Hallett. ' Q. I haver some meat stored in a
Mr, anal M'Pt • Tony Lawson; and, locker and have been told I must
ft.mJ.y, of Toronto, we e visitors i declare " It when 'neat rationing
iu and iuoh :d C i iton durii g the 1 begins: Is this true? ,
past: week. c. ( A. Yes. The storage plant will pro -
Mrs. Edw 1.1 Graelis and eh'1 Iiti vide you with a form which must be
i•ctai ne•1 on • Motday to tin in-homa filled oat •when meat rationing
in Syrre se, 1.. Y. it' ter spend ng a' starts. You forward this to- the
month or so with Mrs. 0, Gneelis. 1 ration administration branch of
Mr. Walter G. Holmes, of Ednnon- which there are three in Western
ton, is here this week calling on • Ontario,
o1• Dnrdon, Kitchener and
te.ative5 incl -friends. He was down
1 ase atte'"iding International Trap Q On •V -J. Day. I had a meal in a
Shooting meet at Cleveland. He holds'' hotel and they chaged me more
the Amateur c'"ampion h p forI than 2 usual?y pay.. Are hotels
Alberta. His old f iends, were glad allowed" to take advantrge of holi-
to see h'm.days to increase their prices?
4 young Coon was c:ptined on,I A. No: Hotels or any pub! c; eating
place may not increase the prices
of their meals above the ,basic
period price or the price fixed by
Tht proof of thr
puddjncticin the,
eq ting. Th.:prpof
that Goodyeor
tires or: the
World's first
ekoiee lies in the
fact ,that. "Mors
riopls Ridi'on •
goodyear tiros,
than on -Any
other Kind".
Shell Service Station
Rer. $air, Clinton
the Board if t' ey were not in
business in the basic period. If
you will send the details ands the
name of the hotel to us we • will
have the matter invest°gated.
Q. Isn't the landlord supposed to
clean out the well which supplies
us with drinking water?
A. This is a matter outside the
jurisdiction of the Wartime Prices
and Trade Board. We would sug-
1 gest that you obtain legal advise.
Q. Is there a ceili^g price on Cana -
1 dian grown apricots?
A. Yes.
Q. I have purchased a used car and
think the price was too high. Where
can I f'nd but the correct ceiling
A. Apply to the nearest office of
the Wartime Prices and Trade
Board. All used cars have a fixed
ceiling price.
.Questions en any regulations of the
1 Wartime Prices and Trade Board will
be answered if subnitted to the In -
!formation Enna, Wartime Prices
I and Trade Board, Federal Building,
London, Ontario.
Prevent Activities of Robber Bees
There is nohing more pev=i.tsnt`
than a band, of robber -bees, and one
they have been able to obtain stolen
sweets, t'•eywill go to almost any
extreme to get more, Robbing may
occur at any,. time there is a deartn
of nectar,, but the most dangerous
period is during' the fall- immediately
following the close of the honey flow.
This is Especially true in regions
Where there is little or no fall flow.
Once the robbers get -well started in.
an apiary, there• is little the bee-
keeper cap do to • stop them without
Because robbing is much more eas-
ily prevented that cured, C. B. Good-
e-h'am, Dominion Apiairst, issues' a
timely warning. Do not, he advises,
open hives more than necessary to-
wards the end or after the honey
flows. If necessary to open hives,
cover all exposed supers with robber
cloths or sacks to prevent robbing.
Protect and stre•gthen all weak
colonies. If there is any tendency to
rob, reduce all entrances. ,Any colony
that is in danger of being overcome
by robbers should be moved to the
cellar for a few days. See that the
honey house isbee proof and keep the
door closed all the One. If any col-
onies have to be examined, do it in
the evening or under a, bee tent.
Carelessness in these respects will
likely result in general robbing being
started, which will cause much trou-
ble and possible loss of colonies. •
Ilan For Poultry Processing Plant
A plan for a commercial poultry
processing; ooOling, and freezing
plant,' designed for sanitary and -eff-
icientoperation,'is given in a bulletin
`Recommendations for the Const act-
ion and Sanitary Operation of Poul-
try Processing Plants" issued by the
Dominion ;Department of Agricifltute.
The arrangenient of'rootns and equip-
ment and the recoinmendations for
construction and operation are intend
cd to save labour, to overcome loss
caused by;thiproper' cooling; free11
trig, Mtd lack,of eanitittion, and also to
en'htncethe sales stppeal of the Aire
The,rreommendat%ns, for wally)
*floor, and ;insulation areeensidereikto.
lie the 'test for efficient operation,
and the arrangement of rooms is
believed! to give the beat utilization of,
space. The type of equipment has
been left to,`the individual, but offi-
cers of the Dlaninion Department
will be glad to, discuss available types
at any ,time. -In the pamphlet are'
also inchided specifications of a plan
of . a poultry dressing station to
accommodate wash rooms, machine
room, furnace and hot water boilers,
and storage xoom The Research
Council of Canada and officers of. the
U. S. Army VeterinetryCeo-
a crated with
inion De p
ment of Agreulttire front which',..
copy of the publication may be ob-
tained by writing to the office at,
I`anning water "under, pressure speedsfarm production --the
need for, running water in your home and farm building is
greater than ever today<'..
Your investment in a
yott will never regret — Saves 'rime and Labour
everywhere 'used -
New Duro Pumps are available, in greater quantities today, but shortages
of Materials and Labour will -not", allow :the D•nro. Bactory to produce:
enough to meet the demand. All Duro •
Dealers are on a quota basis and permit to
purchase must be approved by W.P.T.B.
For Kitchen, Bathroom and Laundry.
Visit ' your Emco Dealer for available
Phone x'44
Sc,vfcc from any branch
London Harnilton Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver
The Spitfire Mark XII.
The Spitfire Mark XII with • a liw-altitade fighting, the new poi
Rolls Royce Griffon engine. Po:nts, iudder, and :the newly. -shaped
to nbte are the clipped wings, for. housing •the Geffen motor.
The' British Destroyer' DestroYer Hotspur
Picture shows: The British Hero class de.troyes, H. M. S. lfdtspur
Yee wilt find ly.tmit Flt.' ef. ih.. beet itif.nMid }:nisi• ie 'rte
r.ar c.mrn.0 lir;whM «f."wed alfeltQlirietiee Sclitace M.ttiter
•e%11Isilr� Y ''iW '.n1 d frSiy:..n I.iswjp,.snts. a,,l.'idI.r.^TicIua,
N eflelM,• fuI, 4CYNM, unbiead .
diet` sr UIIy f e e:un.-etsntA
bAW iris N ill ieNis ei''et�ly nittla eroirk
f, rhe. Ch iiUD . frl'ae r"t'lleh)n04 !sty , shirr pend saua t•"Caples 1
On•. Neiwoy Serb bilin I5. Mrea . Qt „:the CNdst)on St:i•tlFed
t NAME. • ?Weekly MtYgo lne Settlelt ro
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