HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-08-16, Page 9T•l xTBs} i iJG. 01'11945,, Leave'. Your Order With Sutter Perdue Hardware' 71�.LT �11I�'I�III;�I'�L iuurl,l,lll �<<�p��Ull�il'��1 U'11!II ho11,�oul!m:�rr!,I� , C13ver shabby exteror's'gpGu' with.]OHMS-MANVILLE Cedargrain SIDING -SHINGLES i eauti yaniliprotecoyca r home, inoxpensrvr/ly, With ;FM ;:Ashcstos "Cedargrains". icAraineil like?fioest . wood 'shingles,jvnt1,ficRtroo/. Cost no more~than,oriiwaty:inaterials. /� HEADQUARTERS S FOR• JOHNS -MANVILLE MATERIA S weNrr+wK.•.w Clearing -Lines of Summer.: -Mercharidise .:, Men's fine shirts are scarce geode.. We have a lot of separate' collar shirts, good quality materials, some have one collar and some: have two and some no collar at all. On Sale 59c; 75c; $1,35,; $1.49' Men's Nanicheck ,cotton, com'binatjons,'sliort` sleeves and knee length. Size 36 and 38 only; To' clear at ' • '. 49c !Mens fancy`, and plain cotton and rayon sox..assorted patterns. Sizes 30 and 11 perpair ,, ;.,,,., , 25,c• Men's F1n'e,Q'xfoj'd's;,,white.'and two tone,`lalacl: •and white"and tan and brown. All at reduced prices•.to clear a •::. Ladies'•Su a mer •shoesncludingYibalance of white and'sport shoes are all ori the bargain eountei from , 98e a pair up. Misses and Chjirlien's summer shoes as to k "as 50c to -blear. We offer these low price's toe 'elder out all the liafrs "we-cannot. replace,- Watch out for niore'bargains. Piumsteel Bros. • • Areae' /iino K 1*ie '- OWN & *m.i. Law lorMer 1Vel 32 Pc is' Fane •Ohms $.15 & :8.75. r FxLhi 145 & 9.70 38 pe. tea, set Hand -painted , ` parchment Waste Papez Baziltets, jS,lap books, Writing desk pads, Photograph ' Albums, Autograph . books, Recfpfe ;books ete:; .Address .Books;, An excellent. gift •item. Rand carved and Hind painted wooden plaques, &so a lovely gift item. A choice of eh:tie and brown -betty teapots ,80c and up, G. R. McEwan Co. :'OFTEN THE;'CHEAPEST ALWA .S.:.THE,•BEST" -PHONE-81 • • WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK Dr!orm Gooch; . Suitings, Costings and Trimmings ALSO . -rt • .LACE, EMBROIDERING AND INSERTION BROWN'S. One Door North of Royal Bank ' CLINTON LIONS SPONSOR RED CROS FROLIC Wed, Aug. 29 Bingo, Baseball, Easy Money, and other Games Refreshment Booth.' DANCE IN TOWN HALL at 10.00 p.m. DRAW FOR PRIZES at 11.00 p.m. a, • Brucefield Annual Carnival and Dance trailer auspices of 'Patriotic Society burs any, Aug. Centralia Air Force Kittle Band in Attendance LargeoutsideDance Floor -:-Good orchestra WHEELS GAMES BINGO ' Proceeds for .comforts for boys and girls overseas and to 'honour themonu �) ntev4if of ,h ld ti� tfo. lla.w irg keeling. .,• r62t1 s'a -,Miss Helen ' Herman is Yspending a • • Week with friends in,..Pefferlaw: Mise Ferrol Higgins is spending a holiday with relatives • and friends in Toronto. Mrs. Maud Jackson, and ,Wilma ;if ""Rrigflen, visited' on Sunday .with }fir. and Mrs. Mennen Carter. Miss Romayne Geiger spent her holidays with her parents,; Mr. and Mrs. Roland Geiger, near. Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Manes of' Montreal are visiting, the lady's .parentsc Mr. anti' Mrs. A, E. Fremiln, Mrs, Robert S. Reid of •Varna ' is vigitirig her si,Qtgt..a8t1 bbothor in law, Mr. atilt •Mrs, _ E, Glbaon, Mr. and Mrs. ' CenntSh $renkey of Z:111ricit are 4t4.1 aging at the Cor- less Cabin, "Beers*eebee", Burk's. Miss Barbara and : Master, Bill : Dee kin of GrandValley, visited their grandmother over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Josling spent last week with their• daughter, Mrs. George Wright o'f Summer- hill. Miss Jean Morgan left for Toronto last week to resume her studies in Physio -Therapy at the ;University of Toronto. Miss Etta Dills returned' to Aeton last weekend after a two weeks vacation spent with her niece, Mrs. Benson Corless. Miss Beverlee .Branton of Mount Forest, is spending her vacation with her relatives; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Watkins. Mr, RobertMiller and Mr. Elmer' Miller of Stratford spent a few days last week with friends in Clinton and vicinity. Mr. William Oke of Exeter is visit - fug his .brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Seeley were in Newmarket last week end the guests of Mn and Mrs, Addison Johns. L./Cpl. Roy Fitzsimons of the Army Provost' Corps is spending a leave at 'home with Mrs. Fitzsimons and little daughter, Sylvia. . Capt, J: Girard Beaton paid a short visit to our town over the week . end, coming up to see his ' mother, Mrs. A. D. Beaton. Miss Barbara Hattin is enjoying two ga,w .: weeks vacation in Detroit at the • home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. 4 £;; `i• and Mrs. R. R. MacGregor. Ii• • Miss Lenore Jainieaon of Toronto spent a few. days last week with her mother, Mrs. R. Jamieson, who is the Y:W..CA Hestess at No. 5 Radio School, Clinton. '.1 Mr. and Mrs. Francis .Daymond, who have been- visiting at Mrs. Dag- . ,parents, Mr, and Mrs. Adam Stewart, have returned, to Chatham with their three, sons. Master Jerry Rannre arid' his. sister, Mary Ann, chrlda<en 'of Capt. and ''•Mrs. Sant Rennie ` , o Hensall spent' 'the' hast two weeks' with ,their grandparents, Mr:'and-Mrs. Emmet Riiiisbail. nests at the home of Mist Emma 1a„t'is• over 'last weeie' end" were, Mr. and Mrs, Will ,•Lays:Dettoit Mich., Mr; dpd Mrs., A. G "Sylyes't= et, ' Mr. Allen:3Sylvester, Mr. 'arra a e qq..yy i „0utvn, Of. -TO ?keit ,Dinning of•,Ibnclon. Mrs. : Ja k .v `i r . y ,� ndr .'ndi'r ,• aowers or every Occasion NINGHAME Member of Florists 'Vel. Dela As. Personal care .given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and ° 31 L. Cole,; R. a, OPTOMETRIST Eyes examined and glasses fitted GODFRICH, PHONE 33, . Weekend ELF ERVE PECIALS. AT IIMPSII upertor-"EootLSt'ore GRAPENUT ELATES ' I LLOREST :SHOIRTENING lb ST. WILLIAM'S ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE 24 oz. jar, $''OKLEY'S TOMATOSOUP 10 oz. 2 tins .. 17e NUGGET •SHOE POLISH tin ..12e WILSON'S FLY PADS pkg... lOc 'CLASSIC CLEANSER Tim 5c DR. BALLARD'S ME:E'S 2 lb.bags 2 CARNATION MILD d fins d$c 4.144144 INFANT FOODS: '0 tins . , , ;•. . .......... JUNKET POWDER pkg. CERTO admix 19e • 29c 5e ase 12e 25e WHOLE MIXED •SPICE pkg... 10c ORANGES Size 2526 dos, , . , . , 47e LEMONS site 360s 8 'for 11c POTATOES 15 lb. peck . , 65z CABBAGE; FIRM HEADS lb. .5e PHONE ORDERS FILLED BEAUTY. SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure ' Finger Waves Permanents Ethel Thompson Princess St. Ease, Phone 585 59-tf Lever's Fish and Chips FRESH WHITE FISH FRESH CORO'E' SALMON Anyone wishing fresh fish is asked to phone early. Anyone wishing' Fish and Chips is..asked to ,call 91 before 11.00 arm. or 4.00 p.m. Brownies Enjoy Picnic. The Clinton Brownie Pack, ander their leader, Mrs. A. Matthews, held most enjoyable afternoon picnic at the Lions Park, ,Seaforth, last Thursdays The Brownies had a full afternoon planned with games and water -shorts They feel that the success of their outing was a result of the whole- hearted co-operation of the Clinton Lions Chzb, who provided the nezess- ary transportation to and from the Perk. _ Will Attend Divine Service The Clinton Branch of 'the Cana- dian Legion and 'mayor and mem- bers of the Town Council will be present at the morning service in, St. Paul's; Anglican• church. All Service Men and ex-serviee oen •are asked to meet at the Legion Hall, at 10.45. The Legion 'Band will •; be )5" rd alt da Ce.' en >1 The service will be coni.: (ticte* by '.irii retort Rev. Ii. `:jVlt • 1 SPECIAL] ZINC FLINGS 1 doz •• , • :• '22e 4E3D er -BLACK JAR. Rabbet's - 3 pkgs.Qac 1 PINT FRUIT.' JiAR,S, Per 1,/oz, OIROWN Qt. FRUIT JARS per Doz 1.19 KELLOGGS CORN FLAKES 8 oz, 3 pkgs. 25d ROBIN HOOD. OATS 'pkg . , . , 276' VITA, 3' WHEAT GERM 3 lb pkg. 25 OHAM'P (The; Magic Cleanser) 2 pkg. 19c MAXWELL ROUSE, CQFFEE ib."45 VEGIlTAI3L"ES 2 tins' 19e MOTHER PARTiER TEA ee lb 40c SUNSET DYE'S per pkg. •••15e NUTRIMI BABY FOOD pkg. 29i -49e CARNATION M1iLE, 6 tins .... 63e SUNB'URY BLEND TEA. Ye 1b. 35c WHEAT PUFFS 1 hush. , 45z VINEGAR pure .white -wine 1 gal 49e PICKLING •SPICES'pkg .....• g, ORANGES :... ... ;' 342s... , 388s 25e doz, . , , , 39c Dos. BISON or BABBITT Cleanser pkg. 5° KRAFT DINNER ',pkg. 19e W. L. JOHNSON & SON PHONE 286 • GROCERS FREE DELIVERY: .August 16 to 18 GLO PADS foe Scouring pans 2 'pk'g ' ' 19c MORLENB BLEACH Concentrated bottle 9c' SNOW FLAKE AMMONIA 5 pkg. 25 GUEST BRAND TOMATO JUICE 2 tine • 17e HORNE'S COCOA 2'1 tins .. 25e LYNN VALLEY Peas' 2 for .: 27e EWING'S Custard' powder p.6 oz, tial = a ei '23c Fi.TIM JAlyI,2 tb- ..aars- ., .... 29c- iegierS VEGETA.14 Sui tins CA1?O' DRAIN 'CLEANER titi ,..23e' SMITH'S SWEETENED -GRAPE • • JUICE bottle • 29e CAINE'S DOG BISCUITS. pkg. 25c QUAKER .CORN FLA:K1S 3 pkg. 23 CbMMANDO LAUNDRY Cleanser pkg. 29e LIDO LIQUID WAX pt. tin 39e G'A#tDEN . FRESH FRUITS . AND • VEGETABLES • • LOOK,•HjT QITR• REFRIGERATED , COUNTER FOR RAM & TONGU'l7• :44F lb. ..45c BAOK BIAIGO•INT dib • 59c FRESH SAUSAGE db. • 25e FRESH WIENERS Ib. 27e CAKE 5c • Oival Lobb Free Delivery Grandmother's Day The Women's Institute will hold their Grandmother's Day program on Thursday,, August 23rd'at 2.30 p.m. at the hone of Mrs. Mel, Crich on Princess St. Mr. Fred Slomen will be the guest speaker. All W. I. members and any grandmotirars are welcome to attend. IULLETT TOWNSHIP The regular meeting of HulIett Twp. council met August Oth in the Community Hall, Londesboro. The Reeve and all members of the Coun- cil being 9r sent. Motion 1, by Geo. C. Brown and W. R, Jewitt that the minutes of the regular Meeting and subsequent special meetings be passed. carried. Motion 2, by W. Jewitt and Won J. Dale, that by-law No. 16- A. 11 1935 be read a let and 2nd time. carried. Motion 8, by Geo. C. Brown and. J, -Tia Rapson, that by-law No. 16 A. D. 1945 having beenread the 1st and 2nd time be passed. Carried. Motion 4, by W. R Jewitt. and Wm. J. Dale, that by-law No: 16 A. D. 1945 be read a third tine. carried. Motion 5, by J. Ira 'Rapson an; Geo. C. Brown that By -raw No. 16 A. D. 1945 as read the third time 'be passed signed and tw•p seal attached. carried.' `' G Motion 6, by W. R. Jewitt and Wm J. Dale, : that we advertise in. the Blyth, yt Clinton and Seaforth papers for twd weeks. That the Council hat passed .a by-law adding 1/5 of 1 mill with a minimum 'of $1.00 to all taxable; Farm property in the Twp., as membership Pees to the Peden - tion of Agriculture, and that anyone can have this revoked 'on their. property by applying to the Clerk in writing. '. Carried. Motion s r 7, by �r � J Dale, W. R. Jitt. that,,the 1,ga clear' de ttaAteonV9e4the Lot 1. Hro °h, clt. r d n ar e a ' aC k Motion i8, «ilYy J.' Ira Regent?, and W. R. Jewit:it," that Alex `''"cillo ie SPECIAL VALUEO_FOR A2 GUST: I7tT ;, WAG<STAFFFS PLUM W,agstaffes OR. L. & Fiai 'JAM 24 oz. jar 27c IVIARMALADE jar 27e' AYLMER No: 3 'CHOICE AYLMER VEGETABLE P ;AS Tin, 15c '' JUIUE'.tin *17e WALKER'S CREAM GLENWOOD 'CHOICE /SODAS lb. bag, .14e . PUMPKIN .2 tins 19; AYL'TVI'ER APPLIe AYLMER TOMATO • JUICE 2 bottles 25e ' )Ji710E. 2. tins 17C POST � • TOASf'II;IS CORN CfhUIVTRY.� If,IST FLAKES 2 pkgs. - 154 PEAS 2 tins 25c AYLMER DICED LYNN VALLEY BEETS jar 15c SPINACH 2 tins 27c AUNT MARY'S CREAM HEINZ 57 BEEF -STEAK SAUCE bottle 15c SAUCE bottle 23c AYLMER PICKLED .- ,AYLMER CAULIFLOWER BEETS jar 23c RELISH jar 21.e GARDEN FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES TOMATOES- BEETS - CORN.- BEANS CTJKES� LETTUCE -• PEPPEIRS - PEACHES BANANAS -PLUMS CALIFORNIA JUICY 360' CHOT s ICE' HEARTS OF' LEMONS 4 -for 15a CELERY bunch 19c CALIFORNIA lIg. 80's GRAPEFRUIT 2 - 21c FO CHOICE LOCAL GREEN CABBAGE 115. 7e CALI RN'IA SWEET 252's CHOICE LOCAL ORANGES' doz. 48c CARROTS 11. . 5e SHEARING'j "OR FOODS OF FINE QUAL$TY ." , Phone 48 Free Delivery Clinton For Real Comfort See 'oui 'vex+ stock of Lawn and Verandah Chairs:: • Some of thein have Double Canvas seats,'and -Well supported. Backs The others ere '-• all evoodan.the•:nateral finish: -'.+ "Co'm'e earlj' and' take y nue'. whileethib'stoclt'tel':s " Also a grand"`selection of hake-A*Lite" Bed Ldtiips: in smart colors Boudinoir •]amps, with the newest `type of '•Shades; as well ' as a new Ime'df Table Shades, Bridge Shades, and Shades for 'Tri - Light Lamps: • . • • . • BALL & ZA PFE Dealers in Hardware and Furniture Modern Ambulance Service, 'Funeral Directors' Store Phone 195 ' ' • - DOUGLAS G. BALI, ' JOHit1.3. ZAPFla Phone ` 110 Phone • 103 -We Have A Full- Line. -Of. Johnson's products' including Carmp-a. high class car polish, also Plastic clotheslines in 100 and 200 feet length,. Hugh R. Hawkins plumbing, )Heating,, Agent for Heela Furnace given permission to erect posts the street at the mill. carried. Motion 9, by J. Ira Rapson an Geo. C. Brown that By -lay No. 10 A D. 1945 be read a 1st and 2nd time earned. Motion 10 by W. R. Jewitt an Geo. C. Brown, that by-law No. 1 A.D. 1945 as :read a 1st and 2nd ti be passed. carried. Sheet Metal Work • PHONE 244 on ."Kennedy Drain 6,00 W.:R. Jewitt, council/Airs fees on d Kennedy- drain,6;Q0, 'Geo. W. Cowan- byvkiwe on Kennedy Dram 35.00 - Vic Kennedy Severanee on d • Kennedy Drain • 101,80 0 Dept. of Munitions and sup. ma Twp. Wood. 483.00 Motion 11, by Geo. C. Brown and J. Ira Rapson that by-law No, 10 A. D. 1945 be read.a third time. tarried, •' • Motion 12 by W. J. pale and J Ira. Rapson, that by-law 10 A.D. 1945 having been read a third time end finally passed. The .Clerk and Reeve to sign same and attach the township seal. Carried. Motion 13 by 3. Ira Beeson and Wm. J. Dale that the accounts be paid. carried. Motion 14 by W. R. Jewitt and Geo. C. Brown, that we do now adjourn. Carried. Accounts Relief $30:00 Hospitalization 52.8 Twp of Morris, Hullett share Mills Drain 17.79 Humphrey Snell, •Sheep worried and killed 140.0 Geo. Radford work 9n Kennedy drain 1490.00 Geo. Radford Levelling on road 36.50 W. 'Tyndall Gravel _ 8 00 H. Morrell Lights and gravel 14.40 Bert Hoggart •Culvert 3.20 Wm. Carter, Road Supt. ' 19.80 A. Weyehouth Grader *pp. 19.90 C. Bromley, cutting weeds 1.80 E'd. Pollkrd- Cutting weeds 3.60 J. McEwan cutting weeds 3.00 L. McNall cutting weeds 3 00 Gord Radford Oil • and gas for grader 17.50 A. Weymouth Grader rep, ' .35 Jas. Medd Severance on Medd Drain 38.00 Ed. Blake, severance on Medd • Drain e 40'.00 Thos. Carbett, Severanee'•onMedd Drayn. 26.00 Geo. Carter •sheep yaluatox 7.80 Wm. J. Dale expenses to Stratford I and Goderich 12 00. John Armstrong Councilors Fees I on Kennedy -Drain. 6.00 Geo. 0. Brown, councillor fees: on 1 Kennedy Main :0 y Dra n 6 0 a o 1 lR plan, c un�iiloxs-fees. ' we -Kennedy Patin' ' 6:00• WM. 3.' Dale, 'councillors fees on • GODERICH TOWNSHIP . , Mr. and Mrs, D. L. Stephenson, i and Mrs. A. B. ,Stepirehson of Bay- field, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Welsh on Sunday. - Miss J. Seamore, of Embro, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallis. The S. S. No. 4 Unit Goderich Township Red Cross, held' the August meeting at the home of Mrs, H. McCartney. The president presided at the meeting, which was opened by repeating the Lord's Prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The trea- surer's report was given and the roll call was "my most embarrassing moment", and was answered by twelve members, and there , were : four visitors. Following the business period of the meeting the National .' Anthem closed the. meeting. A quilt was quilted during the • afternoon, the materials being donat- ed by 1VIrs, H. McCartney, and Mrs. R. Thompson; A gift donated by - Mts. F. Jones was won by Mrs, L. Pearson, and two beautiful bouquets of Gladioli, donated by Mrs. A. Hebden, were won- by Mrs. T. Merrill, 1 , and Mrs, L. Pearson. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss' Isabel Oakes, I • ,Sewing' and yarn were distributed at the meeting. Mx, and Mrs. T. E', Lyon of Detroit ' Mrs. Win. 'L"yon and Mrs. H. Lyon of Londesboro; called at the home- of 14ir. and Mrs: -Bert Lobb on Saturday • V-- c' Ceiling ' Prices of Potatoes . Ceiling pripes now ig ' effect' for potatoes ta$e ;a seasonal drop on • u ` A st 31. ' 'PPic v . es ittzd a gyl 1?e?m• , ry alightly in daferent sections of the • Western Onta ,, region since freight' charges mai be a ddea.