HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-08-09, Page 8Leave Your Order With Sutter: & Perdue Hardware JOHNS -MANVILLE CEDARGRAIN SIDING SHINGLES r . add permanent protection and Ieauty ro your home • For "beauty that never grows old", apply these modern, fireproof J -M .Asbestos Cedargrains right over old side wails. They match the beauty of fine wood shingles ... yet are fireproof , rotaroof cut maintenance to the minimum • cost no more than ordinary materials,. Ask us for a free esti- mate on re -siding your home. CS -2 Clearing ° Prices, on all Smmner' Shoes Every pair reduced to a price thatshould; meana quick Sale. Childrens Shoes as low as 50cts a pair. Broken lines' .of Ladies Summer Shoes in ,White or colored leather ,or canvas straps, ties and pumps to clear at 1.00,"1:50, and 1:95 pair. New Lines at reduced prices. Mens White or two-tone Oxfords, leather or rub -4 ber soles good' shoes at greatly reduced prices to clear. •- : ; > i : !~ l' ; mAtik ( y Shoe Polishes of all Kinds. ` Plumsteel Bros. Am** ___ -- Alam 1MNi` --- AWN +r' laMlaia MAwr /Or M41 Ago* 'A! Tint. - Men's and Boy's BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS, Long Sleeves BALBRIGGAN :DRAWERS, Ankle Length. OVERALLS BIO B. BRAND,. Men's' only JERSEYS, Long and Short Sleeves, Boy's only; BROWN'S One Door North of Royal Bank Attention Sport Pans ---Major Sporting Event WRESTLING WINGHAM ARENA — 8.30 P.M. - FRIDAY, AUGUST 17th LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT MARTIN HUTZIER' • (Jewish Flash) AL REID (Hamilton) PAT MURPHY vs JIM BENIDETTI s (Irish Dyclone) ' (Chicago) Time Limit — 45 minutes Time Limit - 1 Hour FEATURE ATTRACTION HEAVYWEIGHT MASK (240 lbs.) vs. • ABE ZVONKIN (230 lbea (New York City) 1 hour bout — 2 out of 3 falls $200.00' offered if mask is removed PROMOTER: Jim Casey, Hamilton, Ilton, Ont. ADMISSION: (Including Tax) Ringside: $1.00; General: -60e - Aidvance Tickets are NOW on sale in your town and vicinity, aso ,at CKNX, Wingham, and will be honored at 2,special • entrances to avoid standing in line. THE BLACK LONDON ROAD Cpl. Cazmon Rowcliffe has `re- turned to Vancouver, B. C, after spending two weeks furlough at his, home in Seaforth, in London and on the London Road with his parents, Mr and Mrs. B. Roweliffe. Miss WilbaPretty and Miss Bar- bara Wright, Seaforth, who have been holidaying With • •Barbara's grandparents, have gone to ;London to spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Lawrence and Mr. and; Mrs. Orville Oke. Mrs. Oke spent the 'week end; with her parents,. Mr, and Mrs. B. Rowcliffe, Mr. Oke went:on to Gode- rich to spend .the week end with his brothers and families and also to Visit .his friend,' Sgt. Phil Bissett who returned house from overseas last week. Glass . Salad Bowl and Servers 2.50 Fancy Gla' a'Salt an• Peppers • 1.10 and 1.75 Fancy Perfume sets 1.80 Fancy Glass candle' sticks 80c to 1.85 Reflectors 1.50 and 2.50 Cory Coffee makers 5.45 Glass Relish Dishes 15, 20, 85c Fancy Glas's Bowls 45 & 69c A Good stock of.. Tumblers 5c up Glass sugar, cream and marmalades with Tray 1.75 A Good assortment of . Fire Ding oven -ware also Pyrex oven -ware G. R. McErwan Co. OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" ay' lt'' With Owers". for every Occasion R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists' Tel. 'Del. As. Personal care given every order and special attention giv6 to Funeral' Orders. Phone 176 and 31 A. L. Cole, R. 0 OPTOMETRIST Eyes examined and glasses fitted GODERTCH, PHONE 33, Week -end SELF ERVE PECIALS AT - T.111 Superior. Food Store PHONE 84 Miss Hattie Turner is spending a week at Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. John Zapfe are holiday- ing in Southampton. Miss Luella Walkinshaw is spending ten days with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Al. ,Smith of Cochrane is visit- ing her mother, Mrs, W. T. Haw- kins. Miss Winnie Thompson has returned front a visit with friends in Sarnia.. Mr's. T. E. Hull of Toronto is visit- ing her' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon . Cuninghame. Mrs, Ern..Jaekson of Stratford spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore. Miss Jessie O'Neil of London - is visiting her sisters, Misses Win. "and Dell O'Neil. Miss Mary Ross of Los Angeles, Calif., is visiting her aunts, the Misses O'Neil. Mr. frank Wilson of Toronto was in town on Tuesday' renewing old aegnaintaneeshipe. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Stickney and two sone of Kalamazoo, Mick., aro visit'ng Mrs. Stiekney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cole. Miss .Shirley Henri and Pte. W. Dempster of Toronto spent the holiday week end with Mrs. Irene Henri. Mrs. Will Jenkins, who has been making an extended visit with rela- tives in the vicinity, left for Toron- to•recently, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adams and Mrs. Alice Carter • were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garter. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Roberton and daughter, Sandra, of London spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Roberton. Miss Peggy Wood, Deaconness at Christ Church, Deer Park, Toronto, is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Morrison. Mr. Arthur Dale of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dale of Landon left on Monday for Ottawa, to at- tend the funeral of the late Mrs. Murray Dale on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter and Mrs. Effie Jamieson visited with ,Mr. and Mrs. Keith Webster of Goderich Township on Friday. Miss Joyce Carted returned–with then after completing three months Farm Service, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Pridham and Miss Lorraine and Mr. and Mrs. John Pridham of ' Detroit were week end visitors 'with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cook. Mrs. Pridham and Lorraine are remaining for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Rumba and. Mrs. Dun- das of Detroit were in town this week and were enjoying the visit as they had not been .back here for many years. Mr. Rumball learned the print'ng trade in the New Era office, under the tutorship of Mr,. Loch Cree. Miss Audrey Smith of Calgary who spent the week end with Misses Mary and Alice Holmes, left Mon. clay morning by bus for Montreal. After_a weed' in Montreal she will leave by Trans Canada Air Lines Tor her home in Calgary. She had been holidaying at Pittsburg, Penn, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and other, points. , AYLMER. VEGETABLE OR TOMATO SOUP' 10 oz. 2 tins 15c INGEgRSOLL RIDEAU CHEESE ib. pkg. , ... ....... 19c FRY'S COCOA Y4 lb, tin • 19e ' 1 lb. tin 31c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 8 oz. 3 pkgs.. , .. 25e ROYAL YORK TEA: -'/a lb. pkg38c FLY DED -16 oz. bottle.... 25e OLD' DUTCH` CLESATV51010, tin ..10c VANILLA 'EXTRACT 8 oz. btl. 1Sc ARCTIC PASTRY noun 7 lb. . :bag • . , 29c HILLC,'RE'ST SHORTENING Ib 19c MAXWELL HOUSE COME ib 43e. CERTO Bottle 25c APPLE JELLF 24 oz jar . 81e AYLMER INFANT'S FOOD 8. tins 25e ORANGES, Size 288s Dos , 41G LEMON'S, Size 360's 3 for 110 GRAPEFRUIT, Size 100's 3 for 25e POTATOES 15 lb. peck 65e TOMATOES, Fresh Daily CABBAGE, FIRM READS ib. , . 7c PHONE ORDERS FILLED BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents Ethel Thompson Princess St. East., Phone 585 59-tf Lever's Fish and Chips FRESH WUITE FISH • FRESH 00210 ' SALMON - Anyone wishing fresh fish is asked to phone early. Anyone wishing ;:Fish and Chips is asked to call or before 11.00 a.m. or 4.00 p.m. Native .of Clinton Passes Word has been received of the passing of Mrs, James Watters of Seattle, Wash., U.S.A., Mrs. Watters was the former frill:an F. M.11er, daughter of the late'. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller of Clinton, and was born and raised here: She bad been in failing health for several years due to a heart condition. She leaves a husband and one daughter to mourn their Loss. v SUMMERHILL Miss Phyllis Ball -of Toronto is spending her holidays at the home.of her parents, Mr .and -Mrs. 'Ed. Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lawson of Pickering spent the , holiday with Mrs. Lawson and Aaid1,'ew. Mr and Mrs. Chas. Merrilla nd Mr.. and Mrs.'Clarence Ball spent Sunday visiting friends at Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Tasker end SEEK END SPECIALS lTH41RS. PR)F, S%in' CAUL i''101Y' NEWPORT'S , ., , . s ,F,LUFFS 19c, 25e, 39g, 494.' IVORY LAUNDRY STARCH ... . • .. 13e pkg. KELLOGG'S BRAN FLAKES .... 2 for 25e KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, 8 oz. 3 for 25:. KELLOGG'S •. Corn FLAKES,.12 oz.:'. 2, for 25c KELLOGG S 'K KRUMBLES 2 for '274 KELLOGG'S PEP. 2'for 25:; KRAFT DINNER lee pkg. ESTAB1 OOKS' RED R,SB COFFEE] , .......... lb_ AYLMER 45c BOILED ,DINNER .... 23e tis AYLMER - . , TOMATO JUICE .... 3 for 27.: CROWN, FRUIT JARS Pts.. . 98c day Quarts ,. $L19 doz. Red- or Black JAR RUBBERS. " 3 to 23: CHAMP CLEANER 2 pkg: . • 19e 10 Pkes. of 6 •Clereals: . 25c VINEGAR'1 .gallon . 49c' P'ICGLTNG SPICES pkg , . ,.5e ORANGES, — 288'5 , .° 39: ORANGES r•.• 344's 29: 2 doz. for 55, GRAPEFRUIT, 126's .... 4 for 25: W. L. ,JOHNSON & SON PHONE 286 GROCERS DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. QUAKER CORN FLAKES 3 pkg 23 WALKERS Sodas 1 lb. pkg..... 15e CHATEAU plain cookies 'lb. .. 19t MARLENE BLEACH 2 bottles .17c SNOW FLAKE AMMONIA 5 pit 250 WHITE SWAN Toilet T:ssue 3 rls 25, VAN CAMP'S Tomato Soup 3 tins 25 CULVERHO-USE Tomato Juice 28 oz. tin 2 for ........ , ... 25c AEROWAK Self polishing wax qt. tin 49c COWANS',COCOA- 1 lb. tin ....49e MOODY''S CHLORID10 of Lime B pkg. 25c CRISPIE, Sour mixed pickles 16 oz. jar ... .. , 10c' CANADA .SEAL Fresh herring 2 tins 19e HORNE'S GELATINE pkg:15c LYNN VALLEY PEAS 2 tins .. 27c YORK PUMPKIN 28 oz. tin 2 for 250 LOOK IN Qi1R' REFRIGERATED COUNTER' F•OR FRESH SAUSAGES ib. • . . , 25e FRESH WIENERS lb..... , , 27c HAM & TONGUE Loaf 1b. , 45c COTT.t1.GE ROLL :irt piece .1'b 89e 1!c is. Orval Lobb free Delivery Evelyn of Stratford, spent the week end, with Mr. and Mra. P. Gibbings and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. J."' Jesting, Mr. and Mrs. H. Josling and Mrs. Ed. Cotton of Detroit spent the week end. with Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Mason. Mr. and Mrs, E. McBrien of Essex, Mrs•. Bailey of Alberta and Mrs. C. Jervis of Clinton spent onday with Mr. mid Mrs. T. E. n. . Makes -Hole -in -One While playing a game of golf on the St. Thomas Golf and Country Club course at Union on Thursday afternoon, July 12, W, U. Lator- veli, secretary of the 'Club, made a hole -in -one. It occurred at No. 2 green. He 'was playing with A. R, McColl another anember of the Cub. Although having ,played golf for over 25 years, this is the first t1ns' he has qualified for membership in the "Hale-in-one=Club". , V y PERSONALS - Mr. Charles Cook of London, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cook. Mr, and Mrs. W. U. Latorneil of St. Thomas are visiting Colonel H. B.'Combe and Mrs. C'ombe and Miss Dell Doan. Miss Elaine Noble of Miller Lake ' is the guest of Mr. and Mrs: Harry Henry. - Mrs. Stanley Brown and 'Mrs. Horace FaYtit of . Detroit Were guests of • Miss Marion Gibbings on Wednes- day. v. STANLEY Miss Helen Holmes of London was the guest of Miss Margaret McQueen last week. Miss ;Jean Mustard of Brooklyn, N. Y., is visiting at the 'home of Mrs. Neil McGregor. Miss Mary Metcalfe of,, London, visited her cousin; Mrs. Victor Tayl- Or, for a few days last week. :.:.Baird ,School was the- setting' for VALUES FOR. AUGUST lOth and:':1]thr.n RED & WHITE,TOMATO: RED &;WRITE TABLE, , SOUP 2 tins 17C SALT 2 boxes ' 15e. RED & W'HIm 0 PEKOE . R.EIY & WHIPI3 VEGETABLE TEA X1) ib. pkg. • 38c SOUP' 2 tins 17c,; , Red & White Fleet Wax tin 29c Lux Toilet ' Soap 3 • 2 • O Sunbury' Blk: Tea 1/2 lb 35c.::. ;CAKE 5c.' .Country Kiat Peas ° 2 "tins 25c" Palmolive Soap4,3.for 20c Globd, Ddasert Pears tin 1.4c., AYLMER WHOLE BEETS tin AYLMER APPLE 19e JUICE 2 bottles 25c TIP TOP TOMATO GLEN.W003 CHOICE .:; JUICE 2-28 oz tins 25 ;PUMPKIN? lg tins 19c ;GARDEN. FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES. TOMATOES — BEETS — CARROTS CURES BEANS PEACHES —+ PEARS MELONS — PLUMS -- BANANAS C'ALIFORNEA JUICY 360's CHOICE HEARTS OF ,L1.MONS4 for 15e •CELERY bunch 19c CALIFORNFA:' 100's' CHOICE LOCAL GREEN GRAPEFRUIT 3 - 25c' CABBAGE lb. 7c CALIFORNIA. JUICY 220's ORANGES doz. 53c ONTARIO, NO. 1 HEAD LETTUCE each 15c SHEARING'S • FOR FOODS OF FINE QUALITY Phone 48 Free Delivery Clinton For -Real Comfort . See our new stock of Lawn and Verandah. Chairs. Some of them ' have Double Canvas seats, and well supported Backe The others ars all wood in the natural finish. Come early and take your pick while the stoek lasts. ' Also. a 'grand selection of Bake -A -Lite Bed Lamps, in smart colors Boudinoir lamps with the newest type: of Shades, as well as a new line of Table Shades, Bridge 'Shades, and: Shades for Tri - Light Lamps.. .4.1 411! 1 WAS1 mow BALL & ZAPFE Dealers in Hardware and Furniture Modern Ambulance Service, Funeral DitFectors DOVG,LAIi, G. BALL Store• Phone 195 JOHN J. ZAPFE Phone 110 Phone 163 Stoves. and Furnaces Again Will be scarce. If in need of one be sure and get the best. Select one of Clare Bros. Stove or`a Hecla Furnace now on display: Hugh R. Hawkins 'Plumbing, 'Heating, ' Sheet Metal Work Agent for Hecla Furnace PHONE 244 the August meeting, when the W. A. of Erucefield United Church, . were invited guests. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer, followed Py the singing of "0 'Canada".. The president, Mrs. John McGregor, then spoke a few words of welcome to the ladies. The secretary's report was given, and the roll call answered, also the treasurer's report was • giv- en. The collection was then taken and amounted to $13,50. It was mesa ed by Mrs. Walter Moffat and se.on- ded by Mrs. John McFarlane that we send $10.00 to the Toronto Hos- pital for sick children. The buyer, . Mrs. Norman Baird was instructed to buy sufficient flannelette to con plete the layette. A ,letter from Don Wilson was read thanking the ladies for a box of sweets. A program then followed consisting of a piano solo by Thelma Baird, two piano duets by Mrs. Alton Johnston and Mrs. Wa'tsr Mc$eth, two dialogues, "Mrs.. Stewart Isn't Home" and ",Rocking Chair Blues". A reading by Mrs. Ileen Broadfoot, a solo by Elizabeth Laramie and .n duet by Lillian and Betty Stewart. The meeting closed: by singing God Save the King. The ladies then enjoyed a social half hour until lunch was served. Miss Martha McDonald proved a vote of thanks to the Stanley ladies. The next meet- ing will. be at the home .of Mrs. Fenwick •Stewart; The roll call to be answered by naming your favourite magazine. • v GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr, and Mrs. Mike Foran, Mr. Thompson and Mrs. Jack McKinnon and daughter of Toronto are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGuire. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Sloan of Sheffield, spent last week visiting friends in this neighbourhood, .re-, turning home on Sunday, accom- panied by Mr, and Mrs. Reid Tor ranee and 'family. Mrs. Anderson is spending this week with friends in Windsor. Pte. Elmer Johnstone is spending' his thirty day leave, before going to the Pacific, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Johnstone.. Maurice France has returned and is spending his leave with Mr: and 114 Mrs, Thos. Elliott. Lloyd Stirling has returned and is at home with his father, Mr. Fred Stirling. Wheat Threshing is the order of. the day and promises to be an ex- cellent crop. Mr. Ken Merrier has purchased• the threshing outfit from Mr. Lloyd Picot and it busy at work among the.. farmers. ' Mr. and Mrs. William Turner af,' Goderieh and Mr, and Mrs. Gedrge Campbell of ,Stanley visited with. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Stirling last weelc. Miss Jeanne Vodden returned to Toronto, after spending the week- end and holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Vodden. v FRENCH COWS KILLED Destruction of milk ,cows has been.... high in certain' parte of France, particularly in Normandy and east- ern coastal area Where fighting was • heavy. It is estimated that Normandy lost about 80,000 cows and that 50,000 were killed in the eastern districts, . • CAPTAIN R W. i chtURRA T, formerly manager' of the Canadian Pacific's Bttitislt ' Columbia ' Coast Steamships Service, who was recently nppointed managing director of Ilia Canadian Pacific S brine I,iinitedi, with headquarters at o'ptreal." succeeds Captain Ed p4iird Aikms4 . „. lt.p.k,A.NiR.L retired.:. .