HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-08-09, Page 7„' DESTROY FLIES The hairy bodyand legs: of the fly are carriers of disease. Fly- Tox kills these filthy Pests instant- ly, Get a-. large bottle of Fly -Tex today. Pigeons, Falcons Help Defeat Hun "• Squadron" of Falcons To Re Sent To Pacific To Help Defeat the. naps Despite all new inventions and V -weapons, carrier pigeons and • dive-bombing hawks played a tre- mendous :part in the Allied victory over Germany. Many innportant •German mess- ages were taken off German pig- eons, "shot down" by a •specially trained Rock et falcons'- attached': to the n.A.P., which also malntain- • ed a large pigeon "air force" of lis Own throughout the war. It has been estimated that be- tween 50,000 and 75,090 birds were in military service in this country. England is noted -for pigeon rac- ing in peacetime. Every British night bomber car- ried one or two pigeons; trained to race home with an S.O.S.: in ,case' the plane was forced. down .tn enemy territory.. They were eat- , tremely helpful in .ah' -sea: rescue Work and were credited officially • with saving a large number of lives. , Natural Killer -Hawk The falcon is a natural born killer -hawk with unusual intelli- gence -providing it can be train- ed to use its brains the right way. This the R.A.F. did to counter the, Largo and efficient carrier pig- eon.flock'the Nazis had at the be ginning of the war. The Germans not only ,dispatched thein from land but also launched them en eecret.misstons from airplanes and submarines. The total number brought down • by falcons and the nature of the messages intercepted still are cat- alogued as secret information but the air ministry thought -enough of • the falcon's work that it was re- cently'reported that a "squadron" was being sent to the Pacific to continue their work against the Japanese. Australia Gets `Two Thousand . Miles of Rain'. Australians have every reason for thankfulness at the ending of the longdrawn-out drought 'which blanlceted most of the' Common- wealth. Relief came :suddenly with- in a few days, lieralded by news paper headlines such as "two thousand mile's of rain" and "South Australia's million pound rains." The rain stretched acrass *the whole width of Southern' Aus- traliafront Perth to Sydney.' The rains were so heavy . along the north coast of New South Wales, a rich dairying area sel- dom badly affected by drought, that it caused serious floods, The deluge reached a .total of 11 inches within a week.. Manywere left homeless tem- porarily and' much damage ' was done but this was small comm pared with the benefits to Aus- tralian ustralian farming over many mil- lio:n nacres, The rains came in time. to permit wheat sowing over enormous areas "and raised the prospect of wheat and wool. growth which will do much to recoup heavy drought losses:. It Was estimated'- : that . 20,000,- 000 sheep diel thrdugh the dry- ing up of pastures. . HARNESS & CQLLARS Farmers Attention - Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our geode only through your local Staco leather Goode dealer, The goods are right, and so are our priees. We manufacture in our be. tories - Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Man. Rets•, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco. Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42• Wellington St. E., Toronto SAFES Protect your BOORS and OASH from 'FIRE and 'THIEVES. We have a size and type of Sate, or '. Cabinet, for .nay purpose. .Visit ne, or 'write for itrivet.. etc, to ' Oept. W., Li r s lila PRONTO' SAFE WORK$ 143 brunt It. 6:. 'Toronto Established, Bina 0ONFLDENTIAL REPORTS. ON C•ANADiAN GOLD Mines' Properties Companies ASCOT AGENCY Four. Colborne Street TORONTO, ONTARIO Phone ILgin-4985 MEET, MAEST Q .M1CKE "Navy bandsmen get a laugh as Mickey, who comes from a long line of dogsof doubtful ancestry, "conducts" the band as it plays on a San Diego, Calif., pierhead to welcome returning servicemen. OTTAWA REMITS That Barn`` Sprays Of Wonder insecticide, DDT, Are Now Available To Farmers Because of the vital need of int- creased dairy production, Canadian farmers are to be the first civilians fn .the world to get DDT. Barn sprays are now being' made avail- able containing , the wonder 'in- - secticide with the thirty -letter. name, "dichloro-d_iphenl-trichlor- oethane." Dr. C. R. Twinn ot the entorhology division, Federal De partment •of Agriculture; has pre- pared a memorandum outlining "formulations and methods of appli- cation of the insect -killing chemical for use against household and in- dustrial ,pests and certain parasites common. to filen and animals when DDT. becomes generally available. Up to now it has been reserved for military use and experimental pur- poses. Front the R.C.A.F. comes a story o1 a little patch of Canada .7000 feet up iu the Himalayas,which attracts hundreds of Canadian air-.. men on leave from Burma and eastern India. It Is the Lome of Major. and Mrs. John Brebner of Toronto. Major` Brebner joined the Indian Medical Service in 1.035, Tn the three years he and Mrs. Breb- ner have been stationed at Darjeel- ing they Have. provided hospitality for many Canadian boys on leave, Waffles with honey, real • hot dogs and hambt,rgers, even pumpkin pie, bring the boys a real taste of hone. ° * .A. big ,warship has brought a 'little baby to Canada. He is 11 -month's -old Robert Fraser, son. of motor mechanic E. Fraser, To- ronto,. Robert's mother was kilted by one of the last V -bombs to fall on England. His father, who was on active -service, asked a Canadian Wren if his little son could be sent home to his grandparents at Pietcu, N. S. A request to send him by troopship was refused._ But the Canadian destroyer, H.M.C.S. Ot- tawa, offered to take the little fel- low aboard The shipwrights made a crib which was placed in the* captain's cabin. Nearby was a tub and small clothes' horse. So Baby Robert sailed in style with the entire ship's complement at his service. His father was given special leave to accompany him. * * *. The ..Canadian : Federation of Agriculture has made an urgent request tr the federal government. for a. complete weather information `service for farriers in all pants of Canada. They pont out that the new techniques of weather fore- casting developed; for use in aerial warfare and the trained personnel in s'{tch service might well be utilized to provide this important service for the farming industry. Consideraton of such a service is promised. Britain Greater , Their • Any Briton The defeat of Churchill is, of course, a great shock at first thought it is almostimpossible' to believe that so great a figure Was been rejected by his own ,people, says the Ottawa Journal, But Bri- tain is greater than any Briton, even Winston ' Churchill, and the judgement of the British people, a tough and virile yid practical poo- ple, seldom goes far astray, or for long. In .that '.knowiedg,. let us 1 c,; ier, tl:1 t -c t in 1.1,e coating world settlement even though Mr: Churchill be not a party to it. Hit 12 Times Blinbs hit the 'houses of parlia- ment 12 tunes during the war, kil- ling three persons and injuring. 15, Col. Clifton Webb, speaker of. the House of Commons, disclosed. at a farewell party fdr air raid defen- Westerners Plan Farm Community As a result of the first co-opd• rative farming conference to have been held in Canada, at Landis, Saskatchewan, a group of 44 farm- ers of the Landis District is lay- ing plans for Canada's first large scale co-operative farm linked with a communal living center. The 'farmers .plan to make an actual start on the co-operative farming phase in the spring' of 1945: Following this, they will work out the second' phase . of their project, that of a comms nity center. WAR WORKER G71 The wartime photo of Mrs. Clement R. Attlee, wife of Great Britain's new Prime Minister, shows .her while working at a -YMCA club for British ;troops. Army Shows Still. Entertain Troops The end ot the war doesn't mean 'that the demand '6y the troops for ,entertainment lha:l diminished, As a Inatfer. of fact, it has increased. And that is why eight civilian atony show units are now overseas enter- taining the Canadian troops in England and also the army of oc- cupation. The: talented entertainers come from Toronto, Montreal and Hali- fax. Each unit has a mixed chst of about 20. While overseas, the entertainers are provided with 'army clothing; The men wear battle. dress and the women CWAC uniforms, but without the brown shoulder straps. \Man courts happiness in a thou sand shapes; and the faster he fol. lows it the• swifter it flies from hint. Tillotson. Yeet101? -that • 10e packageofWILSON'S FLY •` PADS will kin more Nies than 75.00 worth of any other By kiferlll Grocery, Drug Hardware and General Stores ren cad recommend WILSON'S FLY PADS. - - • STOP4TCHe -. of/nseLR s BitHeatRaal�' Quicki Stop itchsng-ot'3naeet bites,heat"rash eczema, hives ptmplts, scale,,scabies, athletes foot and other externally caused akin troubles.. Use quick -acting, 'Ting .,'thins, antiseptic n es D„.p, PRESCRIPTION., -Greaseless, stainless. Itch atop, or our mons back. Your druggist stocks a011), PRESrCRIPTION,- Do you suffer from MONTHLY NERVOUS TENSION , 1 d withits weak, tired feelings? ' If functional periodic disturbances make 100lcdlnervous tired, restless= at such times -try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound to relieve such sym p pp toms. Pinlrharn's Compound is one f e o the most effective medicines for this purpose. Follow label directions, Buy today! ,,�UJ-/ ry,/p t VEGETA Me. cui4 . //�rGDl.��,,.// gg "7� Yd R�4':L1YiD�•GOMPOUItD ISSUE '32-1945 VOICE - OE TH PRESS RUBBING' IT IN The news now flies around the corner stores: that . women' have spent $300,000,000' a year on_cold cream during wartime. That's cer- tainly rubbing' it . in, --Peterborough Examiner. BEATING THEMSELVES Then thoseplanes to fly at\2,000' miieis an 'hour could leave Halifax • at '.noon and arrive.. in Vancouver. in the same morning two: hours' before they started. -Brandon Sun. NEW NAME FOR" 'EM' Mouldy cheese contains penicil- lin, scientists' tell us. So tha't's what they call those little wiggly white things. ,r -Windsor Star. THEY DON'T What we 'haven't been able to figure .out is flow Hon,. ,Tap, hitting head -first in the suicide dive, saves' face. • Ottawa CitiseL -o- NO }TOPE ;Hay fever is one .of the worst diseases. You can't cure it and It won't 'kill • you. , -Kitchener Record. John Bull Stole Hitler's `Intuition' Among all the secret weapons listed. as "now it cart' be told," none; enlivens the imagination more than hard-headed Sohn Bull's use of astrology. The story is that, aware of Hitler's faith in snob reading', the British had the Fuehrer's horoscope cast every day, fust as he did.. Thus they knew as goon as he what hints be would; get from' the stars and regu- larly stole his famous intuition. The plan worked, too; according to the report. They were able to forestall' several of his moves, France's War Losses In Blood And Misery One hundred and thirty-five thousand -dead on the field of bat- .te, 55;000 killed before firing squads, 100,000 patriots who have died in enemy camps or prisons, two million prisoners and depor- tees, 1,200,000 houses destroyed, ports an dtraint demolished, the suffering by a whole nation or 00- cupation,'oppression and famine- that isthe contribution in blood and distress which France had made to this war' in the catise of liberty, HEADQUARTERS, BERLIN BATTALION Comprising part of the Canadian Army Occupation Force, the Canadian Berlin Battalion aids British forces occupying a portion of Berlin, while American and Russian troops control the rest of. the city. Here, Pte. Lloyd Roth, of Vegreville, Alta., guards the entrance to the Canadian Headquarters. Sermons Not Meant To Be Enjoyed "I enjoyed your - sermon very much." Countless beamingly po- lite churchgoers so inform their preachers every Sunday, says "Time" Magazine. Last week the Rev. Robert E. Woods, veteran preacher of Manhattan's St. Pat- rick's Cathedral, ' took the wind out. of their oaths. Said he, from the pulpit: "Sermons are not in- tended to be enjoyed (but)' to in- struct,'to inspire ... to make you uneasy: about yourself. Any ser- mon that doesn't dothat has mis- fired." U. S. Lost 5,000 Tanks The United , States lost an es- timated 5,000 tanks in. the German' . war, according to Major .deneral Henry B. Sayler,' chief army ord- nance officer in Ole European theatre. The `Shadow' Goes Up To 43,499 *Feet A Boeing 13-17 flying fortress called "The Shadow" has climbed to 43,400 feet, an. altitude its makers said they believed was a new world record for fou --engined aircraft. The record ascent was made in a regular test flight over Seattle. Big N. Y. Building Stands Up To It' The way the Empire State -Build- ing in New York stood up to the blow it received last week is a tri- bute to modern construction and engineering design, cgniments the Windsor Star. When a fast-moving bomber ran smack into the upper . floors of the 1,250 -foot high jluild' ing, the structure stood fast. The bomber was smashed to smith- ereens, but the building held. The fireproof nature of the Em- pire State Building was' also illus- trated. The bomber exploded and its load of gasoline turned the upper floors of the building into a furnace. But, once the gasoline hadbeen consumed by the flames, there was -not much else to burn, Firemen had the blaze under :on- trol in short order. in spite of be- ing splattered by blazing gasoline, the building did .not catch fire, The petrol . burned itself out and that was that.'' Many people have wondered what would happen if an .airplane or a bomb bit a large .building. They had hoped they would never find out, but they have had the answer. That bomber banged right and it \vas just too bad for . the bombes. i AVE YOU HEARD? A certain 'magistrate was once discussing beverages with a fellow cliff member, "Have you ever tried gin and ginger beer?" coked \tlie Young fellow. "No, replied the magistrate, "MI6 ,I've tried a lot of folios who haver -0- "It Is not good for Fran to keep, too much to ' himself," states q phycholog(st. The in. come -tax authorities are said to share this view. "f don't know what I world. have done if it hadn't been for you! exclaimed the discharged prisoner, • "You'd have done 'time," was the dry comment of his attorneys "I look upon hiking as a tonic.'+ "Yes; and a passing lorry as a pick-me-up, I suppose." -0- "So, dear Doris is getting mar- ried! l suppose you feel that she's ready for the battle of lite?"' "Well, she's -been through sev- eral et/eral engagements," Mr. Churchill Declines Honor Offered by King Prime Minister Churchill has de- clined a knighthood of the Order of the• Garter, one of Britain's high- est honors offered to him by the King, Buckingham Palace has an- nounced. The order was constituted - by King Edward T1I in 1348. It con- sists of the Sovereign ant_ 'lineal descendants of King. George I and 'knights admitted by special sta- tutes. The Royal announcement said:. - "After Mr. Churchill had ten- dered his resignation to the Bing, His Matesty asked him to accept the order of the Garter in recogni- tion of his great services through- out the war, Mr. Churchill, how- ever, begged His Majesty that in the prcar nt circumstances that he might he allowed to decline." During the day, Mr. Churchill' expressed his gratitude to al' those who sent hint messages af,et the defeat of the Conservative Party and his resignation as-Pr;fne Mi- nister. ' YOU GET EVERY ATOM of the flavor and goodness in Maxwell Clouse Coffee because it is "Radiant Roasted". Every coffee bean is roasted thoroughly --all through! nAn'Y' CHICKS FREE RANGE PULLETS, EIGHT weeks up to laying,. Also -day -ofd• chicks hatched to order for rail delivery, Free catalogue.• Tweddle Chicle- Hatchertea hotted, Fer- gus, Ontario. ST2MME1T ' 'CHICIKS, AND SOME light 2-3 week pullets available now. September and tall chicles should be ordered now also, 13ray. Hatchery;'130' John.' St. N., Ham- lttoti, Ont. 1RI010 RANGE PULLETS 22 WEBxo- •:up to 26 weeks. Day old chicles :hitched to order for Fnll deliv- ery. Top Notch Chlckeries, Guelph, Ontario. BUSINESS GPPOlt'r'uNTTIIOS CLEAN EAST' , MMTILE:BUS NOW available. We Want dealers in Your territory, S. S. Dennis Co., 908 Ridout 'St., London. Ontario. WILL TRADE FINE WOOD -TIMB- er 170 acres for good truck or house or sell. Walter Covyeow, Vanicoug'hnet, Ont, ' DYI§ING - AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS. dyeing or cleaning? Wrtte to us for information, We . aro glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment H. Pit ricer's. Dye Works Limited, 701 Yonge Street, To- ronto, IrAhN1.-atA lHhlVIsltY Irllft SA1,0. 60 2-1.P, INTERNATIONAL - STA- - tionary Diesel,usedvery little. • Write or phone Lotvvllie ,Treed Mill, Route 2, Milton, -Ont,- SKID ENGINE P800 McCURN11CH, In good conditipn, Variable Speed. Govenors ' for '.'Mcformiek •'rrnc-: tors (only). New and used Trac- tor parts, London Form Equip- ment Co., 338 Ring Street, Lon- don. Ont. • FOR SALE.. BARREN STRAIN L 17 G E 0 R., N Pullets, 6 weeks and up, Stissex X barred Rock pullets, 6 to - 10 weeks, Barred Rock Pullets, 0 to 10 weeks. .-Johnson Hatchery, Fergus, Ont;; - - 12 HEAD CATIOLE 7 1liIILCI3 COWS Included, 760.0;0.0 cash. Allan- Mac - rime, Avoca, Quo,•Co. Arg, Phone Arunde 15x22. "Er..tel'111c MOTORS, NEW, USED nought, sold, rebuilt;. belts, pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Corn - Pans Ltd.. 23.26 Dufferin St.. To- ronto. ' BOILER MCOIJLLOCI3, 66 MP., 110 LBS, STEAM. IN EX- CELLENT CONDITION; ' 111,0N L'I12'E;MAN,1;TOIcD.., RECEIVING I.'ANIO, CANADA LAUNDRY,. 1123 DUNDAS W., TORONTO. THISTLEDOWN JeN GORAS. ON2 of Canada's outstanding strains. Write for free folder. Brown's Angora Rulneh,278 Courtland St., Kitchener. •Ontario. PE DIGOIBED AN•GOIRA- RABBITS, Finestwool..:producing stock. - Lvnd'ood • Angoras,- BOX 540. Oshawa. . 1cELVINAdOR,SOFT DRINK_ COOL- ' er-and .Electric Xvieat. Grander, Lop condition. Box 235, Athens, Ont, ONCE USED 75-L13 3111111 PO'I'ATO- sacks, 3iic . ,each, 75.10. cotton Potato sacks, 7-b each; 50-10, on- ion sacks, ,de each. Write; immed- iately. London Bag Company, London, Ont. fruit SALE FOR SALE -RANI{ BARN 40x60, in good condition, side end roof one -hall' metal, 7800. D, J. Whaling, Moorefield, Ont. GAINING WEIGHT 7 SLENDEX TEA alds you retain Slender Figure, Giros yottr food Into energy instead of (at. GUARANTEED HARMLESS, composed pleasant herbs. 'no'eXer- olsee or drastic diet.' Month's , supply 01.00 .postpaid Dominion Herb Distributors 143: St.- Lawrence 1113,11„ Montreal • FARMS troll SALE WE CAN SELL YOU ANY SIZE OF farm you wish to buy -with or without :stock and-tinathlnery. For particulars apply at Bono- hue's Garage, Renfrew, Ont. FOR SALE -FARM, HURON COUN• • ty, .100 workable Roma, excellent buildings, good drilled well,close to good highways and markets. Hydro' avetllable, 70,000. For par- ticulars write 13. A. Moore. 208 DelornIne Are.; Torento, 0001) 50 ACTtM FARM, SELL 011 exchange, for smallplace near village, western Ontario. F, War- ren, Clarice, Durham County, Ont. FARM TWO R,i7N1)R19D ACRES fenced, seventy cultivated,. nest wood, pasture; sugar bush, large bank barn, cement floor,large house, stone wall, basement, apple spring pletreeste25i ysink, miles fromhotwo towns, school bus passes door, Price 03,000. Box 14.8, Sundrldg'e, Ont. - HAIRDRESSING' L 10 A 10 N HAIItIJRESSINr'rWG Robertson method, Inrortnation on. request. Peg arding' classes. Robertson's Hairdresaing Aced• eniy. 187' Avenue' .Read. Toronto • MEDICAL PEOPLE ARE T ALIOING. AI30U'I' the good results from taldng. Dixon's 'Remedy for' Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. Munro's Drug ' Store, 335. Elgin, Ottawa, Post- paid 71.00. S71)MA( H.. AND 'rt-111EA tl 1VUrIMS. Often are the cause Of III-henlih Inhumans,all urges. No one im• mune!' Why not find out ff thin• (0our trouble? Interesting stin' y t er e 1, par. fico ht rs-Froel Write Nulveney'n Remedies. RpeMaitsts. Tort -into 8 BAUMCPIOA INUIT . BA 1,11 DB- stroys offensive odor ilista olly. 40c bottle, Ulla wa agent. Denman Drug Afore, 01towa, - IT'S EXCELLENT, REAL RE- • sults after tatting Dixon's Rem- edy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. Munro's 'Drug Store, 335 Elgin,' .Ottawa, Postpaid 71.00. MU SIC I:, 1NS,i'itCIOEt7'eVeS FRED A. - I30DDINGTON I31.1YS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments. 11.1. Church Toronto 2, OI' I'O 71T llN 1747.1 troll WOoI EN BE- A HAIRDRESSER' JOIN CANADA'S LISA DIN(, Rt'T-10(11, Great 'Opportunity, Learn ' -Ta irdresstng Pleasant dignified professtnin,good wages, thousands successful Marvel gradntntes, America's greatest aye - tem. 111;hstrn ted caw logue free. Write ,or .cull MAR V101. I-HAIRDRESSI NG • • St*1.7(1(11 S • 118 [moon t'V, 'rt iItoNTU Branches' 44- Ring ILL.. Hamilton & '74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PATENTS FETIOERSTONIIAUG13.& COMPANY Patent Sol Leiters, nistabltshed .1890; •14 Bing West, Toronto, Boehtel of Information on re- glreat.. r iirrut:u /I VII "YOUR WORK IS WONDERFUL" CUSTOMER SAYS and the'prompt manner In which you return work is greatly appreciated." Any Size Roll -6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 26c Don't rich losing pictures. Send your film retie to CANADA'S LARGEST AND FINEST STUDIO Get Better Pletures at Lowenklost. Prompt man service. SPECIAL ALBUM OPFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 15-20-127 If 22c (4c extra). Is sent with film roll SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 0" In beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c. Premed,. on Ivory tinted mats, 7 x 't" in 0015, SIIVer, Circassian Walnut or Blacic. Ebony finish. frames, 511c each, if enlargement colored, 79c earin OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can restore any ofd photograph or snapshot and make tiny number of prints or entargenl.ents. desired: The process requires the work or skilled .artists, but the cost Is reasonable. Send usyour Picture and tell us what You want done and we. will tell -you the cost. before doing the work.' STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 123, Postal Ternihntt A, Toronto Print Nante. and Address Plainly :on Orders.: TIME TESTED QUALITY,. SERVJCE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developer] and orbit6 OR 8 EXPOSU1tlij ROLLS REPRINTS 8 for 25c F3ND,S1 ENLARGINI: SEItvlel You ,nay not get' all the films you want this year, but you carget all •the duality and service .you desire bysending your films. to - 11itl'I0ItIAL I'7ROTO SERVICE -._ Station 1, Toronto TEACH tans WANTED GOLDLA.NDS,.SOUTH COCIHRANE District; PrOtestant tech r for • 1-room,Well-equipped rural school has basement fornaca; storm windows, inside sanitary toilets,near railway and school . bus service; prompt. pay; state salary and experience;. minimum salary 71,200. P. D. 831gr11, OM- lands,- Ont. L A R,(,' FI W (i 01) PROTESTANT Teacher wanted .for' S.S. No. 3 Balfour And -Dowling, Larch - wood, ,Ont, Diitiea to commence • Sept "4, Salary 81350.00 per an- num. Apply stating qualifications to -t Mrs. .lean Jennings. .Sec: Trees.,, Larchwood,: Ont, WANTED - QUALIFIED PRO.- tostart ' teachers fTownship s of School Area of Kennebec, duties to commence Sept. 3, State quali- fications an,1 name,. of last In- spector; ' minimum salary 71.250. Apply 9:. Is. Hughes, Sec,-Treas,,. Arden,. 04.1.. TOWNSHIP S C 1•I 0 0 L BOARD,;' (Drury, Denison and Graham,. Dis- trict of Sudbury, requires 3 Pro- testant qualified teachers for, schools in following ills*es- Whitefish, Worthington . ands TTlgh Falls;. also one bilingual teacher for rural - camel "Deal- Whitefish, 110317 staling gnallfleatlona and sato 1 y expected' to Mea 30 141, Murray, 300 Laura. Ave., Sodbury, Ont. . TEACHERS WANTED ,1`EACI3ER WAN'1'.C17 FUR 0.S.S. . Ne. 1, Bond. • Protestant, rust close; salary $5,400 Apply A. Brightwell, - Seeretaty-Treasure •. • Shllpngtgn P.O., Ontario. TWO 'QUALIFIED' PROTBSTAN71 Teachers for school area No. 2 Monteagle, Apply stating salary and unalificn tions• to. C. PI, \Vood- roA Sec.-Treas., 4.E. No, 1, 1Tyblu, Ontario. MADAWASI0A I'U13LIC SCI•IOUI.- 1'rotestaht female teacher want- ed' for juniorroom let ulnas eer- tlflottte with tousle preferred, but not necessary; salary $1,200 per sum um; tlutles commence Sept. 4. F. T. Chaddock, Madawaska, Ont, - VTCTORiA CO.; PROTESTANSI teacher, 5,8. No. 2, Fenelon, Vic- toria Co. State experience, titfilli- fietttlons, salary expected. armies Laurenson, Woodvl11e, R,It. No. 3, Ont, - - W•1NT1if-ASSISTANT IN GRADE 13 continuation School and prin- 'ciple or. .imbue school. Subjects:. Latin Trench, .Art and edueaticn- al guidance or, lower Helloes L'ng- lish..Grades 7 and 8 in public school. State salary turd exper- ience and where lust taught. School is situated on Erighwny 26 and has hydro installed, A. Ronald, See,-T,'eaa., Mlnesing, Ont. W14ITE .RIVER CONTINUATION School requires Principal tirades J to 12,, must teach upper school French, assistant supplied, anurll classes. Salary minimum 82,900. State Salary expected with quali- fications. R. G. Medley, See,- Tress., -White River, Ont.'' lrU to I. WOOD WANTED CORDWOOD 0181'1,19, t11RC1.1 A11) Mixed,- Also sinbs etid .bundled edgings, 11tmctwood and huft- 'wood. Lave lull portiouinI and best prlces un car. \VitIter. 5011000, 19 Melintl:, Street, 'rormit0. WANTED PULLETS WANTED To PURC9-i1AQE .AL1. AGES AND (BREEDS 5 months to laying., ago. Dur prices nt, worthwhile.:l3os 40, 73 Ade- laide Nest, 'rorunto. WANTED - AN.. L .PEIOIENC LD singlo dairyman, or a mimed man With no children for caring for tt -small, but, high class hcl- `stein herd on 83,0.1'. in Peal Cram. ty District. e ad vi n$condi- tions and wages of,• 75,00 to 7100.00 depending on the mon. (3011 48, 78 Adelaide: 4V,, Toronto. WANTED, BUFFALO 9U W El 11 sausage staffer, complete, .78• 1011 -Ib, callefty; 1 5 h.p. 25.0yoie, 3-phase multi•;. pie molds and. cuter for small pork pies. Write, Dot n's rood 'Market, 1'ort Col- borne, Ori. , W83011ED - A TH07it00G13LY trained 'coon hound preferably n female must 140 good at trail and at ,tree and broke off of hicks. fox 005: deer. Give full particu- lars. iucltidhlg,prioe. Box 44, 73 Adelaide W., Termite, WANTED, TO PURCHASE 14)1.- lets, all from 8 weeksup to laying. Good prices paid. Apply to Box 38, 73 Adelaide W„ aro.. ionto. OPPORTUNITIES AWAITING Sarnia GenoralHosp ital School for nurses offers an excellent course in Nursing Education. Clash ell- ters Sent. 4511, 1945. Application forms furnished en request. `12. M: 13eamisb, Superintendent, v