HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-08-09, Page 5:11.1u,,,AtTG. .9th; 1945
Complete U'OdelL"
th,iiding an
0o -operation To Meet Every
fanaily Need.
Summer Weddings
Ontario Street United Church
Clinton, was 'the scene of, a pretty
• wedding on Saturday' afternoon at
three o'cloek, when Helen Mae
daughter of Mr. and: Mrs. A. W
Groves, " became the bride of Mr
Mervin Nott, Toronto, son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. 33ernard Nott, . Hullett
township. The hhureli was decorated
with a profusion of ferns, gladioli,
phliesi! and , daisies. Rey.. G. Ge Burton
• officiated at the ceremony.
Given in marriage by her father,
' the bride wore a graceful. floor -
length gown of brocaded satin,
made with fitted bodice. Her 'finger-
tip veil of white net was held in
• place with a halo of net. She carried
' -pink Briarcliffe roses.
Miss Ruth Groves, sister' of the
bride, was her only attendant. The
bridesmaid wore a floor -length dress
• of.turquoise blue sheer, with niatch-
• ing headdress, and carried Sunglow
rosesh Mr. Elgin. 'Mott, ,Hullete town-
ship, brother of the bridegroom, was
• best, m,an..The ushers were Mr. Elgin
' T. Dale and Mr. Donald Colelough.
Miss Attie Lou Thompson, the
soloist, wore a floor -length dress
of pink sheer with matching. head-
dress. During the signing of the
' register she sang "G Promise Me".
Mrs. Bert 13oyce, 0 inton, played the
wedding music.
A reception at the home of the
bride's .parents followed the ceres
mony. The house was decorated
with summer flowers and pink and
'white streamers, and the bride'e
table was adorned with tall pink
• candles and white bells. The bride's
mother wore a two-piece costume
-of pink crepe, with acoessoxies in
white. The bridegzeora's mother
was in powder blue with white
accessories. Both wore corsages of
Butterfly roses. Assisting in serve -ng were Mrs. Melvin Crich, Mrs:
Donald Switzer, Misses Ruth Mc,
Olure, .Shirley . Turner, Marjorie
Carter and Isobel Ashton.
For the honeymoon trip to the
Muskoka district, the bride donned
two-piece frock in heaven blue,
over which she wore a eoat of
raspberry red. White accessories
completed the costume. They will
reside in TotentO.
Guests were present for the wed-
ding' from - Guelph, Belga:a:die, Sea -
forth, .Brucefield and Clinton.
e A quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized in Alliambra iTnite.d
Church, Toronto on Saturday July
, 21st at 8 p.m. when Marion Alberta,'
• youngerdaughter of Mr. F. J.
• Spriggs and the late Mrs. Spriggs
of Toronto, became the bride of
L./Cpl. Arthur Stewart son of Mrs:
A. M. Leyhurne a Clinton and the
late Mr. Leyburne of ,Seaforth.
The Rev. Robt. Manning officiated.
The bride was lovely in a white
eilk jersey dress, with white- acces-
sories and, weaning -5 corsage of
yellow roses.
The young couple were attended
by the bride'e sister, Miss Flora
Spriggs, and Mr. Charles Garowski.
Later the young couple left for a
honeymoon in the Muskoka district.
An. informal wedding was Solem-
nized in Park St. United Church,
Chatham, on Wednesday, August-lst,
When Major Rev- Coiling unittels in
marriage • Entity Marie Clements,
Only daughterof Mr. and Mrs. P.
Clements, ' Chitham, to Frederick
IJohn Middleton, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Middleton, Goderich Township.
The bride was lovely in a blue
sheer street length, dress, with mat -
thing accessories and wore a cor-
sage ,of pink gledioli. Miss Mary
Farrell. Chatham, who was brides.
Maid wore a diess of pink eyelet
lembrohlery with white accessories
and. a corsage of yellow gladioli.
L. A. C. Len Ikonen of Trenton was.
After the ceremony a reception
I was 'held at the home of the bride's
parents, effectively decorated with
baskets of summer flowers and pink
; and white streamers. The bride's
1Mother received- the guests wearing.,
figured 'Ass with corsage
of American Beauty roses. The
greonds Mother, wore a bine figured
!sheer dress with corsage of pink
-After a short. .honeymoon spent
,at GrandBend - the bride lift to
resume her duties at R.C.A.F. (W.D.)
Reckcliffe and the groom to Scoudouc
N. B. where he is to train for Pacific
Candlelight, white Summer flow-
ers and fern, we's the 'setting in
'Ontario Street United Church, for
the wedding of Frances (Fanny)
danghter of Mr. Lau ce Lay s and
the late Mrs. Lavis of Clinton to
"Cpl. Wesley • P. Haddy., son of Mr..
Alex Haddy and the late Ms. Haddy
of Clinton The Ceremony was per.
formed by Rev., G G. Burton. The
wedding music was played by Mrs.
Wesley Treleaven. The Soloist was
Miss Jean Morgan.
The charming bride, given in
marriage by her fathet, was gowned
in white slipper satirehnodelled with
a roiled, lace neckline, satin edge 1.
Her only adornment was pearl,. Her
heirloom full length silk tulle v.il
was held , by a headdreas of white
violets and „trate. She carried B311-
vaTdia and American Beauty Roses.
The Gr- am wore the un form of.
the R C. A. P. T e maid of Honour
was the bride's sjste , Miss Helen
Laois of London, in a florr-1 ngte
white fro t -d n t gown, The biiirs-
maid, Miss Eia Dinning of London
was gowned in a floor -I( nth dress
of white lace. They ea ried sweet-.
heart roses and frog t-me-nots ani.
wore tnat hi, g critters •and head-
dress. , •
The groom was atte)ded by Me.
Allan Knight of Toronto and the
ushers were Mr. Jack Lavis of To-
ronto, brother of the trri 'e a -d Mr.
L. Risley of London. '
The reception was held 'at the Inn.
The hapny coup'e left by motor on a
•trip to Northern points. The h
going away costume was powder
--blue silk mesh with white accessories.
• Guests from 'resent; • were Mr.
•and Mrs: Allan Knight, Mr: and' Mrs.
;jack Lair's and Linda, Mr. and Mrs.
'Richard Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. A. G.
'Sylvester, Mr: Allan •Sylvestbr, Mr.
•''Ohasi Roddy, Mise Elva Laois, Mr.
and, Mrs. Percy 0. Towne... From,
•Detroit Mich.,. were, Mr. and Mni.
.W111. S. Laois, Mrs.: Wes -Bowen, Mrs.
john Wade,— Mr. Bob Lavis, Prom
London were; Mr. and MM. B. Moore
; Mr. and Mrs...L." Elgie,; Mr, and Mrs.
W. •H Tieleee 2MrS. Eena Dinning,
• Pte. C'e5t4CiNiVef -Mrs. Salisbury.
ream Kitsilieier ?sse-e; Mr. and gra,
Begifidlcf"'""dhliVe. From Xipieh't
were Me vett Mr ...rebel 'Cooley..
In a long ceremony at Catniel
Presbyterian Church, lieneall, Anna
Margaret MecLaren, daughter ot
llie, and ' Mrs:'11. Y. Afaclearep, of
Basalt, became 'the bride of Welles.-
ley Darland Evens, of Watetloo, son
of the late ,Me., and Mts. M. W.
Evans, Toronto. Rev. John MacEsvan,,
Schoenberg, uncle of the bride, pee -
:formed the ceremony.
The wedding music was played by
Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, of Hensall,
and the soloist was Mrs. Harold
Noonan, Windsor.
The bride's father gave her in
marriage. For her ell -white wed-
ding the bride was charming iris her
floor -length gown Of duchess satin
with sweetheart neelt'ine, lace ycice
and lace on fieint of full skirt in
ediogote style. Her costume was
Completed by a veil of Swieshret
edged with lace failing from a
rutin his,k headdress in a train over
the dress. Ree roses, f rn and whit
streamers fun) ed her o wer ,b ou
quit and „the wo e a go d lock t
ift if the groom.
A int ei a of harrow an two flow-
er gir',8 walked in the bridal pro-
ne elca'n. Mrs. 11: J. H . nter. of Water -
de wore a gown of yowler blue
igurecl h • er crepe with machine
h address: t Mimed, Wth tiny Low-
.rand car.ied palls roses. Mies
Puth AirFsrlene, Clinton end Mise
direr a Tailor. Walton, eausins. of.
the bride, We' e attractive l•ttle
;tewsr gil certunied a'ike. in
o r -le -gth penk organdy (..Tess,
wearing 'ribbons and !ewers in t'leh.
• air ';nd ter Virg noseg see ha's
eeeeeng. witb their cleees,ess
The greeni man, W. W. Ewers
of Edmonton Alt', brother of 'the
arooM; was pre'vented from attending
147. the travel:: restrictions. The Inhere
weee Robert Glenn, 0 beton' -an-1 H •
.1. Minter', Water'ocir
A reception ' was .- held inthe
churchparlor for ,59 ;pmts. Later,
Mr. and -Mrs. 'Evans ,left to spend
tieir honeymoon in Muskoka and
Northern Oita -4e, before taking up
residence in Waterloo.. For travelling
the bride wore an eggshs11 gabar-
dine ;suit, with . matching Ciltat and
accessories. The grome isPtofessor
of Frthich -at Waterloo College, and
thebride has IrCett'llithfeStor
hiAtotr".' and dein Cif dei'Water.
Miss Isobel' •Rollinaon, Torooto,,d4'
visiting ber 'parent4, Mr. end
Alfred Roliinsene '
• Miss .'Malthi Mame and Mr,
Wideles Kitchener, are vieithig Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Beaele•
Bev.- and Mrs. J. C. Thompson and.
faniily, formerly of South Porcupine
presently of Toronto, and liars. ,Alex
Reid, Winghaen, vis'ted with Attlee
Mary Houston recently.
• Mrs. Murray and Miss Olga Mur-
ray and Mr. Ed. Lindburgh, Buffalo,
spent the week end with the Houston
Mr. Robert Medd, Goderichr visit-
ed last week with Mr. and Mrs. A.
Rollinson and other re`atives.
Mr. end," Mrs. Wm. Strasser, Miss
Dorothy Strasser and friend or
Sehringville, visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Munro.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy`Stalker, Flint
Mich., -are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Maitland Allen.
Baptist Ladies Aid
The Baptist Ladies Aid held its
August meeting at the home of Mrs.
Wilfred Vesterfelt on Thursday
afernoon. The first part of the meet-,
ing was, spent mak'ng get blocks.
Two quilt tops were donated to the
Red -Cross. The 'president, Mrs. C.
A. Howson, was chairman for the
meeting. The devotional Period was
tekgn by Miss Mae Rendouff and
Mrs. Thos. 'McNeil. A. reading was
given by Miss Marie Raithby. Miss
Winnifred Corey of. Montreal, a niece
of Mr. Vesterfelt, who' is a teacher in
the MacKay schoolefor the deaf and
dumb, interpreted the 23rd Psalm'
and the National Anthem in the
sign language. This was very mucic
The topic was even by Mrs. Earl
Raithby, Mrs. Vesterfelt dismissed -
the ineeting with prayer. A picnic
lunch was served on the verandah.
Death of Samuel Scott •
Charles Scott his received *ord.
of- the death of his cousin, Satnuel
Scott, Vancouver, in his. 63rd year.
He was born inBluevale, eldest ,sen
of Aire. Susan Rebertson Scott, now
of Roberts Creek, Alta., and the
late Chas. Seott, Auburn. He
visited here- in 1917. He leaves two
brothers and one sister, John, Van-
couver, James of Vidalia end Mrs.
McLaren, Roberts Creek.
Red Cross ,Packings
• .
The packing and inspettion cern.
mittee of the local Red Cross met
and Packed the folksving articles
for shipment to. Heedquarters, To-
ronto, 9 latge quilts, 4 crib quilts, 7
dresses, 4 pair girls pyjamas, 40
intents night dressese .24 pair ser-
vice socke.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lawson ef
Pickering visheri ,over the holiday
with Mrs. William Lawson and
Andrew, also other friends in the
community. •
Mrs. Robert Hamilton awl son
Ellwood Trowbridge, with Mrs. J.
Mr, and liars, Watson Shouldiee,
and son, Brussels with Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Lyon.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Brunsdon, Lan: -
dens with Mr. ane Mrs. Bert Bruns -
don. -
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rebertois Auburn,
-with Mr. and Mes, F. Wcied.
Mrs. Fred Armstrong and. Eleanor,
Grimsby, with Mr. and Mrs. J.
Mr. and MTS. Carl Radford and
daughter of , St. Catharines with
the former's parents, IV's:. end Mrs.
A. Radford,
Mrs, Mary Sampson, Palm net )1
i1 visiting frienis heee.
Mrs. 9 -derma and Davis Sunder-
land, vhiterl with Mr. and Mrs.J
Mr. and Mrs, Pe cv Wh tley,
Toronto, were guests rf Mr. end Mrs,
W. lel° trate n
Mies Ileen Mil'ar rettuned home
en Sett:Tiny after visiting her sia
ter. Airs. M. McCool, Whel or.
Miss Bette Brunsdon is beiidir'ng
n London.
Mrs. Laura Srnie.coik and Sibley
spendirg a few days with friend)
t Niagara Fal!s; •
Mt, and. Mits. G. M.Vitt'e visited
',ICI Mr. r nd M s.' Herb 0*k 8,
Go 'erich Township. .
-Mr, and Mrs. Frank Roberton,
)3illie and Joan, Seale th were with
Mr. and left's. J.. Nott.
M. and Mrs. Roy Vod 'en visited
Mr. and Mrs, B. Shobbrook.
The W. A. will hol I it; iti-nthly
meeting on Wedresdey, A -gust 15th
in the 'basement of the C urch.
Hostesses are Mr. Fangrad, Mrs. R.
Cadwell, Mrs. Geo. Moon and Mee.
Wm. Rose.,
There sei 1 be cserviee in the 'United
Cburch. en ;Sunday August 12th at
ten o'clock. Mr. S va. e of Seaforth
will :be in 'charge.
• The Mission Cirole will hold its
mobthlee aneetlner Tuhday nee ling„
August 14, Ft' the home of Mrs. Jack
Mr. Toni Inch, Londob spent the
week' end with Mr. end Mrs, 9'.
Pte. Bill Lift'e has arrived' borne
„safely from Europe, to the ,great
attisfactiom ef, the entire eontmunityl
Miss irlabelr. Watt, Detroit, Is
.visit'ng at M. Robert Scott's tome!"
Mrs. Citandlin and her two daugb-
.ters, PgrkbiJl espent the week end
with Sr. and Mrs N Alexander
• .'n
Every Occasion
Pboasen 06w and sei
Batkins LOcker Storage,
We still have is few lockers left to
rent. -
Liver lb. •20c
Farmers style sass lb. 25c
HADDY—LAVIS—In Clinton on
Monday, August • 6th, Frances
Lavis was united in marriage to
Wesley Haddy.
Park St. United Church, Chatham,
on Wednesday, August. 1st, Emily
Marie, only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. P. Clements, was united in
marriage to Frederick Jelin
Middleton, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Middleton of Goderich Town-
NOTT—GROVES—In •Clinton , on
Saturday, August 4th, Helen Mae
Groves was united in marriage, to
Mervin Nott..
hanthrh, United Church, TOrconto,
on July 21st; Marion Alberta;
Spriggs was united in marriage
to L./CpI. Arthur Stewart Ley-
McFARLANE—In _Clinton Publie
Hospital, oh .Saturday, August 4th
to Sgt. and Mrs.. J. F. McFarlane,
a daughter, Sandra Elizabeth.
LEE—At Alexandra Hospital, Crodee
rich, on July .29th, 1945, to Mr.
and Mrs. Ebner Lee, R. R. 2, Clin-
ton, a daughter, Beverley Diana.
SUPPNICK—Tn. Clinton on Sunday,.
August 5th;''Arthint Carl Suppnick,
in his 61stye,ar. Mr. Suppnick
Tested at the Beattie 'Funeral
Home, thence by motor to Detroit,
Mich., on Monday, August 6th,
Interment took place in Evergreen
Cemetere, Detroit.
SCOTT—In Vancouver, B. C. Sam-
uel Scott in his 63rd year.
WATTERS—In -Seattle, Wash., Mrs,
James Watters, fo.merly Li.lian
• Miller of Clinton. -
WEST—In Preston on Tuesday,
July Slate John GeorgeWest,
aged -74 years, formerly of Clin-
BELL—In Clinton on Tuesday Aug,
7th, Charles Bell of Blyth in his
• 65thyear. • .
Londesboro Red Cross News
Now Playing — Pat "O'Brien ,and
George Murphy in "HAVING A
Mon. Tues. arid Wed, •
Ethel Barrymoxe, Cary. Grant :and
Jane Wyatt. •
The dramatic story of a young Man
who, in his struggle to rise-filliOn
poverty, becomes involired with a
gang of thieves,.
Thur. Fri. and Saturday.
• Berlin cracks and crumbles; Nazi
morale quivers and fails, arch
criminalsface retribution.
Helmut Dentine, Andrew King and
Raymond. eVfa.ssey.
Now playing Gypsy Rose • Lee Now Flaring — THE NAVY
MoM Tues. and WgcfnertdaY
Paul " ltfuni, Merle Oberon' and
Corne.1 Wilde.•
to the magic of romence 'and beau-
ty, you will remember this picture
long as your. be ,rt reepeeds
'lion. Ives:, sid WedlfdsdaY•
ary Grant, Ethel Barryrnore and
Jane Wyatt.
I -Vs the story of a rough -anti -ready
lad who faced the love of three
Thur. Fri. and Saturday
Dorsally McGuire, Robert Young
and Herbert Marshall.
The bewitching story of two down
to -earth people about whom the
whoie town was whispering,
;Thur. Fri. and Saturday --
01arbehhoestttr&a. Costello with Spitalny's
There's a laff a foot in this film
about farcical co-education.
Matinees — Sat. and Hol. at 2.30 Matinees --- Wed. Sat. & Hol. 2.30 • starring Hedy Lamarr,
God so loved the world, that he gave His.
Only begotten,
Perish, but have
Life!.. • John 8:16
TUNE IN: Pilgrim Hour 7-7.30 E.D,S.T. Sunday evening
From Monday August 13,
Ito Monday August 20 in -
elusive, we will not make
CULTS as our. Cake and
Pastm Bakers will be
The Home of Geed Eats
For Sale
1937 four door Sedan in good
Miming order. Ser'al no . 103235.
Apply - to Fred Johnston, next
Seeley's garage. 61-2
Will pay cash for small house or
cottage; or wou'd rent a down stair
quick sale.' Apply to the Clinton
apartment, possession by October,
Robert S. Reid, Va-rna, telephone News -Record Office. 59-3
630r11 or.C,Iinton 112w. ' 61-2
Cemetery Memorials
Large stock of modern memorials on
display at our -
- Clinton Showrooms
For the convenience of our patrons,.
office will be open on
Open by appointment at any ()thee
See Mr. J. J. Zapfe, next door
Cunningham & Pryde
Clinton -- Exeter — Seaforth
PHONE 41 ..
. Licensed Auctioneer. For Huron
Correspondence promptly answered
Immediate arrangements can be
made for Sales Date at the News -
Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone
Merge ,moderate and satisfaction
Guaranteed, , ; ;
Insurance Protection
Automobiles, fire, wind, accident,
sickness, Hospita/ization.
Cheapest rates and most modern
For Site
7 -room brick cottage . on Ontario
Street, Clinton. Priced. right for
For Sale
18 pigs -ready to wean, apply lo
Theodore Dale, Lot 9, Con 2 Hullett.
Phone 800r15. Clinton. 61.1
For Sale
60 young pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply
to Joe Becker, phone 341W, Clinton.
• 61-1
.; For Sale .
C. C. 81. Boys Bicycle in good
condition. Apply to Glenn Pries,
Phone 31-621, Brucefield. 61-1
„. . Wanted •
Woman to do cleaning by the day.
Cleaning and .waxing. Apply to Hos-
tess Huse No. 5 IL C. A. P. Clinton,
1 r I 1 t , 61-1
For Sale
New Potatoes for sale, also a six-
foot Massey Binder in good, Work-
ing condition, and, a few cords of mix-
ed Wood. Apply to Roy Tyndall.
Phone 90713 Clinton,
Car or $1,000 Victory Bond for
-"1941 Ford Super De Luxe Cab-
riolet or $1,000 .Victory Bond, will be
given to the holder of the lucky share
drawn for at the Galt Fair on Sep.
teinber 22nd. Shares 3 for $1.00,
Send to Galt KiWanis Charities, Bee:
120, Galt, Ontario." '•
Fer SSie
An 81:eacte firm, located about one
Fire Inuance-Agent
Representing 14 Fire Ineuranee
Division Court Office, clinten
Frank Fing1and,
Barristor, • Solicitor, Notary'..Pabila
Successor to W. Brydone,
Sloark13Toglz Onte
• , .
Fire • — Automobile --- Accident
Siekness, Wind, Liability, Plate Glasa-
.Family Hospital Plan with
Aoeidental Death Benefit
• . H. C. Lawson
. Agent Mutual Life Ass. Co.
Clinton, Ontario. Office 261W
Bank -of Montreal Bldg. Phone
• ,
• , .
Coinhaissioner, Etc. Etc.
. By Royal Warrant. -
Barrister -at -Law
Solicitor of the Supreme Court of
• Ontario
Praetor in Admiralty.
Notary Public and Cornrniseinner
Office in the McKenzie Hotel
Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays
• and Fridays.
Dr. F. G. Thompson
House and Office, Ontario Street
Clinton. Telephone 172 '
OFFICE HOURS: 2-4 in the after.
noon and 7-8 in the evening daily.
Other hours by appointment.
Electro Therapist, Massage
Office: Huron Street, (9ew,tioors
west of Royal Bank)
Hours—Wed. and Sat.,,and by '
appointment .
6y Manipulation Sun-ltay Treatment
'hone 3.01.
Licensed Auctioneer
.Specialist in Farm and.. Houtehold
Licensed in Huron and n-Pq...eoith2
Counties. Prices reasonable; satis-
faction guaranteed.
For information etc. write or phone
Harold Ja,ckson, R.R. No..4 Seaforth.
phone 14-661.
e o y e . u ta e or . .
The regular meeting of the Lo t ; pasture or hay crop, running watee, DR. G. S. ELLIOTT
Lonlesboro Red Cross was held in A yearling holstein steer. Will For further information get in touch
the Community' Hall on Thursday,
August 2, with 40 in attendance. The
President, Mrs. B. Beterdon, opened
the meeting with all singing "0
Canada" followed by the Lord's
Prayer, The SeceetalY, Mrs, 11
Admire, reacl the minutes of the hist
meeting which were adopted. The
ireesi r Mis, Lyon, gave har
report which showed $189.50 hi the
lox fund.sDuring the business period
it was decided to have a quilting bee
at the September' msetiny with a
pot lick dinner, also e 25c gift
auction, It was also decided to send
boxes to the t oys overseas this
At short program was then enjoyed
consisting of a reading by Mrs. W.
flesh, a duet by Lois Woods and
Thelma Shobbrodk, a reading by
Miss Kirk. The, ticket was then
drawn on the quilt donated by Mrs.
Toni Little. Little' 13aersr Pipe drew
the lucky number which was held
by Mrs., Jim Crawford.
Mrs. Roy Vodden, Mrs. W. Vod-
den and Mrs: B. ,Shobbrook, were
then called to the • platform and
Mis. P. Little and Mrs. McCallum
pinned a corsage son each, Mrs. Roy
Vodden, a war belie, was then pre-
sented by the Red Cross with a pair
of flannel blankets, a pair of pillow
cases, towe) and .wash eioth, 2 hand-
made doilies .and i4 custard cups. The
tride made. a Very fitting reply
thanking all for the beautiful gifts.
"For 'she's a jolly good fellow" was
then sung, after 'which the bride
passed her wedding cake to all pre-
sent. Mrs. F. Little and Mrs. Me..
Callum 'had the'stage beautifully
decorated with •• baskets of Dowers
for the occasion.. - which ilsere all
given to the -bride.' The bride ,was
then introdudidiAnd congrattilatral
by,lach member present. 1
Tice meeting • continued -
draw on towel 'antKantsh"tsEiOth
d'eltichlaWard Sbliyadt. t
finder please notify Hairy Wetkins,1 with ' Mr. Thos. Bayley, Ritz Hotel, Veterinary Surgeon
/hone Clinton 804.31, 61-1 Bayfield. 58-6
Phis 203 —
• For Sale
, 1930. Chevrolet coach, motor emu-
pletely overhauled, new tires. Apply
to HomereAndrews, Clinton phone 33.
Serial No. of car 403052. 61-tf.
C. tie S I '
• 65 steers. and heifers, 500 to 700
lbs„ Durham and Herefords. Will
eell to make you money: Apply to
Ernest sTownshend, R. R. No. 2,
Bayfield, or phone Clinton 900r21.
Farm For Sale
Lot 60, Bayfield Line, Goderich
7 Bloor Str. W. Torone WI.
-Township, consisting of 109 acres,
good clay land and good buildings.
,Will eell on reasonable terms. Im-
mediate possession if desired. Apply 5
to A. E. Tow»shend, Bayfield R. R.
2, •or phone Clinton 900r21. '
Farm For Sale
I. 12'7.a ee , situa' ed on No. 8'11'0 -
way, 2 nri es from Clinton and seven
miles from Sealheth. On premises
is a nine roomed, two ,storey b ick
NOTICEhouse, furntee. Bank lawn, cement
floors in stable, drive house, hen
Voters' List 1945 Lose, hydro, ple -tiful supply of
For • water, well adapted for mixed • farm -
Township' of Storey
County of Huron •
Notice is hereby given that I
have complied with section 7 of the
Voters' Lists Act, and that I posted
up at any office at Varna on the 31st
day of July 1945, the list of all
persons entitled to vote in the said
Municipality at municipal elections
and that such list remains there for
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take. immediate proceedings to
have any errors or omissions cor
rected according to law, the lest
day bf appeal being the 21st day of
August 1945.
Dated this 311 day of July 1945,
leg, stsek and impl ments if desired,
Apply on premises. John R. Noble.
Mrs. Frank Way donated la c1uilt top
and blocks for another top. Those
paying hostess money were Mrs.
Hesk," Mrs. Ruddel, 'Mrs. ,F. Little,
Mist Elizabeth Mains, Mrs. W.
Bruns*, Mrs, 0.:p4.01,ro4, Mrs.
ftni Foiroorrire Ws Gorge Cowan '
Mrs. 4slex Ve1hiildra,,t.J. Woodman,
Mrs.''HrZA0,0414. •
.1. T6 meeting elo"..ed with , the
NatiOnal Antheet.
Wanted to Buy I
Wanted to buy,old horses and dead"!
Cattle for mink feed. If dead, phone
at once. Fred Gilbert 908r22 or Jack
Gilbert 908r21. • 58-tf
Notice To Creditors
Pearson, Meg of the Township of
Stanley, in the County of Huron,
Widow', Deceased,
All persons having claims against
the Estate of the above deceased
are required to file the same with
the undersigned Solicitor for the
Estate, on or before the lst day of
August, A. D 1945, after which date
the assets will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
haring regard only to the claims of
Which notice shall have been
, DATED at Clinton this 9th day of
July, ArDac1945'. ' "
F. FINGLAND, K.0, Clinton, Ont.,
Solicitor for the said Estate
THE 1VicKILLOP 15 '0,
Fire Insurance COflih4i
Head Office, Seaforth
OFFICERS— President
Archibald, Seaforth, Vice -P den
Frank McGregor, Clinton rr
Secy-Treas. M.A. Reit, Seafte t,
Seaforth; Frank McGreeor, I 1; 1,ra;
Alex. Broadfoot, See th, 11
Leonhardt, Bornholm; E .1, 1 mtasP-
tha; Clinton; John L., Melanie a
Alex. McEwing, Blyth; B,igi
der,' Walton;' Georee heft h o;
AGENTS-- John E. Pepper"
field; R. P. DicKercher, Dui`da,
Prueter, Brodhagen: George kat
Myth. •
• Parties desiring to effer -r-
atm or ,thentect ,other bnabo,- .01
be promptly atreim,d to nt s•
tion"to any of the shove off,,,.... dressed to thoo roosportivo po.;
tea. Losses 'bursar( sol ta the ds....1 or,
Trains will arrive et and depart
from Clinton as follows: ,
° Toronto and Goticrigh"Dbidition
Going East, depart 6.43 611%
Going East...depart „„.„„. isssa p n.
Going West, 12.04 a.m.
Going West, depart 11.10
London and Clinton Divisios
7 e4Golmagego7,1r1:.';'. :11 •,..• ;Is