HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-08-09, Page 16.6161 67th. YEAR
With Which' is ` Incorpor.
CrimeIn And Look Them Over:
Every Dress NowIn Stock
Will Be Cleared at Substantial
Reductions From Former Prices.
tithing Dresses
Just Arrived. The Newest
in Silk Jersey And Crepenese
Floral 'Effects in One and. Two-
piece Styles.
Sizes 32 to 38. Priced at $3.95
to $6.25.
The New Cream Deodorant
39e and 59e
39e and 59e
39c and 59c,
89e and 59e
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a
Century in Huron .County
There have ' been many inquiries
from interested donors regarding the
future of Mobile Blood Donor Clinics
and date of our next clinic..'
At a meeting At Ontario Division.
Headquarters, presided over ;by. Mr.
Russell T. ,Kelley,; blood donor work
in this province was discussed. All
clinics were closed during the month
of July. As Canada will have about
3.5,000 men in the war in the Pacific,
and as the British Government has.
made certain requests for blood
serum, from Canadian Red Cross,
total blood donations • required will
be in excess of 500,000 annually for
all. Canada. Ontario will be asked to
accept half of this nuniber. There
will therefore be a revision in the
blood donor service and probably
some centralization of the work.
Many clinics are located in buildings
loaned for the duration. As Canada
CGlnton New Era
Lngageiments A
•Mrs. Calym Streets
.engagemoent f he r yo
ter; Cora Isobel; le
Paterson, of •Toronto, on
and Mrs. "Robert • Pater
-sail. The marriage 401
the middle of August ;.
Mr. and Mrs.' john• •Sc; ' . Lerida -
bora announce the• leek"enient of
their 'daughter Therm .'.Irene, 'to
i star Broadfoot
lames` Edward A r ,
only son at Mr. Aleatande •'Broadfoot,
and the late • Mrs Cadfoot, ` of
Tuckersinith. The -'mania will take
place the latter' part Oft( ugust.'
We.. Thos. Venner of ergus, Ont.,
announces the engage* of her
elder daughter; - Grace, of*. Trios.
Donnelly, of Ripley Thr marriage
will take place on Au,Oist 18th in
Toronto. .
Scout NeW
The Scout Camp plana i4 for this
coining' - weekend has beestpostponed
unces` the
s dauih
;aye Bell
on of Mr.
tt of Hen -
take place.
gradually returns to a ,peacetime 'indefinitely.
basis ' these will be needed for v
civilianuse, and it may be necessary
to close a few of the clinics. The
Provincial Mobile service will con-
tinue in the meantime.
The date for Clinton's next clinic
is Tuesday, Sept: 25th.
To Attend Service
The Royal Black Knights of the
County of Huron will attend a
church service in Ontario Street
Church, Sunday August 12th. Rev.
Wm. Mair of Thames Road United
Church will be the guest speaker.
All members of the Orange Order
and L. O. B. A. are requested to
attend, meeting at the Lodge rooms
at 6.30.
Entertains ' at Trousseau
Mrs. Gieo. Cook Observes
80th Birthda�'y
A group. of friends an d:'iieighbours
gathered on Wednesday, ;August 8th,
aa asurprise party for Mrs. George
Cook of Victoria Street, who: Cele-
brated her eightieth birthday that
The tea table was Geared by a
lovely birthday .cake, decittated with
candles. Happy greetings, are ex-
tended to Mrs. Cook on;'ths special
Softball New
On Tuesday night the'•game be -
Tea tween the Juveniles and `Mainstreets
was cancelled, owing to the wet con -
Mrs. A. W. Groves last Tuesday dition of the playing field;'
entertained ata ehaxmingly arrang- The sudden death genie between
ed trousseau tea at her home in the. Clinton Radio School and Clinton
honor of her daughter, Miss Helen will be played to -night (Thursday)
Mae Groves, whose marriage to Mr. in Victoria Park, Goderich. Both
Mervin L Nott, Toronto, was an ,cants have won a -game,' nd a•game
event last Saturday. The ]ace -cover- was ordered played on neut‘rtd ground
ed tea table was eentred with a Remainder of town SCliedlile
silver vase of sweet ,ptas, with pink Aug. 10th Main St. Juveniles
candles on either side. Mrs. A. Aug. 14th, Knitters, Main St.
Bernard Nott, Hallett township, Aug.17th Juveniles, Kriiti;ert •
poured tea, and the assistants ' were Aug. 21, Main :St, J ' •
;Misses.. Ruth eChire 1l arie D!1 „ ..
t Knitter., � t.. ,
wood and . Shirley~' `Turner; 'all'' of Avg h, Kai , >ite
Clinton. Gifts and trousseau of the Aug. 28th, Juveniles; Knitters:
bride were displayed by Mrs. Frank •
Cook, Misses Marjorsie Carter, Jean Juveniles
flatten and Ruth . Groves, also of Knitters
Clinton. Main Street
Won Lost
, a 1
2 -2
1 . 8.
Clinton Collegiate Institute
Middle School Results
Following are the Middle School June Murdock—Mod. Ht.
results for the year ending in June George Scribbins—Eng. Comp., Eng.
1945. Pupils on Farm Service, are Lit, Mod. Ht., Geom., Chem.,
requested to return their employ- Lat. Auth. Lat. Comp., Fr.
anent forms when they have coin- Auth., Fr. Comp.
pleted the required time, Eileen Sutter—Eng. Comp., Eng.
Lit., Mod. Ht., Geom., Music,
. Lat. Auth., Lat. Comp., Fr.
Auth., Fr. Comp.
Margaret Tamblyn—Eng. Comp.,
Eng. Lit., Mod. Ht., Geom.,
Chem. Lat. Auth., Lat. Comp.,
Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp.
Alice Thompson—Eng. Comp., Eng.
Lit. •
Helen Turner—Eng. Comp., Eng.
Lit., Mod• Ht., Geom., Chem.,
Lat. Auth., Lat. Comp., Fr.
Auth., Fr. Comp.
Lois Wiltse—Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit.,
Mod. Ht., Geom., Chem., Lat.
Auth, Lat. Comp., Fr. Auth.,
Fr. Comp.
Mildred Wiltse—Eng. Comp.,. Eng.
Lit., Geom., Lat. Auth., Lat.
Comp., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp.
Robert Allan -Eng. Comp, Eng. Lit,
Mod. Ht., Geom., Chem., Fr.
Auth,, Fr. Comp.
Verna Bayley -Eng. Comp., Eng.
Lit., Mod. Ht., Chem., Lat. Auth.,
Lat. Comp., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp.
Norah Bulteel—Eng. Comp., Eng.
Lit, Mod. Ht., Geom., Chem.,
Fr. Auth„ Fr. Comp,
Frank Fingland—Eng. Comp., Eng.
Lit., Mod. Int., Geom., Ghent,
Lat. • Auth., Lat. Comp., Fr.
Auth, Fr. Comp.
Harriett Fremlin—Mod. Ht.
Mervin. G'azier—Mod. Ht.
Leonard Johnson—Eng. Comp., Eng.
° Lit., Geom., Chem., Lat. Anth.,
' Lat. Comp., Fr. Auth., Pr. Comp.
Alex Kennedy—Eng. Comp., Eng.
Lit., Mod, Ht., Geom.,Lat. Auth.
Lat. Comp,.
Mary Lane—Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit.,
Mod. Ht., Geom., Music, Lat.
Auth., Lat. Comp., Fr. Muth.,
Fr. Comp.
Phyllis McBride—Eng. Comp., Eng.
Lit., Mod. Ht., Gsom., Chem.,
Lat. Auth., Lat. Comp., Fr.
Auth., Fr. Comp.
Stuart McBride—Eng, Comp., Eng.
Lit., Mod. Ht., Geom., Chem.,
. Lat. Auth., Lat. Comp., Fr,
Auth, F. r om, C
June McCartney—Eng. Comp., Eng.
Lit., - Geom.,- Home Be.
Jean McIntyre—Eng.,' Comp., 'Eng.
Lit., Mod. Ht., Geom., Chem..
Lat. Auth., Lat. Comp., Fr.
Auth, Fr-. ,Comp.
Beecher Menzies: Eng. Comp., Eng.
Lit., Mod. Ht., Geom., Chem.,
Lat. Auth., Lat. Comp., Fr. Auth
Lat. Comp., Fr. Auth., Fr. Comp
June Middleton—Eng. Comp.,' Eng:
Lit. Mod, lit. Geom., 'Chem.,
Herne Ec. a,,
June Miller—Eng. Comp,,,, Eng. Lit.,
Mod. Ht:, . 'Georrt.,, Chem., Lat.
Abel., Lata Comp:, Fr. Audi ,
Fr. Comp.
The Clirlton Junior Institute and
Junior Farmers are holding a-weiner
roast at'Fo•'rerters flats, Tuesday,
A.',gist 14th. This -le• in place of the
1 eethr All
re alar• month m g mem-
s Y
burs are welcome,
F. O. Gordon Venner has returned
home after over five years in the
Service. Befere leaving England he
was married to Ita Mary McLeain.
S. S R.,of Coventry England. Gordon
does e eto
net kp et go to the'7Paoif}c
i , n ,
and hopes 'to 'get his. discharge m,l
near futitisre.
A Near Accident
While bathing in the river on
Thursday last, fourteen -year old
Stanley Falconer rescued Master
Gary ,Cooper and his sister ,from
what might have been a fatal acci-
dent, as the children -had gone be-
yond their depth
e-yond,their•depth and might .have
been drowned' had ". Stanley*` not
brought them, to safety.
Deeds like these are worthyof
notice as all too many ;children owe
their lives to those who know where
the deep • spots are and actquickly,
when ,others are in grave danger.
Receive Welcome Home
On Tuesday night a large crowd
met the late train to welcome home
Fergus Mackay and Charles Ken;
nington, who have served several
years' overseas with ' the Canadian
Sooii after the lads stepped off
the train the Collegiate Bugle Band
played the General Salute. Mayor
Agnew addressed a few words .of
on behalf of the Citizen's. Welcome
welcome and presented a small gift
Home Committee.' Mrs. J. Butler. and.
Mrs. T. Leppington, representing
the Red Shield, greeted • the boys and
presented them with a gift. Rev. G.
G. Burton also added a few words
of congratulationa on their safe
Mrs. Mackay and Mrs. Kennington
went to London to meet their hus-
bands, and accompanied them home.
Mr. Nelson Lovett of St. Catharines
spent last week with relatives in,
the community.
Misses Thelma Carter and Helen
Pearson are spending a week with
friends in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Nediger and
Mr. and Mrs. J. Becker spent the
week end at Tobermory.
Miss Mildred Lobb of London spent
the week end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank • Lobb.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Agnew of Jarvis
spent the holiday week end with
Mr. and Mrs. George Phelan.
Mrs. Thomas Lawson returns to
Stratford this week after several
weeks stay with her niece, Mrs.
V.•D. Falconer.
ill aro.
r a he and
n 1Kr's: Ory e.., to
l►t".. n�
''''afamily of 'Marlette,' Mich, 'spent
hist week as the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Dave, Kay and Don.
Mr., and Mrs. Gordon Johnston of
St. Catherine§ visited for several
;dors last week with relatives in
fAil and surrounding district.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Williams and
daughter, Ruth of St. Catherin.I!
spent a few days lastweek with
relatives in Clinton and v Ginty.
Mr: and Mrs. It. L. McEwen, /who
have been visiting Mr. and Mrs.
George Phelan, the past week,
have •returned to their home in
Mrs. Geo. Coghlan of Port Arthur
and Sault Ste. Marie was a guest
last week of Mr. and Mrs. V. D.
^. Falconer. She •is the former
Olive Lawrence of town.
Mr. and Mrs. David Sours, who have
spent several weeks with the
latter's, sister, Mrs. George
Phelan, are returning to their
home in Toronto in a few days.
Mursing Sister Dorothy Carr of St.
John's- Nfld., Mr. and Mrs. D. F.
Hicks of Harriston, Miss May
Woodley of Saskatoon, Sask.,
were guests last week of Mr. and
Mrs. H, C. Lawson.
Doreen Armstrong—An. Ht., A'g.,
Bette Brunsdon=An. Ht., Alg., Phys.
Margaret Colquhoun—An. Ht., Alg.,
George Durham—An. Ht, Alg.,
Jean Elliott—An. lit. Alg., Phys.
William Freel-Phys.
Elinor Glew—•An. Ht. Alg. Phys.
Don HaddYAmt. Ht., Alg„,
Billie Hanly--An. Ht., Alg., Phys.
William Hearn --An. Ht., Alg., Phys.
Ardyss Tnkley ,An. Ht,, Alg., Phys.
James Jackson: An. Ht., 'Alg., 'Phys.
Elinor Johns -An. Ht., Alg., Phys.
John MacDonald—An Ht. AIg;;
The .New Era Est. 1802
Ontario St. Uniterd Church
Receives Gift "of .Chimes
Chimes Dedicated as Memorial.
t to
Mrs. A. L McMurray.
who donated the chimes, as 'a
memorial to his wife.
Ontario Street United Church was
more than full to overflowing Sun-
day last when the Presentation and
Dedication of the Chimes took places
This memorial was a gift of Mr.
Adair J. McMurray, in memory of
his wife, the late Mrs. A. J. McMur-
ray, who died last July 31st 1944.'
Mrs. Andrew Moore, sister of Mr.
A. J. McMurray, gave the address of.
Presentation and Mr. B. ,T. Gibbings,
Choir Leader and,. Trustee Repre-
sentative of the Board, accepted the
gift for the Congregation. In well
chosen words he thanked Mr. McMur-
ray for his thoughtful and generous
addition to the Organ and music of
the Church.
'rhe Prayer of Dedication rwas' giv-
en by the Pastor, Rev, G. G.' Burton.
who 'also delivered an appropriate
Sermon. Mrs. liditom sang•the Lord's
Prayer and a Ladies Trio, Mesdames
Holtom, Downer and Shannon gave
beautiful and well rendered items
of sacred music.
Mr. Charles Franklin Legge who's
President of the Organ Co., bearing
ii.g. his own name, did a marvellous
-piece .of work in tuning the organ
and installing the Chimes and Loud
Presbyterian Church
Sunday School at usual hour..
Service at 11.15. The preacher
will be Rev. Eiai.est Grigg.
St. Paul's Church
11.00 a.m. Communion Service
including chi.dren's story and ser-
mon by the rector.
The W. A. will meet on Tuesday,
August 14th, at the home of Mrs.
Chas. G. Middleton, Huron Road.
Baptist Church
Service at the , County Home at
10.00' a.m. •
The Stratford quartet will have
charge .of this Service.
Bible School at 11.00 a.in.
Evening Service at '7.00 p tir.
The Stratford quartet will conduct
the service. '`
Come and ' hear thein. A hearty
welcome is extended. , •
Douglas McDonald—An. n. ilt , Alg.,
Phys. -
Edmund• McNll--Phys.
Lois. Middleton:—•An. Ht., Alg., Phys.
Robert Millet -An. Ht , A'g., Phys..
Mardon Peek -4i. Ht:, Alg., Phys. ,
. es `
Mar_E}IAn --An. Ht., Alg.,,
CO -Ohba Wendoid' A i. lit., Alg.,
BeveHey York: tr 8f, Alg, P$►ysi
in whose memory the chimes
were presented.
at both services and gave a recital
in the evening.
At the close of the evening service
the people gathered around the
church outside and heard sacred
music broadcast oyer the town, which -
gave them an idea of the great asset
this gift is, not only to the church,
but also to the Community.
The speed with which the work of
the Church was aeoomplished was
due in large measure to the energy
and perseverance of Mr. McMurray.
The painting by Messrs. David Kay `
and Arthur Groves and others de-
serves more than praise. Good weath-
er Whelped in the project. • • '• -
'Many guests came to town that
day and were cared for by Bost,, ., .
c rY . ,.ee ,s
1P1Y::t�: d:.itT d"h �,firlend .
who assisted.
Guests were present from Detroit,
Toronto, Guelph, Stratford; Arthur,
Owen Sound, Harriston, Walkerton,
Kincardine, St. Mary's, Science Hi:1„
Staffa, Zurich.
The service conveyed a, deep and.
rich .spiritual message. Many will'.
long remember the mspiratron.re-
ceived through .-this ' Service held in
memory' of Mrs, Adam, J. McMurray,
a great worker in the Church. and
Speakers. He presided at the Organ Community.
Winning Rowe Named for
former Clinton Woman
The August meeting of Council,
was held on Tuesday night, August
While in the News -Record office 7th, in the Council Chamber. Au .,
last Thursday, Mr. Emmerson members were present, - with the
exception of Councillor Brown.
Mayor Agnew presided.
Application for a building permit
was received and it was moved by
Councillor Shaddick and seconded by
Councillor Nott that permit to• ' con-'
struct a farm machinery warehouse
on Huron Street at a cost of about
$2,000.00 .be granted .T. C. Proctor,
subject to approval of the Control-
ler of Construction.
Application for 'refund of Halt
rent was received, and it was moved'
` When: this beautiful rose first by Councillor Trewartha and second -
bloomed as a seedling among ed by Councillor Nott, that Council
thousands. of other hybrids in the refund the sura of $20.00 to the Red
experimental plot of the Armstrong Cross Branch of Township for rent
Nurseries in Ontario, Call., its paid for Town Hall for reception far
long buds and beautiful color indi- John .beeves on the evening 'of July
eated that it was going to make a 20th.
great name. for itself. It was on'y In the request for erection of a
natural that Dr. W. E. Lammerts, business sign it was moved by
who was directing the hybridization . Councillor McMurray and seconded
work at the time, and all the others by Councillor Shaddick that Council
in the Armstrong organization grant Leslie Ball the privilege of
should vote to name it after a lady moving his sign. from' his former
who had long :played an important place of business to his • Albert
behind -the -scene role in the nursery Street location, and that he assume
business. • all responsibility. • '
This was Mrs. John S. Armstrong, 1 An application for tobacco and
the wife of the founder of the cigarette license was received and it
Armstrong Nurseries, who •came to was moved by Councillor Butler , and
California back in 1896 as the bride' seconded by Councillor .Shaddick that
of a young nurseryman from Clinton we grant Frank Haines a Tobacco
Ontario, Canada. She lived on the i and cigarette license.
nursery premises for Malty years, A deputation representing the
Mitchell of Windsor showed us,A a
cope of "The American Rose Annual"
for 1945. An Article "What's in a
Name" referred to Mrs. John 'Arm-
strong of Ontario, California, Mrs.
Armstrong is a sister of Mr. A. T.
Cooper of town.
Mr. Mitchell was a judge of roses
at the exhibition.
Following' is the quotation from
the book: -
The United Church of Canada
Wesley -Willis and Ontario Street
Congregations will worship together
for .the month of August and first
Sunday in September, in Ontario
Street United Church.
Rev. Andrew Lane B. A. will
officiate and be in charge of the
entire work.
On the evening of August 12th the
:Royal Black Knights and the L. 'O.
B. .A. -Will parade to Ontario Street
Church and Rev. •Wm. Mair will
1% tel ormon Subyee ftx Sundy August
g� t•f
Charlotte Armstrong
12th 11,AD a.m. «Retort to the
rearing a family and raising nursery Clinton Fire Brigade was
stock at the same time; and now,1 and their secretary spoke concerning
forty-eight years later, she is one ;the matter of the • Siren being out of
of the best-known and best loved commission, and the false alarm
citizens of the community. She is 1 causing much confusion among the
still very much interested in rosea I firemen. A request Was also received
and the nursery business in general f from the County Home Committee
as' in •people, the affairs of the world, I to have the Siren repaired, and with
and everything else that makes life a suggested willing offer to bear the
V i
Carson, from whom the S
worth living. cost.:
A letter was received from gr.
Siren was.
Mr Harry Sel'ery and Mr. Roy Sel purchased. This was read and tabled.
' o£ ica o were visitors The Clerk was directed to secure
<rl1 g
his week .with their brother -hi. oats. , from the town of: Mitchell re-
t s
1 It wa
firealarm. n their
xa n
.a Mrs. . AL T•
$ g'.
'star Mx and dsu
eon 'Hued on4)
.gip r•- (continued Fri :....M. .�. i � ...