HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-08-02, Page 5I7 ZS.,' .•C!•GM1'A:• > 1.94 5. `3 RECQ.' Gon*ete rOnclerstandix`tg an Co-aperation'TO Meet :Every; Tinily Need. lavraaE :FUNERAL ITOME GEOFAGE iD. B1EA'1" TIR Arm y• Type .Trucks for Farmers Auction Sale ; . To be held, at Queen's Park, London. Ontario., Friday, AugustlOth, 1945 Commencing at 10. a.m. These trucks which have been declared ,surplus by the armed services to• the War Assets Corpora'ti ion will be sold ONLY to benified farmers bearing a certificate to this effect from their County Feder• ation of Agriculture Secretary. The auction sale will be conducted by the War Assets Corporation in co-operation with the Ontar- io Federation of Agriculture. A representative of 'the Highways' Department will 'be, on hand to ' issue transit licenses to those _,pLlrebasingtx?]letcs: . Special -Notice on Sale of • D. D. T. Barn Spray -'; D. D. T. leas -been released by the Government through the Dep-, ., „ artinent of Agriculture for use as a BARN SPRAY ONBY; for' spraying on interiors of barns, stables, .poultry houses and other farm buildings. It is not now being manufactured as a household spray and must not be sold for this purpose. Because ;of limited supplies of D. D. T. available the Government is most .insistent on its sale only to farmers in the interests of agriculture, and we ask you to confine your sales for this purpose. The MARTIN-SENOUR 'CO. Limited ' Hawkins Hardware Phone 244 SUMMERHILL Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayes ' and Betty, spent the week end with Mr.I - and Mrs. Wm. Merrill. Miss Beverley Smith returned to Detroit with - thein, on Monday. • Mrs. Ralph Totten returned to Windsor on Sunday, after spending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and! ' Mrs. T. Mason. Mrs, Clark Ball visited friends in 'Detroit last week. Miss Jean Gibbings is in Tees - water with Mr. and Mrs. Burt Needham. Mrs. R. Totten enterta' a:f'ew girls on Friday evening, ime being spent `p.'(aying euchre, of ter which the hostess served a dainy lunch, Ma Mrs. Ray,son visited,last week with Mr. and . Mia. T. 1 anon, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Merr 1, . • in ell t t M it Mrs. Clark Ball, Mr. and Mrs, Clark Ball,' and David, spent the week end at Kinloss with Mr. and Mrs. George Herd. How the RoyaljNavy Cleared the Scheldt Antwerp, the third greatest port, `*in E'drope,':'has already received large "convoys of. ocean going- oldie: carrying huge, quantities ,of supplies far „the Allied Aruiesf This was one of thebig strategic prizes of a ,•/lightning sweep into :Jloliand, :.and, it is now short: ning;env supply.line by nearly 200 mi'es. ,1I he port lies ;barely sixty miles ,front the .German feet:Cer, h•,s really , :'i rty @miles• "of. berths, 16 dry docks for ocean going ships and quays extending along the Scheldt for; at least, three miles.. But before we could 'realise all, these, fine ,fadlities , it Was• necessary for the , Royal., Navy. to sweep i?the Scheldt , Channel , clear, of .: mines. Once again ;the Navy ,played a vital part., , ,K Picture shows: Dutch folk eleoma the Ifirat ail •,.R' nesweepek at Terneuzen., + Mr and' 'Mrs, ;John R. Weir • of Ottawa are visiting Dr. E. C . Weir and Miss Josephine Weir. ;Mr., and' Mrs. Gordon,,,Wal1 have. returned from " their`'wedding trip. Mrs,. Seers, John arid Bill Seers, are visiting. • Mr, and Mrs. Russell, Keys, Mitchell. ' Master .Geo. Dawson of Dungan. non is visiting his, grandparents, Mr. ad Mrs. J. C. Stoltz. Paul' Raithley of London:' is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Taylor. Mr. Arthur Yungblut of Detroit' is visitinghis father, Mr. Geo. F. Yungblut. Mr. Thomas Hallam a retired farmer suffered a broken right arm when he fell from a load of hay last Wednesday, at the home of his son George Hallam, where he was helping., He fell from the top of the load onto the barn floor. Dr. B. C. Weir set the_arna and Mr. Hallam is resting at 'his home -in Auburn. Tebbutt Reunion The Lion's Park in, Seaforth was the scene of a very happy family reunion, on Wednesday, „July 25th,. when 107 members of the Tebbutt family met. Among themembers present were Mr. and Mrs. Walgate Tebbutt, who have ' recently moved to Goderich from Saskatchewan, this being the the first reunion which. they have attended. The afternoon was spent in games and races, and following the 'bountiful picnic supper, the president, Mr. Lorne Jervis, ad- dressed the gathering. He nomment- ed on the safe return to Canada of. Ivan Jervis, son of -Mr. and Mrs. Les- lie Jervis. Ivan attended the picnic, and had been a prisoner of war in Germany. Mr. Lewis Tebbutt and Mr. Walgate Tebbutt also made brief addresses. The Sports committee viz: 'Mrs. Root Taylor, Ruth Potter' find Elwin Merrill- conducted ,,and following sports: Children 3'yrs and under: Sandra Scavenge, Linda Jervis, Barry Taylor; Children 4 to 6 yrs, Jack Norman, Gordon Tebbutt; Girls 7'to 10 yrs, Marlene Jervis, Pauline Jer- vis; Boys 7 to 10 yrs. Gerald Teb- butt; Girls 11 to 14 yrs. Joan White, Betty Potter; Boys 11 to 14 yrs. Jask Tebbutt, Lewis. Tebbutt; Young Ladies, Marianne Merrill, Aileen McCartney; Young . Men, Harry Oakes, Elwin Merrill; Married Women, Mrs. 3. Jervis, Mrs. J. Howard; Married Men Irvine Teb- butt, Carman Tebbutt; 3 legged race, Betty Potter and Joan White; Eating a soda .biscuit, Jack Merrill; Kicking the slipper, Clara Nediger, Marianne Merrill; Magazine Race, Wilfred Jervis and Betty Potter; Thread. the Needle, Bernice White and Jack Merrill; Most re-ently mar- ried couple, Mr., and Mrs. Robt. Taylor; Longest ma'r?ed couple, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jervis; Oldest Per- son present, Walgate Tebbutt; Youn- gest Person present, 'Shir:ey Ander- son. The officers appointed for the year 1946: Hon Pres, Lewis Tebbutt, Pres. Carman Tebbutt, Vice Pres., Walgate Tebbutt; Sec. -Picas. Mrs. Robert Taylor; Management, Mrs. J. Howard, Walgate Tebbutt, Mrs. Lorne Jervis, Mrs. Ira Merry 1, Mrs. Will Cox, Mrs.. T. Arderson, Sports, Frank Potter, Mrs. M. Nediger, Mrs. Wilfred Jervis, Irvine Tebbutt, Ross Trewartha. The relative coming the longest distance was Cpl. C. McCartney of Big Spoon, Texas. v Allen Reunion The Allen family of Colborn, township trot on Sunday at Harbor Park, Goderich, and enjoyed a family reunion at which 46 "members were present, Those s ttend•ng from a distance included Mit and Mrs. William Walters, Lo aeon; Mr. and Mrs. D. Ashton, Manitoba; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Maskell, ,Strasburg, Sask.; and Mrs. Charles Walters, Detroit. Wightman Reunion The Wightman grove, a short di -s- tance north of Auburn: along the Maitland River, was the scene of 'a very happy fami y. reunion when 66 members of the Wightman family from Bru efield, Clinton, Be'grave, Blyth, and Walton" -met 77.re rein - :ion was att nded by three cousins from the armed s zrvices. They wee. Harold Wightm'n of Toronto, son of Mrs.. 'Robert Wightman 'of Blyth, who recently received painful injuries in the Normandy invasion; L.A.C, Ivan Wightman, son of George Wightman, Westfie'd, home r' a 30 -day f rlough. after three years' service with the R.0 A.F. oviiseas; and Leading Seaman El- vin He Wi;htman son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Wightman of Auburn,' who is enjoying 'a furlough at his hone before going . to the Pacific theatre. ' V • LONDISBOIttl ; Mr. and, Mrs. Sidney Lansing had as their guests last• week, Mrs. Lansing's' nephew, Flying Officer A. J. Gardhouse, stationed at Taf- ino; B -d., also his father, Mr. Percy Gardhouse of ()wen Sound. - Mr. and Mrs. George Webb, of Sturges, Michigan, are spending a few days with •,Mr. and . Mrs. J. IL Shobbrook. .. Mrs. ;Nellie,eBare spent Sunday with Mrs. L. Webster,..• .': . Mr. and; Mrs. Wm. 'Steen,; London'; 'CUT . ' Q VERRS FLORAL' DESIGNS For Every Occasion a..:•. K O E FLORIST nom: 116W sad Mf Batkins Locker Storage OCEAN TROUT STEAKS .. 30c lb. HADDOCK FILLETS 35e lb. COD FILLETS , r .. 35e lb. LIVER . 20e lb. FARMER'S Stye SAUSAGE 25c ib. HAMBURGEI; STEAK ..• 25c Ib WE BUY BIDES FROZEN FOODS ARE BETTER FOODS BIRTHS SNYDER-To lir. and Mrs. Lloyd Snyder in `Woodstock General Hospital,.. July 27, a daughter, Ruth Elizabeth. BRAY—In Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesdag, Aiugust 1st, to Mr. and Mrs.' Ciifford Bray of Brussels, a daughter. ' McLEOD—In Clinton Public Hospital on Monday, July 31st, to Mr. and Mrs. John. .McLeod' of ' Bayfield, twin daughters, Freda Lucille and Roberta Anne. "" IN °MEMORIAM FAIRSERVICE—In, •-loving memory ;. of : a dear brother and son, Glen, • 'who'-.passed'away four years ago on August' gird; 1941. In sorrow, we waited day by day And watched.: him suffering there; Slowly but surely' passing away Front the pain- he scarce could bear. And then God called from his throne above, His suffering and pain is' past; We know he has gone to realms of love And in Heaven has peace at last. —Ever remembered by Mother, Dad and Sisters IN MEMORIAM KAY—In loving mimory of "Bob", beloved son' of - Dave and Anna 'Kay, • who naked away Aug. 4th 1944, aged 17 years. "Tine speeds on, one rear has passed Since death its gloom its shadow east, Within our 'hone, where all seemed bright, And took front us a shining light. We miss that light, and ever will, His vacant chair, there is none can ' fill, Down here we morn, but not in vain For up in Heaven we will meet again. —Sadly missed by Dad, Mother and Don. with the' latter's ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Griffith. Mr. and. Mrs. Austin Dexter, Norma and Fern and Mrs. J. Sanderson, Kinburn, Miss Tillie Mains, R. N., and Miss Nellie Thompson R. N., London, with Miss Elizabeth Mains. •Mr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong. Doreen and Kenneth and Marie Menzies were 'at Goderich on Sun- day. • 1 Mrs. Haines and Mr. Burnetts of London, visited. . with Mrs. Wm, Brunsdoa last week. We are glad to welcome Dispatch t°Rider Donald. Sprung home, son of Mr,, and Mrs." -Harold Sprung. On Tuesday, Mrs. R. Townsend, 1 Mrs. Bentham, -Misses Dorothy !:Litt'e, Fern Watson and' Mae Coul- ter, left for a holiday up north, 1 On Sunday morning, Rev. Men- zies preached. his ,farewe'i -sermon to a large congregat'on. He took for his text 1St John, 2nd chapter and first partof verse 18. Rev. Menzies has been pastor here far seven years, and he and his family will be greatly missed. There wi'1 be- no service in the United Church next Sunday. Mr. Savage, of Seaforth will preach on Sunday' Augost712th. The W. M. will hold their. Monthly 'meeting in the Sunday, School room of the Church on Aug. 9th. Group No. '4 will be in charge. The word for roll call is "Peace". At !'the' elose • of. the Sunday morning service, on behalf of the Sunday School; Mr. Cleric read an address and Mr.Stewart presented Rev. Menzies and Mrs. 'Menzies( with a beautiful piece of China. Mrs`. John Snell, Jr. Blyth, with Mr. and, Mrs. John Snell Sr. Miss Grace "Lobb, Clinton', with Miss Velma Heak. Miss Marjorie Hesk is spending a• few days with her Aunt, Mrs, B. Lobb: Mr. 'and Mrs: Joseph' Webster of Clinton, Miss Eertha Webster and Miss Anna- Pi!itcherd of Toronto,. visited with 'Mr: sand Mrs. Meredith Young;' • Mr, end M'es: (Fred "Yourg. brut': of ROX:Y THEATRE , ' CAPITAL, THEATRE ` + a►spci '' ' . REGENT THEATRE i worsas .. Now • Playing "THE VERY TROUGHT- OF YOU" with Den- I pis Morgan' and Eleanor Parker.- Wow Playing: hY "GOD IS CO- .PILOT" starring Dennia Morgan and Dane Clark. Now"PlaY'ilg ..... "HAVING A 'WONDERFUL CRIME". Starring Pat O'Brien and Carole Lanais. Mon; Tues: anti Wed. "BELLE OF ISE YUKON" In Technicolor' - A gold mine of : entertainment awaits you, when you see this picture• of the gold -rush with all its excitement and adventure. ' Randolph',Scott, Gypsy Rose Lee and Dinah Shore Mon. Tues, and Wednesday: • In Technicolor la''red MaeMurr,ay, Joan 'Leslie and June. Haver. • ; It's Big. Its Lavish. Its Breath- taking! The' lyrical miracle of the century.. "WHERE DO WI'1 00 FROM HERE" Mon. Tues. and Wednesday. "SUNDAY DINNER FOR A SOLDIER" ' A grand" tale ,of a grand family , with 'Anne Baxter, John Hodiak and Charles Winninger. `,`THE FIGHTING LADY" An actual filming of a gallant carrier, in action', done in Teehni- color and narrated :by Robert Taylor.' . Thur. Fri.' and S$turday Randolph Scott, Gypsy Rose Lee, Dinah Shore and Bob Burns Glittering with gold and aflame with Technicolor, a musical entertainment you will never for- get.. "BELLE OF THE YUKON"- Thur. Fri. and Saturday. Pat O'Brien, George Murphy and .. Carole, ^Landis. •' A - mischievous couple and aa•..vspper-snooper go :on' a crime-busting:,la)rnge., "HAVING A : - WONDERFUL CRIME" Thur. Fri, and Saturday - Robert • Lowery, Jean Parker and Bill, Henry. , A pleasing story of academy life .. at the Great Lakes Naval Train - ing Station. "THE NAVY. WAY" Jack Haley, Harriett Hilliard and Beth Hughes with Ozzie Nelson's orchestra in a music hit. , "TAKE IT BIG" Coming = "THEW ENCHANTED COTTAGE." Coming: Cary Grant in "NONE BUT THE LONELY HEART" Matinees — Wed. Sat. & Hol. 2.30 Matinees — Sat. and Hal. lit 2.30 DOWN THE TRACK OF TIME COMES THE BEST OF ALL NEWS God so loved the world, that he gave His Only begotten ' Son, that WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM should not Perish, but have • Everlasting ' • Life! John 3:16 TUNE IN: , Pilgrim Sour 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. Spnday evening LOCAL STATION CIGLW WINDSOR OTICE Owing to the SHORTAGE of SUGAR and help , we will not accept any phone orders for Bake Goods on "Saa`lirday .. „ Please give us your ord;er,. not _ later than six p.m. On Friday's, 1. • Orders not held after 10.30 p.m. Saturday night. BARTLIFF'S The Home of Good, Eats PHONE 1 NOTICE Voters' List 1945 For Township of Stanley County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied .with section 7 of the Voters' Lists. Act, and that -I' posted up at my office at Varna on the 31st day of July 1945, ' the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection, And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate ,proceedings• to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law, the last day of appeal: being the 21st day of August 1945, Dated this 31st day of July 1945, CHAS. C. PILGRIM, Cleric. 80-5 • For Sale Sonie chunks of pigs, front 85 to 110 pounds, also a Massey' -Harris binder, No. 4, and a cream separator. Apply to Geo. C'olclough, R. R. No. 1 Clinton (214, 'miles from Clinton on No. 4 Highway.) 60-1 Lost Red yearl'ng steer, stock tag in right ear. Will 'finder please notify Leslie Pearson, R. R. No. 2; Clinton or phone, Clinton 904r33. 60-1 Cemetery Memorials Large stock of modern ,memorials on. display et our Clinton Showrooms ' For the convenience of our patron, office will be open on Fridays Open by appointment at any other time See Mr. J. J. Zapfe, next door Cunningham & `Pryde •: . Clinton, — ,Baiter Seaforth PHONE 41•. EDWARD . W..ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer For Huron 'Correspondence promptly -answered Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at" the News - Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. Charge moderate and satisfaction Guaranteed. Insurance Protection Automobiles, fire, wind, accident, sickness, Hospitalization. Cheapest• rates and' most modern. coveFaM. G. •-RANSFORD 180w CLINTON Some Wanted -; — Small house elr apartment two ad- ults, one child. Could take possess- ion by Sept. lst. • Apply Box 3931. News -Record. Office. 59-2 Car or $1,000 Victory Bond. for $1.00 "1941 Ford Super De Luxe Cab- riolet or $1,000 Vietoiy Bond will be given to the holder of the lucky. share drawn for at the Galt Fair on Sep- tember 22nd, Shares .3 for $1.00. Send to Galt Kiwanis'Charities, Box 120, Galt, Ontario." - • •For Sale - An 80 acre farm, located about one mile north of Bayfield. 'Suitable for pasture or hay crop, running water. For further information get in touch with Mr. Thos. Bayley, Ritz Hotel, Bayfield. 58-6 Beatty Washer Service Goderich, Ontario. Repairs Ito all makes of washers, ironers, and vacuum cleaners. Phone Hawkins Hardware, Cl:nton, or •89 ' Goderich, • 58-3 Farm For Sale Lot 60, Bayfield Line, Goderich Township, consisting of 109 acres, good clay land and good'•buildings. Will se I on reasonable terms. Im- mediate possession if desired. Apply to' A. E. Townshend, Bayrie'd R.. R. 2, or phone Clinton 900r21. Cottle For Sale , 65 steers• and heifers, 500 to 700 lbs., Durham and Herefords. Will sell to make you money. Apply to Ernest Townshend, R. R. No. 2,1 Bayfield, or phone Clinton 900r21., 60-0 For Sale 13 young pigs, ready to wean, For particulars apply to J. W. Crich, R. R. No. 4 Clinton, or phone Clinton 617r23. 60-1 • CARD OF 'THANKS I wish to thank the Council and Ratepayers of the township of Gode- rich for the gift which was presented to me on my arrival home from over. Alvin L. Lobb. Bicycle For Sala — A boy's bicyc'e, in good condition,, Phone Clinton 268M ' 59-1 For Sale 7 -room brick cottage on •Ontario Street, Clinton. Priced right for quick sale. Apply to the .Clinton News -Record Office. 59-3 Help Waisted A man to clip hedge. Apply to Miss Dorothy Canteton Clinton, or phone Clinton 193 59-2 Farm For Sale 127 a:re, situa'ed on No. 8 h'gh- way, 2 mines from Clinton and seven miles from Seaforth. On 'premises is a nine roomed, two storey brick house, furnace. Bank barn, cement floors' in stable, drive house, hen house, hydro, plentiful supply of water, well adapted for misted farm- ing, st-ck, and impl. rents if desired. Apply on premises. John R. Noble. 56-tf Wanted to Buy Wanted to buy, old horses and dead cattle for mink feed. If dead, phone H. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC., Fire Insurance Agent Representing 14 Fire Insurance- Comeeanies Division Court Office, Mutes Frank Fingland, B.A.,LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Pubhb. Successor to W. Brydone, •S,.C. Sloan Block ... — Clinton, Ont. INSURANCE• REA:Ir ESTATE BONDS Fire - - Automobile Accident Sickness; Wind, Liability, Plate Glass Family Hospital --Plan with Accidental Death Benefit N.' C. Lawson Agent Mutual Life Ass. Co. Clinton, Ontario Office 251W Bank of Montreal Bldg:: : • Phone ARTHUR:' E. PARRY Commissioner, Etc. Etc. By Royal Warrant. H. C. MEI t Barrister -at -Law Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Ontario. Proctor in. Admiralty. Notary Public and Commissioner Office in the McKenzie Hotel Hours; 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays and Fridays. • ' I)r. F. G. Thompson House and Office, Ontario Street es. Clinton. Telephone 172 1-' OFFICE SOURS.; 2-4 in the eftdic' noon and 7-8 in the evening daily. Other hours by appointment. D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR el Electro Therapist, Massage Office: Huron Street, (Few ,Door, west'of Royal Bank) Hours—Wed. and Sat., and by appointment FOOT COKRLG9'ION iy Manipulation'Sun=l3ny''Treatuleg; Phone 207 • HAROLD- "JAMSON Licensed Auctioneer Specialist in ,Farm •and Household Sales. - • ' Licensed in Huron • and Perth Counties. Prices• reasonable; setts - faction, guaranteed: For information ete. write or phone Harold Jackson, R.R.-No. 4 Seaforth, phone 14-661. nr,-012 DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinary Surgeop Phone 203 Clintoid"Ont., ERNEST W. HUNTER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 17 Moo; Sir. W. Toronto Ont. THE McI£ILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seafdrth. Ont. OFFICERS— President W. R. Archibald, Seaforth, Vice -President Frank McGregor, Clinton, Manager Secy-Treas. M. A. Reid, Seaforth. • DIRECTORS W. R Archibald, Seaforth; Prank. McGregor, Clinton;. Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewar- tha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth Alex. McEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alexan- at,once. Fred Gilbert 908r22 or Jack der, Walton; George. Leitch, 'Clinton. Gilbert 908r21. 68-tt AGENTS— John E. Pepper, Bruce - field; R. F. McKercter, Dublin; J. P. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt; Notice To Creditors 'Blyth. IN THE ESTATE OF Catherine Pearson, 1-te of the Township of Stanley, in the County of. Huron, Widow, Deceased, All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deeea-ed are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the Estate, on or before the 1st day of For S,le New Potatoes for 'sale, also a six- foot Massey Binder 'in good Work- ing condition and a few cords of mix- ed Wood. Apply to Roy" Tyndall. Phone 907r3 Clinton,. `,• spe'n't 'last week end at 'the •home of Mr. Joseph ;Yogtigbluf,, ' alllo ' Pte. Mti Elgin,• anile (Mr. • Leslie ''Capstiek, ' Glen 'Carter afld John -Wagner: August, A. 11.'19.45; after which date the assets will - be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of Which notice shall have been giver. • DATED at Clinton this 9th day ef July, AM., 1945. F. FINGLAND •K.C. intoe r tr" , Se!iciter for the said Estate 67-3 es es ng e e ect mens - Anse or transact ether business will 5epromptly attended to :on applica- tion to any of the above officer@ id. dressed to their respective poet offi- ces. Losses inspected by the director, CA AQIA1i NAT10ldAi RAILWAYS TIME TABLE Trains will arrive, at. and ., dspsrl from Clinton as fellows: Toronto and Goderich Division (Going • East, depart . . 8.43 *.ns, Going Eaat, depart •. 3.08` Going. West:.depart 1j..-. 12.04 FAL Going West, depart 11.10 pea. London and Clinton • Dtvleiori Coming North, "arrive .,. 11.20 eat; Goiaf South, leave' ........ aid peek