HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-07-12, Page 7- GROWING STRONG ON SPECIAL DIET ' Colour makes no difference at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, where any child is accepted regardless of race, creed, or financial circumstances. Little Laurien is of the same belief for rhe and her black dolly are inseparable companions. Because of aii tritunial stomach ailment, Laufien can only digest a few foods. The Hospital has worked out a special diet for Laurien that is gradually rebuilding, her strength. It is to take care of more babies Laurien (there are 200 children on the waiting list) that the Hospital' for Sick Children is appealing to everyone in Ontario for .c6,000,000 for a new building. VOICE OfVII! PRESS ..1-1AVE PATIENCE" Pr= 'er0032,111g 15 1461101'ted 00 be Beekrng ",difolT41 feoin Hermann. e It ehe Is .only patient, , the' Ailies , WO1 ProliablY be 'able to ,erratige aernianent leparatiOn for her. . ••,.., Hatiton,,Spectatoe ' 'Vkit TO 'A 'MAO& PfEART"', , Yee, they .will probably go 'bee* • t� 'thee kitchen after the war. So .few Men ever rave about a gal's' Wonderful riveting, ' ' — London Free Press. EVEN MORE ' PRECIOUS „Another bit of •familiar jargon — "potatoes" for money — ceases to be applicable for the nonce, You OM Still dig un. money. Winnipeg Tribune. TOO OPTIM ISTIC • Dept,- of Highways hai a ma- chine on the road that picks up "etraY nails, nuts and bolts." The nails and bolts we can understand — but will it ipet all the nuts? Ottawa• Citizen. DIDN'T NEED 'EM Switzerland has started dein°. bilizing, and has taken down- the boulders it was keeping ready to roll down on the heads of invaders. As it turned mit, the Hun was hit with everything but an Alp, —Edmonton •Joutmal. OTTAWA REPORT'S That Two Empire ,Statesmen Praised Canada's Part at San 'Francisco Conference Once implacable enemy of tbe British Empire, now one of its greatest and Most trusted leaders, F i el d Marshal San Christian, Smuts was greeted, by thousands when he visited Ottawa. the redAabbed uniform of a British pield Marelial, he laid a wreath for:, the; Union of South Afriea at the 'National War Me- morial, inspected servicemen, in- cluding ' a group of South African War veteranS, and" decorated nine returned Canadian nursing sisters representing a group of 300 who responded to the call of the South African government in 1941 to serve with the forces of that coun, try. Later he spoke. vigourously and hopefully of the events of San Francisco -froth whieli he had Mgt returned. * * • Despite his 76 ,years General Smuts steps along with the brisk- neas • of an athlete. His physical fitness it attributed, to a frugal life on his farm near Pretoria where he spends most of his time. His mother was of French Hugue- not descent, his father a Dutch farmer and minor pelitician. Once destined for the :Ministry, General Smuts became a laWyer,—later soldier and statesman., Lord Cranborne, *British secret- ary of state for the Dominions, who also eame to Ottawa from San Francisco, said in an inter-, view that the conference and Lon- •tloo talks which preceded it, were good examples of 'how the relation- ship -between the Commonwealth countries wor, under the Statute • of WestminIkr. "There .15 no question or the' coercion, of one member by the Others. We are. all arbiters of our own fate, • but, bY •constant consultation with each other, we are able very often' to reach comnion view. 13y maintain - Ing that vlew we can exert great Influence in the affaira of the world." Lord Cranbourne said of the Canadian delegation to San Francisco; amendromits- which they put tiorth were always constructive and helpful, and the contribution which they made left its mark , Upon the charter:" BELGIAN TARGET Dark-haired ,Princess of Rethy, above, commoner wife of King Leopold III of the Belgians, is target for attacks of Comnaunist wing seeking abdication of the Xing, now In Austria. A featured article in the Communist newt - paper challenged payment, of a pension. to her father. Kittens Never Did Like Juicy Worms A Leghorn hen has adopted three orphaned kittens and (miser Herman Offenbacher ,of 'Medford, Ore. say e already trouble has develdped. The 'kittens battle, paws against wing as their eager foster • mother tries unsuccessfully . to get them to eat the food she so hard to provide—fat. juicy worms scratched From the garden. ROTEL METROPOLE All IReautifully Furnished With Running Water. Rates: 11.5 up NIAGARA- FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION Horror Pictures Sober Prisoners t A' Protect your 110010S and CASH from FIRE and "PHIEvEs, We .finve:a size .and %type. of $siSe, or .Cublinet, for., any- purpose.' Visit us or write for etc. to J.TAyto R LI M 'TEO TORONTO -SAFE WORK3 145 Front •5t.,2E,,. Toronto InerstbIlehed- MOS Not Demobilization But Re -Allocation German war prisoners confined at Fort *Custer, Mich., were taken on a brief movie tour of German horror caneps and emerged a .far more setious, sober lot than enter- ed the theater. It was the first showing of a series of newsreels of , Nazi prison camps which the War Department has ordered all German prisoners to 'See. As pictures of .gannt, emaciated German captives were flashed on the screen,. rneny of the prisoners shifted uoeesily in their seats. 9 thrt..C9Ontrie.S:: got -..6.4009 faopi th Brtish Islee. mettlgst .garnble. infenenciel hiSeu-Seeitetien ,aeeperinaii. ineasien threatenedi•Bank Of England' spokethean ead recently.' ' Every type of shire from tramps to luxiiry ' liners, some running through` UeBoat infested' waMrs unescoeted, carried the gold to sec- .: ret hiding places in'the for parts of `. the earth. - Movements during the entire war 'from England and South 'Africa amounted roughly 'to $4,000,000,000 worth of gold, with 'losses totaling 'hardly more than $20,000,000 Some or the lost gold later was r.ecoy6red after reasure- a en ships e ' sank. One case which the spokes- man called "perhaps the. most re- markable salvage job in history" sane Australian- divers scrape up 'from the ocean bed 423 feet down $325,000 worth of a gold cargo valued at $8,000,000 that the ship Niagara was carrying when it went downIn the Pacific. Stores of gold were concentiated in naval bases and other strategic spots throughout the world—a tes- timonial that Prime Minister Win- stone Churchill meant what he said when he asserted Britain would fight on even though the home 45 - lands fell to the Nazis. Huge funds were moved to two North Ameri- can centers, York and Ottawa, Although it is expected that some 750,000 men will be released from the British Army by the end of the year, the mobilization of Bri- tain's war effort remains. What is now taking place is not demoliliz- ation but re -allocation of manpower. The call-up into thd forces con- tinnes for men up to the age of 30, and citizens will continue to be "directed" into war jobs, although with some modifications. Men eligible for military service will no longer be drafted into the coal mines, although those called up may go into the mines instead of into the armed forces if they pre fer. The rate of release from the '. Royal Navy and the R.A.F. will be much slower than from the Army because of the needs of the war against • Japan, which is the controlling factor of all three See - vices, Those now being release4 from the arney are older men with long service, or men with, special. • skill badly needed for urgent recon- struction work, mostly building. The former will be given eight weeks "resettlement leave." If during that time a man has not obtained 'a job (or has not elected to take up his Old job under his reinstatement rights) he is liable to be drafted into a civilian war job like any other citizen.. Emergency Flat . Kept In London' . For Royal Family, The King me, Queen had a fash- ionable flat in Mayfair Co use 'if they were limbed out of Bucking- ham Palace. ,The emergency apartment was , on the fourth floor of Curzon Street House, used by the War De- partment as its prisoner -of -war of- fice. Very few of the 1,600 mcn and women working in the build- ing throughout the war knew the secret of the fourth floor. The existence of the apartment was disclosed when it was learned • that the Dowager Queen Mary would use the flat when she ree Writs from her coontry home, in another week or so if 'tier own Marlborough House is not redy for her. The King and Queen never used their emergency palace, but the Duke and Duchess Of Gloticester and the Duchess of Kent used the • apartment during the worst of the London "blitz. 4..s.,,tiley file1. out, niany of the Germans were swallowing hard, their lips in tight thin linee. There was no joking, laughing or talking amongthemselves as when • theywere going into the theater. Britain To Build 200,000 New Cars A British automobile industry proposal to manufactuee 200,000 private cars during' the next 12 months has been approved by the British' Board of Trade and the .Supple Ministry: It was understood that most of , the cars will be of small types and half of them 'will be for overseas export under the agreement by Government agencies. The nianpfacturers expect to complete 40,000 of the cars by the end of this year. China Plans 100,000 Miles Of Railways During the war *China has lost most of her railroads. However, she plans to heed e railroad sys- tem with 100,000 miles or rails`, 20,- -000 of which is to be built within ten years after the war. The Chinese railroad -engineers end personnel have been the last to retreat -from placestaken by the enemy -and they are now ihe first to elter regainel epees. Teey" have moved rails by hand over long distances. They' hive built bridges where it ,was thought • bridges „could not be built They have improvised ' With emiiprnent never before thoeght of in -rail- road building, But, in spite of all this, China it left With less than a tenth of the railroad lines she had before the war, 'which Was• aperMtimately ,j3,000 miles or raifroad. Lack of eailroad erfoipeneet. has been elie biggest of hit ' lenis since the war 'b gan Story Of -Defeat Of Magnetic .Mine. The British Navy .has revealed a part of the story of its victorious battle over German magnetic mines —a battle that 'Was joined the night of Nov. 24, 1930, when a live Mag- netic mine. was captured. Convinced in the previousononth that. *the Germans were Using mag- netic mines to destroy valuable shipping, the British Were at a loss to establish counter-measures until a specimen was hauled from the sea. That specimen showed how' the mechanism worked and 'gave technical figures of the strength and duration of the magnetic field fegirieed to fire it: ' Out of a pool of schemes there came what the Royal Navy called "Double L," or double longitudinal ' ,sweep. • This consisted of two mine- sweeping ships each towing a long tail of self -buoyant electric cable through which surged current gen- erated on the ship and ;tored tem- Porarily in batteries. Traveling in paralled courses with the floating tails stretched behind them theemineswePers were able to subject ten or more acres of sea bottom ..to magnetic field of sufficient strength and duration to explode all mines in the area and thus provide..for a safe channel. Largest Plane Hughes Aircraft Company lifted the wraps elightly on its "world's largesf plane," revealing that it could carry 750 sorliers and their equipmeot. It is a seaplane with a wingspread of "mot:a than ' 300 feet" and a hull 220 feet' long. . BART 01110ICS vo, 1939. 1944 BEEF 3,813,100 1.11S, 103,203,800 lit BACON 181,1325,000 LOS, 695,751,000 OS: EGGS 1,214,327 110Z, 58,403,410 Mt parcomegas for,v to CHEESE, 00,944,800 LBS. 131,429,200 OS: 1944 bureau svet FISH 185,608 TONS 215,180 TONS on figures. 4,887,131 TONS 9,150,391 TONS _ nen/IDA Strength of R.A.F. Cut To One Third The R.A.F. is to • o , reduced to about one-third its prekent strength of 'approximately 1,000,000 men -and. .women in the next 12 months, ac- cording to ethe Air Ministry. Readjustment for the war against Japan will bring •about the release of many groups, the retraining and rernustering of other. and the re- cruiting. Some. R.A.F. personnel has been transferred t� the Navy. The European war required 75 percent of the R.X..F.'s personnel. to be based at home stations to send bomber fleets against Ger- many. In the Japanese war home- ; based personnel .will. he reduced 2 to '60 percent of, the force. , Easier To Move Dutch Than Rebuild "It would be amen easier to transport all of , liollarid's nine milliop • people and re-establish thein in America than to re- build the country", Prof. F. J. T. Rotten, of Nijmegen University said recently. He said this was the tragic commentary on the devastation in. Hollaed as expressed to him by a senior United States Army officer last month, Prof. Rutton is adviser of the Dutch Government and has just arrived in Canada on a special mission. ,,11-1AMESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your, nearest llarnesj Shop about Staco ',Harness stiPPlies.• We sell ohr 'goods only turougn your local Staco Leather • Goods dealer. The goods are right, and'so are our pricea. We manufacture in our foe- , toilets -7: Harness, Horse., Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blam kets, and Leather Travelhog Goods, limist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Gooda, and you .et satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. , WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto Many British Killed By Mines On Beaches • British holiday-makers are still being killed by mines laid along the coasts in 1940 to repel Ger- man invaders. ' ' The job of clearing mines begun in, 1943, is beirig carried out by detechnients of the Rciyal Engi- neers who are suffering a higher propoetionate rate of casualties than did Allied units which made . the Rhine crossing. One of these detachments has had 20 per cent of its men killed and 1.4 per cent wounded. The total of officerseand men killed to date reaches 08. . The toll of the civilians is also heave,. On the beach at one small east coma resort, 24 have been One man committed suicide by walking deliberately into a mine- field, while a soldier .and his wife. who were parted for several years , by -the war were killed on ,a beach as they took their first walk to- gether. Children form the biggest proportion of civilian casualties. So far, more than 200,000 mines have been cleared on all coasts of Britaio. Another..,100,0.00 remain to be handled. .You only get rid of your enemies by making them your friends; and Y.ou can „only do that by loving your enemies; that is one of the great "laws of life". eve.YOU Heard New ,Missionary: "Did you know '• 'Mr. Browns?" • Cannibal King: "Oh, yesl fie was the. pride. of Our island" New Missionary: "Why did he leave such a nice island." Cannibal, King: "Hp didn't, sii. you see, times got so hard that we had to swallow qur pride." o09 Commuter: "VVell, I'll tell you, Jones, I wear the.trousers In my home." Jones: "Yes, but I notice that right after dinner you wear' a0. apron over them." o0o Naive Nellie: "I think it's WOn- ' derful that our servicemen are such a hapPy lot." Mother: "What rnakes you say that?" , "Why, whenever you pass them they're always whistling." o0o Ruth rode on my cycle car, Directly back of me, I hit a bump at sixty-five, And rode on ruth-less-ly. , 000 Overheard in a bus: "Hello, 'Jack, Beastly weather, isn't it? And how's the wile-" "About the same,' was the answer. The .universal and absolute law is that natural justice which can- not be written down, but which appeals to the hearts of all. —Victor Cousin SUCCESSFUL PARTIES result when you serve Maxwell House. This de- licious coffee stimulates and cheers. It's a choice blend of rare, extra-ftavor Latin-Ainerican coffees— ' the finest obtainable. ACDONAI 0 B RLE Adstrhahrl P— IMMEDIATE DELIVERY TWO - week -old started chicks In many popular heavy breeds In non - sexed, pullets or cockerels. Also elght-weelc-Old up to laying free range pullets. Taking orders now for August and September hatch- ed day-old chicks. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. 13E PREPARED — AUGUST PIM - lets, chicks, cockerels shottld be ordered now. We may have some available for delivery this month. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Ham- ilton, Ont. • END OF THE SEASON SAL11 2 week old Millets, coelcereis and non -sexed chicks pure breeds and hybrids. Also free range pullets 8 week's up to laying.. Free cat- alogue. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEILDb • dyeing or cleaning? Write to ue for Information We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge Street. To - ',eta —Olt aids yuletide or WILSONS FLY PADS win kill mar,e flies then $5.00 wade of gay ether fiy Grecery, Drug, Herdware and General Stores ava •recommend WILSON'S'FLY PADS. _ 11 • of Insect )111PoITC11 'ITCH°""500' . , • -.Quick! Stop itching el indect bites, heat rash, eczema, hives, pimplei, scales, stables, athlete s foot 'and other externally caused skin troubles. Use quick.acting,,soothing,antiseptie D. D. D. , PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless, stainksa, 'Itch • stops,or 'your money back. Your druggist • litecks D. 101,2 D, PRESCRIPTION. Do you suffer from MONTHLY NERVOUS TENSION adth Its wadi, tireilfaelings? -2' If functioriat periodic disturbances Make . You feel Menus, tired, restless— at such times—try Lydia E. leinkharres Vege- table Compound to relieve such amp. toms, Pinkham's Compound is one of the meet effective medicines for this purpose. Follow label directions, Buy today! COMPOUND FARM 91 AU II I N ER Y P011 SALO A. WELL. BUILT 13130K RAKE ON heavy truck rear wheel's and Buick Motor ready for worlc. .Also MOW C' .Cagc tractor in good condition.' James Finlay, Grand Valley, Ont. PERFECTION MILKERS AND SUP - plies. J. F.ZDonaldson. Joyceville. MASSEY HARRIS, 101. suPBtt TWIN power traeter on rubber, prac- tically neW„ or Model C Case on steel in Aliconclition. Alvin Gruen . Oenisiown 'Station Que. 15-30 INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR on steel. Price $350.00, E. Pen. - 51.0. 8 London. Ontario. ron SALE FOR SALE GAINING WEIGHT? SLENDEX TEA aids you retain Slender Figure, turns your food into energy instead of fat. GUARANTEED HARMLESS, composed pleasant herbs. no eXer- . eises' or drastic diet. Month's suPPIY 31.00 PhatPlild Dominion Herb Distributors 34251 St. Lawrence Islvd.. Montreal VALUABLE . COUNTRY see0frE property, sbitable also fcir tourist business; Parry Sound district. 441 Westniount Ave., Toronto, LO. 4104. REGISTERED FEMALE COCKER Puppies, 14 weeks old. Real beauties. 745 Inclinn Road, Wind- aor, Ont. GOI,DIE-McCULLOUGII 100 HORSE- 1Mwer Stettin Engine, perfect con- dition. One. Warren Steam Pump size 10 x 12 9 12. One Warren Steam Pump size 12 x 12 x 12, • Ono Smart -Turner DttpleX Steam Pump size 7% x 41, x 10. All in perfect condition. CROWN IRON & METAL • CO., HAMILTON, ONT. REGISTERED BOSTON TERRIER Puppies for sale. W. 33. Conlon, R.R. 2, TIllsonbing, Ont. REMNANTS.' 15 TO 20 YARDS, .LINEAL MEAS - 010 $1,98. consists 211 lbs. un- bleached cotton, cushion covers, raincape material, • flannelette, , Woollens. 0.0.11., postage extra. ' Refund if unsatisfactory. Publex Sales, e77 Parnarnent, Toronto. FOR' sAL,r1 VESSOT 13" *BALL bearing grinder direct driven. 30 1313. motor first class condi- tion. Apply 5. A. Eager, gernpt- vine, Ent.: . - .ELDDTleto Martins, IOEW, USED, bought, 061d. rebuilt; belts, Pul- leys, brushes. alien Imeetrle Dom- pany Ltd., 2326 Duf feria St.. To - FAR51$ 15011 SALE .100 ACRES, 60 CLEARED, CLAY loam, bal'anco bush, pasture. sugar bush, 7 -roomed house; gOcul barn, implement shed, Hydro, telephone available, 10 miles north of 13racebridge, -IdUskolta — District. E. Hulse, Falkenburg. FARM FOR SALE -193 ACnus mile west of Kitchener limita 011 Kitchener -Stratford 11 I g h w.a y. Charles W., Moser, R.R. 4, Kitch- ener, .(Int, 53 ACRES, 25 FARMING, 4,500 .FT. bordering' buy of French river, 2,500 ft. Nontage on main rond to Rutter nigwood and famous Bungalow comp; new home; oth- er buildings. lOr. A Geudette, Ont, _ HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Rohertson method, Information on request ,regarditig classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy .137 Avenue Road, Toronto, MEDIUAL D1XON'S REMEDY—FOR. NEUR- Itis and Rheutnittic Pains. Thous- ands satisfied. Munro'e Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Poet - Paid $1.00'. SToMAili AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill -health In buntline, all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out If this la Your trouble? IntereStIng Por• Renters—Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies: Specialists. Toronto 3 READ THIS--1.1VERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug 'Store.- 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 91.110. t3iNfmtpro5f...4. FOOT BALM DE. stroys offensive odor inetent19. 46e bottle, Ottawa -agent. Denman nroc gto,,o Ottawa 4 OPPOUTIINITHes FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEA III NG SCHOOL Opportinity, Learn Hairdressing • Pleasant dignified profession," good wages, thousands succostful Marvel. graduates. Americas greatest Els. tem. Illustrated catalogue free Write. or call • •MARVEL' HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS _ 358 BLOOR. W., TORONTO Branches: 41 Ring St Hamilton • ' & 74 Rideau 'Street. Ottawa. 51 11140AL uszs'rIIu ENTs F1tED ' ' 130D1DING15ON, BUYS, sells, exeitariges fratru- 111 (tnurah. ,Teran,to 2.) PHOTOGRAPHY ".`TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO Get better pictures ttt lowest cost. Don't take chances with your film rolls, You can't take "snaps" over again. PROMPT MAU., SERVICE Any Size Roll — '6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND .PLONTED 26c A customer in Cape.Breton Says, "1 have been sending films to you for 4 ur 5 years. Would not send them anywhere else." SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album 'With Prible"". sizes 16-20-127 if 29c (4e extrn) is sent with 'film roll. SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" In beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 250. FrOned on ivory tinted . mats, 7 5 9", in Gold, Silver, Circassian Welnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 50e ench, If enlargement colored, iDe each. OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can t•eatore tiny old photeg'raPe or snapshot . . and make any number of prints or enlargements. deelred, The . process requires the work of skilled artists, ' but the cost lp reasonable. Send us your Maitre andtell us what you wont done andwe will tell you the coet before doing the wet*. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Pcistal T,erminal A:Toronte. Print Name and Address Plainly on Orders. • PATENTS FETHERSTONI1AUGH fit COMPANY ' Pat eat Send tors. • Established . 1890; 11 ..Elrig West, TorontO, Booklet of Infant:m.00m on re- quest, e • TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION 1/01iF Mine vi,Apel 15 clevelopord ano Printed DR 0 MX1,0801114 _ROLLS 255 REPRINTS b for ltat- FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the film you want this year, but you Call get all the (*Minty and service you desire by mending your films to IMPERIAL PIDITO SEIlvICE Station J 'Toronto • Tic.aeltEns WANTED BRANT CO.; '6 MILES SOUTH OF Brantford': Experienced female Protestant teacher. 300, No. 4, Brantford Twp. Salary $1,500.00., ..State qualifications, also former Inspector. .Personal application preferred if possible. Gordon Kellam, Sec.-Treas., n.ft,.. No, 2, Brantford, • Ont,' ST1STED TOWNSHIP AREA requires three Protestant teachers fur three one:room schoolS nor Huntsville. SalairY 1,200. Please state qualifications, eXperierico and lost inspector. Duties to, .commence September 401. p.pply.. to George Tait, Huntsville: PORSE3.1 — TEACHER WANTED (Protestant preferred) to teach grade 6 to. 10, inclusWe (senior room), and act as principal of 2-10001 school with modern eon- veniences, term commencing Sen. ternber, 1945:srilarY 51,300. Apply, stating qualifications], to (Mips) Phyllis Clayton, Dorset. Ont. ^ KENT CO. TEACHER WANTED for S.S. No. 18, Dover Twsp. Sal- ary $1100.00. Apply stating quail- ticdtions and salary expected, to Adelard Tetreault, RR, No, 2, /3e01 Line, Ont. ' HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER FOR PROTEST - ant motherless hoine In country. 1)11 conveniences. Two school age children. Box. 39, 73 Adelaide W, Toronto. Yotmg Women to ti•ttin as Nurses' Aides. Earn while learning. $76,50 monthly to start. $26.50 monthly deducted for mftintenance. Uniforms supplied Progressive increase when course completed. . Health Supervision. Sick Leave. .Perananent ,position.. Pension Plan. Apply Supt. of Nurses, Toronto Hospital, Weston. TWO WOMEN TO WASH DISHES and prepare vegetables in North- ern Ontario summer resort for July and August. ExcentIonallY good wrtges. Apply hy letter to Pow -WOW Point Lodge. Hunts- ville, Ont. 01111.. OR YOUNG WOMAN FOR housekeeper on a fti mil, good home. wages, APPIY Lotwi,nce etrowe, 1309 42, Dalifelth. Ont. STRONG, ABLE WOM 11IN FOR general housework. $60 - 396 month, bed, board, 11Irls, Youna women for summer resort, pa3 Reef, t•t3 I rig age, thlllty. Ma ri couple, man, boy. garden farm Mre Carlsbad Sprinps, (Int AUTOMOBILE BUMPERS A N Painters, experienced on ree)lll work. Highest rate of pay, 99 how weelc, best working condi) i0114 Apply serest Selective Servie. Office. CR 2925. HOUSEKEEPER NA/ANTED "- 0: Farm 2 miles. from Tillsonburg All city convenienees..2 cbildrer 2 adults. Good wages, .1 A. Me (.1the. Tillsonhurg, Ont. FARM MANAGEIL MARRIED, 105 Aere Mixed Farm, good wage house and privilege): .1. Re, Inglewood,' VP *Erin) WANTED fmmfernATELY L1( ensed kr,arage mechanic as par ner. Fredi ' Chak, 13urkS 'Fnll Ont.. Box 254. GEN'ERAL, STORE, W1TE (400 reetteli clothing 'stock: will pf cash; confidential. Lightman at Company. 3270 Denfortb Toronto, Ont. SARNIA GENERAL HOSPITAL SCHOOL FOR NURSES: APPLICATIONS NOW BEING CON- ' "sidered. Date of admission sep- ternber 4111, 1945. .Educational 0.. . qtYiretnents junior Matriculati.n. Remuneration after preliminary, term, '310.00 to $12.00 per mon UP 134 0, WANTED TO PURCHASE PU lets, all breeds from 8 weeke to laYing. Good prices paid, Ain . Ito Box 38, 72 Adelaide W., r. „root°, WE BUY hundreds ot Herbs, Roots, Bar Berries, Meyers, Leaves, etc PRICES HIGHER NOW Write for full list Dominion Herb Distribufi 1425 St. liVIVVINSIlee Blvd., Monti ISSUE 28-103 r$