HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-07-12, Page 5Teed
A message to ex -
servicemen planning
to go into business
You went to get started on ,
your own.... to be your o•wn;
' -boss .'. ":•to---trfalt'A 'your ii'W•117' —
future in your dwn way. Youi
.'may plan to start a store,- a:
machine shop, a garage; to buy
• a farm, a partnership or busi-
ness already operating. Good
for you! Canada is behind you,
all the way: •
But before you make your
final decision, you'll want all
the facts, Before you pledge
your rehabilitation credit or
obligate yourself in any way,
• study your. . plan carefully.
Talk: it over with your local
Citizens' Comniittee or. Veter-
ans' 'Welfare Officer, These
men are trained and qualified:
to advise you. If We can help,
just call on us. Any manager
of The Royal Bank will be
delighted to see you and give
you the benefit of his business
To veterans returning to districts where
there is lio formal rehabilitation centre
or committee, this bank extends a
SPECIAL invitation. Our managers are
always at the service of any returning
titan seeking advice on busine.ss or
attatreid matters.
• •
Base your decision on facts - NOT NuNCHES
Clinton Branch, GJ. McLAY, Manager
• • • -seee
We are Fa,miliar with the Rites PrescriVedb
'Religious Denominations Fraternal Organilat-
ions. • • • ".
Our sincere Co-operation is Assured in all Special
Services of this Kind.
Mils Jury •nou.ston of • South
emu:spine, is spending her holidays
vith her parents'1V1r. and, Mra. John
Messrs, Win. Downs Of Toronto,
nd Robert Downs of Windsor; visit
4. their nephew Eiger Lawson End
Irs. Lewson last -week -
Pte. William Rait'eby of New
larket, sent the week eled with his
erents, Mr. and Mn Earl Raithby.
Mr. Stanley Iflutch of Albet•ta, is
isitthg h's 1.1W -V -ex iVirs. Jas. Mutat
nd Mise Enaa Match
Mr. 'and Mrs. Gordon Taylor, spent
couple ef days in Torontti this
lir. Robert Roberton Ot the Cana -
tan West, is visiting his brother,
ss. Roberton,
Miss Ruth Arthur R. N. of Londoe,'
visiting het mother • Mrs. John
Miss J. Frances Houston R, N. of
•itehener, was a week end vi•viter
ith her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John
• The' Women's Institute will hold
their Joly meeting in the Foresters
Hall, on Tuetd•Ety, Jelly 17th. This is
the chicieene meeting, and .the pro -
grain w'll .be given by the children.
Seine 125 MaeoeS front Masonic
Lodges at Oar evv, Gadeeich, Clinton,
B'yth ane Len:deal oro paraded, " t,
[Knox 1,ere, Sunday
-morning for 1)ivitio Worship. Th:
laaetor, Rev, II. J. Snell, delivered an
-nepirine addre'a on "Life", using
for e text 1 Coveithians. .13 le.: The
musical portion of the service „corr.
fisted of an anthem auci .male'
eheeust In the,. chorus, "; Itetr:e-Snell
took. the solo part, ,'• • •
•W. X.'S. •
Mee, -Fred Roes presided for the
W. M. S. meeting of Knox Preeby-,
terian Olnech welch was held in ths
church on Thursday. The program
was prepared .Ly MTs. 11. 90
opeqd with the ' Daily Prayer, The
scripting, ,thie.e0th pSeint, Was read
responsively, and the tclings Pray -et
wi4, void; ill- "Thi 'topic Was
given 11)3f Mrs. Jas:„Woode. A reeding
vf's given by MrS. Wellington; gos,
and the Bilie Study oyes fal(elly
Mrs. Ross. Mrs, 'Good read, a letter
.on the "Pease' Thankoffering Fund".
he•*meeting. clo.sed • with the ,LortEs
The Anglican Church •Guild met
et the home of Mr,.. Alfred Nesbitt
on Friday evening, with an atten-
dance of 25. The'l'resiclent Mrs. Nes=
bit as in charge of the ;bizeiness ses-
sion, and • Mrs. Gordon Taylor"pre-
sided at the organ. The .'meeting
opened, with a hymn followed by
prayer by Rev. J. H. L. Henderson.
The scripture was reed by Miss
Mary Nesbitt of ,Toronto.
Mrs. Nesbitt extended a •welcome
to the new rector and his wife, also
to.the other guests.
• The roll call was answered by each
member's favourite fruit. A letter
of thanks was read from Mrs. C. M.
Straughanand Miss Vivian, for sym-
'pithy extended, to them in their
bereavement, also a letter of thanks'
from Mrs. 'Andrew ICirkeonnell, for a
box of fruit and flowers sent during
her illness. •-
Readings were given lay Mrs. S.
Taylor and Mrs. Geo. Hamilton. A
duet was rendered by Mrs. Nesbitt
and her dang,hter Mary, a musical
number by Mrs. C. A. Howson and
her daughter, Mrs. R. 3. Phillips,
with harp accompaniment. The topic,
"Strange fats ,gained by a study of
the Bible", was given by Miss Luel-
la Johnston. On behalf of Mrs. Se if.
Johnston who prepared the prOgrani,
thanks was extended by Miss Caere
Philips. The meeting was dismissed
by Rev'. Henderson. Refreshments
were served- by Mrs.. Neeleitt'and her
'daughters, and Miss Jean Kirkdon-
nell. A vote of thanks was extended
the hostess by Mr. Henderson.
Ladies Aid
The Ladies Aid of the Baptist
church, held their 'July meeting at
• the home of Mrs, Gien 49,ithbi*,.!1'he
firSt part ef the afternoon was ewe
• making quilt blocks- for the Red
'Cross. • The , president, Mrs: C. A.
Howson presided for the meeting,'
esu Mrs. it,' J. Pbillips and Mrs. S.
fight took the devotional Period.'
Mr. C. C. Anderson off red' prayer,
lOadings were given by Mrs. Earl
Raithby and Mrs. Frank Raithby. A
duet was rendered by.M.s. Anderson
and Airs. Howson. The topic was
givee by Mrs. Glee -Raithby. Mrs.,
Anderson closed the meeting with
prayer. A pot lu k lunch was served.
Miss -May Renouff, R.C.A.F. (W.
D.) is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Lieut. Laura M. Wagner -daughter
of Mrs. J. Wagner and the late Jacob
Wagner, ,returned to her home on
Wednesday,. from Overseae. She en -
Hated, with the Ainerieen nursing
service and; has been overseas three
years. She is spending a moths
leave with her fami'y.
A large crowd attended the re-
ception in the United Church for
L.A.C. Keith Arthur, who recently
returnee home after three years
alai three months service overseas.
Rev J. H. Snell the pastor, presid-
ed for the program which opened by
singing "0. Canada". A. solo was
rendered by Mrs. Wesley Bradnoek.
Mr. A'fred Rollinson representing
the Legion extended Keith and his
wife greetings. Misses Roxie and
Maxine Ball sang a duet. Rev C. C.
Anderson brought •greetings from
the Baptdst. March. A solo was
rendered by Mrs. ,Gordon Taylor.
Rev Robt, McConnell on behalf of
the Presbyterian church, brought
greetings.. Mrs. Thos. Haggitt ave
a reading, Mrs. E'gar Lawson on
behalf of the Women's .Institute,
extended. greeengs. Dr. B. C. Weir
gave a .short address. Mrs. Vester-
felt and daughter Sgt. 'May Renouff
sang a duet. Rev. J. H. L. Hender-
son re.tot of the. Anglican , Church
brought greetingi. A reading was
given by 'Miss Mario, Raith,by. Mrse
Wm. Craig, on Ifehalf of ;the: Victory
cub brought greetinga. Mrs Aubrey
Toll sang a solo. Mrs. HerleMog-
ridge representing the Red Cyoss,
irought greetings. A reading was.
given by Lillian Nevine. Mr. Chas.,
E. Asquith gave a short talk, Keith
wee called' to the -fro t, and thanked
e'l for the kindnes..s shown lern
during his service overseas. The
accompanists were Mrs. R. D. IVIun-
io, Mrs. R. J. Philips, June Marsh
.5rd.ViVian S'raughan. Le -oh. was
Tenders 'ars 'asked to supply 150
ton of 1,4 or 114, inch rut, pea and
slack stokee coa', 25 ton of anima -
e steve coal and 25 ton of a.ehra-
rite etove ecal ant 25 ton of coke for
Uuren County Home. Peices, to
he for ecal laid clown En the ti' ck,
t Cleaton; content to 'be
'Te rites to he • in the hands of tire
'ostity Clerk, Court House, Godeeich,
1.7te:ario, net later than July 21st.
• .
Gplerich, Ont
• •
Cetm' y Gteik
Tenders Wanted
Teir'era will • be • ledelyed until
Jti'y 21, 1945, by 4I u.nderslined,
for paintingthe yard fence of
S. S. No. 1 liol ett,
S e.--Treas,
Seariaetla, R. R. 2
•• • 57-1
CUT noworts'
For Every °maiden
• Phases: PM mid &ft
Batkins LoclEer Storage
To save space, lin your locker, we
have square contitiners. Be sure to
ask for these as it will soon • be
•fruit time -again:Also ask to ,bave
your fruit sharp frozen as •it only
costs, 3e per pint or 55 per quart,
but greatly improves the product.
We have smelts, at 20e a 'Ib.
• 'FOODS '
Tenders ' Wanted
Tenders will be received lay the
undersigned untiVJuly 16th for the
ploughing cif•woodlot of S. St No. 3
Hulled. Lowest or any tender net
necessarily accepted. Work to be done
as soon as passible. •
C. V. DALE, Sec. Trees,
• • Clinton, R. R, 1 56-2
EDWARDS—GIBR—In the Baptist
Church parsonage, Clinton, on-july
.7th, 1945, Isobelle,,yOungest daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs., David'•Gibb of
Wingham, was united in marriage
to James Edwards, youngest son of
MTS. Nellie Edwards, town. Rev. -C.
C. 'Andersen officiated. • •
CHAMBERS—In Clinton Public; on
Saturday, July 7th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Chanibers (Ruth Carter)
of St. Catharines, a son, William
Joseph George,
MUTCH—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Math
of 2428 Carson Ave:, Detroit MA-,
are happy to 'announce the birth
of their daughter, Margaret Annei
at St. MarY's Hospital on Sunday'
July 1, 1945.
HOY—In Clinton. Public Hospital,
on Wednesday; July 11, to Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Roy ef town, a daugh-
Clinton Public Hos-
pital, on Thursday, July 12th, to
Mr. and WEI, Charles McGavin
of Walton, a son.
SNELL—In Leving weeny Of Mrs.
William Snell who passed 'away one
year ago --July 12, 1944.
I cannot say, I will not day •
That she is dead, -she is just away!
With a cheery smile, and a wave of
the hand,
She has wandered into an unknown.
And left us dreaming how very fair
It needs must be, since she lingers
• there. ••
And you -0 you, ivho the wildest
yearn ..
For the old-time„ step and the
glad return,—
Think of her faring on, as dear
In the love•of There as the love of
Here; • • • •
Think of her still as the same, I 'say!'
She is not dead—she is just' away!
missed by herb:Ma end
family. • ,
MITTELL--in memory of Ernest E
. Mittel), a very close friend ofenine,
whoceme killed three years ago
this month, in England.,
oft sit aiid 'think of him,
When I am all alone, .
Fox memory is the only friend,
,That' grief can call its own,
• —.Bid Lawson
, Repairs
Your seWinge machine-, reemaii-
timed to perfect sewing Write to
Box: 395 %' NevvsRe ,o :el. 57-2
Cattle tor Sale
50 stockers froan 500 to 700 lbs.,
Durham .and Hereford. Also mire
heifers, would make good cows. Will
,sell to make you money. Apply to
Mr. A 10, Townshend, R. R. No. 2
Hayfield,' or ehone Clinton 900r21.
57-1 f
• Fr Sale •
• One seat -lid -hand bicycle, also one
new bicycle. Apply to John Snider.
Albert, Street. . ' 57-1
Wanted to Buy
F,STI)r Errcuntl 100 anes, Buildings,
good water etc. Write to the New.;
hvord % Box $9R. 57-9
• Wanted Tet By
A house in toen,with. modern eerie
venienees if possible, or one near
town with as few..aeres of land. Apply
to the News -Record; box W. 57-2
For Sole.
A hou.se en Huron ,Street, close in,
three pieee bath, hot point heater,
garage ; reaserrable, for quick sale,
For inforinat'on appy to R.,L. Jervis,
Clinton, 57-1
TESI/%1" St “oxn orprnitioittS
Mon. Tees. arid Wednesday.-
This feature will rennnence at7
Tire soul -stirring saga of a fight-
nimgenl)wirjahoe maxiarmdl eriet. m, Sgt.agniigaernkt
Daniels, Pte. Lon. ,MeCallister
and Cpd. Don Taylor.
Thur. Fee. and Saterday'..
Phil Baker, Marjorie, Massow ansi
Edward Ryan. •
An evening of carefree entertain-
2neet With your favourite radio
ipso --, A Technicektr •short• sub-
This feature will commence at 7
Mitt,iztees -- Sat. and Hol. at 2.30
NoW PheYinel—t vkity. NOW Playing `‘SUNDOW• N
OUGHT OF YOU" Starring. Den- VALLEY" starrhig Charles Star-
Moe. Tues. Wed', Double Feature
• Laird 0regar, Linda •Darnell and ,
Geo. Sanders
telling ane of the • year's most:
d,raritatic stories,•
Joan Davis,,Jane Frazee and Bob'
Crosby the sereen's comedy queen
sets a new high•in lafrproduction
Thur. Fri. and Satinday.• • '
Maria Monter; Jon Hall -and Peter
Coe Present a Technicoloe tale of
colorful monied and her yoga*.
Coming .—: Hedy Lamar/. In
Matinees -- Wed. Sat. & Hol. 2.30
Mone' Tues., and Wednesday
14airdrgeCre 849'-r'ers14.11;4(14' Darileir ansi
The strange doings of an old
isteoinear, Tan.HANniitieeGotnlvali'kRmeasinast-oQin,cuelt,,sto4orie,at. the
Thur. Fri. and Saturday
John 'Wayne, Ella Baines and
Audrey Long
•, ti' of the old
west told Technicolor
God so loved the world, that be, gave.' His.
Only begotten
• Perish, but have
Everlasting " •
• Life!' • •' ' John 316
. •
TUNE IN: Pilgrim Hour 7=7.30 E.D.S.1'. Sunday evening
. .
• H. T. RA.NCE•
Fire Insurance Agent
Representing'14 Fire Insurandit
• Companies "1,1
Division eourt Office, Clinton
Frank FinglandA"LL:13.1
Barrister; Solicitor; Notary Pb
Successor to W. Brydoire,
Sloan &eel Clinton,Vnts,
'Week -end Specials
Do Nuts
Fruit Bread
• Tea Biscuits
• Pies
The Horne of Good Eats
Chick Bargains
for this week and next
Non -sexed barred rocks 9.95, pule
lets 15.95, cockerels 10.95. Assorted
Heavies; non -sexed 8.95, pellets 13.95
cockerels 9.95. Shipped C.O.D. This
advertisement mist acconapanY your
order. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph
Ont. 56-1
Tenders Wanted
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned until Julys 16th for the
Electric wiring and fxtures for the
school of S. S. No. 3 Hullett, actord-
ing to plans and specific,ations pre-
pared by the Hydro Electric tom
mission. Lowest or any tender n
necessarily., aecepted. •Work to be
done in Summer Holidays,. •
Q. V. DALE, Sec. Treas..
Clinton, IL ,R. 1 56,2
Tenders .Wanted
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned until July loth for the
painting of Classroom of School of
S. S. No, 3 Ilupett. Lowest tax .any
tender not necessarily accepted.
Work to be done in Summee holidays.
0. V. DALE, Sec. Treas.
Clinton, R. R. 1 56.2
Farm For Sale
Lot 60, Bayfield Line, Goderich
ToWnship, s consisting of 109 acres,
good clay land and good buildings.
Will sell on reasonable terms. Im-
mediate possession if desired, Apply;
to' A. E. Tovveshend, Hayfield R. R.
2, or phone Clinton 900r21.
Farm For Sale
127 acre-, situated on No. 8 h'gh-
way, 2 miles from Clinton and seven
'from Seafoeth. On -premises
is a nine roomed, two storey brick
house, furnace. Bank ban, cement!
Aloora in stable„ drive house, hen
home, 'lychee plentiful supply of
water, well adapted for mixed farm-
ing, stock and implanfents if desired.
Apply on premises. John R. Noble.
56 -ti
Notice To Creditors
IN THE W.TATE OF Catharine
Pearson, Lte of the Tottinsliip of
Stenley, ie the County of Ifurbil,
Widow, Deceased,
All, persons having cleims ag eve,
Ole Estate of the above deCea,ed
RTC required to file the R,11(16 with
the undersigned Solicitor for the
Estate, on or before tire 1st day of
August, A. 0. 1945; aftsr which date
the assets will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims :of
which notice shall have, been
given, ' ,
•DATED at Clinton this 9th day of
July, AD, 1945.
• F1NGLAND, ICO, Clinton, Ont.,
Solieitor for the said E.state
•' • • 57-3
Cemetery Memorials
Large stock of modern memorials oe
display at our
Clinton Showrooms
For the convenience of our patrons,
office will be open on
Fridays , , -
Open by appointment ,at any other
time , •
See Mr. J. 3. Zapfe, next door
Cunningham ,& Pride
C�nton — Exeter —Seeforth
PHONE,41 --
• Lieensect Auctioneer For Huron
Correspondence promptly- iMswered
Immediate arrangements, can be
made for Sales Date at the News -
Record, Clinton, or by eallirig Phone
Charge moderate and satisfaction
Insurance Protection
Automobiles, fire, wind, accident,
sickness, Hospitalization.
Cheapest rates and most modern
Strawberries for Sale
The crep of pears, plums, cherries
and peaches in this, district, is prac-
tically a complete failure.
Strawberries are about all that is
left, and prospects are for a fair
Would advise our customers to
order their supply immediately ano
not be disappointed.
Orders will be filled as received.
Phone 33
' 5.4-11
• ,
2 girls for xesf.a:iirant work. Steady
, •
Fire — Automobile — Accident
Sickness, Wind, Liability, Plate Glass
Family Hospital Plan with '
Accidental Death Benefit
„Ns C. Lawson
Agent Mutual Life Ass. Co. '
Clinton, Ontario. Office 251W
Bank of Montreal Bldg. - Phone
Commiseioner, Etc..Etc.
By Royal Warrant.
, H. C. MEM .
;" Barrister -et -4w
Solicitor tif the Suoretne Court a
Proctor in Admiralty. •
Notary Public and Conunissionese
Office in the McKenzie Hotel
Hours: 2.00 t6.011 Tuesday.
and Fridays..
Dr. F. G. Thompson
House and Office, Ontario Street:
Clinton. -Telephone 172
OFFICE HOURS: 2-4 in the afters
mien and 7-8 in the evening daily.
•• Other hours by appointment.
Electro Therapist, Massage
Office: Huron Street, (Few Doors
west of Royal Bank)
Hours—Wed. and Sat„ and by
ry Manipulation Sun -Ray Treatineni
• - Phone 207
'Licensed Auctinittats "st
Specialist in Farn1 erel IfOntie1n914
Sales. " • , • e•
'T.tieenged in Huron and Perth
Counties. Frites reaeonable; sale
employment. Apply, The Kozy
faction guaranteed.
Clinton, 56-2 For information etc. write or phone
Harold Jaelcson, R.R. No. 4 Seaforth,
phone' 14-661. • • • • '964,12
Wanted to Buy
Wanted to buy, old horses and dead
cattle for mink feed. If Mad, phone
at once. Fred Gilbert 908r22 or Jack
Gilbert 908r21,
Marine Auction Sale 58-42• , Veterinary Surgeon .
Phone 203 C ..
• 'at 1. p.m. •
in the village of Hayfield' '
1 pedestal table,'numeer of rock-
ors, 2 mantel elocics, number of seetil CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT
tables, oak hall seat and mirror, oak 67 Bloor Str. W. . Toronto Out
hall table, and two chairs, 1 mahog-
any wall -what-not, 1 &op head sew-
ing machine, card table and 4 chars,
Edison phonograph and record,, THE McKILLOP MUTUAL
electric floor . lamps, table lamps,
smakers, 2 reed chairs, pedestals,
quantity' of carpets, 1 large rug
13'x16, 1 /large red carpet 16'x16',
1 walnut extension table (antique),
6 dining room theirs, quantity o:
linens and bedding., garden tools an 1
two lawn mowers, kitchen utensils,
dashes, silverware, 1 waffle iron, DIRECTORS— W. R. Archibald,
sandwich tea ter, coal oil heater,- 2 Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton;
bedropm suites, beds, springs, matt- Alex. BrOadfoot, Seaforth; -Chris
resses, dressers and stands, toilet Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J. Tretvar-
sets, pictures, 4 -burner coal oil stove the, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seorth
and oven, 1 set of scales, creeks, heed Alex. McEwing, Blyth; Hugh Afilx•an-
washing machine. tubs, boi•ers, der, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton.
TERMS — CA2H AGENTS— John E. Pepper, Bruce -
Mrs. J. A. Ferguson, Prop. - field; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F.
C P Chesney, Clerk. , tender, Brodhagen; George A. Watt,
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. . 56-2 myth.
Parties desiring to effect Mem-
Notice to Creditors arise or transact other 'business will
In the Estate of AGNES ELIZA- be Promptly attended to on P
,ap liea-
BETH TAYLOR, late of
the tion .to any of the above' officers ad-
dressed to their respective post offi-
Townshin of Hullett, in the 6""ntY cos. Losses inspected by the director.
of Huron,. Widow, deceased.
All persons having claims against
the Estate of the above deceased
are required to file the same with
the undersigned Solicitor for the
Estate, on or .before the' 16tirclay of
Jely, AD. 1945, after which date
the as sets will be distributed
amongst the, parties ertilea thereto,
which notice shall hav,e been given,
having regard only to the claims of
Dated at Clinton, this 25th day of
June, A.D. 1945.
P. FINGLAND IC.C, Clinton, Ont.
Solicitor for the said 'Estate.
55.,3 Coining North, arrive .,. 11.20 cur,
• Fire Insurance Company
- Head Office, Seaforth. Ont.
OFFICERS— President W. R.
Archibald, Seaforth, Vice -President
Frank McGregor, Clinton, Manager
Secy-Treas. M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
Trains will arrive at and depart
from Clinton as follows:
Toronto and Goderich Division
Going East, depart 6.43 a.m.
Going East, depart 3,03 p.ioe.
Going West, depart 12.04 p.m.
Going West, depart 11.10 p.m.
London and Clinton Division