HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-07-12, Page 4•
,ust• 'suNS OE "ALL • PikBRIC.,I)YE •
, .
Dives' o).- tints, Cotton,,,Linert,'Stlli, Wool, Acetate
ael,alie'Se, Rayon, NY1On, any Mixture of natural
or: synthetic fabrics. ,
• 15c per PaOkage or - , ' •
, •
Guaranteed if used According to I21,1rectimis. Wilt
Equal or e)ccel the Results obtainable -with any °tile!.
• lye per package •
Store Open Evenings 6 to 8 ' Phones 36W, 263
- In Business Since 1885 ,
t :00,*
,n•iiintteS.,efthe',PreviOns meeting 1S!Eire
,p„,eir4.;.#!olvak,,,fotT1eth wecon,,
"l141,4,1,:ln1S.hilteereerhave a quilting bee
, toi•
gee s.eeebe '•ertsw.ered be a deiteelon
ee'efellteleeek.48e or 4, 040e.
*ere' aho wil be.an au2tion ealeeof
gifts, •§Seheerie."ekee Sting ''‚,& gift
Weappede.Worth•;a5e;„.•teeeee'eeill be
sold. again or .26et:.,Ones;
iliterencerey Weeeetlierst 'Harry Riley,.
Mes.„..11ebert •CaldWeel, Robert Wells,
.eee.,i,Seaddick, ‚Mee: W: Rose,
.1 -en -Sh‘lIbroolc. :A letter of einereeia-.
eiee was•read from Leonard leedeord
for a .40if, xeeeiyed, ,".„, • •
,epineg doe 1,*1...o sauce Pair,.
eticleeese were seld, and Mrs: Bruns:,
don vo;;;;U, the Ilkley .draer, ,‚Proceegie
were '$1.e0. Bench 'Collection $1.80..
Illte :tickets for the 'quilt will, be
•• .
deaWn, at the next meetirg. The
nieetiegelosed by singing the Nation-
SteA•ntheine . • •
• For COMfOrt and' Enjoyment •
Bismarex for your Stomach Puretest yeast and Iron
Tablets for your nerves Puretest Lanoline cream for •
Sun burn. •• Rexall Corn Solvent for Corns.
Marathon Liniment for buring feet
Old English Ilealth.Salts to cool the system.
-IV. S. 11. 110,1111ES Pith!. 3L-41M9e6:L'ialw'
• C1 -114+0N. ONT.• !IRON'S et
N141,66,66•••••616•••6 • 6.66 • 66066:6664066
• • t
Khaki Shorts, Size 23, io 28, 30
75c a pair
' 'Grey Cotton Shorts size 23 to 30 pair $1.00
• Cetton.Pullovers, 'sound neck and short sleeves striped Blues
- • Browns, Maroons 75c.
,Boys. styled Berad Cloth 'shirts ••$1.00
,,peitys Bathing Trunks Maroon and Blues Wool and Raydn $L50
'Mire& Trunks •
$2.25 to $3.75.
DA NrES........&±17.1ER MA N.:•
cUIYOK TAILORS — • Measured by a Tailor.
Nro o'er...or,. Qr.... • ...non*
,Men's Lastex • $1.50; $1.65;, $1.75; el..95; $2.25; $2.50
Bout and Cottage Cusitions $1.25; $2.50
Budz Oh Boz Safety Floats $1.25; $1.85; $2.50
•. Hoadqnarters, For All Sporting Goods
Ira Rapson that the names of Wm.
Carter, Road Suptirtand Arthur Wey-
mouth Greeder Operator, be added to
the permarient employed. Carried.
Motion 4, By W. R. Jewittand Wm.
J. Dale that thh Pol'ard Metaicipal
Drain By-law Noe.8 be read the, 1st
and 2nd time. • . Carried
•Motion 5 By J. Ira Raison and
Win. J. 'Dale, that the By-law No.
on' the Pollard Mut isipal Drain ;ba
given the third reading ad finally
passed. Signed by the . Reeve and
Clerk acci Twp. seal attached. Carried
ai:prun,inent .part,An erK.af4ur0,,, • jr...ARNAt.' • e • et...11nel Min.' , .Mrse -Frank.' -McOreg
spent 121ittiwitliMedi
. „ "5 a; ':i'and (4Lan °1
an 14 T llieefi:ttitk!ra
' ee Toledo Ohio, is ins- given 41Mrs, Ed,;tGort; et. Married "en Iva'
ag eeettef.S*4.,".‚eralelie:.
'erivede„ erld ,t'al/PElt ellfep et1e wth his farnily1(
...b,e on • -0;0:0#ohoo .144e
,,,,i:1,I;;BoearttY.9a,rtnt to repot tiete‚,,eres.
-.0e! ea
Ilaeteeyeehe,bet,"at"'eiMe-of ••ivritirieeie
hit4 , AT41S. 1118 'igiaTI41:0i 'T11,0aii4S LOgiTitt ::3*/*ALIflirn. '414111.9q';to Zurich
'Of e;f; 11 na1I, we '641:4 a'aleSildta:S'told 9t1il3lay, after spding••.khe.Taat
Detroit •,. are 'speeding , fodnight 11iir his 'father Thernai Sherritt. Weejewith nee' deughter. Mrs, Aeinge
.witil'41§,,loothpr, Mrs, E.:Torns...•
• (")tirr thentlierS of the
"Ncieet.end iiefeele
•eil'-toe•se-v:ce,eat Tenney.' ,Chueele on
'Seneay. ,
Ineddredeing the Member's, of the
orange 'Order; the ,Recter chose for
hie •-tiere 1 Peter 2:9' .upen Which he
based et stirring ,peal to the eeseeee
tion."'te..iii".ete,detet.ereeerithe' ally to the.
the.."Chlieele"of'"Chiest; •igerdi,
Pueetce'iof all erre:ire andettp,Metitiete;
givingeteentiirkirie. foe', the fitet tyre
an opeiellible..eince the Orange Order
thamphined the 'RefOrined Christian:
•Cliurch,and 'fought so . ardently.
her jer,i bibles in the Battle of the
Boyne; I have chosen this, which 1
believe is your commission from God
the, Father, to help, •preserve the
Faith of our Fathers."
The Bible, he pointed out, has ever
•teen the conso'.ation and help from, a
loving., 'Father for His ehildren upon
earth. An Indian boy who became a
paratrooper wrote home to his
mother, "When I have to jump, I -just
say! 'The Lord is the strength of my
life, oe whom. shall I be afraid'."
"There is ample evidence that
through the Gethsemane of 5 years
of war, the stricken, the sorrowfel
and and weary have been upheld by
Motion 6 By J. Ira Repson and J. the Word of Gal Axe we still fight -
W. Aain.teeng that we grant Sea- Mg' fort this? Are we -backing up the
forth Fair $35.00. • Carried Church the way we should, the Church
Motion 7 By Geo. C. Brown and 3- which eas withstood -the persecution
Ira Rapeon that the Cowen of UM- of the centuries? If so why are the
lett Townseip„ ems its consent to Churches. who •eo not accept the
the inclusion in 'the Township School Roman .obedience, so , conspicuous by
Area, of Morris of that portion of the regular, empty pew*? Well,
U. S. S. No. 12 Morris and Millet, emeni many reasons Which havelieen
that is situated within this muniei- put forth, believe it all boi's down
pality. . Carried that Most people believe the church
Motion S 13y W. R. Jewitt and Wm. to be. To many people the Church is
3. Dale that we ae:ept the tender of 110 1110ee than a man made association
Gee. Radforrf on the Pollard, Main for the common purpose of a sloPPY
and C. Trailer channel, for the sum of worship, and t of all to bear a
1$9317.73, and on trench B of the spectacular, ',speaker. that is the
Poleuerdrain for the sum of $90 00 current ,beliee, unfoetunately, among -
and, on the Yungblut Drain for the et most—for lack ofeeebetter name --
sum of s542.8q. . Carried protestant eommunime That, to My
• Clearing Auction Sale then table and hairs; Chest . of
ef Property, Farm. Stock, Implements Blawerd: 0 othe.e horse; 2 bedroom
Household Effects suites; Spring*. and •mattes es."
mind is the 'weakness 0! Proteetant-
Motion 9: By. Geo. C:Brown and J. • • - •
Rapson, that we Pay Geo. Rad-
Aceording . to the Heir .. .
d tee sum 0! $275 00, the n -
tures, the Church is • something en-
folc• 'itu-
tract price for - supplying one new and
tlion. The Church is God' rely different to man-made inst
,Kennedy Drein. ,,
The corner stone of these living
Motion 1By W. t. , Stones none ether than the Cruei-
Geo. C. (1 TBrown, teat we nv
jew;'e, "" and lied arid Risen Lard: •Chrietecrucified
•. I
• - S'ae.. a rocle4of ,stilvaiion•to those who
lelieve"Faith in Him is t'e founda-
Carter $3e00. for exPensee to the
convention 'of the 'es °eaten , of .. .
eon upon which the bhristian Church
iserossine Officers. Carried.
Motion 11 By 3. Lia Rapson and is built, It partakes, therefore, of a
Geo. C. Brown that the accounts be Divine Nature, it is supernatural, it
paid. Carried'.
is of a world. It is God's creation."
Ile•touehed on the increase in Ro-
lliotion..12 *Win. e. Dale and w.
man Catholicism front 47% at the
1ewibt, that we adjou n to ineet
July 4th at 9 pen. Ceried beginnieg of the war to 53% now. Of
the fear of French becoming the
July '
o mil met this, date at 9 p.m.
The C u ' dominant language of onr Dominion
sit Elie Community Hell, Loncleseoro,
Ni WI Reeve and all members of the allowing conditions to back slide in
Correcil e-ent: This was the ad- this country as they have .rests with
Journment of July 2nd, By Law no. 9 our owe wilful ;reelect ane indiffer-
ence, to our Faith.
A. D. 1945 was read "
meeien 1 By e. Irit Bepsen and Gep. You, ,as tnantramen, a; members
C. Brown that By -Law No. 9 A. D of the 'Christian Church. I urge you
194e to raise second Assesiment on lo see that your greatest •strength
'the Flynn, Wagner, Medd Municipal to promote the welebei-g of this
drains be given lett, 2nd reading and Dominion of our is this Reformed
passed. carried Churele'the church of our forefathers,
which has withstood the persecution
Motion 2 By W. R. Jewett and Win. of elie 'ages, and is standing firmly
J. Dale that ByeaveNo. 9 A.D. 1945, dill. It has .made mistakes,' yes, but
and pointed out that the mistake el.?
oo„Brpagfoot; ./eadies throwing
.•liegleneregreelohn McGregor;
inkeeTelleig Pile • Mr. ki
teveirdi .1.ediee 'kicking seippme
Ed. Glen; Men kicking slipper,
Yin Grairain 'Lucky Spot,' .Mrs.
Glen; Most. Graceful; couple,
,Mrs. John McGregor;' Droppi
clothes .pins into bottle, Glen Bro
The yourig peon'e then played
wheewas feltre yeare of age when .ttle'l -• ll'#.1-a:11d• Mrs. p.1,.•r7enertg4u, slue:. and /man: igatinteei
familYe ni4ireg to -ado luattiot. , lelne.d3e•ef Sedherie ePent the weekend 3,1eic Stewart ell*°$ing the aid"'
1411.3.'e:f.ligli4i' :the children Were" air -With. the lady's
side being vactorious
ptit te 'bed early, in the loft. Aier M. -Elliott and family. The Supper 'gone then s•oand
boy the late ,TherniteSherritt etirrial Mrs. Argo and ,Jirnrny Lse of Tor- and avarYaue did' ':(1f4tiee to 'a 71
thebanner, he teveri0iledthein":DrAligeCosrdleetrie
etioni,1 osprlet94,dirnltheurnid totthweeirice.hollewith e a:iten tihazelidredinatnahyleeembeet.e° re ..scattering.
always Y—
said that he didn't need to Areree •perents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
do so as he knew al1 about it.! - McConnell. • s •
•ummerhdl Red
There was a,large knot hole in the, , 1Via,re :Elizabeth Beatty tried her •Cross
floor of the left and Toting Tones, *algal tiaras, in Clinton last week, . On July 4th the Suntrnerhi'l ladi
eyes and ears were ;sharp! TO his passing with 'honors. . met at the hone of Mre We V
ever asting 'credit he never divul,e' The Annual Elliott icn1e was den. The nieeting opened by singin
what he learned.. , And et the hu d held- in-J.0wetta Grore, •Saturday"Blest Ile the Tie That tindse fol
redth. Armiveremy his son, Thomas latter:neon; ••lowed by. the Red Orme Pra•yer, an
Sherritt, nee: joined •L.O.L. No, 24,1 Gerirude,,Smith (W.. De of the It the Lord's Prayer. The ininetes 0
unfortunately an early historyofthe CA.F. Lachine Quewas home on a the last meeting were teed and ap
Lodge is not 'avaeable at, 'all early 1 forty-eight leave opending it Proleci. Thete were 22 membersan
recordeluive beemiost, The 'present': eeith her Parents,, Mr. and Mr. J. 22 visitors present. Reports wer
hall Wast built about eighty ,yeartel Smith. , " giVen by the treasurer and the sew
ago, on a piece of land given ,by,,tbe IMra. Schell -of Detroit,' returned to lug and knitting cenheittees. Cigar
first Worshipful faster, Wellington' her, -home gaturday atm 'pending ettes are to be sent to our boys over
W. Connor, a eweek with her Mother, Mrs. Austin
Mr. and Mrs. J. Claughton .ef To, 1 lane ituthedord of Oshawa, is tire
ronto, were the guests of Mrs. Fred guest eif .her cousin Mary Elizabeth
W,at.son last week. •Beatty,
Mrs. L. B. Smith and If/labia° of 1 Mr,and Mrs. Brooks of. London,
London, are spending this, weeTe erith ere guests at the bented. Mr.• and
her mother, Mrs. Chas. W. iarker. Afrs, A.
Mr. and Mrs. A. le Perrheee „The: Bingo'.Patty sponsored, by the
son of London, are -occupeleg Jineor Ree erase on Teesday even -
R. Scotehmees cotbage; "CeneerIy"..iing, Was, largely attended and mulch
lot15 & 16, Concession 8, Colborne Hanging lamp.; Hand, lamps; Tub to raise the second assessments on
Township 114 miles west of stand; Weingere Linoleumse Carpets; the , Wegner Drain, for $77.96. T,he
Auburn on County Road.. rBedding; Eishes; ane other artieleal Flynn drain for $148.25 and the Medd,
MONDAY, JULY 16th, 1945 I too numero.s to menteen: - dealri $29425 be read' the third t me
nnd einally passed. Signed by the
Reeve and Clerk and Township seal
attached. • • ' Carried.
Relief 30 00' Ho pitalization
Geo. Cawan' Past Salary
Huron Derr:sem adv: coutt
of Revierin
•StraVord Beacon Herald lady
• ,Commenceig at 1 p.m. the following RM
PARCEL 1—Lot 15 and 16, Concis-
HORSES—Black team 0!9 and 10 years old; Brown msion Colberne Township, Easternare, le
years old.
Division, containing 53 acres, more
• , 6 I
or less, staccoed house llea storey
PIGS—York sow, due July 10th;
,bank bairn, silo, hen house •and
York hog; 3 Young York Sows, due
August lief, 12th, 13th: One of these' drive shed. Buildings in good stale
• is a Registered sow from the Well -1 repeir. 25 acres in hay, 14 acres
evebod Ferin, London, with Papers, I. in eprin'g. grain, balance in pasttire.
' POULTRY -80 year-old White Hay and geiain will be sold separ-
Leghorn hens; 100 White Lsghornt ate d farm not sold.
.sPring pullet; Incubator; Brooder PARCEL 2-18 acres pasture farm,
stove; Hen crates aed egg ceatee. 1 • Reetleha:f of I•et 17, Coneessioil 7,
IMPLE3IENTS—M.-H. binder; M.-1 Colborne Township; never -failing
H. mewer; Feem wagon • (now);' spring meek.
Sloop sieighs; Harrows; Cultivator; TERMS
':-Seed drill, fertilator attachment; Chi Ohetteia, 'Cash,
Propetty, Terms inede known •day
Hay rake; riding prow; walking
plow; root pulper; setting box; fan-
ning mill; Hay rack; gravel box; Mrs. Margaret Edna Moulden,
Executer of John W. Moulder; 'Estate
and stock rack; Bag holder and truck;
'Grass seeder; post anger,: 'Harrow R. C. Hays, ,'2o1icitor for Estate.
cart. Buggy; Cutter; DeLaval Cream .Hatold Jeteleson, Aueltierieer.
Separator; 2,900 lb. scales; Crbss• '
cut sew; Forks; Shovels; Carmen er 1 )
tooley Electric fen e; Ladder; New 1 J4ULLETT TOWN SHIP
Hay Fork," and rum 21C U9 ,other
Council Meeting "
CA.TTLE—Whiee cow, 3. years eel . • iThe regale): rneethig ,the
;dye December .2121; Dui ham cow, 5 shipmina me July 2nd, in the
Years old, with calf at foot; Hereford Cenlniell://tY ItencleSboro, with
due on, November 5th;' Holstein "Lila Reeve and. all In Anber.s Of the
cow, due in S'uly;, Fat earrow, cdw; Council pre eet.
2 Durham, slte.ors, 2 years old; 3 Dor- Motion 1 by J. I a': Ranson an ;
ham heifers; r'iSitiks .2' Years old; 3 Gee, C. Browneethat the. ut mites of
yearling steers; 2-lbeey.beefs. I Regniar Meeting ettne 7 and 'Special
11A,RNESS—Set double harness; Meeting. Of JUTIS. 19th be adopted, as
-set single heelless;' a flutterer of 3 cad" 0111(1 Signed. Carried,
beeee,Collers. , •" At, this time Mee W. Bf• Gibson, of
GRAIN 's-nd ITAY=Quantity Of r-,,itoWeri was Presant. He gave quite
Grain-Whpat, '10ets) BarleY, Coen, °a' "talk on the MereoilleY Libahty
,and Gimp:. • P94it1'. He discussed tie di6eiint
.110..18,EITOLD FURNITURE Of the Polley ikktil the coeeeil.
Quebee • -meek sove; tBinitig roonif ,motion 2 .BY Rapsoe ;awl
suite; Buffet; Extension table; 0' Opo, Brown ,that .We renew theTolicy
•Chairs; Day bed; Number of Rocking with W. S. Gibson. Carried.
,Chairs; Ninaber email Tattles; Kit- Metes. 3 By Geo. C. 73owil and
. .3.78
Municipal World Debenture book
,and supp'ies 22.42,
A. Je lelelleuteae, Clinton Spring
• Show Grant .50.00
W. S. Gibson, aecieent Inc. 100,00
Robt, Riley Washout: " 5.00
Glenn Garter Washout, Culvert. 14.80
Hugh Miller, Culvert ''' 6.80
Wm. Gaiter Roai Supt. 20.7e
W. Tyndall Cinders 3.00
A. M-rrell,Ligets and Gravel 13 10
D. Mil son, Biu 'hung " 2.00
A. Weymouth, Geading oreraeor 32.85
J. Crawford, 'Washout • 8.50
Cordon Radford, Gas & pi! 69 24
Geo. Radford, 'Pita & Labee. '27b,00
Geo. Carter, Convention exp.„ 30e0
E. Ellis Cutting weeds 1 • 1.50
• G. Ellrott Berth Clerk Fees and by -
Drain 10 00
, G.. Elliott B yth Clerlcie 'Fees and
By-laws Wilson 'Dram 10 00
Jno. C,eikliton Severance Wilsen
Open drain • 40.09
Jo Hallam Severarce Wagner' ,
• Drain 2000
Fred Wagner Severance Wagner
Drain • 55.00
Jno Yungbeitt Severance on ; •
- Wagner drain 50 00 held in Bayfield. It also marks the
Wilfred Thompson ,Severance on parsing of one hundred 'y±ai's since
• Wagner Drain 50.00 L,0,1,, Ni. 24 (the, ,sceiree 'oldest
The:). Flynn Seve-ance oii FlYnn • lodge isa Ontario) was erganieed by
Drain • •. 80.03 the late Wellington W. Connor. Many
11 Trewantlia, Severance on Flynn of the o'deif people 'remember this
, Drain • 45,00 tall arieticratid, looking . man, whose
owan y- awe o• a tle 0 "ort seal !el.!, chuneh, anel state was eyed-
. Drain , _101 00 feitt4n-hiV.Pat'riOtic a. tions. He, took al/nest 4 'tons a minute.
it has been only when mank'nel
thoueb he knew better than God.
Therefore, it is up to us, don't you
think? to reuse ourselves frons our
lithargyeelee loyal 'to your church de-
voted foloWers .of Jesus Christ."
He reminded them of their watch-
word, and advised them to get behind
their churchand be loyal to the cause
for which our ancestors fought at
the Battle of the Boyne, and so save
further b'oodshed.
"Nearly 200 ye.rs ago, on a green
hill faPaway, there being a Great
Soul upon a wooden Cross. He labour-
ed on this earth, arnid-t the greatest
opposition, te show men and 'women
how to , live right and inherit the
Kingdom' prepared for you by my
Father and Your Father'. Looking
1:ack,across the 'ages we can see Him
hanging there, yet, ip agonizing paiu
and stil uttering no word of comp-
• Met. Bat He is pleading, pleading for
you and for me to teke ep the Cross
and, follbw Wm.
Seas tbis Month. ft was decided t
discontinue tee Meetings tiering Jul
add ?ingest but the 1#01'1 W1111 go on
A letter of thanks was read fro
Ray Mason for cigarettes he ha
received; It was also decided the
each family in the cenummity b
(,rie dulefoe.the hall. A raffle donate;
by Mrs. W. %Aden' aree won b 1/frs
11. Murch. brought $1.70. Two quilt
ttees mother, igiVen 'te' the wilimees. hlusic. was site The highlieht of the altering),
Mr. and Mrs. Harold King „ofenjoyed. Many grantable prizes v7ere were quilted during the' afternoon.
Sarnia, visited the la
Mrs. C. W. Parker lest week: Mrs.. plied by the pipers of the R.O.A.F. Was a, miscellaneous Amer to wel
King remained for a longer visit. , tenth ataa served,. Peoceeds foe wet
Mr'. MePortland .alid two dredge. everk.,
ters are attheir cottige in the vie hei...eleeeltarteran of Ann Arbor,
lage, for the .4., called ow Mr:...las. gtepheneon
Mr. and Mos. John Rankin and ,.last weelre
family, who have been here for ten " • •
days returned to Gos'hen, Ind., on • t,
Tuesday, leaving their daughter, sTANLEy
Karen for a longer visit with their
aunt, Miss C. P. Rankin. . Penhale, Snowden, Westlake Reunion
Miss Peggy Butt, R.N. and sister,
The Penhale, Snowden, Westlake Lunch wat thew served', tlie• few col
. '
Mary Lou Burt of London, came on families held their annual reurrionlection' amounting to $5:15:
on. Saturday, June 30th. at Spring •
Satueday to vi it their grandparents, V
fifty-two menreers
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker. Mr. and Bank Park, with
Mrs. Harry Baker, Connie, Sylvia and present.
conie'Miss Anne Nisbet of Glasgo
Scotland' to our midst. it fittiN
address was read' by Mrs. 'V:. Vedder
while Mrs. N. Wright and Mrs. P
tihbings earried in a large Basks
prettily decoretect iii pine; l'ad'enet
with gifts. Mies Nisliet thanked' tht
ladies in a; few well-ehosen. words anc
the meeting was trought to w clow
with singing the, National Anthen
Family Reunion
The vice-president, Mt. Edwin
Gwen of London are also spending a
Hobson, St. Thomas, was in charge. Turmere Chureli Sunday Scho
vacation -with them. Miss .Donna and Cengregation held their anne
The officers, for 10461aree•
Baker who was also with her. grand...
parents over the week end, returned President, Gladwin Westlake,- Bey. pienie at geafortlit Mons Perk o
field, vice pres., Milton Talbot, B,a June. Mlle There. were about seven
to London. field; Se.-Treas. nary.' eneweene flee present. As was the usual cu.
Mr. John .Thomeon left on Fri 'ay
Zurich. tom softball, swimming and' spo
Miss Minnie Hawkins, London, was were enjoyed by all those. presen
the oldest lady and,
Mr R. A. Pen- Supper was Ile1/411 et 8.13e &clock' an
Anna: Marie Johnson was the. young -
mem. after supper a pre•entatien• ws
made' tee Mr. and Mks. E. Telillut
hale, St. Thornas, the oldest
est child present. Mies AL IrtrAdlIS WITS will shortly. be moving- te se
was the holder of the luelei ticket, forth. Mr. and' Mrs. Tebbutt e
The sports were as folloves:• pressed their appreciationfOr• tit
Girls 2 and under ,Anra Johnson; kindhess, shown' tto therm.
Girls, 5 and under; Joyce Greer; The- fellwihr it theearldreepeweie
Girls 8 and ender, Maine Grainger; was read to life and lefts. Tebbutt;
Boys 8 and miler , pawed? meexikei; Dear Mr.: and Mks. t. Telihnit-re"
Gies 10 and Under, Ratheleen Tal- We understand that: youare, soo
bet; Young Ladies race, Grace Pen- exPeetill,Zet° move g fr°111. our' e"
1eie, Exeter; young men', Rau, tie, munity, a locality in whiell• you. hot
Donnie Talbot and George Westlake; have been very faithfhl neighbour,
Women's Race, 11,1, Cerrutherse Slip- end' that - Yoe purpose to' eeetle no
per race, M. Snewdeni, . , very far Brom use.
. .•' , We, therefore, wieh. to express ou
The picnic next year is to be held appreciation of your valued service
at Grand Bend, the last Saturday.- of to' the clutch, as Clerk of the•Sessio
The Stan 1 e y . ladies COmmunity af?cder' ailnsothaes S•an nlodyaya l 'St ee liOcoltle ar nadn eh' o°11J
club and 'their families held e, very Having taken so much interest in a
for his'home in Fort Feanees, efter
having visited his sister, Mrs, Adel-
aide McLeod, foe 'several weeks.
Rev. A: S. ColWell. went to Clinton
on Friday to be near Mrs. Colwell.
Their daughters, Mrs; Quick and Mrs.
More have returned to their homes
in Pelee Island and Detroit, respec-
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas' Sherritt of
Hensall, were the .gueits, of the for-
mer's. nephew, Mr. L'oyd Scotchmer,
end Mrs. Scoteemer on Sunday.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Robt. Clark anti Miss
Roberta of Cleveland, 'came last
week to spend is vacation with Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Berry,, '
Mrs. G. Galbraithand two daugh-
ters, Mamie and Nancy, and Mr.
Robt. Heard of Hamilton, are occupy-
ing their cottage at Sunset Point.
The Reverend De arid Mrs; Bar-
clay of Hanelton, are ocaupying one
of, the Heard cottages. ‚enjoyable picnic in Joivette Grove,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Morley Bayfield, Saturday' afternoon, June
and daughter', Elizabeth, of Rochester .20tb. Theweather wee ideall for •re
Mich, were the guests of Misses F.
and L. Morley, "Bireheliffe" over the
week end. •MIs. Morley' remained. to
spent this week with her sister-in-
law. '
Mr. IL T. Orr and Miss. Peggy
Orr, Reg. N. of Stratford, are at
their cottage eon Bayfield Terreee.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford, and
Mrs.. Ford's Mother and sister,' Mrs.
WoolWay. and Me MacKay of Lon-
don are 'occupying Mrs. Metcalf's
house for July.
Prof. L. C. Pledgee Mel Miss M, Yrs and' und:er, Jean and Bob Me-
Leo•la and DMUS Taylor.
Hodgins, have (returned to them Greg();
cottage, "Stonehaven". Three-legged race over 12 yrs,
Dr. and Mrs. tf.. B. Alexander if 'Lillian and Betty Stewart, Stewart
London are at thee:, cotta.ge in the
village. •
Mrs. T. Mustard, krst Frank Burc'ti.
and two, cleft:Inn • of Toronto, ,are, at
their cottage hexe.
Robert Landon, ,R.. 0. N. y. R. of
London, spent a Lw days at
"Boehm -nee, • before going to the
• Mies D.onire Murray of' Owen
Sound, is spending the vacation with
her grandmother, , Mrs. Agne,s Nur-
Remember the words of our text?
"Ye are a chosen generation, a royai
priesthood,, and ho'y nation, a peen -
'jar people; that ye should sheW forth
the praises of Him • who hath called
eyeu out of d• rkness into mar-
yel'ous light" •• ."
"Raise up o men of God!
The Church for you cloth -wait,
Her strength unequal to her task,
Ri'e up"and make her greA!"
• During the offertory the eboir sang
"Stand up, 'Stand .up for Jesus'!:Ici
G., Greenslade was at the orgarkt:
100th AnniversaejeeL.0.1_,. NO. 24.
To -day the Orange walk is.".,being.
picnic and a good crowd gathered
to participate iii the following sports.
Giels and boys, 5• yrs. and under,
Catherine eleGreget., Nsncy, Mc-
FarlaneeGiels 5' to 8 yrs., Tean Mc-
Gregor, Ruth Mererlane; Bbys,, 6', to
8 'yrs.; Jack ,Ma‘Gr,egor,, M. McGregor;
Girls 9 to 12 yrs., Donna Taylor,
Helen Stewart; Bbys '9' to 12, yrs,
Donald McGregor, John Moffat;
Young Ladies, Betty Stewart, Lillian
Stewart;, Young Melee lack Stewart,
Stewart;' Three-legged rase 12
.and Mrs. elem, Bell, D.arbern,
Mich,., ere spending a fortnight with
the latteei sister, Mrs. cree Cook,
lVfr, and Mas. Wm. F. Buchan' of
Dunnville, are visteing•, the former's
',Oiler, Kra. N: Veods.
1VIrs. Josephine RObinson of. Len -
den, is v,ptiiiig a•fortnight at her
who spe'nt tlae
oast thio.e weeks' .iviter his craivi-
Bi-oadfoot and Bob McGregor; Mar.
tied ladies' wa'king' given di ta •Garland' Rutin, Pastor.
this. work, we naturallyeare, Farr
you are leaving us for it will be ‘ver
Bard' to file your plaee, and we wi
miss- your counsel andadvice in ti:
affairs of the.eonnermite and' chard
We ask. you. kr, accept thes lite
gift as a token, of our gratitude fc
your work •amongst ue. it does n
expressih• value your gicat wor
butwe 'know' you. will understar
what, is in Our hearts.
• • We' belle, and' pray. that you will 1
long' spared to enjey the fellows
of your fkiende. and M. esiui beck a
dee them Whenev.er yen cm:
,May God's richest blessing
yours and' we sincerely wish you b
health and long, life.
Sincsrely yours
• ' Members a Turner's Chut
Edwinhens, guneay School Sup
Canadian Pacific Freight Trains
Keep Rolling to All -Time Record
During the xnonth of February, Supplies, both event and domestic,
. the Canadian Pa cif i o Railway Figures show that 3,500,000 bushela
established a new all-time high in of grain were delivered to steamers at
movement of Saint John irt February of 1945,. aa
' revenue freight compared to 2,400,000 bushels in
traffic over its February of 1944.
Eastern Cana- "In February alone, C.P.R. snow-
dianplows travelled a total of 55,770 miles.
SO that trains might go
the equator
lu They went twice around the world at
(1(110211 ii thren,h to sepply armies of the
P296res'coaded rev- '011-uf Unitel Nations and the people of
- liberated countries. That is a fact
,evnetrioe 1111 iogvhetde a rs
that the general public may not have
realiml. But certainly those loyal
the twenty -60U ancI e mont railway wo Itm ewho
• 0
clays ef Febril-
e have hati.led blismird and cold. as
-Vreuinter3gr1117' 110 4itfifty1‘egreesbelow coirtie \iisa1
111,C importance of their
days of any It:loath winter Or summer,
in 'the •(:).t0,1it's told illiisti•iont Otiaman went on to state tim&-k
potber,, Mrs,,W. X. Stinson; returned , hislorY, noeord direwas Fel,ty in I:41ton to, filo movomoottnolt
24th, when 15,404 loaded freight eats t,rafttc__ normally rented over t
•Iti:toa,71.:7ndon with mother on
pointed out, in.sPite of the most-aci- handled a substantial- amount of
WOre hasalea. All this, Mr. Coleman than Famtio rails, the company had ,
"Wm. Moran Lo:don, sp:M; verse weather cenditions trallic diverted from both Caeadian
urs'lay with Iler Father Mr. S. 5115211117' Yom's. 111111'United States. milways
Tr,,,,,,ii, . . • .,-.!'h... 001.4.. commented on the had been unable to cope with the
. . - l‘,, obruary 264h Dominion Doreen of unprecedented. snowfalls of this year.
Miss , Doris Peter, and gueet Miss • Statistic's' (weenie, review- ‚.oe. the Alany Ainited States rail terminals
`Giseee . DA,Xerar; are E'pending a ID 1110 'grain situatido. 'Phis repoFt had been "phigg'ecl" with snowed -in
•stated. ,that "with box cala SIIOWCCI 111 freight ears winch obviated the move -
week at "Peterkin".. 1
1 .• art sidingt; it i$ clinical!, to trct sufficientmetal of necesSary supplies to New
• ,• p1115 10 move main for leading and England and other it'nstern areas in
LONDON -,-.A t Britith steel malt;ng wheal to the Eastern seaboard Tor that country. As a result, many
firm has ieekee,..eie meeee tens ce .expoi a. oversatia,." 110 declared ,thhat freight loads were diverted*Mto
• JIhit. does14 appiv,to the.Canadian Canada at Sault Ste. Marie, :Windsor,
steel' &rine the wan e r—a avereg of '
' l'nellic'•ItallwaY, which has succeeded and other'h
points and were urried '
itkpougniniiit ourrout movement of enetwara over Cahadiati 1 0,0ike iinesi