HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-07-12, Page 1O. 6157 — 67th YEAR
With Which is ` Incorporated The Clinton New Era
THURSDAY JULY 12th,' 1945
The New Era Est. IAC
Sizes 10 to 14x, in a nice
assortment of colors in ,aI1 wool
atergals. Prlced at $9.50;
FOR AG000 SUN ray
Wear a Backless dress of
Print Seersucker. Or a
� of Shorts '
o s wA/latching
We are Expecting an Assort-
inent of Better Quality Bathing
Suits for This:Weekend Selling.
Sizes 12 to 44.
Tan Without Burmng
Noxzema Sun Tan Oil -- 30e
Noxzema Greaseless cream•,a0c
Gaby 3c and' 600
Skol ° 53e
Duration Leg Do 49c
Nyalon 40e and 75e
No -Hoz 66o
Lady Anne $1.00
Manual $1.00
Lots for Sale
in our -store these days. Several parcels of goods
have recently arrived with nice assortments of the.
following goods.
Biulova, Watches -- the very pick of all the sea-
son's newest styles, Several models 'for Men with
gold filled, full expansion bracelets, now obtainable
Cord for stringing Pearls,; w*th needle attached
,now in stock again.
Baby Rings, and Signets for older children in sev-
eral styles.
Several new chests of fine Silverware to. choose
,from. All latest patterns. '
Storm Lighters $1.00 Sterling Silver Lighters $4.00
!Ronson .Lighters $6.00 Marco Lighters (lifetime
guarantee) $11.50.,
New stock of earrings, brooches, pendants, Pins,
Beads, fancy decorated combs, chain rings, bangle
bracelets and charm bracelets, Birthstone rings,
Iockets, pearls, etc. Drop in and see them soon.',
Automatic watches for 1VMen from $37.E0
Mido, super -automatic Watches from $55.00
Pierce Chronograph Watches from $36.50
Watches subject to Govt. Tax •
• ` r Counters for Finer Jeweller for Over Half a
Huron ,y 1
Century iin;
he W. A. of B.uee£ield United;
rcb 'held the July meeting on
teritoon of the second.: The first.
was. spent
h afternoonpe
t e
ores after which the meeting wat.
id to order by the, President,
s McDonald. Mrs." Hough led in
devotional exercises. Perin? se-
on 714, wat read responsively,
The roll call was answered by rather
a email number of members, choosing
a vacation. The members accepted an
invitations from Stanley Club to
spend the after
noorwith them in the
school ;house, at No, 1 Stanley,
(Baird's- Selma), - on August 2nd.
Group. 'four will, have charge of the
program, for August. The . meeting
dosed in the omit "manner, ;God S v9
the king the.Miz ah ed etre
hymns 602 and 490 were • . sung. g Fh4 i syn.
Girls' Auxiliary:
3 ribbed helmets, 18 pr, service socks,
7 baby sweaters,
S. S. No, 4:
3 pr• girls' seeks; size 4, 1 navy
scarf, 3 navy 'helmets, 8 pr. service
Goderieh Twp.' South End:
18 pr. service socks, 2 pr, boys' socks,
size 6, 3 pr, baby 'leggings, 1 yr.
Darters' Hill:
5 boys' sweaters, 10 pr, service socks,
4 navy scarves,
9 pr, service socks, 3 pa. girls' socks,
size 4, 2 girls' ;sweaters, size 4, 2
navy helmets.
16 pr. service socks, 2 pr, boys' socks,
size 6, 1 pr, girl's socks, size 4, 1
girl's, sweater, size 4, '2 navy scarves,
2 navy, helmets.
Suinerhili: •
11 pa. service scents:
Sititeh and •Chat (Sub:
3 baby vests, 2 baby jackets.
lit C. A. P.
11 ,baby jatkets; 1 baby vest.
Clinton Branch: ..
17 navy scarves, 5 navy helmets, 7
baby leggings, 10 girls' sweaters, size
4, 8 pr. girls' socks, size 4, 4 sleeve-
less sweaters; 7 pr. boys' socks, size
6, 47 pr. service socks.
A. total of 258 articles,
From the Huron Presbyterial of
the Wt NT. S. 2 baby jackets, 16 pr.
service socks, 2 pr. baby •booties, 1
baby bonnet, 1 baby hot water bottle
cover, 14 childrens' initts and gloves,
4 pr. grey mitts.
A total of 40 artielea."
Financial Report
,Town Council
Win. Fulford cleaning streets 10.00
G. M. Levis 484 yds. gravel .. 369.00
H. Pickett cutting grass , - 9.38
H. Emmerson 12 eight inch Tile 11.66
W. T Elliott t catch ,basin 2.00
Geo: F. Elliott 87 load graven 111.00
H. Hawkins; tile, cleaning;, drain 2 58
Street Lighting -•
P. U. G Lighting Streets .,.. 228.00
P U',C- Lighting Rest Room .79
PUG Lighting Town hall 8.7".
P U." 1.iighting„Stock Yard .75'
P.1LC'.- i yr. restroom wader 2.63
e.' .o. 24,• rr.:townha]l waaer 3.79
P.U.C. 'l1. yr. Fountains • 3.23
P.U.C. rl,, yr. Rest Room rentalib,bo
Mrs, L. Tideswell Care of R. R. 5.00
Bert Langford • Rep, Benches 8.00
Norman Marshall, Cleaning
furnace iflues • 7.00
Sutter & Perdue, gen. hardware 4.70
Hawkins Hardware; Flashlight
batteries & wire. .96
Hydrant Rental
P.U.0 4 yr. rental, hydrants 531.00
M. McEivein Salary . , 88.30
Ed. Steep 157 hrs. @ 45c ... 69.69
Clark. Stan'ey, Gas & Oil ±0r
power mower 4.60
Geo. Hanley, tire, tube & dining 5.79
Wells Auto Electrie battery
charges • . , , . 1.50
Paris ,
Geo. F. Elliott, Rolling park . 2.50
Dry Earth Closet
A. Fulford, Man, team & egpt. 100.00
Police Protection
James Thompson, Salary .. 83.33
David Elliott, Sate y... .. , ,. 75.00
M. '..Corless;, Salary 100.00.
N. Kennedy, Salary 50,00
Hospitalization -
Co, of Huron Indigent Patients 32,50
Postage & Stationery
A. 1'. Cooper, . Postage . 7.00
G. R. Mo wan, Postage and sup., 3.00
General Municipal Exp.
Bell Telephone Co, General 8.63
Davis & Herman P. Uniform 51.00
Postmaster G. M. Counter Ins
Excise :stamps a , 224
Rentals • 06.00
Stock Scales 29.33
Cemetery . .. , 215.00
Little Helpers of St. Patl<1'1
The Annual Service and party of
Little Helpers of
StPaul's W.
A. was held in St. Pavia church and
on the Rectory Lawn on July 4th.
The service in the ehrrch was eon-
ducted by the rector, Rev. R. M.
Rutted. The children presented the
contents of their mite boxes at -this
At the party, later, on the /teetotal
Lawn, the children enjoyed games
and, singing under the leadership of
Mrs. M. Mckinnon and'Mrs. MCLay.
The service c
xvz e andart Were y vY a ar-
ranged under the direet'on of Mrs.
Geo. A. Walker, superintendent of
the Little netters for the parish.
,Assisting in sewing refreshments
to the`ehildren and their mothers
and friends were Mrs. Arnold and.
the girls• of the Jr. W. A.
"Navy League Tag Day
A 'Sucoese
The local committee the Navy
Leagae of Canada, wish to thank
the :people of Clinton for •their
generous response 'to; their ;annual
tag Day. They also wish' to thank
the following taggers who so';gener-
ously' gave of their time and energy,
to make the day a; success.
Jean McIntyre, Kay Britton,, ,Anna
Glees, P. Shanahan, M. Thompson, A,
Rusty, D. Elliott, J. Andrews, A.
Britton, J. Fires,'. A. Jervis, '•E Glew,
C, Fingland, N. Ford,
In last week's, paper, Audrey,
Oliver and Bob Taylor were emitted,
as two of -the children.: that „passed
from Grade 7 to Grade 8. •
Leg Band Bearing, the Name
Jack Miner
A. duck was caught in a muskrat
trap ,on the farm tjf Jim, East; Clin-
ton. On the leg band) the name, :Jack
Miner was engraved, Miss Kathleen
East wrote to Mr. Miner falhng,.him
about finding one of his: ducks. He
answered her letter and esker; her if
she wouldplease send the hand, as
he was starting a museum.
Softball News
On Friday, July,6th the Juveniles
defeated the Knitters, 5 to 4.
On TuesdayeveningJuly. 10th, the
Juveniles defeated the Main St.,
8.. to 7.
On Friday Juty 13th, Main St. vs
Knitters and on Tuesday July.' 17th,
the Junior warmers vs. Knitters.
Clinton & District Mein
Arrive Rome .
Pte. le G. "Skip" Winter'ot
ton and Gnr. J. W. Deems of
Goderich Township and Pte. A. R.
Hill and L./Cpl. Dahymple
of Brueefield were among ;those
who arrived in New York on: Wed-
nesday aboard the •queen ,Mary,
Mrs. Richard Barley,of Galahad Alta.,
is visiting. •her brother Mr: Fred Nott,
and other friends „and . relatives in
town for two or three, weeks
St. Paul's
7th Sunday •after Trinity
10.00 A.M. Sunday School.
11.00 a.m. Holy Communion
3.00 'pan. Confirmation . Service.
The Archbishop of Horan.
The Friendship Club will meet on
Wednesday, July 18th, at the tome
of Mrs, . Bert White.
Presbyterian Church
Sunday School at usual hour,
Service 11.15 am. Sermon subject,
"Great Souls in the Kingdom,"
Everybody, Welcome.
The W. M. S. will meet on Wed-
nesday July' 18th, at 3 p.m. at the
home of Mrs.•Shaddiek, Albert St.
United Church of Canada
Wesley -Willis and Ontario Street
Congregations worship together in
Wesley -Willie Church during July. •
Rev. G. G. Burton M.A. B.D,,
Ontario 'Street Sunday School and
Congregation will hold annual picnic
at Goderick Park. House grounds,
July 18th, (Wednesday.)
MPs. Charmer of " London is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Elliott.
Lieut Madeleine Hawkins of Kitch-
ener, spent the week end with
her mother, Mrs, Thos. Hawkins.
Misses Joan and 'Lisbeth Sioman aro
at the Girl Guide Camp,` near
Miss Johnson of Si. Catharines is
visiting her sister, ' Mrs. E, W.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred•Slemand y
an fam-
ily,of Capreol are at their :home'
in. town.
Miss Eilleen Atkinson of London;
is visiting Miss Carol Evans for s
few days.
.Mrs. Anna Vareoe of Winnipeg, is
visiting her sister Miss Mabel
1 for the ' month of July
and August.
Mr. George lathwell of Termite. is
visiting his sister Miss Mabel
Rothwell. -
Rev John R. and Mrs,. Thompson and
ehildrenof St. Thomas are visiting.
the fotaner's parents, Mr, and
Mrs, Harry J. Thompson, ,
Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Lawrence of.
Hamiltonhave been with Mr. and,
Mrs. F. Townsend this week. Mrs.
Femmes Trick
accompanied "
and will•;spend' tbe. summer with
Mr. and Mrs. Townsend,
Cpl. Thompson .of,Patriernellay+, B,G,
is visiting Mrs. Thompson and
little daughter,. Patsy,, at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. harry J. Vamp -
t t
p Chu ch parsonage,
was the scene of a pretty but quiet
wedding on Saturday even ng, July
7th, at 7.30 p.m.' wizen elev. C'. C.
Anderson united in marriage Isobelle,
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
David Gibb of Wingham, and James
Fdwards, youngest son of. Mrs. Nellie
Edwards of .Clinton
The bride looked charm'ng • in a'
two-piece dress of white si k Crepe;
trimmed with navy blue. Her short
veil was 'held witha garland of :small
white roses, caught with white ..sills
ribbon, She wore a corsage of, white
carnations and maidenhair fern. ,Iter
other •accessories ., were white.: The
bride was attended •ay Mrs, Wiliam
Steep, sister Of. 'the' :bridegroom
wearing' a two piece ulna floral silt
dress with white accessories and
corsage of •pink carnet:ons an
maidenhair. fern. Edward Whit
Wingham, brother-in-law of the brid
Was best •man. , The. couple left
spend the, week end with the bride
parents in Wingham, and will short
take up residence in town.
A pretty lawn wedding took place
Saturday afternoon, June 80th, at
the home of Mr. and Ma. John <Har-
ris, Holmesvilie, when their younger
daughter, Ruth Helena, became the
bride of George Dewar Talbot, son
of Mr. and Mrs. William Talbot of
The bride, given . in marriage by
her father, took her place before an
arch, decorated with , Canterbury
bells, " sweet William, roses and
peonies, to the strains of the Bridal
Chorus frons. "Lohengrin" played by
Miss Maude McMath, Goderieh. The
ride Chose for her wedding an ivory,
brocaded satin gown, infloor length,
fashioned with long sleeves, sweet-
heart neckline and buttoned torso
waist. Her finger-tip veil was held
in a coronet of orange blossoms, and
her only ornament was a string of
pearls, a gift of the bridegroom: Her
flowers were a cascade bouquet of
red Briarcliffe roses. The bride's
sister, Miss Betty Harris was maid
of , har:or,, .-„wearing a floor length
frock of robin's egg blue silk, •made
with short puff sleeves, sweetheart
'neckline and fitted bodice. Her
chapel veil was eaugbt in a coronet
of blue daisies, and she carried a
cascade of pink Briarcliffe roses.
William Armstrong, Bayfield, was
best man. ,Rev, Campbell Tavenef of
the Holmesville United Church per-
formed the ceremony. 'During the,
signing of the register, the pianist
played' "I Love You Truly”.
At the reception which followed,
the bride's Mother wore a street
length frock in orchid -silk, white
accessories and 4 eorsage of white
Killarney roses, The bridegroom's
motber received in a two.piece dress
of beige crepe, black accessories,
and wore 'a corsage of pink Briar-
eliffe roes. A luncheon was served
to about 30 guests by the Misses
Fern Watson, Londesboro; Mary Tal-
bot, . Bayfield; Phyllis Harris,
Porter's Hill and M. McMath, Gette-
The bridegroom's gift to the ,br'ide's
attendant • was an identification
bracelet; to the best' man a leather
bill fold, and to the pianist, gold
Later the couple left on a honey-
moon to Toronto and Niagara Falls,,
the bride travelling in an aquamarine
silk jersey dress with white accessor-
ies. On their return they will reside
on the bridegroom's farm on the
Blue Water highway, south of Bay-
field. Guests were present from `Lind-
say, Stratford, Goderich and Bay-
- Y
Between fifteen to twenty ladies
met at the home of Mrs., Madeline
Murray on Tuesday evening, July
10th for a surprise shower for
Miss, Betty Fawner, who is to be
married in the very near future.
The early part of the evening was
spent in contests and bingo. Then the
following .address was read:
Dear Betty:
We your close, friends and
bours haye gathered this evening to
offer our Best Wishes upon your
most important step in :life, your
marriage, a is
and wish for you all the
happiness that constantlove can
bring, We beg of you to accept from
us.thie piece of furniture as a token
to •remind you of our esteem"
and admiration. May the best day
that you have seen` be the worst that
is to come, and' may you be crowned
with length of days and '.health to
enjoy them.
Yourson behalf of
Helen Groves, Mrs. Denomme,
Madeline Murray.
Betty. was then presented with an
occassional chair, a vase, end a lovely
plate. Betty thanked the people with
a few well-chosen words. A social
hour wets then enjoyed by all.,
Presbyterian W. M.`S:
On June 28th the 1fome Helpers of
Stanley entertained the W: •M S.
at the home of Mrs: T. McCowan The
Meeting opened 'with a call to Wor-
ship' sedan Medit tion by the ?rest,
dent. The Worship period wastaken,
by the Stanley ladies, the Glad
Tidings Prayer by Mrs. McCowan
and' scripture reading of psalm 42 by
Mrs. J.• McEwen. After singing a
,the Study' Book•was ably bale-
en ,by Mrs. G. Graham on the
theme, "The Church in China and
Japan." This was" followed by the
I'Hy?nn, "Wm not ashamed to own my:
Lard". ' Mrs. Cairns of Brimfield,.
£sang a very beautiful solo, ''.Others',.
which was much appreciated. Tho
roll call was answered by a verse on,
"Love". The minutes, were read and:
approved.' Mrs- Lane moved a vote.
of thanks, to the ladies • for their -
hospitality, to the ,.soloist, -and those •
taking part in the program, seconded
by Mrd, Pox. A hymn and the,
Mizpah benediction, closed a very
enjoyable meeting: The hostess and
friends served• a very. delicious.
Iunch, and all enjoyed a social hour..
High School Entrance Results
Edna Bayley, Murray Biggin, Fri
da Blake, Wanda. Bowden, Franc
Cante'on, . Fern Carter, David Co
slough, Gloria Dales; Bessie Duto
Doreen Elliott, Donald Ellwood, Nor
Elizabeth Eyre, Stanley Falconer,
Nancy Ford, Beatrice Fowler, Mary
Fulford, Jeanne Garen, Kathleen
Glew, James Edward Hann, Lois
Hesselwood, Marion Hill, Raymond
Hoggarth, Margaret Holland, Anne
-Rusty, Betty Lampman, Helen Lobb,
Frances Lyon, Marie. Menzies, Evelyn
McDonald, Gordon MacDougall,
James •Paterson, Jack Petrie, Lois
Pickard, Betty Petters- Robert Riehl,
Donald Shanahan, Phyllis Shanahan,
Thelma Shobbrook, Joyce Sly, Phyllis
Steep, Elizabeth Stewart, Cora. Taylor
Verna Taylor, William .Taylor, Mary
Thompson, Kenneth Tyndale Jack
VanEgmond, Thomas Varcoe,' Lois
i_ Rebecca Corriveau, Virginia. De{cls
is ert, Theresa Dietrich, Rose Marie.
l- Denomy, Cecilia Duchaime, : Donald:
t,'.�Dueharme, Jol-n Ducharme,'Kathleen,
a Hess, Doreen Hen4ricic, Elgin • Rend—
risk, Herbert Klopp, Bern adette La-•
perte, Charlotte Laporte, Alma . Mane
tie, Veronica Meidinger, Eileene Mih
ler, Norbert Mittelholtz, Juanita
Toyee Mousseau, Russell Snider, John.
Steekle, Mildred Steekle.
Dolores Allison, Gladys Batten,.
Agnes Bray, Harold Wayne, Joher
Bern, Wanda Stephen, Floyd Stewart.
Ex rER
Lois Alexander, Glen Belling, Rei
Cameron, Audrey Campbell, Margaret
Cann, Joyce Chambers, Kenneth' Cud-
more, Ruth Dawson, Gerald Dearing,.
Andrew nougat, William nougaIts.
Barbara Eisen, Velma Ferguson,.
Dorothy Finkbeiner, Fred Gibson,,, '
August Grego, Mary •Hannagau.-
Donald Hunter, Malcolm Kirkland,
Mary Logan, Bill Luxton, Anne Lu-
ther, Winnifred Mach, Kathleen May„
Grant Morgan, Joanne McCurdy,.
Winona McDonald, Donna McPalis„
Donna Parker, Maxine Parsons, Ross -
Parsons; Lorraine Preszcator, Maxine-
Reeder, An Rivers, Donald' Reenters
e Robert Roryciiffe, Dolores . Schenk,,
- Edith May Schroeder, Bruce Shiipton„-
, Helen Shapton, Sam Skinner, Ralph
Sweitzer, Ila Tilley,Irene Trueblood„
t Marion Webber, Velma. Webster„ Soar.
Wells, fib'ar"y':q ells,: Arlis-Weiniathyce:.
Willard, Donna Weight,
Under Regulation 10 (5)--I+torerea
Mona .Baird, Margaret Br•oeker;.
Murray Desjardine, Bettie Desjardine,,
Lucinda Dinney, Pearl Eckstein,.,
Morgan Gill, Betty. Green, Road.Green, Eugene Hartman, Robert.
Haugh, Marion Hicks, Glen Ireland,,-
13ernice Luft, Paul Levi Peachey,.
Doris Rader, Orville Regier, Wiliiartr
Smith, Dorothy Tetreau, Itonaldi
Turnbull, Valeria Vincent, Raymondi
Wein, Grant Wildfong,
Under Regulation 10 (6) ,—Harold
Musser, Margaret Rader:
Donald Armstrong, Gerald Boer -
mann, Francis Bremer, Jack Case,
Doris Dalton, Don Dennis, JavaDiegel, Maurice Dillon, Ruby Doerr,
Marjorie Fischer, Norman Leeming,
Harold McCallum, Joseph Malone,
Murray Mills, Ross. Montgomery,
Patrick Murray, Jean Rapien, Shirley
Bagels, Billy: Welsh.
Laura Earl, Rita Rifler, Doreen,
Lamont, Grace Lamont, Shirley La-
mont, Velma Lucas, Donelda Machan„
Doreen Menzies, Lorraine Quipp,
James ,Cumarins, E•4elyn lloyj.
Lloyd Humphrey, Lorne Humphrey,••
Lois Johnston, Michael Kinahany
Beta McIntyre, Yvonne Magoffin,
Irene 1Vfenary, Rata Moran, Charles
Mugford, Sam Nicholson, Kenneth
Petrie, Jean ;Ritchie, Fred Robinson,
Joyce Stewart, Marietta Stingel,
Doris Taylor, Gwendolyn Treleaven,.:
Arthur Young.
Under Regulation 10-5 --Adelaide:
Mary Beatty,. 'Carolyn Campbell,
George Castle, Helen Erratt, Audrey
Harris, Betty Heard, John McConnell,
Dorothy McGuire, Norman Smith,
Seek Sumner, Gloria Westlake, R
mond Young.
Bruce Allin, Joanne Allison, Gretta
Arbour, Gordon Argyle, Eugen
Baker, William Beacom, Lenore Bea
die, Marion Bogie, George Bolton
Marion Boyce., Beverley Brown, Mary
Courtney, Sylvia Craddock Merger()
'(hash "Ahbie IJ1ich,.-G,'atherine ;Cott,
Raymond Cott, Mary Ann Erskine
James Fellows, Gerald Fisher, Char-
les Fuller, Eleanor Puller, Gen
Hamilton, Rose Marie Hartman_
Patricia Hartney, Donald Holmes,
Erie Holmes, Birth Hoy, Rosemarie
Hunfalvy, Harold Jeffery, Edythe
Jenkins, Mario Johnston, Phyllis
Johnston, Donald Iternighan, Joan
Menzies, Robert Moorhead, Lois Mug-
ford, Helen MacDougall, Donald 1hfac-
Phail, Donald McEwen, Charles Orr,
Marjorie Overholt, Wendell Pitblado,
Verne Porter, Marion Powell, Marion
Reis, Shirley Robertson, Marvin Ross,
Sally Sharpe, Betty Sowerby, Oornel-
ius . Spain, Ramona Spain, Ruta,
Stokes, Peggy Stubbington, Betty
Taylor, Beta Wilson, John Fellows.
Charles Brigham, Jean' Cartwright,
Maurice Hallahan, Doreen Hogg, Bill
Johnston, Donald Johnston, Elaine
Johnston, Pauline King, Jean Kirk.
Connell, Mary Kyle, Mary Lutz, Mary
McCaughey, Violet Nivins, Shirley.
Phillips, Shirley•Radford, Marie
Raithby, Grace Roe, Isabel Thuell,
Stewart Toll, Genn Yungb'ut, Irmo
Wallace, Hattie Wightman, Jim Wil-
Frank Alcock, Jerry Barrett, Marie.
Bennett, Shirley Eileen Bennett, Ken-
neth Bone, Olive Cardiff, Audrey
Davidson, Rose Davidson, Roy David-
son, Marie Doll, Betty Fischer,
Doreen Long, Fannie McLean, Peter
McQuarrie, • Florence Querengesser,
Wil:rani Rann, Etna Mary Sander- I
son, Marjorie •Sanderson, Mary Smith,
George Somers, Pabel: Spier, Batty •
Thuea, ponelda Willis.
Donna Agar, James Edgar Allan,
Mona Bennett, Yvonne Bolton, Mary
Boswell, Phyllis• Boyes, Muriel Camp,
bell, James Thomas Chapman,; Mari-,
lytt Chesney,' Stanley Dorranee, Dona- I
thy Drager, Ronald Farquhar, Marie
Fitzpatrick, Jean Praiser, Jacqueline i
Habkirk, Gladye. Hopper=, Leverns
Magill, Edna Masser, Marjorie Hunt,
Lewia Kennedy, ,Marjorie Knight,
BettyLangford, nigfo , Lorraine Living-
stone, . Mona McGowan, Helen Mehl
wain Patricia McQuaid,Mary Mal-
oney, Jerry Meir, Beth Muir, Phyllis ;
Pretty, Boris Pu .,man, Lois Richard-
son, Muriel Rivera Joseph Roach,
Barbara Russell,' Bert Shaw, Leona
Stevens, Margaret Stevens, Joyce
Strong, June . Snell, Ruth Wallace, .e
Betty Weednnairk.
Ellen Bell, Mona1
e i, Caldwell Leonard
C:arke, Charles Fee John: Lavender,
Wiliam- Lenrmon, Helen Love, Betty J
Mi kle, Patr'eia .,Mitehell,,Jan _Male
s'cr, Pearl McLeod, Edna ,Petake. s
Robert Speir, Joyce Isabel Stephenson 1
Bessie Stevens, Rebert •3. Traquair,
Eleanor Vanuer.
Lloyd Anderson, Mary Coulee Ben'
ager, Gwendolyn Blatchford, John
Bosman, John Brophy, Muriel Bryd-
ges, Ernest Buckman, Lois Burchill,,
Joa B
ash 'e d
{z 1 Jean n Cam bell, .Ruth
Cantelon, Penzie Champion, Robert
Colborne, Audrey Cook, Fay Cook,
Marjorie Copeland, James Currie,_
Joan Dawson, Eleanor Deyell, Doreen..
Elliott, Vivien ;Ernest, Kenneth P51..-
ker, John Foxton, Constance Fry --
ogle, Grace Gilmour, Jean Gregg;.
Mary Haines, Wallace Hazelgrove,
ohn ' Henderson Eileen Henning,
Edna Higgins; Joan Hiseler, Marjorie
Hobden, James Irwin, 'William John-
ton,,.Irene King,.. Margaret . MacDon..
ald,,Laura McBurney, Rosie •MeG•lynssn-
Shirley McGlynn; Kenneth McKague1,
ohn McKenzie, Scott, Mclennan,.
ltu;th- Machan, ^Audrey Ridley, Dorsa
heli], Wilford She 11, Douglas :Spar-
ing, Norman Stacey, Thomas Wade,,
Annie Warne, 'Allen Wild,. Riorenee:
Willoughby, Doris Wray..