HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-07-05, Page 8'PAGE 8 MACK Canada's Leading Rot Air Furnace NOW is the time to have your -Furnace overhauled or a new'. one Installed. Come and See For Yourself. Coal Oil Ovens large Size Just Arrived. SUTTER & PERDUE EASDWARE, PLUMING & ELECTRICIANS crniron, arr. PISlfil117w. Mens Suits ' and Topcoats The outlook for the Clothing' industry is not par- ticularly bright. The demand will be heavy and the supply of Clothing Material light Buy your new suit or,topcoat now while we still have a nice assortment on our racks. ,Deliveries have' been late and new lines are still being added to our stock. The Made to Measure department of Tip Top Tailors and Cambridge Clothes for which wte are agents are, doing their utmost to give satisfactory services under the existing circumstances. Priority will be given to returned service men on Made to Measure Suits. Get your order in now as it may take as much as twelve weeks for delivery. Plumsteel -Bros. Amy Marls — Adam ]esti — Seat* & M.Ia1. erase law , Mas Avesta ilp Tap Tanis. • We. now have in Stock Set's of Dishes in 3's, to 94 piece sets Plain and fancy Tea Pots As well as some fancy cups and saucers in English Bone China. What -not novelties China Jugs in various sizes Summer Items Sun glasses in a variet, os Styles, Children's Pails, and Shovels, Rake, Hoes, & Shovel Sets Anda good variety of Toys. O. V. Reversable Wool Bed .Covers 1 Unbleached Sheeting PAW' Cases -1 Linen Tea Towels and Linen Tea Towelling G. R. McEwan Co. `OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" PHONE 84 Misses Ur Marie Ellwood and Lois Hanley are . holidaying at Grand Bend. • Mrs. James Ballantyne of Brussels is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Roberton. Miss Greta Taylor of London spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. L. W. Dippell awl children of Bowmanville ave visiting Mr. and CLETI4ON . NEW*] Completely ,Sold Out Of. Tomatoes Good Cabbage plants for. Sale direct from beds. 15c a doz. F. R. CUN1NGHAME Member of Florists TeL Del. As. Personal care given every order and speMglcattention Oyer( :to Fi��iphl Orders. Phone' 476 'aid 31 Seulk=end sELE PECIALS AT T. R.THHlMPSON'S Superior Food Store OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 tins 19e KFT.LOGG''S CORN FLAKES 3 pkgs. 22c PRY'S. COCOA ; Ib. tin 19e 1 lb. tin .... 31e McCORMICK'S FANCY "A" SODAS 6 oz. 2 pkgs. 21e STOKELY'S TOMATO JUICE 2 tins 19e, PLAIN OR IODIZED ,SALT 2, 2 lb Cartons 15e HILLOREST SHORTENING M. 19c NUGGET SHOE POLISH Tin .. 12e FLY -DPD INSECT SPRAY 16 oz. tip , .. 25c JAVEX Uottle , , .. , , ,,, , , ass's15e IVORY SNOW Lge, pkg, 250 TURPENTINE Bottle 25c ORANGES, Size 344s Doz35c GRAPEFRUIT Size 100s 3 for 25e LEMONS, 'Size 360s 3 for .. , Ile Mrs. O. W. Potter. • QAULIFLOWER ..25 and 201 each Mrs. (Dr.) Wm. Penmen of Toronto CABB.AGD, Ib. 8e .. suint the Week end with Mr. and r . Mrs. G. D. Poberton. Rev. A, E. and Mrs. Silver and Miss Shirley of Southampton spent Monday with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cooper have re- turned front a fortnight's holiday at Oakwood Inn, Grand Bend. Fit. Sgt. Beatrice Sharp, R.C.A.F. (W.D.) Ottawa, spent the week with Miss Florence MacGallum. Mrs. W. T. Hawkins spent the week end •with her daughter; Lieut. Madeleine F. Hawkins of Kitchen- er. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McCaffrey of London 'are spending a few days with friends in Clinton and vicin- ity. Mrs. Al. Hymns of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr: and Mrs. Wm. Higgins and Miss Ferrol Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Senghas and little daughter of Detroit are visiting Mr. G. Gilchrist and Miss M. Gilchrist. Miss Elva McDowell of London spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. McDowell and Mr. and Mrs. Frank MeEwan. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ligbtheart and family of Brantford, spent the week end with the latter's aunt, Mrs. David steep. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Marshall and boys spent the week end with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Nash of Stratford. Week end -visitors at ' the home of Cpl., and Mrs. Ronald MacDonald were Mr. and Mrs. Err Bentley and son Earl of Galt, and their son Wallace of Toronto, which is home J on a two -week. vacation. On return from their honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Hail Spero they will reside on St. George's. Sunday with ; relatives in Clinton Crescent. vicinity. Mrs. Fannie Cartwright V ( and Master Bobby Hall are visit- PEIONALS ` " ring Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alex- ander. Those who spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. B. Roweliffe . were BROWN'S One, Door North of Royal Bank Tenders Wanted 1 Tenders will be received by the undersigned until July 16th for the ploughing of woodlot of S. S. No. 3 Mullett. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Work to be done as soon as possible. O. V. DALE, Sec. Treas. Clinton, R. R. 1 56-2 WEDDINGS CARTER — BLACK On Thursday, June 21st 1945, at high noon, a pretty wedding 'was solemnized at the Presbyterian manse Goderich, by Rev. Richard Stewart, when Marjorie Cora Mae, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Black became the bride of Lloyd John, eldest Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Garter of Olinton, The bride leaked lovely in a street length, two piece powder blue crepe dress. Her shoulder length veil fell. from a sweetheart halo. •Sha wore a corsage of ,aphlia roses and sweet- heart bracelet and pin, the gift of the groom. The bride's maid, Miss Fern Carter,' sister of the groom wore a street length dress of pink silk crepe, with a shoulder length veil and corsage of pink roses. Sup- porting the - groom was Gerard Lassaline, brother-in-law of • the bride. A dinner reception was held at the bride's home on St. George's Crescent The bride's mother received in a gown, of -Colonial .purple with white accessories, assisted by the groom's mother, gowned in figured mauve .chiffon, with white accessor- ies. • Guests numbering twenty were from Owen Sound, Winghaeu, Luek• now, Yarmouth, N.S., and Clinton Mr. and Mrs. Carter left amid showers of confetti, for a •short honeymoon to Windsor, Detroit and other points. For going away the bride wore ra cocoa .'brown suit with beige top coat. Previous to her marriage the bride ' was entertained at the home .of Miss Edna Driver by the staff ' of the People's store where she was pre-. sented with'a lovely table lamp. Nomination Meeting Township of Goderich A meeting of the rate payers of the Township of Goderich will be held in the council chamber of. the Town of Clinton on Tuesday July 17 at 8 p.m. to nominate a candidate to fill the vacancy in council caused by the death of Mr. J. Leslie Cox. The electi':n if any will be held on Tuesday, July 24th. - R. G. THOMPSON, CIerk. ' 66-2 What Price Smartness Our small cjmaa'ge for Dry Cleaning is all that is needed to keep your wardrobe smart and attractive. 5 day sexv:ce on suits and coats .We pick up; and deliver orders. of $1.00 and over • Gliddon Press Shop We press while you wait Phone 115 56-2 Miss Marion Pickett, Mrs. Ken, Pickett and son Paul are visiting Mrs. R. E. Meyers of Watterville, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bawden and sons. Jack and Bruce of Hamilton., spent the 'week end with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wiltse of the London Road. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Batten and tw,. children, of Exeter spent a day last week ;with Mrs. Batten's sister, Mrs. B. Roweliffe of the Landon 'Road.' Miss JoAnne Cuninghame leaves this week to visit • friends in Calgary, Alberta, and hopes to see The Stampede.. This is their Jubilie year and promises to be very interesting, Mr. . an ' d ,Mrs. Ed Jenkins of Ottawa and Mrs. Will Jenkins of Van- war camp, where he has been since couver, Mr. Ralph Bouskill of Dieppe. Mr. and Mrs. Coles' were Winnipeg and Mr. and Mrs. Rees ;married is ,Scotland. Mr. Coles i Jenkins • spent- Sunday with Mr. on leave before going on duty .. and Mrs..Wilmer Walls. , the pacific. PHONE ORDERS FILLED Hospital Plan Gives Freedom From Worry WEEK END SPECIALS: JTILY 6-6-I SHELL• TOX • FLY- SPRAY 25c—•43c POST TOASTIES CORN FLAKES 2 for' ... ................ 15e i ALLEN APPLE JUICE 2 for 29e BIG BEN CHUTNEY SAUCE Jar..-, .... 2ne AYLME1I TOMATO JUICEi 3for 27e AYLMER VEGETABLE Juice tin 17 TOILET TISSUE 3 for .. 25c NEILSON'S, COCOA. lb, . < , 290 NABOB COFFEE lb., . , , ....... 45e DALTON' PUDDING .POWDER. 2 for ... 15e'. THRIFT SOAP , FLAKES- 35c CERT() 27e 2 for 53e HEINZ. SWEET MUSTARD PICKLES 33c ,MAXWELL HOUSE' COFFEE lb. 43 GAINES DOG MEAL ..... 25e GAINES DOG 1 RUNOHEON 27e', ORA GES 344 288 252': 220 32c •.39c '49c 53e - GRAPEFRUIT 4' 'for .. . 25e.. W. L. .JOHNSON & SON PHONE' 286 r 'GROCERS DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. June 2& to 30th AYLMER •Mushroom Soup'2 tins 19e WALKER'S Sodas 1 lb. pkg. • .. 15c OROSBY Molasses tin _ 17c Gaines dog biscuits pkg. 25e Select Chicken stew tin 25c JAVEX 2 bottles 29c OXYDOL large pkg. ' 27c RAISIN Pie Filler Ib. 20c KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES 2 pkg.' 23c POSTS' TOASTIES 3 pkg. ... , 23e MAPLE LEAF CHEESE ,pkg..: 20c BEAUTY BRAND TOMATOES 2 tins 29e COWAN'S COCOA 1 1•b. tin 21c FLAKED WHEAT BERRIES 5 lb. tag ' 23e INTERLAKE Toilet Tissue 3 for 25c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND . VEGETABLES LOOK IN OUR REFRIGERATED COUNTER FOR Wieners lb, 27c Dutch #,opf lb. 30e Bologna lb. 24c Fresh Sausage lb. 25e Medium and Old Cheese sold by the Pound, ; i, "Even those in robust health to- day cannot tell that tomorrow they will not be confined to hospital. Sickness strikes suddenly often- times and accidents occur without a moment's Warning. Last year, more. than 2,500 Cana- dians lost their lives' in accidents within their own homes. In the sane, time, many more` were temporarily disabled `:by .- accidents in their own homes., Sicknes9' took even a heavier toll, when one hi every. three Cana- dians' was a eaOalty from illness. Under the Family, Ggoup Insurance Plan, 'hospitalization .:protection for the whole family comes to you at a surprisingly' few' cost, but when sick- ness .befalls :a family it pays mighty big dividends in.freedom from finan- cial worry. Yo bre it to yourself and family to get full particulars about this faintly 'protection otection that takes away from the', family circle the fear of sickness or accident. M. G.• Ransford Mr. and Mrs.- Hilliard. Lawrenir Mr. and Mrs. Orville Oke of Lon- don, Mrs. Carron Rowcliffe• ana two children, Mrs. Wm. G. Wright Barbara and Connie of Seaforth. Week end visitors: at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Benson Edwards, and Mrs.' Nellie Edwards were. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mulcaster and Mr. and Mrs. Everet ' Farrough all of Windsor, they also visited with Mrs. Wm. ,$steep and family, and Mr. James Edwards of town. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Coles of Toronfb are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrews. Mr. Coles has just rec- ently returned from a prisoner of General Insurance • ••. 180w Beauty Shoppe SHAMPOO MANICURE FINGER WAVES 'PERMANENTS . Ethel Thom son 1?iincess Str E. ••afPhone '585 Teacher Wanted Tuokersniith *hoot Alrea. u . ' e A fully�ualrfred Panttant tea s cher for ,;5.:. S. No. 4' Tuekersmith. Applications, are invitsd.' Applicants will please state qualifications, experienee, and references. Salary will be up te''standard, according to exxperience. Personal: applications will be appreciated. Term will cam menee on September 4th. S. H•. Whitmore; Secretary, R, No,' `3 S eafor•bh. CAKE 5c Orval Lobb 'Free Delivery Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersigned until July 16th for the painting of Classroom of School of S. S. No. 3 Hullett. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Work to be done in Summer holidays. G. V. DALE, Sec. Treas. Clinton, R. ,R. 1 56-2 Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Julys 16th for the Electric wiring and fixtures for the school of S. Z. No. 8 Hullett, accord- ing to plans and specifications pre- pared by the Hydro Electric Com mission. Lowest or any tender n;: necessarily accepted. Work to be done in Summer Holidays. ' C. V. DALE, Sec. Treas. Clinton, R. R. 1 56-2, GODERICH TOWNSHIP R. G. and Mrs. Thompson have re- turned from a trip by motor to Ottawa going by the Kawartha lakes and the northern route returning by the St. Lawrence and ' thousand Islands. Their daughter Mary accom- panied therd home for her holidays. V STANLEY . The fo1'owing is the list of pro- motions, .at S. S. 1, •Stanley (Barri] School). Grade 7 to •Grade 8: Phyllis Hardy Grade .6 to Grade 7: Edna Jackson, Don McGregor, Helen Stewart. Grade 4 to '•Grade 5: Stewart Broadfoot, Bob McGregor Grade 3 to•Grade 4: Ray Shaw,- Gracie haw..Grade 2 to Grade 3i Ruth Jackson, Jack McGregor, Jean McGregor. Grade 1 to Grade 2: Ruth McFar- lane,' Neil McGregor. M. C. 'Torrance, Teacher. On, Friday afternoon,' June 290 about sevdnty-five people Ecom S. S. No. 6 Stanley, gathered to have a school picnic at Snowden's' Beach. Sports arranged by the teacher, Miss Anna Reid assisted !by )\lie's Phyllis, McBride were held during the afternoon: The following were the' ,v inners. s' THURS., JULY '5th 194/5 THE RED &WHITE STOr!ES SPECIAL VALUES FOR JULY 6tkand 7th READY GUT MACARONI 2 lbs. 11e REDS and WHITE: COFFEE lb. RED and WHITE COCOA lb. 23e CALIFORNIAI SEEDLESS 43o RAISINS' lb: 19c GOLDEN SPRAY GLENWOOD'CHOTCE{ CHEESE 172 lb pkg. 19. PUMPKIN 2 tins 19e TEA RED and WHITE Orange Pekoe -1/2 lb pkg. 38a Country Kist • R.and W. Floor Peas 2 tins 25c I II i/ Wax tin 29c "`c Clarks Tomato " 'Soup tin 8c Oxford Veg. Soup tin 5c Walkers Cream Sodas lb. 14c • ER sot Aylmer •Dehy. lb. pkg. 20c Beans tin 5c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ASPARAGUS- TOMATOES — CUKES RADISHES — LET- TUCE —. BERRIES' MELONS— CELERY" ONIONS —BEANS California Sweet 252's ONTARIO` GREEN' ORANGES doz." 48c • CABBAGE lb: 9c California Juiry 126's SNOW` WHITE -ONTARIO GRAPEFRUIT 3 21e Cauhfiovyer each 25o California; Large 300's ONTARIO NEW' LEMONS 3 for 13c , BEETS 1b. 9c SHEARING'S fOR FOODS OF FINE Q;UALIT.Y Phone 48 Free Delivery ' Clinton) A Grand • Assortment of Furniture Including small lamps, childrens chairs, carriages:. Bassinettes Folding card tables, hampers. Also a nice assortment of walnut tables for various uses; Call early while the selection,is best. BALL & ZAPFE Dealers in Hardware and Furniture Modern Ambulance Service, Funeral Directors Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G. BALL JOHN J. ZAPFE Phone 110 Phone 103 JUST ARRIVED IRONING BOARDS CLOTHES DRIERS;' ENAMEL WARE HAY FORK ROPEf, Hugh R. Hawkins Plumbing, Heating, . Sheet: Mdtal Work Agent for , Heels Furnace, Boys 6 years and under, Douglas Armstrong. Girls 10 and under, Grace Boyce, June McClinehey. Boys 10 and under,' Billie Pollock, Kenneth Pollock. Girls 14 and under, Jean McClin- chey, Marjorie Anderson. Boys 14 and under Keith McBride Billie Pollock. Young Ladies' Race Doreen Me- Clinchey, Leona Anderson. Young Gents' Race, Hugh McBride Married Women's Race Mrs. Clare McBride. Married Men's Race, Mr. E. Ben- der. Rabbit Hop, Kenneth Pollock Kick the Slipper, Phyllis McBride, Jean McClinehey Several relays such as the Potato Race, the Puddle ,Race and Forty Ways were all , enjoyed. The sports were brought to a close with an interesting tug-of-war. The women .pulled against the men and believe it or not the .women won! Later a fine picnic lunch was served, after whichmany of the younger people participated in a well -enjoyed .ball game. ' Miss Barbara Graham,- and Miss Alice Glen of Waterloo, spent the week -end at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pepper of Nia_ gara Falls are .spending their holi- days, at Mr. John Pepper's and other friends. Mr. Wm. Henderson of Toronto is visiting at the home of his cousin Mr. Geo. Wilson. Mr. • and Mrs. Kenneth McCowan and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Caldwell spent the week -end in Tobe>mrory. Miss Margaret McGregor of Tor- onto is home for the holiday season. Mrs. Marion Laramie, and daughte Elizabeth of ITampton is spending the holidays with ,Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McEwen. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nickel and two''boys of London, spent the week- end with Mr.' and Mrs. Stewart Baird. V HULLETT TOWNSHIP School Section Na. 11 and No. 4 of Hullett, held +a picnic ori the school grounds of No. 11, on Friday after noon, June 29th. The follo*inig •arc` the different sportsevents; and prize winners -Boy's (6 and tinder) 1, Murray Lee PHONE 244 2. Arnold. Riley, .3;=Doug, Riley. Girls (0: and under) 1. Dorotlly ' • Knox, 2: Marilyn Riley, Lenora . Hamilton. Boys (9 and under) 1. Gordon Hesk, 2. Harold Knox, 3. Art Hog- - gart. Girls (9 and under) 1. Marjorie • Knox, 2. Helen Hamilton. Boys (12 and under) 1. Reg Hes- selwood, 2. Gordon 'Hesk, 3. Gordon , Shobbrook. Girls (12 and under) 1. Anne Fair - service, 2. Marjorie Hesk, 3, Marjorie Knox. Boys .(14 and under) 1. Reg r Hesselieood, 2. Gordon Hesk, 3.. Harold Knox. Girls (14 and under) 1. Lois Hes- selwood, 2. Anne Fairserviee, 3. Doreen Austin, 'Married Men's Race, Jack Hessel- wood. Married Women's Race, Mrs. Bill • Knox.. •Young Ladies Race, Velma Ilosk Young Men's Race, Glen Carter. Sack .Race (Boys) Reg. Hesse?= - wood." Sack Race (Girl's')' Lois Hessel- wood. Sack Race (Men's) Jack Hesse), wood. Boy's. Three Legged Race, Reg. Hesselwood and Doreen Austin. Girls' Three Legged Race, Gert- rude Fowler and Lois . Hesselwood; tied with Helen Hamilton and Mar- jorie Knox. ' Ladies Kicking Slipper, Velma Hesk. Men's Kicking Shoe, Glen"Carter Wheel Barrow Raee, Reg. Hessel- wood and Gordon Shobbrook. Tug-of-war (16 and under) Gor- don Shobbrook's team. • Tug-of-war (Men's) Emerson -Hesk's team Tug-of-war (Women's) Mrs. Geo. Carter's team. . Shoe Pile Race, Velma Hesk and Watson Reid. High jumps, Boys (10 and under): Gordon Hesk; Girls' (10 and under) Joyce Fanlgrad; Boys (14 and under) Reg. Hesselwood; • Girls (14 ants under). Lois Hesselwood;; Women (open to all). Velma Husk; , Me..: (open to all) Glen Garter.: Corn Guess, Helen Hamilton Dining the remainder of the .after- noon, •a softball game was played betwS5h Ben Riley's team and Jack Ressellwood's team. The latter team • won by a close mryargin.•