HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-07-05, Page 5. , • RS.' POLY 5th 5. , fet eeieea 71 etexott. Queenie and, Dobbin have done a fine job and their Useful day is not yet* past. But maybe you want to speed up your farm operations with tractor ploughing, cultivating, • • seeding and harvesting. • • - Maybe you want to do many ' things for the improvement of • your farm ... repair your barn or build a new one, fix up the fencing or drainage, buy a. new -7 • bull to build up the quality of your herd, install an electric eye, tem or improve -the present one. And what about seed, •feed and fertilizer? What about your livestock? All these things need money—more money, probably, than your bank balance will allow. If that's the case with you, call on the manager of our local office and discuss, in confidence, your financial needs. You will like the kind of consideration he will give your plans and problems. BANK .MONTREAL 'MY HANK'- . working with Canadians in every walk of life •to 111{110/1(11MAP/AlIt since 1817 Clinton Branch: W. 11. ROBINSON, Manager Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Monday and Thursday 1902 OUR FUNERAL HOME Provides the utmost in Service --- Complete every detail. AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE. in BEATTIE FUNERAL HOME • GEORGE B. BEATTIE AUBURN Mr. and Mrs, Steve Megd, of Ilderd ton and Mrs. J. H. Medd of 'Goderich visited with Mr. J. W. Medd and Mrs, F. Ross on Sunday. Flt. Sgt. Harold Asquith of D.bert N. S. and Reginald Asquith B.A., of Kingston spent -the week end with their parents Kr. and Mrs. 0. K. Asquith., Royce Phillips has sec red a posi w summer Kitchener gar Lawson nto is visit Mrs. WM Thompson spent the here. otonto was her sister and. Miss tion in Toronto for ti months. Mrs. Walter ,Moore of is•visiting her brother Ed and Mrs. Lawton. Mrs. McKenzie of Toro ing her sister-inflaw• Ro.berton. .„. • Mr. and. Mrs. Gormley and Bobby of Brampton • Week end with re'atives Mr. • Alex Kussell of T a week end visitor with Mrs. Warner Andrews, Mr, Will. ,McIlwain., ep:nt lVfonday in nd 1VIrs. t the week Windsor. Scott of end with and Donald -Einbro yhe guests of Dr. a. •John Jaeltt,on. • -- Mrs. Elmer Keller spen end 'with her husband in Mr, and Mrs. Stseph 'Toronto spent the • week relatives. - • MiEa Betty J. Asq:Ifit- •- Ross are talcing a summer school t E. Asquith president of the Ceme- tery Board spoke briefly on the work which has been accompli hed at the Cemetery. Fri-nds were present from Sask., Toronto Tavistock, Clin- ton, Londesboro, Lucknow, Blyth, Ilderton, Goderich and the surround- ing district. Miss Marjorie Arthur who 'Ina been teacher of S. S. No. 9 Hullett for the past year was presented with a pyrex casserole, guest towel and satin hand- pamnted runner by her pugs. Miss Ila Craig who has taught near Stratford for the past year was presented with a set of book enis and a set of crystal prior to her departure. Death of John Moulden This eimmunity was shocked and saddened to learn of the sudden passing of John Moulden at his farm home in Colborne Township on Sun- day night. Mr. Moulden had been enjoying good health and had retired when he suffered a heart 'attack anirpassed suidenly away. He was born in England, Sept, 15th 1887. He Faine to this country at the age of 12. On October 1st 1907 he was' :monied to E 3/15 Symington. Following their -marriage they lived for three years on the base line and one year in Auburn. Thiiy-three years o the present f rat where tin" have si me resided: He was a member of Knox Unite./ Cht.r.11: He is eurv'ved by his wif: and one son Nelson of Auburn, ono"' *ster, M -s. Gray of New Jersey, one r the.: pre'eceased him. The funeral was held from Knee; Un'ted Church on Wednesday •and was condu tel I y Rev. Harold S ell, nterineet tock place in Bal's Cnne• ery. ' • course atWestern University, Lon- don. Mr. Stewa-t King of Toronto visiting lis father Mr. Russell King, Miss, Ila Cerig is sp nd'ng the s holiday' with het p rents, Mr. and b Mrs. Win. Crag. I Mies Josephine Weir is in atten- dance at the Preshytei hen Struanie: 'School, Kintail,' r s one f the• Leaders I L.A.C. J. Keith Arthur returned home from Overseas laet Situr ay. lie was a ground mechanic and wa; with squadron 405 and had -been 'overseas for three yeaes and three months. He was met in Toronto by his wi'e, formerly, Verna Pettnian. Previously' to leavi g for Canada, h rt was privileged to spend coetideeabi a c' • time with his brother, Flying Officer 'Harry Arthur who is, a navigator with the HOAX', He was met at' the Auburn station by his moth:. • Mrs. John Anther and etiste: r Marjorie Menzies were, Inspector Menzies and Mrs. Menzies and daughter Amy Lou also their son A. A. P. Menzies B. A. and Mrs. Menzies and their son Sandy, all of Fergus. Mrs, Albert Mains of Hanna, Alta., visited with her niece, Miss Elizabeth Mains last week. Miss Elva Bedford, Woodstock, with Mrs. Laura Sundercock. Tel-To--EarI Johnston, St. Hya- cinthe, Quebec, with Mr, and Mrs, Bert Shobbrook, Miss Margaret Youngblutt, Fergus, with her parents, M7.: and ales. ,Toe Youngblutt. Mrs. Mel. Brunsion, London, with Mr. and Mrs. 13. Brunsden. • Bob 'Lyon,. Leamington with his grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Lyon. Mr. and Mrs. C. ich,-Lenclon with Mr. and Mrs. C. Otawford. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Town end, Brantford, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Wood and Mr. and Mrs. B. ToWn- send. ' Rev. Wm. Fingland and Mrs. Fingland, Niagara Palls with the former s parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Fingland. • Mrs. Margaret Ballantyne, sels and Mrs. W. 'Cameron, Sohn and Judith Ann, Toronto, with Mr, aria Mrs. Z. J. Crawford. Fit. Lieut. Hades, and Mrs. Bodes, of Ottawa w'th Mrs. E. Lyon and Mrs. Chas. Watscn. A large number from Clinton, Bay- field, Blyth, Westfield, Londesboro and Auburn attended the animal' memorial service at Ball's cemetery, Hullett, Sunday evening. The grandmothers of the village met at the him* of Mrs. Youngblut last Thursday- afternoon. An inter- esting program and contest was given by Group I. Games were play- ed, after which a delicious lunch was served by the group. All had a pleasant tine. OBITUARY. JAMES LESLIE COX There passed away in Clinton on Sunday, June 24th, '.Jemes LeJie. Cox, 'in his 66th year,' following. an aceident, which occurred at his home in Goferich township on Juee 22nd. The deceased was born in Goderich Itownship on June 6th, 1880 and has been a fanner and a lifelong resi- dent in the township: He was a mem- her of G :ace United Church at Fertee's 131 1. Far sive al years he I held office in the Township Council. He waslieredeceneed by his parents, James . COX and Frances (Elliott) Cox, both of Goderich township, Ile is su Nay: cl• ley his wife, form rly Ellkon Sirraaar, two sons Jamcs and - E LOND ESBOR6 The Sery ce at the United Church cart Sunday will be in' charge el: ev, Jame; W. Robi son, BA, 13,D, 1 Teetn•ville, Ont. Tne W. M. S. 1V1 .1 hold their monthly meeting at ihe h me of Mr. . Shaddick on Wednesday, July 1th at 2.30 o'cl- dr. Tney will h ve s their :guests the Mieion Circle, liasion Band and B by Band. Group o. 3' will be in charge. Mrs. Lille Webster and Teak with r. and Mrs. Herb Govier, Auburn.' Mrs. L. D. Waters, London, and her on Fie Lout W. N. Waters, Lure, . S,, col .ed on Miss L. Young last eek. ' • Mr. arel Mre. Norman Alexan ler ncl David wept the week in Glanville coss and' Blenheim. Recent' vieitoes -with Rev. and Mrs • I • A lart ge crowd attended the a: memorial serves at 13.11's, Cemetery on 'Suriday evening, The service was' IVf in chal•ge of the Aeg•lican Chureh and Miss Betty J. Asqei meside1 ' at the organ. The scripture was real N • login Deuteronomy chapter 8. Mrs. • w . 'Golden Taylor ranee ed a solo, "The Lord's Prayer, -The rector Reit."J. D. a. •• IL Henderson "deliverel a• eermen in keeping witl; the oecitiioxi. Mr. ChiiL Vill am at home one d •ug•hter, Dor- t' y of Kirkland Lake, %':e brothete Benson Oex of town and one sister, Mrs. Wm. J, Stewart (Addie) Fergus. The foneval service. was conducted by Rev. Ch s. Cox of Bervie, a 'cousin ef the deceased, assisted by Mr. C. 0 mpbe'l and 11{ •. M. CAein- em. of Bayfie'd, The funeral was held et his lite resi 'ence on June 26th In‘erment took place in Plait - -and C meaciy. The pallbeare: s were, Me•ers, Dal Gerdiner, M 'Tray Mr Prqlgall, Milton Woods, Thos. E Vett, C.» as Whnely and Auetita Sturdy. The flovver' bearers were; Jock Yeo, El 'on Yeo, B 11:Gardiner, Germ Pielcard, Elgin Coit, Earl Cox, Ches. ler Stur 'y and El;iott Mair. CLINTON' rs COR iti4-;111 ""T.' ..................... • CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DnstpNp For Every Occasion • ' • • , ..•.•. • FLORIST Phones: 66w and d6j , . .Batkins Locker .Storage To save space •in your locker,- we have square gonaainers„ Be sure to ask for these ns it will -..soon be fruit. time agg,i91, Also ask to have your fruit sheep frozen' as • it only costs 3e per pint or 5e per quart, but greatly improves the' product. We have smelts at 206 alb. • FROZEN poops ARE BETTER FOODS MARRIAGES CARTER, BLAUK—On Thursday June 21, 1945, in the. Presbyterian Manse •Goderich, Marjorie Cora Mae, younged daughter of Mr. and MTS. Wallace Black, Goderich, was united in 'marriage to Lloyd John, eldest son of Mr, and Ilifre, John Carter', Clinton. Rev. Richard Stewart officiated. VODDEN—McALPINE — The mar- riage is announced of Marguerite McAlpine, of .Paisley,' Scotland to L.Sgt. W. L. Vodden, of Hullett -Township. The marriage ceremony took place in Paisley Abbey Churc'h on Arne 14th, ' BIRTHS HUNTER—At Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, on June 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Hunter, a daughter, Sarah Elizabeth Avery. BLAKE—In Clinton Publte.; Hospital on Monday, July 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blake of Walton, a son, William Larry. TRICK --In Clinton Public Hospital , on Sunday, July lst, to Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Trick, 4 Clinton, a son, Robert Elmer. SCHOENHALS—In Clinton Public Hoepital, on Friday, June 29th, to Staff Sgt. and, Mrs. Stewart Schoenhals, a daughter, Nancy Phyllis. POWELL—In' Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, June 28th, 'to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Powell of Auburn, a 01. ^ - V IN 1VIEMORIAM - McILVEEN—In loving memory of Wilbert G. Mcllveen who passed away July 3r4 1944, His smiling way and pleasant face, Are a pleasure to recall; He had a kindly weld for each, And died beloved 1»' a11, Some day we hope to meet him, 'Some day, we know not when To clasp his hand in the better lend, Never to peat .again. —Ever remembered by his wife and sons. ...de' • - 'CAM OF THANKS Mrs, Leslie Cc x .and tunny wish to thank their Melia.' and neigh- bours for the messages' of sympathy, flowers and cards given them during their recent sad bereavement. Chick Bargains for this week and next Non -sexed ,barred ,rocks 9.95; pul- lets 16,95, cockerels 10.95. Assorted Heavies; non -sexed 8,95, pullets 13.95 cockerels 9.95. Shipped c.an. This •advertisement Must accompany your order. Top Notch Chaeries, Guelph Ont.. • 56-1 Houle for Rent 'Five rooms, fu. nished, all con- veniences, on Mary .street. „. Apply Clinton telephone, 267w. •, 56-1 For Sale A grey folding bahbuggy, Phone Clinton 268M 56-1' •Found A small sum rof money found on the main street. Owner may 'nave same by proving property and paying cxpenses. App'y to the ,News -Record. 56-1 • Wanted PAGE 5 ROXYTHEAtli.E. . =Crew •' ,., CAPITAL THEATRE .. Aft ^GIDDigslall , REGENT THEATItE , • 411A1POIFIll • Now Playing- ---, "IIERE COME 00"DDS" with Akeaott and. Costello. y, , NoW FitlYhltn --=. TEE NAVY WAY starring Jean Parker' arid Robert , ' Now PlaYing —1 3orm4 BERLIN Starring Helmet Dentine and Hay mond Mas.ey. •'Lowery. "HANGOVER SQUARE" A brilliant eoarrposev in whose see, •,ret soul ltmlead t'he Seeds of intird• er.• Laird ni,,iiegaisTr Aavndy ,r-iyinAdya ,,Darri:11• Not a shot is Died ana ahem is not a battle 'scene in this inspir- • ing steel,: ee a great naval traria_• ing stetione Robert Lowery and Jean Parlrer m , T and, w..d. d nn'' ties' •c ne' aY " NONE but the LONELY HEART• :.&darkdaark tale, of.!awe aed .cFnfliat.,• heart.incana'aywn°Grtainite,d- EthelBay.BdeleallY13- move and June Duprez. "WINGED VICTORY" i e.mTahnzeat'sintTnoeriyuedsie'ssia);nyndomsWtoseos,fdEnii:orlallyYw' 004.,s t and the I enlisted xnen with . I Jean Crain, Jane Bell and Judy Holliday. • • • Thur. Fri, and Saturday IVI Dennis orgart, Eleanor Packer DaneCI k . Tell anapveling.. st6ry of a love that was never-failirg teacon Al ' THEI VERY THOUGHT OF YOU"SUNDOWN . eTtuatriesFrsitarnrdettSatuerdamoy. Bates and Dub lor. • WithTayw song and laugh comes a rellieldng tale of the hard-xiding 'West . ' - VALLEY* Thur. Fei. Sat. 1Jual Attractions • IrCherearlevsagSataeaoarteatrt, inJaanegpFarnatfe;unss.. ical western. "C,OWBOY, CANTEEN" Also ONE MYSTERIOUS NIGHT A reformed eriminal is called in• to find a stolen diaanomilodrroifq fagnbti ulous price. Chester , Richard Lane. • &ming__ HANGOVER SQUARE & "KANSAS CITY KITTY" • , Coming —HANGOVER SQUARE . . starring Laird Cregar. , DOWN THE TRACK OF TIME COMES THE BEST OF ALL NEWS God so loved the world, that he gave His Only begotten • ' Son, that WHOSOEVER BELIEVE= IN HIM should not Perish, .but have Everlasting Life! John 316 ' TUNE IN: Pilgrim Hour 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. Sunday evening • LOCAL STATION CKLW WINDSOR. - Week -end Specials • Do Nuts • Buns Fruit Bread Tea Biscuits Cookies Tarts Pies Cakes BARTLdFF'S The Home of Good Eats PHONE 1 Strawberry Pickers Wanted 25 real good strawberry plckers. Pleasant work and good pay. Phone .33: • • e F. W. ANDREWS 53-4 NOTICE Anyone wanting concession booths, or any other type of entertainment space for Thursday, July 12th, in Bayfield, please apply to jack Sturgeon Jr., or Chas. Geingiuhardt, Bayfield, Post Office, 5-2 - • Por Sale Seventeen little pigs, 7 weeks old, Please get in contact with Mr. Douglas Farquhar; or phone Clinton 805r5. t 56,1 For Sale Mixed grain, oats and barley. Get in contact with Morgan Jones, R. R. 2, Clinton or phone Clinton 902r4. 55-2 Patented Gas Saver Supercharger,' Crankcase Ventila- tor. Converts waste into power, In- creases mileage amazingly. Fits any motor, easi'y, quickly. Harmless, proven guaranteed, Attractive sales proposition. Victory Kant, Com- pany, Cornwall, Ontario. For Rent A furnished cabin in Grand Bend, with all modern .conveniences (water electricity). Will accommodate 6 people. Apply to Frank Cummings, Clinton, . • 55-2 For Sale Cheap -1 single •bed -springs and 3 single bed anattressee in good con- dition. Suitable for cottages or tents. Apply to News -Record. 55-1 Clearing Auction Sale WEDNESDAY JULY 18,th 1945 at 1 pan. in the village of Bayfield 2 gins for restaurant "'wk.' Steady • 1 pedestal table, numeer of rock- mayelc,yanent. Apply, The Kozy G' ll mantel clocks, number of small Clinton.. a - tables oak hall seat and mirror oeik • 56'21 hall table, and two chains 1 G Hay For Fele Twenty acres of mixed standing hay far sate. Apply B. Marsh:, R. R. 1 Auburn. 56-1 • — --- For Rent Two furnished rooms, consisting of kitchen and bedroom. Phone 367. • 56-1 Cemetery Memorials Large stock of modern memorials on display at our Clinton Showrooms For the convenience of our patrons, office will be open on Fridays. Open by appointment at any other time See Mr. J. J. Zapfe, next door Cunningham & Pryde Clinton — Exeter — Seaforth PHONE 41 EDWARD W.. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer For Huron Correspondence promptly answered Inimediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at the News - Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. Charge moderate and satisfaction Guaranteed. Insurance Protection Automobiles, fire, wind, accident, sickness, Hospitalization. Cheapest rates and most modern coverage, M. G. RANSFORD 180w CLINTON Strawberries for Sale The "trop of pears, plume, cherries and peaches in thisdistrict, is prac- tically a complete failure. Strawberries are about all that is left, and prospects are for a fair yield. Would advise our cuetomers to order their supply immediately and not be disappointed. Orders will be filled as received. Phone 33 • . • a P. W. ANDREWS • CLINTON nee , . nee • Farm For Sale Lot 60, Bayfield Line, Goderich Township, consisting of 109 acres good clay land and good buildings Will sell on reasonable terros: Im- mediate possession if desired. Apple; to A. E. Townshend, Bayfield R. R. 2, oiphone Clinton 900r21. For Sale 1929 Essex car in good condition, just overhauled and, good tires. Serie' No. 1008022. Write to Hie News - Record, % Box 39H. 55-2 H. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Fite Insurance Agent Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies Division Court Office, Clinton Frank Fingland, BA., LL.B, • • Banister, Solicitor, Notary Publl4 Successor to W. Brydone, Sloan Block — .... Clinton, Out • INSURANCE REAL ESTATE • BONDS Fire — Automobile — Accident Sickness, Wind, Liability, Plate Gland Family Hospital Plan with Accidental Death Benefit H. C. Lawson Agent Mutest Life Ass. Co. • Clinton,' Ontario. Office 251W Bank of Montreal Bldg. Phone ARTHUR E. PARRY Commissioner, Etc. Ete. By Royal Warrant. H. C. MEIR Barrister -at -Law Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Ontario Proctor in Admiralty. Notary Public and Commissioner in the McKenzie Rotel Hours; 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays ' and Fridays. Dr. F. G. Thompson ' House and Office, Ontario Street Clinton. Telephone 172 OFFICE HOURS: 2-4 in the after. noon and 7-8 in the evening Other hours by appointment. • D. H. MaNNESR CHIROPRACTO• Electro Therapist, Massage Office: Huron Street, (Few Doors, west of Royal Bank) Hours—Wed. and Set., and be appointment FOOT CORRECTION y Manipulatlgn Sun -Ray Treatment Phone 207; HAROLD JACI€SON 1 - Licensed luchengei Specialist in Farm aliklIoullehold 54-tfals. Licensed iluren and Perth 1Counties. Prices reasoriable; faction guaranteed. Por information etc. write or phoria Harold Jackson, R.R. No, 4 Seaforth, phone 14-661. 06412 DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinary Surgeon Phone 203 Clinton, Ont. Chick Bargains For this week and next White Leghorns, Barred Rock X White Leghorns, Austra Whites: Non -sexed 9.45, pullets 19.95. Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, New Hamp- shire X Barred Rocks 9.95, pullets 14.95, cockerels 10.95. Assorted Hea- vies non -sexed 8 95, pullets 12.95, cockerels 9.95. Assorted Light or Medium Breeds non-eexed 8.45, Pul- lets 17.95, cockerels: White Leg- horn& 1.50, White Leghorns X Barred Rock 4.50. 2 week old add 6c three Week old add 11c, 4 week old add 16c. Shipped C. 0, D. This advertisement must •aceortmany your order. 54-2 Top Notch Chickerien Guelph, Ont. Wonted to Buy Wanted to buy, old horse:, and dead attle for mink feed, If dead, phone t once. Fred Gilbert 908r22 or Jack Moen 908r21, 58 -td Farm For Sale 127 are', situated on No. 8 high- way, 2 miles from Clinton and seven miles. from Seafoith. On premises is a nine roomed, • two storey brick house, furnace. • Bank barn, cement floors in stable, drive house, hen 1 ` • • house, hydro, p nti fue, Supply. .01water, well adapted for mixed farm- •' For Rent Jag, easel: and implentents_ if desired., thoee or four roomed apartment: Apply on premisee. Jelin la. Noble. Appl to N w 13 n d Off 5 • • ' any wall what not, 1 d op head sew- ing machine, card table and 4 cha'rs' Edison phonograph and records, electric floor lamps, table lamps, smokers, 2 red chairs, pedestals, quantity of carpets, 1 large rug 13'large s'ed cat,pet /6 x16, 1 walnut extension table (antique), 6 dining morn chairs, quantity of linens and bedding, garden tools a»1 two lawn mowers, kitchen utensils, dishes, si'velevare, 1 waffle iroia sandwich toaster, coal oil heater, 2 bedroom suites, beds, speings, matt- resses, dressees and" stands, toilet sets, pictures, 4-buener coal 011 :stove and oven, 1 set of scales, crocks, hand washing machine, tubs, boiters. , TERMS -- ,CASH Mrs. A. Ferguson, Prop. G. P. Cheseey, Clerk. Harold Jackson, Auetioneer. 56.2 Notice to Creditors In the Estate of AGNES ELIZA- BETH TAYLOR, late of the Township of Hullett, in the Ceunty of Huron, widow, deceased Ail persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the Estate, on or before the letle day of Jelly, A.D. 1945, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entiled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. Dated at Clinton, this 25th day of June, A.D. 1945, FINGLAND, KC., Clinton, Ont, Solicitor fo the s id E t, te ERNEST W. HUNTER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 57 Bloor Str. W. Toronto Ont. THE McKILDOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company • Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. OFFICERS-- President W. R. Archibald, Seaforth, Vice -President Frank McGregor, Clinton, Manager Secy-Treas. M. A. Reid, Seaforth. DIRECTORS-- W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex, Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chria Leonhardt, Bornholm; E, J. Trewar- tha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth Alex. McEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alexan- der, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. AGENTS— John E. Pepper, Bruce - field; R. F. alcKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth • Parties desiring to effect inns- anee or transact other business will be promptly attended to on applica- tion to any of Abe above officers ad- dressed to their respective post offi- ces. Losses inspected by the director. TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and devout from Clinton as follows: Toronto and Goderich Division Going East, depart 6.48 a.m._ Going East, depart • 3.08 p.m. Going West, depart 12.04 p.m. Going West, depart 11,10 pme. London and Clinton Division Coming North, arrive . 11.20 a.m. 55-3 Going South, leave 3.10 p.ne,,