HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-07-05, Page 2?I 1
Jaid 1, 1920
Wss . Amy Gould has gone to
• Toronto to take a position;
Mr: Harold Holmesof Otterville
is home for the vacation.
Miss Lois 'Holmes of 'Beamsville
is spending her vacation at home.
1V.v. and Mrs. H. Pennebalcer spent
the week end with the latter's sister,
Miss Burrows of Shepparclton.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Eagleson and
family of A:lierdeen, South Dakota
have beenspendingthe past week
orso with the,lady's father, Mr.
James Stsvens ` f town, Mr. Eagle -
son's parents : at Bayfield and with
other, friends. •
Miss Clara Ferguson left last
week for Washington, C., and
will be absent for some weeks.
Misses B. 1+. Ward and M. A.
Stone leave \this week for Ocean
Grove, N. J., where Miss Ward's
'nether has -a cottage flit. the ,sum -
nor. Mies Stone is spending a few
days at her home in Esisex. •
Mr. E. F. F. Copp was xecently
successful in passing the second
year examination in connection with
the Faculty of Medicine, University
of Toronto,."
The junior baseball team went up
to Goderich On Friday evening and
again won from the juniors of the
county town in a score of 11-4. The
line up was as follows:
Pitcher, F Mitch, catcher "G.
Lawson, first base, T. Bowden,
second base, -H.:Lawson,-third , base
W. ' Mutsh, shortstop, F. Elliott,
centre field, F. McTaggart, left field
P. Live -a -w e, righ.field_, M. Deeves.
Mr. and Mie. J. T. Mustard and
family of; .Toronto• visited& the lady's
anotheye, M[t s.; 11/IaeDoralri of town,
lest weep and have now gone try
their cottage at Bayfield for the
umme'r.. +
July 1, 1920
• Mis. (Dr.) Ross of SwLt Currant
is the guest of her parents Mr, and
' Mrs. W. T. O'Neil.-
Miss Cameron,. milliner spent the
week' end it Goderich,
'Misses Eva a• d Ethe' Beuck leave
on Monday for Iroquois and Morris
burg 'where they will, ' spend' them
vedatian: • + .I' '
Mr'a'. hL Gauer and daughter and
Miss Olive Armstrong, of _.Ontario
!are the - guests of the former's
mother Mrs. Wm. Cooper. They will
spend the summer liege. ;,
Miss Annie Shcbbraok . and her
mother Mrs. Shobbrook went . to;
Toronto Monday to get a position
for her daughter Miss Annie Shob-_
]Miss tiona Barnard of Detroit is
visiting her grandparents, Mr. and
Miss. F. J. Reynolds, Albert St.
Stanley Town. hip _ Miss Jeaj
Mustard of New York, •is , spending
hey holidays at the hide of Mrs,
D. McEwan.
Major T. J. To'sme representative
_of the Border Cities in the Lee •-
Nature- is mentioned as a successor:
to . Hon. R. H. Grant as minister of
Education. Major Willie is well-
knowai to O'iritonians.
When firs Present 'Century*
-Was Young
July '6; 1905
Miss 'Salle Cools...of. Eaton's 'staff,
Toronto,: was' hone for Dominion
Day. — l t ,
British Troops push on
beyond Gogh
Britishinfantry and tanks passing nay, 2Sth.
thr'origl. Goch in readiness for .the Photo show;: Tanks passing dans
iseyt; attack. Picture taken on Felnee aged' buildingl in Goch,
The Goodyear All -Weather truck
tire, with Goodyear's exclusive
Diamond Tread, is Canada's first .1
choice' truck tire. For greater trac-
tion ... all-round satisfaction ... this
great truck tire is in a class bi iiself.
Shell Service Station
Regi Clinton Picone 5'
Will illattenbury of - the Matson
Bank, Woo :twee, spent, Setp,rday,
and Sunday at ,his home -here.
1,,G; McBrien of 'Niagara Yells
is spending; a few weeks at his home
On the `Base Line and with Clinton
Mrs. Humphries ',and; her son,
Master i{elao,' rettrn: td Buffalo
today after spending a week with
her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Jame:
Hearn. ".While here she agave' a few
friends a musical trent, whi h it .i;
needless -to say, was very, much en,
joyed :by them,..
Mr. A. E. Beaton who has been
teaching''` near Brantford, is ex-
pected home this week. lie has been
strongly urged ,by the chairman of
the distract in.. which he• now lives
to enter the Methodist ministry and
may yet decide upon doing so.
Oscar Rogers ; and Gordon Mann-
ing, .teachersof near Wingham, have
returned home for the ho'idays.
i Seated hi the same p4'w in the
Ontario street • church on Sunday
morning• last were three sjstere whose
average • sage is. 81 •,, years. They
were: M's. Pluen teel ,Sr. 83, Mrs.
A. D .Wilts¢ 81, Me. Robert. Barbar
Seaforth, 79.1:
Hugh' Gages of the M`>'s-n Bank,
after enjoying the "h lidays ak
Detroit, Hamilton, Grinrs' y end e1=e,.
'where, retorned to duty on Tuesday.
Mr. B. P. Sibley has returned to
town and, to his old p^st in the o: f.
Mrs.. Sibley, who has gone on a tr`p
to Berope with f: lends, wig join him
in the fall.
Suga'• Cut for Q' to and
Industriial Users
Following redu-tion of t e gener-
al sugar raion t e'• Prices Boar.l
announced ..a. cut :of .15 per cent
based on the 1941 .tsage in :u,ar
quotas for restaur-nt•, hotels, lama
beardi-g hon, es, and .4w b kers.
manufactures of 'b•eak ant cereals,
biscuits, soft drinks ; nd andy. This
order took •effect July 1st
Quotas of jam. ma 'u; a.:.un;rs et
also.being rcduce1 and cies a a
being .made by the a n1' ii forces in
sugar ration for sprripe 'personn 1.
World Fug r stocks at the be inn
heg of this year were the love t in
many years, recording• to the suga
arministration of the Board. Supplie,
are shared on a par ' c pi `a basis by
the United States, Great Brita'n and
Due Dates for
Ration Coupons
Coupons row valid are sugar 48
to 00, hutter 90 to 113, s nd preserves
3 to P1.
TD:UFS.,. JULY 5th' 194
a1ltoos.:� a l.,
p�r®pe-LOOK(T `dVITARIO p00r'IFOOD!
NEVER in our .history has the need
for food been so desperate as it is today.
We need food to feed our fighting men'
. to recd" our Aries who burned: their
fields to. half the enemy •,.. to feed you'
and us; hereat borne. Short of help .:,•
short of machinery... the Ontario farmer
needs every 'available hand he can get!
So plan novo to devote whatever"-
tjme you can to ,helpinr, on the farms this
summer. ];.veryrpossible, man-hour
MUST be put in - join the thousands of
young men : and women who; though
regularly engaged in other work offer'thdir
.spare time to helping local farmers with' .
the haying,,hoeing; and harvesting. -
If possible, ,make.' your own .
arrangements -.with relatives or friends
who might have a farm of • their own, to
help out during peak seasons. Those
who have no farmer relatives or friends
should • contact their local Faim' Com-
mando Brigade or ,write direct Co the
Ontario Farm Service Force, Parliament
Buildings, Toronto.
• Standard wages are paid to all
Farnm Commandos. .
if Interested' Cotact F. K. B. Stewart, Department of Agricultur
Clinton, Ontario.
New Al chbishop of Canterbury
Pieta e showus: Dr. F'isher-wi,h hswife and tWo o
his •-fans in tha, g ounds of Fuhhsm Palace,
S. W. ICoay, .0.13,3 11., a six-year veteran cif the wartime
Merehant envy,fromCanadian Pacific Steamships and
survivor of two =kings, here receives the 811 ole be won•by
bringing the Ga
ri in ' Gatineau Perk into Montreal' on April
9' a
felt day easter than navigation for ocean vessels ever had
been, opened before in that port. Watching Alexander
Ferguson, port manager, National Harbors 13oaed, make
the presentation is Captain Edmund Aikman, assistant to
• the chairman of C,P.S.S., and himself a former winner of
the stick' To Captain Heny's left is Chief Engineer T. M.
Atkinson, M,B.E., of the Gatineau Park, another of the
more than 6,000 Oanadian Pacific sailors now serving the
'-C,P.it. Photo.
Admiralty in the Battle of Supply. The decorations' of •
Officer, and Member in the Order -of the British 8! spire
won by the .captain and chief engineer of. the Gatineau
Park are among
71 such awards and mentions in do -
aachesor the G P.S.S,Howie roll for gallantry at sea
.Captain Keay was serving in the 42,000 -ton Empress
Britain and the Duchess of Yorlc when they were sent to
the bottom, as two of 12 Canadian Pacific vyessels lost by •
enemy action. On D,Daythdwianer of Montreal'a Tust-
in prise this year was a berthing ofiaeer at Southampton
and prior to this he had brought the invasion troop car-
rier,,Empire Lance, from the American west coast, where
she was built, to her station for the assetalt on Normandy,
Field Marshal
Sir Bernard Montgomery
Feld Marshal Su Bernard M n,. Army` Group,
gomery, •Commander -in -thief, 21+t
Rations for American
. American visitors to Canada who
are staying in the country five days
er longer may sect',¢ ration cards'
for their tenipera•.y stay, to local
ration +boards or at, cr•o isin;` points
at Wittdeo,e c1 . S'rnis acco:d-
ing to .the ration division of the
regicnial off`ce ofe'the
- Americans wo,1c1 to advised ,t
have their cesfi carols in case o'
men, or sociiai security or voter's
card in case of women for presenta-
tion ewlien getting their ration cards.
These cards are op'y necess,erywh .n
Americans •are staying with relatives
or friends or doing their .own ho
keeping. Ration cards are not n
sary when Aanerioins plan en s
ing at hotels or eating in restaur
It DOES taste
good in a . pope