HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-06-28, Page 8Ca„nada's Leading Hot Air FOrnace Now is the time :to have your Furnace • .overhauled or a .new • - - one Installed. Come and See Fo? Yourself. . • • Coal Oil Ovens large Size Just Arrived SUTTER & PERDUE MARDWAitE, PLUMBING & misms rows Itfer. • 'eLIMTON, 02i'L Mens. Suits and Topcoats . . The outlook for the Clothing industry is'not par- ticularly, bright, The demand will be heavy and the s,npply of Clothing Material light 1DBuy your new suit or topcoat now while westill haVe a nice assortment on our racks. Deliveries have beenlate and new lines, are' still'being added i» our stock. . ' • • The Made to Measure department of Tip Top Tailors and Cambridge Clothes for which -We are agents aredoing their utmost to give satisfactory services under the existing circumstances, Prioritywill be given to returned service men on -Made te-MittSure SuitS. '- Get yonrder in now as it may take as mach as twelve week for delivery. Plumsteel Bros. -:-• Mani LIN &ph Malik Blow fen Man • • : *gads Tip Tap Tallow • - • • - 0.y. Reveitable Wool Bed Covers 1 .1 T.Inblea,ched Sheeting 1 Pillow' CaSes • . • Linen Tea Towels and Linen Tea Towelling BROWN'S One Door North of Royal Bank 11•111.1111.1111. .VETERAN All Discharged Veterans of Navy, Army or• " Force of thiStwar, irrespective of length of service, and whether service was in Canada or overseas, are entitled to certain Rehabilitation Benefits; Interviewers of , Rehabilitation Division Department of Veteran Affairs ' • will be at TOWWIIALL, CLINTON From 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon . JULY 6th. and will be glad to give any information as to 13ene- fits' available; and to discuss. any veteran's re-estab- lishment with, him. Information, as to Vocational Training, University Education, Payment of, Re-establishment Credit, etc will be available. Veterans are Invited to call at the place and time - • .. .0 stated above - Or Write TO.: ' W. ERIC HARRIS' Superintendent of Rehabilitation - 3 Dept, of Veterans' 'Affairs London, ()titai-io STANLEY 14r. Arthur •Chapman. sPellta few days in Atwood"last week: ; Mr. and. Mrs. Randal, Pepper and Carol. Ann of Warren Ontario are opendit g their holidays at Mr, John • • • PePper's. ' • ' • • " Mr. 'Thomas, McDonald• aid Mr and Mrs:, .Phillipe ancj ehithiej of London, attended, the decoration at Baird's Cemetery on. Sunday,.also visited Mr, and MTS. V,ietor Tayler. We now ve in Stock Sees Of Dhepiece, et s in a's to 94 • ,•• , .• Plain and fancy Tea Pots As well as some aneY eups and saucers in English 13one China. • What -not rrovelties China • Jitgs in various sizes Summer Items Sun glasses in a variet. • os 'Styles, Children's Pails, • • and Shovels, Rake, -Hoes; &. Shovel Sets And. a good variety of Toys _ ; I G.• R. McEwan Co. OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST' PHONE 84 Miss Nell Clarkson of Toronto is visiting her cousin, Miss Margaret Frettilin. Miss Florence Burke of St. Thomas, is- •,visiting Miss Harriet Courtiee of town. Mrs. Geo. Crooks of De]hi is spend- ing a few dayEa.with Mr, and Moffat, Aiken. Mies Lois Kearns returned home after spending a.week in \ Owen Sound and Kincardine. French -and Miss Helen of Midland, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W.:M. Cook. • •., ' Mr, arid Mrs. Arthur ,Dollery of Winnipeg, Man., 'were the guests last week of Mrs. Henry Garrett: Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston of Blue - vale and Miss Fair of Toronto, were recent guests of Miss Brig- ham. . L J. Barber, returned to To, route after spending . ir Wroele's holidays with his sitter,, Mrs. C. 33,i Rale. , Miss Leota Nott of Toronto and ,of 'Australia, spent the • week end with Mr. and Miis, G. W. Nett'. Mis A J dantelen, Rodtonlmry St,, has "returned home from the hos- pital and ;her many friends are glad to hear she is doingVcely. Mr. and Mrs.' Ray Chandiers and baby Barry • of •St„; Catharines" spent the week end With the for- • Triers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe. CaAer.r. ' Covenant Bible Class '• The report for quarter ending Arne 2.4th, 1945 of the Covenant adult Bible Class, home readers, shows the foilowing members as having a eom- Ode record, Mesdames W. J. Medi- ker, G. E. Saville, A. Cantelon, W. 3. .Tough and Miss Laidlaw, Mr. and Mrs, McFarlane, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stewart, M. George Jefferson, Mies S. Powell, Mrs. A. Seeley and Mrs. M. Eannerson. , ' Goderich Twp. Federation A social evening will be held the lawn of Mr. Clayton Laithwaite's on home, on the evening of July 6th, ponsored by the Goolerich Township Federation of Agriculture. Mr. Wat- son Perter, Editor o,f the Farmer's Advocate, will be -the guest speaker. Dancing and music will he pro- Vided and an evenings enjoyment is assured for the young and old. • Everyone is weldome. Sintunerhill Red Cross ' The ladies of the •Summerhill group met June 22nd at the home of Mrs. Robert Smith. The meeting opened by singing the "Maple Lear - followed by the Red Cross Prayer, and the; Lord's Prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. There were 20 memberand • 10 visitorS , present.' Reports were - given by the • sewing and knitting committees, and• the , treasiirer, ',A quilt was quilted, and' a quilt top worked 4 ,tS ook aPrIVN NVMSECORD Fill ulpthe co;nerse yOUr garde, II • • Spanish OnionS F R• -CUNINGNAME Member of Florietn ,Tel. Del. As. Personal care given every order and special -attention even te Funeral pr dors. Phone 176, and 31 . , • • Week -end SELF. ERVE PECIALS AT' T1 THEIMPSON'S • Superior Food Store PEAS, STANDARD QUALITY 20 -.oz. tin • . , : 101/2c KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES 2 pkgs. •23c CHICKEN RADDIE GRIFFIN BRAND 14 oz. tin ..... LONDONDERRY ICE CREAM POWDER; 2 pkgs. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 11b.bag CERT& BOTTLE "IT" or "2 IN 1" WHITE SHOE 25e 27c 43c 25c CLEANER BOTTLE 15e CROWN SEALERS, SMALL, • doz. 950 RUBBER RINGS, RED CUT 4 doz. 25e PAROWAX lb. pkg. . 14c ZINC RINGS HEAVY Doz. 29e GRAPEFRUIT, ;Size 00s, 3 for 25e ORANGES, •Size 2898 Doz.' . • 39e LEMONS," size 860s 3 -for lie TOMATOES, Texas lb. 23e , • PHONE ORDERS FILLED mJRa JIINE.„25t11: 19/J,5 EK END SPECIAL jGNS 28h,.. 29th,, and, 30th • DRIED APPLES lh. , ZINC JAR itrNGs doz. ......, :29:e CERTO , ,........ '27° 2 for 53e JAR RUBBERS a for .. 23c PINT,.TARS, per doz, . ,........ 98C Lynn Valley Tomatoes 105 oz. tin 49 LibbyTomato Juice 105 op. tin 49e A.YLMER 'TOMATO JUICE 2Q oz. tin 3 for, FAIXON PEAS 2 for ... 27-c CHIPS() , 25c KELI4O0S CORN FAKES 3 for 25 CII/MilSE-A-R01%/I pkg. 18e Big Ben Chutney Sauce jar 24e Aylmer Pumpkin 2 fol. ..........27c Stockley Tomato juice 3 for ,25c ORANGES . , - • 344 288 •252 • '220 33e doz. 39c doz. 49e doz. 53c doz. Grape Fruit 126s rfor ; . . .. 26, FRESH FRUIT IN .SEASON W. L. JOHNSON & SON PHONE 286 • •GROCERS DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. ' June. 28 to 30th: A,YLMER. Mushroom Soup 2,tins 19c WALKER'S Sodas 1 lb.• pkg. ... 15e CROSBY Molasses tin 17e Gaines 'dog 'biscuits pkg. 25e Select' Chicken stew tin 25e JAVEX e bottles 29c OXYDOL large pkg. .... 27c RAISIN Pie Filler lb. 20c KELLOGG'S KRUMIILES 2 pkg, 23c POSTS' TOASTIES 3 pkg. gae MAPLE LEAF CHEESE pkg. 20e' BEAUTY BRAND TomAatau,s 2 tins 29e COCOA 1 lb. tin 21° COWAN'S FLAKED WHEAT BERRIES 5 lb.. bag • . 23e INTERLAKE Toilet Tissue 3 for 25c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES LOOK IN OUR REFRIGERATED s COUNTER FOR Wieners lb. 270 Dutch Loaf lb,_ ....... .... 30e Bologna ./b. .. 24e Fresh Sausage. lh, 25e Medium and Old Cheese soldby the • plound CAKE 5c 'Under New Management Or White' Rase Serv'ice Station iat-Lobb • lisree Delivery ' -blo, 8 Highway, formerly operated by George Healy.. , You Patronage appreciated • Tires, Batteries, Accessories General Repairs on: all makes of tars and Truck MURPHY' 'BROS 55-1 Beauty Shoppe 'Princeis St:, E. , Location, Behind Beattie's_ Funeral Herne Peranants, 'Waves ' m Manicure, ,ete., Telephone.; 585 Ethel Ann Thompson Charge of Date There was an: advertisement in last Week's paper, informing the p,eople, that Dr. Seholl'serepresenta- tive from Tarantaovaajd be at mr., ter of the bride, .as junior brides- maid, wore a becoming dress of pale Thos. Churchill's •store on Tuesday, ?pink sheer, rnatelhing headdresi July 3rd, for demonstration on foot with shoulder veil and cattle& white trotible. Due to illness, that date has to he dosed. It will be advertised carnations also. later wheia tliffe.new date is set. The groom, was attended by his , • brother, John IVIcClinehey. The ushers were Herbert Pocock brother of the bride and Albert MeClinchey, brother of the groona. During the signing of the register, Miss Lola Jervis sang "I Love You Truly". . . • WEDDINGS MeCLINCHEY---POCOCK Clinton Baptist Church Was the setting' for the miiiiete of Nelda Marian Pow*, daughter of M. andMrs. Oliver 'Pocock, to Ebner, B..-IVIeClinehey, o 'Itolinesville. Rev. C. 0 Anderson officiated. and Miss Romayne Geiger played the wedding niusic_, • • , The bride was given in marriage by her father. She was charming ifi. a • gown ',of,- white' sheer .with embroidered • yoke. • Her veil was floor length, held. in. place • with if'• 'cornet Of • forget-me-nots. .She ear' tied dark red roses, with white satin streamers. • Miss Florence Garrett as brides- maid wore 8, becoming dress ef pale green sheer, matching . headdress with Shoulder veil, and carried white carnations. Miss Eileen Pocoek sis- We's .an interesting, act ount given by Mrs. W. A. Oakes,' who had attended the 25th..Annual• Meeting of the Red CrOSS at, Toronto. Pointers were given on knitting and sewing by Mrs. , Herman and ,Mrs. .Connell reSpectively. Letters of thanks were read from E. Blake,- C. Ball:" L lloggart, R. Mason, A. Neal and 0. Yeats. f A box "of 'rinse: ;:douatedlay Mrs. R. Smith' and won by Mrs. C. Farquhar brought $1,35. Member- pshaiipd. yis.R. Smithfetieforfollwitznmve yexao'wder,:. vote of thanks, to the town ladies and , Mrs. ,Mason, seconded it, The 'meeting closed •With singing God Save the King, lanielr was -served at the end of the meeting. The next meeting will be held at the home of Following the ceremony 11 recep- tion was held at the home of the bride's parents for about 50 guests,. • The • ,bricle's mother• received, wearing two piece Queen Elizabeth blue crepe dress, . with matching accessories and 'corsage bouquet of red roses. The grooms mother those brown crepe dress with matching accessories, and., corsag.e. bouquet of red, rbses. Receiving. the guests also were, Mrs. H. Osbal- deston and, Mrs. D. Poeock, grund- nriothere of the bride.' ,Por travelling, the bride eliose a tdilored, tweed, suit 'with. brown -ac- eessories, andcorsage' hetiquet of Mrs,.,Vves• ••Yoliietlp the hotte8ses to •roes, rh„bride and groom left by bel It. .Smith 'Mr's,N %ight) ,,an(t on then; 1/(11'8*-4-°-.9))4hgs'4111'414'S'-:E.13g.'ait'77 Will reside in,. Holmesville., 11 a ,s fi 81 THE RE t) 1TE sioRE.vi " SPECIAL VALUES FOR, JUNE 29th and 30th PRIDE OF NIAGARA •LYNN VALLEY • Tomato Juice 2 tins 17(.; •SPINACH 2 tins 27c •. Tommy , v_iwetkups QUICK 6E4y,P • TISSUE roll, BEANS 2 pkgs • VAN 0A1VIPS' CHOICE' CLOVER LEAF PEAS 2 tins ,• 2.7e HERRING tin 15 • CURLING DRIED • . GEM ‘. • ' PEAS 2- pkgs • • 19a: • LYE 2 tine 19c GAINES DOG DR. BALLARDS HEAL'In . MEAL 2 lb pkg. • 27c, ••,DOG FOOD 2 tins': 274C. POST TOASTIES RED and .WHITEI, Corn Flakes 2 pkgs 15 COCOA -2'-tins 25e CONCENTRATED ' •ROSE BARING • r • SUPER ,SUDS pkg. 25 „ POWDER 1b. tin AUNT MARY'S CREAM R,EGENT EXI*RAC'T SA LICE Bottle •15c VANILLA Bottle` GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND 'VEGETA. BERRIES — MELONS — PEACHES -- CARROTS — LETTUCE • CABBAGE — TOMATOES -- CUICES' — BEANS — RADISHES' .....______ ...... CALIFORNIA 'JUICY 344's CHOICE LOCAL • ORANGES doz. 35c - Asparagus 2 hunches 25 CALIFORNIA 100's ' SNOW WIATEcONTARIO GRAPEFRUIT - 25c ''Cadiflo-Wer Each 250 CALIFORNIA JUICY 300's ' -.. CHOICE ONTIARIO NEW LEMONS 3 • for 13c ' •BEETS' 'lb -.SHEARING'S i FOR FOODS OF FINE QUALITY Phone 48 ' •. . • Free, Delivery' Clinton' ,. . . . . - A Grand Assortment of Furniture . . . . Including small lamps, childrens, chairs, caniages. Bassinettee , . • Folding card tables, haraPers.? ,• , • Also a nice assortment of walnut tables for various res. Call early while the selection is best.._ . , , , BALL. a.? ZAPPE • •. ' Dealers in 'Hardware and Furniture Modern Ambulance Service, Funeral Directors • • Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G. BALL JOHN J. ZAPPE Phone 110 • Phone 108 FOR THE LATEST IN PLUMBING FaTuggs . ALSO .RIDGE ROLL ETC., SEE • . , . . , . . . . • • , • Hugh' 11.:, ilivvkins -' Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal Work , , • Agent for Reda Furnace . •. • .. . . PHONE 244 •. .s• ' 'ZORRA -HIGHLAND 'GATHERING . ' , ElVIBRO MONDAY JULY 2nd _ ::.,••• :- • Ten Big Pipe Bands. — -Three Contests - • • America's Greatest Pipers and Dancers .,., • .. • • . ' . in Competition- - ' . ..2. . •,,, ... Full DaY of Highland Sport. , . . Dance at Night • Refreshinerits- Served on Grounds . i • , „ ' St. Pies W...A. • The Juine meeting of St. PauPe AT. A. was held on Tuesday after- umonnee.atThtehtfirshtelvinece,opfresiCdoeln.t,HM:IrTs,.. ;Rev.) R. M. Bulteel presided, and ed in the ,opening •prayer,S, and ..itany. -Mrs. D. H. McInnes read the ;cripture passage, John 3, 146. Re- sorts wore given by the secretaries rf the various departments. , The chapter , on the- • rom the Study Book, West ofthe ".... )ate Line” was giyen• by Mrs may icKinnon, aSsiated by Mks E. Hail' a the conclusion a the meeting Its.' Bulteel proneineed the Mile- liction. Dainty refreshments were erved and a social time enjoyed by 11. ••Evening —7V— VARNA. The Orange service whichh was eld in the United Church Sunday veiling, • was largely • attended. everal visiting Lodges were pre- ant. The parade was headed by the fe and drum band of Woodharn, who layed several selections which wei'e tich, enjoyed. Rev. noba lien was le guest sPealter. ' ' , ' ' . Elliott °Miter of London, is hall- lying at .the parental home. " .. - - - - . is spending some time with his Wife and'family and his -parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Mash. , • ., from Mr.R. Morrison and fnend, Kitchener' spent Sunday with gr. and Mrs. M. Elliott and family, On: Thursday - afternoon of last week the members •• of St. johns Women's• Auxiliary, entertained the members of St. James 'W. A. Middle- ton .and Trinity Church Bayfield; a the Rectory. Mrs. Colelough who went as a delegate from Middleton, gave a splendid report of the meet. ing of the Huron Diocesan Board, which was held in London at Annual , . Spring meeting. • • • • •:---,-,---,-y--- ' _ • 'Auxiliary of W. W. - ., . The June meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of. W. M. S. was held Thursday, June 21st, in the church hall, commencing with a supper et 0.00 pM. There were 20 inembe•rs present. The President, Helen Nediger took the businec,s part of the meet- ing. It was decided to dispense with ' the jury and August meetings. The Roll call was answered by "An interesting item on various catted- rals of note in &rape", The Study ofBurma was intro - dueed, -by Jean Currie, assisted by IsoIsobelRm... •,.4,,, 4,0,1 ,, e• •n.....- _ - graLs°anof Clil;t'on, ..Sl.calleeedeY‘ andonWS1loirilebeWligun6 • formers • sister,'A11 :'6111 there, A .discussicTr.' Period fellote4 V SumizY. •.• • ,and,a hymn and"Prayer closed the, f1iL Win. IlfeAsh of lt,C.A.F.,, N.B., , nee -