HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-06-28, Page 5on, iq tt! HICJS,, JUNE 2 yth 1945 THE. » CLL 1rON ;' NEW A "MESSAGE TO ALL NEWLY DISCHARGED SERVICEMEN life 'has•dte. booby traps too. Be. careful'Be on'yottr'guard against plaus- ible 'strangers 'with plans for spending your hard 'earned gratuity,: your Victory Bonds, your -savings, Be on your guard against `ffriendly" tips on sure things;: and schemes to double . your money. And if -you decide to embark on some new enterprise of your own get all the facts and weigh them -in advance. Talk•.your plans over with someone you trust and' whose business judgment you respect. If you•think we can help, call onthe'manager of any branch. He willfeel privileged to help you in any way he can. The manager of every branch 'of The • Royal. Bank of.: Canada has been in- • formed of :this invitation and joins in mc - tending it io.you. ; • THE ROYAL f BANK . OF CANADA. CLINTON, BRANCH J..0. McLAY, Manager OUR FUNERAL HOME .... • Provides the utmost in Service Complete in vel<: 7. detail,. AT NO A:DIDIITIONAL CHARGE. BEATTIE FUNERAL HOME • GEORGE B. BEATTIE AUBTTRN . Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Patterson of "'Toronto, are visiting Dr. and Mrs. B. C. •Weir and Josephine. .. Miss Frances ' Houston R. N. of. Kitchener, spent the week end with her: parents, Mr. and Mrs. . John Hquston, Miss Mary Asquith has returned horde from Victoria Hospital, London. Miss June Beadleis a patient in Goderich Hospital, where 'she under- went anoperation for appendicitis last Friday night. Mrs. Erie Anderon, Misses Joan and Jetrid•:Anderson, are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beadle, are visiting Mr. end Mrs. C'if Brown, Walton. hh. Wilfred Armstrong • of Moose' Jays, Sask., is visiting his sister, Mrs Russell Bentley. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Craig, Wni. Jr. and. Allan Craig,' Miss Ila Graig, Mr. and, Mrs.Maitia•'d Allen, .Mr=. Jirs. Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Harty Sturdy and. Betty, were among those. who attended the graduation exercis- es Ifor Clinton Hospital last week, when: Miss Betty Craig was one of the graduates. Fower Sunday at Knox Un'ted Church was -alb erped. with -a gcoc attendance. The church was beauti- fully decorated with ferns and lovely spring flowers,. Singing canaries were ,placed amongst the lloWe.rs and burst into song at intervals..' !fary, to the hospital trust for special post, graduate study. Among those attending uveae .Mr. and Mrs. Bert Marsh, June and Betty Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Mogridge, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marsh and Mrs. Mel. Ball v • PORTER'S HILL The whole' community was &hooked and saddened Friday evening, when, it was learned that Mr. Les. Cox had been .seriously injured in a fall while working on the erection of a cement silo. 'His injuries were to severe hepassed awry Sunday morn- s ing. Loved and respected, he will be. mceh missed in this community. The sympathy' of all are with Mrs. Cox and f:•mily, in their • saa bereavement, The W. A. he'd their . June street- iug.at the home;of Mrs. Lockhart I on Thursdaly last, n: quilt was put. together. Mr. and Mrs. W. Manning, Gail and Jane, spent Sunday with Mr. . and Mrs, Arlie Lockhart. Very few were : t char h S' nd'y., owi,ig'to thecrleath in the community. Mi.' Mcvray ,Grainger took the s • vice. A children's choir with Mrs. Ii, D. Munro presiding at the iiano, lel in the service of ,song and rendered two anthems. A quartette, . Hattie Wightman, Jewel McCiinchey, Col- leen McClinchey and ,;: Stewart Toll sang a number, Rev; H. Snell chose as his subject, "A Little Child Shall Lead Them". Miss Helen Marsh, eldest daugh- ter. of Mr. and IVtrs,.. Bert Marsh, was one' of the crass of nurses Who gradu ated from Woodstock General' Hos- j)ital last Wednesday. Miss Marsh was awarded the bunlop lyyIennoriai Scholarship for general profici'=ricy, presented by Mrs. Win, Dunlop, she also won the Post Grad"at; Sander - ship donated by' rhe Women's Atn dl - LONDON ROAD The. Lon 'on Road Club will holcl their Ann.:al Picnic at Lions Park -Sen,e'th,-,dn Sat r!ay,-`June 30th• .An invitat'on i; exten'acl ti ' alt r•o i•lents on 11-e rural London. Road, The ,next meeting to be held: at the. home of Mrs: C: egg• ort Aug. 16th, v EBENEZER The W. A held their June nreet'ng at the home pf Mrs.'Irvine Tebnu.tl;, The president presided at the meet- irg, which was opened by the sing - hi of a hymn, :followed by. -the. Lord's prayer repeated in unison, The ui3nutes of the previous meet- ing were read and ac p call was answered by 15 members and 2 visitors. The scripture reacting end prayer was • ]linen .given.,.b i Rev, C. Tanner, „Yellowing tile" n siness 1 discussion, a 'report of the Presby- terial, resbyterial, which was held in Goderich was given by Mrs. Tavener. A piano instrumental was given 'by Mrs. Mervin Lobb. The meeting was closed by a hymn followed by the Mizpah. Benediction. Cteam Cans are for Cream • (From the Canadian Ccuntrytnan) if some carless dairyman does not want to get into trouble he should .remember that it is an of- fence under the War Measures Act to use a milk -or- cream can belonging tti any dairy or creamery for any other purpose than the transporta- tion of milk or cream to the owners of tan„ or to put any other sub- stance ''but^ mi?kor creamornto such can. It is also an offence to ;have one of these eans when not requiredfor its legal use and to retain i't in one's I possession. 7 Creameries in Ohtar'io do not re- quire patrons to own their own cans, but loan cans on request, and it is important . that this privilege is not absured. The cans should be returned promptly to the creamery when not needed for shipping cream. Tinis in' very short supply and creameries and other dairies are having a hard time ;of it to, get enough cans to go around.Do your bit in this situation- Use the cans for ,shipping milk; or cream, but not for 'anything else. Presumed Deact Reported' missing• almost a year ago, Sgt.7, Air, Gunner Ivan Mogoffii. has been 'Hated , as presumed dead in the R.C'.A,F.'s 1,220 casualty list which was released a Week 'ago last Monday. Evan, whose 23rd birthday was in 7uly.' cf. Post year, is; the eldest son of Mr; and Mrs. Tom' 1VIagoffin, who reside on the Clifton farm south of l auckn ow. It was on June 24th last year, that his parents' received word that• Ivan was missing after an ,operation tarts bi on June 22nd. Since then hopes were entertained. that Ile might be safely concealed in some p -rt of occupied Europe, but sines V -E Day brought no trace of the young man, h' has been officially .p•esumed to have died: It *as, known some months ago that the pilot of tilt 1' •}sue, .F/O. A. V. Cor}e'ss of Clinton. was killed when the plane was shot down, that :erne of the crew niiig�ht, have Sgt. Magoffin went overseas in October 7.943 eruct a?ter taicing'`m advarcec1 training course commenced down, but hope; was • • been saved.: operational flights =in the sorban' 'of last year. 'He received most of his litECORD ` CUT FLOWERS FLORAL 'DESIGNS For Every Occasion' V. COOK: FLORIST ,Phones: 66w 'and 661. Batkins Locker Storage To save 'space in your locker, We have square containers. Be sure to- ask for these '' as it' will soon be fruit time again.' • Also ask to have your fruit sharp frozen as it only costs Sc per pint or '5c per quart, but greatly .insprovet the product.. We have smelts' at 20c a lb, FROZEN FOODS. ARE BETTER • FOODS WANTED 'Strawberry Pickers Apply to Roy Tyndall Phone 907r3 Clinton, 55.2 BIRTHS ALLINSON--' In Clinton 'Publie Hos pital on Saturday,June •23bd, to Mr. and Mrs.' Joe. Allinson, a son. X1101C.1111 'Clinton Public Hospital; on Saturday, ,;'Ante 23rd, • to .agt' and Mrs, Ken. - Knox;: a daughter. POWELL=-In Clinton Public Eos- - pititl on June 2Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. George Powell of Auburn, •a son. • V. IN MEMORIAM HUNTER In loving memory of a dear husband -and father, • William. Hunter, who. 'passed away six 'years ago, July 4t1t, 1939. To -day we are thinking, of someone, Who was ever kind and true, And whose smile=:was a pleasure to. all Dear Husband, that someone was you Your faint last 'wi:1 we should like to-have'heard,- And breathed in your ear one la-, parting word, Only those who have lost are able to ' tell, The pain in the heart, in not saying farewell, • -Sadly missed by wife and family. —7 v'd CARD .lir THANKS On behalf of; my wife, parents and myself, I wish ?t,p thank the citizens of Clinton and, l surrounding district for ther a le rt tshown e ylw m me on my return to Clinton. i Yours.truly, ' 6 Reg Sinith F"dr Rent' • A three or four roomed apar^tntent. Apply to News -Record. Office. 55:2 For Rent;,' , .. A furnished 'cabin in: ,hxrand Bend, with all modern/conveniences . (water electricity). 1/711I a*nib emodate people. Apply 'to Frei* : Cummings, Clinton.• 55-2 Ho* a , $use for.Sale .e I .4 two-storey,flfianre• house, with Seven rooms. 'gater and lights. In a good state of:r,@pair. Apply to Miss Susie Powell, Clinton. 5 55.1 Y THFATi Novy Playin•g,- Ito alind)1tals ell "ROIJGIILY SPEAKING" (First'Show at ;7 p.m, Mon. Tues. and Wed, "TOG -ETHER AGAIN" Ariything_cab happen lheit: a se- date New England widow buys a daring ,new hat. Irene Dunne, Charles Boyer and Charles Coburn. Thum,. Fri. and Saturday Bud Abbott and. Lou Costello with Phil Spitalny's all -girl or- chestra. Readin' Riotin' and :Rhy thmatic, As your favourite fun- -sters invade the campus. "HERE COME THE COEDS" Coining :- "HA;NCrOVER SQU- ARE" and "TR3I NAVY WAY" ) Matinees: Sat. and 'Hol. s' at 2.30 CAPITAL THEATRB G0DltSRtCs Now .Praying Donald O'Conn-,,; or and Pegg' Ryan Itt` .MERRY MO'N;OIJANSV' Mon; Tues. Wed. ' Deanna, Durbin, Robert Paige & Akira Tamiroff A medley of song•, laughter and. Vxciternent woven into a grant' musical' 'romance "CAN'T HELP SINGING'' Thur. Fri, and Sat. Robert Lowery, Jean Parker and:, B1 Henry. o A story of academy life, filmed at the Great Lakes Naval Train- ing Station. "TILE NAVY WAY' Coming - "NONE _BUT THE LONELY HEART', Matinees - Wed. Sat. & Hol. 2.30 REGENT ,THEATRIif suasomms Now Playing .,- Cary Cooper as "CASANOVA;' BROWN" Mon. Tues. Wed, Rita. Hayworth, Lee Bowman & Janet Blair Telling the tale 'of a game show troupe that worked, through the big blitz. ` "TONIGHT andi EVERY NIGHT Thur:. Fri. and Sat. Faye Emerson, Helmut Dantine and Raymond Massey. Nazi arrogance and the pest - war danger in Europe makes an adventurous story, "MOTEL. BERLIN" Coming .= "WINGED VICTORY by Moss Han GOOD NEWS! A few days ago good news was ,broadcast around the world. that the war in Europe was over BUT, THE BEST NEWS OF ALL IS. THE OLD; OLD STORY- '`than Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." (you and me) 1 Title. 1:0; so that all those who accept Him as Saviour: shall be saved for time and eternity, TUNE IN: Pilgrim Hou 7-7,30 E.D.S.T. Sunday evening 4 LOCAL STATION CKLW WINDSOR H. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Fire Iusurance Agent Representing 14 faire Insurance Companies -+• Division Court ^Office, Clinton Frank-FinglafdB.A., LLB, Barriistor, Solicitor; -Notary Pubiis Successor to W.' Brydone, K.0 Sloan Blodk .... - .... Clinton, Ont, Week -end Specials Do Nuts Buns Fruit Bread Tea Biscuits Cookies Tarts Pies Cakes BARTLIFF'S The Home of Good Eats PHONE I Strawberry Pickers Wanted Cemetery. Memorials. Large stook of modern memorials on " display at our . Clinton Showrooms For the convenience, of our, patrons, office will be' open on Fridays Open's by appointment at any other time See Mr: J. J, Zapfe, next door • Cunningham & Pryde Clit(ton Exeter Seaforth PRONE 41 EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer Por.Huron Correspondence promptly answered Immediate arrangements . can be made for Sales Date at • the .tNews- Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. Charge moderate and satisfaction Guaranteed. Insurance Protection Automobiles, fire, wind, accident, sickness, Hospitalization. Cheapest rates and most modern coverage. ' ` M. G. RANSFORD 180w CLINTON INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE BONDS Fire - Automobile Accident Sickness, Wind, Liability, Plate Glass!. Family Respite' .PIan'with Accidental Death Benefit H. C. Lawson Agent Mutual Life Ass. Co. Clinton, Ontario.'r, Office 251W Bank of Montreal 101g. Phone ARTiU'R E. PARRY Commissioner, Etc. Etc. By Royal Warrant. H. C.MEIR Barrister -at -Law Solicitor of the Stirirenze Court of On jerio Prootor` iii Admiralty. Notary Public' and Commissioner Office in • the McKenzie Hotel Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays and Fridays. Dr. F. G. Thompson 25 real good strawberry prokers. • t House and Office,,Ontario Street Pleasant work and good pay. Phone Strawberries for Sale Clinton. Telephone 172 33. OFFICE HOURS: 2-4 in the after, F. W. ,ANDREWS - lirlie. crap -of .Pears, Plow', cherries :Mon and 7.8 in the evening daily. 53-4. and peaches in this district, is prae- Other hours, by sappointment. tidally a complete failure. : , i Strawberries are about all that is D. I. MCINNES. NotricE :eft,ldand •prospects are for a fair CHIROPRACTOR 1 Electro Therapist, Massage Office: Huron Street, (Few ;Doors . r ustomerst of *al Anyone wanting eoneessibn booths, order theiradvise supplyouimmcediately .andto , Roars-westweed,Ro and Seat.,Bank) and by appointment 1 or any other type of entertainment not; be disappointed. FOOT CORRECTION ' `' space for Thursday, July 12th, in Orders Will be filled as received. by Manipuldtion Sun -Ray Treatment Ph9ge ,; of ,q Bayfield, please apply to. Jack Photic' 33 : > , Sturgeon Jr., or Cha.,.?. Genzeinhardt. F. W. AINDREWS Licensed ,Auctioneer CLINT Bayfield, Post Dffice, i5-2 ON 54 , Specialist in l arm and -Household Sales. Licensed' in Huron and Perth Counties. .Prices reasonable; sable - faction 'guaranteed. For information etc. write or phone Harold Jackson, R.R, No.' 4 Seaforth, phone 14-661. 06-012 HAROLD -JACKSON , Farm: For Sale Lot 60, ; Bayfield Line, ' Goderieh Township, consisting of 109 acres, good clay land and good buildings. in Local hosiery Mill Will sell .on reasonable termite. Im- WANTED Inesperiinced Girls to learn Full Fashion Topping • mediate possession if desired, Apply . to A. E. Townshend, Bayfield R. R. ' ' A good' trade to.learn DR, G. S. ELLIOTT 2, or phone Clinton 900r21. apply eterinalr'y llrgeon For Salo. Phon Richmond Hosier Ltd a 203' • li -y, C nton, On>>M , Mixed grain, oats and bariey..•Get n contact with Morgan Jones, R.:0, 2, Clinton or phone Clinton 902r4. . 55-2 Hay For Sale Will sell 40 .acres of hay, by auction on Saturday June 30th,'at 9.30 asn. For Sale o 53-3 • ERNEST W. HUNTER Patented Gas Saver Supercharger, • Crankcase Ventila- CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT tor. Converts waste into power, In - creases mileage amazingly. Fits any .57 Bloor •Str. W. Toronto Ont, motor, easily, quickly. Harmless, O lot 60, Bayfield Vile, Goderich proven guaranteed, Attractive :alas Townslii Haycan be stored in barn proposition, Victory Manfg. Com THE ME MUTUAL. p pear, Cornwall, Ontario. f desired. :Fire Insurance Company Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. ▪ For Sale P 3' A. E. Townshend, Proprietor. 55-1 1929 Essex ear in' 'good condition, Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. Cheap -1 single bedsprings and 3 single bell anattresses' in good obn- i dition. Suitable or catt/vies'or tents. Apply to News-. tecord 4 55.1 • = • — lust overhauled and good tires, Seigel For OFFICERS -- President, W. R. Sale r I No. ' 1008022. Write to the News training in Western Canada ,and: re 1 good Durham; Heifer cow. !Record, % Box 3911, 55=2 Archibald, Seaforth, Vice -President, Frank McGregor; l Clinton, Manager r - For Sale Secy-Treas. M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Walnut- antique wall dock length DIRECTORS- W. R. Archibald, 3x9. Mrs. J. A. Ferguson, Bayfield- Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; b4-2 Alex, Broadfbot, Seaforth; Chris Legniiardt, Bornholm; E, 3. Trewar- tha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth Alex, McEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alexan- der, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. 'AGENTS- John E. Pepper, Bruce - field; R, F. McKercher, Dublin; 3, F. For this week and next Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, White Leghorns, Barred, RockX Blyth. White Leghorn:' Austra Whites. Parties .desiring tq effect inem- Oz'S Non -sexed 9, served his wrngsaas an a gunner at D MacDonald Man'toba, • Ivan ettempte4 to make the grad: 8 as a pilot, but asked 'a ..high school ue to freshen, June 30th: Apply to Wesley 'Hogarth ar phone4:Clinton 05r22. - 55-1 Chicks For Sale education and: 1 short; of 'his goal by Eine marks'.Ea�,ther than revert td ground' crew, ires'`rivalified as•an air gunner, ^ He is the eldest of a family of six, ,and although born at Toronto: came to the community. around Lueknow with his parents; as a youth. Ivan has three sis!ens,'- Mrs, Calvin (,Lorene) of 01i11ia, Ferri.: and Yvonne and two brothers, Lansley and Ernest; -The. Lucicnow Sentiatel. V {� An entnely honest .man, severe sense of the e' in the wc:d,� exists.no more than an ' entirely : dishonest knave, the best and tate worst are only approximations to those queli- ties. Who are those that never con- tradict themselves? Yet honestly never contradicts itself.;;' Who they tl? are Y at always contradict them; selves? Yet knavery is- mere' self- contradiction. Thus the ' knowledge of man determines not .the things themselves, but their proportions, the quantum of ., congruities g Xttes and in- congrui ties,-Lavater, One Hundred and fifty, 10 week :o'd pullets, cross between Leghorn Brick House For',Sale .and Sussex. Apply .to "Red" Caron, A good brick house in first-class Clinton or: phone 512. 55-1 1 condition. All mode n conveniences. Apply to News -Record 43-11. Wanted 1 child's large express wagon, Chick Bargains rubber. tires. Harold 'Swan, Clinton, • 55-1 Notice to Credit ( ' mule or transact other business will 45, pallets ].9.90. Barred beion in the Estate of AGNES ELIZA, Rocks New HanrpshiresNew Hurinp- Ri Pr 13 ,1''H IA YI OR 1 t f ti Town of Huron, . W,,oty, deceased, , a e o re shire X Barred Rocks 9 95 d d Township to omanyptly of attendthe abed ovo to onificasra applica- ad , e •pullets nesse to their respective post offi- of, H llett,?in' obs Ct,nnty 14;95, cockerels 10.05. Assorted Hon- ces, Losses Inspected by the director, vies non -sexed 8 95, pullets 12.95, cockerels 9,95; Assorted Light or Medium Breeds non -sexed 8 45, pul- lobs' 17,96, .cockerels: White . Leg - horns 1,50, White Leghorn:' X Barred Rork 4.50. 2 week old add 6c three week old add 11c, 4 week old' add 16c. Shipped C. O. D.. This advertisement must accompany c onnpany ,your order. 54-2 , Top Notch Chicitei•ies, Guelph, Ott. All persons`toying r"claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the Estate,on or before the 16th clay of July, £D. 1945,.after 'which, date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties • entiled 'thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. Dated at Cliinlsh; this ,25th clay of June ,• A.D, 1945. F. InTNGrLAND, K:C., Clinton, Ont. Solicitor tot the said Estate.. 55-3 Wanted to Buy Wanted to buy,' old horses and dead cattle for mink feed, If dead, -,phone at once. Fres} Gilbert 908r22 or Jack Gilbert 908r21, CANADIAN NATIONAi,RAIEWAYS TIME . TABLE Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: Toronto and Goderich Division Going East, depart 6.43 a.m. Going East,` depart 3.03 p.na. Going West, depart . ,i12.94 p.m. Going West, depart . 11.10 pm. London and Clinton Division Coming North, arrive . 11.20 a.m. 58-t! Going South, leave , , , 3.10 p.m,