HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-06-28, Page 4J.1
' .
, • '
Shot"'' •Department''
trnte in i ece vg 1rge Ne
Sto of dies'‘g".nd ChildrOJA'5
tinitner Shoes
••••';•cd tbe Ltest Styes
_••••• • ••• • ••
• • • .• ••'•••''''.•••- •
-• •.•• , •••• •••••., . •
„. ,••• • , • ., ...•• •
look them ,•••,, • „
..,,••• • •• • •• • • • • • •
• ,"• StoreOpen Evenings 6' to 8• Phenes 36W; 3,6j.
• In Business Since 1885 •, • ,
• .„.
. .• .. . . . .
Trying Weather? Yes
Don't let it get you down.'.- Rivildize your Sy'tem.with
" It's a viotiderful tombination' Of 'Iron and,.Vitairan B. Complex •
We have just received another shipment of De Ramonds Colognes
Pirkx; Apple Wossoni/ 65ets„5ets, •and $1. 50
, •
, ..
• 4Ni•ged-Le Aiwa
- 113.:11.- NOLME5 PHM. B.
• ,,,. ,....i.,,,N, ti,s.r..• . • . FlioNic 41
1 ......................7-...
rti_.cd a ,;141P,Fe :1,3°1*(lue ° a' '4:1 Fletleratton of Agrico*two
0341,s elc dIftff tron of
s p
• • ' • ,Red w4h won white
Iii�IiI hollift;,.'"114,1e' pale blue ,3ensey 1 Ionic
• asie40,410:71tand,..dirried• pink carna- The exhiblta- tee u•
• Articles handed:1n 'last week. wae.; tio4.nlha1il'brideTS' brother; i'onfmY by the Dritarin Agr, "'c°llege:
33^.•the fOLO.,wing Non" ''iT1,4,4•45n4r1Y1tenk'place befOre tno rofelesti'atioxi. 'The' 1)eininid,' De7, «
, , •
•.G1r-s 6 years and under Prizes (Hullett) r2. Harold Jackson,- Rota.
donated -by- . Norm Alexander Mer., Forrest McKenzie &. Consitt '
chant, Londoshore, 1 ',Anne: Sraelair, •(Puelce•Faitntth),
PP laLte" arra elli,XIPPen,' liBbYa:•,13 •Yard daah7 prize •
: Orrate4M...Seift1ertit Farrneie
444144,,'sgilyi0,*idiey 'Tapley,
Mra"..'"MaeRand1flo :1VO'z'• ltlde fireT,Plifig,/•:.'bifftke'd With, •rank end Partment AgideialtUre;..presented.r
ker 14 nand' knit Mitts by• '''oriinge a dispinv. on itiogen in44eubtiai
' 44. and white ,Streamers, .and'a hew rust -resistant eat, Bea
gre .gratefullY iereived, CantiTigl*idal,areb.i. • 1.11e Huron Holstein Biae ar§ 'tx
; 1 '1"Aralizee,..; el. an titbit' featu •'d I t r t k
1. soat,frcnia,, airs, ,•B, 4(Tyta Orel:o co;thine;. wl b She 11 toned by •11:„.,?-SII)e"egus'alle""14.'e' "' Son of
Ha. ppy War. 'Workers:. I,o,pair; of 1,Vor, COrSage nf,rea roz.es and. Mna.- BrusselS;', TUrton...&t, Baxter, of
sock • ' ld'z fidin,,,Tftener," Were'.ntsvY ,arlo Gotleridln." :The 7.ar.
bo hnt brassies size 32." • enrsage a:red roses. rartged:•by Terry, 'of Lambeth,
"Tha ,follrawing were -Peeked last . t.,
Bilfrett"'refresbments were; se'r.'." 4an ;far" '
the W 0 Holstein
Weifk:,28 seeka,114 pr, mitts 1, pr.
te ;•thittlyfive.' inetts. Canon To-wi,
• • -
• - . NYS • •
- . ' -
• It' ••
'11halci'ShOrts, Size 23 to 28,30 . 75c a pair
,q,vo,y Cotton Shorts size 23 to 30 pair $1.09
ifilih Pullevers, sound neck. and short sleeves ^striped Shies
' Browns, Maroons , ,•• 75e
'El styled Bend Cloth shirts • . $1.00
:Boys Bathing Trunks Maroon .and Slues Wool and Rayon _ $1.50
- " • -
Men's Trunks ' $2.25 to $3.75,
CUSTOM TAILORS — Be Measured by a Tailor.
" • 0
Men's Latex $1.50; $1.65; $1.75; $1.95; $2.25; 32.50
,134.at and Cottage Cushions $1.25; $2.50
. Suez' Oh Boz. Safety Floats
4•A i' •
$1.25; $1.85; $2.50
Headquarters For All Sporting Goods
• ..
Farmers Notice:
You can now. purchase a. clear easy portable milking- madhine from
Jonathan Hugill -agent. Just what you need this hot -weather when
the cows are milking heavy. Any time you want a demonstration,
it can be seen working at -our own barn between 5 and 6 o'clock in
the evening.
Any woman Or school child of 15 years can operate" it with ease.
No heavy pails to be lifting .between cows, no pipe lines to install
and can be used with gas engine as well as hydro. Call us for any
'particulars. •- : • •-•
Jonathan Hugill
MOLMESVILLE or perhaps there might be casualties
or sickness in the family as Grand-
Mr.and Mrs. J. Huller have recent,- mother W, was not very well when
ed word that t'heir Fit.
I lea heard, • I've had a few' ex -
Sgt. Dres Bet.lic has arrived safely
periences, and through I'm a little
in' Toronto frramOverseas. •
undervveight physically, I'm pretty
The following letter was received
hard mentally so I can take anything
by Mr. and Mrs. Les. Jervis from
that comes. '
their son.
Wed. May 9, 1945
• Dear 1Vrom and All:
• Well, it's so long since I have 24 hrs, later• and taken to a civilian
Written, and probably so much lon- jail. Later I went to a Luftwaffle
ger since you heard from me, that Stalin and from there to Dnlagluft
hard to begin a letter. One won- near Frankfurt for Inter. ogation
ders if it's begun right. ' where I spent seven days s.raitarY
I haven't heard _from home (or Confinement, and front there 1 went
• , Canada) since the middle of October, to Vetslaw Where I get an American
so Pm pretty far behind in the caPture kit, and then to Stalagluft•
• news. Do you know, 1 don't even, Sagan, where 1 stayed until the
know, if Walter got home from the I Russian advance in their wintn
West O.K. or not. Pm going to ask fensiVe. We were force marched. 260
for a cablegram as soon as you re- I Kilos (190 miles approximately), and
ceit,4 this or any one)! ,00mnitrnioa-' got a train at Goldberg (65 to a
lion and. send it to W/O Jervis 11.1 box. ear) to Luelcenvraltle, Stalag
Ex P. 0. W. R.C.A.F. Bournemouth. III A. We were 21 days on the road
Eng., as hops to be there very with 3 leaves of ,bread; .sorne barley
soon. !and wheat and atout 21 curt-, of sera)
There will be e lot for You to tell f°1' the 21 days. 1 staved at III A
me, but what I want to know firsttifl iiheraled 'by the RuPsians on
and. •as we didn't seem to
is that everyon^ is in, gond bealth,14Pril 21at
A short narration on myself,..
I was shot -down over Bochum in the
Rhur valley, Gerinany on Nov. 4111,
picked up by a Welermraht stitcher
4.11-c'ves, Dr' everalls' 2 1)- r' shend ProPaaed th° toast !t° the • , tithe' lat-gest ,ma-ehinerY eXhibit, in.
'11111'1 241°128es' 4 I'veaters' 1 laClies l'Candi6lnel'Ic • .* " ' hreahers1. trifOior:",• Self prepelled"-,2
,sun Suits, • vest, 7 .cliildren's bride , to whieh the Oona. responded j/uyon .oince,,before 4..le war inciltdeci -
illY:4ge • 56 Yards, Prize-
poi,,,i-n;,.0.,o6y.el.,bi,,,.'.,O0i,.0`,','01p-P*1,..t;'. ,i1,&ii,iiiiiid::45y.' /..,60Orbh" Farmers' . e0".
ed bliY1s':F41.iian'tk°''PPefillbtlfliri' li?Irti:Igliitti' l''6."•:isi'..a•16;°*'us •1:)'-ci".°4•Y"14t" :11;i'!".cleOttf; 5fitafPar`z -:'
Clintraf" '' 1 ' -Marifra"' :Lainidelddelr- "•tlefiate•il- ''1.,*-44,Atetu Farmera co;
Seafoails ' 2 Mary. LOUSttston:' ' '4: .-. Cratii/C All,OV'''$ii4dielc Landes'
Beth,.•':$0.31$ ',u1,idd, 8: years; ' ''.12e..•Jee.„ Belg', ' Kieking slinglifzels•;fdnriated bY
/ , . • • ,, • o......., .,. , .,..„.,,..„.;,, , ,
Muri61 18ityd''A11/aJtihit•;:., .,."":"..,'•:',Isere.1. ..„1"".' ..asl;;;;;11,:.-,....,. .. • ' ,
Hens-ali, 2 Grant MA-..0,..ege.4,, , eh, .„}z4,40,, ,:11,11e,5,..,.rep art, liurnn
' i''' WIPP % Bolton 1:, a
0' Jack 'Self Kipperr' 1 ''''''''''' ' 'Fd if ' 1 •islkii"„. Dether Lon
%Girls 10 'years' and under -Prizei- t'.'1)••'' '12 Mrs.\giit., ii‘'(.1„ B1th '
donated by Bank 'Of Montreal,: "qtki,, '
34.11,1T31,e ,• . 1,1.. ,.. G., o zafelSttrady,OTresiclerit,,,Huron
3.:1ViafiOn• Sliiid.J41Xeter: A -.•
len, 1. Barbara Dale, Seafertli,'.,„2:;., ..1preadents," 13,e',./33,liae, drairated by
Boya; 10 Yd'arS" aila iitet.....tlit,,Aitm y:••.,'Llitnik-^,Alke,,icf.; . 3..•;.;,..Bin
9ightgown, 8 large quilti, 3 articles ,,. lale,young.ectuple left for a motet"
o s'ecentP hand Clothing% ,irip Teronto, edict Niagaia ,4'9''I'vaiie..a4eisirnBk pg fojir6t1Y1..333.111jsas.:11ts'Ca2idwjoelel,11411.ailp°pneen-'S•ea.:( .11t11'11'nbeL4Ht'uti,ratil4sCtUnty tiederattienoof
. • p:orliayel mg the bride wore a pow- , .
orated Roy -al Bank, Clin- above donors of prizes1O;;Contriblia,
, On, x mann, 2, ting so generously towards--inalcitik•
Bayfield, ' with the 'W. oineffin3titute Branch af Mary Tyndall, Clinton; 3..Patity. 'mai Field Day the suecessvit4waa.
Until I reached the first Amerrean The, many, frienas.bf
Outpost•in the join up rear Wetten the Young the Deprattniatit Ari9-11.tare Tnekey- Exeter
inaclunes het water system. Girls Sack R
3Perit 3 days with the Russian Army ccosolAiim, RP" return tbeY mKss P:Oa Dur'oriAnneri
• be moving- I leEt en May.:2nd and c•er hlne.• wool .suit, vvith white ac., ••••,.. • es d ace uP to 12 years, A,erie„litai,e wishes
a it 1Betty'A t Walton.
burg. I. carne here 1b' truck and go
(I hope) to England from; Airport..
to -morrow' or te•insAt•t da'.
must 'go now. P11 write
again„frora here and telgraph• from
England.• • ..
So long, -and I'll hear frOrn you all
as icon, as pessiblcloe.u...
with love;
• Ivan
Mrs Bert Langford and Miss
Lorene Langford of Clinton, are at
their ceitage in the
Nursing sister Dean Castle
o,f Crundin,. spending.a short
leave • with her parents; Mr. and
Mrs. 'Thos.. Castle.
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Gemeraliardt•
and family "of Saginaw, ,Mielr., ,spenf
the Week' end with the former's,
motheri Mrs., F. 0. Gemeinhardt,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Bailey- of "G,alaratd,
Alberta, are visiting the framer's,
brother,. Thomas Bailey, ;and Mrs.
Bailey The Ritz Hotel.. r' • • l;
M. and Mrs. Wm. Speed rani fam-
ily of Detroit, , spent the !week end.
with Mrs. Speed's mother, Mts. H.
McClinchey. Wm. Speed remained to
spend the Summer with his gand-
Miss Mary Burnside 'of East
Orange, New Jersey, is the guest of
her aunt, Miss M. Fairbanra; "West-
Mrs. E. A., Featherston left on
Thursday of last week to visit in
London and Sarnia.
M. and Mrs. Randall Pepper -and
small daughter of Warren, Ont.;
came on Saturday to visit her parents
Mr., and Mrs. L. StephenStn.
Pte. Ronald Burt and E. Miles of
London, visited the former's grand-
parents, Mr. and 1Virs.. F. •W., Baker,
last week.
Rev. F, H. Paulr of Windsor was
the guest of Mrs. N. W. Woods over
the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Erwin min
Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Sander
of Kitchener, were the guests of their
aunt, Mrs. F. A. Edwards, on Sun-
Mrs. J. Pearson and II.nth ef Lan-
don are spending a month at their
home in the village,
Mr. and Mrs. R H. Cots of To.
,ronto and Ottawa, Mrs. G. E. Robert-
son of Ottaava, Mist. Laura Anderson.
of Toronto, Mr. E. B. Bleakney of
Montreal, are guests at the,. Little
Inn. •
Mr. end Mrs. Chas. F. Rogers et-
HaniPton and grandaughter, Mary
Alice Hunter of Toronto,. are at the'
former's cottage • "Char -Min" this'
Mrs. E. N. Hart, Mi"s Dorothy'
Hart, Reg. N. of London; Miss
Marion Hart of Wash•ngton, D. C.
and Lieut. Ted Halt, R.C.N.V.R.,
and Leading Wren Jean Hart'
voussia'egeek.,:at the family cottage .in the
Mrs. A. Trout and two sons,
Sandy and David, have returned to
Detroit after having Spent A week.
at their cottage.
Mr. 'and Mrs.. John Parker, Mr. and
grz. wintam Parker, Mrs. Fred
Weston, Mr. and Mrs. R. Larson and
Par: and Mrs. E. Featherston attend -
'ed the wedding of Harold Attireod,
'youngest son of Arling‘ Atwood
to Miss Marie Kent'at Sarnia, on
Irvine Pease of London, is spend-
ing some time in the village at the
home of Mr. Harold Brandon.
Miss Carrie Dixon of Brantford,
and Mrs; 1., Morrison and daughter
Janet of London, are occupying. Rev.
F. H. Paull's cottage this 'week, •
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edwards* of
Londdn, spent the week' end with the
tatters mother, Mrs, T. C. Barey.,' •
A quiet but , pretty wedding was'
solemnized at the home of 1VIr. and
Mrs. Fred Arke'l. 'Bayfield Line,
Goderich • Township, (rreenttly of
Calgary, Alberta), on MondaY, Jane
25 at 3 p.m, when their el 'eat daugh-
ter, Helen E. Vera became the bride
of Robert IVIatthew Turner, e•dest
son, of Mr, and Mrs. John P. Titr-er,
Blue Water Highway, Stanley Town"
shit,: Canon Wm. A. Townshend of,
London, cousin of the bride's mother
officiated. •
The bride was charming in a white
jersey' si.'k gown, white hat with
bride's veiling, and whit; 'accessories.
Her 'only •a,rnament was the groran's
gift, a string of pearlS, and she -est-
beoettatpl7e,i,s.,i,m1,:. congratulations an
W e 'are' tti•reficirt '-lhiet Mrs.
A. SA011Well 'Astiffercd a stroke ot
Sunday everting, and is
confined .to bed'at-. The Pfirso.tage:
Her tyre."daitgliterd, Mts. 11. /Quick of1
Pee'ee Island, and Mrs. M. Moore
Birmingham, Mich., 'eame immediate-
ly and.: are:with . their ,laarents. Rev.
A. S. Colwell has been in ill health
for some'rnanths, and was obliged te
retire front the ministiy. Mr. and
WA- Cry' ell .bat .planned to leave on
Tuesday /or Learningto,n where they.
had purchased a home. Wei wish her
'a SpeedyNecdvery; and hope -that IV1f.
Co'welPs health -will improve.,
of PIOTcrtio7,11' „M"rd. aMuld.s. MFrrse.d: SLtenwn da°4,
Coo,knf,•Terento, spent. Sunday w
14:...rMrr a!pd4ts..Cr,Bei?anQe1Zrkti. and (laugh-
ter of Uxbridge, spent the week end
with' mks,. -131ancharcPs mother, Mrs.
'.Tons MeClure;
• 'Professor 'Lloyd 0..Hodgins, and
Miss Mabel Hodginstot Toronto, are
et their. Surraner home, "StonehavenF
F47111/1..1's11.e:H4.'"ALon,r' -a';:son''•
,' 'Mrs. Corey
and babe of Stratford, are at their
summea, home in the village.
Mrs. A. Brisson and two daughters
of Gro. Pointe, Mich., have joined
her parents, Mr: and' . 1Virs. J.
Lewis for the Summer.- • •
MrVaneamp and Mr,':Dussell of
Flint Mich., were the guests of Mrs.
C.'AGemeinhardt . :over 'the 'week
Members of the L.O.L. No. 24
ttenOedellitrell, service in the United
Church, AVarna, on Sunday evening.
Mrs. Aberhardt, Bill and
Helen 41 London are at , their
cottage on Bayfield Terrace. „
Mime( Shirley and Eleanor. Hama -
Iran of Windsor, and 'WM., C. Mc-
Tarate, R.C.N.V.R., are visiting the
• , . .
Rowland, St. C'olumban, 3. Bobby 1 Miss .Phyllis Sinith of Aurikkand
Archie Willis, Brussels,• , 2. Eddie ,
Boys Sae)) race tfp to 12 years, I
Bell, Hensel': '" ' ••' •IMias"DorothY"Allen of Torongepeft
yony; Saturday ..aftei? spending the .Weolt
, Three legged race up. to, 12
supervised El display of Junior Girls
Work which 'vas •'a credit to this
district., , .
Filnis'hy the Nati/2nel Film Board
were' sheivn ,continuously all after-
Results of the,.events follow. .
Exhibition '. Ifni ' lik•rosSe Matels cer •Clinton, • 1, Rahert1 traquaii' Mr, , and Mrs. Albert Itadforda.*
between.:Caleden .&••116...vALTCalecion Hensall. and James McGiegor Kipand Mrs. Gordon Radford and Jimmig
winning -8 to 6. , ., " x.. • .... "„. I pen, 2..-Steva, &lila , wi r. a . Mrs ral Radford -On
oneY -MaCilltiP and' ' `di ti and Al C '
sciaare .....daace: cyrites.t.:...,,Juica;si:otki• .d11h ert, Murray, McKilltipp " 3'. Teddy. St: Catharines.
Fisner, Renmiller - &'1Doirald-Kerni- I Mr: and MTS. 1, Hunking and
•ta*ashiP-Firat ' PriZe.'; HildebradA• Aait, ..7, :.a, ,. . - • " . • Marjorie; with Mr. and Mrs. Bell
Henderson, 'Nash, Striitti, Helen 9eft, , lay, Boys 12 years. and under, BlYth. . •
-„leark Agar,. Dorothy 'Agar,•-i‘eiiii,a 6..irzt,
donated by Harry Bartliff, Me. and Mrs. J. Shobbrook, with
Scott:. 'Second Prize Walton ' greuP,:' }ah,L., anton;., 1,. 'Jack Calthven,- Ilfrt and-lVfra. N. Radford,
Donegan "' MurraY'"lPetlfick,..FlaiinlaqtiPPen JEiMOS.: IIVIctregori Kippera ' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alcock, Bruss-
gen,. Theresa -Eckert,: Ann' Wilson,
Hazel,Dodds, Betty: Qpind. - 2 troni-inab.„, Kippeh, , Mrs. Ray
Herold Caldwell, 4KiPPen and )303 els, with 11,1r.FinsnhderMiwi's.th.I. Pipe.
ds 14
, Fiddlers,'COntest; 'Tait Ross Mann,11., .
r'cli Township; 3, Frans, Harbarn, m...., Galt.:
.• 1 'ilirizes donated by jOe Petrie, Feed
Cromirty. ...Girls Relay - yetis and.
12 • under,
Leonard Arehambault spent the"
ean'attinCe,"1.-Mm M1 Driver Gode•-'I
. i iialelql ue C1inti1•41; ''1".' -Ed1da M•lissert Week end his sister Edna, in London.
Horse Shoe 'pitching, T. Fred Har- Barbara Dale all of Seafortha. - • • With Mrs. Alton Anderson, in 'Exeter.
burn and Bro. Staffa, 2'. Sntith Bros.,1 Boys sack race up to 16 years, Mrs. Chas. Watson and Fern, with
Brussels. Bertram past- holder of porter Arionymons, 1 Alex ,Menzies, Mr. and Mrs. B. Riley, Goderich.
Canadian championship for' eight Londesboro, ' 2., Morton Haeleviren, Mr. and Mrs. J, Nott, with Mr. and
3B^caailiks.,6,fPoorizmeniedr:ne,atstediythralanyaldi. aRT:: W. ‘ajt,on, Murray • Mills, Walton. . Mrs. G. Westbroek, Goderich..
........, ••••.et.. .,
a..ball, . fist, game, Ffuron 7,
'S' + F' • ; Ettty...i "3 legged race.up to 16 years, well:: F. Hall is in Toronto this
visiting biz daughter, Mrs,
.1 Falconer, Clinton. .
Bruce 6. Second' ' ' I Prizes. donated.' by Ball. & Zanfe;
Hardware; . Clirton, : 1,/, Stephen glulth' •
gam wel'ingtan 7, ,Maloney &. Gilbert Murray, Dublin.
Wm. Govier, Tack Webster, John
1Perth 6. Final -Huron 7, Wellington 3 2. Alvin Alton &. Clayton i Altora Snell, Ed. Youngblutt, Leonard
- ay • - Younglikutt and Buster Johnston,urf &
3. Martin at
' •
. s.4..
•PriZes drarated by Orval Lobb, Grell with MrsSteven Wellbanksid
' 11 • 1 -•ti
line liableirk; .14Ye-e Glanville, Mrs: Wm. Lyon and Miss 11. Kirk,
Luck -now,
seph Murray,, Dublin: , ' Were at Port Colborne and Niagara
. •- •
fatter's Aunt, Mrs, V. a...Quarry and
' Girls three legged race'to • 16'Falls.'on Sunday.
. Mr. Quarry, "Llandudno". 1 years, 1 Eleanor Ffunkin Si Marion R.Mrs.lt
Peck, Varna..Pec, with .Me. and min.
I Stewart Atkinson has received MS Rundle, Exeter, Ethel Cole & Betty
'lroiforable dischnt.ge from , the Royal Potter, Clinton, 3 Donald &fWillis anlifdw' ,raminde,Mrs' Wm.
.1Canadian Navy, and is'spending'semel& Lockhart, Porters' Hill. Gail
Audrey Andersen, Brussels. with Mr. and Mrs. A.
time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Men 100 yard dash 30 years and Mr and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook,
J. M. Atkinson at their -Mime in tha ander Prizes donated by Canada Thelma and Muriel with Mr. and
jvillago.' I Packers, Clinton, 1. Al. Menzies, Mrs. Fred Vodden, Clinton.
john„ R. MacLeod who has beef Londesboro, 2. Martin Murray, Dub- The monthly...meeting of the Red
hoine on leave for seine ,time, owing lin, 3. -- ' • Cross will be held on Thursday, July
I to the illness of his father; L. TI, i Relay team and township. 100 5th, at 2.0o p.m.
' MaeLeod, has received. his honorable Yards, Prize donated- by Master • - Mr' 'and 'Mrs. W. Mountain, .Par.
discharge front the Royal 'Canadian Feeds,' Torontra• 1. Alex Menzies, H. and Mrs-. E. Jesting and family were
• Navy. Miller, Bkue .• andMurray Roy in Goderieh on S ri
. urn a.y.
For the Time of Yom Life Visit
Rain or Shine ---The Evening of
onday, July 2nd
6 p.ni.Band Concert
R.C.A.F Toronto Band
7 p.m. Aquacade
'living Stars in Action
8 '
p.in. Carnival
, • ' .'• •
. .
.• . . . , , .
' , • , • .
. , . . .•
. . . .
Lots of' Games, Jitney Dapcitig
Walkey-Talkey Radios Commercial Television Prizes
House 'of Magic; Music, Refreshment Counters, Laughs
Come Early. Admission 25r;.
Service Personnel Free --
Celebrate Canada's Birthday with tht R.C.A.F. at Clinton
-By kind iermission of WIC Patrick, Officer Conamanding