HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-06-28, Page 2?AGE 2 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS,, JUNE 25th 191.5 itemirszawsiffssosiaosawassatarsawassaz* ONTARIO, Hours °Mork and acation with Pay Act 1944 NOTICE VACATIM CREDIT - CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Employinent Period JULY' 1, 1944, TO JUNE 30, 1945 • VACATION PAY STAMP BOOBS , Employees in the Construction Industry holding Vacation Pay Stamp Books con- taining Vacation Credit Stamps for the 1944-45 employment. period may pre- sent their books on or after June 30, 1945, to any CANADIAN CHARTERED • BANK or to any Provincial Savings Office and upon proper identification • • shall receive the cash equivalent of the stamps' contained therein. Employees should apply for new Vacation Pay. Stamp Books, now available, for the employ- • ment period July 1st, 1945, to June 30th, 1946, INDUSTRY AND LABOUR BOARD Ron. Chute. Daley Minister of Labour Otnado • . - • •'XIIE HAPPENINGS IN CLINTON EARLY IN , THE CENTURY. SOME NOTES OF THE NEWS IN 1929 'THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD June 24, 1920 A,1ex Butler, Clinton's left-handed baseball pitcher, had the misfortuee .to twist lais .knee at a game last week and has been laid up more or 'less ever Mime.It may be that he will net be. able to play , any mprg lisan 'this •,season, which will be a ;Pity far he is not only a fine•pitcher, the .only •"southpaw" in the *team, • 'but a regular all-round good man, who is much missed when Clinton's 'bill team takes its place on the •diamond. , • • Mr, and' Mrs. 'Geo. Evans, Miss • Marjorie r and; _MA.stee Leslie ,ofi Toronto were "(pleats of e Mies Rudd yesterday, leaving for Toronto this morning. They were on a motor trip and had visited friend in' Semis, and 'GI:nisi-Ala Mr. Evans is an old •Gode-1 etch township boy, .his home having ,begn ea :the Ruron Road. Mr. and Mrs; +I: A. .Sutter and. babe, 'Mr. A. B. Chant and Mr. W. Per -due motored to Stratford oe Sunday. Mr. Jack Borbutt met With a very serious' ateident at the Pieta factory ;on Saturday mot -tibia. He was ;mere - ting the plainer when by some means his left 'hand came in contact with the knife, and the four fingers were severed. This 'is the third acci- dent with, this machine within the pa_t few mouths. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollyinen and little Miss Dorothy and- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wheatley motored to W'oodstock on Saturday to -visit friends, and die their return on Sun- claY spent a few hours with Strat- 'ford• friends. Mr. Elisha Townsend of Ottawa,, has been : visiting in Clinton and vichilty during' tbe -past week. Ile intends going -west very soon and in August sails for China .as a mission- ary. Mr. and- Mrs. Ad. McCartney, spent a few -days in Torento last week and attended the wedding of the lady's sister, Mise Ross Llama more, which took same in Parkdale Methodist church on Wednee:lays THE CLINTON NEW ERA June"24th, 1920 Mr, Bart Levis was it • Oshawa last week for another Chevrolet car. Miss Kate Scott, nurse of New York, is a visitor at the parental home. . Mr. Cecil Cooper who has been in Toronto, is home for a holiday visit. Mrs. Jos. Townsend is expected home this week from her trip to the Old Country. She arrived in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs, Will Phensteel and daughterse leave next week for Oxbew, Seek., where they will spend the summer with Mrs. Plurnsteelas" parents.' Mrs. George Roberton leaves next week for Grand Forks, going by boat to Duliith. She expects to visit her eister, Mrs. Charlesworth for a month or 'so. Mrs Jacob Tayloe and Miss Della Taylor of Toronto are eapeeted here this week. They have been spending two -or three weeks in Chicago. Mrs. Taylor's many friends are. glad to learn that she is recovering her health after a long sickness. . The real baseball game was played Wednesday evening between Pax- man'"Neversweats" and Fulson's "Cornerackers", and it was battle royal with •some excellent decisions thrown in by umpires C. Sheppard and Rev. MeICegney. Members of losing team: Pelson, L. Kerr, Wise - 'man, Holmes, McMurray, MeGarva, Avoid Expensive Repo J. C. ADAMS COMPANY • LIMITED, 1,3 CrCeSS,.st , TORoNtO, on/r: ' • Conserve your present equip- ment. A Pram Oil filter will bell? keeP Your equipment on • the job clay after day. Keeping •.ollphysically and visibly clean, PRAIA saves parts,reduces over- hauls, thus lengthening the lite of the motor. Install ,Iran and get more •service from your tractor or • stationary engine. WiCite for , descriptive folder to — irs Albert E, [folder ot Dorion An English Boy who Arrived io Clinton • Back in 1887. I was born a tiller of the soil, my or three, of us proposed A donkey d of course ;1 had ,a 'little garden, on, but the ride -4as sliort and sweet. Deer Father, was a Market Gardener otle, she wenld aliew you to jump an only a tew, yards squat, perhaps 2 By, leac,k or crooa, she •would have roWs of, wheia, • some of oats, a row you, off, ,first ,perhaps she would. of peas -and other vegetables and oh kick up bellied And try to throw the joy to see things grew, and to acou over her head, failing:that, she crown it all Harvest time. I would rub you legs badly against a tree, ,If you Were still on, she wauld • We lived three miles frorm the old lie down end All, it was simaly side city of Gloucester, which dates back. splitting to watch hm entic. before the Christian EA, the home . In addition te• his Market garden.' townof two Illustrioas men, Reheat ing, Raikes, Pioneer of Sunday Schools, ,6 -Father Wei a Horse.Soldier of' Of the and Rev. -George Whitfield, -born at ; Gloueestershh.e - Yeomans', 'the Regi - the Bell Hotel, a great' Preacher, meet went to Cheltenham onde a where later on, as a bakers delivery- . • . steer, for ' a- weeks training. The boy,I iiie'd to. take hot rolls for . ...... + - , ; last day would be Review Day, when breakfast and was sent to jail fence, a member of the Royal Family a week, • not as a Scapegrace, but wmild -come •dower from London. to welcome visitors with a ;big basket,, Review them, during the -chat with - of 'eaves for the unfortunate guests., His Royal Higimese the Duke of; Father had about 25 acres •of Conni,ught, in 1914.1 mentioned to land, he kept one •horse and spring him My Father -was in the Regiment amt. to take the vegetables to Mar- as quite likely he had Reviewed them ket, it sometaneshappened •that al trip had to be inede to Town with a I Argot to' • an incident t small quantity of vegatebles, he hat .wourd have.'made hini 'augh. uncle Edwin lived near us, also would be busy, not wanting to spate MY in the, Yeomanly, this particular year, the time to go, a -near neighbour, Mr. and Mrs. Fryer, kept a donke't after the Re -view and they were dis- missed,' Father was anxious to get named Jennie, which we could al- iwyne;"`Sncie „:" in es, hurry and ways hire feta a trip to Town pir sed rbeiiind and get. drinking to • about 18 pense, so. he would- send me the health of Her Majesty the Mr. and Mrs. Fryer were e remark - to deliver the goods with Jennie. i seeaee? wherrhe started fee home, the me - net • wises but too well, so able couple, he was fully 6 ft, tall on of riding. sent him to sleep, and and always wore a battered old stove eventually tumbled off .the f adl, pipe hat, she was a little short ;seen Barleycorn, knocked the gal - woman less than, 5 feet. In these , /ant eoceres. pver, like he has millioes days • Denkeys were plentiful,. te einee. drive a donkey and make him trot U. .was quite a science, a little diploma - About Tea time ncles • Horse ev was reedea, you had to regulate came trotting -home riderless, search was made along thg road;lie would the seat. so that the cart balanced ttavel, a couple 'of miles or so Aim On the Axle, and the belly bend kent heme,they found Uncle, not much a gentle pressure agains.- si• bedy, the worse for the fall, but the Queens this gave him a feelipg of l'uovancy Uniform Was badly tlaintied. Then you would lean fortverd and My -imagination for Colonial life tbreaten him with the gad, antisiraa was eissiiteds When about 6 years lion, hod more effect than • realize - old,' two of ray Uncles had booked Finn", and off he Imes at a pretty good their passage to New Zealand,, anti came to wish us good bye, Father However, the 'gallop is soon over, would have lilted to have ;gone, but a short breathing spell, then you dear Mother had a terror of the have to repeat the process, While water, after a long time, a letter ALBERT E. HOLDER The StraWberry King. of Dot'ion Station, Ontario ing metaled for at least four years, by that time •she could see life in a different light to the Present, Whe extracted a premise from nee, to drop her a line when I had reached Clinton. Arriving at Boesmanville her unc'e was quickly , on board 'the train looking for her, she introduced rne as a Allow passenger from England. He theca hands and chatt- ed a few -minutes and both wished me good bye. On the voyage over, I git acquainted- with a Mr. Richard Beamish, Goderich, he told- me. it would be 9.30 p.m. •when the train reached Clinton, he said you _may rot find your cousin till the next: day, but I haste an Aunt living On sill St, she keeps a boarding houee. Mrs. Carter, if you go there and give her iny name and say you met me on the boat, she will take you in for the night. Thised + ov mos,. fortunate. Next tnorning to my dismay, I found Siduey had left Clinton and gone over to Michigan about 2 months previous, so I was left to my resources and felt petty lonely. had only 10 shillings left in 'cash. so told Mrs. Carter I was anxious to find some work, she got me a job the second day, digging potatoes for the grocer. Then a job with a build- er at'a new house, tben a few days threshing for -three brothers on three adjoining hams', named Shipley, finally I aired with George Shipley. Keeping my promise to the Welsh young lady, I wrote' a sheet letter; stating / had arrived safely and got 40 •work, she qualeiv replied "If an the subject of these Interesting arrived telling es about the wonder- would be true to her, she -would be quadrupeds, I might mention one ful Country, the big game, the I to me, with the prospect of marriage other donkey incident many years, feeedom, and its opportunities, howliefn view, I never replied to her kindtater, tlie 5th end Pries Maw were As I grew up, I did not eetertain tater, it was the day Mg George we pried those letters. •I • marriel, we bed a holiday and we the idea of gong to New Zealand, address and wrote him, he advised dme to come item to him -Which 1 fee." I found- out mv cousins hove over to an aunt of tny wife, Canada and the States occupied my they 'had the most tricky donkey I attention, I used to go to tee ateam ever knew, one would think she had Ship Offices and get all the Meta - been' -trained in a 'Circus,' .sbe was titre I. could and read it to Father turned out in the Orchard, so two and envision what great things we 'could accomplish, if we could go out thee, on those -broad acres of Reynolds, Shaw, Halt Menastrs oa ehrist„ M. MeTaggart, Wiggs, However, it was not till 1887, 1 Gil eirain soil. .., the winning team: Paxman, Schoenha's, Gibbings, G. McTaggart, saved enough money, to make the 13. Ktra Munroe. •helm of many years come true a A Getman Field Gun, which shot rousiti4 of mine, Sidnsy Bishop had 3 pounders at the Csnadian boys, been out in Canrda about 2 Kers, arrived here on ' Wednesday and is and was working at the Salt box, now located on the Library Paris. Clinton, Ontario. I wrote hint and It was captured ty the 3rd Battl. 'aid I intended -coming out• eel aa C.E.F. The Government, through soon as I had booked my passage Mr. Merner M. P., had the gun sent and knew the name of the boat, I to Clinton. I would write again, this „I did. The S. S. Dominion was booked to leave When the Present Century A-vonm uth Bristol, an a certain . day all passengess were to be on Was Young. ' hand, eotnething delayed the sailing THECLINTON NEWS -RECORD till o p.;tut"' tudanyp, atso thethe HOoottenips a nf for had June 29, 1905 e later. Mrs. airier took the greatest interest in me, she was a fine Clues - I tian Woman, a Methodist, left.a Widow with a little Amity of 4 or t 15, a Si ter of Mr. Beamish loarclest with her Aunt ard taught School ie Clinton. One, els two young Allots's worked at the Organ Faetory and after a 'tarty supper donned another mit of clothes and off into Town till be' time, I went out to the cord -wood pile and got busy with the -buck saw till dark. There • was no ,,, gasoline engine to saw up wcod, in those days, all men power, as the result of this help, Mrs. Carter eut down on the Board bill. The Anniversary of the Methodist church had come around, it was proposed to add a wing onto the Chureh. Sulreriptions toward the -cost has been s'olieited and prenasea made. A celebrated Dr., whose name 1 remembered for many years was the preacher on Suneay and -on Mon- day evening, supper .before the yig , i. e ing his sister, Mrs. David -Steep. I MT. W. Ford of Kamloops, B. C., is the guest of .his brother, Council- lor Ford. He has ;been on a two month business -trip to England and now on hisavay back to The Pacific Province. I Mrs. R. glazier, Who spent the last couple of Months -visiting friends in ISt. Clair, Mich., returned home last Thursday evening. She was mann- peeled by her sister, Mrs. Autteeson and niece, Miss Bernice McAllister, who will remain for some time among friends and relatives in Clin- ton and Wingham. ' Mr. Charlie Tisdall returned 'last week from the Military College at Kingston. • The result of the exams is not out -yet, but we expect that as usual Charlie will obtain high stand ing. I Mrs. -Joien Moffatt returned from 1Stevenville, Mentenm after an 'ab- Isence of several months. Mrs. Faience and her daughter, Cassie Femme, of Detroit, •were guests of Mrs. N. C. Brown last week. I Mies Jennie Smith returned from Detroit, last week and is visiting her father, Mr. W. G. Smite. She -OIL fly1111$-.:- your,. "OAR TRU02"- '•`:4C41 us TITAdtSig; ;s a trained nurse and travelline with a patient, has in the past few months visited ;Points in. the states I of Colorado, Kentiscky, New Jera I see and Neer Yoelc. Miss Smith will • take a tnontlas holianys. The cantraet -Sep the remodellin g of the Colleaiate Institute has been id tel 1VIr. rhea IVIackensie about $1,500. There will he new floors and new blackboards, painting inside and nut etc., all to he completed before school begins eater the long A young lady, a Welsh girl, seem- ed very ;chatty and paid Inc quite a little attention, and before going to bed, expressed the hope that when we arrived .at our. destination we would melte far apart Next morn- ing there was a little excitement tili weiall got on board and secured our baths. I concluded that discre- tion was needed, if that young lady carne around, she quickly found me out, but I did tnybest to avoid her, There was a young fellow ahem mty own age. I suggested- to 'him if Ise ivas agreeable, we. would , be churns.on the voyage, he readily coe- sentedt When the young lady found I did not respond to her . advances, she turned her attention to my Chum and he took on, -pretty sooe we were all side; she had a real bad time for about it week,- eventuallyewe arrived at Quebee, rny chum was bound for St. John N. 13. The young lady for l3owmanville and myself for Clinton, We found out our lady frieni and myself would be travelling on the ranee trail, 'me chum mated ine if I would kindly extend any courtesy could to his lady friend, to which I agreed. During the journey T tried to fish out'sonieth'ng of her setsee- (-lents before leaving' home» she was frank, confided to me that she .had a 'Tannin. for getting married acid tried to brims this Off with half a eozen felows, tit her parents found it out and put tee brake on. She had. caused them the greatest anxiety' so they bit on the plan to send her out to an uncle, a mer- chant Tail r at B crw m any ills. •e was only 17, I gave her the hest advise j knew' 'how, f etranely ad- vised lin to dismiss the idea of gett- Meeting I bad been to tea et' at Churches in' Old England, which ,onsisted of plate tt of ;bread and butter, end perhaps 3 kinds of cake, but here wee a regular banquet. .Mrs. Carter and all of us went to the Chitral; for supper and what a spread, meat and meat pies, evema thing to tem t the e e one hardly , knew Where to 'begin, or where to leave off. Mrs. Carter look- ed after the boarders to see they hal; plenty, 'of course every body 'felt in good form for the meeting. The celebrated Dr. Preacher epee- touched 00 the in ring project only about half the amount heeded had ;been promised, so he suggested cvely- body would- double their contrast - tions, those wlio •peondied 10 make it 20. the 25. -gifts make it 50. $50. eubecribers make it 100., • he was noted for being a good beggar ween money was needed. He told us, this 'story, a friend said to him Dr, so and so, when you die, I have yeur Enitath read if you won't, take , offente1 will tell you What it is, be replied. I won't be offended.. well thee here it is, "And last of all the Beggar Died", he said 7 won't be offenied if' von add the next verse. Whilst attending. the Methodist Church in the mortar:a on. Sundlys, I found out a little Baptist •Missson In •a small trending, the minister was. a Mr. 'John Greys. They told me in ' younger days lit had been a noted Plouge maker, he was •satrely a good Plowman, like our John Plowman in England, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon', he did his best to -teak up tbe fallow grimed and sow the guarseed of the Kingdom, Eventeally, 1 went over to Micbi- re, ' Increase You r MI:LK PRODU,CTION , . Constant running water on the farm will save. you TIN[ nd LABOUR. In the barn at the twist of the wrist your stock can be watered—no laborious pumping or carrying water. Fish, clan running witer.in fhe house is a delight for every- one. tile Bathroom ancl Laundry— so essential to the family's good health. NEW DURO' PUMPS are available in geeater quarititi'es today, lint shortages of Matefials and , Labour will not allow the Duro Factor, to produce enough to.meet the demaial. All Dar? Dealers are • on a-,atiola b•asis and permit to purchase must be approved by VV.P.T.B. ; EMCP - FIXTURES AND FITTINGS , Por Kitchen,, Bathroom mid Leueidry. isit emir Unice Deafer 'for M. -affable styles, • •a R. HAWKINS Phone .244 Clinton IEMCD BRASS seDUS EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED Service I,on, any branch London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouve. gan to my Cousin, we put in the Winter together at a lumber camp. I found out he was living a wild' life, so in the spring we parted. I went to Bay City for a rttle rest up, then hired out to work on a new leeway, we boarded and slept in Railway cars. Leaving this job, (tatted to Detroit, got a job in a livery stable. The horses were al! ivia upstairs, cleaning,ietnyseoricatfirst was night harness. The head harness cleaner was, fond of drink -and neglected his work, I was Soon given the job at head harness cleaner, with a rise in wages. After awhile got terribly home sick and wanted to go back home to see me Dear Mother. The day I left lemm to go to the Station, she threw her mane around nie and held nae in a vice -like grip and said she could not let me go, as she would never see me again, she had- 8 more left, but could not part with one. - I found outthe film of Hiram Walker & -Co. of Windsor, was shipping cattle to England, so went over to zee them, secured a job lost - Mg after them on the Voyage and got back to England, worked for a fine of Hay and Straw Dealers, till 1896, then got the Canadian call again, came out and. werit West to Bat -Portage, on the C.R.R., a little mining town, a good deal of Englisb money was invested in the local mines. I evorkel at t Sa-w mill for awhile, then at house building, my intention was to find. a faem, but the nearest good farming land was at Dryden, I had got run down in -health and when I left, my Employer said if things don't tern -out as you expect and decide to come ;hack we will do the best we can for you again. I regained 103» go-od, felt the separation Seem my good wife' badly, if I settled clown on a farm with my einall Capital, it would be a long; time ;before I wou'd have money enough to send for my family. I had read of Gordon and Iron- sides, Cattle Shippers .at 'Winnipeg, and being a Baptist, I wrote Rev. Alexander Grant, at Winnipea, ask- ing if he would kindly speak to ihe Cattle Shippers-, with a. view to get- ting me a berth looking after them to England, he wrote .anci suggested - ah -at I co -Me to Winnipeg shortie, which I did, attended service at his Church and had e nice chat after, on the morrow I saw Mr. Gordon at the Stock yards, he said, we can get you through alright, but may be two weeks meanwhile, yen must came down here clays and help feed these cattle. In les., than a week jointly with smother man. we were off with the train load or cittld enroute to Monireal, at thaktime all this region Ives wild and no , inhabitares but scattered Indians. I little thought that 1 would he back in a fow years, in tele same region. On the voyage home, I made up my mind 7 would bay to buy a, little place and, have a home of my own. Alter .Some months bought a little p'ace 3 acres in extent, • a rOTITalltiC 33)01, goiie Wita for nearly 50 year ;men to the high- way Hawthorns and Blackberry 'ham - idea all, -over,- Gipeys camped en it cces!'inuallY and the Tedbury aromas when in the, eeighbourhOod we moat surely- start a 1Fox, a perf jungle. I built a Troomed Brick vit residense and it made a nice hem lived on it 6' years, came 'leek Canada', ;brought ray family settled dawn at Derfon, a new settl ment, only about 211 settlers lido me,- 48 miles east of Part Arth The land was free grant. I &vela ed •4 farms 160 acres more or les built a frame G -roomed house each, one T rooms, together wi stables, hay barns and root hour on each, lived on them al' awhil sold 3' and still' Wee on the one. In 1905 we Built our Bapti Church home, have helped' to suppo the work for over 40 years ater wi (Continued on page 3) • 11111111.0164EARINO 600111VEAR Get the facts and yoy too will choose Canada's mosf popular, big -mileage truck tire. Ask Us • for details. • DRIVE IN FOR COMPLETE GOODfirikArt TIRE SERVICE Shell Service Station, Beg. Ball, Clinton Phone 5 THE PICK OF TOBACCO It DOES taste • good in a pipe