HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-06-28, Page 1The: ClintonNew Record Ed. With Which is Incorporated The ' Clinton New NO. 6155 — 67th YEAR Welcome Honie Committee A re -organization' meeting fqrthe velcome home committee was held in he Council Chamber last Thursday veinng : Mr. ,John Butler, chairman, Tre- ided for the business session. Tha esignation of Mr, M. T. Carless as ecretary-treasurer was : accepted ith regret. The members oc its mmittee have appreciated his un- iling courtesy and service, during is term of office. Mils. G. A. Miller was elected cretary pro=tem: • Dr. J. W., Shaw was asked to py the chair during the election officers. It was agreed unanimous - that the present slate' of officers' ntinue in office, f It is realized ,that - Clinton is a •=y %wn, -with many aetivitiesto aim the attention :'of the citizens, t the small number of members d interested citizens at a meeting f this -kind- hampers the progress €stheir work In the future a full at- indance is requested, and is felt rat everyone will benefit front the 'creased interest 'in the activities, e the Committee. - v res. Mr. J. R. Butler, doe Pres., Mrs. W. A. Oakes CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY 4 Sec. -Tress. Mrs. G. A. Miller., Executive • . . Lions, F. Ford, G. M. Counter Council, Mayor and Reeve. Masonic, G. Jefferson, T. G. Scribbing Legion, G. Shaw,' F. Fingland. I. 0. G. F."B. Taylor, A. E.: Rumba) i .ted- 'Cross, Mrs. McIntyre, Mrs. T. Heiman Orange Lodge, W. Fulford, J. Turner Red Shield, Mrs. Trewartha, Mrs. Glazier.' Woinen's' Aux.;' to . Legion, MiF, Haddy, Mrs. Scribbins -Ministerial Assoc. Rev. G. G. •B'urtori, Rev. R. B!lteel. Board a Education, Chairman and 'Principal of Local' Press, iVliss E. Hall • L'''O. B A.; Mrs. C. V. Cooke, Mrs Siemer' , Rebekah Lodge, Mrs. J. E. Gook, Mrs. G. Miller. Women's Institute;' Mrs; C. V'enner, Mrs. J. B. Layis Purchasing Committee, Mrs. 1'. G. Scribbins, Fred Ford, G. M. Counter, Mrs. N. W. Trewartha Program, Mr. G. Jefferson, Mr. Ei A. Fines, Mrs° .G, Miller, Mrs. T. G. Seribbins, Mrs. W. A. Oakes. The.,New • Pinafore Dress. You'll want one of these for Your Vacation, They come in Seersucker in Stripes and Floral designs. Sizes 12 to, 20, and priced at $4.50 Boys'Wash Sults Sizes 2 to 6 years: Priced from 65c to $1.95 A Variety of Styles and Colors from which to choose. R. V. IRWIN Graduation Give thein a gift: they will always 'remember — au gift that Will last, and give years of service. A fine watch from our large stock will do just that; We will he pleased to help you select the one they will like best. Show them you are proud of their achievements. We invite you to call and see ourg rand' watch display soon. ... We stock Mido super automatic,. Pierce Chrono.4 graph, Rolex, Bulova, Westfield, Lorie, Savoy, and several others in all their newest models: The most complete and up to date stock of watcies in this part ofthe country. W.N.COUNTER Counters for Finer Jewellery for. Over Half'a Century in Huron County, RED CROSS NOTES Will all member please take note that the combined meeting for the months of July and August will be held on Monday, July, 30th. The following is just one example of .many, where the Red Cross was ab e to give a helping hand. It is written by a Brantford mother, who Was called to the bedside of her son.. The boy was seriously ill,. at .thl) Navy hospital in Cornwallis. The family was not ' entirely able to finance the trip, and. Red Cross glad- ly made the necessary arrangements so that the mother •could visit her boy. "I eon, never thank you enough", she writes, "for making it possible for me' to see my boy. Th. Red Crass shines out like the light of God, and inlayall who pass never forget it. Red- Cross , ie the hope of the world to: all mankind, They did not tell my boy I was com- ing, until I arrived. His face' lit up, `sGee mom," he -told me, "how glad. I am to see you." The 'boy was very ill, and had had twenty -blood transfusions' but is now on the road to recovery. To Attend Service Murphy Lodge No. 710 and.hO. B.A. No. 37't will atttend Divine Service on July 8th 1945 at 7:OO..pan. in the. Baptist Church, Clinton. Visit- ing Brethren are cordially invited. V Blood Donor Clinic • Donald Bunking, .5; Alex Inkley, 7. Geo. Jefferson, 8. ,Ross Merrill, 5. Harold Wise, 6. John Merrill, 7; Walter 'Forbes, 10; Mrs. F. Jones, 5; W. J. R. Crosson, 7; Joseph Ellison, 6; Muriel Mulholland, 7; Mrs. Retie Rees, 1; Sgt, Harold Sayers, 7; Charlotte Stock, 3; ,.Ken Elliott, 7; - Evelyn Hall, 4; Almond Jamieson, 2; J. R. Makins, 7; Chas. Nelson, 9; Bert Glidden, 11; Jack Nediger, 9; Leslie Pearson, 8; Den- nis Bisbaek, 8; Jack Scruton, 3; A. k?. Haddy, 9; J. E. Morgan, 8; C. D. Connell, 9; Mrs. Stuart Taylors 6; Eldred Emmerson, 3 Mrs. ;Margaret Oudie; 7e. J.:'W Eg :--,arid •9 > Mar Jervis 4; Fern Yungblutt, 2; Carl Longman, 8; Frank -Potter, 7; G. H. Gale, 8; Mrs.' Eva Deeves, 6; Chas. Thompson, 4; Alvin Fletcher, 9; John Marks, 5; Mrs. Alton. John- ston, 2; Irvine Tebbutt, 9; Frank Tamblyn, • 7; Helen Radford, 4; Argyle Lockhart, 7; Mrs. Jim Craw- ford, 1; Fred Watson, 5; H. R. Think- ing, 6; Mrs. Fred Mulholland, 2; Mrs. Betty Fisher, 6; . Mrs. Oliver Pocock, 7; John Toms, 7; Raymond Snell, 4; Douglas •Stirling, 8; Florence Aiken, 3; Mrs. Leonard Shobbrook, 6; Mamie Ross, 6; Catherine Jefferson, 6; Carl Diehl, 5; E11woo`d Epps, 8; Mrs. Mary Mc- Ewen,- 7; Ed. M. McLeod, 9; Alonzo Matthews, 9; Jack Cleft, 5; Miss E. Middleton, 3; Robt. Jervis, 9; Mervyn Lobb, .4; Wilma Shepherd; Mrs, Ione Va'nEgmond, Mrs. Reg, Smith; Mrs. Lloyd Pipe; Margaret McEwen; Mrs. Douglas . Freeman; Miss Laura Jervis. Bowling Club The Lawn Bowling Club got under way with a very successful jitney on Monday evening. Winners were? 1st Mr. Gilchrist, 2nd W. S. R. Holmes, 3rd, R. Sperling.: The next Jitney will be held .on , Tuesday July 2nd. Come out and enjoy a pleasant evening. - Prize Winners at Frolic 1..Mrs. Bert Hulled, Clinton, 2. Mrs, H. Stewart, Seaforth, - 3. G. E. Hall, Clinton, 4. Mrs. James Lovett, Clinton, 5. Mary Whyte, R. R. Sea - forth, 6. W. H. Middleton, R. R. No. 3 Clinton, 7, Lula Tyndall, R. R, No. 4 Clinton, 8. Charles Nelson,. Clinton, 9. H. C. Stever, London, 10. A. M. Knight, Clinton, 11. Mrs. E. Fremlin, Clinton, 12 L. • R. • 1VIeLeod, London, 13. John Wise, R. R. 8 Clinton, 14. H. Henry, Clinbon, 15. Dorothy Williams, Exeter. v Softball ` News • On Friday June 22nd, the Main Street defeated the Knitters -by a score of 15 to 8. The 'batteries for Main Street were, Carter and Cooper. For the Knitters, Ross, Matthews and. Steepe. On Monday evening June 25th, the Goderich team defeated the Clinton. team by- a score of 15 to 12. The Goderieh batteries were, Worsell and Schri inger, Clintonn batteries we e, Ross, Carter and Steepe and Cooper. 00 Tuesday evening June 26th, at the C C. L grounds the Main street defeated the Junior. Farmers by -a score of 24 to 10.E The batteries for Mein Street were Carter and Cooper, for the Junior Farmers, Shaddiek, Tyndall and',Sneil, JUNE 28th. 1945 Era The New Era Est.`' 1867 THE HOME PAPER. Can you Refuse a• Child in Pain The citizens of Clinton ,are asked to raise $700 to assist in the building of a. re* 'sick children's hospital in Toronto; The ;present hospital is old and inadequate and new .facilities Must be provided if the many sick 'and maimed chirdren' of the; Province of Ontario are to ,be provided far. Knowing the • generosity of the citi- zens of this town We feel that • such' an amount can be raised without the necessity of a general canvass. You are asked to leave your contributions at either of "the local banks . on or before July 8th. V The Friendship Club will meet on Wednesday, July 4th, atthe home of Mrs. Frank Taylor. v Installation Of 'Officers At the .regular meeting.of the Clinton Lodge No. 84 A.F. on St. John's night, the Matti iilation of the Worshipful Master;; al.d. the investitures of the officers': was con- ducted by. Rt. W. Bro., Geo. ;iL'J"effer- son, assisted by Rt. W. .Bro;,'1H. E. Rorke, and Wor. Bro., A. M. *night, T. G. Seribbins, F. •Pennebalt,er,. p. Lockwood and G. E. Hall. The Officers for. 1945-46_ are -' I.P.M. Wor. Bro. V. D. Falconer W. N. —..Wor Bro. R. E. Thlepson. Sr. W. -- Bro. G. R. Ross. , 4;` Jr. W. — Bro. R. T. Irwin. r, Chaplain—Rt. Wor- Bro. 0. Jefferson SeeretaryRt. Wor. Bro,. H. E Rorke Treasurer'—Wor. Bro. F. Pemiebaker D. of C. Wor. Bro, T. G. Scribbins Sr. 'Deacon—Bro, H. R. Plumiteel Jr. Deason-Bro. J. Cree Cook; Inner Guard—Bro.-S. G. Middleton Sr. Stewart-Bro. G. R. McCann Jr. Steward Wor. Bro. Chas Lockwood Tyler—Bro. N. Kennedy,: Auditors—Rt. Wor. Bro. G. H. Jeffer- bon, Wor. Bro. IL P. Pluinsteel. Trustees Wor. Bro. H. H: McBrien, A. M. Knight, C. W. Draper;" v Lions Club Report`. Activities Account RECEIPTS ;: June '1 1944- to June 1 'T t `Fiulic and Draw ' •-''1754.00 Tag Day, Blind Red Cross Frolic Victory Gardens Bank Interest Proceeds Concert 56.11 333.40 50.19 4.49 156.00 Fines Ladies night 18.75 Proceeds Draw, Bingo, Dance 495.80 EXPENSES Debit Balance May 31 1944 L. B. C. W. V. F. Red •Cross War Services Health and Welfare Boys and Girls Sport Safety Sight Conservation Community Betterment Victory Gardens Bank Charges '$2868.74 113,54 654.75 338,40 '127.00 224.96 165.47 24.68 25.17 75.00 :556.93 49:57 .60 Transferred to Reserve acct. 43.7.00 Frolic account 8.67 8 �796. 1 Balance $71.93, The Clinton Lions, Club has $4000. invested in Victory Bonds to be used in Post War Work. A Letter received from England February 1945 The Lady-in-waiting is command- ed by The Queen to write and say. that Her Majesty has heart) with pleasure that The Lions British Child War. Victims Fund have 'sent another gift of £2,000 for the Waifs and ' Strays Society,. The Queen hopes -that Her -Majes- ty's heart -felt thanks will be convey. ed to all Members of the Lions Clubs 'for this future proof of their sympathy. The Queen feels sure that they will be glad to hear that the money gives 'direct relief to children'who have suffered front the German air assault on, these Islands and that it, helps'to give them back health and happiness., The Queen is so touched that the Lions Clubs, should continue to take: such an interest in these child sufferers, many of whom will have neither homes nor families to re- turn to when the War is over, for they will have lost everything in' the world through enemy action. Her Majesty, hopes it will help the Members of the Lions BritishChild War Victim's Fund to know that they are not only helping child sufferers, but also, by their gifts, they are encouraging those who have so devotedly cared for these little children during the past five yeas+e. of ,cruel warfare. Clinton Olub's donations to date r' $191.4.75 Canadian Lioiq- ',Clubs' total con tributione. amdunt. to $324,658 04 AIVIONG THE CHURCHES St. Paul's 5th Sunday after Trinity. 10:00 a.m. Sunday School: 11.00 a.- n. Holy Communion No evening service during the months of July and August. On Wednesday evening, July 4th, there will be a meeting- of the Board of Management at 8 o'clock. The annual Little Helpers Service will be held in the church en Wednes- day afternoon, July 4th at three o'clock. Afterwards there will be paries and refreshments on the Rectory Lawn. The Ladies Guild will hold a quilt- ing on the church lawn, on Tuesday, July 3rd. - Presbyterian Church 10.00 ami. Sunday School,', 11.15' a.m. Morning Service Subject of Semen, "Helping ,One Another". • - • Please note the change of hour for the' summer months..:• A. cordial invitation is extended' to all. The Annual Sunday School picnic will be held at the Seaforth Lions Park, on Wednesday afternoon, July' 4th; tfn'ited Church ef Canada Wesley -Willis and Ontario Street Churches representing Five hundred Families will worship together dur- ing July and August. Wesley -Willis (July) Dominion Sunday , 11.00 a.m. 7.00 p.m. Rev. G. G. Burton, M.A. B.D., in charge during July. Ontario Street Sunday School 10.00 Turner's Church, Worship at 9.45 rein. Weekly Notices Ont., Street Official Board 'hunt day, June 28th. Committee or Stewards' 8.00 p.m. Official Board 8.30 p.m, Sunday School Annual Picnic July 18th at Goderich. - Congregation' of Ontario Street will worship at Wesley -Willis Do- minion Sunday and all through July. The ladies of the W.M.S. extend a cordial ,invitation to the Members, leaders/ .and Mothers of the Baby. Band; the leaders acid -n embers: ;(lf- the Mission Band to attend a picnic to be held - Friday, June 29th at three o'clock at the home; and lawn. of Mrs. Prank Fingland,• V . Clinton. Races Great Success The horse races held at the Andrew's track last Wednesday drew the largest -crowd of any race meet ing held in Ontario this year. The Clinton Turf Club and the officials deserve credit for the fine organizing and efficient manner in which the races were conducted. It is hoped that next year we will see a repetition of such fine racing. The officials were as follows, Starter, Jack Climie Tillsonburg; Judges Dr. J. W. -Shaw, Clinton; Joe..Shelton, Kincardine; B. Moulton, Tillsonburg; Tinier, Ed. Bieck, Baden; Clerk, Dr. G. S. Elliott, Clinton. The Turf Club appreciates the 'support and assistance ' given them in their effort to give the public the very best in harness horse racing. Following is summa- of g g a v.; the races. • 2.28 pace -- $250 L. W. Levis, Clinton Ilal Henley ,Turvey) 3, 2, 1 McPhail, Highgate Battle Patch, (Hughes) 2, 4, 3 F. ,Taylor,. Exeter 12idnight 'Express (Yearly) 1, 1, 4. E: McFadden, Dutton. Billy Direct Heir (MacF'adden) 5, 3, 2 W. Travis, Pt. Elgiin . Dan Auxwerthy (W. Travis) 4,'5, 5.• 2.24 pace — $250. Miller & Smith, Dutton. Argot Hillier' (Campbell) 1, 1, 1 L. Guy, Seaferth May Chills (Hodgins) 2, 2, 7 D. J. McCharles, Lucknow Christopher Stout (Turvey) 3, 5, C. Hales, Dutton Sandy' Lee, (Bough) 6, '7, 2 T. James, London Pine Ridge Donna, (Currie) 4, 4, 5 H. Berry, St. Marys `Ruth Dillon (H. Berry) 7, 6, 6 E. Fritz, Hanover. Jack Crattan Jr. (Fritz) 5, 3, ,4 Free For All $300. Dr. House, Mitchell Ca'ollie G. (Dr, House) 3, 3, 2 IV; Storey, Peterboro Rose Carleton (Baker) 4, 4, 4 S.� Tinny, Peterboro Mack Prince (MacMillan) 2, 2, 3 R. Leatherdale, Windsor, - McKylo Cash. (Wilmore) 1, 1, 1 Classified $250. M. Storey, Peterboro Sonny Boy' (Baker) 3, 3, 3 K. Thompson, r n Elora , 1 Bruce Henley (Thompson)' 2, 2, 2, G. F. Elliott, Clinton Ex Ray (Hodgins) 1, 4, 4, D. R. Calmpbell Ailsa -Craig Babe Gratten's Boy (Camnpbell) 4,1,.1 H. Berry, St, Marfs Ray: Harvester (Beery) 5, 5, — Isebel Bruce, who told of Bur+nails Alvin Corless and Bomber Crew Alvin's . crew members names, left to right in picture. , .Sergeant Joseph Francis Mireault, Edmonton, ',Alta, mid upper gunner; Sergeant R. E. de Casagrande, Lon- don,,;' 'England, .Navigator; Flying Officer A. V. Corless, Clinton, Ont., Pilot; Flight' Sergeant • R. S. Bore,' London, England, Wireless, Operator; Sergeant James Ivan Magoffin, Lucknow, Ont., Rear Gunner; Flying Officer Bruce Allen Somers, Sturgeon Falls, .Ont., Bomb Aimee and Ser- geant K. V. Barnes, London, England, Flight Engineer, were the other 'two members of the, crew of seven. These two not being included in this picture. v ' Explosion Kills Instantly, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless recent- ly received a message from the Air Ministry. Ottawa, that a German bight fighter plane had shot down in. Belgium early in the morning of June. 22nd 1944 the Lancaster Bom- ber plane in which their son Flying Officer Alvin V Ccrless and his ereW.'weie'retiirmngfrom a bninloing -mission over a target in Germany. The plarie was found with two of the crew members. in it and the bodies of the other remaining • five were found somewhere in the surrounding district of Meeunwerr, Belgium. Six were buried in separate caskets in one large grave, and one: found later rftw Clown Diver Features w Radio School 'Aquacade "Happy" . Heffernan of Toronto, rated • as Canada's outstanding clo}vn diver, will appear on the big 'entertainment bill at the Radio School Fun -Fest the evening of Dominion Day, July 2nd. Heffernan is a cliarnpien diver in his own. right, and - hits more than his share of titles; but, his years .of entertaining have shown him' that he is most ap- preciated- when he burlesques his talents. Wearing weird costumes and capable, of exprumatitSt Y funny contortions, ;Happy makes the most difficult of dives. look •like a picture from a' .Popeye comic strip. Offsett- ing his antics the champion lady- -diver of all 'Canada will be seen in breath -taking -dives from the high- boaed. This young lady is best noted for the, s;nooth, effortless style, which she has perfected to a high ,degree. At the microphone 'to des- cribe the various dives will -be F./Lt. Gordy Waugh, former C,B.C. radio announcer. His words- will be carried , by loud -speaker system so that' everyone in the `crowd will know. what is taking place. • - S./Ldr. Woolrich, Administrative Officer of the School, has booked the R.C.A.F. Toronto Dance Orches- tra to ;play for dancing at the Carni- val. Numbering amongst its' mem- bers snnisicians' from- 'name ,bands', this Orchestra has built up a repo -1 tatiop of excellent almost on a par, with that of. the Silver Band, of which they are only a. part or sub- section, The complete band plays at 6 p.m. to start, the evening's, pro,' ceedings; while' the orchestra alone will be heard fram,.,about 10 o'clock until 1. p.ni, Speaking to F./Lt. Pocklington, officer in charge of., the celebration,. and we were •advised that, "It doesn't matter,,, whether it rains or shines the evening of Dominion Day, we've got arrangements made for ' both situations Accommodation have ve been made for over 2,000 visitors; and we feel very sure that there will be at least that many, or more, comeout 'to enjoy 'our Fun -Fest, Oome no later than 6.30, .so you'll not miss 'a in.oment of the big pro graSnme!" was buried by himself -near the other grave. Two bodies were not identified but are presumed to have belonged to $he same crew, A Catholic 'priest' was in' attendance at the funeral on June 24th 1944. Mass was said for the entire crew early in May of this year. V . In Remembrance ,of the Gallant Crew 0, little homes in Canada serene you lie apart, But every home in Canada contains a bleeding heart ' And be it East or be it West o'er mountain, hill, or plain .Alike you stand like things fereft till Peace shall come again. 141'11.114 j' I" •- 0, little homes of Canada, we look adolvn the years To where the harvest shall be reaped ' of blood, and sweat, and tears The -blood is for the life you gave, the sweat is for the.bread But oh, the ;tears. that will not cease fox our heroic dead. On ancient Europe's blood-stained soil, or deep beneath the waves I tom little o ea in. Can 1 found their early graves. But cruel tyrants' power will - faiI, and Victory will•cbtne. But 0, the heart that yearn for them —the boys who won't come home. v IN MEMORIAM. This Prayer CORLESS—In cherished memory of our dear son Alvin aged 23 years who died on Active Service over- seas, June 22nd 1944. Dear God, his wings are broken now, and you Must find some worthwhile spot to post him to Let him have charge of winds that Iike to play With boys and kites and Northing gulls in May • Gay winds that stir the drowsy pines awakes And trail their playful fingers in the lake ' So we can eelmly face the breath- less starlight night And know that he is only resting from a flight. —rather, Mother; brother Benson,' sister Dorothy V Returns . Home Ori Saturday night SprReg. Smith returned home on, the late,train.after serving) several years ,overseas with the Canadian Army: He is the, son of Mr, and Mrs.. Edward Srrrith.; There was a barge crowd orciti zeas at the station to, welcome • Reg; The Clinton Bandwas playing as he stepped off the train. Mr. A. E. Rumhall on behalf ef the "Welcome Home" committee greeted Reg and welcomed him home. Dick Dixon, son of Mr. and Mrs,. Frank Dixon, returned horde on the noon train, Wednesday. As he was expected on the late train, the offi- cial -welcome committee and. the band were not present. However all Dick's friends extend him cordial greetings on his safe arrival home, ' LION CLUB MEETING ' The regular meeting •of the Lions Olub was held on Monday evening,. with president Lion Dick Jacob Pre- siding. Lion Jack Sutter, chairman of the frolic 'committee and convenors of sub committees, reported that all details in donnection with the frolic were arranged. Hugh Hawking was initiated .as; a new member .of the Club, Lion Dick Jacob is retiring as president dent , andtil e next meeting will be under the president-elect Lion. Jack Sutter. Tlie Huronie Rebekah- Lodge wiry meet on Wednesday, July 4th, at 8.00 .p.m, Reports will be given by Rebekah assembly; and district; ane- ing. A full attendance is requester),