HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-06-21, Page 4•
im hcit��.: Pattern
ForQQuick and Easy ' Sewing
Each Pattern includes A Primer of Illulstrated
Sewing > Instructions
Sizes hCarriedi
s df e ceach n StSck
15c; 20c 25c
Store Open Evenings 6\ to 8
In Business Since 1885
Phones 36W, 363.
14.4144. W
Trying Weather? Yes,
Don't let it get you down. RFitalize your syetem with
It's a wonderful combination of Iron and Vitamin B. Complex •
'We have just received ;another shipment of De Rarnonds Colognes
Divinity, Pinx, Apple Blossom 65ets,, 95ets, and $1.50
Khaki Shorts, Size 23 to 28, 30 75c a pair
Grey Cotton Shorts size 23 to 30 pair $1.00
Cotton Pu!lovers,'sound neek and short sleeves striped Blues
Browns, Maroons 75c
Bo err Cloth .
ysstlyedB ad Cl 1 Shirts. • its $1.00
Boys Bathing Trunks Maroon and Blues Wool and Rayon $1.50
Mens Trunks - $2.25 to 33.75
CUSTOM TAILORS — Be Measured by a Tailor.
.vv.. vw 4 .rr,.,iirini.fw,.v.
Men's iastex
Boat and Cottage Cushions
Buoz Oh Boz. Safety Floats
$1.50; 31.65; 31.75; 31.95; $2.25; $2.50
31.25; 32.50
31.25; 31.85; $2.5(1
Headquarters For All Sporting Goods
I1eMwhae', Seaforth, 2 T J: 1VIe- 1 Clutton, ,,'Gpdyrieh;' 2J • W.
Miclael Seafar•th 3 lVxtttle k1• 'Drake .
St, 'Marys, 4:,Johti Isre,s, Mrichell.• Hoyfer::gne •year` And under ttvo•
> r Egmond, Clinton. .
• PeAheron ;gi}d .$elgialr tee,hit, 1. and 2 T,y"W , "1?a iEgirion•", Clinton:
; L4 is . Babeoclii Wallaeeburg 2:
"Muton Hooper, St Malys, 3Alb rt
Farmers Notice
You can now purchase a Clear easy portable milking machine from
Jonathan Hugill agent. Just what you need this hot weather when
the cows are milking heavy. Any •time you want a demonstration,
it can be seen working at our own •barn between 5 and 6 o'clock in
the evening.
Any woman 01 school child of 15 years can.operate it with ease.
No heavy pails to be lifting between cows, i*b pipe lines to' install
and oan be used with gas engine as well as hydro: Call us for any
Jonathan Hugill
Spring. Show Winners
Heavy Horses:
Special Township Competition: 3
1, T. . J. McMichael, Seaforth• 2,
4, and 5. Chas. Lindsay, 3. Trios,
Colson, Blyth.
Special Township; Competition; 3
horses, owned
I. Taylor Bros., Grand Valley (East
d in the one Twp. (6
entries). •
Luther). 2 Fred Roney, Mitchell
3: Fraser Dewar, Mill-
bank (Welsley); 4, John McLiwan.
Clinton (Stanley) 5. Peter Graham,
Ilderton (Lobo).
Heavy Draught breed Marc: Peter
Graham, Ilderton.
Filly or gelding foaled] in 1941 or
prevrous�; Taylor Bros., Grand Valley
1 and 2; 3 Fraser„Dewar, Millbank,
4, Albert Johnston, Gerrie; Filly or 'gelding foaled in 7.942:
1 Fraser Dewar; Millbank; 2, Peter
•Graham, Ilderton.
' d
horse, colt or filly foaled in 1944.
1. John Tremeei•, Kipnen.
Team in Harness 1. Taylor Be os„
'Errand Valley; 2. Fraser Dewar,
bank, •8, Albert Johnsi;on,Gorrie.
Charnnion heavy` droned; Taylor
Agricultural brood mazer 1. Pras-
Dower Millbank; 2, Taylor Bros., 'Marys.
:!rand Valley, ' "'e Perche •on rn-1 Betel an Stallion
Filly .0' g.'d'n, foalei in 1941 rr Poa'ed in 1941.orrrevioue: 1.•T,' J.
previous (9 entries) 1. Tay:or Bros*
Grand Valley, 2. Fraser' Dewar, Mill-
bank, 3. • John MeEwan, Clinon, c4
and 5. Frecie Roney,. Mitchell, Filly
Filly or geding . foaled in 1942:
1. Geo. Coyne, Staffa,.2. Peter •Gra
ham, Ilderton, 3. Fred: Roney, Mit,
chell, 4' Feed Vo,lrlen,' Clinton.
Filly or gelding foaled in 1943.
1 Wilmer Turner, Varna,
Horse, Colt, or filly foaled in 1944.
1 J, .4. Darling, Dublin. '
Team in 'harness (7 entries)
1 Taylor Bros., Grandy Valley, 2.
Fraser Dewar,' Millbank, 3. Fred
Roney, Mit?Bell, .4. John McEevan,
Clinton, 5. Fred Roney, Mitchell, 6.
Peter ,Graham Ilderton.
Champion Taylor Bros.Grand
Reserve Champion, Geo. Coyne.
Filly or gelding foaled in 1.941 ori
previous , 1 and • 2 Clayton Robison
Mitchell 3 and 4 Carmen Matthew,
Carvin he,
Team: 1 Clayton Robinson, Mit-
chell, 2 Carillon Matthews, Canilache
Single Express or Wagon Home:
1 and -2 Wm. Decker, Zurich, 3 and 4
141ilt Hooper. St: Marys.
Wagon or exnress team: '1 Wm
Decker. Zurich; 2 Milton Hooper, St.
: , irnstonl: Gerrie
Percheron+,'and' Bnelgia,thee years
and,»ver 1 Beavis Babcock, Wallace
Burgh, 2 'Levels Bivbcoclt, Wallace.
burg, '3 ad it Milton Hooper, •St,
Marys 5 ",Albert Johnston, Gerrie.
• Belgian and+ Perdheron under three
ears of age: 1 MyrtleDrake , $t
Ma'•i+ys' 2nd ;Albert Johnston, .Gerrie
T'andem'Flitehed 4` horse: 1= Taylor
Bros,,":Grand. Valley; "2: Fred, honey,
Mite] elb
3 Fraser Dewar, 'Millbank,
Team. coming greate•t distanee;
Lewis,Babcock, Wa'laceburg,
'Best exhibit"ef livest,ek owned by
one man in the township of Stanley,
Hallett, Gdderich, Tuckersmith .
1 Tom. ,(41'eMic'hael, Seafgrth; (Hul-
lett) 2 Roy Pepper, Seafor'tb,::(Stan-•
ley) 6 John McBwan,'Clinton (Stan-
ley). 4 -Bert'Peck, Zurich, (St?n'ey),
• Bert 'Matched Teasn: 1' Taylor
,ro@ Grand Valley.,' ,
Stallion ' standard .. bred': 1 Geo,
Riley, Mitchell.
Single, hackney or ,carriage
'harness• 15-2 and over 1 'and 2 Wal•
lace' Munroe, Embree.
Single 'hackney or carrirge under
t5-2 1, Dr. Foster, Galt, ' 2 Wallace
Munroe, Embroe, 3. Wm. Maybury,;
Woodstock, 4' Win.' Maybury, .Wood
rto:k, 5 Wes. Vodden, Londesboro..
Single roadsterin harness 15-2
and over; 1 Leslie: ,Wright, Listowel
2 T; Thibeaudeau, 141;arkdale, 3 Les'
Listowel, 4. Gurria &
Twit, Winghani •
Siegle roadster in harness '15-2
_ad over 1 Dr. Foster, Galt 2 Wal -
ace 8f »roe,: Embroe, 3 L. Thibeau
dear , Mark33ale,- 4 Al c Sutter,
Hrucefield. `
Carriage. team in harness: 1 Waf-
lace Munroe, Embroe, 2 Dr, Foster,
Ge't, 3 Win. Maybury, Woodstock.
Roadster team in harness: 1 Dr,
Reiter GA-, 2 Vlral ago M+'.nree,
T''F;•-'•r •i.., 3 L. Thih=9ud au, M•„k�
dale. 4 Le"Ire Wrirh<, L'sdowel, 3
Currie & Tervit, . Winlghani,
Single hackney on the line:
1 Wallace . Munroe, Embroe, 2 Dr.
Foster, Gait, 3' Wm. Maybur ,•,
H•etiney "tandem, 1 W•1•»^e Mum,
roe. Einbr,e, 2 Wm. Mayrwry.
Gentleman' turnenti 1 L^=)ie
Weight. Ltstow»', 2 Walh»e Munroe,
Finn' -roe, 3 Dr Footer, Galt, 4 • Wm.
Mai'bnry, Woodstock.
Lade' Driver: 1 Mrs M lief. 2
'vise 'Wide*. 3 Mrs, Fo ter, 4 Mrs,
Meybu- y, Woodstock.
Bu'•1 calved in 1943' or previous:
1 R. Peek &' Son. Zurich, 2 Harry
Hosfeddt & Son, Walkerton; 3 John
O trot, Varna, 4 Win.' Turnbull &
Eon,-Bresseis, 5 Henry Hostfeldt &
Son, W Welton.
Bu" raved in 1944: 1 R. Peck &
non,. Zurich, 2 W. E. Parker & Son
Watley!, 3 W. C. F. Oestreieher,
C editan• 4 Allan Vivian, Staffa, 5'
W, F. Parke,••& Son, Watford.,
Heifer calved in 1943: 1 W. E.
Parker & Son, Watford, 2 R. Peek
& Son, Zurich, 3 Foy .Pepper; Sea -
forth, 4 W. E. Parker & Son. Wat-
ford. ta_ Henley Resfeldt & Sen.
Wa kerten.
I%ffer caved in 1944: 3 and 2
W. E. "Parker & ,Son. Watford, 3
Henry Hos"elft & Son, Walkerton,
r Win Oestrericher, Crediton, 5
Hower] Armstrong, Seafo' th, 6 and
7 Eph Sne 1, Clinton.
(.et of Sire, class 3 animal= not
over two year of age: 1 W'. E.
Parker & con, Watford, 2 Roy Pep-
per, Seafo:•th.
Hereford:; •
Bull calved in 1943.'or previous:
1 W. S. O'Neill, Denf.eld, 2 Howard
Wright, Cromarty, 3 John McGre-
gor, Hensall:
Bull ealved in 1944: 1 and 2 W,
S. O'Neill, Denfield, 3 and 4 John
MeGregor, Hensel], 5 Howard
Wright, Cromarty.
Heifer calved in 1943: 1 W. S.
O'Ner', Denfield, 2 Howard Wr'alit.
Heiler calve;] in 1944: 1 and 4
W. S. O'Neii',•penfielcl, 2 and 5 John
McGregor,' Hensel], 3 and 6 Howard
Wright, Cromarty.
Get of sire,. 3 animals. not rver
two years of age, 1 W. S. O'Ne'l,
Denfield, 2 Howard Wright, Cro-
.Aberdeen Angus:
i#ull calved in 1943 or previous:
! Edward Bros., Watford, 2 F. G.
Todd & Son, Lucknow,'3 F. G. Todd
& Son, Lucknow.
Bull calved ' in 1944: '1 and. 4
Edward BH:os., Watford; 2 -F. G.
Todd & ,Son, Lucknow, 3 Bar'o'ee
Farms, London, 5 D. B. Weldon,
Heifer. calved in 1943: 1 F. G.
Todd, Lucknow„ 2 and 3 Edward
Bros,, Watfprd.
Heifer calved in 1944: 1 Edward
Bros Watfori, 2 F. G. Todd & Son.
Lucknow, 3.Berolee Farms, London;
4 D. B. Weldon, London.
Get of sire, 3 animals not, over two
years of age: 1: Edward Bros., Wat-
ford, 2 F. G. . Todd, Lucknow.
Sweepstake Bull, Shorthorn, Here-
ford or A'•erdeen ,-Angus: W. St
O'Nerh, Denfield.
Senior baby beef,. weight 710 to
850: 1 Howard. Armstrong, Seaford',
2 Wm. Turnbull & Son, ' Brussels,
3 Eph Snell, Clinton, •
\Junior• Baby- Beef, weight 550 to.
700: 7 Pick x'nsman Cromart4r
2 Wm Oestreicher, ' Crediton,' 8 toy,
Pepper, • Seafoeth, 4 W,' E. Parker
& . Son, Watford, 5 I', G. Todd,
Lucknow, 6 Henry Hosfe'dt & Son,
Finished beef steer over 850, lbs,
1 F. G.' Todd & con. Ludicnow.
Special prize of $10,00 clonate4 by
Mel Crich. Clinton For the best'beer
herd consisting of hull and three
female 1 Edward Bros., Watford,
2 W. E Parker. Woteo"d
Holstein CO*: :G, 2 and 3 J. W.
Van Fleenn„d:<rlinton,.
Holstein bull one year: 1. ;VV. F.Y.
Pen of.arii ' ,;' Gordon, Horner:
Varna 2 ,l)1 J Batier; Bayfield, 3
Arnold• ,Jalts�ieson; ;Olinton. .
Pen of,'` two '1 Gordon Horner
Varna, 2• J. Butler, Bayfield.
Champion single': bacon hog:
Arnold Jamieson,” Cinton.
Swine :Show 1Bred 'Sow littered
',ince. July 1, 1944; 1Win, Turnbull &,
8o ", Briesels, 2 J: Powell, Seaforth,
3,'end 4, .A.11, Weimer, Bayfield, 5
'W: Twnkug & Son, Brussels.
Open sow purebred: 1 and 2 W.
Turnbull & Son, Brussels, 3 and 4
Alf Warner, Bayfield.
Serviceable age boars (Purebred)
1 W. Turnbull & .Son, Brussels, -2
Alf, Warner, Bayfield,
'Boar over :one year, 1 > Alf Mer-
rier' Bayfield, 2' W. Turnbull & Son,
Sow over one year, 1 ' W. Tuan -
The• annual Orange church service.'
of L.O.L. 1035' Varna, will be held in
the united church Varna, on Sunday,
dune''24thT at .7 30 "p,m,. When the
pastor•, Rev. Reba Herr, wAl be the
speaker, •
All. vi-iting 'brethren and L,O.E.A.
Lodges are specially herded to at,
tend and• gather at the lodge roams
at7 o'c.ock.'W. M. Watson Webster,
Rec. S'ec, Lorne iColeman.
Oh' Sunder evening; June 24tfi;'at
7.30 ,pain. o'clock'the Orange service
will be held in the United 'Church.
'Mrs.' M. G. Beattie, Mrs. I. Reid,
!Mr. Jas, Stenlienson; Miss'Mossop
and Mrs Sinith, attended the meet-
ing. of the- Deanery at Gods
rich on' yirednesdev.
Dr, McAsh of Innerkirk in Com-
pany with, Mrs. Munshait of London.
eel'ed Tuesday on their nephgw, Mr.
Sane1ey visitors were .141 . and`Mrs.
I Henrieeeon and friends of Bruesels
with, Mr. and Mrs. N. ,Reid:
bull & Son, Brussels, 2 Alfred' War- M?'• aMms. H. litoH
nor, Bayfield: r rston acrdnd 14[r. T. ChCntoruofr Loofndonar-
Dear Mr. McMurray with Mr, and Ml's. E. Chutor. '
I would like to congratulate you Mr. and Mrs. ii, Thonrs. on, Mr.
in haYin 1 ,,Thompson, Jr. and• Mrs. Thome-
-g ...am -excellent fair. , Th f son and babe of Goderich Township,
-horse- classes ; were exceptionally ,with the former's sister; ]Mrs: L.
well filled, and the quality coul,3'Beatty and Edith.
not be bea}. in Ontario. You also On Sunday next, June 24th there
excellent lent cattle show. Y
had an x ' our
exhibition was what pleases me.-
all agrieultura] exhibits with noth-
ing to detract from them.- I believe
our people apnreciate this kind, of
a sho, . and while seine 'may not be
attracted, the people who come
are interested.
know the difficulty you had
this 'year with the ierounds in . the
process of construction. When these
ai a finished, you will no doubt be
able to stage a show which evil/ the home of_ Mrs, John. It McISwan.
compare' favowab'y with the best The meeting. opened wills the Lord's -
show in the Province of Ontario. Prayer., The minutes of , the Mar
Yours very truly,
J C. Stechley meeting. were read. Seventeen mem-
Director. bers answered the roll: call by re -
relating their worst accident. The'
Dear, 1411. 14Ic14iuxray:
I -want to congratulate your •
The treasurer's report was also
hoard on the splendid, high classed, given, and. this •being, the end of the
show staged this year, The light 1 business year, the annual' report
horses were much above the aver -1 was also given. This showed the total
age in quality and 'numbers and it receipts for the ,yerc as 3213.73
was. a pleasure fudging such int- plus a balance of
mels. Now that you have made a $13.89 carried
an extended the ;asses the from 194'4. The. total expenditures
will be no service ' in St. John's
Anglican Church; as Holy Trinity
Church Bayfield is celebrating' its'
90th Annivei'.arv. Rev. F. 13. 'Paull
of Windsor . will be the guest
speaker. `--V
#?. rjf 4 "
T'he' Stanley ladies' Connnunity,
Club, held their nsonthly meeting at
r'ak d
future of the show is assured and
next year you' will` find that it will
be very inucli better. Tire show was
well managed and went off very
smoothly, there being no friction
and the exhibitors- as a whole were
well satisfied. After all' we must
endeavor to please the exhibitors
end send them +away in good humor.
There has been so much jangling
and argument at ninny of the fairs
during' the last year that it 'was a
pleasure to see• everything ;go so
smoothly at Clinton, and the board
are the ones' who deserve the credit
for this condition.
Si'nce>,efy yours; Moffat, Sec . Ma , Cliff Stewart,
- W. J. R. Fowler
Treas. -Mrs. Norman Baird, Yarn,
Convenor, M's. Tena• Baird, Cutters,
Gentleman's 'Half Mile Roach Race Mrs. Glen Broadfoot, Mrs. Irerb
prizes M. $8: 35.. seven entries.
1 Dr. Foster, Galt.2 Currie & Ter•vit, Stevens, Burr of Mater•ians, M'rs.
dean Norman Baird,
were 3211.81., The members have
also handed in a . great dead of sew-
ing and' knitting within the past
year, and' feel they had a very suc-
cessful year: Mrs. F.' Stewart gave a
bird contest, and' M+rs. N. Baird a
Garden Quiz. Lillian and Betty
Stewart sang a duet. Collection was
taken and amounted to $7.10. It was
decided to- hold a picnic in Jowett's
Grove sometime in the. near future.
The election :of officers then took
place er follows:— President, Mrs.
John McGregor. Vice Pres. Mre: W.
g•fiam, 3' 1. L Thr'beau
"GROWING•'LJI E: A'yVE I "floss not descri
the be
kind of development you Want to see in yoi.0
young growing ,flock. • The birds You are raising
to 'replace your present flockcof ,layers need more
than just rank growth to make:them profitable•_
If young +birds do not developa+ound, deepbody
, Yl.
conformation and a hardy cons 'it `ti'bn at the same
time, they can never develop into. thetype of bird
that are able to maintain theirliealt+and vitality
throughout the most profitable levels
To keep your flock growing, to ketlp their] develop-
ing good, deep, roomy bodies, and Ia Deep' them in,
outstanding good health, you should feed<them al
balanced growing ration. A' balance&fat=ion takes
all the guesswork out of feeding, 'andlloyirlles them;
with their full requirements of proteins ' minerals'
and vitamins. ' Peed your flock SHUR-GA 1,16%
GROWING, MAST and grow yourself, t ie best
flock of future layers you've ever owned! ' {'
Shur -Gain 16% Growing Mash:
PRICED VA per bag.
Made end geld By
Clinton Feed M ' . no. Aldingfun',h.
C`!. inte n - Varna
..... Cornish Alex WelliY., a'' •
Brucefield -. Londesboro
followed 'anrdi was much ,enjioyed.. '
Mr. and. Mrs. Earl Graig of
Stratford; spent the week end with
Mr. 'and Mrs. Walter' Baird. •
L,A.W. Lois,' Moffat, of Comox,
Vancouver Island, is spending tyro'
weeks with her • parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Walter Moffat.
Mr. and MTS. M. Lloyd
of Lon-
desioro, visited' at: the hone' of Mr.
George Baird on Sunday.
Mrs. Angus McPherson of Sask-
atoon, visited her cousin, M a. Ar-
thur McQueen' this week, `
Mrs. Fisher of Graven'hurst, is
visiting at the Winne of her -daughter
Mrs. Walter Moffat.
Mrs. .Tae. Thomson and: Alex,
Mrs. Harry Chesney, Mrs. Alex
Wright anti Mr. .Win. Hill, attended
the funeral' of the fate Mrs. Jos
Markdale. I Lunch, and a 'roeial Hour then F'ornwall' at Detroit last week.
Sliort: griass; in pastmces, •,g nosh.
more nutteitiois than -grass that -has
been. allowed to. stem or go"to seed;
and clovers will not.. beeoirre "w`eTr,
established in pastures• where unrleiu'
grazing is permitted: • •
V •
i sA
Teacher Shortage Predicted
A teacher .shortage in North and
South Huron for the next three yeail
was predicted •+by It 0. Staples, in-
spector of public sehpol's, in an ad-
dress to the Huron County Council.
Thirty resignations were rereeived
from the teaching, staff,. fie said in-
cluding nine, from married women
and five 'frons women leaving to be
married: The. remaining 16 were go-
ing to” city' school's for security sea
For the Time of Your Life—Visit
the Evening of Dominion Day
Monday, July end
Band Concert Aquacade Carnival
See Commercial Television
Walke-Talkie Radio
House of Magic, Sidi Shows, Etc
Jitney Dancing, Games, Music, Prizes
Admission 25c. Service Personnel Free
Come Early
Program Starts at 6 p.m.
By kind ,permission of.W }C Patrick, Officer Commanding