HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-06-14, Page 1Ma, .Clinton News -Record DA No. 6153 - 67th, YEAR With Which CLINTON ONTARIO Clinton Lions Club 10th Annual FROLIC, and DRAW Wednesday, June 2 1945, at 8 p.m., Main Street DRAW`. 1st Prize Sherlock Manning Piano 2nd Prize - . Gibson Electric Washer 3111 Prize -- C.C.M. Bicycle / 4th Prize - Kroehler Lounge Chair 5th Prize - Tri -Lite Electric Floor •LamRR 10 Other Valuable Prizes Prizes on display at Beattie's Furniture Store' FROLIC DANCING - GAMES - BAND Big Night Arranged For The Lions Club asks for special support this yeart as they have arranged through the Waifs and Stray Society in England to clothe and keep f ourJ nglisN Children If yop support us freely we will arrange for morel children. This is besides our regular Welfare Work in Clin- ton and surrounding district. Playtime Togs For Tiny Tots Sunsuits, Shorts, Overalls. Cotton Jersey Sweaters, Blouses, Bo. S°Cotton Suits and Knickeirs. These are here in great Variety. Sizes 2 to 6 years v. IRWIN r 1 A �eauly made for each other T$ERE'S a Bluebird Wedding Ring to match the flawless, faultless beauty of a Bluebird Engagement Ring They Wake a perfect pair. Your Rlue- bird Diamond dealer has a magnificent array of these rings. See him today. Bluebird Diamonds are registered and guaranteed perfect -each Blue- bird Ring is insured freei,gain,g loss. � for ono year N.GOUNT The New Era Est. 1 THURSDAY JUNE ;14th 1945 THE HOME PAPER COUNCIL MEETING : RED , CROSS NOTES To Women's War. Work Convenors:. Ata meeting of the Women's' War Work :.Committee held recently, Regional, _Mailmen suggested that the workrooms throughout the Pro- vince be given a real holiday this summer, We realize the tremendous strain - under which all our women have done their job since the beginn- ing of. the war: Nowwith the home- coming' of tile'. men "released from prison camps, " the return of our armies and the end of. the conflict in Europe, there will be rejustnients to be made in every home. No words Can express the - gratitude of ...this office. for •the constant •service that has been rendered, and for your Ioyalty and co-operation at all times. Detailed arrangements, of course, will be left to ,your discretion, but we suggest that workrooms' close for July and August. Unfinished- work should be com- pleted, before the ' workrooms er. closed, and we hope that you would be able to give out wool for knitting, -.particularly for service socks -and small articles for sewing,. that the women might work on at their leisure. Also we ask you to write now for quotas and mater- ials to have on hand for the re- opening of your workrooms in Sep- tember. These quotas will be dated September 1st. It had been hoped that by this time, we might have been able to commence the making of layettes which are so desperately needed in Europe, and for which .pitiful appeals have come in. Unfortunately, we have not been able'to secure mater- ials. As and when these materials are available, even though . it is during the summer months, we will ask you to try to get started ori this work. Samples will be furnished you, and the small articles could be made by the women at home. In announcing this holiday it must be remembered that we are still at war and in a state of ewer- genoy, and •it should be clearly understood that we might have to call on :the Brhliehesrmt 'airy tanie;`ri the need should arise. There is still a big job to be done by the Women's War Work Committee. We will have to do our part in furnishing supplies for the war in the East.' Looking after our returned men will be another big consideration, and there is a tremendous program for the Fall of sewing and knitting for the People of the liberated countries. Yours sincerely Mrs. Lane Knight, Chairmahe Ontario Division, Women's War Work Committee P•S•-Those Branches who have undertaken to make Surgical Dres- sings, are asked to make arrange- ments so that this most important work will continue during the sum- mer months, as there can be no let- up in the flow of those supplies. Clinic' Date is Tuesday, June 19th: We urge all donors who are called to try and keep their appoint.. went. Plasma is still urgently needed As there will be no clinic in July it makes it doubly important , for us to make this one larger in number. New donors will ' sbe particularly welcome. V -- Clinton Clinton Service Stations Have Sunday Schedule On June 1st new regulations went into effect eoncerning the retail sale of gasoline. The hours of sale are from 7 a,m, to 7 p.m. except on Saturdays which will bb.7 a.m- to 10 p.m, from May. lit to October 31st 1945.,,. One Service,. Station will be open" for the 'sale of gasoline on Sunday 7 a.m to .7 p.m.' " fen May. -1st to October 31st, 1945. Anyone, requiring gasoline • 'in other than the above hours .must have a police order, This' includes. taxi owners also, • Navy League Tag nay The local committee of The Navy League wish to announce that their annual ,Tag day will be held this Year•en .Saturday, June 30th, and appeal to the citizens of Clinton and vicinity for their usual generous sup Although the war in Europe is over, there has been no reduction .as yet in the strength of the Royal Canadian • Navy or the .Merchant Marine, and, in fact, with the steady. watch :on the Atlantic over•, the many hostels operated by the Navy League in all the big ports are catering to the wants and needs of more than ever, The June meeting ",of Council was held in the Council `Chamber o Wednesday evening;"' June 6th, a 8 o'clo`ck.. All members were.: •presen with the exception of Reeve Falcon er. Mayor Agnew presided• It was moved by Cauncillor Shad dick and seconded illy•• Councillo'h Brown that the Council accept th of Norman Kennedy a Assessor and tax eolleetcr, also tha books be audited before new ma takes over. Applications for refund of Hal rent were received front the Coiint of Huron Flymge Training School Clinton, -Spring Fair, •,.O,L., Clinton Branch of the Red Cross, and•the Red Shield and it was moved by Councillor Shaddiek and seconded by Counciiloe Trewartha: that Council refund the sum of. $3.00 to the Huron Flying' Training School, for rent o £ the Council Chamber on May 17th. It' was. moved' by Councillor Mc- Murray and seconded`. by Councillor Shaddiek that Clintons Spring Show be refunded $15.00 pf the $20.00 paid for dance held June 5th. • It was moved by Councillor Nott and seconded'' by Councillor Trewar• tha that Council refu id $10.00 to the-L.O.L. No. 710 to apply to rental paid for dance held. in- hall April 13th, for patriotic purposes. n t e s t n y It was moved by Coineillor`Butler and seconded by Councillor Brown that Council, refund the `sum of $10. to the. Local • Red - ,Cross towards rent of the Hall for •play the even. ing of May 16th. It was moved by Councillor But- ler and seconded by Counpillor Shad. dick.that Council refund the sum of $10.00 for rent paid ,foie a dans. sponsored by Reg Jenkins in aid of the Red Shield. It was move$ by Councillor r Brown Councillor and seconded by McMur- ray that Council approvee request of the Navy .League ittee to have a . Tag Day, :Sat y, June 30th. It was :ono ed by, .Councillor Tre= wartha and se conded by Councillor Shaddiek that the regular •July meet, ing of Counci be held:' on Tuesday, July Srd•at th regular: , A commune eatjon ; vieuras received Comm aide Y 1 e i s t a t 1 n 0 pr e b h to a S r 1 om Hul � et t t o 18 �w 7r,1 i feting . the •fr e • use aI' their* grader for one day in preparation of the New Race Trek. An, information bulletin was re- ceived from the -Trade And Industry Branch, of theProvinciill Depart- ment, The Clerk was directed to re- ply. A. letter wasreceived from the Clinton Knitting Company express- ing appreciation to the Town, in the matter of the offer of the lots ad- joining their property. In reporting for the Committee on salaries • and duties Mayor Agnew make reference to the Street Auto Parking assuggested in a report•by Chief Constable Thompson. Refer - once was also made to the congestion of traffie•at the Bus terminal. Coun- eiilor Nott, as chairman of the By- laws eommt e, was directed to make investigation and report sug- gestions. Councillor hadddck's report for the Park Committee started a dis- cussion as to what extent the Town ie responsible for the Station Park. The Clerk was directed to enquire. • Councillor McMurray, in reporting for the Street Committee, read a cominunicatiou' from the Cornell Construction Co., with reference to their distribution of the Street pro- ducts, Councillor Trewartha urged the service of a street superinten- dent as imperative if we are to re- ceive any increase in the subsidy or Street grant. Councillor McMurray reported on new Park Grounds to date, and success of . the Spring Fair hi e of all set -backs by successive s.. uncillor Trewartha read the ranee report for May and moved adoption, which was seconded ,by ncillor Nett. e Clerk was directed to : com- unieate with the leaders of the ovinelal 'and Federal govern - is re the `Sewerage .System and Die Plant. • Councillor Butler moved the ad- rnment, Financial Statement Streets W. Fulford, cleaning streets , , , .8.00 A. Pickard, 11 hrs. 5.50 John McFarlane, removing snow plow . , .... . 2.00 Street. Lighting PALO'. 'Lighting Streets . , 228.00 • Property P.U.C. Lighting 'Rept. Room . , .79 P.U.C. Lighting Town Hall .. 10.65 P.U.C. Lighting Stock .Scales .. .75 P.U,C. Rep, Siren & Switch .. 6:95 Mrs. L. Tideswell Care of R. R. 5.00 Orval Lobb, Broom & 'Cleaner ..1.74 Geo. German 5600 lbs, co•tl .33:60 M. 'T, Corless Dibpress ppd, .. .90 the the spit rain :Co Fi its Cent Th M Pr men Di jou Engagements _ Announced The engagement is announced of Elva Ruth Snell, daughter of Mr. Snell and the late Mrs: Snell of Londesboro to Gordon Webster Keys son of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Keys of Varna. The marriage will take place quietly in Sone. Mr. and Mrs. ,Wallace Black of Goderich, . wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Marjorie Dora May, to Lloyd J. 'Carter, eldest son of Mr. and% Mrs, John Carter of Clinton: The marriage will take .place in Goderieh the latter part of June. � AMONG THE CHURCHES Wesley -Willis Church Sunday, June 17th 11.00 a,m. 'Morning Worship Children's Day and Flower Sunday 7,00. p.m. Evening Worship, Ser- mon Subject, "Reading the Spirit". Presbyterian Church 10.00 a.m. Sunday School 11.00 a,m. Divine .Worship, Subject' of.Seranon, "A Lost Opportunity" A cordial invitation is extended to all. Baptist.• Church • 11.00 Bible School. 7.00 p.m. Evening Worship. Sub- ject "Our Home Mission Heritage". Prayer meeting Wednesday, Study The book of Esther. St. Paul's Church 3rd Sunday after Trinity 8.00 a:m Holy Communion 10.00 a.m. Sundry School 11.00 a.m. morning. prayer 7.00 p.m. Evening Service No Confirmation Class this week. The W. A. will :meet on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Colonel IL T. Ranee. Ontario Street United Church 11.00 a.m. Topic: "God so loved the World". Near Noon, Sunday School 2.00 a,m. Turner's Church, Flower Sunday. 7.00 p.m. Protestantism, and' what it means? Are we in. danger of Los- ing . Freedom of Worship. Are We .ewiake,.to the; Pressuv0, tareeg trying to _Control:+ our Country? Dd yeti know• why you are a Protestant? What would it mean to us to lose this Precious Heritage -This is becoming a live .question to -day, Come and hear the facts. Wednesday, June 20th, A Service of Prayer and Fellowship and In- struction. Ball. & Zapfe Elect Lamp bulbs 1.80 Walter Forbes one cord cedar .,3.75 Sutter & Perdue Bell rope' and hardware 6.50 Cemetery M. McEwan Salary. 83.33 Ed, Steep 144 'hrs. 6$.85 Ball & Zapfe, wheelbarrow and small hardware 14.70 Clark Stanley Gas & Oil for Power Mower 2.50 John. McFarlane, mower rep. 9.25 Park Clinton Park Commission Grading and Levelling , ,.. , . , ... 200.00 W. Potter, 3 hrs, 50c 1.50 A, Pickard, 27 hrs. 50e 13,50 Dry Earth Closet A Fulford Man, Team and eq. 100.00 Police Protection Jas. Thompson Salary .. , , 83.33 David Elliott Salary 75.00 R. B. Fitzsimons Short '/ day. 1.65 Salaries M. T. 6orless Salary ., 100.00' Norman Kennedy Salary , . 50.00 Hospitalization Dept. of Health Insulin 8.1$ W. L. Johnson, supplies for indi- gent patient 2.00 Co. of Huron Indigent patient 15.00 Bdard of Health M. T. Corless ?express on milk samples .46 Postage and Stationery R. J. Lovell Co. Gen. supplies .15.93 Burroughs Adding Machine 'F year service .. 6.75 G. R. McF;.y3an gen. supplies 1.75 Insurance Metropilotan Casualty Go. (1V1, Ransford) Truck Prem, 31.00 General Municipal Expenses Bell Telephone Co, General 7.94 Prov. Treasurer, Mayor & ,Reeves Directory ,.-... ,,. 1.00 M. T. Corless; detailed ac. pd.,: 6.84 Postmaster G. 117. Counter insurance Excise stamp; . 2,28 john McFarlane sledge hammier :for V -Day . 2.75 A. b Cooper flags for V day' ,1.15 Receipts Licenses Stook Scales Cemetery 73,00 .. 270.62 e 21.05 140.50 and son of. Walton, ,spent .Siundey at $514;17 the home of Wesley Hog'gart. Lieut and Mrs. Stanley Rumble. The ,bride was formerly Lieut. 11T. S. Audrey Jeanette, Murdoek, of Brucefield. RUMBLE-•MURDOCK The :marriage took place recently, in the Methodist Church, in Horley, Surey, England of Lieut. N. S. Audrey 'Jeanette Murdock, R.C.A. M.C., second daughter of Mr. end Mrs. John R. Murdock of Brucefield, to Lieut. Stanley George Rumble,, only son of Mrs. K. L. Ferris, and the late Mr. S. G. Rumble of To-. route. The ceremony was performed by Capt. A. J. Milligan, Chaplain of, No. 24 Canadian General Hospital and formerly of Goderich, and Miss Pauline Cook of Horley, presided at the organ. The bride, wearing. her dress uni- form, was given in marriage by her brother, Sgt. W. M. N. Murdock R. 0. A. F. and- was attended by N. S. Kelva Littlewoods also in uniform. Both wore corsages of, cream orchids, and tine bride carried a whiteer rs p y book with whi ribbon •streamers• enotteii-with white English violets. The ,groom was supported by Major H. Appleyard, formerly of Hamilton, and son of Canon Appleyard, former Rector of St, Thomas Church Seaforth. ' • Bowling Club ; The Clinton Lawn Bowling ' Club. will hold their opening Jitney, Tournament on .Monday, June 18th. Mn J. A. ,Sutter has kindly donated, all prizes. Everybody welcome. Come out and enjoy a pleasant evening • with the !boys. Grandson Safe Mrs. Joseph Wilson received word Iast week that her grandson,. Fit. Lieut. Harvey L. Allen of Guelph, who was a prisoner of was- in 'Germany since January 22, 1944, was liberated recently. Y Wins Honour - , In the Western University results,. Elizabeth Middleton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton, passe& to with first class honours in her first: year, The reception was held in the Nurse's _ Lounge where Matron Rossitor received with the bridal party. The bride's table was centred with a three tier wedding cake, flanked by tall pink candles nestled in purple violets in crystal holders, with violet posies at each corner of the table, the other flower decora- tions being daffodils and tulips. The Usual toasts were proposed and res. ponded to, that to the bride being proposed by Col. Oille Commanding Officer of the station and ably_res- ponded to by the groom. After .a short honeymoon •both bride and groom returned to their units. -.;11'1, The bride is a graduate •bf St. Mary's Hospital Kitchener, and the groom of Toronto University, .TAYLOR -- MORRISON At a nuptial mass solemnized by Rev. J..Majka in St. Brigid's Church on June 2nd, Frances Veronica Morrison, daughter of 'Michael .Mor- rison and the late Mrs. Morrison, Clinton, Ont,, ibecame the bride of Pte, Frank Daniel Taylor;, son of Burton D. Taylor and the -Iate Mrs. s Taylor, Toronto, The bride, who 1 was given in marriage by her uncle, 1 Thomas A. Tighe, of Detroit, Michi- q gan, was gowned in heavy slipper i satin, the long skirt ending ,.in a I train. From a French 'lace halo fell ed her veil of embroidered Brussels t net and her shower bouquet Was of baby's breath 'and pink roses, Miss Norah Quigley, as maid; of honor and Miss Patricia Morrison, bridesmaid,, were frocked alike in stiffened mousseline de sole with matching I $' gloves and picture hats to shades. of '$ bush mauve ,antidulcet green res -I Mt pectively, They tarried bouquets of b cream -colored roses. Attending estgroomsman' was :Bernard Tighe: ham, Returns from OverseasL./Cpl. Leonard Admans, returneeto Clinton on Saturday evening after• seeing service overseas with the Canadian Army. He was met by his wife .and family and friends.' Mr. and Mrs. Admans were former resi- dents of Stratford. • . Nurses Graduation Next Tuesday The nurses graduation exercises; and reception will be held in Wesley - Willis Church on Tuesday, June 19th at 8 o'clock. There are six nurses in the graduating class. jS'eek County Grant for Addition to Hospital A delegation composed of 'Dr. .1'.. W.Shaw, 'Dr. Thompson, Mr. O. L. Paisley .and Mr. A. J. McMurray of Clinton, and Mr. • Telfer, inspector of Hospitals,appeared before tha Huron County. Council, who are meeting .in Goderich' fol the regular June session. They were present to' Support the request for a grant of $25,000 to enlarge the Clinton Hos- pital.at a, estimated'cost of $93,006,. Mr. A, J. 1VIeMurray spoke on he - half of the Igroup,. • and presented everal important• reasons for 'build - ng, the addition to the Clinton Pub- is HospitaLcThe present building 'is cite inadequate to meet the everncreltsing, demands on its facilities. Often, .patientg''have had td be turn:- away. The establishing of Hospi- al insurance will further increase he need for ,more aecomsnedrltion, As Mr. McMurray :pointed, out, he Clinton Hospital Board - has 20,000, invested, and estimates grants by public subscription of 10,000, and private borrowings of . 20,000, In concluding his. remarks, McMuraa.y asked - that Clinton e given the sante consideration recently accorded the town of Wing_ During the signing' of the registes3 Miss Katherine McDonald sang Shciuibert's Ave Maria, - At the reception, held at the Royal York hotel; the bride's aunt; Miss Eileen Tighe, received in a corn- flower blue ensemble, and Mrs. Taylor w'ho assisted, had chosen.a mauve, ensemble. 'For travelling to New York City. the bride changed to a navy :blue dress and topcoat. SUMMERHILL Nr. and Mrs''.- Robert McMichael Mr, Telfer stated that Huron. County had •a ..shortage of 49 hos- pital beds, • According to the plans. being formulated for the addition. to the Clinton. Hospital 16 beds would be provided and 13 nurser e cubicles, The request has, been referred to' the health, and hospital and execu- tive eominittees of the County Coun- cil. TUCKERSMITIJ Mr, and Mrs, Newman Garrett of Tuekerernith, and 1VIr, and Mrs. Joseph °rich of London, are , spend-: big a. month at Lion's Head,. ,