HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-06-07, Page 7, LOVE 'COSTS THRONE Cost of Victory To Great Britain What' Britain Has Done To .Win Victory .Briefly Told By Ottawa Journal , Memories a.e* short,- .and it is . well ,to put on record .this • 6briei- . statement of the cost of victory', to B ritain, To. FebrUaryof' this year, of the, people of the United' Kingdom 216, 287 had been ki11d hy the eneniY, this being' 70 per cent: 'of the total for .the Empire' and, nearly 45 per cent. of the , total figure. fen. the.. Western Allis.• Including Civil- ians; nearly 80 per cent,. ofj all Bri- tish 'subjects killed by enemy tic. tion were from the United King- dom One house of Britain's every three was .destroyed or damaged by enemy air action. About 6,500,000 men and women or one in even of Ithe population[ served ' in the armed forces Or in. full-time civilian defence. More than 3,000,000 others served in part- time 'civil ,defence or in the Home Guard. The United . Kingdom has pro- duced about 70 ppr cent. of • all munitions for, the ,Empire and Com ,monwealth forces, provided under lend-lease enormous quantities of supplies of many kinds for Russia and. for United States forces in Europe. 'British plants during • the war have turned ou'ir 1,000,000 tons ,01 nava' vessels (to last June), many thousands of aircraft, 25,000 tanks, L000,000 other military vehicles, Fifteen months ago Britaiehad boat 11,500,000 "Wits of her merchant fleet of 17,500,060ton—had built 4,500,000 tona.,, Britain's war expenditures by last November reached 25 billion pounds (over 100 billion' dollars), of which about one-lialf was cover. ed by taxes. That, very briefly, is what Bri- tain has done, so far as words and figure can speakof her 'gigantic ef- fort.' It is the story of victory and of the price of victory. Large -Hearted That Canadians are large -hearted is .revealed in the fact that nearly $34 million worth of gif were sent overseas in 1944. This amounts to nearly, $3.00 a person. . Prince Carl Johan, youngest son of the Swedish Crown Prince Gustav Adolf has defied his grand- father, King Gustav, who reftised to approve his intent to marry a commoner. He's pictured above with his ,fiancee, Keratin Wijmark, daughter of a Swedish theologian. , Couple is expected to visit America after wedding. Allies Seize Nazi Super -Speed Boat • Allied occupation. forces at Lue- .'beck have seized Gerniany's "V-6" —a: Super-speedaniPhibious craft which' its Nazi imientors'• claim is the fastest surface vessel ever de- veloped, an Exchange, Telegraph ' dispatch Said: • The vessel, originally designed to run supplies , to the .isolated, Ger-;" , man garrisons on the Channel .Is landswas described as being about. the length Of an 'ordinary motor torpedo boat and resembling a streamlined hydroplane. Invented , by a German engineer named Efigen, von Blumfeld, the craft was reported callable of at- taining a speed of 50 kilOtS with- in -AO seconds and coining to a complete stop from ' cruising speed in 10 seconds. Empire Youth Sunday Services On June 10 The day selected. for the seventh observance, of Empire Youth Sun- day throughout Canada and the British Commonwealth -Empire is' June the Tenth, The Canadian •Cominittee represents all the Chureh Conunuitions and the nine Provincial Education Departments of the Dominion. His Majesty, the King, Patron of the movement, has declared that Empire 'Youth Sunday reminds the younger generation of the ideals which have 'sustained the Empire in past trials—ideal: which we should hand on to future generations. For in' youth's hands liesmuch of the shaping of the post-war 'world. -Hitler has shown us that the young can be moulded into a delinitely evil type. We have in mind a very different culture inculcated by different methods. The object in view is a spiritual mobilization of the youth of the Empire and of the world. HIS OBJECT One mari spent act much on his girl friend that he had to marry her for his money, , —Quebec Chronicle Telegraph. meson. THE ONLY SYNTHETIC RUBBER TIRE flop 0# Mr Sfifeipid, 0 Re* ir'rogito Ar 0 44, CAR bwners have been wondering just how safe synthetic rubber tires are— just how much mileage they will give. Firestone decided to put its tires to the supreme test. So a race car was equipped with regular, stock Firestone Synthetic Rubber Tires, the same as you can buy for your car, and raced for 500 miles around the Indianapolis Speedway under American Automobile Association super- vision. Wilbur Shaw, famous three -time ner of the Indianapolis"cSweepstake, volunteered to make the run. And he averaged 100.34 miles an hour, hitting more than 135 miles an hour on the straightaways: Imagine the punishment those tires took as they pounded over the rough brick and grinding asphalt ... equal to 50,000 rniles of ordinary driving/ Yet, in this grueling, tire -torturing test, not a skid or blowout occurred. Remember this fact when you get per- mission to buy new tires—Firestone are the only tires made that are safety - proved on the speedway ,for your pro- tection on the • highway. NOW Prestont BATTERIES OTTAWA REPORTS That A European Market For 'Canadian Seed 'Potatoes. May Be Established( • • 'The recent arrival:of two steam- er loads of certified seed potatoes in France from New BrupsWielt and Prince Edward Island recalls a long standing, European ,embargo on potatoes frbin this continent de- signed td keep out the Colorado First • found in the western„states isi 3814, the potato beetle had spread to the Atlantic seaboard 50 years later. •News of its ravages re'acherl across the Atlantic, arid, . 'led by the German government itt 1875, several continental countries - issued decrees against the import- ation of potatoes from North Ame- rica. 'While the decrees prevented potato shipment„ they' did not stop the beetle, which was ,later found at Hamburg. The Germans ruth- lessly eradicated it, but it turned up again at Bordeaux, where large numbers of United States troops landed chtring, World War I, Today it is common in several European countries. Agricultural officials at Ottawa are' hopeful that the excellent con- dition in which the recent ship- ments of potatoes reached France may lead to a wide market in Eu- rope for Canadian potatoes, at least for high quality seed.. As a service .to persons in Cana. da anxious t� get in 'touch with re: 'latives ,or friends im Europe, the International Service cif the CBC in co-operation With the Red Crass y Enquiry Bureat . in Ottawa, will Commence soon the free transmis- sion of Personal messages by, short wave to Czechoslovakia and the Netherlands. Messages of up to 50 words, submitted on forms obtain- able at local Red Cross branches; will form part of the regular Czech and Netherlands programs now be- ing transmitted by short wave to these countries in their native lan- guages: If the experiment is sucess- ful, the service may be extended to other European cOuntries. * * At this writing, 6,530 Canadian prisoners -of -war had been- officially reported released from German pri- son camps. They comprised 90 from the navy, 4,469 from the army, 1,873 from' the air force 'and 99 merchant seamen. . * The 25,000 Canadian soldiers slated to form the Canadian occti- pation force in Germany; under the command of Major-General Chris ,Vokes of Kingston, are to. be ata - boned in an area of northwest Ger- many that centres on Hamburg. Representing L. regiments front all sections of Canada, the units W.11 be made up of men now overseas who volunteer for occupation for- ces and inen with low repatriation point totals. A small flow of volun- teer reinforcements from Canricla will be maintained to 'replace those Who have to be returned to this country from time to time and also to provide for rotation leave, They Found Out On the western front, two Tibe- tans who had wafked into Russia, been promptly drafted into the Red Army, then captured by the Ger mans, drafted into the German Army, and finally captured by Can- adians, learned from a linguist for the first time what all the fighting was about, says Time Magazine. Cost To Russians: 12-15 Million Dead A Russian geberal estimated last week that in saving their • country and marching in triumph on Berlin the Russians had lost between 12,000,000 and 15,000,000 dead, about half stildiers and half civilians, 4 "There were tinies,1 the general said, "when we had to lose 500,000 Men at a time to save the army itself," You Will Enjoy Staying At The .ST. REGIS HOTEL ronontmo • Every Room with Rath, Show- er and Vetephone. • single, 62.40 up -- Double. ELM up. • Good Food. Dining and Deny- ing Nightly Sherbourne to Carlton TeL RA, 4135 Headac e Nothingisrneredepres• sing than headaches... Why suffer?-.Lambly's will give instant relief. Lambly's isood for ear. cor,t, ache,toothache,painsin back, stomach. bowels. Armor( LA M B LY'S HEADACHE POWDERS_ is Nere's a SENSIBLE way to relieve MONTHLY FEMALE PAIN Lydia E, Pinkham'sVegetalileCompound not only helps relieve periodic pain but ALSO accompanying nervous, tired, highstrung feelings—when due to func- tional monthly diSturbances. It's one of the most effective Medicines for this pur- pose. Pinkham's Compound kelPs natural Follow label directions. Try itl 04,44. CP4,4110.4.4 LTZT17,11 P1.40R0014 tArvi Seeking re-election to his post as Prime Minister, Winston Churchill Winches "tis campaign at Woodford, on the outskirts of London. Mrs. Churchill sits under an mnbrelb, .while *R- ain's war leader addresses CrOWd which had gathered despite heavy ram. U. S. Casualties Nearly A Million American combat casualities since Pearl Harbor have climbed to within 14,000 of ' the million mark, the Army and Navy reported, Robert P, Paftterson,.Und'ersecre- tary of War, placed the Army's losses at 878,939 on the basis of reports through May 7 and cov- ering fighting to about the middle of April. The Navy added 107,22% to 'make the aggregate 980,214. . The Lady, Nelson In two years of service as Can- ada's senior hospiMI ship, the Lady' Nelso'n, former Canadian National Steamship, has sailed 130,407 miles and has carried 15,067 patients and . repatriates returning from overseas. V 1WME The ,k . er gd d n .detaifi "I feel Sorry for iny mother , iga t early 16Tacri (iNnof.:A:Ill.c:gAgpeiLanagid'coEcOrocessIfic:isaa,..,:pwilsHcarersagurt),lobvi She PPent twenty years trying to he morning, hang up Illy clothes shine illy shoes, eat sensible food and go to bed early. Then i go into the Navy and le,arn the Whole hing in two weeks.' —St. ThOrnas Times -Journal. SHORT, SHORT STORY , Retail stmplies Of shortening are shortty1 to be shortened 20 pee cent. This shor'tening of shortening is apt to shorten a shartgrained house - Wife's tehmer when she tries to bake a shortcake, wouldn't you " think? —Ottawa Citizen, —0— WHAT THEY SPRANG FROM Hitler and Mussolini, were only symbols, after all. They could nerr. er have' cursed our times if it had not been that there- were millions of nutte inglorious little Hitlers and Mussolinis. —Vancouver Province. TREY CHOSE GUNS When the Gernians hail a choice of guns- or butter, they Chose guns. Should we now give them the but- , ter? --Vancouver Sun. Customer: "Have you anything for gray hair?" Conscientious Druggist: "Noth- ing • but the 'greatest respect, sir." Norwegians Were racing Starvation Liberation came in the nick ot tithe to Norway, The hardy Nor- wegians had tightened'their belte The Germans looted Norivay of more than 4,000000,000 during the occupation, On a per capita basis- that would be aPproximately $1,500 for every man. woman an.1 child. The war cost Norway 10,000 lives, including those who died fighting with the Allies, The Ger- Aliens executed 500, and at least, 1,000 perished in Nazi prison camps. It is estimated that the Norwe- gian Stale Bank paH the Ger- mans $2,500,000,000 oCCUpatiOn costs lince April, 1040, The war left Norway virtually untouched physically: The big ci- ties and industries were spared. But it will take at least 25 years before this maritime nation of fishing, mining and 'forestry can ' recover front the wholesale Nazi plundering. But despite starvation and the long threat of German violence) the Norwegians today say "we have been lucky. Think what an invasion would, have cost." ,SAFES !Protect. your HOOKS nod CASH tram FIRE and THIEVES. We have n etre 'and type of Safe, or Criblept, or ear purieme. Mir no, oir write for Miro., ete. to Rept W. LI M ITE0 TORONTO SAFE WORKS 145 Front $t., (6.. reroute Faitriblished ISMS AGENTS WANTED REPRESENTATIVES RELIABLE' wanted to sell Plastic Coatings. . especially suited tor Brick and' Metal surfaces, also for Roofs. Finest quality products. Good commissions. Box 27, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. BABY CHICKS STARTED PULLETS, BARRED Rocks and White Leg -horns, 2 weeks old 26c. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Britannia Heights, Ontario. THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR good breeding. For many years by careful culling and blood - testing under Canadian Govern - meat Supervision Tweddle Hatch- eriea have stleceeded by greatly improving the 'Aerobia, growth and high production qualities ot their breeding flocks. Tweddie has spared neither meney nor effort to attain this end, so that you get maximum quality in rt reasonably priced chick. Prompt delivery on day olds, two, three or tour week olds in all popular breeds. Send for Juno pricelist Alai, further reductions atter June 15th. Older pullets 8 weelca up to laying. Tweddle Chlek Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT High Quality at greatly reduqed prices. The prices aro very reason- able for these nigh Quality Breeder Hatchery chicks. In buying May and June thick% it is just as im- portant to start with the best you can buy. Prices; Pure Sussex, Sussex fly. brids, New Hamps„ Barred Rocka. Reck x Hamps., liliged Chicks 712.00 Per 100, Pullets $18,09 per 150. Leghorn% Sussex x Leghorn, Rock x Leghorn mixed chicks 710.00 per 100, Pullets $21.00 per 100. SPEC- IAL: Assorted Mixed Chicks 49.00 per 100, Assorted Pullets 717.00 per 100. STARTED CHICKS -2 TO WEEKS OLD We can supply started chicks 2 to 4 weeks old at reduced prices. 1 week old add le, 5 weeks old add 4c to above day-old prices. WEEKLY SPECLAL LIST— STARTED CHICKS Send for Weekly Special List of prices of started chicks and pullets 2 to 6 weeks old, Also older free range pullets, Order froin this ad, or send for Price List. We can give you prOtnpt delivery. 51.00 per 100 deasit, balance C.O.D. LAKEVIEW .POULTRY FARM A Breeding Farm of 5000 Layeri — • WEIN BROS., Exeter,Ont. STARTED CHICKS BARGAINS. 2 week old Barred Rocks, NeW Hampshire, New Hampshire X Barred Racial 16,95. Pullets 24.95; cocicerela 15.95. White Leghorn, White Leghorn X Barred Rock, Anstra Whites: Ptilleta 25.55. weelc old add 5e, 4 week old add 10c. Also other breeda. Send for complete price Ilk. Top Notch Cbiciceries, Guelph, Ontario. • LIMITED. QUANTITY STARTED chicks on hand. For chick, pul- let, eociccrel delivery June -July, order now to be sure of getting delivery and breed. Bray Hatch- ery. 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont, GOOD STEADY PROFITS ARE waiting—"Invest in the hest" 'with Top Notch chicks. There Is no guessing about health and liv- ability when you order 'l'op „Notch chicks. They are all from Government Approved bloodtest- ed breeders. Pricea ofl a few breeds for June delivery. Non - sexed; White Leghorns, Barred Rock X White Leghorns, Austra Whites 9.95; Barred Rocks, New Hampshire% New Hampshire X Barred Rocks 10.95, Assorted Light and Medium Breeda 8.95, Assorted Heavies 9.95, Pullets: White Leghorns, Barred Rock X White Leghorns, Austra Whites 20.95; I3arred Rocks, New Homo-, shire X Barred Rocks 17.95, New 'Hampshires 18.95. ,Assorted Light 'and Medium Breeds 18.95, Assort- ed Heavies 15.95, Cockerels: White -LeghOrns 1.50, Barred Rocks, New 'Hampshire X Tierra • Rocks 10.95; New liampahlres 940, Assorted Heavies 9.95. White Leghorn X Barred Rocics 4,95. 2 week old add Sc, 3 week old add lic, 4 week old add 16c. Prices after June 15th lower. Send for complete price list Also 8 week old and older free range pullets. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. ROCK X LEGHORNS $11,75, An- tra Whites 712.50. Shipped C.O.D. anywhere by: WilloWdale Chick- ery, Newtonbroolt, Out. REDUCED PRICES , FOR CHICKS BARRED ROCKS 12. LEGHORN Pullets 22e, Barred Rock Pullets 20e, Leghorns are Barron strain. Rocks are 0.50.50. Breeding, and all breeders are blood-teated. B. R. Cockelels to at weeks old also LeghorE Pullets eight weeks old, fully feathered and roosting'. Hybrid Broilers four weeks and over. One dollar Rooks your order now. Johnson Hatchery, Fergus, Ont, VICTORY CHICK SALE POR. JUNE AND JULY BARRED Rock Mixed 10c, Barred Rock Pullets 16c,•White Leghorn mixed 9e, White Leghorn Pullets 20c, White Rock Mixed 16e, Brown Leghorn Pullets 24c. Goddard Chick Hatcheries Ltd., Britannia Heights, Ont. SPECIAL mum' SALE sT.941T3511 PULLETS, 1 WEEK old 22c, 2 weeks old 26 cents. Im- mediate delivery. Carleton Hatch- , ery, Britannia Heights, Ontario. MOONEY'S CHICKS FROM BLOOD - tested, Government Approved Flocks,: Licensed for shipping to ariy .proVince. White Leghorns. Barred Rocks, New Hampshireff, MooneY'S Poultry Farm, North Bay, Ont, RELIABLE SUMMER CH 5 CK Sale. Reliable Chicks are front Government Approved blood - tested flocks, chicks that develop into quality husky layers and meat birds, chicks that have qualtty and livability for us and for you. After Ma 10. Suesez X ' Hemp% Barred Rocks, N e w Hampshire& unsegod 711,95, pul- lets 517,95. 'cocicerela 79.95. Leg- horn X Hemp% unsexed 811,95. pullets 722.00, cockerels 74.00. Leghorns, •unseated 710.95. pullets $22 59 Order • Reliable Chicks to- day. Reliable .15at5hery, 'Elmira, DYEING ?CND CLEANING HAVEY011 ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to US for information. We are glad to answer your questions. DePart- /tient H. Parker's Dye Works. Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- mato. von SALE STRA WBER R V PLANTS, ASPA agus, raspberries, peach tree% apple% pears, plums, cherries, grapes, curranta, shrubs, hedging, abode trees, wire tree guards, Norfolk igurserY. Stream Ontario, 75,000—STORE AND DWELLING, metal side, detached, large lot, cement basement, 60 Sc 25, all conveniences. Separate -sale, Jew- eler's sate and fixtures. Phone Arthur 62.7. Brillinger, Arthur, Ont. LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING Plant in, Western Ontario. Doing over $2400 weekly basiness with excellent nost war opportunities . for expansion. Good money maker, low overhead: real estate con- sisting of brick buildings includ- ed. Fully equipped and capably staffed, Requires a capital of 750,000 cash Reason tor selling itt health. Apply fax 31, 73 Ade. laide W., Toronto, A 30 BED MATERNITY HOSPITAI. tor sale, going concern, good business, only Hospital in town. Any Ontario. Registered Nurse could operate this business. Own- er will stay on and will help for one month from the date of sal& Season' for selling is poor health, .All latest equipment. Hospital has been runnng for 6 years. For further information and inspec- tion apply in writing to Post Office, Box 359, Delhi, Ontario, Canada. I HAVE TEN GOOD FARMS FOR sale, hanging In price from three to twelve thousand dollars. For particulars. aimlY Jas. Donohue, Donohue Garage, Renfrew, Ont, FROST AND WOOD OIL RATH mower Delaval cream separator, both like new, diamond harrows, heavy gauge barb wire, asbestos shingles, harnesses. E. Kenai -me, , 149 Scarboro Crescent, Scarboro Bluffs, Ont. FOR SALE, SUCCESSFUL CREAM- ery and dairy business in pro- gressive Ottawa Valley Town, owner retiring on account of ill - health, price right. • For further particulara apply to Box 36, 73 Adelaide W., •Toronto, 00 ACRES, 80 CULTIVATED, RE- maining Pasture, good buildings.. barn on stone, driving ailed new steel roofs, nig pen. hen house, well watered, or sold as going concern. situated 1 mile from \lake, good fishing and trooping: stock includes ' 9 Darham and Holstein average 7 years: 12 2 -year-olds, 30 sheep in Iamb. 2 young &Oyes, '4 milking cows. 7 1 -year-olds, aged gray mare, 100 laying hens: steel wagon. mower: farm 71500; stock and imnlementa 72,555. Mr. Carroll. R.R. 1, Ennismore, Ont. . BUSINESS FOR SALE. FARM MA. chinery, other articles and mph - Merl', large lot and buildings with high moviqg beam and blocks for wrecking end loading. Suitable machinery for repairing. Two minutes' wall, to large stores, banks and poatoffice. Particulars given. W. IL Rutledge, Newmarket, Ont. IDLECTRTC MOTORS, NEW. USED bought sold, rehmiti belts, put leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com pany Ltd.. 2326 Dufferin St., To. rant() 400 ACRES GOODNorth of DAIRY . Benovitle, 'Sydney Township, 150 acres vesture land, 760 work land, 75 hardwood, 25 softwood bush, 10 room doable brick house, running water, well, lE•dro, steel roof barn, stable, close to church and school, 1-larris, Raffia & Wallace, 41 Alger Bldg., Oshawa. FARMS pon SALE 150 ACRES; TWP. OF NOTTkWAS- age, largo bank barn, frame house, two good wells -15,000 cash. Write E. L. Taylor, Streets - vine, owner or see A. E. Culham, Stayner, Ont., Agent. 50 OR 100 -ACRE FARM, 5 MILES west or Welland, 134 miles south • of Fenwick on gravel road; !ars high. well drained; Wean and productive, of 'good sandy loam; well fenced, 10 acres good bush, gas well, good buildings, lots of geod water, 3 acres orchard, large frame house with large sun -porch, electricity, large, barn with basement and modern etable equipment, Ole silo, hog Pen, drive house, work shop, poultry and brooder houses, grainarY. garage, etc, Good Belgian team, 6 years old, 3200 lbs.; harnesa; MIL binder: barn equipment for hay. ,Come and see. Everything for 77,500, Harvey Chamber% renwielc. FEMALE HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED LINOTYPE OPERATOR Apply to nearest Employment and' Selective Service Office. File CR 2701. HAIRDREKsING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classea, Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. HELP WANTED CYLINDER PRESSALA.N WANTED, one with some experience on make-ready. Steady position for ateadY reliable man. (44 -hour weelc). Apply nearest Employ- ment & Selective Service Office, PII.E—C.R. 2519. EXPERtENCED LiatuTYPE ()PER- ator and floor man wanted at once, steady position, (44 -hour week). Appig nearest Employment and Selective Service Office. FILE—C.R 2020 MACHINERY EMPIRE MILKING MACHINE RE. pairs, pulsators overhauled, some rebuilt pulsators for' exchange. Vincent O'Neill, Gananoque, Ont. WARCO "33" MOTOR GRADER . (30 111') Scarifier. Caterpillar ''66" blade grader, scarifier, back shaper. Speeder /32, 44 yard shovel, trench bee. All machines guar- anteed, Other equipment avail- able. Leventhal & Co., Machinery Agents, McIntyre Block, Win- nipeg. THIS IS amw HAND PLANTER TO PLANT CORN and distribute fertilizer in one operation, Places fertilizer at plow dentli and spaced front seed. Qnantitles adjustable, A by can operate. Price Fifteen Dollar% Enquire—Gravity Planter Co,, Roblin, Ontario. MEDICAL STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of III -health In humans, all ages. No one Ira - mune! Why not find out If this is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars—Freef Write Muiveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3, SATISFY YOURSELF — EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Sold only Munrn's Drug • Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Post- paid 71.00. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DE- stroys offensive odor instantly. 45c bottle, Ottawa :Agent, Denman Drug Store. Ottawa. CHIROPRACTOR H. S. SIMONSON, CHIROPRACTOR, • 23 Bloor Street East, Toronto. ' Hours 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. IT'S PROVEN—EVERY SUFFERER of Rheinnatle Patna or Neuritis should try. Dixon's Remedy, Sold only Munro's Drug Store, 336 El- gin, Ottawa. Postpaid ' OPPORTUNITtEs von womEN -BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN'CANA.DA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn •• Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel, 'graduates. America's greatest aYa. tom. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call - MARVEL HAIRDRESSING ' SCHOOLS 353 ,BLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FREI) A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments, 111 Church. Toronto 2, PATENTS FETHERSTONHACIGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitor,. Established /Sac); 14 King West, Toronto, Booklet of Information on re. quest. IpERSoNAL SICKNESS AND OTHER mon- !ems overcome in Jesus' Name. Interdenominational book, thirty cents. William Edson, Nanticoke. Ontario, PTIOTOGtt A PHI TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and ROLLS 26c POsrintla tel 6 OR 8 EXP . REPRINTS 6 for. 25e ••• FINEST ENLARGING sEitvico: You may not get all -the films you want this year, but you can get all She quality and service YOU desire by mending YOur Dime to taircatutt.. mom snit% 1010 Station .f Toronto. "YOUR WORK IS WONDERFUL" , CUSTOMER SAYS . . . and the prompt manner In which you return work is gretitty appreciated." Any Size Roll—G or 8 ExpOsurea DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c Don't risk losing pictures. Send your film rolls to CANADA'S LARGEST AND FINEST STUDIO Get Better Pictures at Lower Cost, Prompt mall service. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 16-20-127 if 29c (le extra) is sent with filni roll SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING ENLARGEMENTS — 5 tor 25c 4 .r: 6" In Easel Mounts Enlargementa 4 x 6" in beautiful easel mounts, 3 tor 25e, Framed. - on ivory tinte'd mats, 7 x 9", In Sold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, Ole each. If enlargement colored, 79c each. OLD PICTURES Rla,STORIOD We can restore any old photograph or snapshot . . . arid make any number of prints or enlargements clealred. The Process requires the work of skilled artists, but the cost is teasonable. Send us your picture and tell Us what you want done and we will tell you the cost before doing' the worlc. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on Orders. PROPERTIES WANTED TO 1101' , WE HAVE BUYERS WATTING port chicken farms, market gardens, town or village houses in alt Parts of the Province. Send full particulars in confidence at once —we make no charge unleas we sell. Powell and Company, 6 St. Clair East, Toronto. TEACHERS WANTED • PROTESTANT TEACHER S' 0 It S.S. No. 10, West Garafroxa. Please state salary and quail. Mations. Apply to A. 13. Fletcher, I5.15, Na. 1, Belwood, Ont. MSILMUR 10,0. NO. 22 REQUIRES A PI.Otestant teacher for the 1945- 1945 term, Duties to commence ' Sept. 6. Apply, stating qualifica- tons, salary expected, to John Hoddinott, See.-Treas., 11.15. 2, Lisle, Ont. WANTED, P,ROTESTANT irfflicH- er for S.S. No. 7, Windham, con- tact Mrs. Marguerite Lucas, Nix- on, Ont., stating experienee and salary expected. „. ,wAiiprEo GENERAL BTORE Tal VILLAGE, Western or Central Ontario, good turnover. Box 30, 73 Adelaide W., TORONTO. OPPORTUNITY FOR GENERAL blacicsmith, welder, with oWn equipment; rich farming district House and /Mop available, Gold mine for right men. Box 90, Middleport, Ont, TWENTY-FIVE ..TO ONE HUN- dred acres within two hundred miles Toronto. Must be situated on Lake or River: Buildings im- material. Box 34, 73 Adelaide W„ • Toronto. WE BUY hundreds" cif Herbs, Roots, Barks, Berries, Flowers, Leaves, etc, PRICES HIGHER NOW Write forfull list Dominion Herb Distributors 1.4i5 96, Lawrence tIlysi., Montreal HARDWOOD WANTED WE ARD IN TIM MARKET FOR ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER, WHOLE OUTS PRE- FERRED, ERIE FLOORING & WOOD PRODUCTS LTD., 45 Ernest Ave., Toronto - ME. 7444