HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-06-07, Page 5�e 'itl%Y945 • WHAT IF IT oat RAIN, JUNE 11, ECIDE now that nothing is going to stop you from casting your'. vote on Election Day .... neither Min, nor pressure of business, nor -the thought that, your 'vote isn't important. Because it is .. <-so important that through five long years of war 'amen have died to preserve • this -priceless heritage . . our right as . free men and women to choose our own leaders.. THE ROYAL BANK OF .CANADA When Details Seem Most liurdensonle • The Complete Facilities and Sincerely helpful Spirit Will Lift Every Possible Concern From Your Shoulders At The BEATTIE FUNERAL HOME GEORGE B. BEATTIE Avoid a Stalemate at Ottawa! Canada Will Face a National calamity if no Party has a Majority after the Election Support the leaderswho have guided you. through the war. "LET KING 11INISH THE JOB" VOTE NAIItN Liberal JUNE 11' Published by 'NORTH HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION Caidiff's Rector Speakg ' • Promises are Only Vote Catchers G3 i'Blonday t.'ote -. . �1. 1;. Authorized by North lluaom'Progressivo tbit',servativeAssociation Tcacher Wanted Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 9, Kellett, duties to commence Sept, 4th. State experience, qualifications, sa'ary expected." B. Marsh, No. 1, 52-2 Auburn, Ont. Lost A yellow gold, Elgin watch. Find- er please get in touch with AZrs. G. W. Nott, Clinton, or phone 379. Re- ward. 52-1 To Rent A garage in good condition on Victoria St. Apply to Mrs. R. Web - stet, or phone 268w. 52-1 TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received up to 5 o'clock p.ni. June 26th for the position of Assessor and Collector of Taxes for the Municipality of the Town of Clinton Duties to commence July 2nd. Applicants to state salary, and all applications to he made to the L+"•tn- ploynnent •and Selective Service Of- fice; God'erieh, With referernce to order No. 1664, For Sale One couch, oak frame, leather up- holstery. Also other.. articles for sale. Apply to 'the News -Record' Of. fire. : ' 52-1 Insurance- Protection. Automobiles, fire, wind, accident, sickness, • Hospitalization. Cheapest . rates and most madern coverage. M. G.. RANSFORD 180w CLINTON .BIRTHS KENNEDY --In Clinton Public Hos- ' pilal os--i•i'al on Sunday; June 3rd, to 1VIr. and Mrs. Chris Kenney of Hu] - lett, a son, Wayne Neal. HARRIS—In Linton Puiblie•Ho'p'tel e+i Mond', 3u' -e 4'.1.1.„1.o Mr. and. Mts. Donald' Harris oft olerich Township, a daughter, stillborn. ,v. DEATHS THACTABERRY - In Clinton on Wednesday, June 6th, William, E. 'lhacktcberry, in his 74th year, OBITUARY MISS AGNES TIL.BBUTT The death df •iV.Gi s Agnes. Tebbutt,, tori,• place at the home of her sisters in Clinton on May 30th, 1945, ,She ;:rid not Leen well, for some time,. but c"nth came rather sudde^•ly at the lest, She was the d i •Mer of the 1 to Frederick. . Wm. Teli:scutt and Jane Tebbutt, Goderich .; Township, She had lived in C:inton'some eight or nine years. She was a member of Wesley -Wil- lis United Church, which she attend- od when able. She leaves three sis- ters to mourn • her passing, Mrs. Bracey of Hamilton, and the Misses J. and R. Tebbutt of .town The- funeral was Ilreld :front the Beattie' funeral Home, ,Clinton on'Sattuday at 2,30• p.m. Service was. conducted by the Rev, A. Lane, Interment in the familyplot at Clinton Cemetery. • CUT FL(IWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Ever Occasion,° F,L;:O R I Pbogei Q8w "and`:; Batkins Locker 'Stbrage ; Wehave home • rendered -1 d for sale at 19c a ib. Now is the time to use your starer/ fruit. We` have sonic 1,1W'lockers to rent. Farmer style; • sausages Ib 25,e: WE; BUY HIDES FROZEN. FOODS ARD BETTER FOODS A Three -Act Comedy play "Here Comes Charlie" by Seaforth Tuesday Night Club in Community .Sall LONDESBORO Tuesday, June 12th at 8.30 Under auspices of Burn's Church W. A. Admission 35e and 15e 52-1 TO the Electors of Huron To these who assisted in any way in any re-election on Monday last, I extend my sincere thanks. As in the past, I shall endeavour to further the interests of Huron and the Province. Hobbs' Taylor 52-1 Presbyterian Annual Bazaar S. S. ,Room - Saturday, June 16 3to6pan. Novelty Booth;., • Mrs, Shaw Apron • Mrs. Snider Home Made Baking • . Mrs. Cook Afternoon Teri Mrs. Shaddick MENU: Pressed Meat Salad Tomatoes, Stuffed Celery Lemon Pie Pumpkin Pie Bread and Butter ' Tea 30 cents 52-2 .Meeting of Huron County Council Will Meet in Council Chambers, Courthouse, Go:!erich, Ont. Commencing JUNE 12th, at 2 p.m. Ail aecounts, notices of deputa- tions and other business requiring the attention of the Connell, should be in the hand's of the County Clerk, not later than Saturday, June 9th. . N. W. Miller, • . -County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. u2-1 CARD OF THANKS The. Misses Tebbutt, wish to ex- tend their sincere thanks to their kind neighbours, and friends, who. were so good -to remember them, at the time of their yeeent sad ibereav'e- ment, _ CARD OF THANKS ' Mr, John Pipe wishes to thank all those who sp kindly • sent mins, flowers and fruit during 'his recent• illness,, or did anything which made his stay in the hosj it 1 m -re pleasant.— Teacher Wanted Protestant teacher wanted.. fes• S. S. No. 2 T'ti.cicersmith. Hydro in school. Salary $1200. additional for experience. Apply stating qualifi- cations and name and address of last inspector. iftities<_to c8mrnonce Sept. 4. Wnt. Kyle, 52.8 l{ippen. ChickBargains for this .week Si next White Leghorn, Barred Rook X White Leghotne, Austra Whites non sexed 9.95, pullets 19.95. Barred r'o lbs, New Namllshires, New Hampshire X Barred Racks 10.95 pullets 16.95. Cockerels' 10.95. As- ortsd Heavier; 'non -sexed 995, pul eti, 14.95, cockeie's.9,93. Assorted Li i'ht Breeds non -sexed 8.95. pn'leta 1795, cockerels:. White Lelhoins 1.50.. Started . pullets: White. Leg - horns, White Legliorns X Barred Rocks, Austra ,Whites, 2 weeks old, 2595, three -Weeks old 30.95, 4 weeks old 85.95. Shipped C.O.D. This ad- vertisement must accompany yotir order. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph Ontario. • 52-2 Lost A little boy's wagon. Natural eoaor with red wheels; The name As on the Lbt em, Finder please leave at News- Reeord Office. • 52-1 ROX `!' ATRE CAPY'tt TRIC cosign= . REGENT'T'HEATRII our Now Play1,ng,—. "MY PAL WOLF" Wath Shamy'n Moffett,' , Now 'laYing—+,isle!• Hawin's der. ing story "HOT'EL BE UAN"„ Now P7ayiLn1C—I 'HUNDERIIEAD SON of FLICKA" In Technicolor Mon Tuea 'hired As J Orornn's `KEYS 0F` TRE - Ii,1,'NGDOIVI ,:The poignant, but unforgettable 'stery ,of a•,priestwho dins ,truly -•, gZeat' .because he served with . lsumrlsty..:, -Gregory Peck, Tho Mitchell and`Roddy hMeDowall, Notet The above feature will cern- inence at. 7•p.m, Mon,, Tues and Wed ' Lon McAllister;': Jeanne Grains and E'dnia.nd O'Brien In co-operation with thg: • U. S. Artny ,Air Forces Present Moss" Hat's groat tory "1VINGFrD VICTORY" • •. Mon. Tues. Wed Bob Hope, Virginia Mayo and• rale- ' to1 Mc a *len. .. `All Bo d for a Technicolor cruise 'bwus •Bold Bob ands Itis- riotous liueoaneers. "THE PTiINCESS & THE PIRATE'' 'Thum, Fri, and Saturday Pat O'Brien, George "Murphy sad ,Carole Landis. • Packed with laughs and romantic 'adventure conies the 'season's top mystery-cotryedy "HAVING •A. ' WONDERFUL CRIME" `I`hur. Fr1. and Sat.. - Rosalind Russell and jack Carson Telling :i '.grand 'tale of •a woman who remembered how to laugh and a guy"who helped her do it. tUGHLY SPEAKING" Thur. Fri> "and- Sat. )toddy; 1YIe and - ; :.Preston' Foster unit .Iieta;Jbhnsa'.a, , • ;,Tho love of a to .te a' horse, and what a H"ii theme Of horse!: is the appealing this Technieobr" feature • 121./N. D 3RHEAI), Son of Fiicka' GolningURita Hayworth in "T,O- NIGHT AND%EVERY NIGHT•" • 'Iii Teeh'nieolor Coming . "SUNDAY DINNER FOR A SOLDIER" & 'TILE FIGHTING' LADY" Cing• `CANU' ISandLP SINGING Matinees --Wed. Sat. & Hol. 2.30 Matineesom—'T Sat, Rol.at 2.30 GOOD .NEWS!' A few days ago good news was broadcast around the world that the war in Europe was over BUT, THE BEST NEWS OF ALL IS THE OLD, OLD STORY— "that Christ Jesus- eame into the world to save sinners.'" (you` and me) 1 Tim. 1:15; so that all triose who accept Him ea Saviour shall be saved, for time and eternity. TUNE IN: Pilgrim. Hour 7-7.30 E.D.S.T, Sunday evening LOCAL STATION CKLW WINDSOR Week -end Specials Do Nuts Buns Fruit Bread Tea Biscuits- - Cookies iscuits--Cookies " Tarts Pies Cakes BARTLIFF'S The Home of Good Eats PHONE 1 For Rent A furnished apartment. Modern conveniences, for two adults. Apply to the News -Record,, 51-2 Cattle by the- Month 30 acres of pasture, spring creek, plenty of shade. • Apply to Mrs. Ellen J. Cox, Huron St., Clinton. 47-tf. TEACHER WANTED For Union School Section No. 12 Hullett and Goderich Townships at Summerhill. Duties to commence, Sept. 4th. P' --ease state qualifications and salary expected. Applications to be in the hands of the Secretary by June 12th, 1945. Clarence Ball R, R. 1 Clinton Secretary Treasurer 51-2 CARD OF THANKS Mr. Theodore Dale takes this opportunity, to thank the Clinton Hospital Nursing Staff, and also the 'Doctors in attendance, for their many acts of kindness and. sympathy during his illness, also for those who presented flowers and other gifts, which he sincerely appreciated. ' TENDER'S FOR" COAL AND COKE Federal Build`nga—Proviuee of 0.nt. Sealed Tenders; add:essed to the uniersigned end en'orsed "Tender -for Coal", wilI be ieceived until 3 p m. (E.D.S.T.), Weduesday, June '27. 1945, for the Gal%ply o coal and come for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of Ontari P Forms- of tender' with specifiea- tions and conditions attached can be obtained from the Purchasing Agent. Department of Public Works, Ottawa and the Supervising Architect, 36 Adelaide, St. East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should be made on the forms ,supplied by the Department and in :accordance with departmental specifications and ccnditions attach- ed thereto. Coal dealers' licence number must' be given when tender- ing:. The Department reserves- the right to demand from any successful ten- derer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of •a 'entified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada,.tnaile payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Fttblic Work,, equal to 10 pet' .cent of the amount of the tender, or Bear er Bonds of the. Dominion of Canada or of .the 'Canadian National way- Company and its _constituent companies unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the afore- mentioned bonds and -a Certified cheque, if required to make up an odd amount. - Such security will serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfilment of the contract, By order, .7. M. SOMVIE,RVILLE e • S eietary. benartment of Public Works; • Ottawa,. •May 25, 194'5 51-2 Cemetery Memorials Large stock of modern memorials On display at our Clinton Showrooms For the convenience of our Patrons, office will be open on • Fridays - Open• by appointment at any other time See Mr. J. J. Zapfe, next door Cunningham &1 Pryde ,Clinton —• Exeter -- Seaforth PHONE 41 .. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer For Huron • • Correspondence promptly answered Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at the News - Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. Chargemoderate and satisfaction Guaranteed. - Teacher -Wanted Protestant teacher for S. -S. No. 4 and No. 5 Tuckersmith, Huron Co, Applicants to state experience, qualifications, references and salary exeeeted. Duties to commence Sept. lst 1945. A personal application would be appreciated. Tuckersinith Township •School Area, No. 1. S. H. Whitmore Secre- tary Treasurer. 51-1 Teacher Wanted Protestant teacher for S. S. No, 11, Hallett, on county road. Duties to continence September 4th. Apply stating qualifications, and salary expected, to Wm. Hamilton, Sec. Londesboro, Ont. • 51-2 Teacher Wanted Protestant teacher for S. $, No. 5 Goderich township, Please state gualifieations and ,salary. Apply to Murray McDougall, R.R. 1 Goderich, or phone Clinton 903r24, 51-2 For Sale' Barn, 46 ft. by 64 ft, with 20 ft. posts. Excellent frame on Stone foundation. To be removed off premi- ses. Apply to E. J. Trewartha, Clin- r ton ,R.R.3, phone Clinton 911-22. . 52-2 For Sale . . • One 7 ft. McCormick -Deering Bin- i -R. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Fire Insurance Agent Representing 14' Fire Insurance • Companies Division Court Office, Clinton Frank:Fingland, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Palk Successor to W. Brydone, K.C. Sloan Block , ... . - Clinton;' Ont, INSURANCE BONDS INVESTMENTS We specialize its all lines of Insurance Fire - Autemobiie - Aeeident Sickness - Burglary , Plate Glass Liability H. C. Lawson Clinton, Ontario. Office 251W Bank .of Montreal Bldg. Phone ARTHUR E. PARRY • Commissioner, Etc. Etc. By Royal Warrant. IL C. MSIR Barrister -at -Law Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Ontario Proctor in Admiralty. Notary Public and Cominissioner Office in the McKenzie Hotel Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays and Fridays. Dr. F. G. Thompson House and Office, Ontario Street Clinton. Telephone 172 OFFICE HOURS: 2-4 in the after- noon and '7-8 in the 'evening daily. Other hours by appointment. D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Electro Therapist, Massage Office: Huron Street, (Few Doors west of Royal Bank) , Hours—Wed. and Sat., and by appointment FOOT CORRECTION by Manipulation Sun -Ray Treatment Phone 207 HAROLD JACKSON . Licensed 'Auctioneer wl Sales.Specialist in Farm and Household Licenced in Huron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable; sada- faction guaranteed. For information ate. write or phone Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4 Seaforth, phone 14-661, 06-012 DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinary Surgeon Phone 203 ,Clinton, Out. der; One No. 8 Challenge Grinder, both in exce'lent' condition. App;,y i. ERNEST W. HUNTER " to Gordon Hill Varna, or Phone Cl'nton 623x15. 52-1 r CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Wanted A second hanl radio, and alsoa chest of drawers. P,ease get in con- tact with Mrs. Minnie Ross, Bayfield, 52-2 Patentor Ga, Saver Supercharger, Crankc,a'e Ventila- tor, Converts waste into power; In- creases mileage amazingly.' Fits Any motor o ea ' su y, •quicic,V. Harmless, proven guaranteed, Attractive sales proposition, Victory Mantes Com- pany,. Cornwall, Ontario, House for Sale 11,4 story frame, •3 bed rooms, 3vl-piece bath, furnace. Possession 1 15th, 1945, H. C. Lawson, Bank of Montreal Bldg, Phone' '251w, Olin ton, Ont.52-11 For Rent Two Light housekeeping rooms, or board and room. A.pp1y to box 63 Clinton, •„ 52-2 157 Blear Str. W. Toronto Ont, THE McKILLOP MUTUAL. Fire Insurance Company IHead Office, Seaforth, Ont. OFFICERS— President W. It. Archibald, Seaforth, Vice -President Frank McGregor, Clinton, Manager Secy-Treas, M. A. Reid,, Seaforth. IDIRECTORS- W. R, Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; +Alex," Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J, Trewar- 'tha,'Clinton ; John L. Malone, Seaforth IAIex. MeEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alexan- der, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. I' AGENTS-- John E. Pepper, Bruce - field;` R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F; Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desiring to effect inane - rinse or transact other business will be promptly attended to on applica- tion to any of the above officers ad dressed to their respective post offi- ces. Losses inspected by the director. For Sale Beattie Mangel, white enamel, floor model. price $70.00; Also new modern dresser :125,00. Apply to phone 223. 51-tf Brick House For Sale A good brick house in first-class condition, •All modern conveniences. Apply to News -Record 43-tf. Warned To buy Brick building, large or sural/ within 150 mile • radius orf Wi,ri.gharn :tor wrecking Ivan Lankin, 149 Langar'th St., London, Metcalf 8280w, 49-1f Wanted to Buy Wanted to buy, old. horses and dead attle for mink feed., If dead, phone at: once. Fred Gilbert908r22or Jack Gilbert 903.•21, 58-11 CANanoiollAnOsArliait, ASL TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: Toronto and Goderich Division Going East, depart ' 6,43 a.m. Going East, depart 3.03 pan., Going West, depart . , . i12 04 P.M. Going West, depart 11.10 p•m. London and Clinton Division Coming North, arrive 11.20 a.m. Going South, leave .. .. , ., 5.10 p.m,