HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-05-24, Page 8Starts whiter. ... Stays whiter ... 7RUTONE" WHITE PAINT sof cleaningl Lasts longer! More economical! A/ors VARNISHES - •ENAMELS SUTTER e? PERDUE. MANDWARE; PLUMBING, & ELBLIBICL320111 mons 167W. cLINTON. 'ON?. Mens Suits and Topcoats • The outlook for the Clothing industry is not par- ticularly bright. The demand will be 'heavy and the supply of Clothing Material light Buy your new suit or topcoat now while we stilt have a nice assortment on our racks. Dieliveries have been late and new lines are still being added to. our stock. The Made to Measure department of Tip Top Tailors and Cambridge Clothes for which we are agents ate doing their utmost to give satisfactory serviceS 'under the existing circumstances. Priori* ,will be given to returned service men on Made to Measure Suits. Get your order in now as it may take as much as twelve weeks for delivery. Plumsteel Bros. Amir Marla — Adaai HataBcMI $ 11•11ala Mao for Wm Assets Tp Top 'Mhos. THE ELECTION ACT Form. 25 (Referred to in Section 88 (4)) NOTICE OF HOLDING AN ADVANCE POLL. OR POLLS " for Railway Employees, Sailors and Travellers ELECTO,RAL DISTRICT OF HURON ome Of Our •Latest Books Two Solitudes $3.00 By Hugh MacLennan The Unknown Country 1.98 • • By Bruce Hutchison Immortal Wife $3.25 By Irving Stone Image of Josephine $3.00 By Booth Tarkington The Wife to Mr. Milton By. Robert Graves $3.25 The R.C.A.F. Overseas The First Four. Years • 3.00 G. R. McEwan Co. 'OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" PHONE 84 Notice M hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of the Election Act (Section 88) a poll will be opened on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday the 31st -of May, and 1st and 2nd day of June from eight o'clock in the forenoon until five o'clock in the afternoon and from seven, o'clock in the afternoon until ten o'clock in the afternoon. The polling place •for the Electoral District of Huron . will be located at • • Clinton Town Hall for the purpose of receiving the votes of railway employees, sailors and travellers 'whose employment is such as td necessitate their , absence froan time to time from their ordinary place of residence, or who have reason. to believe that. they will be absent upon the day A fixed for the election. The Ballot box will be opened and the votes 'counted! at 7 o'clock in the Town Hall'of Clinton the 4th day of June at the said place. Dated at Exeter this 6th day of May 1945. The following persons shall be permitted to vote at advance polis in addition to those classes of voters named in. Section 88 of the Election Act, R.S.O. 1037, Chapter 8:- 1 Delegates to the convention of Ontario Provincial Command, of the Canadian Legion, British Ihripire. Service League, which is to be held at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, on June 4th to June 7th, 1945 both day e inclusive. •Such delegates, -whether official or fraternal, if their names are entered on the voters' list for the appropriate electoral district, may • vote on producing to the deputy retbaming officer at the •advance poll their credential Card appointing them as delegates, such card to be signed in printing by Thomas Magladery, President and count- ersigned in handwriting by W. T. Burke, -Secretary of the Ontario Provincial Command and on making the declaration, (Section 88 (6) fJ properly amended. 2 School teachers who have been summoned: to Toronto_ by the Provincial Department of Education, for the purpoie of marking examination -papers where. such summons, entails their absence•from • home on. the day of polling, may vote, if their names, are on the Voters' List for the appropriate electoral district on producing to the deputy returning officer the letter of instructions receiv.ecl by them 44 from the Department of Education and on making the declaration 'A (Section 88 (6) ,properly amended. 3 Any Active Service Voter -who is .absent on leave from. his unit nit on the day of polling may votebut who will be en route to his u ,1* at an advance poll in the electoral district in which he is ordinarily resident under the provisions of Parapraph 41 of the Ontario Active ;S.* Service Voting Regulations, 1945'• The above is a direction anade by me -as Chief Election Officer of the 'Province of Ontario under the authority' vested- in me by Section A 5,subsection 4, of the Election Act, 1987 add section 4 of the Active Srvice Election Act, 1945. -• G. Clark Fisher• , Returning Officer Ce, Ala Time --Daylight Saving 1, .448:4114.4.+WIAR+.14:4-0:4444.`0S.4.4.444.4-4-#444.1:44:4•444:44.W341414.3.4"..W.f-4.14. 39 yt.3.313.94.333~04,433,330,0333.9.333,333,03o. Mr. and Mrs. Nixon Welsh of Lon- don spent Sunday with relatives in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore spent the week end with friends in Woodstock. Miss Kay Ross of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.•Wrn. Ross. Miss Stackhouse of Blyth returned home after visiting Miss L. Brig- ham the past week. Mr. Kenneth Carter of Toronto spent the week end with his parents, Mr4 and Mrs. Wm. Carter. Mr. David J. Johnston of Kitchener spent the -week end with -his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H., John- ston. Mrs. Lyda McNeil returned home on • • Sunday after visiting for several All persons interested in the suc- weeks with her niece, Mrs. Geo. cess of this Club are solicited to be - Hunter of Exeter. - come members. Please consider this your notification to help in this post - Mrs. Dougal Campbell and Mrs. G. war project and send a remittance Herd of Holyrood visited. Mr. and for your entrance fee to F. Fingland, Mrs. Norman Ball of the Base Clinton,' Ontario. Further particulars Line last Sunday. will be gladly furnished by him on request. Miss Winnifred James, nurse -in - training at Victoria Hospital, Wilmot Haacke, • • London, is visiting her parents, President Mr. and Mrs. Albert James. Mr. and Mrs. David Elliott visited in London last week end with their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Alec Whitfield., *Listen To N X •WINGHAM Friday, May 25th 7.15 to 7.20 p.m. , When MR. THOMAS PRYDE the Dominion candidate for the riding of Huron -Perth will speak Authorized by the Progressive Conservative Association • of Huron -Perth 4.11,41. • 110SE, BUSHES Hybird "'Tea roses. Briarcliff Better Times Red . I -1C II Jar neY White ' Queen Elizabeth -- Yellow Foy sale at Greenhouse, Limited 1 number only 60e EACH . . • Spanish Oniens '• • • 40c a box BUY VICTORY BODS F. R. •CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del. As. Personal care given every order and special attention given to • Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 81 Ith BINGO St. Joseph's Church Hall Wednesday, May 30th • Fifteen regular rounds . " 3 1Specials Jack Pot . 1 Share -the -Wealth • . Blossom Tea & Bazaar And sale of Home baking, Aprons, Novelties in St. Paul's Parish Hall Saturday, May 26`th ^ from 3 to 6 p.m. DO COME • 49-2 "SUE" A. play, will be presented by the Sunuterbill Red Cross Group in Brucefield United Church ,TUESDAY, MAY 29 at 8.15 p.m. • Under Atispices of Group 1 of the W. A. Admission ,25c and 15e County of Huron Flying Club , • , MAT '24.th: 1,945 Week -end ELF •- - ERVE PECIALS AT T. THrOMPSON'S Superior Food Store • KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES STANDARD PEAS .20 oz. tin , .21c FRY'S COCOA I/2 lb Tin 19e 1 lb. tin •31c CRICICEN HADOIE Tin ........29c CANADA CORN STARCH pkg. 10c ,ARCTIC PASTRY FLOUR - 7 lb. bag . . 25e CATELLPS MACARONI 16 oz. pkg. ...... 16e HILLCREST SHORTENING 1 Ib 19e PART) DOG POOE 2 cartons .. 29e woonsuitrs SOAP 2, bars .. 15e INTERLAKE TOILET TISSUE • 3 rolls 25e NO. 1 ROUND GRAIN RICE 2 Ib 250 SATINA pkg. 7c LA FRANCE 'pkg. 14c ORANGES, Size 288s •doz. 89e LEMONS, Size 300s Doz. 45c GRAPEFRUIT, Sizp 100s 3 for 25c NEW CABBAGE Firm Heads Ib. 8e FIRM RIPE TOMATOES lb. 27c PHONE' ORDERS FILLED Al Flying Club in the interests of Post-war flying has been incorporat- ed in this County. in order to raise money needed for the organization ot the Club an appeal is being made for Sustaining Members. By the Charter of the Company the entrance fee of such members is Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00). - Charles Cook is apehrling; a well- earned leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Cook, after being overseas over five years with the Calgary Highlanders. He saw service' with his regiment in all the Edropean Countries through which the Canadians pas- sed to reach Germany. Petty Officer J. R. Felker of H. M. C.S. St. Laurent and Mrs. Felker formerly Miss Mary Gaydon of Clinton Hospital. Staff were guests at the home of Mrs. B. Hearn this week. Sgt. W. W. Sowerby and Mrs. Sowerby of Detroit have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Cochrane and Mis. Fred Mutch. Sgt. Sower - by has returned from OVerseas, having seen service with the U.S. 'Army • Medical Corps in Afriea, Sicily and Normandy. Mr. Robert N. Irwin of Lethbridge, Alberta, has accepted a' position with Miss E. V. Irwin, arriving in Clinton this week. Mr. Irwin has just been released from the R. C. A. Mrs. Irwn and small daugh- ter, Patricia, will remain in Alberta for .a short time before coming to make the'r home in Clinton. Miss Jo Anne Cuninghame has com- pleted her first year in Fine Arts at Toronto University and is home for the long vacation. Before re- turning home she attended her fraternity .house -party at Having - ton Inn, Muskoka. For the sum- mer months she will assist in the Canadian National Express Office. Mrs. C. C. Anderson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. Smith* at Alvin - sten. Paul Anderson who has been tak- ing a special course in Munitions at McGivney Junet. N.B. is on furlough at his home at the. Baptist Parson- age. • HOLMESVILLE The monthly meeting of theyT. M. S. was held at the home. of Mrs. Walters, with 'Mrs. B. Trewartha ni charge. Devotional period opened. 109 Was msed in opening followed by singing Hymn 235 and the leader', by the , •1rayein u unison. offered prayer, • The Scripture Minutes •lastmeeting, were • 50-2 MAY 24, -25, 26 Where Quality sells and service tells DEHYDRATE,D Beans 6 for .. 25c OXFORD INN Veg. Soup 6 for 25e HABITANT Veg. Soup 3 for .. 25e CHICKEN RICE' SOUP 8 for .. 25c LYNN VALLEY PEAS 2 for 25c DUTCH SET ONIONS 3 lb for 25c POST TOASTIES CORN FLAKES or KELLOGG'S 4 for • 25c GRAPE Nti, FLAKES, Med 3 for 25 WHITE BEANS,' 4. lba. fer 25c LIBBY'S SOUPS,' Torn. or Veg. • 3 for, .......... , . . .. .. 25e With; yorir order of $1.00 or more we have'''seedleaS‘ raisins. currants, dates, fits 'and, prunes. . .. • • RILEY'S 6ROCER,Y . , PHONE 39 WEEK ENDSPECIALS • VALUES FOR.M AY ,25th and 26th .AYLMER FANCY TOMATO• REAllY CUT JUICE 20 oz tin 9e. MACARONI 2 lbs ile COUNTRY • KIST PEAS 2 tins LYNN VALLEY SPINACH -2 tins ow -DEN' SPRAT . 25e * CHEESE 1/2 lb pkgi19e - GOLD 1VIK1AL CHOICE , 29c TOMATOES 28 oz 14c •xirlAVLEat SAIJER •KRAFT • KRAUT 28'oz tin 153 DINNIEI pkg. 18e van:ea-m(1A BEANS • pkg. 5c Oxford Inn Veg. SOUP . Tin' 5c • Viking Toilet •TISSUE Roll 5c AYLMER FANCY Pumpkin 2 tin 27 AYLMER TOMATO Juice 3 tins 27c STOKLEY'S Tomato Soup 3 tins 25c DALTON'S PUDDING Powders 2 pkgs. 15e HEINZ INFANT'S FOODS 3 for 25e WHEAT PUFFS 1 bushel bag ..49c WHEAT PUFFS with' premium • 19e 25c 39c DUTCH. SET ONIONS, 2 for ..25e LONDON SOAP 2 begs. 11c CLARK'S Mushroom Soup 2. tins 19c IVORY SNQW pkg. 25c PRINCESS FLAKES 25c BLUE RIBBON TEA 3,fi Ib. 38c PALMOLIVE SOAP (Giant Size)„ 3 for • 25c ODEt TOILET Soap 3 cakes18c HARRY•HORNE'S LEMON PIE" Filler 2 for 19e HARRY HORN'S CUSTARD Powder 16 oz. tin 29c VAL- ORANGES 288's 39c CHATEAU CHEESE pkg • 22c LIBBY TOMATO JUICE 105 oz. 49c ASPARAGUS, CELERY, LETTUCE TOMATOES, CABBAGE ETC son from Psalm 27 was read by Mrs. C. Wilson. Hyann .288 was sung. • Mrs. F. Mulholland gave an arti- cle on Christian Stewardship. Mrs. Bond' read the minutes of the last meeting also the roil call -Which was answered by a verse of scripture containing the word "Peace". A short business period was con- ducted by the Pres. Mrs. Trewarthr. Difes. B. Trewae'tha gave, a very interesting and inspiring talk on the life of the late Mrs. Ro'y'. Hamil- ton. Mrs, L. Jervis and Mrs. E. Trewarthe favored_ with a duet:fol- lowed by prayer by Rey. Tavener. A very fine report of the recent presbyterial of the W. M. S. held in North ,Street Church Goderich was given -by the delegates Mrs. J. Har- ris and Mrs. L. JerYis. Meeting clos- ed by singing Hymn 258, The mooting of the W..A. followed with Mrs. Bond in charge and Hymn W. L. JOHNSON & SON PHONE 286 GROCERS' DELIVERY •HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. MAY 17 to 19th CAKE 5c Walkers Cresm SODAS lb. bag. 14c Glenwood Choice PUMPKIN 2-28 oz tin 19 Griffin Chicken HADDIE Tin •25c " Club same PUDDINGS 2 pkgs-13c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TOMATOES -- LETTUCE — RADISHES — CELERY — CURES ASPARAGUS L- _PINEAPPLE — GR. ONIONS GR. BEANS CALIFORNIA, JUICY 220's NEW TEXAS GREEN ORANGES doz.. • 53c CABBAGE lb. 8c SEEDLESS 100•s NEW TEXAS. 'GRAPEFRUIT 3 - 25c • BEETS 2 lbs 15c • CALIFORNIA! JUICY NEW TEXAS LEMONS 3 for 10c CARROTS ib. 8c • C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 FOR QUALITY FOODS —.CLINTON JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING. FOR SHOWING A large assortment of Chenile Bedspreads in 'various designs., Colors and prices. Bargains One suite in a good velour. One suite in a heavy tapestry, also One suite in a good below. One suit in a heavy tapestry. also, one slightly used suite at a very reasonable price. BALL & ZAPFE Dealers in Hardware and Furniture • Modern Ambulance Service, Funeral Directors • Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G. BALL JOHN J. ZAPFB Phone 110 Phone 303 Furnace • Repairs `Now is the time to have your furnace looked over for Next Winter, terprevent the fall rush and have a better chance for gettingrepairs for furnaces and heating equipment. Hugh R. Hawkins Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal Work Agent for .Hecla Furnace PHONE 244 UV. • IODIZED SALT 2 pkg. • pe CLUB HOUSE :Sweetened pud- dings, 2 pkg. 15e W" SNOFLAKE Ammonia 5 pkg. 25e SUPER SUDS pkg. 25c LONDON Laundry Soap 3 bars 17c PLUM JAM 2 lb. jar 29c SMARTS Pumpkin 28 oz. tin 2 for 25 -SANT WHITE Toilet tissue 4 xis. 25 LIDO Self Polishing wax pt. tin 39c STOOKLY Tomato soup 3 tins 25c FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER qt sealer 35c GIANT OXYDOL pkg 72c OXFORD INN VEGETABLE Soup 5 tins 25e ALL WHEAT 2 pkg. 25c and a •• toanato Juice Glass free. CLARK'S MUSHROOM Soup 2 tins .. . . . 19c GOLDEN SPRAY Cheese pkg. 19c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGErABLES LOOK IN, OUR REFRIGERATED „ ' . COUNTER FOR . Minced Hain lb. 49-e Macareni and .Chease Loaf lb ..25c Fresh 'Sausage lb. 25e Cottage' Rolls in piece lb. 39c Fresh Wieners lb. , 27e Belogna lb. ......, . 24c We have a complete Stock of Dress Goods and Dress Trimmings also Lace, Embroidery and Insertion so much in demand BROWN'S One Door North of Royal Bank ‘simmenomommonsatisommanassanua, AtONGLAVING—ECONOW6q Tait SOAP CAKE 5c • A Farmer Fights for 17armer's Rights rifai L�bb 1oree Delivery read by the Secretary'. There were a few matters of ,business to be discussed: And plans were made for the Presbytery meeting to be held hi Helmesville Church in June. All joined. .in repeating the Miz- pah Benediction and Rev. 'reveller closed with prayer, Mrs. Walters and Mrs., Hairy Ord lele were hos- -teases., , When the injusticte of farmers incomes is remov-4 ed the economy of Canada as a whole will be stren- gthened and the whole cross section of our populat4' ion will enjoy a new prosperity such as we 'have never had before, • VOTE "Elston" L.' E. Cardiff Progressive Conservatiye on June 11th. Sponsoreel by the Progressive conservotive Party,