HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-05-24, Page 5The better the bricks, the better the house! The better th feed the better the birds! Take no chances —egg production next season depends upon the size and stamina of the birds you grow this summer. Good grain is the best base for a top-notch diet for growing chickens. Add only SHUR-GAIN 34% DEVELOPING CONCENTRATE — it supplies all the extra -protein, minerals and vitamins needed fol BEST DEVELOPMENT. Thousands more Canad- ian farmers use growing mash made with SHUR' GAIN DEVELOPING CONCENTRATE than any other type of growing ration for chickens. In a growing mash made with SHUR-GAIN DE- VELOPING CONCENTRATE, you get the'optimum anounts'of protein, minerals and -vitamins for best growth; fine -feather development, sturdy bone, and prevention of disease.. Your birds will develop in- to fine ybung pullets, ready, fit and able to do their best for you when the time conies for them to enter the laying pens. Have your grains ground and.Inixed with SHURA GAIN DEVEL'OPING CONQENT•RATE here aij our mill, for a really ecolbriiieal growing mash. Shur -Gain 34% Developing Concentrate Price only $3.70 per bag: Clinton Feed Mill Jno. Aldington Varna Alex Wells Clinton 1 K. Cornish Brucefield Londesboro SERVICE .. , , In your home, your church or our chapel, Regard-, less of the price you pay, Beattie's offer a tradition- ally fine funeral Service. BEATTIE FUNERAL HOME GEORGE B. BEATTIE Parents of Children in HURON NORTH Will receive $492,000 per year under Liberal Family ,AllorJances Payments start in July 1945 Ensure that this act goes into eff; et VOTE Liberal JUNE 11 Published by'. NORTH HURON LIBETAL ASSOCIATION 1'l Q1nSOl,;`< Of TORONTO at the NOIVXINATXON 1V,[pETING InIENSALL, `on• at 2 p Irl; (Sharp): in the interests of JAMES BALLANTYN,e '. LIBERAL CANDIDATE, FOR` SOUTH ,HURON Mr. Thomson is -.one of the outstanding Orators in. Canada, and is well qualified to speak for the ;Liber al Party. • (Plublished by the South.HuronLiberalAssociation. •} i`K.1.44 ..*+ +�$ 'SHM'cry!+ 1 .t*si l!:! ��+�'h��ia ._ .4., '�s«4' FREE MOVING :PICTURES 'in TOWN HALL, HAYFIELD Saturday Saturday Night, May 26th, 8 p.m. TOM PRYDE,•Dominion Progressive Conservative Candidate in. Huron -Perth will speak Authorized by the Progressive Conservative Association of Duron -Perth BIRTHS �0e,.11yk 9 CALDWELL—In Clinton Public Hos pital on Thursday, May 24th, to ,Mt. and Mrs. Earl Caldwell, of Blyth, a daughter. ROIT--In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, May 17th; • to Mr. and Mrs. John' Reit of Clinton, a 'daughter.-- " DEATHS NICKLE—In London, on Tuesday, May 22nd, Elizabeth Connell, wife of Wm. J. Nick'e, in her 59th year. v EBENEZER Mrs, C. 'Tavener of Holmesvill9 entertained the members of the W. A. at the parsonage on Thursday. The president, Mrs. C. Tebbutt, pre- sided at the • meet'ng, a hymn, fol- lowed by the Lord's Prayer in uni- son. The minutes- -of th'e previous meeting were read and the roll call was enswered by a poem or verse on "Mother". There were thirteen mem- bers and one visitor present. Rev. C. Tavener read the Scripture read. ing and led in prayer.' Following the business part of the meeting, a report of the Pre-bytery meeting was given by Mrs. I. Merrill and a contest was conducted by Mrs. F. Jones. The meeting was closed with -a hymn, followed by the Mizpah benediction. The Ebenezer Y.P.U, were enter- tained by the Christian Youth Feder- ation of Clinton, at the Anglican Church on Monday evening. v TUCKERSMITH The Tackersmith Ladies Club held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Warren Whitmore, Seventeen mem- bers and nine visitors were present, It was decided to Continue the sun- shine sisters 'department for another year, and the names were drawn, Mrs. Oakes, Mrs. Herman, Mrs. Cools and Mrs. Miller were present and Mrs. Oakes gave a very inter- esting report on the Red Cross An- nual ameeting in Toronto. Mrs, Cook and Mrs.. Herman gave helpful hints• on the sewing and knitting problem. Two invitations were receiyed for the June -meeting, and it was de- eided to accept the one from the Ontario Street W. A, in Clinton, on June 6th, and the one from Mrs. Fred Pepper on June 13th, at Which a pot luck supper is to be served, The roll call is to be answered by "How I make my head save my heels." The meting closed with the Homemaker's prayer., • Due Dates for • Ration Coupons Coupons now valid are :butter 90 to 107, sugar 46 to 59, pne;erves 33 to 56. . Next coupon becoming good is butter 108 on May 31, Until May 31 one preserves cou- pon is good fox the ourchase of 40 ounces of maple syrup. After that date it returns to its normal value of 24 fluid ounces. • Lost On Saturday night, a pink •ret:heted ear -ling. Will finder please leave at News -Re ord Of i•e. For Sale . A woo 'en silo, 28 by 12, in good ' and 1•irn. ; Apply td Milton Wilts°. I bone 619r12, C iiton. 50-1 For Sale T•_ C. C. M. Bicycle in good condition' Apply to 911x6. 50-1 For Sale Two Shortnorn bulls, thirteen months old; one red one dark roan, also a black filly, rising four. Apply to Geo.. L, Reid, Varna' • 50-2 For Sale 5 head of cattle, 1 year old, 1 litter of Beagle ;,pups, 6 weelas • old; two setting ducks also duck eggs, a num- ber of Bantam eggs. Apply to James Bast, .1t.R. No, 4 Clinton, 21/1 miles north eastof Clinton. 50-1 S. tee CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS • For Every Occasion C. ♦ • COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j Batkins Locker Storage We have home rendered lard for sale at 190 a Ib. Now is the 'time to use your stored fruit. We have some new lockers to rent. Farmer style sausages lb 25c WE BUY AIDES - FROZEN FOODS ARE BETTER FOODS NOTICE THE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY The Court of Revision for the Assessment Roll for the Township of Stanley, will be held in the Town- ship Hall Varna on the 31st day of May 1945, at 10 o'clock in the fore- noon when appeals will be heard, Also take notice that all appeals must be in writing and in the hands of the clerk on or before May 28th, 1945. CHAS. C. PILGRIM, 49-2 Clerk Keys - Gaunt - Culbert SHORTHORN SALE, 7 MALES - 24 FEMALES Elmandorph Stock Farm ' 3 miles from VARNA, ONTARIO, Thursday, .May 31st 1945 at 1.30. p.m. • ;Inetuded in the sale ase 7 bulls ranging from calves . to iserviceable age; 24 cows and heifers. Auctioneers: Duncan Brown and Robt. T. Amos Ringman: W, M. O'Neil For Catalogue. and Details Write— Clifford H•. Keys and Sons • Varna, Ont. 50-1 Wanted To buy a house in town, Terns cash. ,Apply to News -Record Office. 49..2 Clearing Auction Sale, of Household effects, to be held in Brucefield at the home of .Mr. David Tough, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 30th at A full hoe. of household effects including: kitchen, dining room, liv- ing room furniture; one oil burner stove, (used one year); one new. Beach range (white enamel); Clocks; one lawn mower, one Easy washing machine, one wringer; kitchen uten- sils, host of dishes; garden tools and other articles too numerous to men- tion. TERMS CASH Ilin.rold 'Jackson, Auctioneer John McEwen, Proprietor. 50-1 ePlor, s l " Irl"; rtng,I,b ]tape Mott' T'pe$, Wed t Joan 'Fontaine, Arti!so de Cpsdo us AandjeReianlpiehoEroiishpese, toaueoswssh- - bnu=eks ltng, ,adventure andaitveaen']pprot •uthoeu`.'pFaaRmEesNanCofHeMafANlamemoa rCabEleEKno^'vel Thur. Fri. and Sat. `THE, THREE CABALLERO.S'x In Technicolor Walt • Disney's, enchanting extra- vaganza of that wonderful Wond- erland south of the border • Carmen Molina, Panchito and • Donald .Duck; Corning -- `Gamy Cooper as "CASANOVA BROWN" ' fou rt1�Y,wEg r4?ssls4R+ls6ell s:NR)y Pling r1'Hzag Ilunil, nn fid Duca' (,'arson In "`ItOliGriL1haades, Bog] It% '1T0"CrTF1Ei SPEAKi1�jHv, CrAIN'' TOTES --< ouhowin s . on this pro- gram commence at`7 parr, "OBJECTIVE BURMA" . • Warner Brothers,' great and ad, :venturous epic of a mighty cam- paign. With Lerol Flynn, George Tobias and wiiliannr Prince Thur, Fri, and Saturday "THE THREE (ABALLDROS" Thyilling" beyond words! Amazing beyond belief! Walk Disney's new Techoieol'or musical feature. Panchito, Joe Carioca •and Donald Coming "A TREND GROWS IN -BROOKLYN" Morn. Tues.. Wod, , Joan Fontaine, Arturo de 'Cordova and Bassi Rathbone'• It's a thsiliing tale of pirates end .princes, romance and skull dugg ery done in glorious Technicolor "FRENCHMAN'S CREEK'" Ti it'. Fri. and Sat. Panohito, J•oe Carioca and Donald buck, Starred in Walt Disney'samazing'' new Technicolor musical hit "THFJ THREE "CABALLEROS" Coming— Jeanette " MacDonald and Nelson Eddy in "MAYTIME" WHAT MUST 1 DO TO BE WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED?I Beleive bn•the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Acts 16: 30, 31. TUNE IN: Pilgrim Your 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. Sunday evening'. LOCAL STATION CKLW WINDSOR ABSOLUTELY LOST? NOTHING. Week -end Specials Do Nuts Buns . Fruit Bread Tea Biscuits Cookies Tarts Pies Cakes BARTLIFF'S The Home of Good Eats PHONE 1 CHICKS Here's, your last chance to buy Good Single Comb White Leghorn Pulletts, both started and day olds. Started Chicks from -2 to 6 • weeks old. Day old for the last 2 weeks;, of May. Glazier Poultry Farm Phone 617r31, Clinton iri , 49-2 TEACHER WANTED. For S. S. N. 5 Hullett Township. Duties to commence Sept. 4, 1945, School is located on No. 4 Highway 114 miles. from Londesboro, Appli- cant to state qualifications and salary expected. Applications to be in the hands of the Secretary by May 30th, 1945. F. M. PECKITT 50-1 Secretary. Treasurer. Cows For Sale Three young cows freshened three weeks. Apply T. R. Jenkins, phone 901x23, Clinton 49-2 Cattle by the Month 80 acres of pasture, spring creek, plenty of shade. "Apply' to Mrs, 'Ellen J. Om, Hix:'on St., Clinton. 47-t£. House for Sale • Five roomed frame house on Alb- ert Street, town water, quarter aero of land. For further particulars apply to Frank Fingland or J. W. McCool, Londesboro 11-tf, Vote Dr. Hobbs Taylor , Dr. R. Hobbs -Taylor of Dashwood, member of the Ontario Legislature for the past tivo . years, has aggain beets chosen as' the Progressive Con- servative Candidate for Huron. Dr. Taylor was a hard working member of the Legislature and was ever on the alert to do everything he could to help the people of his riding. He a'so bad a large medical practice. His health had always been of the best, but he -over taxed his strength and became 01 a few'cl'ays before the Legislature was dissolv- ed, with the result that he has been confined to hospital since. His physician, Dr. H. E. Ryisert, who is 'a well known specialist, writes that Dr. Taylor is making satisfactory progress and will very soon .be able to resume all his usual activities. In fact, it is' expected he will be out of hospital ina few days, Owing to the shortness of the election campaign, Dr. Taylor will not be able to address any meetings,, nor make any persoinal calls on the people of his riding. However, he will .broadcast over Radio Station C 12 N . Wingliaau, on Tuesday, May 29th at 6.00 pan., Thursday May 31st at 6.00 p'M. and Satur= day' Jane 2nd at 7.55 p.m. On Friday. June lst at 7,15 p.m., Premier Drew Will speak on his behalf over the same Station. He is confident his friend's and worker's will ,rally to :his support and do aA they can, to see that he is re- eI'eeted. Vote and work ler Taylor for June 4th election. ' Taylor backs Drew and his policies, Cemetery Memorials Large stock of modern memorials on display at our Clinton Showrooms For the convenience of our patrons, office will be open on Fridays Open by appointment at any other time ' See Mr. J. J. Zapfe, next door Cunningham & Pryde Clinton — Exeter --- Seaforth PHONE 41 EIJ'WARD. W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer For Huron Correspondence promptly answered Iminediate arrangements mann be made for .Sales Date at the News- Record; ;Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. Charge moderate and satisfaction Guaranteed. Wool Growers' Organization WOOL SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No, 1 Weston, Ontario RELIABLE GRADING PROMPT SETTLEMENT Obtain sacks and twine frons. Local Agricultural Office or direct frons Canadian Co-operative . Wool Growers Limited 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada WANTED At once, a 50 to 100 acre farm on a paved highway close to any small town or city .and preferably with Ilydro. Have a client who will pay cash up to Seven Thousand Delius. Please state full particulars, and eash price, Would prefer iztoeked and equipped sannll farm. Otto Johann, Owen Sound, Ontario,. 49-2 Weaned To buy Brick building, large or small, within 80 mile radius of Wingliam for wrecking Ivan Lankin, 149 Langarth St., London, Metcalf 8280.w, 49-tf Brick, House For Sale 4 good brick house 111 -first-class condition.' All modern conveniences. Apply to News -Record 43-tf. Potatoes For Sale Chippewa Potatoes, grown from foundation stock, A. A; also early Warba Planters, Roy Tyndall, Phone 907r3, Clinton 40-tf. Farm for Sale One 'hundred acres, lot 13 .con. 2, Hullett Township, including about 10 Acres of hardwood bush, good bank barn, stable, never failing supply of water, at. both "front and back of farm; stone house, five rooms,. Small orchard. To wind up an es- tate. Apply to George Mann, R. R. No. 4, Clinton. 31-tf Wanted to Buy Wanted to buy, oldhorses and dead cattle for mink feed. If dead, phone at once. Fred Gilbert 908r22 or Jack Gilbert 905r21, 58-t4 Breeder's Sale of High Class Shorthorns Sale to be held at Exeter Arena on Wednesday, May 30th, 1945, 38 heifers and young cows of the choic• - est breeding and of the type and quality seldom offered for sale in 'an auction. Good colors and from tate best parentage. 6 young bulls sired by R. M. Peck's great -breading sire (Klaymove Elector) these are ideal in color and of the type that will work improvement. Take advantage of a rare opportunity to purchase at your own 'price. Consigners: 13'. C. F. Oestricher, Crediton. R. M. Peck,' Zuvich,'Ont. Clarence Douglas, Brantford, Auctioneers: Duncan Brown, Shedden, Ont. Robt, Amos, Moffatt, Ont. Wni O'Neil, Denfield, Ont. ` 49-2 H. T. RANCE NQTARY PUBLIC Fire Insurance Agent, Representing 14• Fire Insurance Companies Division Court Office, Clinton Frank Fingland, B.A., LL.S,: 'Barristor, Solicitor, Notary Palk Successor to W. Brydone,15.C. SloanBlocls . , , , — .... , Clinton, Ont. INSURANCE BONDS INVESTMENTS We specialize in all lines of • Insurance Fire - Automobile - Accident Sickness - }In/glary - Plate Glass Liability H. C. Lawson Clinton, Ontario,. - Office 251W Bank of Montreal Bldg, Phone, • ARTHUR E. PARRY Commissioner, Etc. Etc. By Royal Warrant. ' H. C. MEIR Barrister -at -Law Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Ontario Proctor in Admiralty, Notary Public and Cominissioner Office in the McKenzie Hotel Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays and Fridays. Dr. F. G. Thompson House and Office, Ontario Street Clinton, Telephone 172 OFFICE HOURS: 3-4 in the ;after- noon and 7-8. in the evening daily, Other hours by appointment, ;i, D. H. MCINNES CHIROPRACTOR ' Electro Therapist, Massage Office: Huron Street, (Few Doors west of Royal Bank) Hours—Wed. and Sat., and by appointment FOOT CORRECTION by Manipulation Sun-Itay Treatment Phone 207 HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer Specialist in Farm and Household Sales. Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties, Prices reasonable; satis- faction guaranteed. For information ete. write or phone Harold Jackson, R.R. No. 4 Seaforth, phone 14-661. 06-012 DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinary Surgeon Phone 203 Clinton, Ont, ERNEST W. HUNTER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 57 Blom. Str. W. Toronto Ont. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL .Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. OFFICERS— President W. R. Archibald, Seaforth, Vice -President Frank McGregor, Clinton, Manager Secy-Treas. M. A. Reid,, Seaforth. DIRECTORS—' W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; E. J. 'Prewar- tha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth Alex. McEwing, BIyth; Hugh AIexan- der, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. AGENTS— 'John E. Pepper, Bruce - field; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. P. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, • Parties desiring to effect insur- anee or transact other business will be promptly attended to on applica- tion to any of the above officers ad- dressed to their respective post offi- ces. Losses inspected by the director, CANAn AW NATIQNAtlAlai iiia) TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: Toronto and Goderich Division Going East, depart 6,43 min.` Going East, depart 3,03 p.m. Going West, depart 12,04 pm. Going West, depart 11.10 pm. London and Clinton Division Coming North, arrive 11.20 a,m. Going South, leave .• 3.10 p.n't.