HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-05-24, Page 2TJIE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD TIIURS. MAY 24th 1945 ;t0 era: T a James Ballantyne, The Libleral Canadidate for SouthHuron,Stands Behind this Manifestoto We Liberals, :believe that a more :w,bundant life lies within re'seh of tithe people of Ontario. We' believe that Liberalism ip the gorily path by which •this ' better way of life, can, be achieed. Neither "Toryism, backtrackingtoward the 1930's, nor C.C.F. Socialism, , eager to' ''lungeinto the unknown, can at - :thin the goal. We do not claim an ability to 'chart: the future. Too much depends on world 'circumstances beyond 'Ontario's or 'Canada's control. What we do claim is the ability to ',provide lobs and security for'tre ;people of Ontario in the years that lie immediately ahead. We claim :that this is ztllost heartening of all ass'xautes that can be.,given to our men' in the armed services and to those others who, prevented by age or disabilityfrom fighting, have done their utmost in war industry'at 3iome. Our plan is definite. -It consists of 'keeping money in the peoples -pockets so that they may , buy the 'products d our own, farms and 'factories. It•entails floors under wages and , aider farm prices, ex- -paneled help .for those unable to work, :a board program of necessary public works and every conceivable assistance to the marketing of (Ontario products: In brief, we believe that public •purchasitig powerwill _. maintain -prosperity and build the foundations of a greater and happier future for 'our Province. In detail, these are our proposals: went in Ontario working with the Dominion Government has power to make this plan fully effective. 3 DECENT STANDARDS FOR WHITE COLLARS AND UNOR- GANIZED WORKERS' There will Tie nee -more of the miserable wages and living stan- dards that Conservatives regard as normal times. , We .guar= entee wages 'in' keeping with the decent living, acrd will take all steps necessary—•directly and indirectly— to' protect these citizens from want, exploitation and depression, over ril:ith they have no 'control as in- dividuals, ' 4 $25, A WEEK MINIMUM WAGE t FOR. MAN It is our policy •to encourage em- ployer and ' ettrpioyee to work out theira ee m n own g e e is as to wages, hours and conditions. We realize, however, that the majority of Workers in the Province are still unorganized ' into ` unions. For the betterment: of their way of life, and in line with the national policy to maintain the '.buying rower of the people at large, we undertake to establish a fleece under the wages' of • all workers, menas well as women, in Commerce and Industry. , ..A Basic minimum' wave of $25 a. w eelt'; for men employed in Commerce and Industry will be establi„hed tllinanuni wage -rates for "women, boys and 'girls will be adjusted up- ward in ratio to the new•'y established $25 rate for men. It is also to be made clear that in any ,negotiation between employer and employee, and in any hearing before' any tribunal, this any... of $25 shall not be cited as a reason against the fixing of a fair and just weekly wage at a higher • rate. 5. FULL EMPLOYMENT AND FAIR TREATMENT FOR LABOR We accept, as a prirne responsi- bi'ity of Government, the . definite assurance of work for all who are able to work. For those who cannot work, and are an need, we give the assurance of continuing income. LABOR CODE: We shall enact a modern Labor Cole, gua •anteeing the worker full rights of free as- soelation and collective bargaining. This legislation will speed up sette- ment of disputes.. e, FULL-TIME BOARD: A full - 'FULL OPPORTUNITY IN LIFE FOR EX -SERVICE 1MIFN & WOMEN _Concerning the •man or ' woman earning home from the war; what - 'ever needs to be added to the Dom- inion Godernment plan, eve' will add. 'Whatevell is needed to be done, we will do. 2. PROSPEROUS PEACE?c!ME . FUTURE :FOR .WAR WORKERS The war hes made this country -the world's ,third largest produding nation: It -has also created hundreds of'tbousands of'skili'ed :workers, both :wren and women. We will turn this -greet';ateny of workers into produc- tive channels. We will not ,allow time:lag to dissipate their skills. "We will keep their place—and ours --in prosperity: A Liberal' Govern- • time ,labor relations board will be established with equal "representa tion ,from management and labor. One of the labor representatives will be a wonn n. LABOR DEPARTMENT: We shall re -organize' the 'Department of Labor thoroughly to meet the need of an expandirg industrial economy. ' FOR WOMEN WORKERS: We Shall insia6 upon equal! pay for equal work, VA ATI C ONS:- ' r We shall' iso st on vacations with pay,;. and for ,'statu- tory holidays. COMPENSATION ' RATE:- The workmea's eompens'ation rate shall be revised upward for the employee, and facilities win he provided for review of all caseswhere the work- man feels he is aggrieved. SHORTER HOURS: Hours of work in industry and commerce shall' be shortened, in the light of•eehang ing conditions, and in order to .simply more enuployrnent in the ,post-war. period , 6, SOCIAL SECURITY We shall work in 'cdoperation with the Dominion "Government in all rnatters of social security for the people of Ontario, including: HEALTH :INSURANCE: We will fully co-operate in .any plans suitabis to the needs and circumstances of the people of Ontario. To 'relieve wage-earners mid. salaried people of the 'constant fear of heavy medical and hospital bills, we shall see to it that e •system of universal health insurance is; introduced in (intario. OLD AGE PENSIONS: We advo- cate that the age requirement of Old Age Pensions be reduced to 55 years for Mein ' anit 69ayears for women„ and that theamount of ,Day= ment will be increased, and shall negotiate with the Dominion Govern- ment for the necessary 'changes without delay. We shall humanize the administration • of the '«jaleaiis• test" under the Old Age Pensions Act. , 7. NEW INDUSTRIES FOR SMALLER COMMUNITIES' We shall encourage industries in mailer • centres, employing local manpower, Tend manufacturing fini- she; ,goods from 'local products of farms, forests 'and mines. 'Full. technical And n' rketing help shall be extended and Hydro rates Ad- justed to that end. 8. CHEAPER HYDRO POWER FOR SMALLER CENTRES AND FARMS 'We pledge a definite reduction in Hydro 'rates to the ' smaller munici- palities, • so that "industries - may es- ablish themselves in outlying cen- tres, and thus 'give added impetus to rural prosperity. We shall remove all favoritism from rprat Hydro REtension, and accelerate the dietri- Liberal Working Plan for Full Post=War Employment... For Veterans -$750 000,000 to get them started in good paying jobs In industry, on the land or inebustness for them. ••- sates as each of them chooses. Reusing-- $400,000,000 ;to 5nance,the biggest balfding scheme this country has everknown. Jamihr _ Ilanrm�eet�$250,000,000 a year to lessen 'rite'bukddhs of•paradthood and to equalize the aipportunit ies df young Canadb*ns for "success and happiness. iapert Credits--WVe'pe got tohave; exports if we re YDing -to hive' jobs. our liberal' Govern. ,tnent•has arranged to finance war -wrecked 'commies who will be good customers later. - Industrial oevelspmeet /ask—Your Liberal Gov. •ernment has set up machinery to help enter - ,prising Canadians develop new business. Farm loans—Onenzan in every three in Canada ;<<_= works on the farm. To „„:A414,_ help them get better trLit Y equipment, your Liberal kVA Government has ar- v j'< ranged that they can t J _ borrow the money they need for better working and living conditions. Hoer Pekes—The Liberal Government's policy is that when farmers and fishermen prosper, so do other Canadians. It has therefore taken action to put a floor under the prices of farm and Jokers, products. iaedudtoa ef'faxes—Your Liberal Government believes in jobs first. To this end, taxes will ,comedown to. face spending power: t t 8 r These are just some of many sieps in the Liberal Government's Working Plan to ,ensure full e>;rplopnent after the war. In -addition it has stsmulated tremendous pri- ,gate savings in Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates put through ilnem- ,ployrnent Insurance, set up a special DDe- , partmeut o Reconstruction staffed by experts. In fact all its policies are directed ,to the same end—a "high and stable level of employment and income." JOBS' jobs with bright futures for the young men and women coming out of the Armed Services with the best part of their lives before them! Jobs for all! Jobs with big prospects -and good, reliable money that will keep its buying power! After all the hard work, sacrifice and self-discipline which has brought us through the war, the people of•this coantry have earned a brighter future in a better, juster, grander Canada than we have ever known! LOOK how much Canadians have accom• plished, here on the home front, even without the energy and initiative of all the vigorous young people now in uniform, and their lest for daring! What is there Canada can't do with them back on the home team? Why, .with their help, we Canadians are headed -full speed for the greatest period in our history! Mill all-important question today is the, .a.civilian' staff -work and leadership which we call "government" The Liberals have a .. working plan. It's big and bold! Parts of it are outlined for your judgment in the left-hand column: It has been designed with the, aid of the keenest minds in every phase' of industry, agriculture, labour and learning. The plan will work; In fact it is already bringing results. It will continue to do sol The Liberals can tell you this with confidence because they have had successful experience in operating nation- wide plans: Ton for: your Liberal candidate. Make V sure the team which tirade this plan for full employment shall see it . through—and. win the peace! • ' PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL LIBERAL COMMITTEE aantr bution of power to en' over -widening axes of the Province. 9. PLANS TO MAKE FARMS PAY When the 'farmers do wel', so ddes everyone.; e will positively tolerate' no more'' .farm flepressions ,.We; pledge this Province to:0 decent standard of living on our -home. Immediate' plans include: - (A) FLOOR .:,PRICES Strong support for. floor prices established jn the war, and dntellrgently extend- ed where.„flee ed ,, ; �. -(•B) I',I tKETING: Believing that organized Agriculture' is •the best solution for most faun problems; and for domestic and foreign marketing, we: tyillhelp farmers o gahize ..,into• various'' eom+miunirty groups -beef, cream, hogs, poultry, fruit; vegetables, -tobacco, etc. And to •this end:— (1) Establish a live, expertly staf- fed Marketing Branch (2)Revise'and improve :marketing laws 'to >enable” each commodity'group to control .marketing its ;•pryn•tem: (8)_ Conduct research and inquiry into new individual users for`lamn products: (C) RAISE 'QUALI'Y: Since successful rsale:atl,paying.prices' de- pends on high-grade'• uniform pro- d -acts', we undertake: -(1) la 'Maintain and extend as- sistance to. livestock )?reeding; (2) To ,supply; at cost .basic drugs for the ;•control of common -livestock ailments; (3) Provide' livestock innocu'ation and vaccination ;at nominal cost. (D) AGRICULTURAL EDUOA- .TION: We`shall also niaintiin 'funds for the: 2 -year courses` at' Kesiiptville, Rrdgetoivn and ° Monteith 'Schools; trete a new department of soil conservations at the OAC; increase facilities in the staff of the Ontario Veterinary . College for prevention and: control of livestock diseases; develop the study of chemical agri- culture and fares economics; also expand county short courses.. (E): We condemn the . Drew Government for stopping bonuses on cheese, hogs, wool, sugar, beets, etc., by closing Parliament contrary to their agreement, before money for these bonuses was grassed. We shall reinstate and make these bonuses retroactive when elected to office. We will extend bonuses' to faraners until organized. agriculture 's strong enough to solye its own marketing problems. (F) YOUNG FARMERS: To keep ouhg people in farming, and keep families from scattering, ant ;will be provided to young fanners getting started. (G) MILK TESTING: Mailk test- inw methods will be changed at plants and dairies, so samples will be talcen and tests made by Govern- anent inspectors. Payments will be made to producers an the basis of these tests, (R) NORTHERN' ONTARIO': We ;shall assist the setting up of neces- eery meat packing plants throughout Northern Ontario, a well as ware- houses and grading facilities for frirrm products.- We shall snake pro- vision for 'subsidized veterinary ser- vices in these Northern areas. (I) LOW COST FERTILIZER: We shall make available adequate quantities of commercial fertilizer, at seasonable' prices to the fanners free from exploitation. (J) UNION STOOK YARDS: We specifically condemn and intend to. remedy the unfairness to producers of livestock now: existing in the ad- nrrnistraticn of Provincial Stock Yards under the Drew Qv—velment. 10. , :OPEN DOOR FOR YOUTH Youth guided our bombers through dark skies, led our attacks by land and sea, because youth is alert anis capable. No one but a hopeless stuf- fecl shirt would deny our young people their proven. right. to leader- ship. and citizenship. So- . VOTING "AGE 18: We shall re- duce the voting age from 21 to 18 in Ontario. If our boys and girls can:fight, wdrk and pay taxes at 18; they, should vote et 18. We expressly condemn the: course of the Threw' Government in refusing to co-operate to bring'. about this r.e- forni in the recent Legislature, NEW YOUTH DEPARTMENT: We shall create' a Department of Youth, under a separate Minister who knows the score and` is accep- table to our young ,'people: Through this Department they can bring their problems before the Government, WHAT "IT WILL DO: The Youth Depai1,tent will coordinate all other departments so far as they concern young people. Give .practical vocational •guidance and extend thin to the smaller muni cipalities, Have, jurisdiction over the Ontario Athletic Conunission,'and widen its scope to give assistance to service club's, ; athletic associations, park boards, and other organizations• fostering teen-eigeo sports. TEEN - AGED RECREATION CENTRES: Supervised sports and recreation RURAL SCHOOLS: These will receive sports and recreation equip- ment. EQUIPMENT: In addition we shall .,recommend to . the Dominion Government that sports and; recrea- tion equipment at armed forces camas be distr•ib1tted to schools and youth organizations when the war ends. RECREATION CAMPS: We shall aid in the establishment of euper•• vised vacation camps and centres for Ontario boys,. and girls for whom there are no other available facilities 11. • SNOW CLEARING FOR COUNTY AND TOWNSHIPS ROADS We will pay an increased portion of the cost of snow clearing on coun- ty and township roads. This open - road , peltey is essential to 'farm prosperity and will give the farmer a 12 -month Access to -markets, ' help dairy- trucks -'get through, ,rprovide greater safety in emergency' and sickness, and relieve snow -bound monotony. It will also lift a heavy. burden: from the ,-countries ,and town- ships now new9eek seeking or to maintain such serviee.: 12. IRI+ILP''FOR EX -SERVICE PEOPLE GOING ON THE ND To help Ex -Service peopletake advantage of farsn-purchase and small -holdings plans under the Veterans'. Land Act, we shall amend' the Assessment Act to probide ;for a ma$ mwm ;50 pet cent. red: ction in general propertyFtaxation in- their Case. , We shall ',co-operate to the ut- most with the Dominion in its pro- vision ,to vete••,ans taking ,rip ' Fro- vhieial'trown' Land, We 'will see that all 'such land is thoroughly toil -tested; and can give the 'veteran fair returns. We shall similarly . pro- tect-shim rotect-hiim if lie takes up land for -trapping, fur -farthing, 'forestry ' or other purposes ,setforth,:- in the Dominion Mei-in-Con/mit- - shall largely extend and de-• eedtraiiee` facilities for technical training for veterans. THE PICK OF TOBACCO it DOES taste' Good in a pipe INCREASED HELP FOR EDUCATION We will assume up to 90 pep cent of the -amount of uschool -rates now paid bythe municipalities and school boards, and prevent the un$ur dis- tribution ,of such . grants ...ibetWeen different municipalities. We shall also take the necessary steps to ensure to the taxpayers the benefit of seduction made : in school rates. We shall broaden the scholarship system to allow full development of gifted students through univer- sity education- ' We 'shall raise salaries, and super- annuations of school teachers. We shall strive to bring rural schools up to the level of ueban schools. We shall provide financial assistance toward the better train- ing of teachers and'the provision of better school facilities. ; • We shall extend dental and public' health nursing facilities in these aehoole. We shall ensure that high sehools in towns and rural •areas provide a complete course in householdscience, home economics agrieu'tural engin- eering and 'commercial practice, 21'aeilities for technical training shall be opened to young war workers. 14. TOURIST,' INDUSTRY INTERRUP- T.GD'BY TRE WAR—TO BE INCREASED. We will carry on an active adver- tising campaign in the United States, by radio, newspapers, magazines and printed matter, to attract tour- ists to Ontario. We will continue the poliey begun by the Liberals in 1934 of stocking tales and protecting hunting areas. We will build through highways to give equal access to a'1 sections of the Province. We will make available the splen- did hunting and fishing areas in Northern and North Western Ontario. We will create in the tourist busi- ness opportunities for Service Wo- men and to that end give :assistance in establishing tourist camps, tea rooms, travel bureem, and businesses• connected with tourist trade to which women may be particularly suited. 15. HIGHWAYS SYSTh1M TO BE GIIEATLY EXPANDED (a) To expand the policy' esta'b- lishe 1 by the Liberal. Governmentin1924, which in its development won the commendat'on of tourists and motorists alike and particulay:ly to keep pace in general .highway eon- struetioti and maintenance with our good neighbors to the south of us. (.b) To cbmplete the paving .of the whole system and to extend it to serve all cities, towns and villages. (e) To 'construct at provincial cost main trunk highways to relieve extra traffic and give more easy' access to' outlying sections, (d) To increase the assistance for building county and township roads with specialassistance to low assess- ment areas and! bridges. • 'NORTHERN ONTARIO: (a) To -complete and ptive the great Northern Ontario Highways commenced by the Liberal Govern- ment in 1936. (b) To construct local settlers roacle,,,;roads to mines and tourists' camps. All available local labor will be used. AIR SERVICE: In connection with the development of air traffic to 'assist and cooperate it, the build- ing' of landing strips near Highways to serve tourist camps and other areas as maybe required. SUCCESSION DUTY ACT TO BE AMENDED By season : of the entry of the Dominion Government into the sue- cession duty field, coupled with the peesent high rate of income taxers, undue hardshipsare imposed on the beneficiaries of even the snraldeltt taxable estates. We propose to re- view the Ontario 'Succession Duties Act including' the gift tax section in the light of present conditions and amend such sections as may be deemed' necessary' to relieve or 3'e - move existing injustices.. 17. VIGOROUS FOREST AND MIlvES DDVELOPItIENT FOR. NORTHERN ONTARIO To open up the -country, and re- lease the tremendous wealth of ea - Weal resources in Northern- and North Western Ontario, a vigorous policy of development will be under- taken. We attach such ;great impor=' lance to this •matter that a special issued Tylainfe. sto for the North has been 18. FINANCIAL POLICY The financial record of the Liberal Tarty is well and favorably' /mown to the people of Ontario. The low state of. the Provincial !Mendes, with a deficit of: $30,600,000 outstendieg when we took office in 1934, was • 0 0 RIO se/ /e ,/ E R .:: May 8.28th 36P .m. E.D.T. .r Overa 's coxal network of • Ontario:Stations nsinccluudin g C `K'E' Z Toronto May 3.Oth7.00p.m E.D.T. Over a special network of`ilntario Stations including ' C KCR Kitchener June 1st, 11.30.,p.m,.T. Over•a special network of Ontario Stations including 4 C K N X • Wingham May 31st 8.00, p.m. E.D.T. June lst, 10.45 p.m. E.D.T. Over the Ontario' Regional : Network of the Canadian 'Broadcasting Cor- -poration . and Affiliated Stations including. C B' L Toronto , r PLAN FOR COMFORT --Pleasure, pride and comfort — the things you enjoy so much in'a home—are well worth planning for. But there's a way you can enjoy new home comfort and satis- faction now/ Easily and economically,you can transform your present home, make it more livable and appealing, with a Colour Styling Plan using distinctive C -I -L Paints specially suited for the purpose. Your local C -I -L Paint Dealer, an expert on paint and its uses, will be happy to help you prepare the Colour Styling Plan that's just right for your home. Consult him on painting matters as you would seek the expert advice of your architect on matters of con- struction and design. ` 945-6 PRESERVE — PROTECT — BEAUTIFY Sutter € Perdue Clinton, Ontario. quent difficult years, with -the result steadily improved during the sttbse- that a surplus of $16,000.00 existed when we left office in 1943. • It will ;also, be recalled that through our creation and administra- tion of the Department of Municipal Affairs, a number of bankrupt. Ontario municipalities were rester - ed to financial health. The gross funded debt of the municipalities wag ir'edulced from $483,952,000 in 1984 to $281,437,000 in 1943. We shall resume a sound fiscal policy in the Province, with to restoration of Liberal you -go methods 'and Ultima' duetions in taxation. THE CLINTON NEWS -RE May 25th, 1905 Mr. C. L. Cranston, Mathe master at the Collegiate, Guelph his week. iffeza€,=.' / THE LTtHIatIAN w,clYeE• MON ITOR Aft. 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