HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-05-24, Page 1The Clinton Newo-Record Est 1878
No. 6150,— 67th YEAR
With . Which is Incorporated ° The Clinton New Era
THURSDAY MAY 24th, 1045
L0NAES$URO meeting in the basement of the
church on Wednesday afternoon, May
Mr. Charles' Vodden has purchased 16th. During the afternoo the ladies
he reesidencem- Londesboro owner} quilted a quilt. The president Mrs. H.
y Miss 7,, Brigham. •Wu welcomeagSundercock resided. The meeting
r. and Mrs. Vodden to -our vrllage� p
Mrr and Mss: Spence Hann spent opened with singing "Praise. God
e.wcek end at the home of the from Whom all Blessings Flow' and
tter'sc parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. all repeating the Lord's Prayer.
vsern Hymn 64 was then sung. Ater
the business '.part of the meeting
was over Miss Phyllis _McCool sang
a solo and Mrs. Joe Manning gave
an interesting talk on her trip out
West. The meeting closed with sing-
ing the "National Anthem" and all
repeating the Benediction. The Hos-
tesses, Mrs. Joe Lyon, Mrs. C. Ball,
Mrs. Forbes and ` Mrs. C.— Steward
then served a very lovely lunch.
lir, and Mrs: •Charles Meyer's;and
on Jackie of Stratford spent Sun -
With the.latter's ''mother Mrs.
m. Lyon. -
Mr' L. Gooier of Goderich visited
Path his sister, Mrs. A. Webster ton
Mr. and Mrs. Pipe; Mr. and Mrs.
Mervyn 'Pipe, Elizabeth • and John
>f Brussels spent' Sunday with. Mr:
and Mrs. John Pipe.
Quite a crowd attended the Moving
rictuses which, were shown in the
:ommunity Hall in Friday. evening
under the sponsorship of the Feder-
ation: ad Agriculture.
Miss Beth Govier of Goderich
pent the week end at the home of
ler 1, parents, Mr. and Mrs Wm.
Miss. -Lillian Cartwright of Strat-
ord isi spending a .few 'days ' with
ler mrother at the home of Mr. and
ors, Fred Shobbrook.
Miss Aliee Fingland spent Sundan.
t the home of her 'brother, Mr. and
Stn. •Colin Fingland of Walton.
The; W. A. held theirmonthly
The first aneeting of the Blyth
Calf ,Club was held in the Orange
Hall, Blyth, on Thursday, May 7th
There were fifteen members present.
Mr. Bain Stewart, the Agricultural
Representative was present. H4'out-
lined the rules'of the club and then
discussed questions with the boys.
The following officers were elected:
President, Bill Young, Vice President
Maurice Hailahan, • Secretary. trea-
surer, Murray Roy.
The next meeting will be held on
June •lst at the farm of Edwin Woods
Jackets, Coats, Suit and Dresses
of Which we are anxious to dis-
pose to make room for Suni.mer
merchandise coming in shortly.
Take advantage of this ex-
ceptional opportunity. See Them
and, be ` col%vinced - of their tre-
Many of you will be pleased to know that,v4e have
just received another shipment, of beautiful Pearl;
Necklets. Elegant, lustrous strings, in single, doublei
and three strand, at, -$3.50, $5.00, $7.00 and 10.00
Each, plus tax
Silver Salt and Peppers have just arriyed. Only
a few dozen pairs so call soon if you have been wait-,
ing for these. Two styles — 4 inch and Ph inched
Sterling Silver Cigarette Cases beautifully en-,
'graved and good weight Large size $13.50 each
r See our new stock of Wedding Rings for Men.,
Also a full range of Diamond rings from $25.00 to
$100.00 and up.
Savoy watches for Men Handsome ` models,.
Waterproof, Shockproof, non-magnetic, luminoup
dials and hands $32.50 plus tax.
Also. a full line of watches for Ladies
• for Finer Jewellery
Counted' � o f forover. half a
Century ill Hugo County
yen n C t
Sewers a' urgently needed this
week to: fill aquota fora National
Emergency. Can you spare, some
time for the work rooms?.r
Blood Donors 17th Clinic
A. Shaddick, 9; Thomas Morgan,
8; Cree Cook, 8; Geo. Walker3;.
C. V. Cooke, 9; Wan, Hoggart,'7;
Larene co,, 1; , Marjorie Glidden, 4;
Emily Seruton, 8; Vera Hoggart, 2;
G. R. Ross, 8; John Henderson, 61
Frank Me0ullough, 6; Mrs. J. •P,
Morgan, 2; Harold Wise, 5;. F B.
F'ennebaker, 9; Marg. Torrance, . 1;
Isabel Riley, 2; T. G. Scribbons, 9;
H. C. Lawson 2; Mrs. Clark Stanley,
2; Walter Forbes, 9; R. W. Ward, 3;
Elliott, Geo.; 2; E. Jacobs, 9; Mrs.
Frank Andrews, 3; Donald McDonald
12; Leonard McNeil, 7; Mrs. R.
Bulteel, 6; Joseph. Hart, 7; Allen
Shaddick, 8; Mrs, Elmer Muruay, 2;
Wm. Baechler, 3. Mrs. Toro. Deeves
5; Lloyd Bond, 7; Kenneth Tre-
wartha, 9; Ruth Shaddick, 6; Joe
Shaddick, 8; Elmer Potter, 9; Lloyd
Keyes, 8; Robert Rowden, 8; Mrs.
Chas Hutchins, 6; Edwin Wood, 8;
Chas. Hutchins, 5; Herb Stevens, 7;
Harvey Hunking, 6; Mrs. Nellie
Edwards, 4; Mrs. Harold Glazier, 3;
Gregor McGregor, 10; John Stewart,.
2; Mrs. Bert Shobbrook, 4; Harold
Stanbury, 6; Torrance Tabb, 4; Wm.
Caldwell, 1; John Graham„ 4; Wil-
fred Sandersin, 2; Wm, Sinclair, 7;
Joe Lyon, 5; John Watson, 5; Geo.
J. Colelough, 5; Norman. Trewartha,
4; Stewart Middleton, 8; Mrs. Roy
Scotchmer, 5; Clarence Rohner 5;
Mrs. Wm. Steep, 2; Mrs. Leslie
Pearson, 6; Wm. Armstrong,, 5; Jack
Lee, 4; Eleanor Cor, 7;,Hugh Miller,
3; Henry Yungblut, 3; Dick Vodden,
2; Norman Holland, 6; Mrs. Clarence
Crawford, 1; Glen Wise, 3; Arnold
Rathwell, 2; Clarence Crawford, 4;
Alvin Vodden, 2; Mrs. Ruby Steep,
5; Herbert Musgrave, 8; Reg Miller,
3; Mrs. Noble Holland, 8; Wm,
Holland, 6; Noble Holland, 8; Lloyd
Scotchmer, 6; John ,Fraser, 5; Lloyd
Pipe,5; Fred Hanley, 7; Frederick
Anderson, 3; . Mrs. Wm. Beattie, 7;
Jack Gregg, 6; Milton Steep, 8; Mrs.
Mon Butler, 5; Bbert Shobbrook,
Geo. Cowan, 11; Mus. Cleta_ Mc-
Gregor, 3; Mrs. Glen Broadfoot, 1;
Myron Butler, 3; Raymond Cox, 7;
Stanley Lyon, 7; Mrs. Robert Dra-
per, 3; Mrs. J. B. White, 7; Ernest
Crich, 7; Mrs. Emerson Hesk, 3;
Win. Blacker, 3; Toni Beattie, 4; R.
J. Rat7rwell, 4; Clete Potter, 2;
Emmerson Hesk, 6; Lloyd Walters,
4; Mrs, J. L. Meanwell, 6; ,Robert
Harris, 1; Miss Rose Scotchmer, 5;
Mrs. Marg. •Scotchmer, 4; John' A.
Scotchmer, 4; Ruth Potter 4; Gores
don Scotchmer, 4; Geo. T. Flewitt,
8; Mrs. Elmer Dale, 6e -Chas, Wilson,.
4; Mrs. Ernest Brown, 3; Mrs. Bert
Lobb, 5; Edward Wise, 4; Jim Lobb,
2; Fred McCool, 2; T. W. McGuffin,
3; Ernest Brown, 5; Wm. Norman,
5;' Frank Freeman, 6; J. R. Butler,
7; Edith. Garniss; 3; Mrs. Leonard
Shohbrook, 5; Mrs. Wm. Shaddick,
8; Rev. S. J. McDonald, 4; E. J. Mc-
Cullough, 6; Evelyn Hall, 3; Mrs,
Stewart Middleton, 6.
Winner at Music Festival
In the final competition for Girls/
Vocal Solo, 8 years old and under,
held Wednesday, evening, May 9,.
the adjudicator awa'tded the highest
,narks of 54 to Jayne Ford,'six year
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
Ford of Goderich. There were 1a
contestants hi this class. The presen-
tation of awards and Medal's was
held Wednesday evening, May 16,
at which time Jayne received her
silver medal.
Celebrates 25th Wedding
Last Friday evening, May llth,
a surprise party was held at the
home of Mr, and' Mrs. Wilfred Col-
clough, in honour of their silver
wedding anniversary, where many
friends and neighbours gathered to
offer their congratulations. The first
part of the evening was spent in
progressive euchre, the winners
being, high lady, Mrs. Wilfred Col-
elough, low lady, Miss Ruth Groves,
high gent, Mr, A. W. Groves, low
gent, Mr. Donald Colcloagh. A deli-
cious lunch was then served centred
aroreni a Iwo story wedding .cake,
which was made by their 'daughter,
Mrs, Harold Johnston. While they
were still at -the table Mr, A. W.
Groves played the wedding march,
and a very lovely bride and groom
entered the dining room, drawing a
wagon decorated in white and silver,
on which reposed two lovely gifts,
one a handsome silver cake and
fruit stand, and the other a -beautiful
table cloth. The following address
was then read;
Dear Wilfred and Connie:
We,. your friends and neighbours
have met here this evening in htfn=
our of your 25th wedding anniver-
sary, It is our sincerest wish that
you will enjoy as much happiness in
the future as you have in the past.
Along with our heartiest congratn-
lations we ask you to :accept these
little gifts as a remembrance of
this very happy occasion, and hope
they will bring many pleasant
Signed on obehalf of your friends'
and neighbours. Dona Tyndall,
j Gladys Groves, -
1 The young bride then presented
the alder bride with a bouquet of
tulips, ferns aridbridal wreath.' The.
young grocFm presented: the gifta.
Mr. Colclough then . responded
with a few well chosen words thank -
Mg one and all foo their good wish-
es, ' ..
The New Era Est. 18
On Thursday, May 10th, 1945-;t
Hamilton, by the Rev. J. A. „Tuer,
Marc Jane, Gaydon,, ;Sick "Perth.
Petty Officer, - W.1i,.C.N.S. ` youngest
daughter of the late Mx, and Mills.
Albert Gaydon, Brampton to jack -
son Ronald Felker, Sick • Berth
Petty Officer, R.C.N,V.R., only• son
of Mr. and. Mrs. Ronald :Felker, of
Presbyterian Church
10.00 a,m. Sunday School
11.00 'a.m. Worship Service' Ser-
mon subject, "Empire Day Madita-.
Wesley -Willis -
Sunday May 27th
Morning Worship 11 o'clock,xSer-
mon Subject: The Supreme Sagifice
Church School 12.10
Evening Worship '7.00 Sermon
Subject; Joy and Sa^_rifice
Sunday June 3rd
Anniversary Sunday. Rev. V ..T.
Mooney, D. D. The Treasurer of the
United Church of Canada will.: be
guest speaker.
Baptist Church
The Ladies ,Add not the Baptist
Church will meet in the Vestry' of
the church on Tuesday, May 29th at
7.30 pan.
11.00 a.m. Bible School,.
7.00 pan. Evening Worship. Sub-
ject, "The Greatest Book of the
Wednesday at 8.00 p.m. Prayer
meeting. You are invited,
St. Paul's
Trinity' Sunday
10.00 a.m. Sunday School
11.00 a.m. Morning Service
7.00 p.m. Evening Service
Wednesday Confirmation lass
7.30 WO.
Boardof Management at 8.00 pan.
The Friendship Club will mint at
the home or Evelyn Hall, on Wednes-
day May, 30th.
The Chancel Guild will meet on
Thursday, May 31st, at the home of
Mrs. II. Bartliff.
Evangelistic Cosine .
2.011 p.m. Supday School',
•'7,00 p.m.,:Eanegelistie'.Sbbathe -
Wednesday at 8.00 p.m.' a prayer
and praise service.
"Blessed is the Nation, whose God
is the Lord."
Ontario Street United Church
10.40 am, Session, will meet,
11.00 a,nm. Reception of members
by Transfer and Profession of Faith.
Near Noon Sunday School
2.00 p.m, Turner's Church S School
and Worship. Reception of new mem-
7.00 pan. "Setting Others at
is it true to say there is more of
a Christian Spirit in some service
Clubs than there is some Churches?
Thousands join Clubs—why? Is it
practically an easy thing . to be a
'member of a Club. Can we right the
world by' having one grand 'Club?
Saturday 4.00 p.m., Class for
membership will meet.
The May meeting of the W. M. S.
was held in the School Hall, Tues-
day afternoon, the 15th, the presi-
dent, Mrs. Burton, in the chair, and
Mrs. Treleaven at the piano.
Mrs. Geo, Shipley had charge of
the Devotional period, using as her
first • Hymn ' "Faith of Our Fathers
Known of Old", Mrs, Burton led in
prayer at the close of which all
joined in the Lord's Prayer. Psalm
27 was read responsively. Mrs.
Shipley read an article, "In Time of
Testing—a Meditation" by ,Con-
stance Chappel, Candidate Secretary
of the W.M.S. The second hymn was
"All People that on Earth, do dwell"
followed by prayer by Mrs, Olde.
Mrs, M. Wiltse gave the minutes
of the April meeting, the sante de-
clared approved. Reports were given
by the Treasurer, expense fund
Treasurer and conveners of com-
rnittces, Mrs. Townsend read Ietters
of appreciation from Mrs. E. Ker?,
nedy and, Mrs. M. 13aticin.
After the offering, Mrs. W
Plumsteel and. Mrs. Townsend, dale -
gates to Presbyterial in Goderich,
gave very splendid reports.
The Mission Band under the lea-
dership of Miss E. Wiltse and Miss
Jamieson' rendered• a delightful little
program. 2 choruses, . vocal duets,
Warm duet and a dialogue, "Our
Missionary Dimes.'
The meeting closed with the
Mi zpa'h.' Benediction,
A special meeting of Council was
held on Monday evening, May 14th
at 8 o'clock. All members were pre-
sent and the mayor presided. A
Representative of Imperial Oil Ltd.
was present as one ,of . the items to
be dealt with was street impa'ove-
Men't, Mayor Agnew called on Mr.
Atkinson to quote on and describe
some of the main features of his
street products,
The Street Committee, which had
met just prior to this meeting
brought in recommendations and
it was .proved by Councillor McMur-
ray and seconded by Councillor
Brown, that the si(rest commencing
at King to Orange
and from Mary Street to Huron
Street he built up for a pennanent
street, under the instructions of the
County Engineer, and. that the
Street 'Committee orc'er cnougli
oatmeal far all.;.streets for dust
layer: ,peeve Falconer moved the
Obtains Honours
Miss Lois 'Draper, : daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Caryl: Draper, obtained
honours in her first year at the
Ontario College: of Art, Toronto.
Engagement Announced
The engagement is announced of
Prances Veronica, daughter of Mr.
Michael Morrison and the late Mrs.
Morrison, . Clinton, Ont., to Pte.
Frank' Daniel Taylor, son of Mr.
Burton Taylor and the late
Mrs. Taylor. The marriage will take
place on ,Saturday, June 2nd, 9.30
a.m. in St. Brigid's Church, Toronto.
v •
Owing to an increasing amount of
advertising pertaining to the coining
elections, space is at a premium in
this, week's News=Record. An effort
has been made to use as much local
news as possible, and many articles
have been held over until next week.
v . .
W. C. Thomson, K.C. of Toronto,
will be the special speaker at the
Nomination Meeting, which will be
held in Hensall, on Monday, May 28,
at 2.00•. o'clock. Mr. Thomson will
speak in the interests of James
Ballantyne, Liberal Candidate for
South Huron.
Flowers Cabled for
Mother's Day
Mrs. Norman Ball of the Base
Line received flowers by cablegram
from her son, C. G. Bali, who is
with the Canadian Army in Bel-
Mrs. Henry Sloman was the re
cipient on Mother's Day, of flowers,
sent by cablegram by her daughter,
Mrs. Roy 'Wheeler, who is now in
Y '
'Summerhill Red Cross
The Ladies of the Summerhill
Red: Cross menet the home ef Mrs.
o 1 apron. With Lha: •presedent, in
charge, the meeting opened by the
Red Cross Prayer, and the Lord's
Prayer in unison. The minutes of the
previous meeting were read and adop
ted. There were fifteen members
and seven visitors present.
Two letters, of thanks were read,
one from Mayne Blake, and the
other from Ivan Hoggart, thanking
the Red Cross for boxes they had
received. During the afternoon the
ladies quilted a quilt, and patches
were sewn.
A box of Super Suds donated by
Mrs. Rapson was raffled off. This
brought ninety-five cents, and was
won by Mrs. Ellis. Our next meeting
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Percy Riley. The ladies to serve are.
Mrs, Osbaldeston, Mrs•, Lovett, Mrs,
O. Rapson and Mrs. Mason.
Lunch was served, the meeting
was then brought ,to a close.
Wesley -Willis Girls' Club
The May meeting of the Girl's Cub
which met en May 8th, at the home
of Mrs. Paisley, was addressed by
Mrs. Genome who spent much time
in Western Mission Fields as a eat -
dent missionary. Her talk was inter-
esting and inspiring as she told ef
the Young People all over Canada,
who ery out for spiritual leadership,
and urged people to live lives that
would challenge young people to
enter the week of the Lord.
The devotional period was in
charge of the President, Mrs. Miles,
Mrs, Shearing and Mrs. Inkley. Mrs.
Oakes accompanied by Mrs, Agnew
sang two beautiful solos-, "Prayer'
by tion", and' "Life has so Many
Leve'y things."
The Mispah Benediction closed
the meeting, after which the hostess
and Mrs. Inkley'n groups served
lunch, and the members. enjoyed a
social time.
Now that the war has ended in
Europe our men and women in the
Armed Forces Overseas will probab-
ly be more anxious than ever for
local news of the city town or com-
munity in which they lived prior to
With this thought in mind an im-
mediate effort is being made to make
more home news—newspapers and
magazines—available to the Forces
Overseas. With the advent of peace
in Europe it has now been possible
to relax to some degree the res-
trictions which permitted the send-
ing of "clippings" only instead of
complete newspapers and magazines.
Today the Acting Postmaster
General is glad to announce that
henceforth, the restrictions on the
mailing of news has been eased inso-
far as the. Overseas Anted Forces
are concerned and it is now per-
missible to send "news" daily.or
ne s aexs, magazines or
other l;criodit:als to members of the
Armed Forces Overseas. Gummed
wrappers, Bandy for mailing a news-
paper, are on sale at all Post Offices.
The lifting of restri tons will,
undoubtedly, be apprcci ted by the
A:clive: Service men ard:women Over-
seas 'eagerly wailing news from
Edwin Judd, :Seriously,
- Injured
Ednvin Judd, of London, 'formerly'
of Clinton, was very seriously in-
jured on . Friday, May llth, while
testing a boiler which exploded. He
was severely burned en several
parts ca' the body ' and one leg was
broken in_ fifteen places. His sister,
Miss Morwenow: Judd, visited him
in Victoria Hospital, on Saturday
and learned that his bourns are
responding to treatment, and that
his badly *ken leg would now re-
ceive aatentioh. He will be confined
to hospital for some time.
The regular meeting of the L.O.L'
will be held! on May 31st. The Blue
degree will be put en. All member),
please be present.
The next meeting of the. L,O.B.A.
will be held on May 29th, on account
of the Grand Lodge being held this
week in HainiIton.
Meeting of Hog Producers
A meeting of the Hog Producers
of Huron County, will be held in the
Agricultural Board Room, Clinton,
on Monday night, May 28th at 8.30
The meeting will be addressed
by. Mr. Geo. Johnston, of Owen
Sound, who is a Director of Ontario
Rog Producers Oessociation, Hog
Producers are making a definite at-
tempt to organize, so that they will
have some contact over the market-
ing of their products.
Overall marketing and post war
markets • will be thoroughly gongs
into. All farmers interested in
marketing hogs are invited to attend.
Wesley -Willis Y.P.U.
The members of - the X.P.U. •of
Wesley -Willis United Church gather-
ed as a surprise party at the home
of their president, Benson Sutter,
to honour Benson and his bride -
elect, Miss Mary Iiarwood.
The young couple were taken
completely by surprise, Sgt. . Ralph
Devereux conducted several interest-
Mg games, Dieing -the evening,,Mits
Kaye McGill read an address to the
guests of honour and Sgt. Bill Con-
rori presented them with an end
table. Miss Harwood and Mr. Sutter
replied with a few words of apprecia-
tion. A de'icioes lunch ' was served
under the direction of Mrs. Conon
and Mrs, Devereux.
The May meeting of the Evening
Auxiliary was held Thursday night
at the home ef Mts. Charles Nelson.
The business part of the meeting
was in charge of tile President,
Helen ediger. The Study period
was taken by Viola Nelson who
read a -short article on "Christian
Stewardship". Prayers were offered
by Viola Nelson, Grace Addison and'
Dorothy Mutch, .
Miss Rudd gave a very interesting
synopsis of the book ,'Auva of Siam"
which . was much enjoyed by every-
A Trio "You Can Smile" was song
by Mrs. Nelson, Mona Reid and
Estelle Cox.
A Hyann and the Mizpah Benedic-
tion closed the meeting, .after which
a social half hour was spent.
Wesley -Willis W. M. S.
The W. M, S. of Wesley -Willis
Church met at the home of Miss
Brigham, on Thursday, May 10th,
with the President, Mrs. Fingland
in the chair. The meeting was open-
ed by the ringing of hymn No, 488
with Mrs, Adams at the piano. This
was :followed by the Lord's Prayer.
A fine report was given by Mrs,
Fingland' of the Presbytery held hi
Goderich. The meeting, ryas then
turned over to Mrs, Jefferson.
Scripture reading _being followed by
prayer by Miss Stone: A very inter-
esting talk was given on -the study
hook of "Ittalaya", by Mrs. Manning,
Ifymn No. 40 was then siu,g 'fol_
lowed by the Mizpah benediction,
after which, a delicious lunch was
served, and a social hour spent. •
Commencing Wednesday June 6th,
the Varna stores will observe the
hall holiday for fon? months ending
Wednesday, September 26th.
Several members of .St, John's
Anglican church at'ended morning
services in Holy Trinity Church Bay-
field. The Right Rev. A. L. Flemming
D.D., Bishop, of the Antic delivered
a sermon on his; work among the
Eskimo, There was also a celebration
of Holy Communion at the end of the
Sgt. W. McAsh of N.B. spent the
week end at the parental home with
his wife and two small sons:
The play put on by the Dramatic
Chib of Bayfield; Friday night was
well attended and ninth enjoyed by
all. Each artist very capably taking
their part. •
Sunday and week end visitors were
Mr. and Mrs. ,Ross Latham and
ity and Miss Gladys Beatty with
Mrs. L. Beatty and Edith.
Mr, and Mrs. Austai and family
Londesboro, Mr, and .Mors. A. Seeley
of Clinton with Mrs, A. Austin and
In the absence of the. Rector, Rev.
R. C. II lines the service in St. John's
Cher h wi 1 ,be tsken, by Rev. Nellie,
Huron College, London at 7.00 pm.:
Listen to Dr. R• H. Taylor,
Progressive Conservative Candi-
date for Huron over G.K,N.K:
Wingham, Tpesday, May 29th, at
6.00 pain„ Thursday, May 31st at
6.00 ,pan" Saturday,, June 2hd 'at
7.55' p,,aai, and to Premier Drew,
on his behalf, on Friday, June 1st
at .7.15 p.m.
Staff Sergeant W. Harold Lang-
ford, son of Mr. and' Mrs. W. J.
Langford of Clinton, has been' in
action in Belgium., Holland and
Germany. In civil life a mechanical
engineer, he enlisted in June, 1940,
and went overseas the following
December. His wife, • the former
Mary Edna Dickson, and their seven
children live in Seaforth. The child-
ren are Betty, 12; Francis, 8; Patsy,
7; Donald, 11; George, 10; Murray,
9 and Larry, 6. •
Graduates.from Queen's
Amongst those' Ire a:Mating' at the
recent Spring Convocation. of Queen's
University in Kingston was- a for-
mer C'iinton boy, Frank Trewartha.
Since leaving Clinton, Mr.' Trewartha
has completed his course at the
University and also the equivalent
training of three years as an ap-
prentice in the machinist trade. Now
he is a Mechanical Engineer for the
Canada Starch Company at Cardinal,
having graduated with a B. Se in
Mechanical Engineering.'
Junior Farmera
The Clinton Junior Farmers held
their regular meeting in the Agri-
cultural Board rooms, Tuesday, May
15th with the President Bruce Roy
in charge.
The meeting opened by. singing "0.
Canada" after which the minutes
were read and adopted, Following -
the reading of the minutes Glen
Price favoured with several selec-
tions on his guitar.
A letter from the Board of Edu-
cation was read, permitting the use
of the High School grounds for
practice every Thursday night.
It was decided to pick a ball
team from the Blyth and Clinton
teams to compete at the field day
which will be held at the 0,A.C.
Guelph. Friday, June 29th.
Murray Roy gave the topic "The
Value of Trees". The meeting was
then adjourned.
Following this the joint meeting
of the Junior Farmer's and: Junior '
Institute was held with Joy Lobb
president of the Junior Institute
presiding. -
Mr, Bain Stewart the new Agri-
culture Rep. for Huron County was
introduced, by Miss Lobb, Mr. Ste-
wart gave a short talk, offering his
assistance at an§ time,
Tice regular meeting of the South.
End ,Red Cross unit will be held
Wednesday afternoon, May 30th, at
the hone of Mrs, Harold Tyndall.
The Branch President, Mrs. W. A.
Oakes will be present, and a good
attendance is desired'
The S. S. No. 4 Red Cross Unit
met at the home of Mrs. Carman
T'ebbett for the May meeting. The
president, Mis. F. Jones, presided' at
the meeting which was opened by
singings a verse of "Onward Chris,.
Lien •Soldiers", followed by the Lord's
Proper; The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and adopted.' The
roll call was answered by sixteen
members and there was one visitor
present. The treasurer's (report was
read, and letters of thanks from.
Maurice Bateman and Alvan Lobb,
overseas, were read.
A quilt was `quilted during the,
afternoon, the material being donat-
ed by .Mrs. Bert Lobb and Mrs,, Wm.
Rueger. A. gift donated iby M•rs, L;.
Pearson was sold by tickets and won
by. Mrs. Bert Lobb. Following the:
Madness 'session of the meeting, the -
National Anthem . was sung. The
next meeting will be held ,at .the
home of Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt, with
the roll dal to be answered by a
favourite son g or �hymn.
During the afternoon a number of'
ladies from the Clinton Branch •
visited the meeting and' Mrs. W. A.
Oakes gave an interesting report
of the Annual Red' Cross Convontien,
which was held in Toronto 'Mrs. C.
Cook gave some interesting point
ars on the sew'ng and lobs. T, Her-
man some -lints on the knitting,