Clinton News Record, 1945-04-26, Page 7Ask Grandma She Knows When grandnaa was young Dr. Chase's NERVE FOOD came on the scene. She has used it and watched it all these yeara until ita merits are known in nearly all homes, When yeti can't rest and sleep well - when you have indigestion -when you feel tired out and run down in health, atart in at once with Dr. •'Chase's NERVE FOOD and you will soon know why this Vitamin Bs tonic is so popular. Ask for the new coon.' °my size bottle of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 60s.-60ets. 180s-21.50 ANGLO-AMERICAN UNITY SOUGHT BY EARL OF HALIFAX 'Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, First Earl of Halifax, First Baron Irwin, has traveled more in the United States than any other British ambassador. The map of Anterica on the wall in his study is studded with dozens of colored pins indicating every city, town and crossroads he has ' visited. Another will be • added woen Lord Hali- ta, as a member of the English delegation to the Security Confer- ence, arrives in Sao Francisco. The tall, die, tinguished 64- - year-old Earl, . who hwas edu- Lord Halifax cated at Eton and Oxford, entered Parliament in 1010. He fought in the first World War with the famous Yorkshire Dragoons, and at me end of the war was made under-secretary of the Ministry of National Service. In 1941, Lord Halifax arrived in the United Statss as first Am- bassador to remain a member of the War Cabinet. He has done much to promote Anglo-American understanding and solidarity, and is known to Americans as a good sport -literally and figuratively - who likes to spend his holidays fishing and hunting. How To Control Garden Cutworm Poisoned Bait and Tin Cans Combat Attacks of Cutworms Success in the prOductIon of gar- den vegetables crops depends a good deal upon protection from the early attacks of cutworms. As soon as the soil warms up and weed growth conunences, cutwortus be- come active. A week before the first garden crops are planted, the soil surface, if caked, should be broken up and a poisoned bait made of,bran, 25 lb.; Paris green, 3. lb.; and 3 gallons of water should be broadest at the rate of 15-20 lb. of the dry material per acre. Select a warm evening and spread the bait before darkness comes on. Do not spread the bait on a cold day. For city gardens, use the bait at the rate of one teaspoonful of Paris green to one quart of bran, and moisten with water. Transplants may be protected by dipping them in a mixture of 3 ounces of lead For sm211-- gardens, tin cans with arsenate to a gallon of water beiore setting the transplants in the soil. both ends cut out and placed over the plants, .and puthed well down in the...soil, • will give protection.. The cans may be removed before , the plants get too large to slip through. The can can thee be strung on a Wire and hung up for next season, HAIR GOODS , We careyn large variety ot the. finest human, hair, goods, elleOlafieing in _made-to-order goods, gents' wigs and tou- pees, ladies' transform- ations, bob wigs. front . !fleece, switches, etc, e White's Hair Goode.' :MS YONGE Sey.. pononro, ONT. New STOCK/NOS MON OLP? OF COURSE -WITH ALI:FABRIC iiratex STOCKING DYES F/PE FASHION RIGHT SHADES SOD EPERYWWERE 45-1 •BAILEY BRIDGE OVER THE RHINE Built by Canadian Army engineers, this Bailey Bridge across the Rhine is shown shortly after it was opened to traffic. The small sign in the left foreground tells the distance that must be main- • tained between each vehicle so as not to overload any one portion of the bridge. Policy Of Freedom For The Individual . The greatest danger facing citi- zens these days does not come from political mountebanks who will say anything, states Welling- ton Jeffers in The Globe and Mail. rt comes from people with attractive personalities who quite sincerely advocate eliminating the individial more and more front the economic system and substituting the State, They do this in the name of liberty and quite sincetely overlook the bureaucratic dictatorship involved • in asking the State to take over from the individual "On behalf of" all citizens. Hayek, in "The Road to Seel- dom" which this column has re- commended on several occasions, expresses great concern because in democratic countries , he hears ex- actly the same sort of talk he used to hear in Austria and Ger- many and whith led up to those forms of national socialism known as nazism and fascism, Many sincere and ardent persons argued for State control and power, na- tional planning and socialiSin and as a result 13 years ago 90 per cent of the Germans would have rejected as fantastic that those things should follow which have actually followed, .Only a policy of freedom for tha individual is a progressive policy, says this noted economist. To build a better world, he says, we must clear away the obstacles with which human folly has recently encum- bered our path and release rhe cre- ative energy of individuals. In other words, to create conditions': favor- able to progrese is much better than "to plan progress." " Sweden To Bar German Refugees The Swedish Minister of Jus- tice, Thermic! B ergquist, has stated that he expects the Swedish Government to adopt a compre- hensive resolution to turn away all refugee Germans. Sweden, he said, is not able to admit an uolimited n'umber of refugees,' and to sift the wheat from the chaff would present ahnost. insuperable diffi- culties. • Consequently, when • the new law is passed, he added, German refttgees will as far as possible be turned away at the frontier. Only those who are shipwrecked or make forced landings will, be al- lowed to remain temporarily, pen- ding deportation, Aircraft To FlY Faster Than Sound Mr, Lennox -Boyd, Parliament- ary Secretary to the Ministry of Aircraft Production, has announc- • ed that Britain is on the' verge of designing aircraft travelling at over 700 imp,11.-fasler than the speed of sound. Mr. Lennox -Boyd disclosed that a gigantic 100,000 If.1). wind tun- nel -25 times 1110re powerful. than any existing tunnel -is to be built at the new English eir research station in Bedfordshire. There will also be several tunnels of 40,000 . h,p, This station, which Will be the largest in the world, will be equipped with all the latest re - Search plant needed for revoly- , tionary developments in post-war aviation, ' The electrical plant needed to operate the new station will be as large as that serving the indus- trial eity of Maticheiter, which has close on one million inhabitants. L1LYBET'S 19 Here's the latest portrait of Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, heir -apparent to the British throne, taken prior to celebrating her 19th birthday, on April 21. Princess Elizabeth is now SerVii13 with the A.T.S. Have You Heard? They were quarrelling. "I "wish," Said he, "that some brainless idiot had proposed to you before we were married." "He did," replied his wife calmly. This rather took the wind out of his sails. "I wish, then," he exclaimed "that he had married you:" "Yes, darling/, she replied. "He did," -0- Policeman to. gentleman staggering home at a.m.: "Where are you going at this time of night?" , "To a lecture." •- -0- Father: "Your teacher tells me that you are last in a•lelassof forty.". Son: "It could be worse." "In what way?" "It might have been a larger class," Teacher:. "What is hail?" Johnny: "Please, sir, it's hardboiled. ram." 0111,1 40, EAT -SLEEP -LOOK ;nue "PEEL BETTER/ viNIN 111:: VITAMIN EIKOMIPLOV ateuid & 'Subset Form AT AIL DRUG gnomes WILLIAMS CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM , applied to the affected pans, quickly telieves sprains soreness and stiffness. Paln disappears and comfort ne, tewmilusas uTwoory 11 mtc.uniemhut ofoar5c3tias .105 04, Nere's a SENSIBLE way -to relieve MONTHLY FEMALE PAIN l„ydiaE.PinkhagesVegetabicCompound' not only helps relieve periodic pain but ALSO aecompanying rtervous, tired, highstrung feelings -when due to func- tional monthly disturbances. It's one of be retest effettivernedicinee for this pure nese. Pinkilam's Conlpound ltelps nature( Follow label ditections, Try it! 4,4 e. (Amihamas tag 110IK,LOF, THE PRESS EARTH FLAT - IN SPOTS While possibly not denying that the world as a Whole is round, , Science is now convinced that the German part is pretty flat, • and ourly getting flatter, • --Ottawa Citizen. NO :ADVICE FROM ADOLF The "Big Three" is said to have sl decided on the 'new boue.daries for Germany. I-Iere's, one case •where e. paper -hanger won't ' be permitted to .pick outthe • border. -Grit, IVIIGHTY 4LIM WAR Tokyo radia announces thet Ja- pan wiil keep hp.the war for twen- ty years. With velietf -Windsor Star. •AND LOTS OF IT . It is not living room the Ger- mans are needing now, but run- ning room. . -Quebec Chronicle -Telegraph. Royal Navy's First Fou' -Screw Carrier • H.M.S. Indefatigable, one of the four British fleet airdaft carriers Which took part in attacks on en- enmy oil refineries in Sumatra at the begioning of the year, is the first four -screw carrier in the Royal Navy. Her four engines together developing a total of more than 15,000 horsepower, al.e capable of raising a speed of considerably more, than 80 knots. Each engine drive an _ independent shaft and Propellor. Processed cheese is made by grinding up natural cheese, blend- ing it and pasteurizing it. • OUTLOOK; GL()01101Y Nazi Foreign Minister Joachim , von Ribbentrop, center, peers, over the top of a trench at an outpost on the Oder River front, according to caption on photo above, obtained through neutral , sources. 'Little Mary' Now • Ninety Years Old Eighty years ago a little Iamb insisted on following Mary Part- ridge to school and had to be teth- ered ott the village green during lesson hours. The girl who. was the inspira- tion of the famous Margery rhyme celebrated. her 00th birthday at her home in Grantham, England, last week. The longest ecclesiastical word • in. the English vocabulary. is Anti- • disestablishlenarianism, • • Fast Going The crew of a Canadian -built Mosquito had breakfast in New- foundland, lunch in. Scotland, hav- • ing crossed the Atlantic at 387 miles per hour, which is at the rate of a mile in just over nine seconds. Anybody wants to go faster can get himself a comet. War Vehicles Some 2,250,000 military vehicles from jeeps to 10 -ton cargo trucks have been built in the United States since the start of the auto- mobile industry war program. ROLL YOUR OWN WITH British • Consols CIGARETTE TOBACCO eird.'-a)-Jeta _4"eareel.a ymilinhez Plants grown in houses should be watered thoroughly and then not watered again until • the sur- face ,of the soil is thoroughly dry- , NEVER FORGET well House is superli coffee. It's roasted by the famous 4'Radiant Roast" process, This captures every atom or goodness and ilaver-roasts every, coffee bean*, all through. MINING MAPS , BOOK OF 20 MAPS W. LANGRIDGE, Jr. 331 Bay St. Toronto Ont. ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS INCOME TAX REPORTS COM- , Plete Bookkeeping Services. Small or Large Businesses. Travel any- where. Albert Brett 84 CO., • 8 Wellington St. E.. Toronto, Ont. • RAJIV CHICKS 61.00 ROOKS YOUR ORDER ORDER YOUR 11144 CHICKS NOW, and not be disappointed, All chicks aro from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 25 oz. eggs or better. Barred Rocks mixed 912.00 per 100, White Leghorna mixed 511.00 per 1011 Barred Rock Pullets $15.00 Per 100. white Leghorn Pullets $22.00 per 100, white Rocks mixed 10.5.00 per 100 white Rock Pullet* $24.00 per 100. We guarantee4004% live delivery, balance paid 510,D. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. BRUNTON "Bred -to -Pay" CHICKS RHODE ISLAND REDS, WRITE Rocks, Barred Rocks, Golden Hampshires, Governtnent Approv- ed, Ieloodtested. • Illustrated Cat- alogue Free. Brunton Cedar Glen rartrlf3 Hatchery, 62 Winnett, Toronto (mention paper). 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1946 cmcirs NOW and get yOur chicks when you want them. Orders are pouring in, Breeder Hatcheries are always sold out early. Don't take chances on ordinary chicks. Place your order. NOW. Pure Bred Stissex, Large Tyne Leghorns, Sussex X New .Nampa„ SuaSex^ X Legborna, Rock X Leghorns, Rock ef Now ILimps., Barred Rooks. Send for large illustrated Catalogue and Price List Lakeview Poultry Farm,- Wein Bros.," Exeter. Ont. . • 100 CHICKS FREE, WITH EVERY ORDER OF 100 Pullet chicks, we give 100 free chicks (our choice). Leghorn pullets 922.95 per 100, barred Rock pullets 919.95 per 100, White Rock Pullets 224.95 per 100. All chicks mild backed by high egg Pedigreed stock. 91.00 booke your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed, 100% live delivery. Kent 'Hatch- ery, Chatham. Ontario. , • • *MOAB BREASTED SUSSEX COX THOUSANDS AVAILABLE WEEK- ly, If you meg at once. Our Broad Breasted Sussex cox bring top prices on the market. White skinned, long rounded • breast. ,Also New Haenle Cest . with fast growth and feathering, • succex X Leghorns and Rock • X Leghorns make good roasters and grow fast up to 4-6 lbs, You can ,bety these for $4.00 per 100. Also mix- ed heavy cox $0.00 per 100, All from our ' ev,e11-brea, healthy, blood tested breeders. 0000 Breed- ers on . ONE plant. Lakeview Poultry Form, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ontarke SPECIAL PULLET SALE STARTED BARRED BOER PUL - lets, 1 week old 22c, 2 weeks old 20 cents. Irntnediate • delivery. Carleton Hatchery, , Britannia Heights, Ontario. POULTRY KEEPERS BE CERTAIN 5059 BUY 530013 healthy, vigorous chicks. 13117 chIcks with breeding and IlyabilitY anti you' will be certain of success, Out. Breeders are aft Govenunent inspected, banded and blood -tested. Write for descriptive catalogue on the different breeds, anti_prices on our Government Apnroved chicks, MONKTON POULTRY . FARMS monktipli, Ontario A-1 BABY CHICKS; LiGHORNS; _ Reeks; Hybrids. . Some choice started chicks available up to 3 and 4 weeks old. Write -or phone A, If. Switzer Hatchery. Oran ton, On.t. Phone 38.R 1 Turtnn ruuzyr onton.-8 PER 100 gaeed, outweighs any Pelee .dit- ference. mere is something to • consider iti choosing your chicks. Xf you lose, three pellet chicks Yon don't go beck and get three • =Ora. You go• on with what you Nee() left, short three layers • Which wmuld likely rnalte you 2,00 per bird over feed cost their 'Erst laying year. If by purahae- ing livable chicks 8:11C11 as Twede dies you: can ralee just three more pullete ()eV 100 chicks started leiere's• enolugh income • right there •to cancel nut any dif- Sojsilce in the first cost of the chicks. Send ' for - Tweedie cat- alogue -and greatly reduced prices Rai' May and Steno . chicks. Also 2 weekold started chicks and older pullets for •iremediate dee livery. Tieeddic Chtek .Hateheries Limited, rergite, Ontario. . • 23 mugs clumps --OUR FOUNDATION S'aOCIT IS tegietered and pedigreed birds. teething better in Canada. Order new. Prices for mixed baby chicks, males and females: Bar- red Rocks, 912.00 per hundred; White Leghorns, 911.00; White Rocks, 915.00; Brown Leghorns, $13.00. Pullet prices: Barred Reeks, $19.00; White Leghorne, 922.90; White Rocks, $24.00; Brown Leghorns, $24.00. 25 free chicks, our choice, will be given for each 200 mixed chicks order- ed and 25 'tree chicks for each 100 day old pullets ordered. Goddard Chick Hatchery, Bri- tannia, Helghte, Ontario. ORDER Y01110, CHICIe'S NOW' AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED YOur'ellicks for next spring when you want them, Barred Rock mixed 912.00 per 100, White Leg - horns mixed 911.00 per 100. Bar- red Rock Pullets 919.00 par 100 White Leghorn Pullets $22.00 per 100. Heavy Breed Ckls. 90.00 per 100. Leghorn Olds. 92.00 per 100. All thicke hatched from 26 oz. eggs or better and from special mated flocks, Guaranteed 100% live delivery. $1.00 books your *der, balance C.O.D. RainboW Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. • . PLANNING FOR THE ALL YEAR round markets, we have avail- able dayold chicks in most breeds, for immediate eithipment. We aleo• have some started, Leg - horns, Barred Rocks and Now Hampshires, including pullets. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N, Hamilton, Ont, TAB TOP NOTCH WAY MEANS chicks that. pay. Yon, many sec- cessfill poultrynsen Who order Top Notch chicke year after year have preyed that it pays to Start with Top Notch Govern- ment Approved chicks. Tem Notch ehicke are from Government Ap- proved bloodtested breeder. Here are the April prices for a few breeds. Non -sexed; White Leghorns 11.95, Barred Rocks 22.05, NeW Hampehlres 12.95, As sorted Light Breeds 10.95, As- sorted Heavies 11.115, Pullets: White Leghorne 25.96, Burred Rocks 23.95, New Hampshires 24.95, Assorted Light 13.95, As - started Heavies 21,05, Cockerels: Barred • Rocks 9.95, New Hatnp• shires 8.55, White Leghorns 1.00, Barred Rock X White Leghorns 2.50, Assorted Heavies 7.96, Med- Innis 1,50, Lights 9e5, 2 week old add 0c per chicle to above prices. Send for catalogue and pricelist for 10 other breeds and hybrids. Lower prices ort non -sexed and pullets tor May and June. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ont. FOR S.ALfe, BLOOD-TEBTIM) HYBRID COCK- ere's, A.pril 4c, Leghorn Cocker- els lc. Also whtte Leghoro and 'Hybrid Pullets. Stormont Poultry Farm, Finch, Ont, 'nitro AND CLEANING laAVE YUU ANYTHINet NEEDS dyelhg or cleaning? Write to us • for information, We are glad to antwer ' your questions. Depart- ment .01. Parker'e Dye Works Limited, -791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. HAIRDRESSING L le A R le HAIRDRESSING THE • Robertson method. Inforniateon on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad., emy, 187 ..Aventee Road, Toronto. A.ItTeCLIES FOR SALE LIFT'S GO WOSTenellt SIONTIILY BULLETIN HEAVY PLAID SelIRTS 92.50- ' Cowboy Roots 914,95 -Cowboy Hats 94.95 -Bucking Bre/natio Crest 00e -Year round leather Jackets 9.95. Red Wool Blankets -7,50 • eecb. MONEY BACK PROTECTION. Thrifty Sport Shop "Greatest Western Store in, the East", 129 Church. Se., To- rento, • lettft sALE st.ntyrllie MOTORS- NEeV, USED, bought, .sold, rebuilt; beite, cell= testa brushes. Allen [electric CUM. pans, Ltd., 2326 buffeele St., To- ronto. • STleA WBEItft Y PLANTS, ASPAlt. ague, raspbeeries, peach . trees. apples, pears,' plums, / cherries, grepes. currants, eisrubs, hedging shade trees, wire tree guards. Norfolk Nursery, Simcee, Ontario. 30 ACRDS, ALL WORKABLE. RE• Malleable , gardeting • land, Some, asperague and small fruit. Good elVen. No 'hydro, Buildings need smote repair, 94500. W. .7, Mae Cartney, Claremont, Ontario. • SAW MILL, NEARLY NEW, CAPAC- ity optverd one thousand per hour. • Can be operatedby two men or • more. .Designed and built by an experienced, sawyer. Fdr petrtieu- e Mrs; weite orecall Oen Vailleres, Min Bridge, Opt. Do not eat) em Sat.ftday. JERSEYS, ALL AGES, QUEBEC'S leading ehow and producing heed. records, accredited. Gables Farm, Fester, Quebec. • 4. Von SALE .AT STUD, ATTRIDGE'S NIGHT - rider Black and Tan Coon hound, imPorted, six generation pedigree. His sire stands at one hundred - dollars stud fees. Studding this young dog at Twenty-five dollars. Arthur Attridge, Freeman, Ont. PTJREBRED HEREFORD CATTLE, • males and females, Lawrum Farms, Durham, Ont. GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION, garage equipment and stock and 6 -roomed house on No. 2 High- way. Oakes Garage, Ancaster, Ont. POULTRY FARM, 25 ACRES, 1,200 layers, Hydro, market garden land, 20 Mlles from Toronto and Hamilton; going concern: kn. mediate possession. Keith Cowles, RAI. 2, Hamby, Ont. wituar wow SA -LE 100 ACRES SIDITAI3LE FOR MIX - ed or dairy farming. good clay loam land. 80 acres clearing, small bush, good water supply. Frame house, bank barns, steel roofs. Close to Orillia and high- way. APPly Box 28, 73 Adelaide West, Toronto. 150 ACRES t6 fl -1 frrit Tphroorpootnd Barrie Highway, solid brick .house, 9 rooms on 2 floorS, huge barn and other buildings, water In barn, • buildings worth _price asked for property: immediate possession. 100 ACRES tei Ann-toth Conceision, Town - •Pe ship of Innisfil, %-mile from Craigvale, solid. brick house, 11 rooms 011 2 floors, large Mock ' barn, room for 30 head of cattle. Apply ROBINS, 1 CHERITANe AVE., ' TORONTO If you have any Rams for sale send in particular's, if your price is right. MACHINERY • DIESEL CRAWLER TRACTORS RD? CATERPILLAR wrTn 8 YARD 'Le Tourneau scraper: 111)8 with 12 yard scraper: ,,TD18 Inter- national with bulldozer (steeper optional): Tins with bulldozer; 01040 tnternationnl .(47.5 HP); 011)4 tenterpitlar: 015)4 with An- thony Highlift Bucket end inter- changeable bulldozer blade . . Lighting plants. 1500 watt, 32 or 115 volts. Send for folder . Diesel and Gasoline Engines 40 to 150 Tile. • Other equipment available. Wire, write or phone S. 11 Leventhal & Co., Machinery Agents, Winnipeg. MEDICAL • TRY IT! EVERY SUFFERER Ore Rheumatic . Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. inun- ro's . Drug Store, 225 Elgin, 05- tawe. Postpaid 91.00, STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS . often are the cause of Ill -health in humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble? Tnteresting par- ticulars -Free! Write Muivener's Remedies, St:eel:mats, Toronto 3. GOOD RESULTS -EVERY SUFFER- er from Rheumatic Paine, or Neuritis should try Dixon'e Rem- edy. Munro's ,brug Stare, 335 Ei- ght, 'Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. CONSTIPATION BILI 0 TJ SNESS, liver trouble, depressed' headache, quickly relieved with 11'5g -Lax tablets, Tema regular with Fig - Lax. 25e at Druggists. BAUMEERA POOT BALM DE- • stroye offensive odor instantly. 45c bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa, • MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 'FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. oppowruerryiEs von WOMEN • BE. A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LE.A.DING SCFIOOL Great Opportunity, Learn • • Hairdressing • Pleasant dignified profeaelon, good wages, thousands successful •IVIaryel graduates. America's greet -test sys- tem. Illustrated 'catalogue free. Write or eall 1IIARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS '. 858 BLOOR W., TORONTO . Branches: 44. King St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa: PATENTS FFITHERSTONHAUGH-ei COMPANY Patent Selicitprs. Established 1890; ,14 King Weet, Toronto. Booklet of Information ore re- quest, PeANOS • OUR SMALL NEW PIANOS WILL be avid:IOUs eltertly. Beautiful in design end tone, Send for air-. cigar naming approximately your mice, and particulars in that range will be Mailed prolriptly. Faetery Meeon. & nisch Limited, 042 King West, Toronto. PLIOToGII.APHY TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Sour /elms properly' developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 Mr 25c . FINEST IIINLARGINt; SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year. bet you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SER VICE Station 3. Toronto "YOUR WORK IS - WONDERFUL" CUSTOMER SAYS .. and the prompt manner in whicl you return. work Is greatly app heelated." Any Size Roll - G. or 8 Eeposures . DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 26e Don't risk losing pictures.. Send )'Our film mile to CANADA'S LARGEST AND FINEST STUDIO Get Better Pictures' at Lower Cost. Prompt men service. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sizes 16-20-127 if 20a (4c Metre). is sent with aim roll ENLARGEMENTS a. for 250 4 x 6e In Easel Mounte S‘P'ECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enrargetnents 4 x S" in beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 26c. Framed. ' on ivory tinted mats, 7 x 9", in Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 59e caChe If . enlargement colored. 790 each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Addrese Plainly on Orders. SUBURBAN PROPERTIES WANTED • MIMI-UN 25 MILLIS OF TORONTO, With or without acreage4 We have steady demand for proper- ties ranging up to 00,000 throughout this area. • IL F. HEAL & CO. ela Yonne St., Toronto AD. 3467 rams MACHINFIUY "VIKING" 00111801 SEL•ARATURS tend repair parts are always avanaele either at your local dealer or direct from Swedish Separator Co. Limited, 720 Nair*. Dame West, Montreal 4 Que. nun 'AND WOMEN WANTED IF YOU ARE' NOT GETTING A sufficient income, why not start a businces ALL YOUR OWN re- telling Famllex low priced guar- anteed necessitlea in your spare time? Quick easy •sales-sebstan- Gal profits. A horse and wagon or ceir will help you qualify for a rural route. Details prtnn. Fitinnex, 1000 Delorimler. Mon- treal. • ITELP WANTED MANUFACTURER OF LIGHTNING rod equipment desires local sales- ' met: for part-thne work through- out Ontario. Drawing aceeunt against coremissions arranged. Apply 11? Phillips Company Lim- ited, 200 IVInin Street, Toronto. IVIARRIED COUPLE. OR SINGLE) man, experienced, reliable, 150 -acres, on highway, 3 miles from Palmerston,/ yearly engegement, geed wages and home to right Party/ Apply james A. Blair, Palmerston, 11.10, No. 1. e' or•LENDLIR PRESSMAN WANTED. one with gonie experienee on tnalce•reade. Stettde position rer steady reliable man. (44-nour • WeelO• 11.9017 nearest lerni)101, ment & Selective Service Office. Fir.113--CeR. 2519 EXPERIENCED Lifeu'relefe UPER- ator and floor men wanted at , once; steadel position. (44 -hour week). Apply nearest Employment and Selective Service °Mots. V11.111 --C. 1526 • WANTED • BREAK/NG mow. 1931 FORD. 'Heavy Rubber tired wegen. 05. IL Campbell, 11.11. No. 3, Dresden, FOWL & BROILERS, HIGHEST - prices paid. Crates available. Write M. P. •Mallon, 33 Jarvis Street, TOM411t0, MR. WOOL GROWER WE OPERATE A GOV-ORM/HINT Licensed Wool Warehoese` and are nrenettea to perebase this , setisbit's 12001 clip accerCille to Government Grading Standaras anti at established Government prices, You can apply your Wool credit against blanleet purchaeee, We do no1 handle used woollens. THE STRATETROY WOOLLEN' ntrraLs LTD., STRATITROYe Ont, ISSUE 17-4945