HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-04-12, Page 7FEMALE MISERY TTPWL REPOIITS That The Captial le Busy With The Problem of Shortages And Impending Shortages On the heels of an order that re- quires consemers to place next year's orders for coal by June 1 for priority ip delivery and to take a proportion of. substitute fuel With all purchases of high w ade coal, comes a warning of fuelwood short - Agee next winter. Hon. C. D. Howe has urged municipalities to __take the .inatter in hand now and to arrange to have ae much wood as possible cut 'inthe spring and early summer in wood-hurning' areas of Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick where the. shortage threat is greatest. Operators. of poultry brooders, must place ordera for next year's brooder coal as soon as possible after June 1. Ex- cept by, permit, this must be bought from the operator's regular dealer. *,- * * The Prices Board chairman has warned of continuing shortages in foods- and textiles. Paint dealers are arranging distribution of stocks to meet shortages caused by lack of basic paint and varnish com- ponents. Control of antimony sales, lifted last July, have been restored by the metals controller. Militae.• requirements .of hydrogen peroxide havo became so urgent that quotas for dealers have been drastically curtailed. The chemicals controller said that as a result certain textiles will lack their customary white- ness, antl:Pthers will not be dyed in colors as ,pa1eas previously until the war demand lessens. * * * Two surgeon lieutenants who worked all night to save the lives of the wbunded on H.M.C.S. An- nan in a • recent battle with an enetny submarine have urged That all possible credit be given to blood plasma. The gunnery officer, struck. fin the abdomen from an enemy shot that exploded against a gunshield, required three and a half pints of the eight pints used. This was to permit an iminediate three-hour operation. Three of the crew Were seriously injured. Four were regarded as minor cases, The sub was sunk after a tough battle. With the first camps- to open about May .1, a limited number of war prisoners will be made available for work in western. Ontario. The suminer internment camp will be reopened et Chatham, and hostels will be opened in the counties of Middlesex, ,Huron, Norflok and possibly. Kent. The Lahr nr and National Defence De— partments are co-operating in the project. Nazis Can't Even Believe. Their Eyes '' A flont reporter said Prime Min- ister Churchill and Field Marshall • Montgomery halted a( one point • on their trip to the east side of the , Rhine last week to watch a group of 4-erman prison,ers being fer- ried back over the Rhine A British guard turned to the Gerinan captives and shouted , raucously: "Have a good look. 0 -„There's Winnie and Monty cross- • Ana your Rhine. ..1 -low about it?" Even seeing is not believing for Gernfaii paratroopers taken. pris- oner, Asked what they thought when they saw the great airborne mode flying over them these German paratroopers shook their heads and said: "11 was just .13ritisb propaganda." • •WANTED MOTOR MECHANIC APPRENTICE 16 to rt Years of Age We have,ep,enIng In our Toronto Shop for bright Young coontrY 'key W110' W/111111 tO le:11.11 motor mechanics Is 0 11., construction Imui omen( repair. Also have opening tor foam smart bright High School Bo)s, ofri Timekeepers on 011111411.11010n WOrk 50r Teleplinne Conduit and 0101 Lines. sit;ady employment, good wages end rapid advancement. Apply: PAR-TEX FOUNDATION • CO. LIMITED; 4010 DUNDAS, ST, WEST, TORONTO Telephone LUnction 411/ ON VISIT TO CANADIANS Prime Minister -Winston Chnrchill believes ,in seeing the allied fighting troops as oftenas possible and when possible right in their own lines, Here he is shown, bending before'a Maple Leaf insignia, signing his name in the visitors book after lunching at the end Canadian Corps during a recent visit to the Western Front. Watch- ing the Premier signing is Lieut. -Gen, G. G. Simmonds, C.B., D.S.O., General Commanding 2nd Canadian Corps. VOICEpRgs TilE MAD BEE'S. Ain't radio wooderfult One of the commentators last night swung away from the war ,and got onto the subject of bees. And among other points he mentioned was that bees sometimes shed their hair, and get bald. It must make a bee mad to have a comb in the hive and not be able to use it.• • — Ottawa Citizen. SUSPICIOUS! Right beneath the story of a hen- house robbery, a Minnesota Raper printed a church notice announcing a dhicken supper. The editor is,be- lieved to have -left town for a few days. — Hamilton Spectator, MAN -LIKE We do find it a. terrible hardship to do without the few things we do not need. — Brandon Sun, Synthetic Tires Withstand Speed Synthetic tires made by the Fire- stone Tire & RIlbber Company of Canada Limited have successfully completed a most gruelling speed test made to ascertain just how such tires stand up under high speeds. The test was authorized by the U,S. Government and conducted by the American Automobile As-' sociation. . Locale was the, In- dianapolis Speedwayscene of the prewar automobile' classics. Wil- bur Shaw, famous three -time win- ner of the Indianapolis Race, vol- unteered to make the. test. Driving a racing car equipped with regu- lar tires taken from stock. Shaw drove 600 Miles at an average speed of 100 miles per hour, taking the, turns al DO miles and step- ping up to more thaw 135 miles an hour on .the straightaWays without a single skid or blowout. Tire engineers 'say it is equal to 50,000 miles of ,ordinary driving. Soviet Government Pays Foreign Debt Quoting Henry. Morgenthau, United States Secretary of the Treasury, Lowell' Thotnas the other evening uncovered for the. first time a story about the in- tegrity of the Soviet' Goveptnent in its foreign commitments, Says the St. Catharines Stendard. In the dark days of 1941, when Rus- sia needed food and other ship- ments badly from the United States and, not baiting any estab- lished credit in the United States, Moscow asked for ninety days ip whin to ship old to the value of • ta0,000,000. Th• the meantime, the Govermnent oedered the ship- ments to be cleared for • Russian ports. But during those three months,' the gold was lost by enemy action, a British truiser on which the yellow tnetal had been loaded was sunk, coining out on ire Arctic route from Murmansk, Rus- sia did not hedge over . this set- back; simply asked for 90 days more, and.a new shipment of gold was made. It came through by transport platie to Alaska, then was • transferred to United •States • planes, many of which had a hard time getting off the ground. 'Treas- ury officials on board prevented the crew frotn throwing the heavy rixes overboard., The moon, when full, • Weide off about nine times as lunch light as - it does when at the quarter. RED CROSS HEAD C. Biuce Hill, KO, well-known St. Catharinee manufacturer, who assumeoffice as president of the Ontario Division of the Can- adian Red Cross Society at the Annual Meeting in Toronto on April! 16. Dresden Catastrophe ,The Puritan radio concedes that Dresden, a city of 1,000,000 people, has been "wiped from the map of Europe" by Allied bombing. "The Dresden catastrophe," say the Ger- ,mans, "Is without precedent. Not a single detached building re- mains intact or even capable of re- construction," 4 EAT-HLEEP -LOOK and .-tPSEC 8E77 -eye, Utl!t15,,,, VITAMIN B-COmPt..gx Toblet Form • Stab ArAte ak(/& sraRes • with Lemon Juice Men and women who suffer' nagging aches and pains mused by 1112QUITIatiSM, Neuritic. or Lunibago wani to relieve Such syrnpiums.proinptly. To get such relief. ... ir/ALLENlitli Mix 2 table. spoons of this fine medicine with one labiespoon of lemon juice in a glass of water. Untold thousands oi folks use ALLENIRLI. Get ALLENRI-1 today '05e af any drug store. Write for Informative booklet "Here's Good Realth to You" to Stafford -Miller (of Canada) Ltd., Dept, 9, 172 John St. Toronto, Ont WILLIAMS CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM or quickly relieves soreness, stilt • neck and other ailments caused by eXPOSUre to weather conditions Aches and paine . disappeisr walt one application. 0190IS U11101310 Calla 0111 lire Mg am .....4e-ess•aaw_Jszsearr Here's a SENSIBLE way to relieve MONTHLY LydiaE.Finkham'sVegetableConnfound • not only helps relieve monthly pain but else accompanying nervous, tired, high- strung feelings—when due to functional • periodic disturbances. It's one' of the most effective medicines for this purpose. Pinkham's Compound helps nature! Follow label directions. Try ill oeve44expemh. kora. ,vcoEGmEgueNEDE Women !r Aerial Transport Service The fact is not so ts.ell known as it shoeld he that there are 'hun- dreds of wonich pilots set-aing in Britain, Cointnents the SU -effort( Beacon-f-Ierald, Most of them are British girls, bin there ale also (Mite a few Americans. Their job is • to relieve the no:la/at pilots . by transporting bonahers from • fac- tories to' airfields, or from airfield to airfield, and generally , flying planes in niessenger service, or carrying arnall-package goods. A 13ritish official Who visited an air- port recently anti wanted to get to another in a harry wa.agreatly surprised when he was assigned a• seat in a •'Lancaster bomber which was piloted by, a young woman. Before 'tarting -off she „ checked np the mechanism with all the skill of an engineer, and hand- led tile controls of the powerful machine as if it were an ordinary, routinejob to her ---which it 'was, Clock From Scrap Ileitis]) prisoners in Stalag III, Germany, •claim that their clock, made from old tins 'and ,a gramo- phon'e spring, loses only 20 seconds a day,. SUBTERRANEAN BATTLEGROUND , .'• , One of the weirdest battles of this war waa fought deep beneath the Rhine River, near Krefield, •Germany, in the coal mine pic- turned above, German patrols froxn the east bank of the river met civilian miners working from the side, and the ensuing sub- terranean Pattie vas entirely unknown 'to ground forces above. an Allied officer, left, and a miner examine the extent of damage following "blowng" of the tunnel to block off Germans. U.K. Bacon Ration 4 Ounces A Wee Let 110 one get the •impression that, while we reduce otir eon- sumption of pork in order to assist in supplying Britain, the people of the United Kingdom are growing fat on the pork.ive send them. The British bacon ration is four ounces week, --Brockville Recorder and Times. French Army Losses :71ie French First Army, in a sevensmonth campaign, Waslost abont 10,000 killed and 32,000 wounded, its conimaader, General de Tassigny, announced last weak. SAFES Proteet yotno ROOKS and CASH from VIRE and TRIUNES. yve . bare a size and type of Safe, or Cabinet, ,for any puriloSe: Visit utteiiit,siv r.711c for prices, ete. to Dept, •..-J.6c.J. TAY Lel Fl LI M !TEO TORONTO SAFE WORKS „ • 145 Front, St, E., Toronto Retablialted I855 ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS biotIste TaIL " REPORTS COM - plate Bookkeeping Services. Small- • or Large Businesaes, Travel any, where. Albert Brett 84' Co., Wellington St 6...Tor-state. Out. BEACHES MODEL HOME OVERLOOKAKE ING LONTARIO. You may win this 210,000 model home for 61.00. VVrite for your ' ahares today. (51.00 each) to Beaches Buainess Men's A.ssocia- tion, Toronto 8. Your receipt wilt be mailed promptly, Draw to be made May 24th. Proceeds tor war • Charitiee.' rtAu'r CHICKS at.00 nootcs vora ORDER ORDER -YOUR 0945 CHICKS NOW. and not be disappointed. AU chicks are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 2'5 oz. eggs or better. Barred Rocks mixed 012.00 per 100, Whtte Leghorns mixed 811,00 per 100 • Barred Rock Pullen 819.00 per 100, white Leghorn Pullen 522.00 per 100, white Rocks mixed 215.00 per 100 white Rock Pullets $24.00 per 100. We guarantee 100% live delivdry, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. BRUNTON "Bred -to -Pay" _• CHICKS 'RI-IODE ISLAND BEDS, WHITE Rocks, 13arred Rooks, Golden Hampshlrea, Government Approv- ed, Rlootiteated, Illustrated Cat- alogue Free. Brunton Cedar Glen Farms Hatenery, 62 Winnett, Toronto (mention paper). ' 6000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT • BOOK yowl 1945 alocKs. NOW and get your chicks when you want them. Orders are pouring In. Breeder Hatcheries are alsrayo sold out early. Don't take chances on ordinary chicks. Place your order NOW. Pure lased Sussex. Large Type Leghorns, Sualsex X New Ramps., Sussex X Leghorna, Bock X Leghorns, Rock X Near Ramps., Barred Rocks, Sand for large illustrated Catalogue and Price List. L.0.1COVICSW Poultry Farm, Wein Bros. Exeter, Ont. TnEnz is PROVIT IN CHICKS if yetistart right. That'g what ouceesstui poultrymen have learn- ed from experience and that's W1171,80 many of theoe sante poul- trymen have Sound It to their advantage to -order Top Notch Chicks year after year. Because Top Notch chicks ere Government .A.pproved from•bloodtested breed- ers that baxe.proven tO be husky, healthy, big producere. Start right this year with Top Notch Chleks. Write for the TOP Notch CatalOgtle and pricellst, rlght now—to-day. Limited number of started chicks for immediate de- livery. Top Notch Cblekeriela Guelph, Ontario. ' • BARRED ROCKS, LEGHORNS, New Hampshires chicks; for immediate shipmentand a lim- ited quantity started in brooders, Pullets, cockerels, tinsel:ed. We advisq early ordering. Bray Hat - Client', 1301 Johni N., Hamilton, ' Ont. nno.in IIREASTED SUSSEN COX THOTJSANDS AVAILABLE WEEK- tly. if YOU ordor at once, Out Broad Breasted Susseo cox bring top prices, on the market. White skinned, long ran nded breasts, Also New Ramp: cox with fast' growth and feathering, Sussex X Leghorns e.hd Rock. X Leghorns make good roasters and grow fast up to 4-0 lbs. You ean buy these tot $4.00 per 100. Also mix- ed heavy cox $6,00 per 100. All from out well.bred, healthy, blood tested breeder. 5000 Breed- en on ONE pient, • 'Lakeview Poultry Farm. Wein Eirrej., Exeter,Ontsrtc • DARE CORNISH GAME COCKER - els, grand' type, development, range raised. Choice Breeders, weights 8 lbs. Prices $10.00, $7,00, $5.00. George Henbest, 8112, 118 Avenue, EdInonton,, Alta. . too CHICKS FREE WITE EVERY ORUER CP' 100 PIM - let chicks, we give 100 tree cbtaka • (our choice), Leghorn pullets $22.05 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets •60 95 per 100. White Reels Pullete $24.95 per 100. Ail chielee sold backed by bIgh egg pedigreed satanic, 51.00 books your order, balance 0.0,13. Guaranteed 100% live delivery: 'Kent Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario.. SPECIAL PULLET SALE STARTED• BAIIIIPID ROCK RUL - lets, 1 week old 22c, 2 weeks old 20 cents. Immediate. delivery, Carleton RatcherY, Britannia Reights, Ontario. POULTRY _KEEPERS BE CERTAIN You BUY COOD healthy, vigorOus chicks. BUy chicks with breeding and livability and you will becertain of snccess. Our Breeders are all Government inapected, banded and blood -tested. Writs for descrintiVe catalogue on the different breeds,and placeo on out Government Approved chicks. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS Monkton, Ontario "OXPORD" B LIO OD -T ESTE D. chicks. live, lay- arid p57', "2957' are the results of nineteen -years Of careful selection and. breeding in 0.13.2. They 'have to be geed • because we want the very best . kind of chicks for our own Godes. Improved breeding. Big, vigorous and early meturlpg. We stress egg size and 'uniformity. Write for our free folder, Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, tin-les:ad Chleko, Pullets and Cockerels, The Oxford Farmers, Co -opera tive Produce Co., Ltd„ 434 Main St.. Woodstock. Knit v calms POII• CAN'T GO wytoNo wrgt Tweddle Chleks, There will be a guaranteed market next fall for • all the chicks you can brood this spring. The 13,2. Army, will take 10,000,000 lbs. and Great Britain ever increasing • amounts. With the possibility, of rationing our home market should be firm -- definitely -sand the Old Countt7 will take our egg surplus. So you can't go wrong with chleks this Sprtng. That is if you buY good chicks and look after them. Flash—Hare are the prices you can count on next ran 00001015 - ed poultry, 11.0.13. Country Pro- cessing Plants. Grade A. Milk Fed 80c lb., 13 28e, Grade„A 28e, B 20e. Don't wait another day; order your ehielts at once. Free cat- alogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcher - leo Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 25 mum chums OUR FOUNDATION STOCK IS registered and pedigreed btrds. Nothing better 10 Canada. Order now. Prices for mixed baby chlek ,s males and females: Bar- red Rook% 012.00 per hundred; liVhlte Leghorns. 011.00: 'White Rocks, 515.00: Brown Leghorns, • $13,00. Pallet orient. Barred Rocks, 619.00; Whlte Leghorna, 022,00; White Rocks, 824,00; Brovrn Leghorns, 524.00. 26 tree dhicics, our choice, will be given for each 500 mixed chicks order, ed and 25 free chicks for each 100 day old pullets ordered. Goddard Chick Hatchery, Bri- taania Heights, Onterin. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW AND P013 ARE GUA RANTEED your chicks tor next spring when you want them. Barred Rock mixed 512.00 per 100. white leg - borne mIxed $11,00 per 100. Bar- red Rock Pullets $19.00 per•• 100. whIte leghorn pullets 822.00 per 100. Heavy Breed Ckls. 86.00 per 100, Leghorn Olds. $2.00 per 1,00. A.11 chicks hatched front 26 oz. eggs or better and from special mated flocks, Guaranteed 10095 live delivery. 81.60 books, your order, balance 0,0,13, Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario, BLOOD-TDSTDD HYBRID COCK - orals, April 4s, Leghorn Cocker. els le. Also White Leghorn and Hybrid Pullets, Stormont Poultry Perin, Pincb, Ont. • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 077,800-100 acres, all 'workable, good land. 18 head cattle'4 horses, 10 pigs, new mitchinenn 5-1'oomed houae, 70 miles from Toronto, would consider email house. vicinity Neav Toronto or Mimic° as part payment. bar $3,000 down, balance easy Dements, APPlY 227 ,611t St., New Toronto, Ont. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE You ANYTHING 1113E135 • dyeing or cleaning? Write to us San Information. We are glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street. To- , route., ' HAIRDRESSING LEARN 1-1A/R13RESSING THE Robertson method. Information On request regarding Olti.9308. lioberteon's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto, FOR SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW. USED, bought, sold, rebuilt: belts, pul- leys, brtishes. Alien Electric Com• pany Ltd., 2326 DufferIn SL, To- ronto. STRAVVI3E00RY PLANTS, ASPAR:' agus, raspberries, peach trees, atnnes, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, curniuts, shrubs, 'hedging, • shade trees, wire tree guards. Norfolk \ Nursery • alnico% Ontario, Flap POLES AND STANDARDS Silk Plage to Order ' Society Plags to Order GEO. El. WILKINSON LTD, 530.5 OUELLETTE AVE., WINDSOR 86,500 -- BEAUTIFULLY' LAND- - soaped 00 acres, new briek, aquare plan house, • large • barn, garages, eleotrieltlt. Wing Water. W. Overland, Cataract, Ontario. 60 -ACRE FARM FIRST CLASS, On -to -date, Write for particulars, • Bert Hagedorn, Burgessville. Ont. . Amateur Theatricals SEE our charaeter costamee. Have 500 costumes to choose team. Make- up dickeys, minetre) cellars, gloves, Costume Dept. — Second Floor 0130. 01 WILKINSON LTD. 333 OUELLETTE AVE., WINDSOR 13EAUTIFUL, COMFORTERS MADE front your • meterials, • Quilting $1.85, Y011r 10601 etude& 25e lb„ west:log.8c 'lb. Quick service. Vit.- woor netts "01.15 lb, ...Wool CardIng alachines 014.115, Spinning Wheels 515.00, Ass for 'catalogue. SlfLon, Wool Products, 'Box, 123,• - Satan, Manitoba. • SAW MILL, NEARLY NEW, CAPAC- ity upward one thonsand per hour Can he operated by two men or more, Designed and, built by an experisnced sawyer. POI' 0:11'0011-. LIZ'S, write or can Dan Vaiiieres, 114111 Bridge, Ont. Do not call on Saturday, sOx aoONu PUP, MALE. PARENTS • Well bred and excellent hunters, $16.00. 7 Rollancl FOR. SALE, fireCORMICK-DEERING W14 tractor on steel, complete with bell pelley and 2 -furrow tractor plow, 5,723: IC. a ivieMillan, • Georgetown, Ont, run SA1E C. G. V. MOTOR, 3 lap., 1800 r.pan., 3 phase, 00 cycle, 220 volt, re- built, 9150. R. B. Richardson, St. Andrews, 71,13. LARGE PURE BRED FLEMISH Giants, Angoras, New Zealand Reds, satisfaction guaranteed. Alberta and Dominion Govern- ments have bought from -us. Breatirwold Farm, Box 97, Cal- gary, Alta. 90 ACRES, 27 ACRES GARDEN /and, balance clay loam seeded to clover. 8 room Brick Steel Drive Shed and Henery, Barn fair, 4 tunes in 'orchard, 25 InhlOs from Toronto & Hamilton olt naved highway. J. la, Smith, PLR, 1, Hornby, Ont. G.ARAG)Il AND SERVICE STATION, garage equipment and stock and 6 -roomed house on No: 2 Htgh- way. Oakes- Garage, Ancaster, Ont, LEFT HAND,' 3 SPEED, sAwymt, earriage and husk. Good condi- tion, $1.60. W. A.. Cornell, Ko - =Oka, Ont. POULTRY PARM, 26 ACRES, 1,200 layers, Hydro, market garden land. 20 miles from Toronto and• Hamilton; going cancernt im- Mediate possession. /Ceith CoWles. R.R. 2, Hornby, Ont. SOUTH AMERICAN CH/NCHTL. las, "That rare and costly fur." Beautiful 8.11i1111118; easy to raise; will litter 111101 springal 6450.50 Pair, Robert Green, 1226 StanleY, Montreal 2. MACHINERY • DIESEL CRAWLER TRACTORS. 10137 CATERPILLAR WITH 8 YARD Le Tourneau scraper: 101)8 with 12 yard scraper; 151)18 Inter- national w1th bulldozer (scraper optional); T3340 with bulldozer; 151340 International (47,5 'HP); 15134 Caterpillar; 11E4 with An- thony Higadift Bucket and inter- changeable bulldozer blade . . Llg•hting plante, 1500 watt, 22 or 116 volts.. Send for folder . . Diesel and Gasoline 'Engines 411 to 150 HP. Other eganarnent available. '1Vire, write. or phone S. IL Leventhal & Co., Machinery Agents, Winnipeg. arnnrcar. STOMACH AND VEREAD WORMS often are the cause of 111 -health in humans, all egos. No one Im- munet why not find out If this Is your trouble? interesting par- Malan—Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists Toronto 11 DON'T DELAY( EVERY SUPPER- er- of nheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's nemesia. Talunro'a Drug Store, 335 131giti, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00. COMP/PATTON, 13 [Lilac sNEss, liver troUble, depreSsed headache, glifekly, • relieved with rig -Lex • tablets. Xeep regular with Fig - Lax, 25c at Druggists. BAUMETOKA FOOT BALM DE-. stroYa ottensive odor Instantly, 460 bottle. Ottawa agent Denman Drug Store, Ottawa, PROVEN REMEDY—IIVERY SUF. lever of Rheumatic Pains or 'Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- - edy. Munrcas Drug Store, 335 E1 - gin, Ottawa, Postpaid 91.00. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PRDO A. Bt)DDINGT()N BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments. tit Church. Toronto 1 0PP00I707101VI1ES 0.011 WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER .101N CANADA'S LEADING scrimp... Great Opportunity, Learn ' Hai td ress rig Pleasant dignified profession. good Wages , thousande successful, stereo graduates. AmerIcals greaiest sys- tem. I us tra t ed , es tokigue free. Write or can MARVEL RAIRBRIDSSING SCHOOLS 358 BLOOR W.. TORONTO Branches: 44 King St., Hamilton, & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. PHOTOGRAPHY TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Year Gime properly developed and printed 6 ott 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 26c 'REPRINTS 8 tor 25a FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE • You raay not get al) the films you Want this year, but you can get ell the quality and service you deetre by sending your films to IMPERIAL PROTO SERVICE Station 3. Tbront0 • CANADA'S LARGEST - STUDIO •STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE nowt risk toeing your picturee. Snatie can't be tahen over again. Send your film rolls to Can:Wale largest and meet studio. Get better pictures at loiver cost PROMPT 'MAIL SERVICE Any size 01o11.-0 or 8 Exposulree DtIVELOPED AND PHINTMO, 25e "1 get best rettilts frog: Star Snap- shot Set.ales" etIstomer in ' tNrit otz,jS1511 e1.iva,, o,11n, pwltt,iAdds that Ole has SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER NOW Style .Allnim With Prints slzet: 10-20-127 if 23c (4c extra) Is sent v(ith flim roll. EN LA R GEM ENTS.— • COLORED AND FRAMED. Enlargements 4 :1 6" in boeutittn easel manta. It for 26c, 'Premed, on ivory tinted mats, 7 x a" an Gold, Silver, Chatessian Walnut or Bleck Ebony finis]. frames, 59c each, If enlargement colored. 779 each, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE 1301 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name end Address Plainly, 05 050 ars. PIANOS ARE you INTERESTED IN THE new small Pianos? /0 so write us for latest descriptive eircatar, Factory Mason Sr Risch LlmIted, 012 Xing St. West, Toronto. PATENTS PETHERSTONHAUGE & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. atatablIshd 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. SIPITORBAN PROPERTIES WANTED - WITHIN 25 MILES DP TORONTO, with or without acreitge.1 We have steady demand foi• proper- ties ranging up to $50,800 throughout this area. R. P. HEAL & CO. lla Xonge St., Toronto AD. 8457 TOMATOES FROM SEED; GROW ZOUR OWN 2111.11102 TO - mato plants this year. It's eaey, but start tbem early and for • happy resulte plant Master Mar - globe, America's most. pertectlY formed tomato—extra large and solid. "The Tomato with the Ex- • tra $lims", Send 15c for Special Pkt; or only 200 for Kt oz. Pun - colour catalogue Free, Deet. W. W. HICK & SONS LIMITED. Lindsay, Ontario. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED OP PARTICULAR INTEREST TO veterans and fanners: Sell Pam!. lex eplces, extracts, alimentarY products, medicines, stoat and other farm products and aucceed. Monthly free offers open every door. Every family a prospect. Good clistrieta open. Pleasant and profitable work for part time workers. Pres Plan and catalogue. Pantnex 1600 Delorimier, Mon- treal, ws.pproo Cash Register Wanted 1 Cent U. Must Be Cheats. 533 Ouellette Ave„ Windsor SADDLES WANTED RIDING 3000114 AND GEAR WE PAY CAST; GEORGE •101, WILKINSON 333 OUELLETTE Ayta, WINDSOR Invalid Chairs Wanted WILL pay cash or swap for what we bave. Swap Dept. Geo. H. Wilkinson Ltd, 333 Ouellette Ave. Windsor Portable Phonographs . WANTED! Win pay Cash or swap for new shoes. or new Mathes or what we hove. GEO. H. WILKINSON 333-5 ODELLIITTE AVE.. WINDSOR WANTED. GRIMM'S EVAPORAT- or. Size two and one halt by eight only, State ondition and pries. G. A.. Hogg, Thalnesford, Ont. WANTED, GARDEN TRACTOR, 1 to 3 horsepower. State condition and price. Box 21, 73 A110I00e West, Toronto, PARR 1111010HINIMIT "VIKING" CII DA MSEPA RATORS and repo ir parts re a 1 wa Ya available either at your local denier • or direct from Swedieh Separator Co. Limited. 720 Rolfe - Dame West, ,fsiontreel 1 Que. um.), w ANTED HOUSEKEEPER WITH FARM experience, Modern Farm, by Aprit 15th, 2 adults, 13rampton • • Dlotrict. References •required. J, M. Dotson, BreMpton 2, Ont., CYLINDER PRESSMAN WANTED. , Ons • wIth some extlerience on make -reedy. Steady positron for steady reliable man. (44 -hour week). Apply nearest lamploY- ment & Seleetive Service Office. 1PILE--(1512. 2510. EXPERIENCED LINOTYPT.e OPER- ator end floor man wanted at • once, •steady positton. (44 -hobo Week). 010P15 nearest EraploYMent and, Selertive Service Orflee• : FILE—..C,R.. 2520. ' FARM NEM' WANTED • IPABIMER, SINGLE, REGI 0 17L311 steady man, for general farm work on dalrY farm. EXperfpnce mnehiner trecior, prefer- ' • red. 70 dolifirs • inmatils• plus , board, laundry. Apply P. Von Pills, Dolce rearm, Rif; by< ay No. 2, • WhitbY, Ont. Phone Whitha 050. MR., WOOL GROWER WE OPE/RATE A GOVERNMENT Liceneed al'ool Warehotion end are prepared to minivan this ((neon's( Wool clip aceording to Government Grading Stan:la:ale and at estnb- lished Government prices, Vou enn Apply your wool credit sgalmit illsnleet purchases. We dn not handle , used woolleti PRE STRATI-it/0V WOOLLEN 11111.1,,S LTD., SVIATUROV, Ont. ISSUE 18-1940