HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-03-29, Page 3Brighten Up Your Rooms
With Wallpaper
Do it now while Stocks are
�t their B e
We Feature
PapersumwoS -rahY
Canadas Best
Store Open Tonight Closed Friday
Store ()peri Evenings 6 to 8
In Business Since 1885
Phones 36W, 36.1
SP ecial Service
• Y
:A ril
On T, P
An expert on Trusses and Surgical appliances will be at our store.
We, strongly advise` all those afflicted with ruptures' to console
with this representative 6f.... ,„,Longdon Co. Manufacturers of Surg-
ical Appliances.
W S. N. HOMES -PHM.: @.
x . The Master Hat of Canada for Easter Wear
A real nicee
ction'to choose from. In Blues,
Greens, Browns and 'Greys. • '
Snap Rims and Turned up edges.
2.25, 3.50, 3.95 4.95 and 5.95
Sizes from 61•/2 to 71/2
CUSTOM TAILORS Be Measured by a Tailor.
to $22.50
5c and 60e
Headquarters For -.All Sporting Goods
' • Auction Sale
Farm Stock and Implements
At Lot 5 Concession 5, Hallett, One
mile south of Constance
Commencing at one o'clock sharp d
HORSES: Bay gelding, 9 yrs.
bay gelding, 11 yrs. old; driving
horse good single or double, 9 yrs.
CATTLE: Black cow freshened _in
December, five years old; Holstein
cow to freshen' near tirne of sale, 4
yes. old; black cow to freshen Ilday
16, 4 yrs. old; grey eow to freshen
April 11, 8 yrs. old; red cow fresh-
ened in December, 4 yrs. old; red
cow to freshen April 24, 12 yrs. old;
white cow to freshen May 26, 10
yrs. old; roan cow to freshen May
4, four years old; red cow, 4 yrs.
old supposed to be ip calf; 2 steers
1 year old; 6 calves, 9 -months, old;
2 calves 3 months old; also 100
hybrid:; hens laying well.
-"IMPL10MENTS: M. H. binder, 7,
ft. cut; M. H. mower, 6 ft. eut; M.
H. hay rake, 10 ft,,, M. H.' hay load'
er; 31. H. cultivator; Deering 13-
dise seed drill; turnip seeder; 2
walking plows; Quebec` single furrow
riding plow; set 4 -section 'barrows;
set of sleighs; flat rack, cutter; robe
wagon;" scuffler; root pulper; 16,
ft hay. rack; 2 'stock racks; gravel
• 'box;,' 2 -wheel trailer and rack; set
.600 Ib. scales;, pig crate, iron pig
trough, 6r ft. long; wheelbarrow,
stoneboat;'hay fork and car; 140 ft.
hay fork rope; set sling ropes;
sling, chain; . 4'pulleys; set breech-
ing .harness;, set plow harness; ,set
single harness;- 4 horse collars;
scythe; hay knife; 2 logging chains,
cross'eut saw; 2 oil cans, 3 neckyokes
2 sets donbietrees .and whiffletrees;
Melott cream separator; milk pails,
stock pails, corn planter, gages seed
sower; 150_ ,bushels mixed grain; 25
bushels 'wheat, 200 bush'ets Vanguard.
oats ands Banner, suitable for seed,
2 scoop shovels: and forks; four 16 -
ft. hemlock boards, 1 Ash tongue.
rel churn, Baal or woodheater, coal
...veer ".41 rmuhti n•
Auction Sale
arm -Stock, Implements and ,house-
hold furniture.
Lot 19, Con. 6, Goderich township
Commencing at 1 o'clock.
HOiiSES—Black mare rising 4
year's; bay horse rising 6 years;
black'. horse 11 years;
CATTLE: Durham eau; 6 years•
old, Milking bred; 1 -jersey cow due
May ;19th; three year old heifer;
due time of sale; black cow, 10 years
old, milking 3 steers -two years old;
3 three, year ',olds; 1 calf 6 months;
1 calf” three months; 1. heifer two
years old.
-I sow due time of sale;
pigs- weight about 180 •lbs,
IMPLEMENTS: 1 M. H. binder 6
ft. cut; Deering mower,' 6 ft, cut
International hay loader; M. 11.
fertilizer drill eleven disc; M, 11. set
of ,discs nearly new; two drum steel
land roller; walking plow two
furrow Kangeroo walking plow;
.three section harrow; set' log sleighs
with log bunks; 2 wagons; hay rack;
M. H. -cream•, separator; cutter
buggy, grind stone; turnip pulper;
quantity, hay rake teeth; setwork
,harness, ,nearly new;a 8 horse cols
larsa•neaily. new; set` driving har..
ness;, 2000 Ib, scales; 1•fanningnriil.
dining' room table; polished kitehen
table:; 8 washstands; 2 small, tables;
7 kitchen ohaifs; occasional. chair;
organ' and stool; clothes 'wringer;
magazine rack; Z milk cans 100' lbs.;
Daisy churn; rug, Wilton 12 ft. by
9'15"; rocking chair;. -pictures.
No 'esery
r e as farm is sold
Jas. S. Lockhart, Propeletgr
Robert E. Rowden, Clerk,
Harold, Jackson, Auctioneer, 41-2
ih, milk can; forks, whiffletrees; showers of confetti and' good. wishes.'
walking plow; neck yoke, other arti- The bride travelled in a dress -maker
:les, suit with snatching top coat of "re-'
TERMS' - CASH flection blue with black accessories,
No ResTER as The Farm is Sold This happy occasion • was: also the
tivent -seventh wedding `anniversary
of the brides' parents A telegram'of
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. congratulations was received from
Verne McCabe, Proprietor.
A quiet spring' wedding was sol-
emnized ; in Varna United Church
'parsonage ;i by Rev. Reba Idern on
Monday, March •the twbnty-sixth
when Ruby Edna, second daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Iteid, of Stanley
Townships becaeiie the `bride of
Gordon Lyle Hill, son of Mr. and
Dias. Lyle Hill of Stanley Township
The bride wore
a street-leng�ll
dress of sky-iblue'triple sheer with
matching hat. ler only Ornament;
was a gold necklace which- was" worn
by .her Grandmother Reid, on' her
wedding day; fifty-eight years. ago.
Misses Anna and Doris Reid, sir-
-tees of the blade were her attendants.
The groom' was attended: by Mr.
Bruce Keys, 'of Varna.
Afterwards the • bride and groom
left on. a shoat honeymoon, the bride
wearing 'a brown chesterfield' coat,
with brown. accessories.,
Auction Sale
of Tractbrs, Combines.. and Patric
Implements, at Lot 4, Concession! 1,
London Road, 1 mile north of klip-
pen, ip `Stanley township,
, at 1.30 sharp, the following
"Allis Chalmers W.C. Tractor, with
lights and starter on rubber; Allis
Cirahners W. F. Tractor on rubber;
A11is' Chalmers C. Tractor, with
lights and starter on rubber; Allis
Chalprers Bean and corn scuffler for
C-traetor; Allis Chalmers Bean
puller for_ C. tractor; 2 Allis Chal-
•mgrs 60 Combines on rubber with
quick adjustable speed l with re -
cleaners; 6 ft. windrower; 3 furrow
general bottom International plow
on rubber; 2- furrow ace bottom.
International plow on rubber; 34 -
plate Blssel disc heavy duty; 32 -
Bisset disc with weight boxes; 10
ft. stiff tooth •International Culti-
vator; 3 -section ' Allis Chalmers
Spring tooth Harrows; Flurry Bissel
Plow. Packer with 3 furrow plow;
7 ft. International binder, practical-
ly new; 11 disc International fer-
tilizer drill ,with grass seeder at-
tachment; M. H. 15, disc- drill with
tractor hitch; 5 ft,. International
mower', nearly new- with clover
bpticher and steel clover table; Inter-
national hay loader, new style;
International side delivery rig, new
style; IL It Hay loader, nearly new;,
4 section heavy Harris; 4 section
light Harris; M. H. - low. down
Manure Spreader; International
beam scuffler, hew style with' discs;
International rubber tire waggon
nearly new; 16 ft. flat hay rack.
and sliding;rack; 10 ft. steel hay
rake; 2 Walking plows; - Fanning
Mill with Pulley and Bagger; a r-
tension ladder; Brooder stove; 'full
enamel kitehen stove, nearly new;
3 burner coal oil. stove; Hand wash-
ing machine, quantity of bee boxes,
sap `pan, dresser and stand, kitchen
table and quantities of chairs, team
'harness, and other articles too
numerous to mention.
Absolutely no reserve as Propribtors
are giving up fanning.
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer, R. R...1
Hyde Bros. Proprietors, Hensall,.,
Qnt. Phone 128.
P. L. McNaughton, •Clerk. • . 41-2
and hiattree ; two hanging lenses;
two hand lamps; gas lantern; 2 oil
lanterns; hand •sleigh; hand wagon;
two toilet sets; ;set smoothing irons;
chemical closet; contode chair; - ice
box and other articles` too •numer-
ous to mention. ' a
Positively no reserve, as proprie-
tor is giving up fainting,,
J. W. Carter, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 41-2
Auction Sale
Farm Stock, and Implements.
• Edward Welsh has instructed the
undersigned to sell hP public auction
at First Lot North of Clinton, on
Highway No. 4'
at 1.30 o'clocksharp the following:
HORSES: Bay horse, 4 yrs., broke
PIGS: 2 pure bred York sows, with
litters 8 weeks old. 4 pure bred
York sows about 6 months old
COWS; Holstein cow, 6 yrs old;
fresh; Holstein eow;'4 yrs. old, fresh;
Blue cow, 6, yrs. old, due, June 20;
Guernsey 'cow, 2 yrs. old,• due Mayt
15th; 4 Durham heifers, 1 yr. old;
3 Du'ihain Calves; 2 Calves two
wee'ks old; 2 fat heifers 1000 lbs.
HENS: 25 Rock Hens.
IMPLEMENTS: Farm wagon, 3
inch steel tire; low truck wagon; 2
light sleighs; cutter; buggy, .steel
tire; two wheel trailer; cultivator;
Disc; mower, McCormick; rake; Mc-
Cormick, steel; Electric cream separ-
ator; 850 lbs. nearly new; set scales,
1 ton; 2 ' •eating boxes; 2 hand
scufflers; riding plow; gaslantern;
grain drill; turnip . drill;. coal oil
brooder; 600 egg Miller incubates;
2-150 egg ineubaters. ---
100' feet neW snow fence; 9 steel
pests; 4 cedar corner' "posts; 45
gallon cider vinegar; 1 wire stretch-
er; scythe; "euro hoe; post hole
auger; whippletrees.
HARNESS: Double set• heavy
breeches harness; double set driving
harness; single set dray harness,
No reserve as farm has been sold
ladwdrrj Wrleh• Prnhrietnr
P./O' R:'J Snell, Overseas; brother
of the -I. -ride.'" The' brides mother
received the guests wearing' a flower-
ed silk -jersey dress: 'and corsage of,
red carnations ani the groom's mother.
wore navy-blue crepe with corsage 0f
white "carnations.
Dear Friends: May
May I take this opportunity to
express' my deepest appreciation fbr,
your kind thoi ghtfutness itl remenC
boring toe. It is indeed .a grants'
"Welcome , Horne" and I 'eon assure
you, one that will be treasured for
many years.
Again;1-.thank you and wish every
one of yon the best of health, and
peace in the coming . years.
Sincerely yours
Pte.'Potter, D. E.
A very sucee eful everting and
euchre and dance 'was ,,held' in S. Sr
No. 9 School House. In euchre, the
leading lady was Mrs. Leonard. Cole,
and Mr. ,Fames' Sterling led the gen-
tlemen. The consolation prizes• went
to Ruth Potter • and IK'eith Mziler.
Arnold Rathwell was caugtht on the
lucky their. �¢�
Doting the evening, Mrs. VY�II'&.
Wise kindly' donated a 'basket Of
grdeerids, Mr'. Leonard Cole held'
the funky' ticket. We take this op-
portunity n • who
or'itini el t a ki everyone A tY
helped in any wap' i8 connection with
the sueees's Vis' the two parties,- for
the response given• fos''the overseas
On Tuesday March 27th at 11.40
a.m. a pretty' double ring ' .ceremony
was solemnized at the Londesboro
United Church parsonage when_Rev.
A. E. Menzies united in 'marriage
Betty Barbara' Joy, youngest dough-
ternet of
e � r. andMrs. John Snell tr of M
Londesboro' t0 F./O Raymond. George.
Fisher son of Mrs. ' Fisher and the
late John Fisher of Galt:
The hride was Iovelyy •hi a street -
length dress of Orchid 'Taffeta and
Vernise lace with matching irat and
veil and corsage' elf *late earnsations.
1-Ier may ornarilbet eras a string of
She, was attendedl by ker.: sister
Mrs.' 1l;obt. Peck wlib wore a street-
Iength dress of noWdor-Mril&e crepe
and a pretty flower ha" ruff ehoUlder
veil. She wore -a corsage of pitllt
carnations.' F./O. wm- J'. Gilchrist of
Toronto attemled the, ei!ooni.
A reception was: held at the lone
of the brides' ,parents. Dinner was
served to twenty immediate fiientls
of the bride and'groom, by'taie bi+Ides'
aunts,' Mr's. T. Nixon and Mrs. H.
'The dining' room was prettily dies
orated for the' , *rasion with pin*
and white streamers and a' white
wedding bell .abowu' a lace -covered
table, centred liy'.a 3=story wedding
cake,: Pink and whit!' carnations and'
twin crystal candle fielders with' pink:
candies completed t heearistefully' ar-
ianged •table. Geeesr+s were present
from Nile,: Blyth,' Town* and Galt
also Allenford, Brampton and Lon-
desboro. •
After dinner the happy couple Weft
for Toronto and . points East amid
THURS., March 29th, 1945
Evening Auxiliary of W. W.
The Easter Thank -offering of the
Evening Auxiliary of the W. M. S.
of Wesley -Willis was held More1c
15th, at the home of Miss Rudd, With
the President, Helen Nediger pre-
siding. Al special Easter Services, of
Worship "A Living Hope" wee fol-
lowed With special Easter, hymns,
Meditation and prayers.' '
Jean • Currie then tools charge of.
the meeting introducing the "Study
of.the -`Church' 4n • Malaya" assisted
by various members telling of the_
government, resourses, Christianity,
education and ordination of Mission -
my preachers.'
An interesting discussion followed
the Study Period.
After, the MVleeting' a social half
hour was much enjoyed.
Ontario Street W. A.;. •" Jolin W: Rartna, Win ant M.T1.A,
Presents Trophy
The r`eg'ular monthly meeting of if
the Women's' Aiesociatiorr was held on
Wednesday afternoon, March 28th,
in the school :room of.bhe church
with an attendance of forty-seven.
The meeting opened with the sing -
Ing of a hymn followed by The Lord's
Pseyer in unison.
The devotional period war taken by
Mrs. Maltby; .'which opened;; with
quiet' nass<io. Mrs. Maltby- then gave
an interettin�'` talk on•"Sharing",, in-
terspersed with Music. The devotional
period •closed; With the singing •of a
Hymn. ' •
The secretary and. ;treasurer's r'e-
porrts were read and adopted, Wes.
Kennedy, s r din a et r
ai Yi carie po R g s cr a y,
reed three letters thanking the W.
A, i! • flowers '.s 'tl.Mrs.
of weir en Lebb
flower' convenor, reported: on flouters
sent the sick.
Tied :I'ita'ttdred` Dollars' 't+Pa.g Voted
to the Board for the renovating of
the Church,
MTs.. Lawson sang a solo',•' "An
Easter Hymn". Mrs. Layman and'
Mrs. King then favoured -WWI se
duet followed by An Faster . Scir g;.
sung by. ;Mrs. Nerman..Carter..
The meeting closed with a % tatr-
and prayer by Mrs. Beaton, after
which 'a social time was spent, with
St. john's • Ward serving lunch.
Baptist 1..ageg,Bits .
The monthly meeting'ofthe Ladies'
Aid was held in the vestry of the
churchwith nine mieinilhr5 .taut one
visitor present. The t8 bbiii was
opened with the president; 191'rs. Mc-
Lean in the chair, and singing hymn
420 "Work for the night is eortrarg".
Mrs. Cochrane lead inprayer' arta 'flee
Business was discussed. The rern'aimt-
der of the 'meeting was in the' form
Of a Missionary meeting with Mee.
Confrr7rnle in char"ge,.. ,in the absence
of Mss, Anderson. Hymn • 646' "Jes'us
Shall Reign" was sung. •Mi's. J,
Brawn read the. Scripture from John.
201k CTiapter and Mrs. R. H. John-
son read a Missionary reading en-
titled" "B'ettee than Hatred''. Min;.
Cochrane read' "A Better World",
and Mrs. McLean also gave a read-
ing.. The'meeting was -closed wibh
singing hymn 634 "Go ye into all the
World" and prayer by Mrs. McLean.
of Farm Stock and Implements
On Lot 17 and 18, ,Concession 8
Goderich Townships 11/2 'miles South
of Taylors'' Corner en,
at 1 o'clock
HORSES: Bay mare, rising 8
pears; aged mare; .Matched team 'of
Sorrels, rising 2 and '3 pears; colt,
rising 1 year.
COWS: Holstein cow, rising 4
years freshened 3 weeks. attime
of sale; Durham ,and Poll-Angus,
,rising 3, years milking, bred, ,Dec.'12
•1944; Ayrshire cow rising 5 yrs,
milking, Holstein eow • 3
years due to •freshen June.
19th; Blaok"cow, 6 years, dire to
freshen, May 23rd; Brindle cow, 6
;tears, due to freshen May 22nd;
Black cow, rising '3 years, freshened,
Jan, 13thJersey cow rising' 6 yrs.
freshened about six weeks time of
sale; 2 steers, rising 1y.ear; 2
Heifers, rising 2 years; calf 5 mons.;
2 small calves.
PIGS: One sow and 11 pige.
readytowean time of sale;
GRAIN: About 150 bus. of mixed
grain, . o
IMPLEMENTS: M. -ll. Binder, 6
ft: cut.; M. -H. Mower, 6 ft. reit;
dump valve, Quebec suilcey plow;
Hatrows; •.M. -Ii. Cultivator; IVIAL
13-;i hoe chill; 2 waggons; hay rake;
bench Sleighs hay fork; ropes and.
pulleys; good .set ,of hale
a D 1 A N
or Huron-Beuee, presented d tra-
phy to the .Lueknow Leirflt during
lilay-off with Welland', at the ,Strat-
ford. arena last;night. le' .signalized
the Winning of the : Westerns Ontario
Championship'. ' .
-here passed away peacefully, on
Friday, in Clinton„ Mise Elizabeth'
Ford, a well-known and highly
respected citizen' of Clinton for the
past 'twenty'. years. ,
The funeral was held on Sunday'
at 2.30 p.m. at the home of her
•cousin, Mrs. Wilfred Seeley and Mrs.
lSeeley, Huron Street. Interment was
l in Maitland Cemetery, Goderieh. The
service was conducted' •by the Rev,
Andrew Lane. trf Wesley -Willis.
Paearers were, It 3: Trewartha,
Andrew Holmes, William Lobb,
MofatittAiken, Clarence Ottirdy and
Proctor Palmer: '
Deceased was the beet nieiiiber of
the late Thomas Ford and Jane
Turney', piefiders tsf Goderieli town
ship. She was porn 88 years ago on
the Ford flomettbad, on ,No. '8 High-
way Holmesvilld
way just *eta of' , and
lived there Lrttti1 moving to Clinton,
While Ir•ving 1tt Ifrncsville she
was a . member end active church
worker' in the lower • Methodist
church, whichwas later known as the
Holnresville United Cliareli. Sint
coming to Clinton's& was a Member'
of the Wesley-WilIi'a Z'nited Church
where until failing l eJtli; she took'
part in the activities el" the Woiferas
• icorr the past ten ntt8iths, Mktg
Areas has' been a patient fir the Clin-
tbn' Hospital. Although eveifined toe
lied she always retained a cheerful
dispesitien aid enjoyed the' visits of
her friar .
Predeceasing her were three bro..
thess; Thomas Ford, of 31litebener,,
J"ame5 Ford of British' Columbia,
mid' Jolnr Ford 'of' Clinton;, atilt a'.
sister, Mas, Samuel Ferris:
The Tuekersmith Ladies Club' will
hold" their regular meeting at the
Home of . Mrs,; Rbyr Pepper on April
4th. The roll call will'' be answered by
"Tile' Worst• Aeeideltt 1: Ever Had".
W A Y'
O• F
Down to Earth. .`
i ARDENING for the fun of it
week-end'trips in the old family
jalopy—lazy days fishing by the river
—these things still stand for a pleas-
ant way of;Iife-a way of life our men
overseas . are fighting for today!
They' won't be able to come bask to
these simple things, unless we get
"down to earth" in our thinking, and
make sure when they do come back,
their dollar will be worth a dollar!
Torotect that dollar, we must
iz P the clangers of careless,
a now, g
unnecessary buying! We must buy
only what we need -never buy two
where one will do! . We must not
evade rationing or price control, or
deal win black markets. If we break
these rules, our country—the country
our soldiers are fighting for -will
start on that spiral' of prices known
as inflation.
And inflation affects everyone ;
wage-earner, pensioner, small-busi-
ness owner, returned soldier/ That's
why it's important to take a stand
against it now. If inflation startsin
this country, this is what will happen.
Prices will rise. Wages will try to
follow along—and will never quite
catch up! Soon your dollar—your
soldier's dollar—may buy only 2 5%
of the things jt used to! That is what
has happened in many of the
countries of the world today, and
that is why normal living for anyone
is impossible in those countries!
Solet's snake auto our soldier's
dollar, when he gets back, will be
worth a full dollar We cannot give
back to him his lost years ' or lost
youth. But if we keep up the fight'
against inflation, the .than who is
overseas can look forward to
pleasant, satisfying living .. ,to the
Canadian way of life!
,trbl/,Gel by 3145 BREWING INDLISTRY (ONTARIO). to reveal the dangers of inflation.
Make this Pledge Today!'
1 pledge myself to do my pact
in fighting inflation:
By observing: rationing and evoL;in;:
black markets in any glia, c cr•
8y respecting price controls and athrr
anti-inflation measures, et,.l re-
fraining from ca
e-frainingfromc• eel, and u,;r. r,'s-
souy bnying.-I will et, 1.. ,•o
where() -,,r,l do,n : .,11' y
a "new" where an ole:"
buying Victor - ands Gird 'lar
Savings Stamps, supporting- tax-
ation, and abiding
e by all such ,:reasons
which will 'itrwerthe
cost of diving and
help keep prices ata