HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-03-15, Page 81 — 32 Piece, Set Breath of Spring 1 — 32 Piece Set, Peach Blossom . 90 . , PYREX WARE Casseroles, Pie Plates, Bread Pans, Custard;OUp4 Percolators, Dixilators, Double 13Oilei's and etc Water Sets Odd Glasses, Cups and Saucers and etc II. S E R PERDUE PONS 147w. ll'A. •RE PCUMBING & ELECTRICIANS ." CLINTON, ONT. . • • - '• Last a or Overcoats We still have a nice assortment of Overcoats on our racks in fancy• tweeds or plain Oiercoating in Brown, Grey or Blue. Final offer at reduced prices ,3317Y NOW AND SAVE MONEY Men's Fine Oifords in Black or Brown, made by4 Scott and.McHale and. Williams Shoe Co. , at old tnices. • , . Cheaper Oxfords from $2.75 up. Ladies and Growing Girls Oxfords in Black and Brown froth $2.25 to $3.75. - Rubbers to fit almost any shoe. • Plumsteel Bros.. .w Skids r- Adam Hats — Scott & McHale Simms fer MsiiAgents Tip 'rep Taller*. GOODS NOW IN STOCK • . .heet* also Sheeting. (bleached .and unbleached) 1:leached and Factory Cotton Bath Towels', i'ade-,1 oths also Toweling., table of remnants priced to Clear. . ". BRQWN"S:. • • One Door North cf Royal Hank°, , . . ' • ife 4to ¶Phos 1Randa11 ith G Graham 3O We „Live in Alaska„,., C. flelmerieks 375 GreatSn,.•• *0 Edna Fterbei. Lake Huron • Fred Landon $4-50 Wednesday Morning RJ.`Renison. 2.50 Your Kids & My Kids Joey Brown. HO A.W.O.L. Kg. Commando , 13. Shuraeff 2,50 America Womans Cook Book 3•39' Boughs Bend Over M. P. French N1.39 Monster Bingo' • ' In The TO,WN HALL, on ' F DAY March 16th 'ALL i'll,OCEEOS., FOR LOCAL RED -CROSS • -• • ' !''. •••Refreshments_Sold • G. R. McEwan Co. 'OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" PHONE 84 Mrs. E. E. Gibson is visiting her sister,. Mrs. R. S. Reid of Stanley Township. Mr. L. R. McBride of. Windsor, spent last week end in Clinton, the guest , of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kay and Don. • . Miss Kay Ross, of Toronto, spent' the week end with her parents, Mr. and Md. Win; Ross. Miss Eunice Roy,nurse-in-training' at Termite, -EaseGeneral Hospital; spent the week Old with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W.. V. Roy, Miss Dell O'Neil, who is visiting in id'emain Fort Lauderdale.an. for a few: d -Orlando, Florawill r weeks longer. Rev, -Chas. Cox mid • Mrs. Cox, of •• Bervie, visited last week with relatives :at Holmesville and Olin -- Mr. Gorden L Hall of C'yuga, spent the *eek end with Mr. G. E Hall and Miss Evelyn. Sunday visitors with . Mr. and Mrs. Vic Roy were MissPatricia Mor- rison, Miss. Leila Agar, Mr. and • Mrs. •Eph•..,,Snell, Jim, Jayne 'Mary „and Richard.Suellt: and Mr. Grant Snell.' ' " 'A group of Stratford Normal School students, including °Ititih' Middle- • ton, Helen Grich, and John Cook, • visited' 'Toronto on Friday where they were conducted on a tour Of, • the. eity. After visiting the Parlia- ment• Buildingwhere they Were 'served breakfast they were con- ducted through Hart House. In the • 'afternoon „they, along with the •'• 'other students, toured the Museum, later .ittending the meeting of the 'Legislature.. • . -• NOTICE , , . • , . . . , . All persons desirous of procuring trees for. p an 1 spring e regneste- to...contact • the 'School Teacher in your section, not er than Mara 16th. _ ' • • . , . , . By ploefifg orders in this manner there is ILost to persons de- ing,onhc.•trees and they will be delivered to thetschoel by,County Any person ordering 500 or more tress may have them •• an individinit order. , .... -.-''•• - -, . -- . : " N. -Ne. illILLER County Clerk • wi1h•Prel3P,r'eti ed ,EasilY 'grown and bouryd to, Letus", fii10* thent you o . F R CUMNGHAME Member• of Florists Tel. Del. As. Personalcare given -every order and ,special ,attention given Funeral Orders. • • Phone 176 and ' 31 •BINGO St. JoSeplr's Church Ha1. Wednesday March 21 Fifteen regular rounds 3 Specials . • Jack Pot 1.» Share -the -Wealth• • :If ici1,1'7-.Oe4' -eloem--for feed 'or fertilizei',*11Y net call on Rxibinnon Manager of the Bank Montreal, .110„making:;locirisofor 'the' -above' piirpogre."'atf!terinO snit Your .eOnVentegee- ' °•• Lever's Fish and Chips ANY ONE' WISHING DELIVERY OF FRESH FISH CALL 91 ST. PATRICK'S TEA. Wesley -Willi' Church lecture room Saturday, Marsh 17th Stipend". Store SPECIALS FOR MARCII15, 16, 17 STO,ICLEY'S -SOUP 10,- oz. tut : SUNLIGHT SOAP 2 bars .... 11::• 1 GLENWOOD, ii1Q.E.D CARROTS 20 oz. '•12c CANNED PILCHARDS_ TALL .• • ,- . Commencing at 3 o'clock Under the auspices a Wesley -Willis W. A. . BOOTHS Home -baking . • Novelties AFTERNOON TEA Meat and Salad plate—Bread, Butter Pie - •• Tea 30 cents • Supper for» business peoople from 5:30 to 7 o'clock 40 cents Everyone 'Welcome HIGH PRICES TO CONTINUE SINCE, 1936 Raspberry» plantings have declined steadily. Acreage is now smallest in many years. No prospect of early improve- ment. Result --high prices to coutinue. Solution—your own garden patch. . 4./ LATHAM undoubtedly superior. Large 'Cad. berries. Immense yields. Hardy at 40 below. » Planting'stock very scarce. Order books close March 24th. Ad fast,. :» RICES: Extra heavy, hard wooded mature canes, shipped C. 0. D. propaid express, 50 for $9.50; 100 for $17.50. With good grow- ing conditions this grade »of stock gives small yield three months after planting, then» annual erops. • Bogle Nursery Company. Dept •CAMPBELLFORD, ONT. . Canada's Largest Grower of .Certified Rastiberry Planting" Stock. , • .„ AUNT JE1VITMA 'PANCAKE FLOUR• PKG » - •15.e LIPTON'S NOODLE SOTJI', MIX '2 pkgs. 25c OLD ENGLISH NO RUBBING WAX PINT TIN 49c CAMAY so.A.P. -3 bars 190 IVORY SNOW PKG. ..-.. '25c ROUND GRAIN 'RICE., 2 lbs.. 25e ORANGES, Size -283s Doz. ....• 37c GRAPEFRUTI'Size 112s 4 for 25e LEMONS Size 360s 3 for , 8e HEAD LETTUCE Size' 5s each .17e CELERY STALKS:Each . 1.0c .„. 39-2 . PLAY "Where's Grandma" ' presented by The Math Street United Church, Goderich Tuesd4 -March' 20th- . in the Teviii 'Hill, Clinton Sponsored by Women's Institute preeeedi fel. War 'Work , . Admission 35c » 'Children 25e • 39-2 V ' Legion. Auxiliary • The regillar meeting of the Ladiei. Legion Auxiliary was heldin Legion Hall on 1We:inlay-night. MO. *(Dr.) Oakes gave a'Very interesting - talk whith was enjoyed by. every- one. At the close of the meeting a social half hour was Spent. •' Family Allowendes Mist estimates o.f the payments /idly allowances place Ontariots at $75 million annually. , • Ontario LiberalNews has , broken this don-.13y-tatrtia. Based on • 1941 age -group retions,,,the un- offici-al 'figures •indicate monthly distributiOn in Huron • Coafity of: Rural,. $48,700; ,tTybari, $19416; Total, .$67.816.' , „Come To Londetboro Township Hall - Tuesday March 20th ..:at 8.30 pan. • • • Regular monthly series of •IVIOTION 'PICTURES, Sponsored' bin the Hallett Branch of the Federation of Agriculture'. Following, the pictures there 'will be a dance...* • ' • Lundb counter in the Hall. Motion' Pictures Free Dance 350 • • . 40-1 Wesley -Willis W. M. S. •The Wornen's .Missionary Society net at the home of •Mrs. Britton; en Thursday evening, March 8th, with the president; 1VIrs. Finglond, in the chair. -,, , Twenty-five calls' were made by the Community Friendship Cern- mittea. A short talk on finances was, given kr Miss Stone, and a few tem- perance items were given by Mrs. Britton, The Thankofferibg meeting, which will be held next month,' was discussed. - Mrs. Trewartha then took charge of the Devotional pad of the meet- ing. A. hymn was sung followed by prayer by Mrs. McGill. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs,. Sutter, lll•rs. Hearn and. Mrs. Britton. Cm) ent events were given by Mrs. Cooper. A solo was then sung by Mrs. Hearn. Miss Rudd gave' a fine talk on the chapter ''Tbealand" from the Study hook. A "Winn was sung rind McGill closed the meeting. A social hour Was then -enjoyed ° anti laneh served. -THILTRS:' 15; 1945 SPECIAL' VALUES 'FOR MARCH 1fth and 17th • AUNT MARTS oRrAivi •iSATIC1-4 bottle 15c GO'LDEN+ SPRAY •'CHEESE -I/2 lb pkg. 19q Wagstaffes Or. arid Gr. Fruit • 1Vlarmalade 2 lb jar 30 STOICLEY'S FANCY Toinato:,s 28 oz tin 14c Pride of Niagara 'roma • JUICE 2 tins 170 NO RUBBING LIQUID AER,O WAX qt tin 55 ALIENS APPLE JUICE 2,0» oz tin 15c. llfeLAREN'S VAC PAO COFFEE» lb jar ••490 . RED ad WHITE - , •,. Snowflake COODA:.„ ,- Ammonia . 1/...,9 lb"tiff• 14c. ' 1,ek,,,,,,,,. , pkg. •5c urEeuoy „ . SUNLIGHT SOAP . ' . SOAP 3 ,for, . 206,. 1 CAIE52 ' '. 4 for 25c • ' Glenwood D1cetl',, Pride of the Valley Glenwood Diced ' 'Carrots • ,PEAS , BEETS '2,20'oz: tin 25-c .• 2.20 oz. tin 25c _ '2.20 oz. tin 25c . GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TOMATOES -- GREEN ONIONS — CELERY — RADISHES HEAD LETTUCE. — BEETS — GR,EEN BEANS — PARSNIPS SUNKIST JUICY 288's NEW CALIFORNIA,. ORANGES 37c CARROTS lb. 9ci. CALIFORNIA JUICY 360's NEW TEXAS CURLY LEMONS 3 for 10c SPINACH lb. 15e MARSH SEEDLESS 112's NEW TEXAS GREEN GRAPEFRUIT 4 - 25c CABBAGE 3 lbs' 22c • -C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 FOR QUALITY FOODS — CLINTON WEEK END »SPECIALS 1 pkg. 5 lb. ROBIN HOOD OATS 27c 1 pkg..3 Ib, QUAKER OATS .. 22e 2 pkgs. MIJNCHIES ..... 250 2 Pkgs. WHEAT PUFFS .... » 25e 1 Bei- Nonsuch Window Cleaner 150 1 Can Powdered or cake Bonaini 15c 3 cakes Toilet Soap Camay, Lux 20c 1 Tin WAX BEANS ...... 15c 2 tins Harry Hornes Cocoa .... 25c 1 pkg. CHATEAU CHEESE' .» »22c 5 lb. good cooking, apples ....• 25c 6» cakes Castile Soap 29c 6 cakes Many FloWeis 'T. 'Soap 29e 3 Rolls Toilet Tissue' : .......t . 25c 3 ping. Corn Flakes 8 oz. 25c 2 pkg. Corn Flakes and Tumbler 25c 1 pkg. JIFFY PIE CRUST 25c • 1 Doz. SUNKIST Oranges 344s »29c 3 LEMONS 300s 100 4 GRAPE FRUIT 112s 25e CARROTS, LETTUCE, PARSNIP, ETC. • • Ontario Street W. A. On Wednesday IdarCh the 7th, the regular » monthly » meeting of the Ontario» Street Chnich W. A. met in the same.' room with an attendance ripened with the singing ot a hynni-ond prosier led by the President, Mrs. trpwnsend. » Res- ponswe reading Was read from the W. 1. JOHNSON & SON PHONE 286 GROCER DELIVERY'HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. MARCH 15 to 17 SNOW FLAKE, Ammonia:5 pkg. 25e SUCCESS Floor Wax 1 lb. tin ..32e BOVRIL Cubes 10 cube pkg..... 23c CAPITAL Vanilla, 16 oz. btl... 2-7c PURITY OATS 5 lb. pkg. .... 27e QUEST Brand Tomato Juice 2 tins • 19c LUX Soap 3 'bars • • 19e RINSO Large pkg. »25c SUPER. SUDS pkg. 5e STOKLEY TOMATO SOUP » • 3 tins • .25e CLUB HOLTSE phddings assorted flavours 2 pkg. ........ CLARKS Soups assorted. kinds ' 2 tina• 1.5.e AYLMER Babil Fbods 3 'tins .. 26e COCOA 1 lb. ,bag ......... 17e LYNN VALLEY Peas 2 tins -.. 25e S.O.S. Scouring 'Pads pkg. .... 15e 2 IN 1 Shoe Polish tin , , 10c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES OU•R MEAT COUNTER 'CONTAINS Minced Ham lb » 49e Fresh Sausage lb. 25c Cottage Rolls in piece lb. 39c Fresh Wieners lb. . .... . .. 27c Macaroni & Cheese Loaf. lb. 30e CANADA'S FINES MI';W. S..R. » Holmes read the lesson and elosedthe devotional part with prayer. - Reports eie» 'given by the Secre- tary, Mrs. Olde and Treasurer, Mrs. C. » Proctor, , these being adopted. ower Convenor, Mrs, F. Lobb, re- ported flowers sent to eight. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. » E. Cennedy, received several letters of appreciation and wrote a couple let- ters of condolence. Twenty 'dollars' was donated to the Red Cross. The President read several ex- tracts from the Church! Obiterver, connection with the work of the W. 1VIrs.Maltby,. 'read two poems, "Springr' and -"Peace" which were composed by the late Who- MoMnr-. ray. Mies Elva • Wiltse, sang two Solos, aecompitnying herself on 'the piano,' . St. John's Ward is to serr,e,in April. • The meeting closed with. a Hy-mn and »erayer by Mrs. Burton, after Which, a. social, •tiitte Was Spent with S..jaines Ward serving' .the lunch.' • The Bazaar was well attended and pvovad Sn:f ecess, el undertaking, The Committee wishes te thank all those ,helps in any way. • A Loss LASTING—ECONOMIGAL Spring is in the Air And we want to tell it far and wide that we have a good. selection ,, of Congoleum and Feltol, two and three yards wide also Rekoleurn 'and Rexfelt in two yard widths. We have been very fortunate in securing' a large assortment of Con,goletun and Feltol Rugs in all standard sizes at' our usual yeas- oriable_prices. There are a few Studio Couches now in 'stock -and a nice selection. of Spring filled Mattresses. » .• • BALL & ZAPFE Dealers in Hardware and Furniture Modern Ambulance Service, Funeral' Directors Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G. BALL JOHN J. ZAPFB Phone 110 Phone 103 While They Last •CHICKEN FEEDERS Large and Small The latest in Plumbing Fixtures Watch my Window - Hugh R. Hawkins Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal Work Agent for Hecla Furnance PHONE 244 01LCAKE We are expecting a carload of OIL - CAKE MEAL. This will be sold off car .for cash at $2.35 per cwt. • Make sure of your supply by leaving your order NOW at CLINTON FEED MILL Presbyterian W. M. S. piano. Ail repeated the Shepherd PHONE 580 ' Psalm in unison;- this» was followed by prayer. Mrs. Gibbings took charge of the devotional period, the theme ,beirig "The Kingdom ef God in the World", and was assisted, by hfivi. Radford. Miss Ceivtice, Mrs. Malt- by and Mrs. Olde. Miss Elva Wille sang two verses of the. Hymn "Thy Kingdom come, 0 Lord". The second' hymn was "Lead on 0 ICing Eternal" after which all •repeated the Lord's Prayer. bi-te. Burton » called 'for the min- utes of the Febrility' aneeting by the Sec. Mrs. Wilts°, the same declared approved. Plans were made far the Easter Thankoffering meeting to be Midi on April 3rd. Offering was taken following.' which the ladies »repeated the Hystuv "Ride on, Ride on in majesty". Re- ports of Committees were given. • 1Virs. W. Plumsteel led 'the Watch Tower giving' interesting 'accounts of O NTARIO S• T. VV.MS the riliaonary west in the far norbtr, CAKE 5c .• in the west, and the far east. The February meeting of the W. M. S. was held at »the Manse, with» a good attendance. The meeting open- ed with a hymn, scripture reading lby Mrs. Lane and meditation by the President. Miss Shaw gave 'the Glad Tiding,s Prayer. The minutes» of the Previous meeting, were read and Mrs. Wilson' gave the' treasurer's report. A short business period' was followed' blr" 'a discussion of the Thanks- giving Peace Fund, when, it was. moved that each member donate 10 cents' a month to the Fand. The, Roll Call was answered .by a verse on "Faith". The Study Book was ably taken by Mrs,.Malcillo, thc theme, "Opening the Gate" was`very interesting and inspiring. The hyinn, "Rescue the Perishing", and the Lord's ,Prayer,•closed »a very profit- able meeting. Mrs. Lane, served a dainty lunch and all enjoyed a social half hour. The W. M. S. held their March Miss IVIaude Wiltss read an arbi-- ripio 11 40 tthhee ande1e0dninTlieil:Ptehrea :°41 1 if 1 14 10th, at the home of Mrs, H. Lawson, Mrs. Bunton eloSed with prayer s. n Free Dellvery chair 'and Mis. Treleaven » at the Lawson served tea.