HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-03-15, Page 7isszeormacennermar Aspirin Eases Headache Almost Immediately 'Genuine Aspirin's new prices now snake it easier than ever for you to get fast, effective relief from headache misery. , WRY ASPIRIN WORKS SO FAST See with your own eyes why Aspirin takes hold of pain a few minutes after taking. Drop an Aspirin Tablet into a gla-s of water. Almost instantly it -begins to dissolve. And that same'• fast ac..ion takes place in your • etomach. That's why Aspirin relieves you. so q. ickly. :Tor years Canadians have elied on Aspirin mr fast relief, for effective relief --above all—for dependable elief. Get Aspirin at -our druggist's today! NEW REDUCED PRICES : .PkotD*o112.. now lec Economy Bottle 'f 29. • now gee Fomily tire 01.100. now 70c, • 'ASPIRIN, Tito Bayer cross on each tablet is your guarantee that les ,Aspirle rile Little Boy Who Grew Up And then dear children there 'was the little boy. who thrilled At the thought of Winter. The little ioy who woke up in the :morning crawled out of his little trundle : bed, and ran to the windowin his little teddy -bears and loOking out, cried excitedly: "Oh, goody, - goody! More sn'owl" And then, that little boy rushed through his breakfast and hur- ried out in his little snow snit to catch the fleecy snowflakes and scrape away at the' walks with the little shovel that Santa Claus brought him. , That little boy' has grown up into a big, big man with a 60 -foot' frontage to his home and a long driveway into • his garage, He. oversleeps, himself half an hour ht. the morning, rubs his goose pimples as be crawls out from • under the warm - covers, jerks open the ,curtaitis a the window, and snarls:, "Dammit. More snow!" An, then that, hig, big man bolts his breakfast and- rushes off to work, leaving hisr,. wife to clean the. saow from the walks and the coal man to clear the driveway: —"Hank", in St. Thomas Times - Journal. No Coal! Just Like Buckingham Palace • Queen Elizabeth inspected a kit- chen exhibit a short time:•ago., a hid peeped inside a plastic coke bin on a prefabricated heating unit, "0h', she exclaimed. "No . coal! Just' like most houses ntiw," Then she observed, "My good- ness, it has been cold -in •Bucking - FROM MIT OF THESE PAINFUL, ANNOYING AFFLICTIONS? CHECK THIS LIST NOW! * DRY, CLOGGED NOSTRILS * CHEST COLD CONGESTION * STIFF, SORE MUSCLES * ACHING, TIRED FEET * CHAPPED SKIN, WINDBURN * RHEUMATIC OR NEURALGIC PAINS * ECZEMA, PIMPLES * LUMBAGO *HEMORRHOIDS If you do --cheer up. Thousands have found that BUCKLEY'S STAINLESS WHITE RUB, made by the makers of •BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE, brings fast, comforting relief from any or all of them. In fact i I must bring relief faster than anything you have ever used , or money back. Sold everywhere. If >ter dealer is sold out send Mc for large iar direct to W. K. Buckley Limited, Toronto. LAND, HO! Odd angle photo makes $10,000,000' Coast aim& icebreaker Medd- 1 'naw appear to be traveling on dry land, Ship was maneuvering ' close to shore of Black River (not seen in photo) with Lake Erie in background, near Lorain, Oftio. OTTAWA REPORTS That Fani Improvement Loans • Act Is Now In Operation In The Dominion • A new deal for farmers comes with the inauguration this month of the Farme Infprovernent Loans Act which Finance Minister Ilsey announced 'on Mardi 2. The act, ,whicli coversa three-year period, .enables fanners to obtain loans up to $3,000 from their local banks for a wide variety of purposes and for terms of up to 10 years at M.' simple interest, Wherever possible bank security is to be taken on& on the article purchased, Land, security is required only where the 'loan exceeds $2,000, is for a perisid • onnore than five years and results in permanent improvements. On "construction, repair and alter- • ation of buildings, whiCh may In- clude a complete new house, the • amount borrowed May run to OA itock for bleeding purposes of live- stock ofr breeding purposes, pur- chase and installation of agricul- tural equipment or an electric sys- tem, fencing drainage, etc., up to . '75% of the cost may be borrowed. On new farm implements a far- mer may borrow up• to two-thirds. of The purchase price. The banks providing the loans will receive a guarantee from the • government to cover 1.0% of • the total amount lent up to the 000,000 limit established by the act. • Up to 36,000,000 pounds of Can- adian frozen dressed poultry will be required this y.ear by the United • States government, the,Speciel 'Pro- ducts /3oard discloses. A,rratige- meths are similar to those- of last year when large shipments. were - made. Cash 'income of. Canadian far- mers reached a new high in ,1944, Returns from. the sale of farm pro- ducts -totalled, ' 101,75000.000. the Dominion Bureau of Statistic estimates. This is aa increase of 25% over 1048, and 143% over the last peacetime year, 1930. Ad- ditonal govertunent payments raise the total farm c' cash income to $1,817,000,0e0 .for 1044, cohmared with $1 434,000 000 ill 1943. How Sun's 'Rays Affect Steel Mast .••• Studies made of a 125 -foot tubu- lar .stainlesS-steel' mast atop a New York Skyscraper indicate that al- thoUgh mounted and designed to stand vertically it; actrielly floes eta, only On heaVily:tiVildea 'daysand at night. . When thesun's rays . strike the r•ast the metal on the sunny Side - becomes heated ad expands more than the. shaded ,cooler opposite side,',. cansing the mast to bend away from Sol. • In the course of .a bright sunny • day, the top of the mast swings,. through a 12-in1h arz: bending . six inches to the west before neon, and, six inches to the east in the afternoon. The mast would stand erect in the sunshine Oily if the • sun were directly overhead, an unlikely cir- cumstance ih New York, for that cify-ie far' north of • the Earth's equartor. ' Headache Nierhingiemoredeptes. sing thee headaches „ 1Why suffer?...Lemhlys will give instant relief. Lambly's is good forger- x• ache, toothache, pains in 7/19 • back, stomach. bowels. .77eu-d. ALLEN with letrion Juice Men and women who suffer nagging' aches and pain n caused by Rheumatism, Neuritis, or Lumbago warn to relieve such symptoms prOrnptly. To get such relief ... try ALLENR1.11 Mix 2 table- spocins of this fine medicine with one tablespoon of imam juice in a glass of water. Untold thousands of Folks use ALLENR1). Get ALLENRU today Or at any drug store. JOINS WOMEN'S ARMY ,imp.wasime•Iffr, As., A. V411.11.11.1111.11111 Princess Elizabeth has Joined the auxiliary territorial service com- parable to the Canadian Women's Army Corps 'and is training as an officer driver. A Buchingham ace announcement said the prin- cess held the honorary rank of sec. ond subaltern. She is to he treated - in exactlyethe• same way as any other officer learner at the dsiving •training .centre, . .By the .King's order she is to receive no special • privileges, any more than the Xing himself did when he served in the Royal Navy. The Government Must Have Money - If everything in Canada , were to be. handled by, \ the eo-onerattees, 'as some ate, suggesting.. there wouldn't, be many taxes coining from .private busitiess. comments The Lethbridge Herald, The Griv-: ernment would then have to • do Altai the Russian • Government . does. There a tionov..e- tax•on the business of 'co-operatives hrought, in '200,000,00,i rubles last year. and 50-operat.ve farms had to pay. be- sides eight pereent, oh product said and on revenues distrihnted to their members. After all, the State. Must have cash on which to oper- ate. • How Many A.W.L.• • in United States? Now official reports at Wash- ingtoni, •sitou /that between 18.00(1 and 26,000 United States eoldiers , are absent .withottf leave from their" units -in the Eurppeth theatre. 6f war, says the Regina Leader -Post.. Canada's defaulters absented them.. selves in Canada, Just as a matter • of getting things .into proportionit. would be, iiitereatitig 00 In.ow' how many have absented themselves front the U S. army, before 'they were -duerlo go overseas. / EAT -SLEEP - LOOK an•d -..:.-PEEL SETTER • F BET- 1%11.117 'mon VITAMIN B -COMPLEX ...... gg.. Liquid & Tomei gorin SOTO AT' ALL Ae1/6 .5710RES Easy Way to R•elieve. RHEUMATIC Aches and Pains Here is a simple, easy wey to get relief [Torn the agony ,of swollen, rheutna tc jol n ts' and muscular aches and pains. Go to any drug store and get a bottle'of Rugga, If you age not ,pleased with the help it gives yote.--go get yoursnoney back. This fs, a generousoffer you can not afford to Jailor% . Here's a SENSIBLE way to relieve MONTHLY FEMALE PAIN LydiaE.Pinkham'sVegetableCompound not only helps relieve periodic pain but ALSO accompanying nervous, tired, highstrung feelings —when due to func- tional monthly disturbances. It's one of the most effective medicines for this per- pose.Pinicham'sCompound helps naturet Follow label directions. Try iti Oti•da e.09~.1344' /24 COMPOUND , VEGETABLE VOICE OF THE PIIE•SS SCARE TM TO DEATH War is reaching new depths. The Germans urge civilians to "kill, murder or poison the enemy.' And the Allies are terroriz:ag the Nazis with bagpipes. . —Peterborough Examiner. THAT HANDWRITING Something for Hitler to think about': The longer heavy Allied bombing continues, ithe' fewer walls will be left' for him to see the handwriting on. ---Christian Science Monitor, —o— HITLER'S COMPLAINT Rudy Hess complains of the Way "- they cook his fish. Hitler's case is different. He doesn't like the way they're cooking his goose. ' —Ottawa Citizen. —0— ' IN NEXT DECADE U,S. airplane designers say air- craft will travel al.,..1,000 to 1,500 rniles an hour within the next 10 to 15 years. Breakfast eote, 1060: 'Well, dear, I've got to take lunch with Lord Broadacres in London today, and call at Washington to- night, but 311. be home before you go to bed." —Ottawa Citizen. Tkii5 MONEY NEVER WAS MUCH' GOOD COMM. S. j. Wilson, USNR, sits atuidpile of waste paper witich once i was Jap invasion money. Currency s scattered over floor of his Manila bank building. Invasion money was once required for trading with Japs, but is now valueless. • Sheer Blasphemy "If only the ..worlci knew bow' much his love extends beyond his own People towards the universe, they would foreswear their false. God- and turn to worship him, the . greatest personality History has knovett." That was Dr. Goebbels, as quoted by Edward Montgomery talking to BBC overseas listeners in "Radio Newsreel." Montgomery : went on to say. that Goebbels was talking about—Adolf Hitler. - Future of Radio Radio manufacturers expect •to ellmloy 68 per cent more persons after the war than they did .- 1040 to meet the predicted demands for new household radios. ., Follow The Leader Frp,lik. Gllrd, PBC war corres- pondent, in a recent .report from. the Western Front, described an advance by the men of the Royat Welsh Fusiliers through:a large snow -bound wood in Southern France. In this tale of gallantry, and endurance one alnusing inci- dent Cattle to light. A Corporal, who was himself wounded,. was - dressing the -wounds of one of.'his , comrades when he looked up: to • find three Germans standing over him. He finished the dressings, lifted his friendon to his bade end' marched off, escorted by his captors. But the track he' took led, not to the German lilies, bet ours: Three very surprised Germans were soon made prisoners. Ninety-five per cent of Iiaitre. Population of 3,000,000 are pure- blooded Negroes. PIPE 'TOBA• CCO- CTGARETTE TOBACCO:: ,ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS ' INCOME TAX REPORTS CCM - pieta Bookkeeping Servieea. Small. or Large•Elusinesses. Travel any- where. Albert Brett & Co., 8 WellingtOn•St. E., Toronto. Ont. BEACHES MODEL HOME OVERLOOKING LAKE ONTARIO. •• You may win thls-$10,000 model, home for 01,00. Write for your • shares today. ($1.00 each) to Beaches. Business Men's Assocla- tgon, Toronto 8. Your receipt will be mailed promptly. Drag' to be made May 24th..Proceeds for War Charities. BABY CHICKS • 111.00 BOOKS YOUR ORDER . ORDER YOUR 1946' CHICKS NOW.' • and not be disappotated. /411 chicks are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 25 ozeggs or better. 13arred Rocks mixed 912.00 per 100. White Leghorns Mixed 111.00 per 100 Barred Rock Pullet' $3.8.0D . Der /00, white Leghorn Pullets $22.00 per 100, white Hocks mixed- 515.00 Per 100 white Rock Pullets 824.00 per 100. We guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.DS. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham, • Ontario. 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1840 CHICKS erbW• and get your chicks when you Want them. Orders are pouring -fn. Breeder Hatcheries are always' said out'early. Don't take chancet. on ordinary ehieks. Plate your order NOW. Pure Bted Sussex,: Large Tye Leghorns. Stiactex X , 'New Ramps., Sussex X Leghorn% . Rock,. X Leghorn% Reek X New Illarnps.s Barred Ilocita. Send, for large 111i/stinted Catalogue •ern/ Price List, LIlkevfew Pottrtry Farm, Wein Bros,. mi.eter. . °Roma YOUR ' APPROVED CRICKS NOW—Every breeder Governmept inspeeted. . Minded, and blood-tested:Immediate ' delivery on Premium grade day old chielta. Lea -home Pullet's 00% guaranteed - 020.00 per .hundred. Unsexed Chicks 114.00 per hundred. Coelcet.els . 2.00 per huildt ed. Barred Roam New Ilampabires. Sli/iNCX, Hybrids—NI:m.1.W X illi/1111, Rock X Hangs • Clump X' Leghorn Pullets 90% guaranteed—, 124.50 per hundred. LInsexed ettlelos $1.4.50 per hunched, Cockerels S. 9.00 per hundred. •.Save. tune, order from advertise- ment. Setisfaction guarenteed. Free • datalogue on request, containing the proper' broodion• of chicks. and -methods used In roielng poultry for profit. morrivroar rout:FRY iNtfttits. . monition, Ontario. • 13 it Assn 0 Trist rii,cniivriesergrt ebieke, •w e epecittlize, in one breed. Hollywood Stettin White Leghorn% large birds end chnik white eirga. Pullets -525.00 pi+ 100. Mixer) 510,00 per 195. 11.00books order, llresslird'S••Frateliery.,A tote. vine, Ont. BROAD Otte:ASTMS sgsstna egg TIMUSANtin AVA ILABLE WHISK - ba it you utile' it' once:. ()Ur Broad' Breasted SMssea cox Ming • top, pric•ep on Ihemarket. White skinned, long roigided breasts. Also Neat 01411119, COX• WIth fast growth and feathering, $useex x Leigherns and Ruck X 1.eghorns /good. reeetere :and. grow - feet tip to 4:5 lbs. Yeeefts. buy, these for 14.00 per tee. Also mix• ed Maier cax. 16.00 per Via All from our well-bred,' healthy, blood tested bre,eders, MI110 Breed- et's on ONE plant. L,alteview Poult, y Parra. Wein uroe.. Uxeter. Ontario. . oeonn YOUR S..C. WEITEsLICO- horn daY-old chicks teem a breed.. er hatchery. , Stock blood tested and heeded "(sy 0. .T3. S. Wilt Glitzler. Clinton, Ont. 100 CHICKS 'FREE WITHEVieitS olIt,E11 , let chug:a. VVP give ?gee mucks I tour cholee). Leghorn Pullet, 522415 per lett barred Reek pea• - PleutPllet$s"464.93" ner""1400"7. /411 01(Ika sold beeked by high egg pedigreed Mock, 01.00' books, your order, balance C.O.D. Guaronteed 100% live delivery. Kent Ha tehery, ,Chatham, Ontario; 21 101tEE Utligics OUR FOUNDATIost s'ine•rt IS registered and pemnreed birds, Nothing better .in Cnnada, Ordeg now. Prices for mixed baby chicks, males and ramifies: Mir - red Rocas, 512 00 hundred; White Leghorn% 811.00; Willie • Rocks, 115 00; Brown Leghorns, 111.00.. Pullet prises: Barred Reeks, 319 00; Whig' ,Leghorns, 821,00; White Roeits, '924,00; Bhown Leghorns, $24.00. 25 free chicks, our choice, will be elvers for each 200 mixed ehielcs Order- ed and 25 free chicks ,for each 100 day old pullets ordered. Goddn rd Chick Ha tchery. RH- tannin. Heights. Onterio, ' A -1 13.A.1311 CHICKS FROM 111,001) - Tested flocks, Barred Reelts,'Iorge type White Leghorne, . Barred Rock X White Leghorn% SUSSeX X New Hatripshire, Red X Roelcs.'' Write for price Ilst to A. Switzer Hatchery, Granton, Ont. BABY CRICKS AND POULTS, 1Barred Rock and White Leghorns from Government approved and bloodtosted stook, all eggsget froin otic, own stook. Mao White Holland and Broad' Breasted Bronze Turkey Poults. Send for peice list. The .Wright Farm, Brockville Ont. e BLOOD 'TESTED HYBRID OOCIas, erele, Rock-Hamperess, 3c each during Marcia 100% live delivery guaranteed. Phone.502, Stormont Poultry Farm Finch Ont DAISY CHICISS WRITE FOR OUR NEW 1946 PRICE list on Barred Rock, Redroek, Leghorn. and Legrock chicks. Liberal discount or early. orders. '- C. S. Deebank, Moulinette. Ont. R.O.P. SIRED LEGHORN CHICKS, Hatch off every Wednesday. Slat - San's Poultry Farm, Altona Rd., B.R. 2, PICKERING, ONT. MARCH CHICKS ARE NECESSARY tor September and October pro- duction. Export contracts asaure the same price in the fall of 1945 as Its 3044. Top Notch Chlelteries• urge poultrymen to mart early thisyear and to get off M the best start be sure you atart orf with Top Notch chicks. They are an from Government ApprOved bloodtested breedere. They have a reputatien for livability and pro- ductivety. Drop us a line go -day for our big catalogue that will start you on the road to bigger Profits. Top Notch ChIckeries, Gstelph, Ontario. BRITAIN IS OUR BIGGEST CDS- tomer for' eggs next foll. That means chicks now, to produce them, SOMC immediate shipment are 33.10., NIf• x ER., N.H. X Leg and others.' Brag Hatcherg, 110 John -N., Hamtiten, Ont. WW1:MA1,E CHICKS THRIVE ANtt More ,stay alive. That's one deg- ' inite advantage or getting start- ed .witit Tweddle Chicks, Every chick is. from Government 'Ape Proved bloodtested, breedets, • They. live and lay. for youbecause they're husky.. lively chleirs with _14 background of livability. and,, • preductIvety backed by Tweddle's 19 years of supplying better chielra, Send', for1945 catnlogue to-dass Tweddle, Chick Hotelier - les Limited, Fergus, Ontario: !moven vourt CRICICS 'NOW: AND. YOU' 'A11111 GUARANTEED your °Molts for next spring when You want them. Tittered Rock mixed 812.00 per 100, white leg - bents mixed men ner lee. Bar- red Rock .Pullets 519.00 ner 100. • white ieghorri puilete 122.00 per 100. Voting Breed ("ids. 06,00 per 100,. Leghorn C.k1s. 82.00 per Mt All eitielts hatched from 26 oz ergs or better tied from spar -fel mated flocks. Buermiteed 100% ' live delivery, Mee bOolts your order, • bet:ince 0.0.r). Rainbow Hetchery, Chotham, Ontario., DingING AND OI.EANING' HAVE 7013 ANYTHING .Nrererns .. dyeing or elennIng? Write to us forgintrirmetIon, We 're wind to answer your queations, Depert- ment' 10, Parker's Dye W-orIcs Limited, 711 Vonge. •Street, To- ronto, lintannossiNG E A It N HAIRDRESSING, THD Itoberteon method. -information on refines, • regarding classea Robertson's Flith•dreisiing Acad. enar, 127 Avenue Rend, Torontee, gilts .SACE •BELGIAN ,STALLauji ntineig 10 gnir., priced howWQU1II chunge tor a glitenney Mare. Allett Reeser, Mueittiatn, It. 1. .ELISCTlitt.; RIOTORS, NEW, USEL), bought, .sold.. rebuilt; .beits, poi. leys, brustses. Alien Elettrte Com- pany Ltd., 2326 .Dufferin St., -To- . reale: . Pon SALE, ACME ,IA,W CRUSHER, model 1111S. liggx 12" jaw; in good ••.conditionf reasonable: Write „Pru- -dentin! Finance eery., Ltd.. Room , 101, Wyatt 13167., •London, Ont. DUltelletgit , KENNELS, COCISER• spaniel' punples,' eed' and glack: Choice champion registered; stook. 763 Giles gleast, Windsor, 'Ont. • COLLIE PUPPIES. II18E5.E115 AND watches, Mules Seven Dollers, Females Three Doilers, Wire Ter- rier Puppies, reg. stooks 125.00. Shipped on receipt of Money 'Or- der. +Witt Grove, R. 1, Stoney Creek, Ontario, AT 507(11): SPRINGER. SPANIEL. imported Englend, Beagle hound, Field Trial Winner. Registerea, Trent Valley Kerleels. R. 3, Peter - bore, .Ontarlel • ' ISEREFORTS BULLS, REGISTER-. ed, coming, two, good type, tow set, priced right. APPly A. E. Noltes, Manine, Ont: 0217A1010 GROWN 2 PURITY' 1 Timothy Seed. Oermleation 057,. 101,i,c lb.' Pinkertnn. Ilags free. Sold in Unbroken 120 lb, bags only. Cashwith order, Roy Gramm , Seed Merchant. Pinkerton. tarRoLzsArati. AND RETAIL POOL - try bosiness together with build- ing, also two double houses, good corner, properta good condition, close down town, reason for sell- ing, aged and -retiring. Price rea- sonable. A. Schiller, 325 Pairviega Itiveraide, ALLOWAY LODGE OFFERS CHOICE ANGU8 ,BULLS of service- able age. Bred Heifers for Herd foundation, ' D. E. McEwen, R.R. , 4 London, , Ontario STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ASPAR- egos, raspberries, peach trees, apples, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, currants, shrubs, hedging, shade trees, wire tree guards, Norfolk Nursery, Sluice°, Ontario, OBIDL/R YOIJII PACKAGE pEnoS, OR nuclei, now for -May delivery,. Roseview Apiariee, liawIcestone, Ontario. itrOn SALE NDW POULTRY P/CIEING MA - chine, electric motor, 60 cycles. Picks chieltens, turkeys, coMplete, $250. BleuryRird Farm, tberville, FREE SCHOOL DESKS': , SI0'OGL/1 STANDARD FIXED TYPE size 5, like new. You pay delivery - 8116 this advertisement. Write Box 31, Lansing, Ont. ' BEAUTIFUL COMFORTERS MADE - from your materials. •QuIlting 11.85. Your wool carded 25e lb., washing le lb. Quick service. Vit. - gin wool batts 51.15 lb. Wool, Carilleg Machines $14.55, SPIgoing Wheels 413.95, -Ask. for catalogue. SIfton Wool Produete, Box 123 Baton, Manitoba, REGISTERED,' CERTIFIED AND Commercial Grain and , Grass Seed.sPrige List non, ready. Write, Phone or wire for 0005' Newfield Seed and Nursery Farms, StIpawtn, Saskatchewan. . • BROODER STOVES — USE FUEL oil or kerosene—no 'wicks: J. S. . Reading; 655 Dougall. Ave., Wind- sor, Ont. ONE LiNSILAGE CUTTER, LATE Model, Melbourne Free, 10,26. 2, glettford, Ont. GEE NO. 8 0302117090 05.071074. ANIS' Timothy Seed Cleaning Machine In good condition, oomplete with 60 Seetions of Screens. 20, Cramtn. . Pinkerton, Ont. amorwromoo NO.. I KING GOLD, • SEAL wvortro germ CORN . 86 T01.20 DAY 12.4.Tuarn.10s, VAR ieties miltable for both ensilage • and grain, also -a fun line 0( 3006 Oats. Write for price Itst. The King Greg, & Seed Co., Pain Court, Ont. ATTENTION FARMERS WE CARRY A COMPLETE ./INE • of new and used Pipe and Mt-, . 'Wigs. Steel Stable Poste, Bolter Tubes, Rails, Plates, Structure/ Steel Pulleys. shafting, Hangers,1galtin g, Maehinery, Boilere, Tanits etc. We can, save .you money. ginnuel Biel -stock & 256 Palmer Ave., Kitchener, Ont. FAttelg SALE 190 ACRES' MORE OR LESS. WITH or without stock and term elements, dwelling lioUSe, eta. ToWnahip o1 Longuettil 'Prescott - County -1 mire from Town, 'pehool, Church, eleetritity. rtinning Water. A.pply John II. Woods, Solicitor, Hawkeshury. Onto. • PARM FOR .SALE IN DISTRICT of Algoma, 158 •aeres, 115 under cultivation4 clay loam. Stainnee pasture and wood. thilldings. in t, good repair. Excellent water in house and barn. George Moltay, Plummer, Ont, • $11,000 -10 -ACRE 'FRUIT 14'AR/A.104 Winonn,'10 acres grimes, 10 acres ...fruit -trees, peaches, apples, plums,' pears. Good reason for selling: 13. reltony, Box. 60, Winona, Ont. *thr.0 mirLID'retet EQUIPMENT. 'Al)- Sustable Meet :form% will build from 8 ft. to 14 ft. Also Concrete • Mixer' forrns new, . Amity Glen Tuffin, Wheatley, Ont. MEDICAL , STOMAget ANI, taiga sl, 10ii1101s. often .ere the enuSe.ot 111 -health to butonns, n11 neer+. ,lio one Ing mune! Why not find out It this Is won trouble Intervitmg par. tieulars---Freel Writes Aluivengga - Retnedien, Spetuelists 'Toronto 9 A TRTAL — EVERY. SUFFERER of Rhemnatic• ?gine 'or Neuritia s h. ould try T)Ixon'S Remedy. Munro't Drug Store. 315 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid '51.00., CONSTIPATION, ti T 0 L1 Waling, liver trouble, depressed hendaehe, quickly relieved with Fig -Lax tablets. Keep regular with • Fig - Lax. .25e at Druggists. BAUMP)F.MA POOT' BALM DE- strogs offensive .odor tnstentlY. 45c bottle. Oftnwtgagent. Denman girng „Store. °Hewn. HAVE' 701.1. HUARD xootrr MX- on's Neuritis and Rheumetic, Piths Re -reedy?. It gives good results. Niunro's Drug Store, 105 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid, $140. MILSICA0 INSTRUMENTS FRED A. RODDINGTON BUYS, sells,. exchenges mosieni instru- nlents, 111, Cgurch, Toronto 2. OPPORTUNITIES POR WOMEN . ' BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING aCHOOT. Great Opportunity, Learn an( rd i'000ltg Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free.' Write or' call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING ,SCHOOLS 158 BLOOR W., TORONTO 13ranchein 44 King St.; Hamilton. & 79 Rideau Street, Ottawa. , orrpterr .mo twvinsmiirra A14 OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR Igst of inventions and fell Infor. matfett sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 272 Brink Street, Ottawa, Cnneda, ISSUB 11-1948 PHOTOGRAPHY FILM . DEVBILOPED, 8 PRINTS, . one 6.x 7" enlargement. 35e. Re- prints, including 116, ..,30 6ach. Nelson Photo Service, Sault Ste Marie. Ont. :TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE And SATISFACTION !our Mins property developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSIllitt ROLLS 25c . REPRINTS It for 25e , • FINEST EN LA RR 1 egi SAUtticie • :You MAT •not get ell the films gen wantthia year, but you cart get all • the 'at/alley, end service you desire • by Betiding your Gime to rairmnrAr, • PHOTO SERVICE . „ Station J. Toronto • "YOUR WORK IS ' WONDERFUL" CUSTOMER SAYS ,. and the prompt manner in which you return work 18, greatly aPPreciated." Any Size Roll — g or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 290 Don't risk losing pictures. Send your film rolls to CANADA'S ,LARGEST AND FINEST STUDIO Get Stetter Pictures at Lower. Coat. Prompt man service. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints slaes 16-20-127 it 29e (4a extra) is sent with film roll ENLARGEMENTS' — 3 for 25e • 4, X 6" in Easel Mounts . SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING • Enlargementa: 4 x.6". In beautiful ' easel, mounts. 3 for 15e. rrionea, on ivory 'tinted mats, Ix 9",. In 'Gold, Sliver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 590 each. If • enlargement, colored.' 790 each. . , STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box'129, Postal Terminal A,'Toronto Print Name-und. Address Plainly ott Orders. • PIANOS ' IS TOUR PIANO PROBLEM SOLVa ear If not,. write. us. Factory Meson & . Elects., 642 Xing St, West, Toronto, . PA.7ENT50 FETHERSTONETAXIGH Bs COISIPANY Patent' Soticitors. . Establish(' 0895; 14 Hine West, Toronto. Boolciets of Information on re. quest. • rosprzoar—jarorno • BUTTER MAKER, EXPERIENCED, *bolding testers certificate, dip- loma,. desires year round position. Raymond Maclebd, Blny, Que. • SteLents ' THORUGHLV RUCLEANED 1/001., ernment graded clover seeds, Tim. othy and Cossack alfalfa. Write for prices. J. 13. Muir, colon. Ontario. BAXTER'S =EDS, BETTER QUAL. 10)' aod value. geed tor.Cattilogul "We selt everythIng that grows,' 3359 Yonge Street. Toronto. ' PEEL SEEDS ALFALFA, ALSIKE. RLID CLOVER, Sweet Clover, Mixed seeds, Tim- othy and geneses. Wholesale and retail. Write for prices. Peel Seed Growers Co.Opera tire 'Limited, ,Box 1I00, Brampton; Ont. -WANTED MAN' OR 'BOY WANTED, • ISOR generan farms work,..good .fttrin, State .ftee, experience. wage. Ap- ply Clifford 10oss,•13eaverten, Ont, NEW WRITERS' NnEnzn ma. • write for maanzines and news- paper,,, 02011 intermit for s t aim n e 6 eddreseed envelope, FA.CTILIT... FDA TURES 13 Lee .Avenue; Toronto 8., wrri. PAY Oen CASE Von 13LOCIC ; Planer Marhine. .tt is lined for planing sole leather Meeks. 13ox 16, 72 Adelaide Weat, Toronto, SPIIDDY CASH 10090102-204ca.o14908, 7006 medium loom hydrn even- agle, Write right nowl Box 14, 173 Adelaide W., 'S'orontn, BOSTON -rolkiktaa. YoriNo 011 Proven ;brood. under 3 yenrs, reg.- tf'gpe"nrtricrr.°a•nobriei, (1713"e AnZarildne- TOPOnto. • ALT. KTNDS POTII.TR—s---11 =ANT - ed, live nr dreesed Write M. P. Mallon. 33-larvis, Toronin. - MR. WOOL C -ROWER wrg OPEg ATE A norarftwoNT Licensed Wool Warehnose and are PrePared to purehnee thia season's wool clip nceording to Government Grading Stenclards nnil at °stets., ltshed Government prices You can Anply your wool credit egningt hienkt purchases, We do eet linnelle used wnollene. THE STRATHROT WOOLLEN SITLLS. LTD„ STRATHROY, Ont. FARM .111A0UI00E11Y "VIKING" CREAM SEPARATORS • ane repair perts are always available either at- your local dealer or direct from swedieh g enerator do. Linnited, 720 Notre'. Dame West, Montreal 2, Que. , SIET.P WANTED COOK .GENERAL, SMALL FAMTLY, • e a s.a n t surroundings, 'good wages., References' reentred. Mrs, • Stnnley Thomsen 400 Russell 33111 Road, Toronto, • - 091.00 101110. NURSE, GENERAL duty, live in. Room and Board; duties to commence ht once. When , applying give fuIl particulars and ' experience. Waterford .MaternitY Hospital, Box 402, Waterford, 001